Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 23, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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generals Win Easily
Over Pelicans In First
Grid Contest of Season
Innrl ii new tfiim Iho Klnin
V.irnii3 roiilly Blurted lit the
'La ( Iho gridiron bidder
Sutnon .v dropping 33 to
Union I" ,MU t'1'""1 (""'"Is
iiilulit Modoc fli'ld hcfuic
kril f football funs.
. jvllcnux were viislly oul
M through uiosl tlic
Lund wero ul)lu lo gel roll
L,y once. Tills cnnie In the
M milliter when til" Kliinmtli
n jinushcd through for (our
iiht flint down, only to lost'
f hall on o fumble on the
22-ynrd line,
fee iiiiini' wns iicliinlly the
iol on experienced T iignlnst
Inexperienced T, hill the lo
ilids showed promise of much
iovemcnt In tho future. The
Sand .school has been using
Jrfur fivo or six years, while
system has Just been Iniing-
W IlL'l'O.
live sparkling louchdown
were thrown at the hapless
Scant by Jorry LIlllc's Ccnur
Mcfcndlng ",Btc cn"lnP who
led In-'l night like standout
kndvrM for Ihe official title
in this year. Onu of the sour
trans covered n startling 71)
i. I ...w.ltw... rn,,l f,in Ml
Coach Marble Cook's Pelicans
ft plenty weep, but picked
41 the gume ndvnncetl. Their
In.', tncklliii! und downlii hl
ikim; left much to be n.skcil,
4 their third quarter rally
red the stuff was there IX it
j bo developed and sustained.
4)r use of the T wns only
Jidieiilly successful, nnd their
i iiains were made on an
lotion of mi oll-tinie Pelican
If, with the fullback hnniled
ball ns he plunged Into the
Auction of the line.
I Perkins Wins Tots
the battlri got underway with
jidiu winning the toss for
Unuith nnd electing to receive
title Vuller:i of Grant chose to
fcnd the north goal,
ftwycr kicked off to Abbey
i the 20. who returned tho bnll
(yards to tho 3.'). Abbey lost
(id Hiehn went through the
sjlor I. Abbey kicked to the
ijnt -ill and thu Generals took
Davis plowed through the ecu-c-for
8 yards nnd, after an In
fplctcd pass, took the ball
tin to miiKP it a first down on
4 Pelican 31. Grant drew an
ililc penalty of 5 yards, but
lithe next attempt, Gabriel
Bit 13 for Another first down,
a) Perkins then intercepted a
thrown by Gabriel nnd Ab-
S immediately kicked to Wal
on the I'ellenn 40.
Genorali Hit Paydirt
alters limned the lealher
c and Gabriel rifled a pass
Etamm, good for 13 yards and
dm down on the Klamath 1U.
Itis drove over tackle for 4 and
!llic next play Gabriel shovel
od lo Slamin for the flrsl
?pof the gamo. With Walters
inR, Gabriel kicked the cx
f point. SCORE: GRANT 7.
The Pelicans ni(aln chose lo re
ive and Sawyer booled the bull
l:I!prry. who wilt flowm-H on
J 29. After two running plnys
pass attempt, Abbey
fttd out of bounds on his own
If Gabriel completed n pass lo
jUlh as the (itinrter cmled.
f Gonorals Holl Aqain
usorlel heaved nnnlher pass lo
lib for 7 and to prove 11 was
nunc ioi lowed up with a
My lo Walters for- a 24-vnrd
P nnd a first clown on the
main iz. Wallers struck pay
5 n 'ho next play an n re
fe. Gnhricl again ridded the
wa ilnt. SCORE: GRANT
in" - At Ibis point.
