PACE EICHT Aloha Chapter Friendship night will be ob served by Alona cnapier, wo. oi, Order of the Eastern Star, at the regular meeting Tuesday eve ning, September 26, at the Ma ionie temple, Klnmnth avenue. The evening's entertainment will begin with a potluck dinner at 6;30 o'clock in the dining room of the temple, with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle O. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy in charge. Meat, rolls, butter, coffee, cream, sugar, and potatoes will be furnished. Members and visit ing members are asked to bring either a hot vegetable dish, a salad, a pie, or a cake, and to phone one of the women of the committee what their contribu tion will be. A musical program will be presented, and a ceremonial ad denda representing the value of friendliness will be featured during the regular chapter ses sion. Mrs. Arthur R. Dickson, worthv matron, and Mr. Earl Templar, worthy patron, extend to all members and visiting members a cordial invitation to attend this meeting. Bly Parties BLY Hazel Madison enter tained a group of small children at her home Wednesday, Sep tember 13, at 2:30 o'clock in honor of her son Roger's fourth birthday anniversary. Cake and ice cream were served in the late afternoon. Honoring Roger were. Donna Rouse, Jimmy and Jo Patzke, Judy McGinnis, Maureen and Johnny Mullins, Nancy Luck, Leslie Jane Geijs beck, Billy Hanan, Larry Roben, Gary Robin, Alan John son, Jerrv and Mary Gail Smith, Julie and Elaine Robin, Barbara and Jo Campbell, Ste phen Madison. Mothers assist ing were, Helen Smith, Mable Robin, Janet Mullins, Audrey Geijsbeck and Mildred Rouse. BLY Myrl Lybrand enter tained a group of friends Wed nesday. September 13 in honor of her mother, Mrs. Z. T. Allen. Enjoying the afternoon were, Lucille Hall, Doris Lybrand, Marv Dahms, Lorraine Lybrand, Mildred Guerian, Mattie Erly, Mildred Moorehead, Troy Har din, Virgie Lybrand and the hostess, Myrl Lybrand. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Allen of Sheridan, Arkansas, who have spent the past three weeks visit ing their daughters, Mrs. Wylie Lybrand and.. Mrs. Lawrence Moorehead left Friday, Septem "Mxer 15 for their home at Sheri dan. Mr. and Mrs. Spike Arm strong have had as their house guests the past week, Arm strong's mother, Mrs. Carl Arm strong of Seattle, Wash., and two aunts, Mrs. Evan Nelsen of Seattle and Mrs. W. C. Wheeler of San Francisco. Helen Smith was hostess to the Bridge club Friday evening, September 15. Enjoying the evening were: Nisha Hadley, Thelma Abbott, Mildred Cart- wright. Elizabeth Campbell, Jessie Gifford, Betty Armstrong, Red and Helen Smith. High scores were held by Elizabeth Campbell and Red Smith. Mrs. Walter LaCass held a double birthday party at the Community hall at Ivory Pine in honor of her two sons Fred and Joe. Fred was 10 on Sep tember 11 and Joe was nine September 6. Games were play, ed during the evening and re. freshments served to Martin Clemens. Sally Jane and Danny Abel), Nettie, and He Knaeble, Johnny Wesling, Peggy Algee, Marzelle, James and Donald Garrett. Holly and Frances Mc Millan, Carol Lee Comer, Don ald and Lee Stillwell, Katherine Ann. Elizabeth, Scotty and Tonv McLean, Joan and Suzanne Lar- Key. Mark Stillwell, Geraldine, Lois, Eugene and Peter Larson, Kenneth Patterson, Mrs. LaCass was helped during the evening by Mrs. Merle Knaeble. ' Wed in Nevada MERRILL Mary Ellen Den nehy, daughter of Mrs. Helen Dennehy. and Mr. William D.en nehy, both of . Merrill, became the bride on September 6, of PFC William Leslie Scott of the United States marine corps. The ceremony was performed in Heno with PFC James L. Pacific. His home is in New York City. Drennan and Mrs. Brennan as witnesses. The new Mrs. Scott Is a gradu ate of the Merrill high school and since graduaiion has been employed in the local telephone office. The groom is temporar ily stationed at the Marine Bar racks in Klamath Falls, follow ing 28 months' service in the Mary Curtis cpened the meet ing of Prosperity Rcbekah lodge i when they met Thursday eve ning, September 21, in the IOOF liall. mirl nnn mnmhnr T Evans was admitted by trans fer. Following the business meeting a program commemor ating the founding of Rnbakah lodge was presented; Margery La Fleui read the proclamation of the founding of the lodge; Mrs. Seharfenstein gave three Jiiano solos and Adah Willits read "Rcbekah." The next meet ing, October 5, will be Instruc tion night for new members and Harriet Estes and Kate Hogue , will give the instruc tions. