P A GE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Aujrust' fl, i 19 m w s 5 3 KlcuttcMt GUuAcU Aeiul J Realizing the need for spread ing the gospel of the Savior's love both at home and elsewhere, Zion Lutheran church has ar ranged to hold two special mis- lion services in the Mills school auditorium Sunday, August 8. The morning service will begin at 11 o'clock and the afternoon service at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. A. Hartenberger, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, Corvallis, Ore., -will serve as guest speaker at both of these services. Zion Lutheran choir, with M. Bendin as director, will furnish special music. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon by the ladies of the church. A cordial welcome is assured all visitors attending these services. Church of the Nasaren The church Is located on the corner of Garden and Martin streets. Bert rand F. Peterson is the pastor. Residence, 620 Mar- . tin. Telephone 4870. Church school begins at 9:45 . a. m. The every-Sunday rally continues with "Our Allies" Sun- - day (neighbors invited). One hun dred forty-one present last Sun day. Classes for all. Mrs. Emil - Hearth, superintendent. Morning worship service is at 11 o'clock. "When is It Time to ' Have a Revival?" is the subject of the pastor's message. Young peoples prayer service, 8:30: Juniors and young people meet under the direction of Bernice Peterson and Vern Speirs, re spectively, at 7 o clock. At 8 p. m. the pastor will continue the discussion of the morning's theme following a service of ; evangelistic singing under the direction of Ollie Speirs. Prayer meeting is Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. No choir practice Thursday evening; re served for program and exhibit of work of the Daily Vacation 1 Bible school. Friday, 7:30, Young People's Bight at the church. Every morning this week from 9 to 11:30, Daily Vacation Bible . school under the direction of Louise Wenger and departmen talized teaching staff. ' Modoc Point Baptist . Community Mission Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service 11:15 a. m. There will be a special offer ing in the way of entertainment for the opening of the Sunday school Sunday morning. Mrs. Zell has not stated what it will be, but those who have been com ing know that she usually has a . splendid story of some kind, and ; this one will be something that we haven't bad for some time. Classes for everybody and all ' are welcome to come and wor- snip wan us, and study the word oi ioa. For the worship service the , topic lor discussion will be "The Second Birth." This is a topic ; that has many different ways of being answered, but there is only one true way to get the answer irom me wora of God, and that is the way that we will answer it Remember that the place me wora speaks we will, ana a there is any question in the mind let us try to answer it as uoa does, u you will bring a ana paper and take the reierences . that we shall give, men stuay tnem for yourself. I am sure that you will understand this burning question better, if that is possible. Everybody is welcome and we wju De looking for you. Will you be there? Remember, the school house in Modoc Point. Apostolic Faith At 228 North Eighth street under the electric sign, "Jesus the Light of the World." Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Sunday school with classes and efficient teachers for all ages and grades. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. 7:45 p. m., special orchestra . lections with Evelyn Craig di recting, also selected vocal num bers iouowed by personal tes timonies. Concludme with fundamental gospel sermon by pirii-iiu?a ministers. Wednesday and Friday, 8 p. m., regular services. Cordial invitation to all services is ex tended the public. Collections re never taken. Come as you rei First Church ef God Rev. J. D. Kernutt, pastor, phone 8788. Located at the corner of Alta- mont drive and Delaware street. : ounaay school convenes at :40 a. m. with classes for all ages. Mrs. G. N. McCollough is superintendent. - - ' Morning devotion at ' 11 O'clock, -. Young people's service at 8:45 p. m. i , Preaching service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer and piaise service on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extend d to the public to attend all of these services, i Vi.( 5-, -.-.- -.'