Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 01, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    Y , PAGE SIX
Ortolier 1, 1043
ClamatU GUuAxdt
The coming Sunday evening
the First Presbyterian churcn
will resume its evening service
at 7:30 o'clock. It will be of
general interest to note that
Ernest H. Moser, an elder in
this church, and for many years
a missionary in the Cameroun
section of West Africa, is to give
the address. It will be remem
bered that Moser was on a ship
sunk some place off the Atlantic
. seaboard. The ship sank so
swiftly that the passengers and
crew were fortunate to escape
with their lives, although all
personal effects and most of the
clothing was lost.
Moser and his wife represent
the highest consecration in mis
sionary endeavor and have been
separated, due to health reasons
and war conditions, for some
years past. They have been
working under the Foreign Mis
tion Board of the Presbyterian
church, U. S. A. Mrs. Moser was
formerly Miss Edna uunDar.
It is hoped that their many
friends will avail themselves of
this opportunity to hear him in
this informal evening meeting
At the First Presbyterian
church, during the eleven o'clock
morning worship, the Sacrament
of Communion will be admin
istered. New members are to
be received into the fellowship.
Sunday Red-Letter
Day in Lutheran
Hour History
Next Sunday will be a red-
letter day in the history of the
Lutheran Hour. Not only will
it mark the start of the second
decade of Lutheran Hour broad
casting, but the return of the
regular speaker, Dr. Walter A.
Maier, who had taken a much
needed rest over the summer
, Dr. Maier, in this initial broad'
cast of the new Lutheran Hour
season, will speak from the Chi
cago stadium, where a huge mass
meeting is being held next sun
day. The Lutheran Hour may
be heard every Sunday after
noon at 1 o'clock over our local
station KFJI, and is sponsored
locally by Zion Lutheran church,
the "Church of the Lutheran
First Methodist .
"In the Heart of the City,'
at North Tenth and High
streets. Rev. Victor Phillips,
minister. Andrew Loney Jr.
director of music. Mrs. John
O'Connor, organist. Minister's
residence 1005 High street, tele
phone 368tt.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Organ prelude, "He Shall Feed
His Flock from "The Messiah"
. by Handel. The processional
will Be, "Holy, Holy, Holy'
organ offertory, "Caro Mio
Ben," by Giordani. The choir
will sing the anthem, "God Is
a bpirit," by Kooyloff. Mrs,
John O'Connor will play a spe
cial organ solo, "Alpine Maid s
Sunday," by Ole Bull. The
organ postlude will be "A
Mighty Fortress Is Our Go'd,"
by Luthur. In the absence of
the pastor the guest preacher
win De Major William Currie,
of the local Salvation Army.
Church Sunday school will
meet at 9:45 a. m. Dr. -Peter
H. Rozendal is the general su
perintendent and there are
classes and graded lessons for
all age groups. Methodist
Youth Fellowship meets at 7
. p. m. All young people, are
cordially invited to attend these
meetings for youth.
First Methodist seeks to be
of service to the whole com
munity and the public is in
vited to all our worship serv
ices and social and varied ac
tivities. Tha Salvation
Fourth and Klamath. Special
rally day services.
, Sunday school, 10 a. m.
YPL. 6:30 p. m.
All in attendance at these
two services will receive 10
cent defense stamps.
Holiness meeting, 11 a. m,
Evangelistic service 8 n. m.
Lieut. Aleta Bravo from El
' Pas, and a product of Klamath
Falls Salvation Army corps
will be the guest speaker at
au tnese services.
"Let us go up to the House
oi the Lord and give thanks
unto His Holy name for all His
bountiful prevision made for
, Litter-Day Saints
Latter-Day Saints meetings
are held in the city library club
rooms on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. E.
E. Burrows, branch president,
phone 8293 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings are
held at 10 a. m with separa
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class
is. Sacrament service is held
sach Sunday evening at 6
Elders working In the Klam
'ith district may be reached at
MO0 Hilyard street
Church Notice
AU church notices for Fri
day night's Herald and News
should b In by I o'clock on
Thursday afternoon in order
to appear In tha paper.
