CI1- TiJ SERIAL STORY I fef Si BY LORETTE COOPER IN THE FIGHT CHAPTER XYII 1 .1 m TTALTI Who la there?" a ol- dler's voice called. je -u" etn leu a iremcnauun surge 01 J relief. ft "Officer of the post," she re- ;'ADlied. fS-J5 "Advance slowly, officer of the $s2posc, and be recognized." .W'U She moved slowly toward the 2 '45:t voice. She could see no one. She i realized what a target she would JjM.n be for a cat-eyed sentry If she p? krt aroused suspicion. rSJ'J' Suddenly a powerful flashllj tf a'S1 was beamed on her for only a -6" 5 second, Just long enough for the I'O?? 4n en Vii.i hilt not lonff ?I '? enough far her to make certain 8 ' within even a few feet where the a'piS . boam was coming from. HSv ' Continue to advance," the WW sentry ordered. J&lT" 5 She took another two steps, m-ti i then fell. A "I : . . I cant, rm Injured, it? J, The sentry was at her side In Fv': "' an instant t .r r i n.r...i ri i . ....4H V. - ftiauked. ' t yes." j5p.1 "I never expected to see you .-?. hnm c-" Thon Vio re mn. 5 v fu e"d. "Or should I say sir?" Sp 7 He turned the light, its beam !SJ' v carcul'y guarded so that it would Evjf J not shine vertically, onto her an njm& J kle. It was swollen, despite the r , wrapping. o&ifct I ' I've got to get you In," he said. . "It's a long way. But we should 4,Hr , be able to have a stretcher here . K'iifi. i in a couple of hours." S',V ; 5bH I TJETH heard tte anUafroraft v5ElJVf ? guns again. Two hours would i be too late. ISvi, Then she saw the sentry un R?V;s strap a case from under his arm. WChJ He turned a knob. Her eyes, be nStl A coming more accustomed to the tiSfii'1 dark saw he 'was operating VSw! i' something which appeared to be f&wP"' portable radio. Then she recog-tX?- nized the instrument it was one jJjkL; of the United States Signal Corps' njLtj walkie-talkies. aSw 'Can you get headquarters?" she asked. J 1 "Yes' at's what I'm do Ba8v ing." "S-jS-' "Then . . ." and the order came "W,, clearly and distinctly, for Beth lew now what the answer to the aKMs-j situation was . . . "teE them that sere-. the airplane they're shooting at is L&jiitV piloted by Major Brit Jackson, r,... who is trying to land." Ss ' The sentry looked at her for a VWij!fCl moment, as though unable to be &. lieve what she said. "Quick," Beth ordered. "There .rr-- Isn't a minute to lose." . jgJMv'" ' TTHHEB hours later Beth was Tffife placed on a stretcher, carried by two husky Medical Detach ment bearers. It was noon when she was de posited at the island hospital and ; a doctor unwrapped the bandage - the sentry had put on her ankle. He regarded it with, a diagnosti cian's eye. "It's not broken, thank good : ness," the medical captain said, "but it will cause you some trou- - ble for a few days. You'll be on . crutches for a week, anyway." Just then Brit came in. He sa luted her snappily. "Brave girl," he said.- "You caved my personal bacon, Lieu tenant Carter; and what's more important, you gave the Ameri- i can forces on this outpost a fight ' vag chance." i Tell me all about It while the Icaptain works- on -my ankle," KSfS; iBeth said. ii "I got down within a few min U utes of the time your radio mes- ighp-' saBe came through they signaled yglH to me to let me know that my identity was established. You can lAfwk imagine I was spending some pretty bad minutes Op there." Yin-1 1 "You were in a dangerous H- place," Beth said. "I heard the K".' antiaircraft guns." Jfefi "I wasn't thinking of myself," kX Brit said, and he took her hand In KE.H(.v his. "I was thinking of how you tA' might have been killed in that Piff Jump." "iV r?i "Anyone would have done the ,i ti., same thing. I couldn't fly a plane, so there was nothing left for me 1- S except to jump." ww::' iitt t. . juur way