i My 28. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE ' I u n CLASSIFIED ADS a Lost and Found V LOST Oiui book A, Herbert Swlshor, 23 18 Wuntlnnd. 8-28 LOST Ration book No. 1. Clnnrgn A, Speck, Box BO, Wor den, Oro. 6-26 LOST Gnu book A. Addle E. i Roland, 2020 Ebcrlaln, 8-20 LOST Rtttloti book No. 1 for . Edgar, Esthor, Patricia, Don old Irienseo, mid Loulso linn kin. Phono l00. 6-2U LOST On rntlon book A. George L. Brltt, Weyerhaeuser. 8-20 FOUND Stray cow, wblto luce, branded D 33 on right iildu. m. 3, Box 604. Cull 0103 days or fll)07 nlghti.. W, Waggoner. 8-27 LOST Gas rntlon book belong ing to H. E. Hllson, BonuiiHi. 6-26 ' LOST Cl book A. Delln Woodon, 2141 Pattoraon St. 8-26 WOULD tlio person who picked up the black leather coin purse containing $8.88 In the Rain ; bow theatre Sunday evening . please roturn the purse to 1149 Pine street a It l valued a a 4 Control Nottcei LEARN POPULAR PIANO Send for free folder, Tholnia ; Dumm, 407 No. 0th. Phono I 840B. 6-28 Spot-lullilng In Merchantable Saw and Piling Timber , Buy or Soil - Tracts 1 to 30 Million E. M. BANTA, BROKER Eugene, Oregon k" Office 1303 Weit 7th Ave. j Residence 834 West 8th Ave. 8-25 Personals I MONUMENTS Klamath Fall 1 ' ' Marble and Granlto Works, 1 ; I, tie So. llth. Phone 8381 t 'It i-i..- 6-7m t ALL 8780 for concreto work on your cemetery lot. a-urn NATIONAL DEFENSE Project 'l, Oil WIlTKui l-UU,, Wl.KIB "if !l 'uaunllv attractive worklnK and living condlllona at celling rnl in mcchnnlcs. nine lay- era, and laborers. Write your ' qualifications to Box 102, New port. Oregon. 8-20 SUMMER LESSONS In popular and classical plnno. Mri. E. A. . -Fredrick. Phone 3302. 8-20 10 Sorriest FOR THE BEST In tailoring, roniodcling, ropniring. aulta to ordor (men a una indies ) al ways soe Ryto-Way Tallora. 110 No. 8th, phone 6882. 8-7 I ' WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you Chna. Hathiiwuy, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Oro. 8-31 DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic - clinic, colon and rectal dls- eases. 832 Main. Dial 7218 5-31m PICTURE FRAMING Goollcr's, 230 Main. 8-31m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttona and Buckles covored. Alterations I , on now and old clothing. Mra II, M. Allendor, 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7263. S-31m PAINTING KALSOMINING II. L. Brown. Phono 4226. ! 8-31m HOUSEHOLD refrigeration and washing machine service. Dial 5303 or 6448 nftor 2 p. m. Vic tory Service Co., 1005 Pros- " poet 8-lSm BELTS for all makos rofrlgera tors, washers, vacuum clean' 1 era, or general use. Merit 1 Washing Machine Service, 611 I. South Sixth. S-31m CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Phone 3717. 6-lm ELECTROLUX Authorized Ser. k ; vice, L. C. Carr, 621 Mltcholl. t . Phone 7167, 3 to 8 p. m. ' 611m J. A. TUFTS !l '". HEATING SPECIALIST iCHlMNEYS, furnaces, sJoves", nil burners, donned, repaired. I'.- Phono 8404, res, 8940, . .: 6-3m LAWNMOWERS, outboard mo- ... lor and gas engine repairing Bodcnhamor Saw and Repair shop. i HjPm FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, reflnlshlng, repairing. Cab! nets built, Carpenter work of all kinds. Painting and kalso mining done. Phone 4817. 3941 Shasta way. 6-1 lm SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month, Singer Sewing Cen ter; 1213 Main St. Dial 6771. ) V 6-8m PICTURE. FRAMING Van's Camera Ohop, 727 Main. , " 8-Slm USE D SEWING MACHINES bought and sold. Singer Sow ing Cdntcr, 1213 Main. Dial . 6771. 6-21m Services WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at all times. Phone 6144. 6-lBm FLOOR HANDING and roflnlh lug. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 8-3 lm HOUSEHOLD Refrigeration and washing Macnine service, uiai 6173 or 8448 after 2 p. m. Vic tory Service Co., 1008 Pros pee I. 8-1 Bm 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS Phono 3408. 