Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, June 05, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    June fi, 1fi
State Garden Meet
Held on June I, 2
Representatives from Klamath Falls Attend Con
vention Held in Pendleton
Horn from the annual slate convention of the Oregon
Federation of Garden clubs t Mrs. E. D. Lamb, state president,
Mrs. A. 'G. Proctor, state secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. F. O.
Small, a delegate from Klamath Falls. The convention was
held In Pendleton on the first and second of June.
The theme of the meeting this year, "Victory Gardens and
Home Production," was stressed by Mrs. Lamb in her report to
tho group.
On Tuesday afternoon,
June the first, delegates were
guests at a tea at the home of
Mrs. Donald Wair. The sun
' did come out for a few min
utes to enable the women to
enjoy Mrs. Wair's beautiful
A high point of the con
ventlon was a flower arrange
ment demonstration given by
Normal Mitchell Kelly. At
this exhibition, beautiful ar
rangements were shown in
the speakers' collection of
oriental containers.
Other events of the two
day meeting were the Infor-
. mal dinner given at the Epis
copal Parish hall on Tuesday
evening and the President's
no-host breakfast given at the
Pendleton hotel on Wednes
day morning.
Mrs. Lamb, as president of
the Federation, presided over
all meetings held in the
northern city. Business of
the convention was completed
on Wednesday afternoon.
TULELAKE Past worthy
matrons and past worthy pa
trons of Tulelake chapter, .
Order of the Eastern Star,
were honored following the
regular meeting Tuesday
night when the sixth birth
day anniversary of the chap
ter was commemorated. Din
ner was served in the annex
of the Tulelake Presbyterian
Places at the table where
the guests were seated were
marked by narrow ribbons at
tached to fortunes for each
guest. Quaint old-fashioned
girls ' added an interesting
note to the central theme, a
low bowl of sweet peas in
pastel shades. Place cards
were in the birthday motif.
. A number of the past offi
cers now live elsewhere or
are in the armed forces. Hon
ored were past worthy ma-
, trans, Eva Pritchett, Anna
Hoper, Beulah Weise, Alice
Wilkinson, Gertrude Wolfe,
11 of Tulelake, Mrs. Billy
Marie Pritchett, New Mexico;
past worthy patrons, Otis
Hoper, Robert Pritchett, Tule
lake, Ranee Stover, serving
with the Seabees, and Charles
Coates, first worthy patron,
whose present address is un
known. Four new members, Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Osborne,
Mrs. L. C. Kirby. Tulelake.
and Mrs. Ruby Wallace, New
ell, were initiated.
During the social hour ac
cordion numbers were played
by Patty Gentry, several
piano numbers by Harriett
Coulson, and Mrs. Ruth
Fisher read a clever original
verse on past matrons of the
Mrs. Ruth Boyd, worthy
matron, was in the chair.
Mrs. Madge Carey, past
worthy matron, of the Malin
chapter, was a guest.
Zella Blankenship was hos
tess to the Lucky Thursday
Pinochle club June the third
a her home at 312 Martin
street. Luncheon was served
at one o'clock to Agnace
Lowe, Mary Martin, Ruth Se
horn, Florence Young, Es
telle Smith, Vera Good, Net
tie Good, Maude Phillips,
Kate Crowson, Rita Fuller
and one guest, Lyla Hunt. Pi
nochle was played during the
afternoon, high score going to
Estelle Smith, second to Rita
Fuller, low to Lyla Hunt and
pinochle to Maude Phillips.
The next meeting, June the
seventeenth, will be at the
home of Kate Crowson, 2243
Darrow avenue.
Friendship Club
Meets at Drydens
Mrs. C. W. Stanley and
Mrs. C. O. Dryden entertained
the Friendship club at the
Dryden home, 610 North
Eleventh street, on Friday
afternoon, May the twenty
eighth. Dessert luncheon was
served at half past one o'clock
to Cora Kennedy, Bertha
Bishop, Margaret Lavin,
Louise Lohr, Florence Love,
Lora Evans, Bertha Hewitt,
Idoline Schupp and the host
esses, Ruth Stanley and Stella
Dryden. Bridge was played
after luncheon, with Lora
Evans holding high score,
Idoline Schupp second, and
the traveling award going to
Bertha Hewitt.
