June 8, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIV1 Returns Mi'. E. II. Bulslgcr hoa rottirnad from RodfluUI, S. D., where alio hua boon far tlia punt threo months. Hur on, Licutoiiiiut E. E, lliilrilgcr, met hor In Porllund and iiccompun lod hor to Klnniuth Full. Llout. Balslgor loft Tuesday mornliiK for Lh Juntii, Colo,, whcro ho la mi limlriiL'tur lit an nriuy ulr buna. Mil. Lillian Hugnum, who uc compunled Mra. Ualalgcr cunt In March, will romuin In South Da kota with hor alstor until luto fall. In Ban Carloi Mra. Q.' V. Qillon, who hue apont tho win tor with hor (luughter-ln-luw, Mra. Wlnnlfrud Glllon, loft Sun day for Sun Curlua, Cullf., whcro aha will pond tho summer. Lota Ration Boolca Robert Russell of 1U14 Kiino alrcct and W. A, Mayo of Pelican Buy camp, ChlliKiuIn, both reported to pollco that they had lout tholr A una ration hooks. . Vlsltlna PFC K. II, Llnvlllo, with tho niuiina corps at Puifot Sound and Mra. Llnvlllo cumo to tholr homo town of Klamath Fulls to moot their youngest aon, Norman E. Llnvlllo, us navy AN3c nt Alameda, Cullfornlu, Norman attended school hero but hain't aeen hla parent! for over yeur, They aro atuylng at tho homo of Mr. and Mra. II, J epuy of 1U34 Worclcu avenuo To Corvallla Mrs. Wlniiifrcd Glllon, Kluniuth homo demon tratlon agent, la upending aomo tlmo In Corvnllla during tho i ll ,i dimmer cump, Sho wua accom panied by her duughtcr Shlolu They will ruturn about Juno 12 and hor mother, Mra. ucsslo Kell, will roturn with thorn. Join OPA Gcorgo R. Lewis of Pendleton and J. Kenneth Armstrong from San Frunclsco havo recently Joined tho stuff of the local OPA offlco and havo chargo of price and ration- Ing regulutlona In Klamath Falls. Malin 11 Private William Sharkey, aon of Mr. and Mra. William Shar key, Malin, atAtloned in south arn California, la homo on a brief furlough. Flrat Lieut. Chorlea Zumr, atatlonod in Texas, on a 12doy furlough, la apendlng It With hla purcnta, Mr. and Mra. Vln- cent Zumr, Malin, hla alitor Mra. Robert Walker and Mr Walker, Merrill, and hla wlfo at Pendleton, whcro Mra. Zumr la at home with her parents for tho duration. Word hoa been received here that Sergeont Doris McCord, who with Paulino Suty were tho tint Klamnth county girls to Join tha WAAC'a, has been transferred from Tcxaa to Fort Devens, Mais., whore she, saya M'lt la much nicer than in Texas, Brio missed the trees on tho great plain and Is enjoying tho green expanse -or tno Massacnu- setts hills. She has alrcody vis ited many of tho historic spots of Boston. Miss Suty was sent ovcracos to Africa somo months ago. Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Ka- Una apent tho Memorial Day holiday hero with Kaunas por ents. Mayor and Mra. A. Kallna and other relatives. Kallna is an accountant at Eugcno. Mr. and Mra. Emil Tofcll and son Jlmmlo have returned from Rlveralde, Calif., whcro they ware guests of Mrs. Tofoll'a mother. Tho Social club of tho Eastern Star met at tho homo of Mrs. Joe Hilousok on Thursday ufter- niioon. A business meeting was Donductod by Mrs. Hazel Kallna, after which refreshments were served to Leah Street, Agnes Schrohior, Murgarct Jacob, Mar- lan Wilson, Ann Puygr, Helen Ottoman and son Rodney, Madge Carey, Hazel Kallna, Ethol Ham llton, Arllo Mao Johnson and son David. '. Plans are being completed for a surgical dressing room at Mu- lin. Soveral ladles from the south end are receiving instruc tions at Klamath Falls to bo ln struclors at Malin. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Toffcl and aon, Jlmmlo, and Mrs. Teresa McComb returned Friday from Riverside; Calif., where they vis ited with rolotivcs. Mr. and Mrs, Joo Halousck had as liouao guests over the -weekend Mrs. Halousck s Brand Oiothor, Mrs. Voss, and her Un cle Harry Voss of Redmond, Orel The Aco High Pinochle club met at tho homo of tho Morvyn Wilde's on Saturday evening. After an enjoyable evening, of entertainment and cards Chincso noodles were served. Those en Joying tho evening were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tofcll, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kallna, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rajnua and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halousck. Prizes for tho eve ning were won by Mr. and Mra. Bill Rajnus. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kallna of Eugcno aro visiting relatives hero. When Legs Ache o and Feet Burn Dent II down to It help yninelf by fcrhkly rubblns leal, anklet and lum night and momkiB with Moona's Emerald oil. Thli powerful penetrating medicated oil , speedily loc-thee and comfort! counter Irritation tandt freh new blood to the parti Mini pain and eoreneu halpinf Umber up illffneu. All sood druaalitt Mil Moorw'i Emerald HI economical i aaluJ action guaranteed, Tlra Loat Lloyd McKorland of 1804 Gury, reported to city pollco that ha Inst a tiro from his cur aa It wus on tho viaduct yoaterday. Sugar Ration Book Lost Guy Earl Cramer of Bonanza, has re ported that ho lost his sugar ra tion book. POPPY SALE 'SUCCESSFUL SAYS AUXILIARY All popples wcro disposed of at tho 25th annual poppy sulo of tho American Legion uuxlllary on May 20, according to Mrs. J. II. Gullugher, chulrmnn. The entire proceeds of the sulo will bo used for tho benefit of needy veterans of World wars I and II and their families. Those poppies were hand made by tho voterana In the Roseburg and Portland hospitals. Materials aro purchased by tho department and the veteran Is paid at tho rata of ono and one liulf cents per poppy for his work. This provides a smoll in come throughout the year for those able to do thia work. Tho American Legion and Its auxiliary extends Its very sin ccro thanks to those who helped in any manner toward making this salo a success; especially Tho News-Horald and KFJI for thoir assistance in the publicity and to the Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Junior auxiliary for their assistance in tho sate, and those who so gener ously purchased the little red flower of remcmbranco, Use of the Red Cross rooms for head quarters is gratefully acknowl edged. PARAFUGIT RAWLINS, Wyo., (P) James Powell, awaiting sentence on a forgery conviction, literally "flew tho coop," saya Sheriff Glenn Penland. The sheriff explained that Powell had uacd his blanket as an improvised parachute, mak ing drops of 13 and 25 feet to reach the ground from the third story of the county Jail. He's atill missing. Classified Ads Bring Results. EAGLES TO UKML The Fraternal Order of Eagles will have Installation of officers Friday night, June 4. Officers to be Installed are Jack Henry, president; Joe Balthazor, vice president; Sid Herbert, chaplain; Dr. McAtee, acrle physician; Walter Upendahl, conductor; Mr. Perncll, Inside guard; Sam Ackcrman, outside guard; Al fred Duley, treasurer; Frank Olscn, I. A. Baker, Clarence Groves, trustees; M. L. Shep- pard, Junior past worthy presi dent; A. D. Meek, secretary. A large class of candidates will be initiated to honor the newly Installed officers. M. L. Sheppard, outgoing president and director of district 4, will give a farewell address to the members. A lunch will be served after the meeting. Ladies of the auxiliary and wives of members are urged to be pres ent after the meeting to enjoy a lunch and dancing. Fraud Detectable In Applying for Ration Book 3 PORTLAND, June 3 (VP) Oregonians who think addition al applications will bring