407 No, 0th St. 6-B 14 Help Wanted, Female WAITRESSES Four typically alert young woman who would be bored with dull, slow work. Things happen fast here. Our employees are a bright, alive group of peo ple. If qualified to Join them, apply at the Burr-O-N. 4328U HOUSEKEEPER FOR ONE Middle-aged lady with small child preferred, J, W. Scott, Box 24, Modoc Point. 4317tf WANTED High school girl for fountain work, experience noi necessary. Apply Tlk-Tok, 2230 So. 6th. 4351 tf WANTED Chambormald at Empire Hotol. 6-28 GIRL of high school age to care for two children 5 nights a week, Tuesday through Sat urday. Call 8272, or 721 Eldo rado. 4350tf WANTED Experienced pen marker; laundry workors, ex perienced or Inexperienced. Now City Laundry. Call In person. 8-26 HOUSEKEEPER to cure for two children while mother works. $40 per month, 1 day week off. Phono 0740 before noon or call at 3703 Altnmont Drive after 8 p. m. 8-29 WANTED G,ood restaurant cook, l to p. m. rnone otva between 8 and 9 p. m. S-2S LADY COOK WANTED 2 to 10 p. m. Buffalo Lunch, 2441 So. 6th. .'!?:.-;.' -v .- 6-27 WANTED Two saleswomen. Ready-to-wear experience Ap ply Craig's, 617 Main. No phone calls. . 3-7 WANTED Receptionist and salesgirl between 22 and 30 for permanent position. Ap ply Standard Optical Co., 713 Main St, Apply before noon Wednesday. 43B8tf 18 - Help Wanted. Mai 18-YEAR-OLD boy 1o work full time at the Burr-O-N. Apply In person. 8-25 WANTED Elderly couple to do odd lobs around the camp In exchange for rent of furnished cottage. Altamont Auto Camp 6-25 COOKS, waiters, bull cooks wanted for small camp. Steady work. Single men or couples, Morrison Knudsen Co. Inc., Commissary Dept. 436, Char nelton St., Eugene. Phono Eu gene 1831 or apply Morrison Knudsen Co. Inc., 627 Pine St., our local office for Informn- tion. , . 6-2 lm WANTED High school boy 16 years or older for vacation work. Apply 780 Market St 7-8 p, m. Tuesday. 8-25 WANTED High school boy to do. dishwashing during sum mcr months. Apply Tlk-Tok Drlvo-ln, 2239 So. 6th. . 4350U NATIONAL DEFENSE Project on Oregon coast, Ceiling scale to heavy duty mechanics, pipe layers and laborers. Good liv ing and working conditions Release from WMC needed, Strong-Macdonald-Whlte, Now- port, Orogon. 8-29 MESSENGERS WANTED Over 16 years. Postal Telegraph. 8-26 BELL BOY at Wlllardv Hotel No phone calls. See manager. 4374tf MALE HELP WANTED Seven teen years or older, to Inspect refrigerator cars and make re ports. Part time work, Apply WFE Co., at ON frolght office 8-27 18 Situations Wanted ' IF YOUR GARDEN hasn't been plowed and disced, ready for planting, phone 7226. 4320tf BOY, 18, experienced, wishes work on ranch, 1233 Front. ' . 8-26 GIRL, 13, wants WQi'K caring for children. Phone 6701. o-ze FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER, expert typist, over 20 years exporlonco, wants steady work Best local references. Phone 8596 or 4125. C. E. Logcrwcll, 203 Greer Apia. 8-27 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phono 4768. 1028 Jefferson, 3270tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat, ' 733 Klam ath Ave. 8-28 22 Rooms For Rent " ROOMS 1034 High, , 6-Sm ROOM FOR RENT 814 No. 10th. 6-2B 10 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. B-20 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory, Steam heated rooms. $3.00 week up. Tran sients $1,00. 8-2m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innorspring mattresses. Free parking. 8 31m OUTHIDE ROOMS Crater Ho- 611m tol, 120 N. 2nd. VACANCY Greer Apts., 710 Main. Light, airy, steam heat ed, newly decorated, laundry facilities. Phone 4676. 4288tt CLEAN, steam heated sleeping rooms. 310 So,' 3th, 6-20m 24 Apartmantt For Rent FOR RENT Unfurnished apart merit. 