.;....' ) ... . . . : i ices. Church Notice Deadline All church notices for Fri day night's Herald and News should be In by 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon In order to appear in the paper. Sacred Heart ' . Eighth and High streets. Sunday Masses: 6, 8, 9:30 and 11 a. m. Holy Day Masses: 6, 8 and 9:30 a. m. Weekday Mass: 8 a. m. Confessions: Saturdays, Eves of Holy days and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Latter-Day Saints Latter-Day Saints meetings are held in the city library club- rooms on the corner of Fifth street and Klamath avenue. E E. Burrows, branch president. phone 8293 or 6721. Sunday school meetings are held at 10 a. m, with separa tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re lief society and primary class es. Sacrament service is held each Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Elders working in the Klam ath district may be reached at 4809 Hilyard street First Church ef Christ Scientist Tenth and Washington streets. This church, a branch of The Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass., holds services each Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Spirit" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Church es of Christ Scientist on Sun day, August 8. The Golden Text will be Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God; Thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness" (Ps. 143.10). Among the citations which will comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill Heaven and earth? saith the Lord (Jeremiah 23-24). The Lesson-Sermon also will include the following correlative passages from the Christian Sci ence textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" by Mary . Baker Eddy: "The Scriptures imply that God is All-in-all. . . . The Scriptures also declare that God is Spirit. He is all-inclusive, and is reflect ed by all that is real and eternal and by nothing else. He fills all space, and it is impossible to con ceive of such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or Mind (p. 331). Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. A meeting which includes tes timonies of Christian Science healing is held every Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. A free Christian Science read ing room is located at 1023 Main street, where the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and auth orized Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or purchased. All are cordially invited to at tend the services and use the reading room. Radio program KFJX 2 to 2:15 p. m. each Monday under the direction of committee on pub lication for Oregon. The Salvation Army 400 Klamath avenue. Major and Mrs. Curry will be in charge of the regular services this coming Sunday, and they in vite you to ijiy or all of the fol lowing: Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday school and Bible classes. 6:30 p. m. Young people's service. Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, public services, 8 p. m. A hearty welcome awaits you at all these gatherings. Come and sing the glorious Gospel songs that refresh and strength en. Come and meditate and pray so that you may be able to face the tremendous problems of life these troublous days with faith and Christian fortitude. Assembly of God 746 Oak street. Rev. A. Har old Persing, pastor. Residence 844 Eldorado street Phone 5733. Services for Sunday: Sunday school will meet at 9:45 with Mrs. Virgil Hamblin in charge. We give you a heartv welcome to attend our growing school. Morning worship beeinnini at 11 a. m. Young people will meet at 6:30 under the leadershin of Jim Kennerly. Evangelistic service at 7:45. A most interesting service for all. Services for the week: Tuesday night at 8 d. m. Prav- er meeting. Wednesday at 10 nVWk the Ladies Missionary society meets at rars. coy worthcutt's home. 'inursday night at 8 r. m De votional and preaching. You are welcome , to any of these serv. Workmen from the firm of Bal- com and Vaughan, Seattle organ builders and engineers, are at work on the installation of the pipe organ at the First Metho dist church here. The organ was purchased by the local church In the early spring. Difficulties of transportation and man power have delayed the installation but dedication serv ices will be announced soon, ac cording to Rev. Victor Phillips, minister of the church. Andrew Loney, Jr., will again serve this church in the capacity of choir director and an outstanding pro gram of music Is being planned for the church year. First Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church. corner of North Sixth and Pine streets. Rev. Theodore Smith, pastor; residence 435 North Second street and telephone at the home 5477 and at the church 7311. Organist, Mrs Hugh T. Mitchelmore, telephone 6705. The morning worship at 11 o'clock, opens with the organ prelude, "Ave Maria" by Bach Gounod. The processional is "Fairest Lord Jesus" arranged by Willis. The response to the pastoral greeting is Clenahan's 'Grace and Peace." After the call to worship the congrega tion and choir unite in singing "The Doxology" and, after the invocation and Lord's prayer. The Gloria Patri." The period of quiet meditation