J Urnnt second string entered
J 'J"y and Newell kicked off
Y,- An nt'empt at two
Pjays and a pnss went for
"Wit and Abbey fumbled
J1 fnurth-fiown punt formn
J and was tnckled by Lnnder
while trying to run the
i Pelicans Toss Pnss
uront was pennll.ed 6 yards
Jcriiwling wllli the ball after
hiitl picked up 10 over
JM. Tho Generals fumbled
wirth rocovcrod. Berry
E c(l'cked n pass lo Abbey,
L27 J"1"1" n"l
..ll0 bnl1 chnnged hands
B"nl limes wllli Hicks Rctllng
8 "nice kick of 42 ynrds.
,",on Run 79 Y'"ds
Wn lh" ond of 11,0 first
Knnt " uiuko loose on a
joack and galloped 71) yards to
J.end zone behind some exeel-
JWcll kick : off to nodkey,
'Iter two attempts, (he Pell
? ,we forced lo punt. Wll
n . ',l into 1110 lino for no
H'l Imlf ended with the
" On Ihn nn1i , ti
(tint.. . ""tun m-ynra line
K ,sion ot the Generals.
kicked ott to Wilson
En n""3 second half. Gillette
5n lnr.nnd Wnsch skirted his
E ."1 end for 10 ynrds and n
f' nwn, Grnnt was set bnck
ll "ntl Wnsch kicked lo Berry
k B o sl"PP"d on his own in.
leans couldn't gnln nnd
Game Statistics
v.i , Klamath Falls Grant
Yaidnce fscrirnmiige) (14
Ymdaiie (passes) Tj
Total yardage 1)7 n'77
I'irst downs (scriiiinuiKO) 4 "
I'iist ilinvns dinssvs) '. 1 o
Total first downs !.""""""" 5 f)
Pusses iitlempled j2 yj
Passes complete !.!!!!""!!!!""!!!!!."!." a
Passes incomplete !"""!!!!!""!"'" 7 n
Passes had Inlereepled 2 2
Hall lord on fumbles 4
Punt nveniKc 2H.I 28
Yaitls penalized 0 ;jq
Touchdowns " 0 ' S
Conversions 0 3
Scoring: Grant Stamm 8," Walters fi',' Wilson 12, Davis 6,
Gabriel J; Klamath None.
When In Medlord
Slay at
thoroughly Modorn
Jo and Ann Earle
L ProprlotoH
Abbey kicked out of bounds on
the Miimiiih 45. Iloyt, Gillelle,
and Wilson made it fust and ten
on the as-yard slripu and Wasch
went wide around left end for 10
more and another first down.
Iloyt fumbled and tho Pelicans
Pollcont Got Tough
Hud liieliu smashed through
guard three times In a row for
a first down and with Perkins,
Abbey and Blehn carrying the
mail, the Pelicans rolled through
for another. Again Ihe Klamath
eleven in a d e the necessary
ground and Lcrry then went
wide on a lati 1 for I) and Uiebn
bucked over guard to make it
four straight first downs as the
quarter ended with the bull on
the Grant 18 yard marker.
Throat it Stopped
After one more play, Bob Per
kins fumbled and Landerholm
recovered. The Generals tried
a pass that Wilson intercepted
and carried to the visitors 10.
Pelicans time-out. This was the
main Pelican scoring threat, but
was squelched when Berry's pnss
to Perkins fell Incomplete after
three line plays nnd failed.
Grant Scoros Again
Walters kicked and Berry's
pass wns intercepted by Withers
on his own 20 nnd carried up to
the midlield stripe. Davis then
wenl around his own right end
for a 50-vnrd Jaunt nnd a touch
down. Gabriel's attempted kick
was wide. SCORE: GRANT 27,
Newell kicked off lo Abbey on
the 30. Klamath failed lo gain
and Abbey punted to Wnsch,
who stepped out of bounds on his
own 3' Wilson mndc, 15 yards
nnd a first down. Wnsch gnlnecl
8 nnd Wilson added 14 more nnd
another first down. Iloyt lost 0
and Wilson made bnck 5. A pnss
was incomplete and Wnsch tried
his own left end hut fniled lo
make first down by inches.