tham extra copies of ration book No. 3 will run into a snag, tha dis trict OPA warned today. A system for detecting dupli cations has been perfected at the Salem mailing center where all applications are handled, OPA officials said. Many duplications already have been found. PILE S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALISATION Na Leae ol Tlma Permanent Raamial DR. E. M. MARSHA fihlropraatla Phyalalan US Na. 7lh - aaqulra Theatre IMS. Pharw I Police Court In police court today there were four traffic tickets and ono drunk. mam information ; MAIL CLOSINO TIME (Effective Fab. IS, 1943) Train 18 Bouthboundi 6 p, m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford 8taga, Westbound, 3i30 p. m., Evening Airmail. : Stagts to Alturaa, Aihland, Lake- ' view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m. In Methodist Church Mrs. Charles K. Roys, of tho United Council of Church Women, will apeak at an .open meeting in tho sanctuary of tho Flrat Mcth odiat church this evening at 8 o'clock. This will be the last meeting at which sho will apeak In Klamath Falls. Homemeklng Commlttsa Tha homcmaking committee of th Women of tho Moose are to meet Friday afternoon, June 4, at 12:30 o'clock at tho Moose hall for a potluck luncheon. All mombora of the chapter are wel come. Women of tha Mooaa Tha Women of tho Moose aro to spon sor a card party Friday after noon, Juno 4, at 2 o'clock In the Mooso hall. This Is tho fourth gamo of tho scries. The public is invited. Civilian Air Patrol Tha civilian air potrol will meet to night at tho high school audi- torlum at 8 o'clock. Thero will be important information on planes. All stoff officers are re quested to be present. Townaand Club Tha Town send club Is sponsoring a dance on Friday, June 4, at 0:30, in tho KC hall. Thero will bo a business meeting for members of tho club at 8 o'clock before the dance. HIS LAST SUCCESS TECUMSEH, Okla. (IP) "I have dlncnnseri a Ihnininil cases," said Dr. U. S. Cordell, "and nave been able to tell with in an hour or two when a run. son will die." The 72-vcnr-old rlnrlnr hnH hcort ailment. Carefully he examined himself. Dispassionate ly ho named the dav he would die. Tho day arrived. He didn't die. But he innk a nnn that nnvl afternoon and never awakened. If restaurant owners of thn whole country would agree on a meatless day we d at least know which was tho official one. First carrjot mill to make In grain carpet was established at rreciencK, Md., In 1810. FOITWAR Accommedalloni tor military penennel II glvan FIRST consideration tedey at ha Olympic. II wa (an Ktlp lighten the lead lor eur lighting man, by pro viding reel cornier! In the iherl parledt lhay have le eney It, then we mini de II. Thli will eplaln le lome el eur good Irlendl why lhay hava net baan able le obtain accommodation! here recently. We know lhay will under stand. BUY WAR BONDSI 7 . SEATTLE , WAIHIN0T0M real. W. Hall, Mtf Ina Mmw You can't win the war or do your best at a wartime job with out adequate food and clothing! The Retail Stores of America are doing their best to supply the Home Front with these two essen tials. In this sense the folks behind the counters the men and women who serve your everyday needs are soldiers all! 9) Preiented by CAROLINE MUNSOM l . Flock Dot Voile in A Big Group of Summer Dresses At m Presented by SUZANNE HAMILTON 2 29c ' Yd, Gay, cheerful patterns you'll love for cool sum mer wearl In soft, flatter ing colors! Just Arrlredl PILLOW CASES Fine quality regular size (42x38) pillow cases. 0wm Only a limited Quantity recclvcdl Buy now J C while they lastl Mm I MOSQUITO NETTING Heavy durable netting. White, red and green. For a Gay Luncheon Tablal PRINTED CLOTHS Leave it to us to have fresh cotton frocks for the entire family! Crisp fresh seersuckers, marvelous gingham checks, tropical floral prints. All wonderfully wearable through summer! Washability? Perfect! 