Nile Queen
Visits Club
Officers Guests at
June Luncheon Meet
ing in Party Room
Mrs. M. P. Dunn of Ash
land, queen of Zuleima tem
ple. Daughters of the Nile,
paid her official visit to the
Klamath Falls Nile club at
its June meeting held Tues
day afternoon, with a one
o'clock luncheon, in the Peli
can party room.
Accompanying Mrs. Dunn
to Klamath Falls were Mrs.
Maizie, Bates, Mrs. Vernice
Enders, past queens, and Mrs.
Bessie Travise, now serving
as an officer of the temple.
The meeting proved par
ticularly colorful and spring
like with the hostesses using
arrangements of Hawthorne
sprays and peonies, roses
mingling with the blue of
Brodiaea and the foliage of
Mexican orange, from the
Sweeney gardens at Medford,
and a large vase of dogwood
in the background.
The queen was presented
with a gift from the club and,
in honoring the members with
birthdays in June and July,
Mrs. Herman Gisvold received
a prize. Awards in bridge for
the afternoon's play were
received by Mrs. Dunn, the
queen, Mrs. J. H. Poppy and
Mrs. V. J. Josephson.
A report was made on the
number of hours given in
work for the Red Cross by
Nile members since the first
of the year.
On the h6stess committee
were Mrs. Carl Steinseifer,
Mrs. Marshall Cornett, Mrs.
William Hackler, Mrs. Charles
Gilbert and Mrs. Howard Li:
toe. This was the club's last
meeting until September when
the officers will act as host
The Past Oracles of the
' Royal Neighbors of America
met on Friday evening, May
the twenty-eighth, with Ethel
Blake, 1132 Crescent avenue,
for their regular monthly
meeting, and the state super
visor, Mae Logan of Portland,
was a welcome visitor. After
the business meeting pinochle
was played and refreshments
were served at a late hour to
Ella Pauley, Lola Myers,
Maude Shuey, Frances Kill
ian, Kate Hogue, Anna Wool
ever, Lucille Heifer, Mae Lo
gan and the hostess, Ethel
Flag To Be
Prosperity chapter number
160 OES of Malin will honor
the national emblem at the
next regular meeting on
Thursday, June the tenth at
eight o'clock in the evening
at the Malin church building.
Mrs. Vador Kalina, worthy
matron, and Mr. Joe Halousek,
worthy patron, extended a cor
dial invitation to all members
and visiting members to attend.
Charles David Jackson, young
son of Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Jackson of 3616 Boardman
avenue, celebrated his first
birthday on May the ninth,
Piano Pupils
Give Recita
Students of Josephine
Tyson in Musicale on
June First
Josephine Tyson of PIS
Donald street presented her
pupils in piano recital at
her home on June the first.
Parents and friends of the
pupils were invited.
The program is as follows:
"Runaway Horses" .... Bilbro
Coralle Bllckenstaff.
"Stepping Stones.."Thompson
"The Gentle Bee".
German Folk Song
Dale Peyton.
"In China Town" Scher
"Meal Time at the Zoo" ....
Beverley Dalmer.
"Long, Long Ago" Bayly
"Picking Cherries" .. Spencer
Eleanor Emery.
Duet "The Elf Man's Ser
enade" Gaynor
Shirley Hutchinson, Jeannene
"Old Folks at Home"....Foster
"Playing Sunbeams"
Ann Reeves.
"Cotton Pickers" Martin
Larry Ring.
"Birds in the Woods"
Dee Webb.
"Vale of Song" Rolfe
"The Wood Nymph's Harp"
Jeannene O'Connor.
"Jonquils" Griebel
Beverley Kohn, first piano
Dee Webb, second piano.
"Swaying Pines" Vernon
"Twilight in Sleepy Hol
low" Lane
Ruth Soder.
"The Blue Danube"
.... a it. by Belleck, Strauss
"Jolly Brothers Galop". Budik
Shirley Hutchinson.
"The First Butterfly"
"Along Toward Evenin' " ..
Beverley Kohn.