1085 Auburn, 8-29 PONDOSA APTS. Klamath. -Market and 8-25 TWO ROOM Mpartments. Evory thing furnished Including fuel and utilities. 1808 Main ' after 6 p. m. 340011 VACANCY Lee Apartments. Phono 0047. 3402tf APARTMENT COTTAGE, close to Main, suitable (or two. Ph. 4272 days, 8130 evenings. 3887tf LARGE 3-room apartment 8086. a iw so. inn. o-zv CASCADE . APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom- modatlons with hotel scrvlco. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 6-31m VACANCY Rex Arms Apart mcnts, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. Now management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 6-8m GLENCOURT APTS. Modern furnished $27.80 and up. Under new management: Wey erhaeuser district. Ph. 5084. 6-8m FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. 2043 White. 4122tf ESPLANADE COURT APART- ments furnished; by the week or month. Walking dls- - tance. 1608 Esplanade. 6-3 lm VACANCY 421 Oak. 8-26 FOR RENT 4-room furnished clean apartment. Close in. Rent reasonable. Call after 5 o'clock, 2222 Orchard. 4143U CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cook with gas. Nice yard. $4 per week. 410 So. 5th. 6-13m 3 ROOM furnished apartment Close in. 201 East Main. 4209tf SMALL 2-room furnished apart ment, private bath, gas equip ped. 325 Commercial. 4617tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Couple. No pets. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. ' 3403tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS .Utilities furnished. 419 No. . 10th. ' 6-17m FOR RENT Furnished apart ment and housekeeping room, $4 and up week. 133 No. 10th. 8-25 APARTMENT FOR RENT June 1. Private bath, air condition ed. Adults only. Courtvicw Hotol. 5-27 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms furnished. Spnil-nrlvntn hath $12.50 month. Two blocks off . Main. 512s High. Ph. 4865 4325U VACANCY Jacobs Apts. Pine and Cedar. 6-21m VACANCY 900 Owens. Phone ; 7779. 5-28 TWO-BEDROOM, furnished apt, Utilities furnished. $25. 138 . Mortimer. 8-28 FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. ' Bath, refrigerator, gas, util ities. $5 week. 220 So. 4th 6-29 TWO-BEDROOM APT. Unfur nished. Adults. 434 No. Sth 6-29 FURNISHED APARTMENT ' Three rooms and bath. Gas, range, water paid, garage. ' Adults. 234 So. Riverside, i 8-28 APARTMENT, close In. $37.80, ! light and water furnished. ' Small house, East Main, $22.80. : Drew's Manstore, 8-29 FOR RENT Sleeping apartment ! Prlvale bath. 319 East Main i Phono 4805. 4708U CLOSE IN furnished apartment, : 2 rooms, bath. 638 N. Sth 6-29 FIRST-CLASS BRICK APT. I Adults,- Apply - 741 Walnut, i basement. - 8-30 TWO-ROOM APT. Adults. 741 , Walnut, basement. 8-30 VACANCY i-Royal Arms Apart ments, 624 High. 4381U VACANCY 3-room and bath, Newly renovated. Couple only. No pets. Ideal Apts., 323 Com mercial. - 8-31 26 . Houses For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT YOU ...drive;, move yourself, save i Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 6-7m I 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Phone 6523. 3687tf 8-ROOM DUPLEX Now, large, unfurnished, or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1100 California. Phone 8656. 4070tf MOVING? Locul and long distance. Peoples Warohouse 4089U SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2128 Blchn. 340Uf MODERN 8 room furnished house, full basement, Can be seen all day Sunday the 23rd at 1342 Worden, Phone 6744, 8-28 TWO ROOM house with shower garage, In Chelsea Addition. 827 Walnut. Phone 3505. 5-25 COTTAGE, three rooms furnish ed, clean. 1664 Manzanita. 8-28 21 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. llth. 5-3 lm WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrcst mattress, floor waxers. Phone 5353 Klamath Furniture. 