Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 23, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    MttAur 23, 1944
fete. Veterans
Kt VFW Party
9 . ...I. Il.-irt fniifiiH. f LTI. n. i. . .
j An ouiim"" rails' hospitably to service
i auci w;im'M was the entertainment given In the hiKli srhw
Sllorli.m Thursday (vi-ning hy Iho Veterans of Foreign wTrs
Z and the mix linrv for service men nm woinVn whii
& ....Mi overseas ;rv . Tho marines predominated, of coup,
,1 those Mimui.uu v uiu urn hicks ore on vclornns of foreign
fpni Post Commander Jnmcs Souther welcomed the guest,
i"'r '"" "". '?-itl'.''".'"'."'. '!'"" '"'rortueed the .Into ,ll"trict
,1 miniiiiiiKicr, i-ein p rracriCK-i
J. 0f firmilM Puss, who gave a
5rv Interesting tnlk, speaking
2 the history of tho VFW. lie
Mltl IM"t ,v I -
5(1000 veterans nf foreign
ir I" service in thn present!
Jnfllrl, unci stressed the need to
ulp cx-scrvlce men upon their
turn to rlvllinn life. Me nlso
Suched upon conditions In prls
Jtaniiu, nnd lis lie hits n sister
Japanese internment ennip
Jrt another a prisoner of the
jermmiKi he spoke with great
Bll'lie Benson, cliirinel, nnd
fcnnlo Shepherd, trumpet, piny
San Instrumental duet, ncciini
Jnlcil hy Mrs. Mnrvin Slicp.
Jrd. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E, Loiter
Xll'yiive guitar uiul uecurdlnn
foil, "Oregon," find "Memories
A '88," John Curler accompan
M at thn plniici by Louise Burn,
jirl, .hi n (t "Cleaning My Hide
ipd ThinkliiK of Yon" nnd n
tjombonc solo by Steve Stone,
Jcompiinied by Mrs. Sherman
Srler. was followed by n tnlk
Bill C.'nnton upon "Member
Zip and Its Moaning."
ifve flenson then presented
,mc ' her pupils In n program
IntlSIC IIIIU lldlll-l. rilM WHS
punish dnnec by Dnllic Frank
Linda Kmnklin, Dnrlene
ice nwl Grnce Cnldwell; "Tap
nt the Keg" by Unrleno Trice;
no solo by Nnney Swem, n
o$t artist from Medronl; Run
in danee by Holly Friinklln,
ndn Franklin nnd Grnco Cnld-
"Mlss KInmnth," Jenn Rolln,
jive n vocnl solo nnd Phoebe
Swem, guest nrlist iilso from
Urdfiirrl, gave nn accordion solo,
jjarlcnc Price gave a mllilnry
jip dunce, nnd Mrs. Molly Wal
jjr, who hns seven sons In the
irvicc, five of them oversells,
fas then introduced nnd award
id the VFW citizenship medal,
Itr presentation being mndc by
?r. Krederickson.
H. D. Mortensen was nlso
given the VFW citizenship mednl
ll an outstanding citizen for
ill itenerosity in providing
Soxes for oversens shipment lo
mermen nnd women, nnd Mr.
Irwicrickson rend and present
id the cilnlion to him. Mr. Mor
ttnjcn in reply thanked the post
and expressed his appreciation.
Commander nnd Mrs. E. G.
Bailey, senior mcdlcul officer of
ttic nnvnl air bnse, were then in
troduced lo the oilier uucsts, and
fiarlcnc Knowlcs, Jonn Abner,
llaino Erb and Lindn Franklin
jlNSIGHTLY blackheads, oil
U and waste products of the
Ain accumulated in the form
V hard little
plugs or enps
in the sebaceous
oil glands,
jhould bo re
loved because
pcy Impede the
junction nf llic
ill glands nnd
find to stretch
the skin pores.
lido from their very looks.
THE first, and most Important
I step In removing black
leads in rtpnnllness. Wash vnur
wee and hands thoroughly with j
I mild soap and warm water,
lake sure vnu have a eood
wvy lather and use cither a !
lough, heavy washcloth or n
j"i"Picxion orusn. Atier scrun-1
PC rinse your face first In !
!rm water several limes so
hat every Iraco of soap Is re
liovetl. Then pat cold water
w your Xaco a few limes.
HERE the blackheads are
more firmly entrenched, a
Jfcond step Is necessary follow
N the scrubbing. While your
1 is sllll flushed nnd tho cir
wlnlion has been stirred up
rroigh the vigorous scrubbing,
M a heavy lnyer of lubricating
fcnni o v o r tho area where
Jlackhends are noticeable. Allow
j 'o remain on a couplo of
inittes In nr4ff in cnrirn the
Ejiln surface. Then romovo tho
foss cream with (Issnn Next.
Wi I Issue . covered fingers,
Fs the skin whoro tho black-
RCrHr n,n n ..-..it- -..,1 .-..I
j f,ulo .vour skin. Complete the
; TOImenl by patting tho skin
J'ltn a mild skin freshener or
i ccr.