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION Nb (.nut of Time . Permanent Reiallit CR. E. M. MARSHA ' Chlropriotlo Pbrifclufi Mi No. fib Squire Thaatrt Bid o , x V x s x -J x PICTURE FOR DADDY Charlene, 18-month-old daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. G. M. Ad dison, 923 East Main, had this picture taken for her daddy who is stationed at the Marine Barracks. They are former San Fran cisco residents. Comart Women of Moose The Women of the Moose met in regular session Friday, Sep tember 15 at 8 p. m. in the Moose hall. The meeting was called to order by the associate dean, Ruby Bell. Following the business meeting Rose Per kins, war relief chairman, pre sented the chaoter night pro gram. The Eagles drum corps presented a drill and Cpl. Fun nan, a marine and a veteran of Tarawa, told how lives were saved on the battle field by blood plasma, brought to the forces at the front by the Red. Cross. Cpl. Fruchey also told of things the Red Cross does for the boys at the front as well as for those at home, and stressed the importance of salv age of waste paper and fats. The Loyal Order of Moose had been invited to attend this meet ing and a large crowd enjoyed the program. A class of seven candidates was presented by the war re lief committee. They were Joan Rifch, Rae Blankenship, De laney Cunningham, Vivian Bos himich, Wanda Phillips, Paula Pine Hendron and Willa Bark. Under the good of the order Edna Jensen received the spec ial award and May Capps the flower fund. Ruby Bell was appointed publicity chairman. There were two birthdays ob served, Blanche Dixon and Margaret Dabney. It was de cided to change the meeting night from the first and third Fridays of each month back to the former time, the first and third Tuesdays. The committee chairman of the Women of the Moose met in the Moose hall Wednesday, September 13, with graduate associate regent, Jewell Gieger. The card party sponsored that afternoon, had eight tables in play. High score was held by Mildred Wilkinson, second by Lillian Green, and the special award went to Ruby Bell. The chairman of the home making committee, Maude Serg cnt, presided over the meeting held Friday. September 15. A potluck luncheon preceded the business meeting, and 10 mem bers were present. Meeting for the first time this fall, the Happy Day Sewing club was entertained Wednesday eve-1 ning. September 20, at the home : of Mrs. Harry ' Wiard, 2705 j Wiard lane. Attending were i Mrs. H. E. Stiles, Mrs. D. P. I Frcborg, Mrs. P. R. Chamber lain, Mrs. Lloyd Allen, Mrs. F. ' A. Beard, Mrs. Clifford Case, j Mrs. Howard Cramblctt, Mrs. Ernest Zerble and Mrs. W. C. Little. Handwork and Bingo ! filled the evening hours, and in bingo, awards went to Mrs. Case. Mrs. Alien ana Mrs. cramblctt, and the guest award to-Mrs. Stiles. Mrs. H. E. Stiles, 2553 Wiard lane will be hostess for the next meeting, October 3. . If It's a "frozen" article voti need, advertise for a used one In the classified. DAN CEL. AND SIS Klamath Are. DANCE Muttc By PAPPY CORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE Auipicoi V.F.W. Langell Valley LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Edith Jones entertained the Guild of St. Barnabas church at the parish hall on Thursday af ternoon, inc ladies diet guild sewing and enjoyed a social afternoon, following the busi ness meeting. Mrs. Footc was given the afternoon gift. Dainty refreshments were served at 4:30 o'clock to Zelma Foote, Nonie People. Myrtle Johnson. Glenna Jones. Madge Monroe, Lcla Mur ray, Hazel Morrison and rlor ence Botkins. The next meeting will be with Virginia Thomas at her home on October a. Mrs. Harry Frazier entertain ed with a bridge party at her home on September 14. High score for the afternoon went to Mrs. Claude Murray, second high to Mrs. Paul Monroe and Mrs. Allan Gale received the trav eling award. Refreshments were served at the close of cards to Mrs. Charles Revell. Mrs. Claude Murray, Mrs. Mary Leidy. Mrs. Lester Leavitt, Mrs. Paul Mon roe, Mrs. Mary Smith. Mrs. Mal colm Teare and Mrs. Allan Gale. The ladies of the Guild of St. Barnabas church gave a surprise party on Monday afternoon hon oring Mrs. Charles Revell, who is leaving soon. A shower of tea towels and pot-holders was given ior ner new nome. Sewing and social convcrsa- tion was enjoyed and tea was served at 4:30 o'clock. Those enjoying the affair were Mrs. Kevell. Mrs. Frank Popple, Mrs. Beal, Mrs. Walter