The Rev. L. B. Sigle will sup
ply the pulpit at the First Baptist
church. North Eighth and Wash
ington streets, Sunday, October
Mr. Sigle was the former pas
tor of the local church and served
the congregation until 1933 when
he went into missionary and
evangelistic work. At present
he is employed as missionary for
the Interstate Baptist missioi:.
an organization which has as its
main purpose the evangelization
of the defense areas, and the
establishment of churches in the
larger cities.
While in Klamath Falls, the
Rev. Sigle will assist C. A. Water-
house at Keno in the establish
ment of a newly organized mis
Mr. Siale is making his home
in Tacoma, Wash., and has re
cently been working in the Port
Orchard area. He comes to
Klamath Falls and the First
Baptist church as a friend to
many hundreds in uus commun
ity. The pastor urges all the
church families to hear tne riev.
Sigle Sunday.
Church of the Nasarane
Corner of Martin and Garden
streets. Bertrand F. Peterson,
pastor. Residence, 620 Martin.
Telephone 4870.
The church will observe
World Communion Sunday at
11 o'clock following the mes
sage, "The Cross Across the
Table." by the pastor. Church
school meets at 9:45 a. m. Mrs.
Emil Hearth, superintendent, in
vites people of all ages to attend
The youth group meets at 6
o'clock for prayer. Following
this, at 6:30 p. m., under the
leadership of Jeanne Dixon, the
young people meet in devotional
session, uerrnce Peterson is in
charge of the junior groups at
the same hour with songs, chor
uses and illustrated lesson.
Ollie Speirs directs evangelis
tic singing at 7:30 p. m. Follow
ing testimony and prayer serv
ice, the pastor will bring the
evangeiisic message.
Regular meeting of the
church board will be Monday,
7:30 p. m., at the parsonage.
Our church joins in the spe
cially arranged service of the
Young People's Church of the
Air under leadershiD of Percy
Crawford and his workers at
the high school auditorium on
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, continuing
studies in Sa notification and
Holiness, Wednesday at . 7:30
p. m. Bring your Bibles!
cnoir practice under direction
of Ollie Speirs. Thursday, 7:30
p. m.
Assembly of Cod
746 Oak strf.pt Sv A Ha,.
old Persing, pastor. Residence,
Services tonight (Saturday) at
Mil n Olnr-lr h uanfla irt Hpiim
Yorke of Portland will preach.
services lor Sunday:
Ktlnriav e-Vinl Q-iK a m
with Mrs. Virgil Hamblin in
Mornlntf wnrshfn. 11 nVlnV-
Ynnnff nprmlA's tanrlM fl-5n
p. m. Jim Kennerly in charge.
F.lancpHctif. enrvipa at H-m
p. m. Evangelist Yorke will
Servirpc fnr fh wb-
Meetines every nipht at 7-3n
O'clock extent Mnnrlav
Ladies Missionary society
meets ai me cnurcn Wednesday,
xv a. m.
Tha Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Major and Mrs. Currv will he
in charge of the regular iprvifvt
this coming Sunday, and they in
vite you to tjiy or all of the fol
lowing: Sunday. 10 a. m Siinrl nv
school and Bible classes.
6:30 p. m. Young neorile'a
Saturdays. Tuesdays. Thura.
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaitx vim
at all these gatherings. Come
and sing the dorinu Clnmnmt
songs that refresh and strength
en. Come and meditate and pray
so that you may be able to face
the tremendous problems of life
these troublous rlava with aitu
and Christian fortitude.
Apostolic Faith
At 228 North Rishth
Under the electric ! "T..
the Light of the World."
Sunday, 9:30 a. m Sunday
school with Classen anrl oftlxlont
teachers for all ages and grades.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
7:45 D. rn Krwarial nrchaatva -
lections with Evelyn Craig di
recting, also selected vocal num
bers followed by personal tes
timonies. fYinr-liirlfntf ,IU -
i-iM, m
fundamental gospel sermon by
spirn-tiud ministers.