8-31m FOR LEASE Larse store mnm ' with full basement In WilllU building, 430 Main, formerly occupied by Balln Furniture Co. Inquire 505 Klamath ave nue. Phone 5880, 5-29 30 Real Estate For Sal North' End Special Lovely brick home, 3 bed rooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, lawn and shrubs. Near stores and schools. Selling at less than cost. John McFee, Realtor 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 5-26 Hot Springs District Or Suburban Have cash buyer for modern home, 2 bedrooms or larger. Prefer natural hot water or automatic heat and fairly new house, Bogue Dale 120 S. 9th St Tel. 6972 5-25 A Few HOUSES still for sale at Long Bell town site. Priced $75 and Up Moving Arrangements Made Phone 5197 or come out to inspect. 5-26 Near Mills School Three-room house, completely furnished, electric range, water heater, refrigerator, radio, wash ing machine, etc. Only $1900, terms! Many other good buys. John McFee, Realtor 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 5-26 HOMES, farms, business prop erty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th Ph. 8491 6-17m FORTY ACRES In Langell val ley. Stone house.. Drilled well. Irrigated. Excellent hunt ing. First crop ot spuds should more than tay entire amount. A real Investment for $1000 cash. ' Jeff Bean. Pendletone, Ore, . 8-25 FOR SALE 6-room house, three bedrooms, full basement, lot for garden, lawn, trees, shrubs. Sacrifice. Phone 7031. 5-25 MODERN 2-bedroom home, nice yard. Close to bus line, good location. 2302 Garden. 4322U 14-ROOM RESIDENCE, 1 block from courthouse, $150 month Income. If interested call at 134 North 3rd. 642m FOR SALE Equity In a 2-bedroom house. Phone 8400. 5-27 FOR SALE acre of irrigated land, one 3-room house and cellar, one garage, chicken - house, three outbuildings, fruit trees and berry bushes, lawn and shade trees. 1106 Kane St. 5-26 PRICED RIGHT, FOR QUICK SALE S-room modern house, newly decorated, large lot, large lawn and lots of shrubs and trees. Close in, W. J. Stephenscn, 133 Hillside. Ph. 6855. 5-29 34 Automotive ATTENTION MOTORISTS Now Oregon law, effective June 9, 1943, provides drastic penalties In case of an accident. Let The General Casualty. Com pany assume . this burden for you. For information and. rates call, BOGUE DALE Real Estate and Real Insurance 120 So. 9th Street Tel. 6972 - 4683U Automotlr WE BUY AND SELL Used Cars. For the best deal, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lot, 7th and Oak, 3384U GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Klmballs Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 6-6m FOR SALE 1936 Ford coupe, overhauled. Bob Ross, Buena Vista Garage. 2001 Oregon Ave. 8-28 FOR SALE 1940 model Ford 2-Door Deluxe sedan 85. Ex cellent condition, very good rubber. If Interested phone Tulelake 8523, or write Rt. 1, Box 67, Tulelake. 5-25 FOR SALE 1040 DcSoto coupe. Phone 3074 or call at 1904 Etna street between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. S-26 WILL PAY CASH for pickup. Frank Snyder. Ph. 5551. 5-26 38 Miscellaneous For Sal REDWOOD Flume and culvert lumber. Suburban Lumber. Phone 7709. 3943tf PALMER'S BIG STOVE SALE 20 Wood Ranges, $20.00 up. 10 Electric Ranges, $30.00 up. 20 New Wood Heaters 10 Good Wood Circulators 10 Good Oil Circulators 2 Nice Gas Ranges 2 Good Gasoline Ranges 2 Good Kerosene Ranees Bo wise Prepare now for next winter when stoves will be very scarce. FURNITURE BARGAINS 20 Beds, $2.00 up 3 Nice Dining Suites 5 Good Davenport Suites 10 Nice Floor Lamps Buy Here and Save PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 5-27 DO IT NOW! Protect and . beautify your wood shingle roof with stain all colors. You can paint all your buildings inside, including your buildings inside and out side, Including paint and labor with no down payment. Pay as low as $5.00 month, up to three years to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 3197 66 Main 4182tf CALGONITE for electric dish washing. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market Street 8-7m GLASS -i- Mirrors, resilvering plate, window and auto glass furnitiirp. Inns, shplvps. Kim ball's Glass- Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 6 -6m HARD TO GET ITEMS in Paints, Hardware and supplies try F. R. Hauger. Genuine Shel lac, Aluminum Paint and all , sizes Paint brushes, Roof brushes, Whitewash brushes, F. R. Hauger, 515 Market St. 6-7m FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 6-15m RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. 5-31m FOR SALE Dual log trailer, $400; single $115; P. O. Box 812. 6-17m LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817.. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 6-1 lm CRATING and packing. Peo ples Warehouse. 4091tf FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. 6-8m GARDEN SEEDS and supplies, - Peoples Warehouse. 4090tf AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. S-28 ROOFING Composition, wood or built-up roofs. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3725U DRIVEWAY CINDERS -6817. - Phone 1485U KEMTONE The best Interior finish available. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3737U ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing. Sealey Bros., contractors Phone 8920. 6-5m FARMERSI Don't delay, get those bags patched now. Peoples Warehouse 4087 AVON PRODUCTS P h o n e 6144. Mrs. Ross. ' 6-15m SOILAX for wall washing, paint cleaning and general home use. GOELLER S, across from Wlllard, 5-25 KEMTONE Goeller's, across from Willard. 230 Main. 5-28 STOVES REPAIRED All parts' stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought; OK ' Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 8-81m RADIOS FOR SALE First house past Frankford's wood yard on Bend highway. . 8-25 POSTS Redwood and cedar. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 4167U 34 36 Miscellaneous For Sal UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. , 33981 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown In with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth Ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 7709. 3400U FOR SALE Two matching hand-hooked Chinese rugs, 9x12 with pad, and 6x8. $160. 522 Lincoln after 5. 3804U NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805 tf PINE body wood, $10 cord; fir body wood, $11 cord. Get it while It lasts. Phone 9009 or leave orders at 20 Main. 6-21m EVERGREENS for the cemetery; flowering shrubs, trees and evergreens for the home; fruit trees and berry plants for the garden. Plant now.to beautify your home and raise your own . canning fruit. We guarantee our trees and shrubs to grow, Call us for landscaping and lawns. Lakeshore Gardens' Nursery. Phone 4082. 6-19m FOR SALE Cookstove with coils, radio-phonograph com bination, bedroom suite, Inner- spring mattress, coll springs, electric washer, 7 ft. refriger ator. Marvin Say, Modoc Point. 5-26 FOR. SALEI Seed spuds, some certified stock, Guernsey heif er, soon fresh. F. Clink, Box 823, Tulelake, Calif. Phone 2013. S-28 FOR SALE OR RENT Steam roller, suitable for power plant. Altamont Trailer Park. South 6th St. 5-25 FOR SALE Almost, new bi cycle. $45. 2225 - Darrow. Phone 7392. : 5-25 CUT FLOWERS for Decoration Day. Lilacs, tulips,; roses, lil ies, sweet peas. Make your reservations early to secure choice selection. ." Lakeshore Gardens Nursery." Phone 4082. 5-29 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE, 100 plants $1.25; cauliflower plants, dozen 25c. John Hon- - zik, li miles northwest of Malin. i . ; 5-29 FOR SALE 100 sacks seed po tatoes. R. Kunz, Malin,. Ore. 5-26 FOR SALE Female Cocker spaniel pup. Call 6966. 