Foote and David. Mrs. Ed Jones and Elaine. Mrs. Homer Roberts, Mrs. Mike uearborn, Mrs. Paul Monroe, Mrs. Allan Gale, Mrs. Claude Murray, Mrs. Florence Botkins Mrs. Herbert Jones and Kenneth Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Reg Thbmns and Margaret, Mrs. Owen Popple, Hazel Morrison and Mrs. Lcs Leavitt. New Daughter A babv uirl. Judith Kathleen, was born last week to Mrs. Burrell Webb, the former Roberta Heidrich of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Webb are now making their home in San rrancisco. El Padre Closed for Remodeling WILL OPEN SOON- Watch for Opening Date HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS,. OREGON Wed Monday In a simple wedding ceremony read at 11:30 o'clock Monday morning at the Klnmnth temple, Mrs. Orlrnn Jobc and Mr. Rob ert B. Toogood were married In the presence of a smull group of friends. Officiating minister was the Rev. Dnniel B. Anderson. The new Mrs. Toogood chose a dove grey costume suit with lavender accessories nnd wore a corsage of roses, Mrs. Timothy Murphy nnd Mr. O. V, Gibson attended the couple. Immediately nfler the cere mony there was a luncheon given for Mr, nnd Mrs. Toogood in the pnrty room of the Peli can and the tnble whs prettily centered with a bowl of autumn flowers. Places were luld for the bride nnd groom, Rev, nnd Mrs. Dnniel B. Anderson, Orn Mac Hawkins. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Rawlings, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd D. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Laberee, Mrs. Timothy Murphy of Dunsmuir, and Mr. nnd Mrs. O. V. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Toogood nre making their home here, Brides Honored TULELAKE Three new brides, Mrs. C, A. Mnharry and her two step-daughters, Mrs. Thomas McMackin and Mrs. Jim mie Patrick were honored with a three-way shower at the C. A. Maharry home, Thursday after noon, September 14. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. F, W, McGuiro, Mrs. Alfred Mnharry, Mrs. George M. Knsperinn. Esth er Rider and Mary Ellen Mnhar ry. A host of lovely gifts were re ceived for the new homes. All of the honor guests will make their homes here for the present. Invited for the afternoon were Mrs. C. H. Moore. Mrs. Grace Moldc, Mrs. William Hodges, Mrs. Roy Tllley. Mrs. Alvin Bucll, Mrs. Cecil Buell.i Mrs. Paul Brown. Mrs. Jay How ard. Mrs. L. I. Crawford. Mrs. Ruby Williams, Rose McGuirc, Lulu King, Peggy King, Jnnnnn Pal rick, Dolores Leithold, Mrs. Floyd King, Mrs. Christine Leit hold. Murlcne Bucll, Mrs. Phil Leidhold, Ollie Moore, Maxine Buell, Jenn Minnis, Mrs. Murl Patrick, Lillian Decker, Virgie Hodges. Married Here MT. LAKI A few immediate relatives witnessed the lovely home wedding of Mrs. Bella V. Dawson and Mr. L. C. Regnier on Friday, September 22, at 11 o clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hugh Bronson of Tulc lake Presbyterian church, and formerly pastor at Mt. Laki, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Thompson of Mt. Laki. Mrs. Thompson is a sbtcr of the bride. The rooms were attractive with bouquets of fall flowers. The new Mrs. Regnier has re sided in Klamath Falls for the past 33 years. She, with her two sons, managed the home ranch for the past eight years, until one and one-half years ago when she disposed of the place known as the L. B. Dawson ranch. Mr. Regnier, formerly of Los Angeles, is now located at Sweet Home, Ore., where the couple will reside. Refreshments were served, after which the newlywcds left for a short honeymoon. The community extends its very 1 pest wisnes to tne couple, Classifier' Ads Bring Results THE PACIFIC TILIPHONI 120 North Sth Street HAZEL WEARS BOWS Little Hazel Washburn, four-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mildred Washburn, 2125 Ri-i-liuniitioii, has a fetching hair-do and closely resembles the little movie star. Margaret O'Urienl Contort Ilomeiiinkiiio' From th Officii of th Horn Demonstration Agont A TELEPHONE symposium on Klnmnth wild plums, which this department held with sev eral local women, disclosed tht fact (hat. while there arc several methods of preserving this fa mous Klamath basin product, the two favorites arc those of milk ing jelly and Jnm. MRS. GEORGE WRIGHT of fered this time tested recipe for wild plum preserves which Dr. Wright's mother, one of the pi oneers of our country, used yeirs ago. She washed nnd pitted the plums, then ndded nn equnl weight of sugar nnd