I'm ;:J I'l 1 J' it 1;" i'.!:f;K Will! '1!'-;-5:,..'it; Willi Iiill iiill ill! Iti fiil tiiii mm lilt "I fit l;i i''' !1 i, ; 1 1 1 ''His 1 J Si. c f hit i is U. '" Hi PACE TEN Sports Briefs!?" V NEW YORK, Sept. 27 () Bill Crowley, veteran football of ficial who will advise J. Basil Maguirc in organizing the New York club of the Trans-America (Chick Meehan) league, argues that so many good football play ers are developed in the colleges that one pro league can't use nearly all of them. . . , We never have heard a pro coach com plaining about the over-supply. We never thought 17-year-old freshmen could Dlay collcpe ball, either, but they're doing all right these Saturday afternoons. . . . Leading hitter in the minors during the past baseball season was old Ripper Collins. Albany manager, with a .396 average. . . The American Hockey league won't follow the National by bar ring players who are subject to military call or who have war Red Ryder Frecklei and His Friends You cant possi6lv I ' Naturally Hugh 7"Vr ' rulLrton. Jr.( -t JOiWU FOllCVS iVLLT EACE ' r TO Rl.'KXIr. SO THIS 15 W;E rVOLW ) ' CViE T0lKr5JCiNsK5Vs5' ir ASJi' IHT'.E VTS?r'vVW f ': tco-- TOWTTS-' VS i! Lose, lard; yevne I rr will be gimtifving Tuff ONLY CAWLXPATtT TO Be ELECTED FOR. 1HE S MISSONEE. OF OFFICE' , j T ATHLETICS yT 1 . -gl a Wash Tubbs AW CRATE OF SUPPLIES Boots and Her Buddies Alley Oop Little Orphan Annie ir shoulpnt ycSf lj ' BE FAR TO THE 11 IX f VILLA6E WHERE t I v . I youHarnoLivEP I g rTTJiIX iwirtcAK aTasK , .: vnc nras. nrr araafi n. as , v -5SiSSJ NEXT TIME I FEK LOT RAZZ- slO POUBT--S aiLEVSN XXWTT. , ' , . rNIMG HIM ABOUT BEIM2. vVELL N , HERE, ) ( Tv i ) fiWS' HMPH! A FINE Y FEEBLE-MIMPEP, I'P I physiciAM CATCH J JZS i7lTHIN&--l START A BETTER. RECALL J TVE BEEN TT I OUT TO RE5CUE ALLEY) THE BUST I'VE jfM EXPECTING ( ' MllglWIHMiajMaasg,,,,,,,!., . MISS IVY, I ERBUT fLACING THE CHILD, SUE'S ANNIE, IN J SO fOUR ROOM "iOUNG- " TTN-v'Sr-aisC! ' Jobs. They don t have any uanacuens to worry aooui. OBSERVATION P08T The Notre Dame publicity de partment reports sadly that the team's first three left halfbacks average less than lbb pounds George Terlep and Stove Nenv cth. 166 each. Nimzio Marino, 165. Where the Irish have the advantage over some clubs is in having three left halfbacks, re gardless ol weigin. ONE-MINUTE SPORTS PAGE When Denver university re joined the Big Seven conference tltis year, it scheduled two games with Utah. Now Morris Ficklin. tabbed as Colorado's best halfback last season, has turned up in a Utah uniform instead of at D. U., and fans are wonder ing when the hollering will start again. . . . Los Angeles fight folks expect the Mnnuel Ortir vs. Pvt. Carlos Chavez and Lloyd Marshall vs. Jack Chase "doubleheador" to net $35,000, Saturday night. Sounds good until you remember that USC and UCLA drew some 60,000 customers at $3 a head. MILK FOR THE ARMY Fresh milk is now supplied to American soldiers for the first time since the Revolutionary war. Tlte daily ration then was one pint of milk; today's ration includes eight ounces of milk, two ounces of butter and an ounce of evaporated milk. CHJIET. WT ITS JKEAl ESTAK-' l'J KE5ECAT)CAVAK.AV bVz Bur IT WILL BE A urv i -l. vinnev ' COM- 1 WAJSiTCOrMPETITOMi I'D LICE ANOTHfcK AilMfSATir Tr TS-iaC NATURALLY HIS HAT M