! .'
ER extremely stubborn cases,
'HI further attention may
, needed. After scrubbing the
"'nm it with a hot towel
?r ny holding your face over a
J'sln nf steaming water for
C'l. flvc ml""1- Then fo.
w 'no samo procedure.
lOriK workers . are heeded
IVI in (Km n-.i n ...Hrtinn1
were presented In n lap dance
number. There wn, n Chinese
character dance by Durlenr
Price, and Jean llnlin sang "Tin
Ling Low" as tho aeeompnni
ment. She nlso sang "Star Span
gled Hanncr" and tops were
Tho uuxllinry served coffee lo
the guests, and the evening
ended with an hour of friendly
5 S 5
Senor Circle
There was a regular meeting
of the senior circle of the Com
munity ConiircKiilionnl church
I'l'lday, September 15, in the
Community hull on Garden
with Mrs. K. L. Mitchell and
Mrs. If. s. Stono the hostesses.
I'ollowlng dessert at 1:30
n clock, the president, Mary
Kekstein. presided. Mrs. Van
Diizer, of thn Junior circle. Rave
a very inlerestlnt! and Informa
live report upon the northwest
ern conference held recently in
Forest Grove.
Attending were Mrs. Mattie
Haiilcy, Mrs. Lena Lilcs, Mrs.
Lee Sutton, Mrs. Onn Batiley,
Mrs. S. II. Goddard, Mary Eck
stein. Mrs. Van Duzer, Mrs. L.
E. Henry nnd Michael. Mrs. W.
O. Lohrey, Mrs. W. E. Youiir.
of Yreka, the guest of Mrs. E.
L. Mitchell. Mrs. W. C. Little
and Mrs. William Larson.
Junior Matrons
The Junior Matrons of the
First Methodist church held a
regular meeting, the first of
the fall, on Fridny, September
8, at the home of Mrs. J. n.
McLellan, 1114 Crescent, with
Mrs. Stewart Sncll assisting.
Mrs. M. H. Melchert presided
over the business meeting, nnd
Mrs. Eunice Brown, who is
Icnving soon was presented with
n going-away gift from the
After the business meeting
foundation fitting !
Dainty Lace Trimmed
Designed to hold your
stockings in place and
give minimum control
to your tummy. Made
of fine quality rayon
and cotton satin with
cotton lace trim. 4 94
Inches at front. Back
adjusts to 4 sizes. Ad
justnble gnrtcrs. Nude.
Sizes 24 to 34.
ill "I
tM s"Jt i (' X w
Mrs. William P. Campbell, the former Anita Gwyn, and her
attractive young daughter, Gail. The little girl is just six months
old. Guderian
Mrs. Sncll had charge of games,
and awards went to Mrs. Mel
chert, Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Case. Refreshments were served
later to Mrs. Victor Phillips,
Mrs. David Snyder, Mrs. Peter
Rozcndal, Mrs. Bruce Binkley,
Mrs. Eunice Brown. Mrs. Floris
Case, Mrs. John Yadon. Mrs.
Walter Herndon, Mrs. M. H.
for expert
Sleek, Smooth Fitting
Built tip top for full
bust. Mercerized cotton
batiste. Lined through
out; Htt.ractively stitch
ed. Boning at points
where you need it most
to give correct figure
control. 15-inch panels
of elastic at. sides. Four
adjustable garters.
Length waist down, 15
inches. Nude. Sizes 39
to 48.
WV V ..j
Melchert, Mrs. Wendell B.
Smith, Audra Fulquartz and the
The meeting on Friday, Oc
tober 6, will be held at the
home of Mrs. David Snyder, and
Mrs. Audra Fulquartz will assist.
Victory Club
Pearl McPherson was elected
president of the Midland Victory
club at the Wednesday meeting
neia scpiemrjer mi, ai 1110 nornc
of Mrs. Barbara Mistier. Other
officers installed during the
afternoon were Vada Schmcck,
vice president, Barbara Mistier,
secretary-treasurer, and Thclma
lloiick, reporter.
Most of the afternoon was
spent in making slippers for the
fted Cross, and plans were made
for sending Christmas boxes to
six Midland servicemen who are
Award for the afternoon was
presented to Ruth Burke.
Present at the meetings were
Mrs. Katie Phlpps, Mrs. Jack
Casebier, Dianna Casebier, Mrs.
Lena Houck, Mrs. Pearl McPher
son, Nancy McPherson, Marilyn
McPherson, Mrs. Ruth Burke,
Eddie Burke, Gary Burke, Mrs.