"Maytime" Breau
Betty Adams, Gene Peyton,
first piano
Violet Soares, Shirley Damon,
second piano.
"Valse Caprice" Newland
Hazel Frymire.
"The Bells of St. Mary's ....
"Forest Murmurs" Bohm
Shirley Damon.
"Clayton's Grand March" ..
Gene Peyton.
"Moon Paths"
....Valse Impromptu, Adams
"Chop Sticks"
arr. by Thompson
Violet Soares.
"Aloha Oe" .... arr. by Earle
"Prelude, C Minor
op. 28, No. 20, Chopin
Betty Adams.
"Vesper Chimes" .... Decker
Hazel Frymire.
The meeting of Prosperity
Rebekah lodge was held on
Thursday evening, June the
third, in the IOOF hall. The
meeting was called to order
at eight o'clock by Blanche
Barker, noble grand. Ada
Willita was introduced and
received as a member trans
ferring from Ft. Jones lodge,
California. At the close of
the business meeting the fol
lowing program was pre
sented: reading, Cora Ken
nedy; guessing contest with
awards going to Marguerite
Smith, Alice Gowland and
Mrs. Ross; pantomime, "A
Country Schoolma'am's
Trials," with Lucille Heifer
as the schoolteacher, Cora
Kennedy and Ivy Propst
members of the school board,
and Ora Sweet, Harriet Estes,
Martha Gilcrist, Eva Richard
son, Frances Munsell, Jeanne
Williamson, Dicksy Weed,
Sylvia Tilton, Irene Markham
and Evelyn Patterson the
pupils. ,.
The next meeting will be
held on June the seventeenth
in the IOOF hall and there
will be initiation, entertain
ment and refreshments. All
officers and members of the
drill team are asked to wear
Johnnie Campbell gave a din
ner party at her home on Sun
day evening In honor of the
birthdays of Irene Carl, Mir
iam Potucek, and Johnnie
Campbell. A social time fol
lowed the dinner.
Guests were Mrs. Irene Carl
and son Cross, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Potucek and son Bobby,
and Johnnie Campbell.
Mrs. Harold M. Brown re
turned home this week after
spending the past six weeks
in Los Angeles with Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Hill and their
baby son. Mrs. Hill will be
remembered as Marguerite
Brown, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Harold M. Brown.
I rt.V ft, Si . I
Students of St. Helen's Hull in Portland elected
Mary Alice Serruys of Klamath Falls as one of
their princesses. Sylvia Thomas of Snlcm was
the May Queen, From left Princesses Mary Alice
Serruys, Beatrice King and Nndn Skldmore,
Queen Sylvia, Princesses Eleanor Coles, Jane
Norwood and Dorothy Herman. Patty Lewis,
flower girl, sits below the queen.
Oregon Journal
Miss McNulty Is
Bride of Friday
Ethyl McNulty and Lieutenant Jobe Married
June Fourth at Sacred Heart Church
Before a flower-decked altar at Sacred Heart church, Miss
Ethyl McNulty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McNulty, and
Lieutenant D. T. Jobe, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Jobe, Sr.,
were married at ten o'clock on Friday morning. Father Tim
othy Casey read the ceremony.
The bride was dressed in a light blue suit with matching
hat and carried a white prayer book and white gardenins.
Her only attendant was Miss Helen McNulty, her sister, who
wore a light blue suit with a white hat.
Best man for the ceremony
was Mr. Melvin Miller.
Immediately after the cere
mony there was a .wedding
breakfast in the Pelican
party room. Those attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Childcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Ruger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
McNulty, Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
Jobe, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Low, Mrs. Shirley Fry, Mrs.
J. C. McNulty, Mr. Jim Dris
coll, Mrs. Ruth Brooks, Mr.
W. E. Krucger. Mrs. Faye
High, Miss Joanne Hamilton.
Miss Jean Aubrey, Miss Helen
McNulty. Miss Lorraine Mc
Nulty. Miss Dean Hamilton,
and Billy Kruegcr.
