June 2, 1043 PAGE THREE Found Dead Hoy Dlckln of K In inn til Falls wim found (lend In (rani of Ilia Oldsiiiobllo KiirnKo on Kluuuitli nvnmio curly Man tiny inornliiK. Ho win found by the Jiuillor ul the 1'usllmo pool hull. Ascension Day Rovnrand F, C. Wlnsunbuch has announced that since Thumdiiy la Ascension Day, thoro will bo a celebration of the Holy Communion in St. Paul's Eplscopul church at 10 a, m. Thursday morning. ' To South Dakota Mm.' Puul Dollar nnd noil Duvld, loft Mon diiy, Muy 31 fur South Diikotu. Thoy plun to upend aovorul wavki visiting with ralutlvon ond friends. Mm. Dollar touches the fourth und fifth iiradca at Cougar school.. Attends Funeral Mm, Junics M, Cnsoy loft Tuesday morning for Wntorlown, S. D., wharo aha will moot her huxbiind, Jumoa M, Cuscy of Ciniip Robinson, Llttlo Hock, Ark., nnd both nttond tho funeral of his mother,. Mrs. Jnmog Ciisoy, fc Horn Don Jones, now with J he Const Ciuiird spent hint week end with hi parents, Mr, and Mm. rtny Jones of 813 Lincoln street. Young Jones wot recent ly released from n hospital In Sun Francisco after being hit by a hit mid run drlvor. Visiting Hers Mm, J. C. Mo- Nulty, Mm. Huth Fry, und two children, Shnron nnd Ross, are visiting at tho McNulty homo at 82D North Tenth street this week, Also visiting thero la Yvonne Weber. They nro nil from Eugene, Now Address Word has como from Jerry Thomas, former Klnmuth Fulls limirnnca man, that hi address Is now Prlvnto Gernld Thomas, BTC No. B-803 Tr. Grp, Flight H5, Fresno, Calif, ' Bon Born Mr. and Mrs. John Sarglnson, 1500 Delta street ara tho parents of a boy born at tho Klamath Valley hospital on June 1. Earglnson Is tho Rogue River forest ranger In charge of the Klamath Fulls office. Ration Book Lost Albert II. Bliton of tho Marlon apartments reported to city polico that ha has lost his number one ration book. On Vacation J. W. Shook of tho post office staff la on vaca tion this weok. Purs Stolon Dotty Scovall, a clork at tho Safeway store at Eighth and High streets reported thut her purso had boon stolon from tho storo. Police Court In police court today thero wore threo drunks and ono traffic ticket, fllllB VFW Meeting The regular mcoting of tho 1'cllcon post No. 13113, Veterans of Foreign Wurs, will bo held in tho KC hall, Thursday, June 3, at 8 p. m. Thoro Is special business, and aomo now mombers lor initia tion. Tho auxiliary will meat in llio clubroom of the city library at tho sumo time. All members of both organizations aro especi ally urged to bo present. Vasa Meeting Klamath Lank, Vnsn Order of America, will hold its regular meeting Sulur day, Juno 3, in the lOOF hall at 8 p. in. There will bo nomina tion of officers for noxt term. After tho meeting an Ice cream social and danco will bo hold, Members aro urged to attend. Merry Mixers The Merry Mixers will meet on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the homo of Loulso Cramblct, on Oak street. Brenda Will You Step Out With MoTnnittht? Ml nav 1 know I'ta liaan an awtil rrourh nrt Uk. Ins you any plaea Uuly. Hut afuratanalng II in a my n" lob. my ti " alllad mo with aallouaaa and burning. Now I'va r!ormo4 or ralW my fl novo lhanka lo the Ira-Mltll you aillaal. Navar triad anythlns that aaamad U draw Ua pain anil lira rllhl out ao faal-ajin Oia way It bclpa atiftan callouaca la nobody a biulnaul llaan abla lo aoraa ailra otar. Una nu.nay - ao what do you aay, lal a f dantlnt tonlthu You tan alap on my loa. Mid (aal all you want. 1 , i V I t 1 1 n 1 1 o A li n t ' n i itri 11 n A STA1 nrnn AUTO INSURANCE! r$m. vssss -.71 - v.