9-20. Trim Tailored Typel TWO-PIECE CHAMBRAYS Delightful chambray suits with smart strip trim! Neat two-piece suits at this unheard of price! Smart enough to wear everywhere! Sizes 9-20. Ladies' Cotton BRENTWOODS Look prettier feel fresher In these pioj-n-home cottons! Styles for everyone! Easy to care- for they look fresh after repeated tub bings! Sizes 9-52. Crisp and Fresh! Colorful Print WASH DRESSES 39 Informal luncheons - will take on new zest when served on a colorful cloth! Of fine quality cotton, these cloths will stand . lots of wear. Fruit or floral patterns. 52" square. SCOOPS ON YARDAGE Bonnla Briar Printed Muslin. 36" wide. yd. 39 Cotton Seersucker, permanent finish, 36" wide ' Prlntod, yd 59t Plain, yd 49tj Printed Shear Chiffon, 41" wide, yd 98t Chambray Broadcloth, 36" wide, yd 39 tj Embroidered Pique, white, 36" wide, yd 1.98 BALCONY Preiented by VERA BILYEU New Bsreleg Fashion! RAYON HOSIERY 39 dmm - '! JkA Praaantad by , ' ', tJrttS LEONA SELBY :' WtG BOYS' SPORTSWEAR ij Wait till you see the sunshine-bright prints of these! Many crisp new styles! Sizes 12-52. Smart and Summeryl LOVELY FLORAL SKIRTS 98 Here's the skirt that's the "rage" with juniors and the coke crowd! We have it in a new spun rayon with big splashy prints or rayon Jersette! 24 to 30 waist Smart Casual Tailoring! Ladies' TAILORED BLOUSES You'll need plenty of tubable fresh blouses for summer. Our new shipment of tailored Dependable Gaymodc stock ings, made without seams for that fashionable, new, bareleg look! Summer shades. MISSES' ANKLETS Gaily patterned cot- lQe; ton, or solid colors. ' MEN'S TRUCKMANS OVERALLS Open snap bib front. Extra heavy blue and ' gold striped denim. Reinforced at points of 107 strain. I MEN'S ALL WOOL DRESS SWEATERS Handsomely styled sweaters. Blue, tnns or two-tone. Button fronts. 498 For Year-Around Sarvical WHIPCORD WORK PANTS 1" MAIN FLOOn Sturdy weight SanforlzedT whipcord, heavily stitched and bartacked for SERVICE! MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS Tough sport knits JQ with crew necks! Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. i 29 Built for Actionl BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Vftti mh'I rlimllnfitA thla mialltv tp -iT 3 any Place or 1,29! onS sleeves, i ,- carefully finished, rayon and cot- ton material. Sizes 4-18. For Active Summer Ahead BOYS' T SHIRTS Designed for every activity! Air cooled cotton knit, short sleeves, crew neck, plain colors, TTO Small, medium, large. , Built for Comfort! . Boys' Broadcloth PAJAMAS 6S Pull-over or button styles, gay stripes or figures, in cool broad cloth. Ages 8-18. Boys' Broadcloth SHORTS .... 25 USE STAMP 17 BEFORE JUNE 1STHI MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Your tires may be worn but your feet are still good! Keep 'em walk ing in comfortable new Pcnney's oxfords! All leather construction, rubber heels. Tan or - OJ black. Sizes 6-11. 3 BOYS' OXFORDS Sturdily constructed leather sole oxford. Comfortable smart wing-tipped toe. Brown nnd black. )98 Sizes 1-6. eft favorites will colors.' 32-40. SICOND PL00R fill the bill! White and 98 Cool and Comfyl Girls' Slack Suits Mf J IIC0ND FLOOR Denim slack suits can take hard play from dawn to dark! These come in faded blue and rose, some with rainbow striped shirts! Sizes 7-14. Girls' Blouses P Tailored and finished as carefully as mother's! Saddle stitching around collar and pocketl Easy-to-wash rayon in whlto and colorsl Sizes 10-16. .................... 69 69 OTHER BLOUSES . GIRLS' PLAYSUITS