The bride and groom will
leave soon for Paco, Texas,
where Lieutenant Jobe is an
instructor in the army air
s At the May business meet
ing of the Catholic Daughters
of America, the following of
ficers were elected for the
coming term and will be in
stalled in September: grand
regent, Agnes LaLondo (re
elected); vice grand regent, '
Phyllis Mahoney, prophetess,
Zeta Kennedy; lecturer, Kath
erine Bruner; treasurer, The
resa Doveri; financial secre
tary, Violet Pieser; monitor,
Ellen Ely; sentinel, Mary Mc
Goran; historian, Louise
Vaughn; organist, M i 1 d r e d
Smith; trustees, Nora Sullivan
and Emily Miller.
At t h e social meeting In
May a short business meeting
was held and games were
played during the evening.
Louise Vaughn was chairman
and was assisted by Mildred
Petrick, Maude Calhoun, Ma
rie Haskett, Olive Holzgang,
Lola Hemingsen, and Ellen
Patterson. Out-of-town mem
bers attending were Mildred
Petrick, Mamie Giacomini,
and Mary O'Connor.
Elective officers of Weyer
haeuser camp 4 PTA met at
the home of Mrs. Earl Cruik
shank on Thursday, May the
twenty-seventh and named
chairmen necessary for the
summer months. They also
made plans for the June meet
ing which was held on Thurs
day, June the third at half
past seven o'clock in the com
munity hall.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Earl
Cruikshank and Mrs. H. II.
Ogle. The public was Invited
and after the business meet
ing there was singing of old
favorite songs with Mrs. Karl
Friedrich Bt the piano.
A number of small friends
were invited to help celebrate
the first birthday of little Kar
en Caster, daughter of IHr.
and Mrs. Albert G aster, on
May the thirteenth.
Little folks enjoying the
party were Darlcne and An
nolle Gastcr, Johnnie and Ron
nie Weber, Roxic and Donnie
K e 1 1 a r, Judy and David
Schnccbeck, Linda Lorton,
Garwin Gastcr, Clara Wine
gar, Karen's grandmother,
Mrs. S. A. Gastcr, and the
mothers of the children.
Miss Thomas
Weds in Bend
Former Malin Girl
Marries in Northern
MALIN Miss Evelyn Do
lores Thomas, daughter of
Mrs. Walter T. Jensen of
Bond, Oregon, became the
bride of Mr. Ralph Graham of
Bend in a ceremony read at
the First Presbyterian church
of Bend on Saturday, May the
fifteenth. The Reverend R. H.
Prentice officiated.
Tho bride was formerly a
resident of Malin and is a cous
in of Mcrvyne Wilde of that
She wore a two-piece beige
wool ensemble with acccsorics
of turf tan. She wore a cor
sage of orchids.
Jcon Wilde, a cousin, was
the maid of honor. She wore
a white suit accentuated with
red accessories and a corsage
of gardenias.
Best man was Stanley
Weichman of Portland.
Just before the ceremony,
Mrs. Harry Field sang "Be
cause" accompanied by Mrs.
Hilda Bush at the piano.
Following the ceremony,
Mr. and Mrs. Graham greet
ed forty relatives and friends
at a wedding reception held in
the church parlors. Mrs. Bush
poured and the cake, cut first
by the bride, was served by
Mrs. R. V. Prentice.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham are
now. at home at 1234 Fresno
street in Bend. Mr. Graham
is a newly appointed member
of the fire department and
Mrs. Graham is affiliated with
the Pacific Fruit and Produce
Mrs. Frailer
Mrs. Bess Frazicr entertain
ed with a luncheon on Mon
day, May thhe thirty-first, at
one o'clock in Langell Valley.
Guests were Mrs. Mary Smith,
Mrs. Mary Dearborn, and Mrs.
Cora Leavitt. An afternoon of
bridge followed the luncheon.
, iff' 1
, Little Karert Gastcr was just
one year old on May the thir
teenth. She celebrated the oc
casion "With a birthday party
at the home of her parents.