Wednesday and Friday, 8
D. m.. refftllar rvi,Aa Pai-jIIbI
Invitation to all services is ex-
vended the public. Collections
are never taken. Come as vou
"Young People's Church of the
Air" quartet with Percy Craw
ford and Al Zehlout and his sing
ing violin, with Mrs. Crawford at
the piano, will appear Tuesday,
October 5, at 8 p. m. at the Klam
ath Union high school auditor
ium. This is America's outstanding
young people's radio program
heard every Sunday over KFJI
at 1:30 o'clock.
A section of Jhe center seating
will be reserved for young peo
ple of high school age as a sing
ing organization, which will be
led by a member oi the Crawford
The following churches are co
operating in this service: First
rTesc-yterian, first Covenant,
Salvation Army, First Baptist,
Assembly of God. Immanuel Bap
tist, Klamath Temple, Church of
the Nazarene and the Bible Bap
tist, with their young people's or
ganizations. From reports of meetings re
cently held in California, record
breaking crowds have been in
attendance. Tne public is urged
10 come earty lor a seal.
Church Services to
Be Held in Keno
School Sundays
KENO Rev. C. A. Water-
house is in charge of services
which are - now being held in
the grade school building. There
will be Sunday school services
at 10 a. m cnurch services at
11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Begin
ing Monday, October 4 Rev. L.
B. Sigle. inter-state missionary,
will conduct meetings each
evening through Friday, Oc
tober 18.
Immanuel Baptist
North Eleventh and High
streets. Rev. William B. Rice,
pastor. Residence. 712 North
Third street: telephone 7400. C.
E. Logerwell, director of music.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. At
tention all members of this Sun
day school! Next Sunday, Octo
ber 3. is promotion day. sev
eral will be receiving their cer
tificates and graduating to
higher classes. You may be one
of these, so don't miss coming
this Sunday. A program has
been planned and we know
you U enjoy it, Mrs. Benson is
in charge.
Morning worship service, 11
o'clock. A quiet devotional hour
spent in worshiping the Lord.
It's a fine thing to get away
from the cares of life for an
hour of fellowship with Chris
tians and with the Lord who
has an answer for every prob
lem oi me.
Evening gosoel hour. 7:30
o'clock. Please note this change
of time. A half hour of singing
and special music and a short
message from the Book of Reve
lation entitled, "The Church of
the Laodiceans." This is the
last message in a series on the
Seven Churches of Asia. Bring
your Bible and a friend.
Young people's meeting Sun-
aay evening at e o clock. Please
consider this a personal invita
tion to our meeting. Let's have
at least 25 young folks at the
church next Sunday night.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer
and Bible study at the church.
Personal work is our subject
and we always give time for
questions, win you be there?
Remember Perrv rVawfni-H
will be at the high school audi
torium next Tuesday night.
Every young person ought to at
tend this service.
"The , Friendly, Bible-loving
,!.." 1 iwamam falls."
(Northern Convention).
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent streets.
L. K. Johnson, pastor. 1175
Crescent street. Phone 3452.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Junior choir, 9:15 a. m. Sunday.
Mrs. L. K. Johnson, director;
Mrs. R. H. Mickels, accompan
ist Worship hour, 11 a. m.
Council meeting Monday, Oc
tober 4, 8 p. m., at the church.
Ladies' Aid Tuesday, October
5, 2 D. m. Mrs. C. Owen anrl
Mrs. A. Ovgaard, hostesses.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday,
i.ou p. rn. mr. Jonnson, direc
tor; Mrs. C. P. Brandsness. ac
companist. Ladies' Aid brown
bread and bean supper, October
28. Confirmation class, Thurs
days, 7:30 p. m.
Klamath Lutheran church
welcomes all who wish to wor
ship. If you are a stranger in
the city seeking a church home.
we sincerely invite you to wor-
snip and work with us.
Saersd Heart
Eighth and High streets.
Sunday Masses: 6, 8, 9:30 and
11 a. m.
Holy Day Masses: 8, 8 and
9:30 a. m.