5-26 4 ANTIQUE CHAIRS 741 Wal nut, basement-- 5-30 ASTER PLANTS 30c dozen. Crystal's, Merrill - Lakeview Junction. 5-31 FOR SALE Console American Bosch radio, excellent condi tion,. $50; table model radio, $10; dark polished dining table with 4 chairs, $30; light four piece bedroom set, $30; chif fonier, $9; dressing table and bench, $4.50; steel folding bed, . $3.50; Electrolux vacuum cleaner, $25; one toboggan, $4; two sleds, $1 each; extra small tables and stands, occasional chair $4. Phone 5551 or call at 534 Pacific Terrace. 5-26 38 For Sal or Trad RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. Frank Leiblein. 2916 Blsbee. 6-17m 40 To Exchange TO TRADE li-ton Chevrolet truck for cattle. Phone 4997. 5-29 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Good used furniture. Lucas Furniture. .Phone 3824. 195 East Main. 6-3m I BUY USED PIANOS for cash. add only value of recondltion- , ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Der by's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4519 , or 7175. 6-21m WANT TO BUY Baby walker in good condition, Phone 6298, 5-25 WANTED-Haullng for flat bed truck. Phone 3927. 5-26 WANT TO BUY FOR CASH, a good electric range. Write to Mrs. Vera A, Real, Quartz Mt, Ore. 5-26 WANTED TO BUY Electric re frigerator. Phone; 7031. 5-25 WANT TO RENT Two-bedroom apartment or house near S. P. depot. Write 1129 Walnut. 5-25 WANTED Twin beds with box springs and mattresses. Jose phine Avery, Dorrls. 8-25 WANTED Umbrella tent, com plete with floor and poles, Will trade In wall tent or pay cash. Phone 8551. 5-26 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Six - head good grade long yearling Hereford bulls. Ph. 9036 after 9 a. in. 8-26 10 GUERNSEY and Holsteln springer helfors for sale. One mile from Oregon Hot Springs. Lloyd Embroy. 8-29 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. Trulove s Market, 919 East Main. Phone 4282. 6-lm WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 DAIRYMENI Fed Security Calf Food and sell all your milk. Peoples Warehouse 4086tf POULTRY, feeds and equip ment, Peoples Warehouse. 4088tf SUBURBAN HOME OWNERSI Do you need a cow, hogs, rab bits or chickens? It you need additional cash, a loan can bo arranged. SEE COMMERCIAL FINANCE. 116 S. 8th St. Phone 3265. 4304tt FOR SALE Swiss Jersey and Guernsey cows. 5514 So, 6th. 8-25 FOR SALE Fresh heavy milk ing Jersey cow. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 5-26 FOR SALE 8-year-old saddle mare, purebred; Springer span iel puppies, cows and heifers. 5704 Avalon St. 5-29 FOR SALE 3-day-old heifer calf; also fat hog, ready to butcher. 8102 So. 6th St. Ph. 4943. 5-25 FOR-SALE Team work horses and horse cultivator. Guy Bar ton. - - : . 8-27 46 Financial PAY AS YOU GO! Consolidate your old debts with a cash loan, UP TO 12 MONTHS TO REPAY . ; Money also available ' . for current needs. Private Sales Financed AUTOMOBILE LOANS UP TO $500 Furniture Salary Loans Up to $300 COMMERCIAL - FINANCE CORPORATION P. A. Everett, Mgr. 116 South Eighth Street, Telephone 3265 ' -s-ist , If-SSS First Federal Has Plenty of Money ' Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Horn Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -: Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 5-31m Ask us about EQUITABLE Disappearing Loans . Low Rates Prompt Service If you want to buy a home or refinance your mortgage, ask us about the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Sth Phone 4564 Since 1909 Tue-Fri-tf See K. A. (Dinty) Moore ,. - For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete' Privacy 12 months to pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 . 114 N. 7th Phone 3328 ' . . 