THe RWej HE, 6ft OTHER FILIPINOS I MET THEM, WILL KMOW OF SER6EANT LIMK... ANYWAY, IT'S MY BEST BET TO FINP HIS GUERRILLA . SAMP WHO VArWK COVO rN0, aa L j lftRS TOHA WfiD" R OUER THAN SHE IS- jffl Wr Navy Wins Three Straight Tilts in "World Series" HONOLULU, T. H.. Sept. 27 (ff) Army faces the task of winning four straight when the "servicemen's world scries" re sumes today after Navy's 12 inning, 4 to 3 victory Monday gave the Fleet threo in a row, Kenny Sears, son of Major league umpire Ziggy Sears, broke up a valiant pitching ef fort by Don Schmidt when he drove out a 360-foot homer in the first half of the final inning. Prior to then Schmidt, a semi pro from Plainfield, N. J., had held the navy sluggers to five hits and a tie scoro from the fourth inning. Golden Bears To Meet Bruins LOS ANGELES. Sept. 27 UP) UCLA's Bruins will have a squad of 26 in Berkeley for Saturday's game against the Golden Bears of California. Coach Babe Horrcll has been stressing offense in workouts. The Bruins, who put on a great finish in the last two minutes to tie Southern California last Sat 7 Wrvtcg. iwcT.it wa. u t, mt, V.OOViT4V0VKY"b VAWE. C EASY TO FOOL Tri' f PUT 1HECE NOTrtl' TO T I . ' C ,HEf?iFF.' NOW l'a tAt FREEST ME K0n -ROVVN j LOW UWl 1 FIND C'JT A FEW SiXNEIW WHILE ' '-3 J PS $3. -VLLIs AcLE FOR IVSAiT.' TmAT PUSCHER ii y'iif, tfclWW TM" IfJD'ANS, HAS A NICE HOK:E-vi- xmJ H jp HE W5t KA-rg V COWL 19W BY NXA jatives im the f 'r". ' 1 rue terraces r i4il?33P5 aaaM! HERA'S AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON urday, most likely will bo favor ed to whip Cul. Johnny Roesch, halfback who scored both touchdowns against SC, has been taking it easy but will bo ready for the Bears. Bjr Th. Asiorlattd rrtss AMl.KUAN LlMUk W. L. nelrol, b.1 tM SI. LoUl US 114 l-el ,310 ,7,W Nw York Hi Brwtlcm 74 Clvvalamt 71 Chloa.o iiy Philadelphia m Washington lii 117 7S .-HIT .477 .4(1.1 .4.W .410 7 IVIretl . l'lul,lolplu u. Wathlntllon H. Clrvvland 3. 81. Louta I, Uoalon 0. New York S. Chicago 9. Ttfilay'a flainaa Philadelphia at lVtloll. Hoaton at St. tools, Washington at Cleveland. Now York at Chicago. NATIONAL Lt'AUt'E W. I- Pel. .ad; ..VI? ,7T .4tlA .4;iri .411!) .40,1 mi St. LmiIi IIU 4 Plltaborgh . . 80 U Cincinnati 8,1 IU Chicago 7J Tts New York R.1 H4 Hoaton til BH Brooklvn M lltt Philadelphia Ml Ml tiamea Yesterday Cincinnati H-a. New Yolk R-4. Pittsburgh S, lloston 1. St. Louis 8. llrooklyn 7. Chicago IS I. Philadelphia 0-10. Tnday's fiamts St. Louis at llrooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. Chicago at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at Boston. By Fred Harmon By Blotter V4( By Leslie Turner By Martin By V. T. Hamlin l Jv2 'Y-:oA 1 mmm ,c? tif tf kt jrtr mr t w tt'ri t,T "HA! THE facility with which ' OU HANDLE THAT WEAPON 1 71 INDICATES VOUR STORY A WA-5 TRUE, WHAT THERE T , WAS OF IT-NOW LET'S J ' lg HAVE ALL OFJT. OU HANDLE THAT WEAPON INDICATES "TOUR 5TORY WAS TRUE, WHAT THERE WAS Cr 1 1 NOW Lb I i HAVE ALL OF IT.' By Harold Gray Chalky Wright Suspended for Taking Runout PATFIHSON, N. J,, Sept. 27 UP) Inrltidnlln itusptMiskiM of i.nniKy wriKiit niul hit iiiiiiih cr, Eddlo Wnlkt-r of New York, in nil Nntionnl UnxInK humicIh lion sliiU-s, wits nuiuiiincvd to- diiy by Abo J. Llicono, NU A prosldcnt. The suspension wh