Weekday Mass: 8 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, Eves
of Holy days and first Fridays
from 3 to 4 p. m. and from
7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
A beektet cenMnlnf tht opinion of fsm
mm doctor on tM. Intomting sublKt win
k Met FREE, whit fhty tot, to any moat
writing to tht Cduutlonjl OMiion, SIS
fit Ava, Now York, N. Y., Bapt. K.Ktt
First Baptist
North Eighth street at Wash
ington. "The Church with
Message." Rev. Cecil C. Brown,
pastor. Residence, 414 North
bigiiui suieij piiuiiu no,.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m
George O. Welch, superintend
ent. Morning worship service,
11 o'clock. In the absence of the
pastor. Rev. L. B. Sigle. former
pastor of tha church, will have
charge of all services next Sun
day and will bring the message
both morn rut and evening.
The training service begins at
6:30 p. m. with a union for each
age group from beginners to
adults. C. R. Larson is director.
This service is devoted to giv
ing practical training in Chris
tian service to those who at
tend. At 7:30 p. m. a rousing gos
pel song service win be con
ducted by H. G. Shirey Just
preceding the evening message
Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday, 7:30 p. m., followed by
cnoir rehearsal at 8:30 p. m.
The radio service. "The Old
Fashioned Church,'' will be
neara at 8:13 a. m.
Pilgrim Holiness
Rev. William L. McGlasson,
pastor. Church located at 3229
wantland street.
Sunday. 9:45 a. m.. Mrs. J. C.
Hayes, - superintendent. Classes
lor all ages.
Mornins worship 11 o'clock
with the pastor speaking on "The
Subjugation of Self."
YPS at 6:45 p. m. with Ben
Wise, president. Evening evange
listic message at 7:45 p. m. Mrs.
McGlasson speaking, "The Death
Mid-week prayer meeting at
7:45 p. m. Wednesday.
Cottage prayer meeting each
Friday at 7:45 p. m The public
is invited. Bring your Bibles to
prayer meeting.
Saint Paul's Episcopal
Rev. F. C. Wissenbach, rector.
15th Sunday after Trinity.
8 a. m., celebration of the
Holy Communion.
9:45 a. m., church school for
ail grades.
11 a. m., celebration of the
Holy communion and sermon.
Topic, "Personal Imperialism.
3 p. m.. St. Barnabas church,
Langell Valley. Holy Commun
ion and sermon.
Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., choir
practice. The Wednesday club
will meet in the parish house
at b p. m.
Thursday the Woman's auxil
iary is to meet at 2 p. m.' at the
home of Mrs. H. GeU, 511 Pa-
cuic Terrace.
First Presbyterian
North Rith mnA Bin .l.ul.
Rev. Theodore Smith, pastor.
residence, a north second
1 rani nhnna UT at tha. nknn.1.
7311. Lillie E. ' Darby, choir
director. Mrs. Elbert s. vtrh
The sacrament of communion
will be administered and new
members received during the
morning worship, at 11 o'clock.
Organ prelude. "Vision" by
Rheinberger: processional, 'The
Trisagion." The period of pray
er anrl rt 1 1 tot mavH i I a It n nn-n.
with the choir singing "Jesus.
hik a snepnera Lreaa us and
closes with all singing "Amer
ica." fhnfp nffertArv Wm n;.,.
Thee But Thine Own"; organ
mienory "Tne cownerd s Sun
day" by Ole Bull. The anthem
is "Hear Our Prayer" by Cheno-
Weth. The naatn- u,i11 al..a .
very brief "Communion Medita
tion." The sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be adminis
tered, which closes- with the
congregation singing, "Jesus, I
The evenlntf' futf- ! 4a I..
resumed thitt C,,n,4a., at T.flrt
D. rn fnp tha full an.4 ...l-i
months. Ernest H. Moser, Afri
can missionary. Is to speak.
ine L.nristian endeavor so
cieties will f-hano-A ltl, !-
..... U1I1C
from 7 to 6:30 p. m.
The Bible school meets at
9:45 a m. Every effort is made
to have every one out at the
orjeninc. with RIMaa i i. i
Immediately preceding the open
ing o prayer group meets to ask
God s blessing on the school and
the services of the day.