im going Sr&fj: -to tell a different story in dis- Vv -patches. What I have to tell the i(i a general will read like fiction." w He looked at her. She couldn't her cheeks. . -.. "It's not over yet, though, Beth," FUNNY . Wr i "He gels mure speed into his niessnges villi the aid of a Mil ' L Utile jiver- COYKIOHT. t3. NIA KRVICC INC. Brit said. "We're expecting a raid within a few hours. I haven't been able to get much out of Lita's pals, but I believe the Jap put a message through to his base, wherever it may be. I'd say there will be a raid by tomorrow eve ning at the absolute latest, and maybe by tonight By the way, how do you feel?" The medical captain Inter rupted. "If you think I'm going to give this girl a CC pill and mark her duty you're wrong, Major." "Of course not," Brit agreed. "We'll compromise," Beth said. "We'll cut out the CC pill, but I'll bo marked duty. I'm able to sit up, and when I get some nour ishment I can answer a telephone or watch a spotter's chart or do something else. You need every man you can get out in the field. Major. I know darned little about this island's defenses, but I know this much. I'm in this fight to the end!" . (To Be Continued)' 7563 ,sssR&- sel by Alice Brooks Do you want a really beauti ful design for your "show off" linens? Choose this pattern with its unusual, lovely flower ar rangements. Graceful . lilacs, done in a lazy-daisy stitch, and perky little pansies are colorful ly combined. Pattern 7563 con tains a transfer pattern of 6 motifs averaging 4 x-HM inches; stitches; list of materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. HOLD EVERYTHING! i. "Take a ticket. Miss Smith!" BUSINESS DOUBLE TROUBLE WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) A motorist stopped to pick flow ers beside a highway. OPA in spectors investigated to determ ine whether he was pleasure driving and said they found that: The flowers he was picking ! were protected by law. He had no registration pluto for the automobile, no driving license, no ration sticker for his windshield, no safety inspection sticker and no gasoline ration book but that he had plenty of gasoline in the tank. TROPICAL ORCHIDS BLOOM IN THE 5NOW-RIMMED VOLCANIC CRATER OF ANIAKCHAK, ON THE. Always read the classified ads 1 1 Jij S25 TO SPEND iwniini i -""H""!' v w-s '(sjj JWtvArM wakuen, mtvAKtr , WITH ONLY $5 DOWN , . '. . MM fc , M FOR MANY Red Rydor By Frod HormoK So your klddlei hoi and 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 -, , , , you don't hara th monryf Ut LAKE LURE, N. C, (F) To-k . rMM,. coupons Oct 25 day's "M" award soes to Mrs. iVf ,51? Pf 55gi OH.TMia wiuv. BE A GRw 1 I j-EDB I WAS vjrokk3, voHVRac If cift oul iorr "V rth to.., Ud ... tl,. Rosa Lvnch of Lake Lure She t'l ,15f"rKMlS4' BUT lDirN't UKE TH"! ) ITHOuJjMI MI9 ( WtNCHfcniiV.&iiaf htn If. mo eonvcnlnit, lor K0S8 1 nclt 01 laKe tiUre. lie BUT1 . NE.VER. HTTIRAIU (r?A. ( m CLADfOvi lOUfblDN't WAT HE 61R.AJMED l PtAUD AOOtD AM RtOOr-J 1Hl )S J rLd.bTiJ nie, Mamie. 'Millie'. Milton'. Mil- t TXl, 7111 rSTn wrrjinj ctirt. lcr. Manning and Martin. ytfSjrr fcVS - )f 1 W 'v--Jr S GET YOURS TODAY AT "a ; gSS- A 'IpjAi 1 Your SEARS CREDIT Office Tunisian front. It's no bluff , yMM I'SWTW VI MJbLW'nF ViiH JuMY when you have all ace, , -iiASSM V i THIS CURIOUS WORLD 6y wmi,m Fe,9uson Jl j toVBIH PB i Freckle and His Friends " - By Blotter ; j A TWO-HUNDRED POUND pi miFjll WBBI '. ' ' i MOUNTAIN LION IPl ? N Ve,. ,... . -v i DEAD HORSE MR S Bl I fuM lREUA8Le M""" V weLL.we cant Thp Booy oves. HERE anc Iuavd irww : ; , nr.rTr, WK -JB v I I Bhinw what? we aS pwwr ir lwuss fLYMMAIUfjl . ? 6ROUND. . SV. Vl I ARE" OONT PRINT ) (T WAS SOMB - OTmiMA3IUMJ j- ' ' l; -C-----? lw -r-rv ' Wosh Tubbs : : ; ' : : : : By Cron. r, - I COfll. 