May 26, 1043 ' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NIN1 . C e No need to let meat rationing affect your dog Sea thnt your don Kln Ilia maximum amount of animal protein ollowed by tho kov eminent . , , mokk Hum mini mum requirements not by mnny nutrltlonut ntithnrllles. In addition, oko-php pro. vldes KVEKV known minernl nd vitamin doRi Nr.i'.D for growth and vlorl flront for dngi of AM. flues. Anil tlicy LOVIC Itl KCONOMICAL, ol0. Kfld us directed, two boxes meai. FORM OKO-rup nro nil you need buy to feed nn avenge nor mal 15-pound dog for a wgKKl Alto available in RIBBON FORM MADtIN BATIK CRHK ti IC SIS BRE A FROM IFL IN FIGHT WASHINGTON, Muy 27 Ml Tim Intcrnntlonal Association of Machinists with a reputed mom lii'inlilp well over hnlf million, iiiinoiincnd loduy It I quitting tho American Federation of Lo bur ik of Muy 31 becauso of a lontf utiindliiK Jurisdictional row. Tim AFL, thus lout almost the n m o numerical stronKth It Htoiitln to Kuln by the proiipectlve ri'iidiiiltlniicn of John L. Lewis' United Mlno Worker". Tho Jurisdictional fight In volve chiefly William L. Hutch osnn'a Carpenters union, which tlin machinists contend has been "muscling; In" on Its field with tho annctlon of the AFL execu tlvn council. Machinists' President Harvey W. brown mild tho break after 4R yenm' affilintlon in regret lublc, but "If we are going to rnntinun to Ret a beating wa are not going to pny for It." Tho Machinists' per capita tax payment to the AFL have aver nged about $00,000 n year. The union has been growing ropldly, however, becuiuo of organiza tion in the aircraft field and tax Aching, Stiff Muscles? Two v throe application of Moon! mrrotd Oil attar oponlna up tho pocaa with a ood hoi towal awf In flftaan min ute th pain trvl wanaw It tatad. A few more application at rafular interval! arvd tha tnrrfeu goa you t raal raiiof. It's wonderful tormula thtt com htnatton tti vumM oii with camphor and ott er ntlwp" to good that thouMnd of boiMoa tro wd annualry. Monn- tmarain mi it, giMwn)m ra i gtva real ufU'actlon or money back. One-Legged Flyer Lou ot a leg during Uie Dieppe raid didn't ground Col. Loren B. HlLlalnger of El Poso, Tex., the flnt one-legged flyer In the V. S. air force. Now wearing an artificial limb, he Is (hows leaving nil puma In England. payment on the full, claimed membership would substontlolly exceed $60,000. Brown snld the IAM would re main Independent, "with the hope that the machinist will be given the name consideration as other unions." Some of the Germans cap tured In North Africa may be shipped to New York. Hitler promised them that visit some time ago. SMART BUTCHER LINENS PASTELS . . . PRINT CONTRASTS COLORFUL JERSEY PRINTS CREPES WITH SMALL DESIGNS CHARMING BLACKS . . . NAVIES MANY 2-PIECE FASHIONS Prints . . . Solids . . . Contrasts g J F j GAY CHECKS . . . PLAIDS . . . STRIPES NTplr GINGHAM . . . SPUH RAYON . . . SHARKSKIN ) I J 1 BUTCHER UNEN . . , SEERSUCKER . . . PIQUE 1 I S , WAR If, SUITS BNDS fir 10 AND C0ATS V iAMf lVJEACH DRESSMAKER and MAN. f J W JW I TAILORED SUITS -CHES. f f f ff 9 ' TERFIELD and BOY COATS W jf 6ir Main Oregon News Notes By The Associated Press First shipment of pig iron from Henry Kaiser's new Fon- Una, Calif., steel mills arrived In Portland yesterday for use in making castings for marine en- fines for Liberty freighters buUt In his Oregon Shipbuilding cor poration shipyard . . . Harry E. Mabce, 17. Wil lamette, died of Injuries suffered when he was truck by a moving arm of a boring drill at Commer cial Iron Sc Steel Works In Port land Wednesday , . . Frost and hall damage and a 24 per cent cut In acreage will reduce Ore gon's strawberry crop by one- third, the department of agricul ture's Portland bureau pre dicted , , , Portland's school bourd decid ed to keep some 20 schools open throughout the summer in the in terest of children of mothers em ployed In war plants . . . Vern C. Osborn, Polk county farmer, was awarded $27,300 by a fed eral Jury in Portland for 368 acres of land taken over by the government in construction of Camp Adair, Park Service Gives Up Diamond Lake Addition to Areas WASHINGTON, May 27 P) The national park service, says Director Newton B. Drury, has no plans for seeking to bring new areas under its Jurisdiction. Drury made this plain yester day to the house public lands committee, which is studying a bill to nullify President Roose velt's action in creating the Jack son Hole national monument in Wyoming by proclamation. Rep. Mott (R-Ore.), had asked wheth er the park service had "other such schemes affecting other areas." When Mott asked particularly about the possibility of adding Diamond lake to Crater Lake na tional park, the director replied: "We have given that up." Anthracite reserves at Shansl are estimated at more than 500 billion tons, half the coal in all China. Always read the classified ads I A tank hat 8000 part. Malting lea can't kill tporkla In drinks mad with CANADA DRY WATER ITS "PIN-POINT CAR iO NATION" 1AWI P.8. Its tpcclal formula malcM any drink taita batttr , I 1-- '.-V I 1 P r - v.- - 1 I I I ' , f I i u a A 1 i r ' r 1 , - ' a ' ' I! faithfully lELlLS In the American way of life, eignt hours is considered a good day's work. But your eyes your eyes that can not be replaced with any amount of money work at least SIXTEEN HOURS every day. Why take a chance when it's so easy to be safe so wise to be SURE? Sea one of the 11 capable, registered optometrists at your nearest Standard Optical Company -store for complete eye examination on new, scientific equipment NOW I Stylish Guaranteed GLASSE You'll Be Frankly Told If Glasses Are Not Needed! IlCSrf, : The West's Larqest 7 , : The West's Larqest Manufacturing and Dispensing Opticians OREGON - WASHINGTON - UTAH - IDAHO . . . in KLAMATH FALLS - 715 MAIN St. Dr. William B. Siddens - Regi$terd OptomttrUt in Chorga. 0