HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE TWELVE Ration Calendar War Price end hationing Board. 430 a. m. to a:so p. m.-, Miuiuy. .. to a p. m. Phone 8161 (or aU tnfoima- UAl'l applications muit be MAILED In to the War Price and Rationing Board at 430 Ma Id street, and NOT presented In pen on. SUGAR Halton Roe 4 Stamp num ber 30 good for S pounds, previously announced to expire March 31 will con Unua to be Bood (or an indefinite Pfl, Ration Bonk 4 Stamp number 32 food lor 5 pounds of maar from June 1 for an Indefinite period. Spare Stamp :.7 Not the menr slamp mutt be Included with application for canning sugar. Stamp nutnnar 40 good tor ft poundi ot canning supar. Stamp No, 31 valid for S pnundi Indefinitely bealnning April t Stamp number 35 good (or 5 poundi beginning September 1. Book 4 Spare stamp No. M. 9 for 10 points on lamb only. alld from September to OctMvr 21 inclusive. PROCESSED POODS m.yK STAMPS Book 4 Stump No. Become Valid L8. MR. NR. P8. Q May 1 R8. SB. T8. 1'8. V8 . June WH. X8. Y8. 7.8. A3 JulT I B4. C5, D3. F.3. F5 Augwl 1 C5. H.V J5. K5. L5 September 1 MEATS- n , , RED STAMPS Book 4 Stamp No. Become Valid A8 through tt'B . Jne X8. Y8. Z8 ... - AS. B5. CS. D5 ... JwlJ E5. F3. C September 3 GASOLINE Number 13 coupon valid from June 21 to September 31. good I three gallons. , B" or "C- Coupons May be renew-ed within, but not before. 15 days from date on cover of book FUEL OIL Period 4 coupons valid March 14 to September 30. FUEL OIL Period A coupon! valid March W to September 30. STOVES Purchasers must obtain cer tificate from local hoard- SHOES Book 3 airplane stamps 1 and J valid indefinitely. All special shoe stamps Iwued. good indefinite):-. Salvage FATS Save In metal container. Sell to butchers, get 4c and 3 pi, a lb, TIN CANS Clean, remove wrapper, place ends inside, flatten, store In dry place for pick-, o drive. If no storage space, take to a Safeway store. WASTE PAPER Tie newspaper flat In bundles 13 in. nich. Tie magazines In bundles 18 in. high. Flntten card board, tie In bundles 12 In. high. Leave t Klamath Basin Seed company. S. Bin and Midland road, or at Safeway store. Main and Esplanade 9:00 lo 3:00 week days. Watch paper for information on Junior Chamber of Commerce pick tip- CLASSIFIED RATES One day 3 day run 9 day run 4 day run 5 day run Week run Mnnlh nin oer word 4c per word 8c per word Sic per word 13c pcr word 1c per word 15c oer word 45c 30'' Discount tor f-vmeni in 5 Discount for Payment by 10th Ads received by 1:00 p. m. will appear umi afternoon In "New Today" column Ada go Into regular classification after the first day. Ads may bo cancelled Oj callins 3124 br M-Xl a. m. DISPLAY classified ads with larger type' must be in the day before publica tion New Today LOST Hamilton wrist watch. Shasta View Housing Project. Reward. Carl X George, 1S00 Esplanade. Apt. 4. &-S9 BIDEN S QUALITY SHOE SHOP. 433 Main, will be closed for the month of October. Customers having shoes there, please call for them. 9-29 WANTED Part-time cleric to work from 6 to 10 p. m. Walgreen's. 2549tf "WANTED Woman janitor at Medical Dental building. Apply at Barnhisers Agency office. 112 S. 8th St. 2439U MAIDS WANTED Anchor Hotel. 9-29 WANTED Ladies for cashiers and check ers. Phone 5175 for details. 9-30 WANTED Experienced stenographer. West Hitchcock Corp., 423 So. Gth. Phone 7771. 9-30 WAITRESSES WANTED Walgreen . 2532 tf Our Boarding House WELL, N10VJ TrtKT VOU'ME FOUKiD TM 6ASSKR0LL. INNESTiKf SOME- Lose, liKj HoMtoe Out Our Way THECE &u YOU ' mj SPACES? j 30K WEST AM HE THINKS HE IS WIS COWBOy HAT AM' THIMGS FROM New Today WANTED -Shipping clerk. Full or part time. Merit Washing Machine Service. 