19) BY NIA SCBVlCf. IMC A NEXT; The many-named province of Quebec BEARDED HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured screen star 12 Get up 13 Symbol for aluminum 14 Assistant 15 Near 16 Grip 18 Clock face 20 Stringed instruments !1 He can very well 24 Attempt 25 Friends Answer to Previous Puzzle Mil L I TARYAC AID E M Y FoTO iTE S T&TA ME K O E IRIOlE MN T a : R P WK L L IeIl mLoe Ry c o lTSe l IP AR RYaOL E I N AlUS 5 N O R M S u D O tE SAIy 5 T SAR5 S M US ETNA "rj."" COO sTT!iAfi U.5. Rp tTE AlpJsaME MiyTApy ogs he 26 Talent 28 Compass point 29 Title of respect 50 Musical Instrument 52 Pare 54 Frightened 56 Upon 57 Furnish with a ceiling 59 Id est (abbr.) 60 Direct a ship 62 Shake 63 Coat with tin alloy VERTICAL 1 Tangle 2 Either 30 Principal 82 Attack B5 Kingdom 88 She 89 Fox 40 Music note 42 Behold! 43 He wears a 46 Sick 48 Summit I p 3 14 IS I 14 17 I 18 11 j0 III i) !T ' J 'Jl W 3 7 lil!lL IIIIl 57 5 M SI " W . 61 HP I I I I I I I I I I A.., AJ . n. i tt ai mi 'r..n. it' " ii w i.r. 1 i' i ii -. . i vur vur tt uy oy j, it, vriiiiami vur noaraing nouto TYirn maor ngopig fC T WONDERFUL A PSRFIC " 9Zf BflkO.TVOIfiSS "IHAT A plicK :0"x5n i'BSS OF STrefMARlrf' , , . , RIVAL FOR TMB J f W f MAMOUS -NKOO ;4Y WrXNO OF Ml.S PRMMKEV 16 ? IT'S WOUR I ; I WOTHIM' WBON&..IT MUST I k'i.M. WE AUSTERE 30D6& BEWCMV ) J PERSOMAL iJw J I". k ac nnnTuevtc en J I iJ UIMCCI e AMr we ( UeAOft.CUfi. ; perfect; OM.uiL rfrr J V '3:w ust fa,ce om a irr-S maoor Juosb T IJI'M" 1 ' S GAMINS CHNRSe.' J ( REMCHV l5 Ao ' j y HI., xSJnJIJi, I f3. HON CAN VMB KlNDUB r ACC0MM.ODATIM6 Z- I I I I. t il 0 Sr-xt,Vtl I I f - t --.jyv iki -rue rti rnj tub. r t . a. nckn r J - - t V&o MAY BE A-l AND YET 4--F," 5"i!3 NEAL. OEENER., J ACTOR 20 Severe 22 Slender grooved rod of cast lead 23 English street: car I 25 Bolt 27 End 29 Therefore 31 Nitrogen (comb, form) 33 Long fish 34 Slow pace 36 Wand 37 Editor (abbr.) 40 Tear 41 Choose by ballot 43 Animal 44 Choicest part 45 Tree 3 Abounding with snow 1 Czars 5 Sharp bark 6 Existed 7 Genus of trees 47 Grimace 40 Water vessel 8 Los Angeles (abbr.) 9 Cover 10 Prepare for publication 11 Desire IS Like IT Remains 19 Lixivium 50 Credit (abbr.) 51 Within 63 Falsehood 85 Charge 86 Mineral rode 88 Long meter (abbr.) 61 Half an em . when ' EklO MV J THRU THE PlUE WATERS OF A MOft WESIAN FJORD IS A DESTROYER HU60 VON SAPPEN, OBERKOMMANPfl TWELFTH MAZI OCOiPATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ASHORE. TAKE CARE 1HM Boots and Her Buddies Allep Oop Ai.LC.VOOP AND G.OSCAR BOOM. THOlJ6NO YEARS IN ANCIENT 6ICILV, ZW INTO A Blj OF A.N AX.TE.BCATION VJlTH A ROMAN 6KREIS0N Little Orphan Annie WEa, WOl. WELL I MISTER MITT I SO YOU WERE NCfT SO CLEVER AS YOU THOUGHT, EH? i Mfe-j -jX 6pn vv "I wm.'wwy 1 1- lIm AMCrirW- -C9.tW T,Wc iSttJGVOVJ YOU T 1 JA,6ENERAL!ACHtVOUARE THIMA win LUCKY to HE SENT HERE INSTEAD. ; CAPTAIN, WITH TRUNK I AJ-ID THE SO-GREAT COMMAMOER-HOlHOl NOW WU TWO WILL SEE HOW YQU LIKE TUr 'DrtTTDAOl n, , rail rw-i i nnr S-JI-4S I TU' RICTTt t' rtFD I vl 1 1 I 1 VAIC f I I QirT'lTfi MTTU1W' "Tfl r IX. ' - - .- I I jU'J'JW I I & WHAI' S I At HBIt.VOUR X YVAIT1 EXCElLEMCY.'l AM THERE IS cotONEL libber- isw6thiu6 WURST. I WIllSHOWlMfteftrANT VOU TO VOUR veTt HEAPtJUARTERS". S f rt-W .WERE. fS WK.I- - T BUT THAT BRAT, BK3 GEORGE AND BK3 GEORGE"' WHERE ARE THEY? and the brat ran back Into AMD WHERE IS OCR ADMIRAL? THE CASTLE, BUT I I Jinn VHOILC.OUl fl THEY CAN NOT 1 ' cor"Ar-jrr - I '(SUARO THAT "C ( TRUMK WtTH I VyoURLWEsV By V. T. Hamlin By Martin Ql IT OOP DON' ODDS MEAN ANYTHING IU TOUf By Harold Gray sfss.'aoo- 1 1 hop 1 WOW't AWOiT TO VTi I -7- -7 I BUT DER T OUR A I ADMIRAL? ADMIRAL, 1 I quick! 1 is-: S,() t WHERE IS DEACl fl 'Ml