8-31m Automobile Loans $20,00 to $500.00 A Sensible Way to Get the Money You Need Tf you need ctfth. let ui know how much. Chanets art wa can alva rou fnonal, moaav to "balanca your budget Just on your ear nloD with monthly repaymenta arranftad to fit your poeketbook. - For example; A ilftQ.no auto loan at Conaumers may bo paid on. la II mommy inuanmenia or 110.05 each. "It lin't hat you 00 It't. what you ara .that counti." We also make furniture and signature loans Consumers Credit (M-JS5 720 Pine St. 8-J) Phone 7711 8-3 lm 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE, LEASE OR TRADE Good grocery store. Good business and stock. A-I loca tion. 61 North Main St., Ash land. Phone 4131. 8-33 Rationing Calendar War Prie and Ratlonlnj Board, 434 Main ttrt. Offle hours daily, 10i30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.t Saturday, , 1030 a. m. to 4:00 p. m, Plione 3322 for tires, sugar, food and general information, Phone 6030 for fuel oil, gaso line, Mr. Moe. RATION BOOK NO, 3 Jun 10 Deadline for mail ing application blanks used In obtaining new ration book No. 3. These applications now In process of being distributed to the public by mall. -RATION BOOK NO. 2 ' May 31 Expiration date of red stamps E, F, G and M. Validation dates of stamps as follows: i Red itamp '.' ? ! Data Tall April a ..5(ay J - May .May l .,My a Kiplrei May 91 ' May ill May 31 May SI Juno an Juna SO o . H . . 1 K ...May m Jun 7 Blue Stamps G, H and J for processed f o o d s expire. . July 7 Blue stamps K, L and M. for processed foods expire. SUGAR May 31 Stamp No. 12. good for five pounds, expires at midnight. . October 31 Stamps num ber 15 and 16, good for-8 pounds of sugar each for home canning purposes only, ex pire. COFFEE .May 30 Stamp No. 23, war ration book No. 1 of book, holders 14 years of age- or over, good for 1 pound of cof fee, expires at midnight. GASOLINE July 21 No. 6 stamps. In "A" book, each good for four gallons, expire at midnight . SHOES . .. Jun 15 Stamp No. 17,' war ration book 1, valid for, purchase of one pair of shoes. expires at midnight Family. stamps are interchangeable, FUEL OIL Sptmbr 30 Fuel oil - Sth period coupon expires, TIRES May SI "C" book holder must have tires inspected by this date, with at least 48 days elapsing since last ' in spection. June 30 "B" book holders must have tires inspected by this date with at least 60 days elapsing sine last in spection. Sept. 30 "A" and "D" book holders must have tires inspected by .this date with at least 90. days elapsing sine last inspection. '-. Malin Mr, and Mrs.' John L. Bailey had as guests Sunday two nieces and their children, Mrs. W. L. Fletcher and son Bertie of Forks, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. -Roy Holbrook and two sons,-Roy and Roland of Medford. .Helping Hand members, meet ing last week with Mrs. John McCully as hostess in the base ment of the Presbyterian church, planned to assist with the mak ing of surgical dressings as soon as the work gets under way. Mrs, Helen Ottoman, chairman, will ; be assisted by Mrs. Dick. Henzel and Mrs. Charles Johnson. The next meeting will be June 16 at the home of Mrs. Earl McVey. Mrs. Emil Tofell and baby son Jimmy, accompanied . by Mrs. Teresa McComb are spending two weeks near Riverside, Calif,, where Mrs. Tofell's father, Mr. Hildebrand and . other relative reside. ... REALISM KANSAS CITY, Kas., (Pi Test Pilot Jack A. Suodgrass showed visiting newspapermen what happens when a Mitchell bomber makes a crash landing although that wasn't what he had In mind when he went up, Unable to, get his landing gear down after three and one-half hours, he decided there was noth ing to do but make a belly land ing. He skidded, neatly, across the field just as the escorted, tour was looking it over. -' Mussolini- says the Americans are revealing their primitive red skin strain. Well, our boys, have had' plenty of reason to whoop it up. ' ' - - .' ' BI6 BASIN LBR. CO. ; Main k Spring 4s . Phone 3144 , Yd r