Juno 4, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVJB R.c.nt Gutii Mr, and Mm. Walter A. Wilson Jr., o( Port lund, worn lido recently an the llui'sts o( Mr, uml Mm. Kriivat 1'. Cuniphi'll on Iltinii'diilo riuid. VomiK Wilson la n petty officer 2o mid hua been triinnferrcd from Vlritlnlu tu 1'urt lliierieme, Calif, lie la now on u lo dny fur Immli. Mm. WIIkoii, the former K ii Hi Cuniphi'll, la a duuKlitur of the Ciimpljcllit, Mn. Brown Returns Mra. 1 Inrold M. Hrown returned to licr home, 1037 I.eltoy street Thursday moinliiK lifter apencl iiiK the punt alx weeka In Lou Anitelea with her aon-ln-lnw nnd dmiiihtor, Mr. mul Mra, Herbert lllll, nnd her auveivwceka-old Itriindson, Slio ulao visited with rcliit tvfH nnd frlunrt In Pima- (leiin nnd other auuthern Callfor- niii cltlea. Go Cut Mra. Lloyd Allen of Orchard wny unci her aon nollle luivo loft for McCook, Neb., where they will visit Allon'a brother nnd fnmlly; to Falrbury, Nab,, to vlalt Mra. Allon'a moth er, Mra. Mnry Worlcln; nnd to Iown whero they will bo the Bitcata of Mrs,. Allon'a sister. They expect to bo K"no for n month, Joins Huiband Mra. Walter Dcnnla, daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. John Yndon, 101 Old Fort rond left on Thursday cvonlnti with her young aon, John Victor, for Suit Luke City, Utah, where ahc pinna to spend tho atimmcr with her husband. Ho la with tho nr my medical corpa nnd la station ed nt Ft, DouKlna, Utah. From 8.attl. Mra. Irene Krocnert haa returned from Seattle whero ahe attended n Vonferonce on May 20, nnd olito one In Snlem on Mny 27, both held by Dr.. J. S. NoffalnRor of Washington, D. C, a repreaen tntlvo of tho war emergency council of private business choola. Visiting H.r Mr, and Mra. T. E. Bird and daughter, Bar bara, stopped over here this week at the home of Mr. nnd Mra. Phil Brlxncr of Liikeshorc drive en route to their homo In Honolulu. Birds huvo been In tho United States alnco Novem ber, 1042. Vlalta Mra. L. Shclton of Wllmnr, Cnllf., is a house guest nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Messcr, 020 Martin street. The families have been friends 'or several yenrs, Mr. nnd Mrs. vMcsser having como hero from California. L.av.s for East Staff Ser geant M. D. Alcorn, who has boon hore visiting his mother, Mrs. Anron Hoffmnn, nnd his slstor, Mrs. Alvln Phillips, has left for Missouri, whero ho is stationed in tho nir corps, To Portland Mary Stivers of Orchard street has left for Port land whero sho will livo with relatives whllo employed In that city. From Hospital Mrs, U. G. Simpson, who has been ill nt the Hlllaldo hospital has re turned to hor homo on Home dalo rond. Return Home Bertram! F. Peteraon, pustor of tho Church of tho Nn.ureiio, nnd aon Wes ley, returned Thursday from Sun Francisco whero Wealey re ceived apeciullal'B attention nt tho Circen cyo hoapitnl, Visiting Slater Alvln Duvall of Lowlnlim, Mont., la in Khun iilli Fulls visiting Ills aialer, Ida Samson, whom ho hasn't seen for 43 years. Police Court In police court Oils morning there wero alx drunks nnd flvo traffic tickets. SB9B! mm MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. 15, 1943) Train 19 Southbound: 8 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound) 7 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 10 p, m. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3i30 p. m Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturaa, Ashland, Lake view and Rocky Point 7 a. m. Vasa Lodge The Vasa lodge will luivo a meeting on Satur day, Juno 3. Refreshments will be served nfter tho meeting. Moose Give Card Party The Loyal Ordor of Mooso will spon sor a card party Saturday, June 9, in the basement of tho Moose hall, 1010 Pine street, nt 8 p. m Plnochlo will be plnycd, awards will be given and refreshments served. The public is invited to attend. Lone German Plane Strafes Iceland NEW YORK, June 4 T NBC, broadcasting from Iceland, said today that American army headquarters there had an nounced "n lone German plane strafed military Installations on tho morning of June 4. No bombs wero dropped nnd there were no casualties." Tho NBC broadcast also quot ed American nrmy headquarters as saying that "earlier In the week, onother slnglo German piano hud swooped down on nn English stenmcr crossing the bay on the north const of Iceland nnd dropped four bombs, none of which did any damage." In order to prevent permanent damngo to tho bakcllto head of tho distributor on your car, be suro to wipo it off frequently to keep It ns clean as possible Body bolls should bo tightened every 5000 miles nnd not just once In tho lifetime of your automobile. P I L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No LftM of Tim Pfrmanwit RMultll DR. E. M. MARSHA Ohtropriotlt Phytltltn tn No, Ilh - Stqulri Thulrl Slug. Phonr ltd 1 1 , m.W mKxm It I LI TT5gTg-.eHi WHY TAKE CH AMIS! i "Whenifs CLOROXCLEAN Hi hygienical! clean! ill -Jfl Iff I sjff-in-n W M- I fff 1 TrlE PRESENT critical period demands the full itrenglh of a healthy nation. The well-being of every family can be aided by Greater Home Sanitation which Is so easily provided by Clorox. The Intensified disinfecting action of Clorox