I -it
,- ''fllfl
Mrs. Roys
Is Speaker
Church Council Mem
ber Speaks at Sev-
eral Meetings
On Tuesday afternoon, June
the first, Mrs. Charles - K,
Roys, a member of the United
Council of Church Women
staff, spoke to a gathering of
women of the city In tho par
ish house of St, Paul's Epis
copalian church, Mrs, John
Yiden, local president of the
organization, presided and
Introduced Mrs. Roys whose,
subject tor the afternoon was
"The Church Woman Looks
at the World" after which aha
led a discussion of local prob
lems and the ways In which
church women may help.
A sllvor tea followed; Mrs.
Howard D. Hannaford
poured. Hor husband, Ilov,
Hannaford, Is a Presbyterian
missionary connected with
the Union church at Newell,
tho Japanese re-location cen
ter. Both were missionaries
in Japan for several years,
having returned last summer
on the "Good Hope" which
brought home American mis
sionaries and residents of
The tea table was charming
with arrangements of Iris and
spirea and the same flowers
centered the monlleplecc.
Tho tea committee consisted
of Hazel Morrison, Mrs. R. II.
Radcliff and Mrs. C. F.
The meeting on Wednesday
evening In the sanctuary of
the First Methodist church
was attended by a very rep
resentative audience, every
church in tho council being
represented, as well as sev
eral others. Rev. Victor Phil
lips of the First Methodist
church gave the Invocation
and tho speaker was intro
duced by Mrs. Yadcn. Her
subect was "The Church
The First Lino of Defense."
In her Introductory remarks
Mrs. Roys cmphusized the
need for church unity, not
uniformity, and she also laid
stress upon the imperatives
for Christian people today as
concerns the boys in service
and the juvenile question, nil
of these tied up with local
problems. Mrs. T. B. Powers
sang "Oh Divine Redeemer"
by Gounod and Rev. Theo
dore Smith delivered tho
benediction. ,
lovely farewell party was
held Wednesday evening, May
the twenty-sixth, at the par
ish hall honoring Mrs. Luln
Brown and her brother, Ken
neth Wllkcrson, who left
Monday for their home in
They have lived in Langell
valley for many years. Mrs.
Brown and Mr. Wllkcrson
were presented with lovely
gifts from their Langell Val
ley friends.
A social evening was en
joyed with ice cream, cake
and coffee served at midnight
to the following guests:
Mrs. Brown, Kenneth Wll
kerson, Mr. and Mrs. Barney
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Smith and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Dearborn and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Al Gale,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Conlcy
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Lilly and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Wlllard Noble, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Noble and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Settle and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Sandre Romtvcdt and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McBcth and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Potucek and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roberts
and son, Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Roblson, Mrs. Frank Popple,
Mrs. Reg Thomas, Mrs. Mary
Dearborn, Mrs. Claude Mur
ray, Mrs. Florence Botklns,
Mrs. Claudia Muslck, Mrs.
Neva Noble, Mrs. Earl Mc
Coy and family, Mrs. Mildred
Campbell, Mrs. Oscar Camp
bell, Mrs. Owen Pcpplo and
son, Mrs. Lester Leavitt and
family, Mr, Lloyd Gift and
family, Willie Mae Randall,
Billic Mae DcVaul, Barbara
Anderson, Sylvia and Francis
Roberts, Amos Powers, John
Horn, T. F.. Boggs, Frank
Henry, Johnnie Turnidgo,
Ralph Womack, .James Wo
rn a c k, Charles Dearborn,
Frank Womack and Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hcarn of
74 1 Walnut street have an
nounced the engagement of
their daughter, Leila Marie, to
Mr. Ryland Shock.
The wedding date has been
set for August the fourteenth
and will take placo in Klam
ath Falls.
Mrs. Moorehead
State President
Salem Woman Elected Head of Oregon Federa
tion of Women's Clubs; Mrs. West Delegate
Of Interest to women In Klamath Falls is the report tlmt
Mrs. Georgo R. K. Moorehead was elected president of th
Oregon Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. Moorehead is the
former Jenelle Vandervort of Salem. She has been active in
Red Cross work, community concert work and board of health
work In the valley city and Is woll known to ninny here.