First Church
of God
' Located at the Mrnf ftt Alfa.
mont driva ami ni atMfMTM
Rev. G. W. Geiwltz, pastor.
aunoay school convenes at
9:45 a. m. with classes for all
ages. Mrs. fi. N. tuwAitn.i. i.
- -..wut.uujH .O
Mornine lipvAtU- .a it
Young people's service at
p. m.
Preaching service at 7:30 p. m.
PraVW anrl nnl..
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
A Cordial invltntlnn 4a aaJ
--...wv.w.a CAWIIQ.
ed to the public to attend all of
these services.
Sprague River
Friends Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor.
Sunday services finnria-,
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p m.
Wednesday, m-aver anr! naa
service, 8 p. m.
If VOU haVa tin htiark hawi-
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located in Sprague
To Every
Creed and Purse
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Mrs. A. A. Ward, owner
WUlard Ward, U. S. Navy
Manager '
Arthur W. Larson. "
Acting Mgr.
t2B High Phone 33M
Present Day China to De
Described at Bible Baptist
A word picture of actual con
ditions in China at the present
day will be presented at tha
Bible Baptist church by Rev.
Duncan McRoberts in three great
services on Sunday. Morning
worship at 10 o'clock, City-wide
rally at 3 p. m. and the evening
service at 8 p. m. The church is
located at Wiard street at South
Rev. McRobrrts will give in
plain language just the facts, po-
Zlon Luthars-
Vlctor A. Schulze, pastor,
1025 High street, telephone 6793.
The Sunday school meets at
9:4 a, m. with a lesson on
"Moses' Birth and Flight," and
featuring film slides bn the
basic stories of the Bible.
Divine worship, 11 a. m., with
Holy Communion. "The Great
est Emancipator the World Has
Ever Seen.
Fellowship club, Sunday, 7:30
p. m at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Bcndin, 5152 Cottage
Choir meets Thursday, 8 p. m.
Children's confirmation class,
Saturdays, 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.
This class welcomes any chil
dren desiring a basic training in
the fundamentals of the Christ
ian religion as set forth by the
Lutheran church.
The Lutheran hour with its
regular sneaker, Dr. Walter A.
Maier may be heard Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock over sta
tion KFJI. Dr. Maier is re
turning for his 11th year of
broadcasting over the Lutheran
a a
Altamont Community
Meets in the Junior high
school building, South Sixth and
Summers lane. Rev. Hugh T.
Mitchelmore, pastor. Mrs. Ken
ton Knight, pianist Bible
school at 9:45 a. m. Twenty
four persons have become Sun
day school boosters during the
past three weeks, through
bringing visitors. Anyone who
is not a member of any other
Sunday school Is welcome -as a
visitor and if he or she conies
three consecutive Sundays mav
enroll as a regular pupil. Come
and attend the study of God s
word. A. c. Olson is superin
tendent. World-wide Commun
ion observance at the 1 1 o'clock
worship service. This service
which will be observed In many
Evangelical churches begins at
Wellington; New Zealand, at
10:30 Sunday which is midnight
Sunday in London and four
p. m. Saturday here on the
coast. The Communion closes as
the day wanes in the Arctic cir
cle at Point Barrow and St
Lawrence island. The pastor
win give a short Communion
address at this service.
Junior Christian Endeavor at
the manse at 5 p. m. Mrs. Hush
T. Mitchelmore, superintendent.
Shirley Peugh. leader. Sigma Pi
high school group at the manse
at 7 p. m. The pastor Is the
advisor. The meeting Is in
charge of the newly elected de
votional committee, John Mc
Clellan chairman.
Klamath Revival Center
1625 Mitchell street at Shasta
Way. Rev. Warren D. Combs.
Saturday. 2 p. m.. lunlor
church under the direction of
Mrs. J L. Wonser. Children of
any Sunday school between 5
and 15 years of age.
Sunday, 10 a. m. You re In
vited to a real, interesting Sun
day school with Mrs. Warren
D. Combs, super intendent.
Classes for all ages. This Sun
day is Missionary Sunday and
the offering will so to our
home missionary.