611 So. fllh. 9 39 JANITOR WANTED Apply Esqulrr Theatre office. 8-2T WANTED -Truckers to haul long logs, good haul, Pernell & Hcrtson, Pine hurst. MU WANTED-Meat cutters and market oper ators. Good salar.es, permanent posi tion. Phone M7 5. Write Herald & News for details. Box 350T. 10-3 WANTKD J tin t lor 1 hour daily. Reliable Cleaners, l-l S. 9lh. 9 39 WANTED First-class mechanic. Top wages to right man. See L. M. Quam, at Burness Motors, DeSoto-Plymoulh. 316 So, 6lh. 9-37 WANTED Steady work by experienced cashier. 407 N. 9th. 9-38 ROOM FOR RENT 103. Jefferson. FOR RENT Furnished 1-room apt. with bath. One person only. 330 S. 4th Si. 939 WANTED Childless serviceman and wife to live in my home for care of 2 children. Everything free except half grocery bill. Phone 4033 all day Thursday. Edwina Wolcolt, 3033 Har lan Drive, 9-27 FOR SALE-Small irrigated farm. 18.7 acres, fenced. Good buildings. Three miles southwest of Henley. J. C. Roer. Rt. 1. Box 369 10-3 FOR SALE 2-bedroom new house. 2-piece living room set. Phone 5044. 10-3 FOR SALE3-r trees. Phone 33"-. c, lawn, shade 9-38 MODERN 4-ROOM HOUSE in good con dition, price $500 down. Call between 7 and 9 p. m. at 3405 So, bit 3483tf CRESCENT AVENUE Attractive 3-oedroom home with sleep ing porch and basement. Corner lot with nice lawn, trees. Immediate pos session. A real buy for $4000. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9Ut Phone 450 9-27 FOR SALE Income property, 1136 High garage and 2 duplexes. New concrete foundations, all furnished. Deal with owner. Will be at place days. 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. till Oct, Lei lie Slansbie. 9-38 FOR SALE -Binoculars. 20-X power, with leather shoulder strap and case, Logan. 9-29 FOR SALE John Deere 13-A combine. 6 ft., with several extras. A-l shape. John C. Paulsen, Tulelake. 9-28 FOR SALE-Canning pears. Bring sacks. 4255 Frcida Ave. 9-38 FOR SALE 410 shotgun, and washing machine. See at 206 Gage Road. 9-27 FOR SALE -30-06 Savage rifle and 2 boxes shells. $75, like new. 1845 Last. 9-39 FOR SALE- R.D. 6 Caterpillar. Top con dition. Write Harry Goode. Prospect. Oregon. 10-3 FOR SALE White enamel wood range and dinette set. Phone 8768, 9-28 FOR SALE International pickup. Alta mont Court. Apt. 17. 9-27 WANTED Suitable place for beauty shop. Would consider barber shop. Phone 4920. 9-29 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT Cornet. Call 6049. 9-29 MY HUSBAND, daughter and I want liht housekeeping rooms with laundry facilities and private bathroom. I have washer, bedding, dishes and silver. Write me. Mrs. J. G. Auelalr, P. O. Box 230. Garden Grove, Calif 9-27 WANTED Pair of roller skates, child's sire Phone 3506. 9-29 FOR SALE Bob's Cafe. Greyhound De pot. Doing good business. Inquire Mrs. Spaulding. 9-29 fvAV BE TRAMPS, sim New nt, fVVjm THE SK6E8RUSM) E6AO.' VC3ue t PLM SUIT ? ARS- J HUMOR. COMPULSES Voo PLrMviNiiMG meZ-voo i2 hzXO POT YOUR. YS? S0KELS SHOULD Y?BRAWDOM V rN!0Vi THKT IM NW Y COUPLE OF 0 k COV0PUtiCrAlMG J?. S r-rrf ROPE A FIELD Y' ) IN) ALL OF IHfcMr" I I IF HE CAM STAMD A IT THAT FAR IN S I cxji luuis iro mlu in CATTLE CARS THEY'RE ONE O THEM, J I'D LET HIM f -rK GO AS- 1 ARE MISSING HIS ROOM.' v jv e Moot In a Nottceg Klamath hlli Aeri. No. JOM. R. guilt meeting ever Fri day nliht, p. m.. F O.K. hall th .nil jfj. W 1 n u L Vlsllliig liivMol 2 Loit and Found REWARD orritRtn tor return ( hrtiwn nii. I.l In sI..v Mrktiiii lot Phnn. 03. Oil t 8.10 CH(ornl Gnorl Notjcei FALLS ELECTRIC AND CENERAL REPAIRING Light PUnti. Generator,. Etcotrlo Motor. Hewountl nnd Urnalriul. C Knglnei Overhauled and He paired. Agent for Oeleo Light Plant and Datterlea. 