voted by llio n.isoclHlion on tlio urouud WriKiit mid Wulker fulled to miike cood mi UKreemcnl with (he DLstrlct of Columbia Box Iiik coininlssloii for n bout with l'lltsburiih. Jncklo Wilson. Wriijht hnd nn niireeniont to box in WitshliiKton when the wiuio rep mutch eiimo nlonu," Crceno said, "and on tho sIIkIiI est excuse of n oue-nliiht ruin out, WriKiit took n runout, leuv iiiK piiiiiuter, commission ami funs lioldinit their hends In their hands. Tho suspension will re nin in in effect until Wrlvht makes uood to tho District of Columbia Boxini) commission." wriKiit is scheduled to meet Pep in 11 bout for the New York-Peuiisylvnnlu-N o w Jersey ver sion 01 ino icnuierweiKht ennnv pionship at Madison Square Garden Friday nlKht. Pep took the title uway from WVinht In November of 1942, and sltiic then Wrlht hos won 22 fliihts, Includiiiij two victories over Lul Constantino, the only fighter to take a decision from him since he lost the crown. Major League Leaders By The AnocliUd Prtiw AMERICAN LEAGUE Butting Johnson, Boston, Runs bnttcd In Stephens, St. Louis, 103. Honio runs Etten, New York, Pitching Ncwhouser De troit, 27-U, .730. NATIONAL LEAGUE Batting Walker, Brooklyn, Runn halted In MIM,nl..n ChicoRo, 116. ' Homo runs Nicholson, Chi cago, :3. Pitchinc Wlllra t Tn,,l. 11 3, .830. Bomber Star Ready For Clipper Game SEATTLE, Sept. 27 (T0Mllt Popovich, ex-Montana fullback for the Seattle Bombers, has shaken his lame Icr and is par tlclpatinu In scrimmaKe sessions this week as Coach Dutch Clark's charRes plan for first southern invasion this weekend. Clark said last night only Jack Millnrrl. rlplit nnfl M,na nn it.. injured list and he may be in shape to go with the team when it leaves Friday to meet the San Francisco Clippers Sunday. FOOD COMPARISON Dnlnn nrA rltinlH. ,.,.i.ci.ljii.-a Hrv more fluid than is milk, which also has more solid matter than carrots, beets, turnips and rad lshe.1. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO I KHUTORS Nollo Is horehy (Ivtn thai lha undersigned has been duly appointed -w. -w, . . ,,-, - n ,, .,nnssni j "'' ' James H. Kaln. do- o. . . ,nw -'rrun court of the Slate of Oregon, for Klamalh Coun ly, and all persona havinf claims atalnst said estate are hereby notified r .."hi. , .:'".'"""'"': savin.. .r.""i .'" "a"1 -it i J. . """"'"a in tne City of Klamalh rolls. Or.aon. with- nollVe "m lne ol this DATED: September 27, ton FVi . rarreni, Admlnlslrator-wllh-the-Wlll.anneaed of the Si," J'm" H- K,". "! O. 4-l.a;2S No. IM. in tub cinctiiT counf or nrr COUNTY' OBECON, Mil KLAMATH tNw7&tL2&'UF-n or B kstatk or rnwAnu hay rnFUEn, Dd. tltS r h?rcby Blvcn lh,t I hiive MflTlr. f.a. . of the citAts of Kdward Ray Freuer. de caicd and that the Court ham tet Tue ?o on yobtr 24th ,(M4- lh hour of .... ... .... mm llMJ ,, Ior ,no nt,j of ohiertinnn to wjitd final account ana Jjaiea mil l2lh day of September. lfMl FRANCIS OSCAR FHEUER, tiuiiiniisimiors 8. 13-20-27; O, 4-11 No, 173. notice or hkttijKmknt or riNAt ACr-nrrvx IN THE CIRCUIT COtHlT Or THK statk or Oil KG ON rOR TUB coun ty OF KLAMATH IN PDnnATr. in the mattkr or the estate or urtHHAHA hiiuwn, Deceaaed. Notice Ii hfrthv ivn Ihnl th nnrfp. ilffned, Admlnlatrntrlx of lha eatale of nnrnara Brown, (leccmcd. hm filed In tho Circuit Court of the State of Orrgon, for Klamath County, her final account of her ntlrnlnUlratlon of mild aitatn, and Hint thn Court hnn fixed Friday, tho l.'lth day of October. 