It's Wilson Again
Redki-y tried a quarterback
sneak- for no gnin nnd Klnmnth
fumbled with Grnnt recovering.
The Generals were penalized 15
yards for clipping, but after two
plays, Wl! n cut through the
renter of Ihe line and outran Ab
bey to the goal line to score the
fin I !ouchdo..n. Newcll's kick
was low nnd "ide ns the finnl
gun went off. SCORE: GRANT
33. KLAMATH 0.
The tame will be rehashed at
the Quarterback club meeting
Monday, nnd persons interested
In football may talk things over
to their heart's content.
The Pelirnns next game will
bo at Salem next Friday.
George Van Vleet, Grant right
tackle, strained his knee in the
Inst play of the game, but wns
not seriously injured. Ho wns
okeh in the dressing room after
ward. Navy Leads Army
In Servicemen's
"World Series"
HONOLULU, Sept. 23 W)
Virgil Trucks' sparkling shutout
pitching left the navy with a
one gamo bulge over (ho army
lodav ns the servicemen's star
studded "world series" went In
to its second contest in jammed
Furlong stadium.
Trucks, former Detroit Tiger
nee, pitched four-hit ball for
the navy's 5-0 initial triumph
yesterday, while Ills mates
swnrmcd over Johnny Beazley,
ex-Si. Louis Cnrdinnl, who was
Jerked nftcr tho seventh,
Benz'.cy handed out sevon
walks and nine of tho navy's
10 hils before giving lip the
nrmy mound lo Semi-pro Hurler
Don Schmidt.
Trucks fanned five bntlers,
including Yankee Joe Gordon
for Ihe final out, and collected
two hlls, ono of them driving
In a run. , ,
All seven games of tho series
will bo played out, even if II Is
decided earlier, so Ihat as many
servicemen ns possible may see
Ihe collection of former major
league slurs.
The army players are from
the seventh AAK team. Hawaii
senior, lenguo champs. Tho nnvy
outfit has been assembled from
tho Islands and the mainland.
You Drlvo Mova Youriell
Suva M Long and
Short Ttipi
Phona 6304 1201 East Main
Big Antelope
Season Will
Start Sunday
Local hunters packed their
camping equipment today nnd
left for Lnko county for the
opening of the nntelopc season
tomorrow, which will extend
through Sunday, October 7.
All of the antelope range is
open to hunting with certain ex
ceptions. The Drakes Flat area
and the Milllcan - Fort Rock
Wagoutirc area are closed. De
scriptions and maps of these
areas arc included in the 1044
synopsis of hunting regulations.
The Hart Mt. AntelopeF rr
The Hart mountain antelope ref
uge also remains closed to ante
lope hunting.
Upon request of naval authori
ties, the game commission has
stopped all hunting until further
notice in naval aerial gunnery
area No. 2 in Lake and Harney
counties. The approximate boun
daries of this area arc as follows:
The north boundary lies Just
south of the Flook ranch and of
the town of Blitzen; the east
Davis Ploughs Through for Four Yards Deep in Klamath Territory
Evan Davis. Grant fullback, drives ihrounh tho lino for a qain m last ninht s name between the Grant Generals and the
Klamath Pelicans. On the next play Gabriel shovel-passed lo Stamm for tho first score of the game. Players whose numbers
may be seen are: 4 Porkins, 17 Gqrald Smith, 6 Gabriel, and 51 Needer. (Arrow shows ball).
boundary follows along the foot
hills of the Slcen;. mountains; the
south boundary is the Oregon
Nevada state line; and Ihe west
boundary is just cast of Guano
lnko and the Hart mountain an
telope refuge.
By Tho Associated Press
NEW YORK Tami Mauriello,
104, New York, knocked olit Leo
Oma. 193, Detroit, 8.
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Tony
Olivera, 122, San Francisco, out
pointed Pedro Hernandez, 125,
New York, 10.