633 St. Francis St. Ph. 6263 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE tor any bill, eontracted hv anone other than -elf alter September W, l!H4 Kellh L. Rice. -3 Hl'NTERS AND TRAPPERS KEEP OFF all land, owned and leased on Upper Klamath Lake. Thli tm'ludel ahoal water, bay and E..gle Ridge. D. E. Alexander M H V..nuler General Nottces HORSES Rented by Hour or Day Sunset Stables Just Across Canal on Alameda Drive Special Attention Given to Children Horses Boarded Evening Rides by Appointment Phone 8219 Mrs. Harry Roland Owner "BLACKtE" BLACKBURN in charge 9-3 Om MAKE LAKE O' WOODS your head quartera during hunting season. Res taurant. atore. aervice station and cabins available. Malta reservations earlv 34mf 8 Transportation SERVICE MAN'S WIFE, driving to Texas, wants lady passenger to share driving. Leaving October 9. See. Mrs. Carl Thrash 3tfi N 10th St. P-2fi 10 Services GENERAL REPAIRING - Try us first. Bodenhamer Saw Filing. 3M E. Main St. . 10-13 MAKE YOUR DATE In advanca (or paperhangers at J E. Patterson and Son Paint Store. 1229 East Main Phone 3324. 8-OOm HEMSTITCHING AND ALTER ATIONS Needlecratt Shop. 1133 Main. Phone 4793. HM3m AVON PRODL'CTS Phone 6144. Pearl Ross 10-14m WILL DO PLAIN SEWING and ironing In my home. 319 Martin St. 9-3 With Major Hoor. By J. R. Williams vhevjh-h' look 1 Service SERVICE Refrigeration Household and Commercial REPAIRS Washers All Makes IN STOCK Motors Electric and Gas V Belts Phono SU69 Merit Washing Machine Service 611 So. 6t!l St. 9-30 APPLIANCE REPAIRS We repair and service all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appli ances. Wo may have tho type ot radio tube you need. Reason able prices, l'hone 5188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs.-Tluirs.-Sat.-tf Refrigeration Washing Machines Electric Ranges Vacuum Cleaner Repair PROMPT SERVICE Klamath Refrigeration Service Phone 7038 432 Comm. 10 Services CRATING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 5672 9-30 Refrigeration Service KELVINAT0R Factory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phone 6G17 0REC0N EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St. 10-12m Robt. C. Gritman For SIGN PAINTING Phone 6087 1705 Pierce St. D-30mc HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE Electric Rang and Water Heatar Repair and Service Clark Rowlings Formerly With Copco Res. 050 Paclflo Terrace Phone 4A97 931m SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, all makes Phone 6771. 3318 Shasta Way. 10-4m SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned and Installed Phone 7633. 10-31 phone 4ajs ron outside paintino Quallty work. 3013U SPENCER CORSET1ERX - Mrs. Enid Burch. 931 Oak. Phonv 7316 (or ap pointment, 10-Sm CURTAINS LAUNDERED and stretched Phone 3717. 10-Qm HAULING TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE Call 44a. Pat's Cab Service. 10-14m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covnied. Alterations on nw and old clothing Mrs. 11 M. Allender. 7.11 Main. Room 316. Ph. 7203. R-30m HOME LA UNDHY Phone .1406. 10-32 ROOFING WORK WANTED-Workman-shin Bimranlred. I'hnne 4a3 3nl4tf 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 7091 Graduate Nurso in Charge 10m 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Mature woman who wishes a home as nurso maid for one child. Hnlnry, hoiird and room, no house work, Phone 737r 0-20 MAID WA1 .ED-Colonlal Hotel, 121 No. 11th. 9-27 WANTED Waitress and dishwasher Wo man preferred. Apply at Hitler's Colfee Shop JSMtl WANTKD-Womnn for housework and earn of chll'lrcn hy working mother. 