1(144 at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court Room or mid Circuit Court In Klamath FaIIi, Oreifon, ai the time and plica for hearing objection!, tf any. m m nenrinn 01 una. account ana Mltle ment thereof. Dated Hep lumber 12, 1044. KATIE E. WHITEUNE. Admlnlitmtrlx. 8. 11 -20-27: O. 4.11 No. 170. NOTICE TO CREOITOKft IN THE ClllCIHT COURT Or THE STATE Or OIIEOON TOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTKfl OF THE ESTATE OF SII.A8 WARREN KII.OOtlE. Deceaned. Notice It hereby alven that the under- tlgned hai been appointed Admlnatratrlx of the Ealate of Alios Worren Kllgore, deceaiied, and all peraoni havinf clnlmi agAlnut Raid estate are hereby notified to preaent name to the tindrlltned t the office of Fred O. Small, suite 1, 32fl M In otreet, Klamalh Falls, - Oreifon, within six months from tha data here. of. Doted tnis atom nny or neptember, laii, LOUISE I. KILUORE, Administratrix. fl. 20 27; O. .1-10-No, IflO, Get More Comfort For Standing Feet With A Dally lc-M tnt Trait Don't lot tlrtrf. burn In f fonsltlro fat teal cnenrr ana mako tho hours oeem longer. Just tnassatte frosty whlto Ica-Mlne n your foet and ankles be fort work ta hslp heap them cool and comfortable. ..and afttr work to help perk them up for an evening of fun. No Brrsny feeling won't stain Mcka or stockings. (Irand, too, to help soften eorno and callouses, (let Ice. Mint from yourdrng gll today a ad gt foot happy Utla easy way. FUNNY WI IslllV "Il's Hint sonsick rookie irWMHVUI.IX TMIKtl I Wwi--- 1 ,, I THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ICSI IN THE SEOEDlsTOP J -'TT7V'T7i INDIA KILLED OVER 200 CTIH SfejjjTY PSOAtS V TWO yjRAS. juUI iTONEMASONS TIE THE JOIKTS OP A WALL BY BREAKING THEM,"Jjw sr- THOAWS KROUSE. NEXT: A Keno Mrs. Onirics Mcs.vncr oncl her dauithtcr and son-iivlnw, Mr. and Mrs. Krod Rouse, have ijonc to Los AitKeU's to ronialn In dofinltcly, nccordlni! tu rt?ort5 o( friends of the fnmlly. Follow ing the dentil of Mr. Mcssncr recently, Mrs. Mfssner rented her home on tho Ktnmnlh Fnlls Kcno highwny mid she nnd her duuKhtcr, Mrs. House, will live in the southern lntc for tho du ration. Mrs. House's husband is in training in the marines, and is In California. Mr. and Mrs. T. G, Clcmmcns have rented the Suttley place on tho Klnmnlh KnllsKeno hlshwuy nnd are now llvinu there. Mrs. Clcnunt'iis Is the dauKhter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Fraln. Mrs. Scvcrson and family have recently moved to Pelican City. Mrs. W. L. Fraln nnd Mrs. T. G. Clcmmcns were cnllcrs in Keno on Thursday. Mrs. K. E. I'uckclt has re turned homo from a visit nt Orrlck, Ore., with her son Mau ley nnd family. Mrs. Frank Stroberg left last week for Texas lo bo with an uncle who Is quite ill. She will remnln there indefinitely, ac cording to the seriousness of her uncle's Illness. Mrs, Churlcs McKcon of Ash land is visiting with her hus band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKccn. Mrs. C. C. Husklnson has re ceived word that a nephew the son of a sister who lives In the cast has been killed in ac tion. ZEST FOR Z The eleven sons nnd daughters of a Cox fiimlly, In North Caro lina, all hnvc numes