Mny 25, 1043 PAGE SEVEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i Tuberculosis in Newell Japanese Presents Problem By WENDELL WEBB TULKLAKU, Calif., May 25 W) A new aspcd to llio prob lem o( Japancsu evacuees tho possible purmuiicnco of tuber culosis sanitariums presented Illicit with a visit to tills Illicit ulniilo relocation project in Iho nation. In the 2M t)cd hospital, built to euro fur tills new city In the' high, lukc-bottom valley of northern Cullfornlu, arc 08 eunei of pulinuiiury ttiberculiiiiiii. In burrocks conslllutlnH un isolation wurd uro another uO or so ar rested cases uiuli'r observation, AihI the 111111111011 m not unlike that lit the nine other rolocu lion centers now operation in C'Bllfornlu, Arizona, Ululi, Col orado, Wyomimi, luuho and Ar kunscs. 14,000 Evacutos . Around 14,1)110 uvacuccs from ) thi, wmlrrn dl'Il-IMC l-ollllliail(l now are quartered lure, nearly ' tiu.uUU niuic ul tin: ouior sues. Some of the advanced cum. of pulmonury tuberculosis ht-ru never will leiivu tnu piuce alive. Others will neecssllulu prolonged care. wmothcr 300 persons of Jai' uncao ancestry having the diseusu liuvo been given uvjcuatlon ac fermenti and are sUiyintf at pub lic and private honpuais in the western defense command out ido of relocation centers.) Study Future Medical men, anticipating the tlmo when the centers inlghl close, are sliioying the muirc of persona American citizens and otherwise wlio not only would die If their continued segregation and proper care weiu noi ar ranged, but who alto could spread the disease to huudreus oi louicrs. Somo of those ill have no money with which lo buy lacill tits for proper treatnienl and who, Iron) a health stunupoint, should not be moved, i'or incsc, thcr teems but one answer tho continuance of sanitariums t several of tho rolocation cen ters now in existence. Such a tet-up now Is in tho discussion tago. No Epidemic From 100 to iuu persons usual ly aro hospitalized hero. There ii no epidemic, Disease In the main, with the exception of eyo trouble, lias little If any higher Incldonca thim in other cities of similar size. . .. The center hui one Caucasian doctor Dr. R. M. Pcdlcord of Wheeling, W, Va chief medical officer; tlnou evacuee doctor and three evacuee medical stu dents. Tliero are also 10 evacuee dentists. Dr. I'edicord't chief assistant in tho rambling, army-type hos pital Is Dr. George Klnomatsu jlushibu, formerly of Fresno, Calif. Japanese Assistant Dr. lluahlba came from Japan 10 years ago, was graduated lrom Stanford, and now, in late middle-age, finds himself evacuated from a practlco which bought and maintained for mm a fiO,wu home, to a JlUa-inontli income paid skilled workera In Uie center. Ho had no complaint when a reporter visited him In hi one room home here, with hi med ical book in packing-box book cases lining the walls. But he'd into to visit Krcsno to get more buoks ond surgical Instruments ho lelt there. Dr. Pcdlcord, who described himself as "too old for a com mission," said ho was satisfied lo icavo his practice and 4,uou home in Wheeling so long as he was being of service in mo job ho was asned lo accept. Funeraia Most persons wno die here arc cremated or buried al their lornier homes. There is a Utile sand lot act aside as a cemetery, In it are only four Utile mound, for four babies, One grave has a neat wooden fence, Iho others ar marked by artificial flowers, r'ar lo the southeast loom great, snow-cupped Mt. Shasta. Hildebrand Mr. end Mrs. Roy Shoemaker and children, Joan and Donald of Klamath Falls, visited on Tuesday evening with Mr. Shoe maker, mother, Mrs. Vernon Heath and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Emlle Egert. Mrs. S. K. Hartzlcr and daugh ter, Bosslo, visited on Thursday at the Michael home. Clurcnce Parker was transact ing business In Klamath Falls on Wednesday. Marvin Michael hauled a load of rye to Klamath Falls on Wed nesday. Goliath frogs have bodies 12 Inches long, exclusive of their long legs. K'fT?V. ,1'! HAVE YOU Lost Your Axe? A lot of ui have! Tho fellow who used to run hit own truck and twlng hi own axo, cutting body and limb wood for you, it one. Those still twinging an axe, Ilk tho hutky above, aro working on timber that goo to Undo Sam. That Icavet the whole Job of providing fuel providing you comfort for next winter' freexlng weather up to u wood dealort. Since 1912, Peyton ha handled mill run slab, the old itandby which now come into It own the oll-purposo fuol to warm you and cook for you next wlnror. You won't go cold If you order all you need NOW! MILL RUN SLAB (Slabt and Edging) Doublo load: Groon, at the bin (Until June 1st) $2.00 Greon, daliverod (In Klamath Falls) 4.75 Dry, dolivorod (In Klamath Falls) 6.75 Phone Us 5149 A Once! Arrange Delivery Now for Next Winter's Need ,. 