2IUHI a week, room and board, Ap ply Wl-ne-ma Coffee Shop, 0-27 WAITRESSES WANTED Shop. Max's Coffee 2211 LADY FOR REPAIR WORK-Slandard Cleaners, SODtf BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED - Hast lugs Beauly Salon. Ph. 4307. 70311 DISHWASHER and pantry girl wanted. Mast's Coffee Shop. J04H LADY FOR OFFICE WORK Cleaners. Standard fJOlltf WANTED - Kitchen help. Board and room. Woman preferred. Call 9003 I027U LADY roR CHECKING-SUndard Clean ers. 007tf WANTED - Women for laundry work. Housewives we employ part time workers. We have aeveral good posl. t'ons for qualified workers. Cascade Laundry. 10-7 10 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Experienced Seamstress Apply Cummings Fur Shop 3108tf Experienced Women's Ready-to-Wear Salesperson Steady Work Good Pay Long's 719 Main HELP WANTED . Prefer married woman between su and 40 tears of afe. Must lie Wllllni to work. Steady employ tnenl. No short lime help wanted Derby Music Co. g-30 WANTED w Chambormald . at Empire Hotel. WANTED Marker and distributor. Men's lund I -sundry 3.17IU1 IB Help Wanted, Male Southern Pacific Is Critically In Need of MERCHANDISE HANDLERS Regular or Part Time Give Us A Lift! See Agent For Information 1-20 WANTED TRUCK DRIVER For Country Pickup Milk Route, also Wholesalo Milk Delivery. Lost River Dairy 0-28 Wanted Washroom Helper Steady, Permanent Position Inside Work Cood Wages Cascade Laundry 0-27 PERMANENT POSITION For 2 Automobilo Mechanics Steam Heated Garajo Best Paylns Position In Klamath Tails DICK B. MILLER Cor. 7th and Klamath Wanted , BOY or YOUNG MAN for service station work, mounting tires and batteries. Cood pay to start, See Mr. Fisher SEARS ROEBUCK 0-27 SAWMILL: Slnfthcrmitn: Cleanup man; llo reedr. PLANING MILL: 2 Lum ber Handlers; Tlcup man. FACTORY: IteSawman; Car Loader. All perma nent day-ihlfl Jobi, 4B hour week. Big Lakci Box Co. Phone 41 III. D-3fl WANTKD YounK man. draft exempt, for Inside More Halm work. Hhould be mechanically Inclined ami accurate nt Haurei. Salary $200 per month lo (art. dive reference! and phone num ber. Box 2320. care Herald and Newa. 0-30 WANTKD -Someone with hay bater to rent, or to bale considerable meadow hsy In alncka for nhare or cash. Home help furnlfihed, Addreii Stanley Ranch, BonnnMi, Ore. 0-27 WANTKD Helper. I nil tie work at nay. inond Dairy. 2SMU WANTKD Automobile mechaniri for re pairing Chevrolet and other can. Good pay. permnnent work. Located In good nun ling and finning community Cannon Chevrolet Co., Yreka, Cnllf. 0-27 WANTKD Man and wife for chore Job. miiHt be experienced with milking inn chine. Modern home, wood, light and water furnUhod. Permanent Job, good wngei. Call 71)14. 2:iUtf WANTKD Men and boy to let plm Light work, good pay. Apply Howling Alley, Bio Main p. m. or any evening, Saturday or Sunday. 1721tf rirtST CLASS mechanic, good percent age and weekly guarantee, thoroughly equipped ahop and parti department Anderaon Auto Service. 6.12 Walnut. 