beginning with Z Zndle, Zndoc, Zcbcr, Zylphio, Zenobiii, Znronlnl, Zes lie, Zcola, Zero, Zuln and Zcl bcrt. The curious Insects known ns water stridors do not walk on the wnter they slide on It. m, , Toeltinn tindtr pirti toolht raw, imirllng Ikln, nd qtilcklypromoU comfort,dtpsndon RE51MDL AND SOAP o Refrigeration Equipment Co. Karl Urquhsrt 611 Klamath Phont 64SS For Commercial Refrigeration ' SALES and SERVICE BUSINESS liyiiiji lo culm Hie ocenitl" Cora mi a af sibki. imc f - -air 1. tefotitffa. Maim Are not only a minoity RACe IN THE. IVOLM. WORLD, Bur IN THE. AiffW WORLD AS-WELL, bird nt-rtr-r. HOLD EVERYTHING! .CAMPAIGN l. HEADQUARTERS "I'd bo voting this year If It wasn't for their unreasaiinblo i rules Imnglno living In. on state a whole ycorl" ESKIMOS INDEXED The Dominion of Cnnndn gov ernment has cnrd-indcitcd Eski mos to snvo them from extinc tion. At present, there aro only 00(10 Kskimos nllvo as compared to 7103 in 1027. WORLD THEATRES There arc (10,000 motion pic ture thentres in the world. Of these, 41,000 are equipped with sound devices nnd 10,000 ore 111 tho United Slates. Any Vhttioqraph I Copied, I One Print I $1.00 Films dtvclopid ind prlnlsd for any 6 or 8 ixpoiurn Roll 3!o Roprlnli 4c ach Prompt Service IIUII9Sf 1031 Main Phont 7187 m jPlrnbr 11 Jl Flashes of Life MEW YOHK ' ttAN.uH int. iiii... -iiurina ii.i " . """ on ;.ui iii i,. ....... .' "k worn r. '''' iuS!!c't ii "W IH hill,',, ,!" " U. hJ Pirn,,, . MS milling Ml, ,"Mvy '.! Ill l I I ...liKst,.,. ,,, s ""her w.miUI "l" l"'i'-r. "II,. mi .l''c ii'pllttl, Ik .mw.,.,I.'uV ,"" '' lung hm U,,., H, "'' cession. IK"ulc-n , . rt.".'-f-.y WACKY i ' " uuu r.. uniilvcrMirv nt ,,,,, 1 feet high. ' ' Ml'l'"HI, about i ,,,,, "c,"- M while .living IhrouKl,;;' 4! but t , fn,,,,,,, r.-Vr,,. ! got hhn to r.,,,,1 ,h J" m ". ' lh. real'"? I. . j. , -nil, wnk., . "j sprayed Dink l from ,yuVwS r!.hrt,lf 4 . a FLOP Iharp wfiit huniing with t'kJ old cmiriKltM nf n,. L.-! Ainerlu,,, war-will, IhcVj JJe every nrgumcnl. lilm d.;w,,."",,,TB knH i! "ever saw a duck. I blowout n0m taW vrnr. r o Tri'v7.y ""Her, I, !..., i . ". '""" toS for IIim s il .. .').' . 1 Ink., h, . .. ": lrit Yeslrrrlnv ...I - . . Mfwmii told the col ... -w .... nuinu ii no ontcr Pllllfd llm in.ll.., .l". Judge Hrnm jaiil he wn r Im,ii hi. witi ii.vtv.vu a aj Program Announctdl For Swedish Start STOCKHOLM. Srpt. 27 MVl A series ol 12 mres 111 six wets starting outiltiors In Californ and working caslwnrd (orlndw coinH-tllnu, wns aniiotiiiccd tin v as the likely urogram the three Swedish Irnck itir Clunder lluegg, Arno Andcm and llniiknii Lhlnmn, on llw nroixised visit to the u. S. help In the sale o( war bow!1 The three yesterday ncccpicfl viUitlons from the U. S. trc.ni deparlmrnt. No dnlc for tlx driinrture lint lici-n jet. WORKERS! WHO SUFFER FACTORY' Im SKIN RASHES Ime promptly rtTM torbsil Flral applkailnns of wondrrfiiliootHm tnorllrst.il l,til Z.mo- Doftol il mula promptly rr,llov InHWIK and burnlnj ol almiila iklo ruh, m.and almllar .kin nd teslp W ' lions duo lo eitcrnsl um. Uml 1,1. haallnl. H.c-lc.l ly 85 V"" caul (Jinan. alalnloM, lovUlbhl Hon 't .hour on akin, fgml P. rilflnrrnt slrr..w .UlTl 7471 I I i It's CAL TONITE CAi-oiy I MIOHWAV V 0UTH or Call at 155 E. Main and subscribe " SERVICEMEN'S EDITION for YOUR Man in the Service!