(Additional Sports on Pago Two)
Grappling Fans See Lots
Of Action in Mat Matches
There was plenty of action in
the wrestling matches last night
nt the armory. The boys were
really out for blood, which is
proven by the fact that Rowdy
O'Dowdy suffered some broken
ribs in his tussle with "The
Grey Mask."
Jack Kizer look the measure
of Paavo Kntonen in the main
event by Inking two out of three
falls from the Foxy Finn. Kizer
won tho first full with a re
verse somcrsnull, but which
Jack prefers to call an "alliga
tor clutch." J'aavo took tho
second with a hold that came
very close to being ono of his
famed pile-drivers followed by
a body press. The last and de
ciding fall was taken by the
Vancouver Viking with a back
It Is not known now just
when Kizer will put up the belt,
but it may be in the near
Tho scml wind-up saw Rowdy
O'Dowdy lose lo "The Grey
Mask" in a rugged go. Evident
ly the "mask" is not one to
trifle with, as the match ended
with the first fall and the bout
going to the masked marvel
when Rowdy was unable to
answer the boll for the second
round, due to some broken ribs
sustained by a reverse body
stomp applied by Ihe "mask."
The curtain raiser pitted
"Blood and Guts" Davidson
against "Silent" Rattan. Rattan
pinned Davidson witli a body
press to take the number one
fall, but "Blood and Guts" used
some foul tactics and evened
it up at a fall apiece. Rattan was
awarded Ihe final fall by Ref
eree Wally Moss when Davidson
rushed across the ring and
leaped on "Silent" before the
The card was as good as an
ticipated and there will be
more mat mayhem committed
next Friday night same time,
same place.
National Football Program
Led by (JSC vs UCLA Game
NEW YORK, Sept. 23 D
College football's Jhird wartime
season opens in earnest todny
with Southern California vs.
UCLA, usually a late season tus
sle, topping a nntinnnl program
dolled by muny attractive con
tests. A crowd of 75,000 is expected
lo turn out at Los Angeles to
watch the Trojans and the
Uclans clash in a battle that is
expected to have an important
bearing on tho Hose Bowl pros
pects of both elevens. The Tro
jans, with eight veterans back
from Inst year's Rose Bowl team,
are favored although UCLA has
been touted as a Pacific coast
Elsewhere, most of the action
centers in the midwest where
Purdue, with Cecil Isbell, for
mer pro star, making his debut
ns Boilermaker coach, plnys
Great Lakes; Iowa Seahawks,
beaten last week by Michigan,
tackles Minnesota; and Indiana,
strengthened by tho return of
Hnlfbnck Hunchy Hoornschemoy-
cr. bumps into Illinois. The
Illini, helped by shifty Eddie,
Brny, promise to mane mings
tough for the Hoosicrs.
In tho east the "big" game
pits Cornell agninst Syracuse, re
turning to the grid after a year's
lapse, in a night game at Syra
cuse. The game will be the first
test of the Big Red hailed an
eastern powerhouse. Q t h e r.
games in the cast include Villa
nova vs. Seranton, Harvard vs.
Bates nnd West Virginia vs. Pitt.
Tulsa's Golden Hurricane
opens its 50th grid season in an
other night , tussle at Tulsa
against the North Texas Aggies,
while Texas Christian tests the
improved Kansas Jayhawks in
still another arc light contest.
Duke university, looking
ahead to its clash with Penn
next week, opens its season
against Richmond at Durham,
N. C, in the south's foremost
encounter. Other southern tilts
Include North Carolina vs. Lake
Forest and Kentucky vs. Miss
issippi. -
Attention Hunters
Save Your Hides!
Deer Elk Antelope
We will pay you top prices and you will be help
ing the war effort.
Hides arc needed badly. .
Sixth St. Auto Wrecking
We have Oregon state permit to buy.