and prayer is usnerea in by the choir sing ing "Hear Our Frayer, O Lord" and closes with choir and con gregation singing "Our Fathers' God to Thee, Author of Lib erty." The choir offertory is Schumann's "We Give Thee But Thine Own" and the organ of fertory is Theme from Fifth Symphony" by Tschaikowsky. There will be the baptism of infants with choir response, "Wash Me and I Shall Be Whit er Than Snow." The pastor will preach on "The Hardest Thing in the World to Do." The serv ice closes with the benediction, the choir dismissal, "Threefold Amen," and the organ postlude, "Grand Chorus" by Dubois. There will be a special musi cal number. There will be no evening service during the month of August. The Bible school Is held at 9:45 a. m. and opens punctual ly. All classes are being main tained during the summer months. The opening service is always outstanding. The Christian Endeavor soc ieties meet at 7 o'clock. This iS followed by the Onrvrtnniv for a social hour. All vnimn people are cordially invited tni atiena. Zion Lutheran Victor A. Schul. nnr m High street, telephone 6793. The Sunday school mt. . the church building at 9:45 a. m with a lesson on "The Offering v ana zeatnnncr slides on the basic Bible stories Two special mission ufvim. will be held in the Mills school auditorium. East Main at Or chard streets. The morning ser vice will begin at 11 o'clock and the afternoon service at 5-an o'clock. The Rev. A. Hartenberg- w, wooiui o I Z,inn l.nfhopan church, Corvallis, Ore., will be guest speaxer at both of these services. The choir will be heard at both services. A potluck lunch eon win pe served at noon. The public is cordially invited to at tend these services. The Lutheran hour with a spe cial guest speaker. Professor Le- roy c. nincxer, president of Con cordia college, Milwaukee, Wis., may be heard Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock over KFJI. The speaker's message will be "In Him We ' Live and Move nH nave our Being." Tune in this gospel program. Spragua River Friends Church Evert J. Tuning, pastor. Sunday services Sunday school, 10 a. m.; worship serv ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv ice, 7:30 p m. Wednesday, prayer and praise service, 8 p. m. If you have no church home we welcome you to worship with us. Located in Sprague River. Church of Christ (Downtown) All members and friends are extended a special and cordial invitation to attend the down town Church of Christ Sunday morning services: song service 10 a. m.; Bible study, classes, 10:15 a. m.; sermon and mar. ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45 a. m.; evening services. 8 o'clock. Located in the KC hall over the Rainbow theatre. First Presbyterian Church to Hold Infant Baptism The sacrament of infant bap tism will be administered at the First Presbyterian church this coming Sunday morning. Sever al young parents have already notified the pastor of their inten tion of having children baptized. Others wishing to present their children of God in this scriptural rite and desiring His help In rearing and training them, are requested to contact the pastor. Dr. Theodore Smith. Bible Baptist Church "The Community Owned Church with the Chimes," Wiard street at South Sixth. George W. Wheatley is the pas tor. Telephone 7210. Morning worship service 10 a. m., sermon subject: "How a Lost Sheep Got Home." Your child is given supervision and instruction by Mrs. Wheatley, Sunday school at 11 o clock with Frances Smith and her staff of consecrated Bible train ed teachers. This fast growing school is holding up splendidly inrough the summer months. There is a class for your child. and a large class for mothers and dads also. You will want to come again. Evening service, 8 p. m., with congregational singing of the old gospel hymns. Why not bring the whole family and lets sing together?" Bible study subject from John, chap ter 18: The Fire of Remorse." Bring your Bible, notebook and mend. This church Is a Dravlna church, and still holds fast to the old-fashioned prayer meet ing. Every professing Christian ought to attend prayer meeting. u your cnurco. does not sponsor ume oi prayer, come and share this time of blessing with us. "Lord teach us how to pray." (Luke 11:1). If you enjoy fellowship with people who love the Lord Jesus Christ and who honor His word, then we cordially invite you to the services on the Lord's day. This church keeps busy the year around, with no sit-downs or closed doors. "Be thou faith ful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life." (Rev. 2:10). First Baptist Eighth street at Washington. "ine inurcn with a Message. Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a. m George O. Welch, Sunt Morning Worship service, 11 O ClOCK. In the absence of the castor. Rev. J. W. Black of Portland will be speaking in both services Sun day. In the morning his subject will be "The Coming Inquisi tion. - The Baptist Training unions will meet at 8 o'clock with pro grams planned for each of the six groups from beginners to aauits. C. H. Larson is director. The evening song service will begin at 8 p. m. under the direc tion of H. G. Shirey. The subject of the evening will be The Mys tery of Godliness." Mid-week prayer service Wed nesday evening at 7:45. Radio services each Sunday morning over station KFJI from 8:15to 8:45. e e e Klamath Temple Daniel B. Anderson, pastor. Phone 3874. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Robert Mount, superintendent Competent teachers for every class. Mornlnff umrhfn 11 m M Rev. Carl Gunderson will bring me message. Overcomers service. 6:30 n. m Evangelistic service. 7:45 n. m nev. rowers, dean of the Bible school at Eugene, Ore., will bring the message. Rev. Pnwr will be preaching and teaching next week in the evenings at 7:45 p. m. There is a good choir and fine orchestra. Don't miss these services. A women's missionary meet ing every other Wednesday at 10 a. m. Tune in on radio station KFJI on Saturday at 6:30 p. m. Community Congregational Church uocaiea on uarden avenue between East Main street r,H Martin street with Rev. Eugene v. naynes, pastor. Morning worship service at ii a. m. is being conducted by the members of Comrades of the Way and the Church of loum wno have Just returned from the pilgrim leadership training conference at Camp Junius, uene onvers win con duct the service of worship and Introduce all who are to speak. The church school is closed uunng me month of August. - Church ef Christ M. Lloyd Smith, minister. ine joyal Church of Christ inai nas been meeting ,in the Shasta school is now meeting at 1207 Division street Bible classes meet at 10 a. m Devotional service and preach " at 11 m. Communion, 11:45 a. m. Evening service ho. gins at 7:30. The public is cor dially invited to attend. Division street ' Immenuel Baptist Church This church Is located at the corner of North Eleventh and High streets. Rev. William B. Rice is pastor. Residence, 712 North Third street. Telephone 7300. C. E. Logerwell is direc tor of music. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages and a fine staff of adult Biblo teachers who are vitally interested in your children. Come and learn about our new contests. The winner will receive valuable prizes and you may be among the winners. Mrs. J. D. O'Neal, superinten dent. Morning worship service at 11 a. m. This is the hour when we meet to worship and give thanks to the Lord for all He has done i. . . , . , , " ? .T bu.hBlf' I wclcomc to this hour whether you are a Baptist or not. The topic, Church of Jesus Christ.1 "The In! , h- ja,, . , , . i u,1.d":,..."!!y. .,"d-d.e:' ceit, it is well to know exactly what the Word of God has to say about this organism. Evening gospel hour at 8 p. m. A half hour of singing and spe cial music and a half hour of gospel preaching from the first chapter of Revelations. Many think we should avoid this book about which there is so much dis cussion and even argument, but we find this promise, "Blessed is he that readcth and 'they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein." Tell your friends about this hour and bring them with you. We feel sure that you will Dot be disap pointed. Wednesday evening 8 p. m Prayer meeting and Bible study. Be sure to be on hand for the Initial lesson in a series on per sonal work. "How to deal with the many problems that come up in witnessing for Christ." You are welcome. Friday evening 8 p. m. Young people's meeting at the home of the pastor. Bible study, chorus singing, games, refreshments. Bring a friend with you. Sunday afternoon, August 8. at 1:30 o'clock, the annual Sun day school and church picnic will be held at Moore park. All members and friends of the church are cordially invited. Bring a picnic lunch and be pre pared for a good time of Chris tian fellowship and recreation. The friendly, Bible-loving church where your welcome al ways lasts." First Methodist Church "In the Heart of the City" at North Tenth and High streets. Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Residence 1005 High street, tele phone 3688. Morning worship at 11. Wen well B. Smith will sing a spec ial solo, accompanied by Mrs. E. S. Veatch. The minister will preach the morning sermon. Church Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. Dr. Peter H. Roz endal is the general superin tendent and has a staff of well trained teachers. New members of the school are welcome at all times. Methodist Youth Fellowship meets at 7 p. m. All young people are cordially invited to attend these meetings for train ing In leadership, study and Christian fellowship. First Covenant 823 Walnut avenue. Pastor, R. E. Johnson. Phone 8517. Sunday school is held at 10 a. m. with Peter Eastman in charge as superintendent. The morning worship hour at. 11 a. m. with the pastor in charge and bring ing the message. At 7 p. m. the juniors and the young people meet for their meeting. This Sunday Rose Claw- son will be in charge. At 8 p. m Good live chorus and congrega tional singing, and a message by the pastor. If you are desirous of the old fashioned way of meet ing in church you will enjoy our services. Wednesday evening at 8 p. m mid-week fellowship with the pastor bringing the meditation Friday night at 8 p. m. an all- family night for the Ladies Aid The program will consist of good live chorus singing, and special numbers in song, with message of inspiration brought by a speaker chosen for the eve mng. Klamath Revival Center 1625 Mitchell street at Shasta Way. Rev. Warren D. Combs pastor. Saturday, 2 p. m our junior church convenes under the lead ership of Mrs. J. L. Wonser. This church is for children of any Sunday school between the ages of 5 and 15. This Saturday is Bank Day, and all children arc asked to bring their banks for the total of the paint fund drive. Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday school is under the leadership of Mrs. Warren D. Combs. This Sunday we will have special guests at our Sunday school. Everyone is Invited to come. Sun day, August 15, is Rally Day in the Sunday school and will also commemorate two years of serv ice here of the present pastor. The special revival services now being held by Evangelist Charles G. Meyers and party are continuing with the most import ant messages from the word of God which no one should miss. These services under Evangelist Meyers will have to close this Sunday night, August 8, so that other engagements can be filled. Altamont Community Presbyterian Church Meeting in the Junior high school building, South Sixth and Summers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, pastor. Rosidcnce 4431 South Sixth. 9:45. Biblo school, Mr. A. C. Olson, superintendent. A Bible school with trained teachers. Departments for all ages. If you have no other church home we welcome you to a class where you may find out more about God's plan for your own llfo and for the world at large. Worship service at 1 1 o clock. Subject of sermon by the pastor, The First and the Last Call of the Bible." Mrs. Kenton Knight, pianist. Junior sermon, "The Lord's Acre." The nursery for .viiii.il i-iiuuitMi in i-uiimiiiru u, ou: mothers who car. for the littl ; small children is conducted by ones that parents may enjoy the services. uv tfumur cnurevor ana in Sigma Pi young peoples group T-1 . I p I 1 . I will hold a vesper service at the homo of Margnret, John and Stanley McClellan at 6.30. Tim service will be patterned aflcr the Vesper services of Fir Point conference. Two Juniors, Dor othy June Peugh and Ruth Pat terson, who enter high school this fall, will be graduated into the older society. Leaders of the meeting. Joanne Robinetto and Margaret McClellan. The Katherine Bcattie Mis sionary society meets at 10:30 Friday with Mrs. C. E. McClel lan, 862 Kane street. Mt. Lakl Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, pastor. Worship service at 9:45. The pastor will speak. Subject: "The First and The Last Call of the Bible." Junior Sermon: "The Lord's Acre." Bible school, 10:45. Strang ers are surprised at the lurge at tendance this summer. Christian Endeavor 7 o'clock. Klamath Lutheran Church Cross and Crescent si s. L. K. Johnson, pastor. 1175 Crescent street. Phone 3452. Worship hour at 11 a. m. The Junior ohoir will sing at this time. Ladies Aid on Tuesday, Au gust 10, at 2 p. m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Lars Matson and Mrs. Casper Murdoch. The Ladies Aid will hold a bake sale on August 14. Place will be announced later. Sunday school will be resumed again the first Sunday after Labor Day. Choir rehearsal will start again on September 8. Klamath Lutheran church wel comes all who wish to worship. If you are a stranger in the city seeking a church home, we sin cerely invite you to worship and work with us. Free Methodist Church Corner of Ninth street and Plum avenue. Bible school at 10 a. m. Ministry of the Word at 11 a. m. "King or King of Kings." Young people's servlco at 7:15 p. m. Report on the conference and camp meeting. Plans for the building. The YPMS. ministry of the word at 7:45 p. m. Sub ject: "Christianity's Object Les son." Mrs. June Horning Miller, an ordained minister from the Pitts burg conference In Pennsyl vania, will be speaking at both morning and evening services. Mid-week - prayer service of Thursday at 7:45 p. m. Subject: "Full Salvation" Bible reading. Bring Bibles and notebooks. The church on the corner is a friendly church. You are wel come. Union Gospel Mission Located 251 Commercial street at Walnut. Callie M. Timms, pastor. Residence, 217 Klamath avenue. Evangelistic services are now being conducted eBch evening at 7:30 p. m. by Evangelist Floyd Smith and wife from Spokane. Wash. Brother Smith and his wife both preach, alternating each night the full gospel in an old time way. Also special sing ing with accordion, piano and guitar. All nations and churches are invited. Also Sunday morning service at 11 a. m. Pastor C. M. Timms will be speaking. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer service starting at 10 a. m. each day expect Sunday. FRONT LINE CASUALTY LONDON, fP) Saluting may now be added to the perils of war. WAC Private Betty Hurley, 23, of Salem, Ore., met an of ficer on the steps at a WAC re- placement depot semowhere in England and gave him a snappy salute. Then she lost her balance. fell, and broke an arm. - If yon luffer MONTHLY "V FEMALE PAIIl You who suffer ruth peln with tired, wui feelings, distress of "Irrrgu larltlea" due to functional monthly disturbances mould try Lydie E. Plnkham'e Vegetable Com pound to ralleTa auch ymptoma. Here'i a product that Hitn natcm. Alio line stomachlo tonic! Follow label dlreotloni. Worm trying. LVDM L PINKHAM'S coMrmllSo, Merrill Mrs. Don Barnes had only one birthday last week but two parties to celebrate it. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods and daugh ter, Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs Henry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson and family Lillian Mnttson and Carl Llnrt berg gathered Tuesday to offer congrntulntlons, the guests play Ing cards during the evening and enjoying refreshments. O n Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Borlil Johnson feted Mrs. BoYnrs and Mrs. Johnson's small sou, Bertil Roy, asking in a number of friends for the aft ernoon. Both honor guests ac knowledged a number of pret ty gifts and tho afternoon was spent sociully with the guests bring trratrd to refreshments. Among the guests were Mrs. Nellie Fleck. Mis. May Hunt worth and son Billy, Mrs. La- Von Punch and son Clarence, Mrs, Dolores Woods and duugh tcr Marilyn, Mrs. Lena Parker and sons Jlnimle and Dennis, Mrs. Rovella Johnson, LeRoy, Jerry and Dwain and daughter Lenore, Mrs. Lena Johnson, Lillian Mnttson. Jimmle Cun ningham and Jackie Lou Baty. Clinton R. Jester, associated with the state department of agriculture with headquarters at Mrdford spent last week in Klumuth and Lake counties with the state truck used for testing commercial scales. He was accompanied by Mrs. Jes ter who spent the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barnes havo had as their recent guest Warren Barnes, employed by the Boeing Aircraft company, Seattle. The family formerly lived In the Spring Lake dis trict. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Beasley had with them last week their son. Second Class Petty Offi cer Eugene Beasley. stationed In the navy air corps at San Diego, and their daughter Edna. in truining at Good bamaritan hospital, Portland. Petty Officer Beasley has been In training for 14 months, while his sister has been In Portland for a year. While home they were feted at a family dinner which included in addition to the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beasley and family. Merrill, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McPherson, Klam ath Falls. Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Galar neau that their son Harry, me chanic in the army air corps, has arrived safely in England. He is a graduate of the Merrill high school. Cascade Several large catches of fish have been made in Lake Odell this summer. The reason tho fishing is better this year than In previous years Is thought to be because there are fewer fisher men on the lake than in other years. Dr. Ronald Slater and son John, of Oakland, were here for a fortnight and took home with them a large box of rainbow trout caught in the lake. Roy Temple will take over tho water service position of tha Southern Pacific company left vacant by James Poag, who will have charge of the water service district of the Southern Pacific company at Roscburg. R. L. Porter Is spending his vacation with his sister. Mrs. A Smith of Long Beach, Wash. Mrs. Smith's son, Lt. Albert Smith who has been reported In action In North Africa, is believed to have been killed in action. Lt. Smith leaves a wife and son in Oakland, Calif., a mother. Mrs. Anna Smith, Long Beach, four sisters and one brother. A plane recognition class Is be ing conducted by Mrs. Roy Tem ple for post observers here. Mrs. Temple attended a similar class in Eugene. Roland Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Porter, writes from North Camp Hood, Tex., that the weather there is anything but pleasant, being at times 132 de grees. He says a drink of water from Tropper creek, the source of Cascado Summit's water sup ply, wouia oe wortn a dollar. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Varrier and daughter Patty, are visiting at the Gone Lavoy home. Mrs, Var rier and Mrs, Lavoy are sisters. Varrier is working In the pow der gang at Crescent Lake. Mrs. J. Spurgeon Is in Pnrl. land assisting in a hotel where she formerly worked as swltch- Doara operator. i Flying Fortresses used In training combat crews at Hend- ncKs ricia have anded over 32,219 times with only minor accidents. Friendly Helpfulneis To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mrs. A. A. Ward, owner Wlllard Ward, U. S. Navy. Managor Arthur W. Larson, Acting Mgr. 925 High Phone 3334 Small Firts Put Out In Fremont Forest LAKEVIEW Fifteen tight, nlng fire and three manmui-d fires wora extinguished on tho Fremont national forest servire. The fires were In sentterfd areas, and were all put uAt control with less Ihim oneqWr. tor of an acre burning over in. each casa except one, Hint of lightning flra on the north inia of Gearlinrt mountain where tw9 acres were burned over helm forest crews could extinguish the fire. Of the three man-caused flrrs, two were originated by smokers and tha other presumably start ed by a logging tractor, Fort Klamath Mrs. Frank Edwards entertain ed a group of friends at the Kit. wards home last Wednesday eve ning at a dinner glvrn in honor of her husband's blrthiluy anni versary, In addition to lliu huimr Illicit, those- present Included Mr. and Mis. Arthur Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Miller, m Mr. and Mrs, M. L, FergusonW Mrs. Mary Looilcy It-ll lust Sat urday by sluuo for Prlncvilic, Ore., whero sho will visit hrr son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Horry Hartley. Mrs. Loqa ley has been visiting here wuh hrr son and family, Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Loosley and children. Weekend house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 11, Caslcl were Mr. and Mrs. Hub ert Shaw of Tlonesta, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Churchman, of Corvallis, Ore. rit. Church man Is Mrs. Shaw's mother, and tho women aro sister and nict-a, respectively, of Mrs. Caste), Mr. and Mrs. Hob Rankin of Klamath Falls visited hero Sun day at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Tho Rnnklns moved their furniture, which has been In storage here to Sprague Rlyax, whero they will reside. JUL Cross, father-in-law of Rankin, was also a Fort Klamnth visitor Sundny, moving his furniture to his home in Klamath Falls. where he and his wife recently moved from Fort Klamath, Mrs. Mary Micha of CorvuPU, Ore., and her sister, Mr. E. J.' Lahoda of Malm, war Sunday luncheon guests at tha hemo uf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dycho and son Jimmle. Rollry Brewer returned to Fort Klamath last week iur several months' absence at Wa)i- ington, Oregon and Idaho polnli. Mrs. John Palmer and ton Tommy visited here last Tliuro day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Orth, while en route homo to Crescent, Ore., irom. Klamath Falls, where Tonuuv underwent a tonsillectomy Qt week. They were accompanied on tha trip by Mrs. Nork and son, also of Crescent. Friends of Mrs. Lena Juckscej of Klamath Falls extend thrif sympathy to her In tho bereave mint suffered In the accident.il death of her small son, Eugen who was drowned In tho govern ment canal In Klamath Falls thia week. Mrs. Jackson and fufnll lived hero for some time several years ago until the death of tss husband, John Jackson, wit was killed by a fulling tree while working as a fuller for tho Ah goma Lumber company near here. Mrs. Elmer Zumbrun and son Billlo and Mrs. Joo T. Mclnturtf and son Bobble are spending the week here from Lamm's camp at Yamsey. Haying got underway on Ic ranches this week with a crop of hay being assured thts season. W. Zumbrun and E. M. Brattain of Klamnth mnrsh suirU ed haying on his ranch lost week. ana Martin Hansen, Clay Tuy lor and Ernest Noclting left the latter part of the week to helm In tho work. Among locul rancrw ranchers now aettina in their hay crop are R. S. Loosley, E. D. Briscoe, R. L. Darling and William Brewer at the Diirlli- Brewer ranch and 11. T. Wil liams, Gene Page returned hut week from Portland, where ho had been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smyllie. Young Page Is emnlovod lornlly by John Cauhape, cattleman. Know Mollv Pitcher? flee her naturday. Mission Sunday Zlen Lutheran Church Morning Servlco 11 Afternoon Service 2:30 ThO ROV. A. HeManherner of Corvallis, Ore., GuciJjaJ Speaker H t MILLS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM East Main at Orchard (Tho Public Is Invited) l