combats germ Infection dangers In routine cleans Ing of tile, enamel, porcelain! linoleum, wood surfaces) dishcloths, dish towels, loo. For added home health pro tection use Clorox regularly. Simply follow directions on the label. Clorox Is Concentrated for MnAmu. It hn oite IiisIva nunllltnt . eiU for and always be sure you get Clorox, AMIIICA'S HVOIIIII IIUCH AND H0U1III0ID DIJlNFKTANT CLOROX FREE FROM CAUSTIC fyukkctA Dtooomns ihchis MM0VM STAINS ' BOND BATTLE GETS AWRY TO HEATED START Hot competition hud develop ed among Klwanians Friday in the contest for naming four war bond-bought fighter planes after four county communities. Ill-Jacking and sabotage charges were hurled as tho club members, assigned to work for the various communities, opened their drive to build bond sales, Tho planes will bo named for for communities to which arc credited tho moat bond sales In Juno. Klamath Falls people will voto frfr tholr favorlto communi ties by crediting their bond pur- clinsca, while all purchases in tho county will bo credited in like manner this month. Tho following Kiwaniana have been assigned to battle for the various communities: Bly-Bcatty Al House and Ed Livingston. Bonanza Fred Peterson and Kuspcr Moty. Chlloquin - Fort Klamath Henry Perkins and L, L. Lom bard. Gilchrist Don Drury, Mal colm Eploy, Vanco Vaupcl. Keno Gcorgo Myers and L. K. Johnson. Malin Frank Jenkins and R. C. Dale. Merrill K. A. Moore nnd Vic Joscphson. Spruguo .River Innls Roberts and James Burncss, Members of tho teams served notice immediately no holds would be barred in their efforts to get all bond sales possible credited to their respective towns. Moore and Joscphson sped to Merrill Thursday to line up the local campaign there, while the Gilchrist, team went to work on a generous block of bonds here they want credited to the northern Klamath "wonder town." The opening shots fired back nnd forth between adherents of the various communities prom ised a campaign of mounting heat. Malin will go first on the air In a scries of radio broadcasts. The Mnlln program Is scheduled over KFJI on Monday at 7:20 p. m. Navy Patrol Plane Sinks Sub While Crew Sun-Bathes WASHINGTON, June 4 fP) A navy Cntalina patrol plane swooped down on a surfaced U-boat In the South Atlantic and blew It In two before the sun bathing crew could got into ac tion. The navy In telling of the In cident yesterday gave no indica tion, however, of the probable nature of "several objects which looked like - Ibng cylindrical tanks," that floated up after the submarine had been blown out of tho water by exploding depth charges. Tho attack occurred "several months ago." VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS PUGH Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., on June 3, 1043, to Mr. nnd Mra. G. D. Pugh of 214 Martin street, a girl. Weight; 4 pounds 6 ounces, Tho African cheetnh hns been timed nt a speed of 103 feet a second, or more than a mile a minute. 13 Years Of Negatives On File! Since 1930 Kennell-Ellis Has Kept All Negatives On File ' For Your Convenience Come In . . . Look Them Over And Order- From Those Old Proofi You May Have Forgotten! Kennell-Ellis U. S. Nat'I Bank Bldg.. Main and 8th Phone 3252 "If '.I have never been in volved in an accident, am I liable under the new Oregon law ? How does it protect me?" Paul 0. A-v- 1 For complete Information on this law, and, how to completely pro tect yourself, consult The LANDRY Co. 410 Main St. Phone S612 The Court House Is Now One Block Down . the Street From Our Office. HERE ARE YOUR DOUBLE FEATURE SLACK-WEAR' " I RESPONSIBILITY JJ m FOR CASUAL OR WORK O vim u n ill Sanforized Denim GARDEN SUITS Bib and Coverall styles in full cut, fitted . waistlines. Navy, dark brown and light tones. All washable. 2.98 to 4.50 Time io Think of Jantzen- SWIM SUITS O 'One and two-tone suits fashioned of the famous Velva , Lure rayon fabrics. O Jantzen suits have the famous self-adjusting bra-with, gathered elastic neckline. O Lithe line panel fronts that slims, trims and controls O Smart square back with built-up shoulder straps O Fashioned of rayon to give beauty-mercerized cotton for strength. .: 4.95 to 7.95 Also the. Famous Line of ' SEA-MOLD SUITS Fashioned by Flexees- 5.95 to 7.95 3 "('"i macs THE WOMAN'S STOCE,swt For Casual or Town Wear Tailored SLACK SUITS Here Is style and tailoring you can be proud of anywhere . And fabrics that will wash and wear indefinitely. Strutter cloth and rayon, gabardine fitted and loose jacket styles. ' 8.95 to 10.95 Cotton Denim and Rayon SLACK SUITS Overblouse and tuck-in-styles fashioned in torn-boy styles for garden or war work. - All washable some sanforized. 2.98 to 4.50 New Showing of DRESS SLACKS Lovely new styles with full pleated beltlines and full cut bottoms. Fashioned of the famous Frostpoint and Calcutta rayon fabrics in Brown and Black. Other dressy type slacks in corduroy and strutter Cloth priCeC ' ! 4.95 to 7.95 o GARDEN SLACKS ' For leisure or garden work these denim ond spun rayon slacks are fashioned for heavy . duty and long wear. Snappy pocket and belt line detailing also affords freedom, of action. Faded and deep tones. 1.98 and 2.98 i. s