- IDEAL LOW-COST WAV TO COMPLY WITH NEW OREGON AUTO LAW t lowest Rotes fveriJFjisy payments, too, starting with as little as 40 down. Six months to pay. Allstate invites you to compare our rata, coverage for coverage, with any other policy offered. 2, Orgnexf by Start, Roebuck ana Co., Allstate stands for fntr 'dealing, helpful service, absolute reliability . . .prompt settlement of claims always! . ' , ( 3. Warllma Mundt If the emergency forces you to "put up" your car, Allstate will promptly refund the full amount of your unused premium, J Nationwide Servicer 24-hour claim service, Sundays or Holi days included, anywhere in the United States. So Convenient! Simply buy It from tbe Allstato Agent In your nearest Soars' store, or use coupon below, TltF. AIiLSTATR INAOItANCK COMPANIES trranitfd hyStarl. Rorbuck nnd Co., flri UUnrtt Carpnmttml aiiAU and tinbililie$ dhtinet ond itpatttte mm thtpartnl company. 5. Allilaf In.utnnt Company, Ntrlliwtittfn Branch, 432 Dtxttr Marian lid, ftoattla, Wath. Without obligation, pleat nd ma tatel nnd Information reiartlinf tutomobllt Iniuranca, Namt it. Horn Artrlnai Occupation .. , , (Noti Much of th (ollowlnt Information may ba obtained Irom your itM lleenta card.) , .Type of Dody,. , .Model (name, mimlwr or xrlei). Make of Car Vr of Modal.,,.,., Data PiireliaaMd.t .,,,,. . ..., imhmm Car Coal Ms , , , Purcliawd New or Und ! Vonr Automobile Inaured Now?.., ,,. tn mmii If Inanredt Olvn Jl( Prf irnt Tnmrnncft Kiplrc. , i m What typra o( laaolin ration booka tin yon Imlil? (Ohck which) D "A" .took only Siipplnmrnlnl "11" lionlt n Sitpplf mental "C" Book CLUB CHAIR Swing Style r 'I I- I ;vi:r is!! J. Uti- sur Tana 1. v la Cam lal I r"V t ) M Built with hcnvlly padded duul construction scut . . comfortable button brick. Perfectly balnnccd for snfety nnd comfort. Cliolco of several different colors. 49! Ml J' Magazine Racks Plywood In walnut : color. Two compnrt . mchts, 7V4" x 12" long. 2-Pe. living W , .at Sroort new ' . that cannot-be repe eQr. A one time purcnu- construc- Dovenport cnd d- fra.e, neo.V - PQneWshopedtUe ' ' lalaaaaaaaaalMiaaa. -v I . - ttl'''''''''''111aaaaaaiaaaaMiia.....- 1 : i I ror tnose wno w"t the newest POSTURE FORM EXTREMELY HEAVV WEIGHT I I BiA I kbmblt heat t rvtn Enameled KUbi Here Is an easy, economical way to add beauty to your rooms. Heavy-weight enamel rugs with solid baked on surface that won't wash off. Wide variety of colors, patterns. 9x12 Site 6.79 8x10.6 Sise 5.98 7.6x9 Sixe 4.69 6x9 Siie 3.98 9-Ft. Heavy Enameled Yardage Heavy weight that will give you long wear. New colors In modern patterns done in hard, baked-on enamel that washes and shines like new after years of wear. Every yard perfect. Bring in your measurements for an R4c 'l estimate. 7yd. 3 HONORBILT QUALITY IMn' aiaUiy!, and t this new suite wi ri , ... . I stvlnTPtful comfort. See u7,. you.r newest cor0r7;".ca.?ur .at.our low economy prices rhAw . .." C )ta.da - S19 Rau. " - aap V1TII . 2-PC. SET mm 1 iTl -sr Tnn "SMUGS" The Knitted SLIPCOVERS QVAim " 2 IPC. SUT H )(S)95 VZf Sl.tthe newest and fhw . II l f'StreamVine'' 'asyour" n x! Available in ' f otcZ" T$ X 2 Down blue, rust and turquoise. s w durable Mohair. Choice of . wine! Lovely multi-color florals In a knit- jtt' .1 . t ted textured fabric, Washable.. tiOpKinS'lJ(Xttern fits most styles of chairs and sofas. Deep box-pleated skirt all aroundl CHAIR 269 SOFA 449 All-over florol d a s I o n ln , washoblt knit- ' tad fabric. Soft colors, j Don't Forget to Help the Commandos Cigarette Fund!