allowed them to stny In the sun for 24 hours, or until the sugar has been well absorbed Into the fruit. Then she cooked them un til they reached the consistency she desired. MRS. EARL GARDNER sug gested that they would be es pecially good ns a conserve. A Allen Adding Machinal Friden Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks - Chairs - Files For thou hard-to-get items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls IT'S mt TELEPHONE RUSH. Every nighl thouiandi of service men and women dash to the near est telophonoi to talk with families ond friends at home. Most of the Long Distance calls from camps and naval stations are crowded Into a few short hours. Many circuits are likely to be crowded at that time and It helps a lot when you keep the lines clear from 7 to 10 for service men and women. Buy War Bonds for Victor AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Tolophono 3101 ''.' V, ' llioliliolils recipe which might bo used as a basis Is: 4 pounds of plums 2 lemons (Juice nnd grated rind.) 2 pounds seedless, raisins 0 cups sugar 2 cups walnuts Wash plums, remove seeds, weigh fruit. Combine all In gredients except nut mcnts. Conk until thick. Blanch nut incuts 2 minutes, drnln, cut or chop, Add to mixture Just before re moving from stove. Pour Into sterilized Jars nnd will while hot MRS. E. A. GEARY, another Ar N ewcomer You can make new friends while directly helping our wounded men! . Pome Down To Red Cross Headquarters For a Few Hours Each Week Because Your Help Is Needed To Make Bandages Workroom conditions are pleasant, with proper ventila tion and good lighting. Co-workers and instructors ok congenial., Come and help fold bandaqes any time on MONDAY 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. TUESDAY through FRI. 12:00 to 4:00 P. M. , MON. and THURS. Nights 7:00 to 10:00 MAIN STREET WORKROOM--4I8 MAIN Klamath County Chapter American Red Cross hinnrinnkrr who mny well bp termed an authority 1111 iirminm. lion 01 inn iron, mull nun ml( hnn known of few cm ly-dny re dent of the county who dried wild plums. They cnu then bo cooked and used for snure or they mny bo rnlen out of hand In tho dried mum, MRS. HAROLD M, IlllOWN. whimo prowo.w na a milker of de licious thing" to cut this column hns long held in high esteem, snys Hint sua use mis, wrigiit ' method, Dill Hi" dors mil lenvu them for 24 hours. She Just pits them, nnd cooks them with 11 weight of sugar equal to the weight of the plums until they thicken up, FOOD MARKETS are featur ing two relatively newcomers to tho seuson's fresh food collection III grimes (concords for lei v. making next week, they any) nnd In the winter types of squnsli. This week will mink Hie end 01 hip pencil sensou, pears are at their peak, and to nuitoes will become fewer and mora expensive from now on. ONCE MORE mny wo rail your attention to the Christmas- tin sealing service which tne of. flea of the homo demonstration agent Is offering during the over seas mailing period, Sepleinhi'i' 3 to October 15. Edibles which do not require processing may bo sealed right ill thp oilier. If tup iiomemiiKer will nring litem up. She can purchase Hut runs there, and lubels, In accordance with nostofflco requirements, arc available. If you wish to smut Unit man of yours some wild plum pre serves, for Instance, or other mm- liquid food treat, get your neigh. burs together and mnko a big batch of lam or Jelly. Thnn Mrs. Gillcn. by appointment, will bring the tin can sealer to tho gathering, and tho food can be safely processed. MRS. E. J. LAHODA of Malln came Into the office as this col umn wns going to press, and said that shn hns an unusual and fain- r lid DEWEY 50,00 CLUB Here's My Dollar For Dewey. Nnma .. , Address ....,.. Phone .. Membership card and 50001 pin will bo scntonitct' of this opplicotion ond fee. Bring or mail to 313 Van it. Phono 6116. mmamtmmmmmmm Pd. Adv. by Thlna !Cw, trvuurar e Y o u to Kl amath IJJJbjrjj, '"""".iiiiLi IlllllllOltl.l , '""!' In tht."i""H ' ""TH Will ' co..,,.,. . ' 1 '.ien,i. ;.rhlw: s..."!L"'"l.(eT Mninnth Kan', Wil aim ncccMorlp, 'lhJ ho Soiuhr V" 'mi,..! "'l iey wi ',t tilbJ TANirra . I'OIITl.ANh T'. ,ltlv". OrcZ. M ; ""unit con n, he tanker il J ' "' inn hlpya ' l "legation of lloj?'., . ,, --"lUiC wr weapon. SlZ.L' seme IV, ,ct TTS ; writes: "Ui ! J Him down bouik . " '"''".re him; thA' shadow tho nimiJ..' ."''I make (ll.covtry , port of in, ' utVtLOPINC ENLARCINC PRINTING . PHOTO SERVICE 211 UndVwood Bldf. A Falls?