2501 So. 6th St. Tel.
filers Sweep Twin ill
From Bed Sex 14, 84
"Boom Boom" Beck, Veteran Relief
Performer, Comes Through In Clutch
To Turn Back Boston Club In Finale
Ily Ihe Associated 1'ress
Games bc
Tenms W. L. Tel. hind to pla"
Detroit fl2 0.1 .566 ... 9
SI. Louis Bl 64 .5r!l 1 Q
Nov York .... 711 66 .r,42 S'i 10
Boston 74 71 .510 8 9
Remaining games:
Detroit Home. Boston 2, Philadel
phia i3i, Washington 4. Away. none.
St. Louis Home. Philadelphia (21,
Boston '.V. New York 14. Away, none.
New York Home. none. Away. Cleve
land i2. Chicago (4. St. Louis 4.
Boston Home. none. Away, Detroit
i2i, St. Louis I3i, Chicago (4t.
Associated Press Sports .Writer
Walter "Boom Boom" Beck, a
veteran relief performer .who
was pitching in the American
league when Hal Ncwhouser was
a 3-year-old kiddie car rider and
Dizzy Trout was a third grade
student, was one reason Detroit
was still in first place today.
With only a week and a day
of the season remaining, the
Tigers held a one-game edge on
St. Louis because Beck had the
stuff to hold back Boston in the
second game of an important
doublcheader at Detroit yester
day after coming through with
a single and scoring the winning
run of an 8-6 victory. Steve
O'Neill's crew had won the open
er, 7-4, on Dick Wakefield's
grand slain homer. '
St. Louis shaded Philadelphia
last night, 4-2, and would have
lied for tho lead if Beck hadn't
put the bracelets on' the Red Sox
in a two-inning job.
Beck hadn't won all season
after hooking on with the Tigers
when he got the gate from a
minor league manager's job. Last
winter "Boom Boom" signed to
manage the Uliea Braves of the
Eastern league but was outside
looking in when the Phils bought
the franchise. If Detroit cops
the flag, the old timer who has
seen them all from Palestine.
Texas, to the big show, will
have the biggest pay day of his
It wasn't all Beck, of course,
in yesterday's twin win. Walt
just happened to be there at the
finish to save the nightcap.
Wakefield gave Rufo Gentry the
opener on his 11th circuit clout
with the sacks loaded.
Sig Jakucki, another of base
ball's firen-?n, saved the Brown
ies by retiring the last nine men
in order when Philadelphia
threatened to nibble on St. Louis'
two run lead. Bobo Newsom.
who trimmed the Yankees last
out, allowed only five hits be
fore bowing for a pinch hitter
in the 8th but yielded a two-run
triple to Don Gutteridge and sin
gle runs in the fourth and sixth.
New York kept its hopes alive
by topping Cleveland, 7-3, with
a 17-hit attack behind Ernie
Bonham in a series opener. The
Yanks trailed Detroit by 3''
games with only 10 to play.
When Joe Having relieved Al
Smith in the seventh inning, the
big league's only grandpa tied
AEI Quarterback Club Members
Urged to Attend Meeting Monday
A bier attendance at Monday's Quarterback club meeting
at the Willard hotel was urged today by Malcolm Eploy, club
president, who pointed out that any male football fan in Klam
ath is welcome to join the club.
"Now is the time to show the Klamath Pelican team and
the coaching staff that we are for them," said Epley, in refer
ence to Friday night's Pelican defeat by Grant. "Every Quar
terbacker who has already joined the club is asked to be
present, and bring at least one more football fan with him,"
Coach Marble Cook of the Pelicans will give his observa
tions on Friday's game, and Coach Clyde Roberts of the
Marine Barracks team will give tho advonco dope on the
game with Willamette here next Saturday.
an American league record by
appearing in his blst game, none
complete. Clint Brown set the
mark for Chicago in 1939. Ed
Walsh holds the record for most
games, complete or unfinished
with 66 in the American in 1908.
Ace Adams of the New York
Giants appeared in 70 for a mo
dern National record last year.