761 tf WANTED -Men and noya to set ptna Light work, good pay. Apply bowling alley. BI9 Main, 7 p. m.. any evening. Mturday or Sunday, I72HI WANTED Good common and dimension grader. Good wages, Must be steady. Purnell & Gertaon, Plnehursl, 837 If MAN to work In cleaning room. Stand ard Cleaner. SOStf II Helo Wanted, Male Tjy-sj-inr-ii--ii vii INTERMOUNTAIN PLUMBING CO. 732 So. 6th St. II Help Wanted, Male WANTED - Edaerman. trlmmermen and lumber handlers. Elllnastrn Lumlwf t'o l'hone mill OJin 18 Situations Wanted 22 Room! For Rent ROOMS-10.K Huh. 1013m nooM ron iient-im no. 3rd. e-aom in a 26 Houioa For Rent roil HENT-3-ronm house In Shlpplne ton addition. Phone 07UI. IM7 TRUCKS roil RENT- You drive; move yourself, save t. Stiles Ueeron Herv. It-r jjnl staii Msin Phone lt.104 10 flm 28 Mltcollaneou- For Rent rOR RENTrloir senders, edaere and wallpaper reimtvlna machine. J K Patterson Paint Store. Phone 3334 12211 East Main. 0-0Uni CLECTIIIC rLOOll 5i NDEIt.1 and edtel rented. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD a, CO. 030m DEAD CAR STtlltACiE ONi. - Eatel) and nrotecllon Cars are not moved or molested. 331 So. lllh. join TOR RENT Store building on So. ath Phone oxia. '-14 rOR HKNT-Modern trailer space. Call at 4WW1 Snulli mh O V) 30 Real Estate For Bale ON MERRILL HIGHWAY 190-iicrc ranch, lovely home, with buildiiiKn for help. Part of this ranch is seeded to nlfiilfa, some pasture and potato land. Potatoes this year will go be tween 301) and 400 sacks per acre. Priced at $250 an acre. Some terms. " STOCK RANCH IS milr from Klamath Falls 800 acres a portion under Irrigation, large aereugo cattle pasture bordering iiikc sur ruuntlcd by cut over land. Cood hunling. Priced to sen. E. GRAY Realty Service Esquire Theatre Dldg. Phone 3005 (Evening Phone 4080) 0-20 Wanted to Buy 3-Bedroom Mddern Home S...IIU Furnncc, linrdwoocl floors, full bu.scmcnt. Must be In good con dition. Phone G3S3 Bcforo 6 p. m or write Box 30DB, core Herald News. 9-27 ron balk Just off South Bimh, near stores and titis. lovely recently-bull t 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, serv (re room, largo quirk Ireeer tnstalla lion In servlco room. Double garage, approximately 2 acres of excellent soil. Priced al 7O00 00. 1.1000 00 down, bL ance In monthly payments of 44.0B. This payment Includes taxes, Insurance and Irrigation payment. Call A. D. FPPEll. SON Phone 2I JOHN Met" EE Realtor 11R No. 7th Street 0M HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phono B401 ron SALE Sheep pasture, 340 acres alfalfa and timothy mixed, south of Malln. Call Llikoy Bros,. 7014. BMtf ron BALE-Uy owner, lovely, targe 4-hedroom home, new fireplace, hard wood floors, new automntlo air con ditioning oil furnace, 2 complete large bathrooms. Cottage In rear. Shade trees, Nice location. Close In. I run down payment. Phone (1112 before 6 p, m, or nam after 6pm iwnf KOn HALE-2-hedroom house. Hardwood floors, fireplace! furnace. Close In, Call 671.1. .1147lf roit BALK D-ronni modern homo and "'4 acre, four miles southenst Klamnlh Falls; Available water, llghl. tele phone, $1400, Kasy term. Ktlki, 4111 Pearson nidg Portland. 0-20 ron BALE Two-bedroom modern house. Walking distance Weyerhaeus er, t.V down. Culling, fit, 3, ttox 2.10-H, o-:to rOR SALE On TRADE- acre, 4-room hoime, hower, garage, woodshed, In Stewart addition. fl.'WU or trade for Rrnperty In Medford. Inquire Mr. Imer Greer, nt. .1, nox RAO, p-,10 ron bale ft-room home, full banement, one of the bent natural hot water wells In the city. Hardwood floor, fireplace, nice yard, Ireea and shrub. Price fl7M, Bee Fred Cofer BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 8. fllh Phont 41M 0-27 WANT TO TRADE Small modern house, close In, on larger modern house In desirable location. W. E, Turner, 34! Mortimer 81, 0.37 IB Help Wanted, Male 16 Heir. w.. . J . -1 .,. av,"'I;Jvi''Mi fctt 'i WANTED PLUMBERS and STEAM FITTERS For Work at Marine Barracks and Naval Air