Edna Travcrs, Mrs. Blanch
Flowers, Georgia Flowers. Don
na Flowers, Mrs. Jean Wilson,
Barbara Jean Wilson, Mrs. Vada
Schmeck, Mrs. Thclma Houck,
Leland Houck and Mrs. Louise
Farewells Said
Mrs. Ted Propstcr, Mrs. Breb
ncr Saethcr and Mildred Cal
hoon, who have resigned their
positions with the Weyerhaeuser
Timber company, were guests of
honor at a combined farewell
party given for them Tuesday
evening, September 12, at Moore
While wieners were being
roasted around an outdoor fire
place, a poem, written for, and
dedicated to the honor guests,
was read, followed by other en
tertainment. Going-away gifts
were presented to Mrs. Propstcr,
Mrs. Saelher and Miss Calhoon.
Bidden to the affair were Mrs.
Homer Amoureaux, Mrs. Bob
Speelmon, Mrs. Wendell Smith,
Mrs. Kulus Quillen, Mrs. Bill
Newton, Mrs. Romainc Thomas,
Lillian LaClair, Dannie Hall,
Neli Lindbergh, Joyce Landrum,
Charlotte Converse, Pauline
Johnson. Ruth Boettcher. Lillian
Baker, Margaret Blair, Delia
Stark and Vienna Walker.
Neighbors Meet
The Neighbors of Woodcraft
met in the luu' nan, Monday
evening, September 18, for a
regular business meeting, follow'
ed by whist and a notluck sup
per. Sylvia Brannan, who is
soon to leave Klamath Falls, was
1 St x
Dorothy Mae Pomroy holds
the rank of seaman, first class,
in the WAVES. She is stationed
at Coronado near San Diego
and is in communications. Sea
man Pomroy is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sexton, 4615
Cannon avenue.
presented with a gift from the
lodge, the presentation made by
Dicksy Weed. Committee for
the evening included Mildred
Smith and Willan Floetke.
The next meeting. October 2,
will be in the KC hall, as it was
decided to hold- future meetings
there. The committee will be
Eva Richardson and Dicksy
Fall Meeting
Friendship Court, Order of
the Amaranth, met in the Mason
ic temple Wednesday evening,
September 20, for the first fall
meeting. Following a business
s e s s i o n, refreshments were
served from a prettily arranged
table with Mrs. Charlotte Martin
in charge. . She was assisted by
Mrs. Alfreda Steinmetz.
The next meeting will be held
October 18, with initiation of
Showers were iven for Mrs.
Dee Kerns and Mrs. Cleon Hurl
bert on Tuesday, September 21,
at the home of Mrs. Gussie Frain
on the Keno road.
Presents were tied to Dink and
blue ribbons streaming from a
large sioric placed in tne center
of the room, and the pastel color
scheme was carried out in crepe
paper decorations throughout the
room. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Frain. assisted bv her
daughter, Mrs. Vera Clemmens.
tricnds of the honored guests
who attended the shower are
Mrs. Rose Kerns, Mrs. Bea Galas
py, Mrs. Ellamae Daw, Mrs. Cor
dia Everhart, Mrs. Florence Bal
dock, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. Anna
Zarosinski, Mrs. Zclphla Her
rick, Mrs. Ruth Parsons, Mrs.
Lizzie Letzsinger, Mrs. Helen
House, Mrs. Nellie Anderson,
Mrs. G. Miller, Mrs. Mabel Fos
ter, Mrs. Mae Bradbury, Mrs. T.
Dennison, Mrs. Bertha Moore,
Mrs. Grace Ramsey Mrs. Mabel
Huskinson Mrs. Lorraine Ander
son, Mrs. Esther Simmers and
Mrs. lone Hull.
Farewell Party
Dancing beneath the blue and
white streamers decorating the
basement rumpus room of the
G. W. Gilcrist home was en
joyed by a large group of young
people at the "going away party"
given by Frances Gilcrist last
Saturday night for Noel Dects,
who left for the service on Thurs
Coffee was served by Mrs. G.
W. Gilcrist, assisted by Mrs.
W. H. Deets. After the party,
Frances and her friends went to
the midnight show.
Guests were Noel Deets, Ray
Byrnes, Genevieve Heup, PFC
John Matter, USMC, Janice
Bilyeu, Tom Bessonette, Betty
Adkisson, Edro Bonatto, Mary
Lou Fowler, Steve Kessler,
Elaine Wicker, Bob Heup, Cora
Now You Can Send
Flowers -By -Wire
724 Pine St.
M&atb NEW
There has never been a season when
furs were more important. We hove all
fashions, but the quality of the pelts
with us, and always will.
j if'l ' 'Tt&Lf'fai
- if " '' '
At '
John Wayne is the one-year-old
son of Pvt. and Mrs. Clif
ford Engelking. Daddy is in
New Guinea with the United
States army and mother lives
at 1434 Oregon avenue. John's
birthday was September 20.
Wolfe, Angelo Giovannini, Pat
Benoist, Evan Dickson, Fern
Pennington, Jack Wissenbach,
Joyce Cox, Lloyd Chidester, Viv
ian Dirschl, Earl Hannen, Lois
Bishop, Louis Bickers, and Von
nie Bridge.
Phone 5560
fashions in
these new
comes first
Jfosslng rooml
PHONE 5188
EverbciJifs Drug
808 "Main