A year ago Mrs. Moorehead was guest speaker of llm
Library club. She was sent here by the United States puhlin
Edna Ray
June Bride '
Klamath Girl Weds at
Home of Parents on
June Third
Wedding bells rang for
Kilna Ituy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. II. Ruy, and
Privato Charles Zoek, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Zcok of Toledo,
Oregon. The ceremony was
reud Thursday! Juno tho third,
at three o'clock at tho bride's
parents' country home.
The bride is a former stu
dent at Oregon Sluto collega
and was affiliated with Delta
Zeta sorority. Private Zeek
is a junior at Oregon State
and will be stationed at Fort
Roberts, California when his
twelve-day leave Is over.
The bride woro a white
suit trimmed with pastel em
broidery and a small white
hut with a white veil. Her
corsage was a single orchid
pinned at her shoulder.
The bride's only attendant
was Miss Martha Kay, daugh
ter of Mrs. Until K. Ruy of this
city. Best miin was George
Daltou Hay.
Relatives of the bride wero
tho only guests present.
The M. V. U3. club met at
the homo of Mrs. Edna Travcrs
at Midland on Wednesday,
May the nineteenth, with a
plant exchungc. Tho afternoon
wus spent in discussion. It
was decided to roll banduges
and knit for the Red Cross.
After discussion, Mrs. Pearl
McPherson was presented with
a number of dainty handker
chiefs honoring hor birthday.
At the close of the meeting
refreshments were served to
Mrs. Hnzcl Mistier, Mrs. Pearl
McPherson, Mrs. Elizabeth
Cnsebicr, Mrs. Tholma Hotick,
Mrs. Ida Thomas, Mrs. Jean
Wilson, Mrs. Blnncho Flowers,
Mrs. Ethel Paddock, Mrs.
Katie Phlpps, and the hostess,
Mrs. Edna Travers.
Aloha chapter No. 61, Or
der of the Eastern Star, will
meet In regular session Tues
day evening at eight o'clock
at the Masonic Temple, Klam
ath avenue.
A new flag has been pur
chased for the chapter, and
this flag will be dodicated
with proper ceremonies at
this meeting.
This will probably be the
last meeting before summer
vacation, as a resolution has
been read asking for the can
cellation of the last regular
June meeting.
Mrs. Clarence A. Humble,
worthy matron, and Mr.
Lawrence K. Phelps, worthy
patron, extend to all mem
bers and visiting members a
cordial Invitation to attend
the Tuesday evening meeting.
Effectively checks perspiration and perspiration odor.
Non-irritaung . . . non-greasy . . . does not harm clothes.
It's delightful to use . . . and insures day-long daintiness.
The only deodorant oreom perfumed with refreshing,
lasting Apple Blossom fragrance. Large jar, .50. r m
9th and Main phon8 45i,
nesun service.
The convention was held In
Salem and lusted through llm
socond and third of June,
Attending the convention ai
the delegate from Kluiniith
Fills, Mrs. Walter West trav
eled to Salem. Slio la tho dis
trict president from Klamath
county. Mrs, West has been
spending tho winter In ,u,
Angeles and arrived here this
week to spend a few duys be
fore going on to Salem.
She is now in Portland
where she Is stopping with
Mrs. Grunt Hess. She planstfV
soon to return to Los Angeles"
where she will stay with her
son, Tommy, who Is complet
ing his school year.
The Merry Mixers were en
tcrtuined on Thursday eve
ning, June tho third, at tho
home of Louise Cramblet,
1728 Oak street. Tho mem
bers attending were Ruth
Lawrence, Itulh Anderson, Jo
1'aup, Illllo Snider, Eleanor
Curtis, Deo Salyer, the hos
tess, and one guest, Mildred
Robertson, who joined the
club at this llnio. Pinochle
was pluyed during tho eve
ning, with high score held by
Ruth Anderson and second byf
Mildred Robertson. The club's
spring bazaar was held nt
this meeting, different kinds
of handwork being sold.
Tho next meeting, June the
seventeenth, will be at the
home of Ruth Anderson on
the Bend highway, and mem
bers will meet with Jo Poup,
414 North Ninth street, for
The June meeting of the
chevaliers and auxiliary of
Canton Crnter will be held
Thursday evening, the tenth
In the IOOF hall, with a pol
itick dinner to be served at
half past six o'clock.
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