Sunday, 11 a. m., morning
Sunday. 7:45 n. m.. evanoe-
listic service.
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.. mid
week prayer service.
Thursday, 7:45 d. m.. cho r
Friday. 7:45 d. m.. the nastor
will speak on personal work.
Saturday. 7 o. m.. street
meeting at Seventh and Main.
For needed ass stance at anv
time, phone 4520,
Church of
M. Lloyd Smith, minister.
The loyal Church of Christ
that has been meeting in the
Shasta school is now meeting at
1207 Division street.
Bible classes meet at 10 a. m.
Devotional service and preach
ing at 11 a. m. Communion,
11:45 a. m. Evening service be
gins at 7:30. The public is cor
dially invited to attend.
1207 Division street
De Nor Naglacr This Condition, Evan If Yon Ar Only
No Batteries Nothing To Wear
Hear Wiih The New NATIONAL
Manufactured in California
A wearable. Inconspicuous vacuum tube hearing aid. Crystal
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volume control. Excellent for nerve deafness. Fully auar
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have vsrlo
$36.00 up.
have various nationally known instruments at prices from
Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5 and S
Factory representative wUI be at WUlard Hotel Ask for
Mr. Tubb.
Phono 4161
lltlcal and religious situations as
they exist. Ihousands have been
made to realize through these lec
tures that there Is in actual war
fare a turning to God,
Mr. McRolirrls Imim witnessed
the blood on every major battle
front In China, including Burma
Road. He has spent four years on
actual war fronts.
He has been enthusiastically
received as speaker at Victory
Square. Many soldiers have been
led to the Lord by this fearless
soldier of the Cross.
These addresses should be
heard by every American and
particularly by every Christian.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to enlisted men, parents of
enlisted men and representatives
from various local groups.
Mr. McRnberts is appearing
under the auspices of the Chris
tian Business Men's committee
of Seattle and Los Angeles.
Bible Baptist '
"The Community Church
with the Chimes," Wiard street
at South Sixth. George w.
Wheatlcy Is the pastor. Miss
Dinning, pianist.
Speaking in three great serv
ices of the day will be Rev.
Duncan McRoberts who has
spent four years In China, and
who has witnessed the blood on
every major battle front In
China, Including Burma road.
Mr. McRoberts has been In over
600 bombings and has been
burled under falling debris 10
Mr. McRoberts has led many
high officials and soldiers to the
Lord, and thousands have been
made to realize that tlicro Is In
actual warfare a turning to God.
Morning servico at 10 a. ni.
City-wide rally at 3 p. m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock
with special singing. Mrs. Ken
ton Knight, pianist
A large Sunday school meets
at 11 o clock with classes lor all
ages, with a large adult class
meeting in the auditorium.
Wednesday at 7:43 p. m..
prayer fellowship with praise.
If your church does not sponsor
a prayer meeting, you are in
vited to worship with us.
This church will cooperate In
the special meeting Tuesday
evening when Percy Crawford
and the "Young People's Church
of the Air" quartet with Al Zeh
lout and his singing violin will
appear in the high school audi
torium. This progressive church with
a real Bible ministry cordially
invites you to attend Its services
and enjoy the warm fellowship
of its people.
Flrat Christian
"The Down-town Church," at
the corner of Ninth and Pine
streets. Arthur Charles Bates,
minister; office In church, phone
5432; residence. 538 Lincoln
street, phone 5388. John O'Con
nor, director of music; Mrs.
Harvey Hayden, organist
Morning worship at 11
o'clock. This is World Commun
ion Sunday. The morning mes
sage will be in keeping with
this occasion. Tho Lord's Sup
per is always a part of morning
worship. The choir will sing,
"Open Our Eyes," by Macfar
lane. Evening service. 7:30
o'clock. Tho pastor will con
tinue the scries of studies of
the churches as recorded in the
Revelation. This will be the
sixth of the churches.
Bible school at 9:45 a. m.
Stanley Kendall, superintendent
This is rally day. You are in
vited to meet with us.