The newly-crowned St. Louis
Cardinals were humiliated. 11-2
by Boston's Nate Andrews and
Chicago took a strangle hold on
fourth place by routing the
Giants, 8-1, in the only National
league contests.
Win Grid
Morrie Kohler Runs Bock
Kickoff 87 Yards to Score
SEATTLE, Sept. 23. (JP)
Scoring once in each the first
and second periods, and twice
in each of the second half pe
riods, the Seattle Bombers rane
up a 42-7 American Profession
al league victory over the Oak
land Hornets last night.
The win broke a two-game
losing streak for the hometown-c-rs
and brought them to even
terms ior the season.
Morrie Kohler, ex-Oregon
Stater, came up with the play
of the game an 87-yard kick
off return for touchdown at the
start of the second half. Other
Bomber tallies were made by
Kohler, Georgo Karamatic, Joe
Byrnes, Lavern Bell and Dale
Holmes. Milt Collins kept his
conversion record clean with
four, Karamatic scored two.
The lono Hornet tally came
in the final period when Bob
Loane intercepted Inky Boe's
forward in midfield and reach
ed the three-yard line. John
Allen passed to Mike Mazaika
for the score.
BOSTON Coley Welch, 160,
Portland Me., awarded decision
over Ralph Zanelli, 151, Provi
dence, (Zanelli disqualified in
sixth for unnecessary , rough
ness.) 1 '
Better and cheaper tires are
promised as a result of the de
velopment of a new process for
mixing carbon black with syn
thetic rubber for the tire, wearing
surface. ,
Drop Ga
To Angels
Champions Score First Win
In Playoffs 5-4, Frisco
-Whitewashes Oakland 1-0
n. M.
PorUand 030 Oil 0004 0 3
Los Angeles 202 000 10X 5 7 a
Helser and Adams; Osborn, Cornelias
6 and Sarnl.
(Portland 3, Lot Angeles 1),
San Francisco . 001 000 000 1 a' 0
Oakland 000 O00 000 0 5 3
Harroil and ogrodowskl; Lots and
(San Francisco 1, Oakland II.
By The Associated Press
The champion Los Aneelet,
Angels ond the San Francisco
Seals registered their initial
Coast league baseball play-off
victories last night, Los An
geles downing Portland 5-4, and
San Francisco blanking Oakland
The Angels were saved In tho
sixth by Pancho Cornelias, who
relieved Don Osborn and held
Portland hitless the rest of the
game. The Angels won in the
seventh as Cecil Garriott scored
the winning run on Ed Sauer's
The Seals tallied their lone
run as Gus Suhr sineled Joe
Futernick home in the third
The results leave Portland a
2-1 series edee. and Oakland
and San Francisco tied at 1-all.
The Seals and Oakland play
today because their initial game
was nullified on a protest by
the Seals.
Los Angeles and Portland are
idle today but doubleheaders
are scheduled for Sunday in
both series.
Oma Knocked Out
But Gets Cheers
From Fight Fans
NEW YORK, Sept. 23 (VP) 1
Frank Czajewski, better known.
as Lee Oma, the Detroit heavy
weight, had his thirteenth
"knocked out by" in the record
books today but he also was
getting a lot of cheers.
The 193-pounder, filling in as
a substitute on two days' no
tice, was flattened in the eighth
round last night by Tamt Mau
rieuuo, the No. 2 ranking civil
ian heavy, before a crowd of
10,496 which paid $24,280 to
get into Madison Square Gar
den. Tami scaled 194.
Mauriello was a prohibitive
favorite over Oma, but the
Bronx boy took a good lacing
from the Michigan man before
landing a. left hook to the chin
which ended the proceedings.
At the end of seven rounds
Oma had a long lead on points
and appeared on his way lo
turning in a startling upset
but instead he was upset for
the fatal 10.
If It's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
in the classified.
Wed. Sept. 27
Music by
1 lvX
, 20 ARTISTS including his
Alio Vocalists
ARMORY wed 27