Station 54-Hour Week $ 1.6212 per hour with overtime 18 Help Wanted. Male 30 RonI EiUta For 8aU SUBURBAN HOMES In Siiiinyliiwl, 3-brdraom lit-tractive- liiiinn with 11 BHxUII ft. lot. Dullt In 1040, thin home him hnrdwood floors, Vcnrtlnri hllnda, nncl la nicely decorated. I'rlco JiliOO, teriiw. AND 3-rooin newly constructed home on ShnntM Wny. linn ono iicre of choice ground. Mouse very modern, with hnrdwood floors, dinette, InrKe hedrooina. Going for $325(1, terms, CHILCOTE & SMITH Renlton Since 1000 111 N. Oth Phono 4304 FOR SALE Kent 3-room house, H-ncrc Kurdcn, trees nnd Inwn, near bus line. $IUUQ. 2hedroom house, completely furnished, IncludlnK electric rnnite and wushliiu iniichluc. $40U0. Modern furnished duplex, close to business district, J. I. BEARD REALTOR 1020 Main St. Phono 0323 0-2B SUBURBAN HOME Very desirable 2-bcdronm home, ' well located in the Ilomcdnlu district, five largo cheerful rooms and utility room. Home is Insulated nnd recently renov ated. Fireplace nnd other at tractive features. Darn, chicken house, garage, woodshed, etc. Lawn, flowers, fruit and shade trees. 12.7 ncrcs of Eood land. Full price $10,300. J. E. HOSKING S17 Main St. Phono 3211 0-2B FOR SALE 3-room 'homo In good location, Hot Springs district. Full base ment, furnace, hnrdwood floors, fireplace. Prlco $5230.00 Terms Sco FRED COFER Howard Barnhisel Agency 112 So. Oth Phono 4103 0-20 ron HAI.E-S-b(1rnnm hnm.. 14 arrfl of round, Iraaa, lawn and anruos. I'nnnr mus. ion ron HAI.H-Tourlsl court In HI.V. Homo nd elsht collages, Phona .iiwi. m-.' ron SAI.H-a-bcilroonl attractive mo- rirrn home, I'laat.rert and vfln.naii blinds, On 14 aero of lawn and Irens. All f.nrad and n.wly palnl.d. Fruit cflllar, small barn and cblcken house. Prica tMtm. 1IU1.1 Gary 81, ' D-M ron SAI.E-.n aero farm, 7 miles out, 1'ntainea, rlover, n-room nousr, onm, ehlrken house, irood water. Writ. Box aj.io, cara Herald and News, lo t Phune 8-175 tf 1 HELP WANTED Fallers, Buckers and Choker Setters At Our Logging Camp Near Klamath Falls Call at Our Office 123 North Oth St. Beatty Logging Company If you wont to work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions arc good go ut Johnny Tipton ot the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. Wo need men In oil these deportments of our operation which is on essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber-Co. TP 30 Real Fttata For SiU Business Investmenl On Pine Street. A rcol.chtl Ini'iitliin for either tervlce ! lion, stores or liny kind o( bJ ness. rjii.ft. fronlniie on P:l ht. Itns Income nt present Hi oi .i.iD per niMitli. total price $23,000 )t. clown, rest like rent. E. GRAY ' Realty Service Escpitre Theatre BId(, I'lione 3U0J (Kvcninit l'hone 4680) LOW COST HOME L0A.NSI Pacific First Kedorai ShvIiiks & Loan AssocIiIIojI JOHN McFEE Anent . 118 N. 7lh Phone 4!l .till flAI.r, 'S arrr, j-iuuhi. hoiiitf, ri'il rirllnr. wiioil hmn. fhrni lions., pi.i",, irrms. n", . Hliasla V. Call .venlnll slH'l " "' 32 Manl tslnlo Wantttl VANTRD TO 0UY-Swam Undl M fin -in .. 34 There Is Enough ' Slccl In your cors' crfll shad to build two chine guns. Let 11s keep your motJ bearings light and Save machine flUM gut Japs with. LEO'S GARAGE lllh and Main SU. Phono 6fl03 Mon.'Wj We Buy and Sell USED CAKb PARAGE DU,,nM,n t ir YOII Have derldeH W W f"..,mit 'Vr w. will "'l,',Jr on any body n" " msrw1" pain" ,-- snllsrnrlorv, TrlnP ph )" Pain! Shop. l" Si"1"' 9l. IH TOP rASirnnici! lor j;,'rue'i'Vl model car or eoullV' I " niVi. and Strvi".... Ooodrirl, Tlr. ni.l"-""" J 318 SO Bn -J sis? niim.. 7ma. t$ Ave..