Christian Endeavor meets at
6:30 p. m. Maxine Aubrey is
a a
Community Congregational
"We Must Keep Faith" is the
sermon theme of Rev. Eugene
V. Haynea, pastor, as he speaks
at the 11:00 a. m. service of
worship next Sunday. A. M.
Davison will sing at' this service.
"The Golden City," by Dulmage
and "Immortalis," by Walker.
Church school, 9:45 a. m.
Classes for each age group up
through high school.
At 8 p. m. Rev. Paul A.
Davies, newly Installed superin
tendent of the Congregations)
Conference of Oregon, will
speak and assist at a beautiful
candlelight Communion service.
The church operates a nur
sery in the 'parsonage at 2160
Garden, next door to the
church, for convenience of par
ents with small children.
The church is located on Gar
den avenue between East Main
and Martin streets.
CftlfJ 3 drops In aacb nostril epan
eold-clogsod noM, glva baad
GETS "cold ta air. Caution) Use
ana aiaODly aa diraetad. Always
IU JUXat FoMtro Noa Drops,
First Church of Christ
Tenth and Washington streets.
This church, a branch of The
Mother church, tha First Church
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
Mass., holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
"Unreality" will be the sub
ject of the Lesson-Sermon In
all Churches of Christ, Scient
ist, on Siuiriay, October 3.
Tho Golden Text will be "If
God be for us, who can be
against us?" (Rom. 8:31),
Among Ilia citations which
will comprise the Lesson-Snr-mnn
is (he following from the
Bible: "The Lord hath brought
forth our righteousness: come,
and let us declare In Zlon the
work of the Lord our God. He
hath made the earth by his
power, ho hath established the
world by his wisdom, and ha'h
stretched nut the heaven by his
understanding" (Jer. 51:10, IS).
The Lesson-Sermon also will
Include tha following correla
tive passages from the Chris
tian ScleiH'O textbook, "Scionce
and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" by Mary Baker
Eddy: "From beginning to end.
whatever Is mortal Is composed
of material human beliefs and
of nothing else. That only is
real which reflects God . . ,
Everything good or worthy,
God made. Whatever Is value
less or baneful, Ha did not
make hence Its unreality"
(Pp 478. 525).
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
A meeting which Includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing la held every Wednes
day evening at 8 o clock.
A free Christian Science read
ing room Is located at 1023 Main
street, where the Bible, writings
by Mary Baker Eddy, and auth
orlzed Christian Science liters
ture may be read, borrowed or
All are cordially Invited to at
tend the services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p. m. each Monday under the
direction of committee on pub
lication for Oregon.
a a a
First Covenant
Located at 823 Walnut avenue.
Albert L. Dwight, pastor. Phone
Sunday services: Bible school
at 10 a. m. with Peter Eastman,
superintendent, In charge.
worship, 11 a. m.. when the
pastor will speak on the subject
"Except Ye Be Converted . . ."
The standards of the kingdom of
Heaven will be considered. Com
munion service will follow Im
mediately after the morning wor
ship. Young People and Juniors.
7 a. m. The evening service, 8
o'clock. The pastor will speak,
"Jesus Looking Into Hearts."
Mid-week fellowship on Wed;
nesday 8 p. m.
Thursday, 8 p. m,, the Sunshine
circle meets in the church for a
no-hostess meeting. All are re
quested to bring old clothing for
material to make quills for the
Red Cross.
Friday evening, October 8. the
Ladies' Aid will sponsor a "China
Evening" when funds will be
raised for China relief. A varied
program will be rendered Includ
ing Chinese songs and a display
of Chinese articles. The pastor
and his wife will both give talks
on China, the former will speak
about experiences as a prisoner
of war.
a a
Church of Christ
All members and friends are
extended a special and cordial
Invitation to attend the down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 a. m.; Bible study, classes,
10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor
ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45
a. m.; evening services, 8
o'clock Located in the KC hall
over the Rainbow theatre.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
1 leaien
Her' s surprisingly aimpls way to
avoid the usual birth Uxsuves.
Wast pupil Had that the ulce of oae
lemon in s glass of water, takeo Jint
thing tn arising, is all they need to la-
Ere prompt, normal elimination
uly. And lemon sad water is gttd
tyou. j
laMoat lelld Haalthl Lemons are
among the richest sources of vitamin
C, which restores energy, helps vou re
list colds and infection.Ther're the only
known source of vitamin P ifllrln) ead
eeeflrst thing on arising
Rev. Pa ul A. Diivles, newly In.
stalled superintendent of the
Cnugragutiiinnl conference nf
Oregon Is tn speak ul the C'ongre-
Sallonul church on Sunday. Otto,
er 3, at H p. in. Huv. Uiivit-s
comes to Oregon f nun Southern
California where ho whs "Min
ister at Largo" for the Congrega
tional churches of Southern Cali
fornia. Sunday, October 3, in "World
Wide Communion Sunday." The
Congregational church of Klam
ath Falls will celebrala lis usual
beautiful and helpful Candle
light Communion service with
Kov. Paul A. Duvies speaking at
this service and assisting llev.
Eugene V, llaynes, pastor, in the
administration nf thn barrnment
of the Lord's Supper.
The Congregational church Is ,
located on Garden avenue be
tween East Main and Martin
streets and welcomes tn all Its
services all peopla rcgurdlrs-uif
race, color or creen.
Assembly of God
746 Oak street Rev. A. Har
old Persing, pastor. Residence
844 Eldorado street Phone
Services for Sunday:
' Sunday school will meet at
9:45 with Mrs. Virgil Ilumblin
in charge. We give you a hearty
welcome to attend our growing
Morning worship beginning at
11 a. m. .
Young people will meet at
6:30 under the leadership of
Jim Kennerly.
Evangelistic service at 7:45.
A most Interesting service for
Services for the week:
Tuesday night at 8 p. m. Pray
er meeting.
Wednesduy at 10 o'clock a
Ladies Missionary society mtTts
at Mrs. Coy Northcutt's home.
Thursday night at 8 p. in. De
votional and preaching. You era
welcome to sny of these serv
ices. a a a
Free Methodist
Corner of South Ninth and
Plum streets. June Morning Mil
ler, minister. Telephone 6KH2.
Bible school. 10 a. m. C. C.
McElfresh, superintendent.
Ministry of the Word at 11
a. m. Subject, "Results of Sa no
tification. Monthly class meeting at the
close of the preaching service,
Mrs. Hyatt leader.
The JMS Troopers at 6.30
p. m. Lois Morgan, president
The YPMS meets at 7 p. m.
Evening worship at 7.45 p. in.
Song service and special mes
sages in song. Ministry ofjlha
word, subject: "Seven DbMVet
Features of Character."
Conference claims Sunday.
Bring your Bibles.
Mid-week prayer service
Thursday at 7:45 p. m. All
Ml. Lakl Presbyterian
Service at 9:45 a. m. Rev.
Hugh T. Mitchelmore, pastor.
Bible school follows immediate
ly after the worship service, or
10:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor,
7:30 p. m. All residents of the
community are urged to coma
and help and h helped
"Cathedral of tha Air"
Ntl.Work RtlMM 0r
fj 1119 Kit.
Sunday 3:30 - 4:00 p. m.
Pulurtiif lh" OilhMnl Ohorut ami Ci
IhMril Malt Ou.rl.l. Alia hl
praaaMns mlnltlrv al
Harold W. Joffcriei, B. D.
D. D.
Or. aJttwiM hat bMft twejffMiittif
ftMfMl for ovcnr foiit-.Mfi fr irvl
mintttrr w IMM tnjo4 hf Imw ol
wt Mifiit you ia j0in n
para do ot Uitvrvan.
pj Ural Hilnfl
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supply valuable amounts of Bi.They
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Ing morning dtlnk that builds health
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ingsee If you don't benefit!
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a 1 lemen In half glaia water with
M laaaaaan betting aeda (bliarltenou.
' t44t4. Drink at faamlng qulata. V
I T-