1 PEYTON & CO. Coffee Shop to Open in Tulelake TULKLAKU Mrs. Roy Drake announced thin week tho open ing on May 20 of the Duchess Lounge and Coffee shop In tho building formerly occupied by the Safeway store, Mrs, Drake ia the wlfo of tho proprietor of the "Roosevelt," located on tho Hatflcld-Alturus highway. The building Ik being recondi tioned to meet requirement of the new establishment which will serve meal at night also. Counters and booths will be pro vided with the coffee shop com pletely partitioned from the lounge, Mrs. Drake hat been resi dent of Tulelake for eight years. Fort Klamath Mr. and Mr. Jerry Sisemnre and daughter Jo-Ann, have moved back to Fort Klamath to their home at the Slscmorc ranch from Klamath Falls, where they spent the winter months. Jo-Ann attended Sa cred Heart academy during the term Just concluded. Mrs. Harold Wimer i able to be around again after having been confined to her home or 10 days with a severe attack of erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Zumbrun and ten 'Billle, have moved to Lamm's camp at Yamsay, Ore., where Zumbrun Is now employ-j ed. He was formerly with trie , local state highway patrol, and! hi wife was employed at relicfl operator at the local telephone office. Mrs. Nora Souther It now working at relief operator in Mr. Zumbrun' place. The Calico Cat, which it owned by the Zumbrunt, will remain closed Indefinitely. Mr. Ben H. Bricco continue! to (how improvement following her removal to her home at Wil liamson River from a Klamath Fulls hospital about 10 dayt ago. Mr. Bricco was stricken with a paralytic ttroke the latter part of April ond lor a time her con dltion wa very serious. Friends will be glad to hear that the Is much better at this tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner of Portland arrived here last Fri day to visit their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Castel. Earl Jackson is now employed as bartender at the Klamath Bil liards in Klamath Falls. A large number of local resi dents attended the state guard benefit dance held In Chiloquln Saturday night. Several men from Fort Klamath belong to the Chiloquln date defense unit. Mrs. Chester Main Elected Trustee TULELAKE Mr. Cheater L. Main wa elected last weekend to succeed Mrs, M. V, Maxwell a trustee on the Carr elemen tary school board. Mrs, Max well, who ha served the board as clerk did not seek reelection. Holdover member of the board are Mrs. Margaret Fish and Dan Crawford. The new clerk will be elected at a meeting of the d rector in the near future. tfrfflj stamps. mjE: (5) V-B Vegetable Cocktail, 18-os. tin.... 15c (11) 46-ox. tin.... . 30c (16) Peas, Gardontido....No. 2 can, 2 for 25e (14) Pea, Picttweet, tender, No. 303 can 16c (14) Cut Beam, Gardentide, No. 2 can 15c (9) Diced Boots, Del Monto, No. 303 glass 12c (14) Corn, Country Home, whole kornel No. 2 can 16c (9) Diced Carrot, Del Monte, 303 glass 11c (10) Catsup, Red Hill, 14-oz. bottle 14c (25) Apricots, Valloy Gold Halves, No. 2Vi con 24c (15) Apricot, Red Tag Holres, 303 glat 18c (7) Prunet, Red Tag Choice, No. 2'i can 16c (10) Peart, Crown Point, No. 2 tin 21c (21) Peaches, Cattle Crett, No. 2Vt can 23c Don't let your stamps expire bring your books to Safewayi NOW while stocks are adequate and get the most out of your points at the lowest prices. Don't wait till thejast' minute. Spend them NOW1 FOR FASTER SERVICE, FINER SELECTION " ShopL abh thsL Utsurfc! p. wmwrtcii iwwMic wwup Campbell. 10K-. Can " Small White Beans 2Lb. B.g 18c 4SC 46c 30c 13 11 Tomato Juice Bunnr Dawn 11 Tomato Juice LSbby-t: 20 8-Lb. Bag . Idaho Red Beans 5-Lb. Pksr. 4 tMnA..U ! Town Houte Untwt. Wl Mb ll Ml k HHIbE 2 No. 2 Can .. Pt. 46-Ox. Can ..46-Ot. ,.47-ot. C.n21C Can 23C (1) Baby Foods, Gerber't......4'i-oz. can 7c (14) Appletauce, Hood River, No. 2 can 15c (1R) Potted Meat, Libby't, V can, 2 for 11c (5R) Tang, Cudahy's luncheon meat, 12-or. can 35c Soup Mix, Minute Man pkgs., 3 for 25c Dried Prunet 3-lb. pkg. 41c Walnut Meat 'rib. pkg. 48c Salad Dreting, Duchett 32-ox. jar 38c Mayonnaise, Nu Made........16-oz. bottle 27c Canada Dry Sparkling Water, qt. bottle 15e Plut 5c bottle depotit Syrup, Sleepy Hollow :....12-oz. glat 16e French' Muttard 9-oz. bottle, 2 for 25c Pen Jel 3-oz. pkgs. 11c Royal Satin Shortening 3 60c (15 red points) Snowdrift Shortening 3 68c (15 red points) BUY NOW FOB ETEQS HOSJBEJS MOMBRY UNCLE SAM NEEDS YOUR DOLLARS . . . INVEST THEM IN WAR SAVINGS BONDS Sugar wblt, satin..-, ICMLb. Bag - Brown Sugar i.Lb. pk r I Mill, Cherub wuniicu mi lit 5-Lb. Bag ' 32c 64 3 lot25c Tall Cant.... - forw Canned Milk S". 3,or28c FlOUr Drifted Snow. 49-Lb. Sack $198 Kltchsn Craft. 48-Lb. Sack - $1.89 Harvest Blossom. 49-Lb. Sack $1.79 Anchor. 49-Lb. Sack $1.49 Pkg. 23c 24c 2 lor23c Morning Glory. Regular or WU Quick. 48-Oi. Pkg Quaker Oats ffi"Lgr. Kellogg's Krumbles 9-Oi. Pkg " for' Pancake Flour Pkg... 19c Tenderoni 7 10 Van Camp't. 6-O1. Pkg & tot C Peanut Butter l3T.. 28c OXYDOL Granulated Soap 23c 24-Ox. Box comes to the rescue! In 101 WAYS evaporated mSU (help relieve wartime food prob lem. Babie thrive on it. Your j cooked diahe are improved by it.' I It's the cream in your coffee, tho whipped "cream" in your deaeerts, and idesl for creamed sauce,1 soups, cocoa, puddings. Met b HT Evaporated mflk is whols , fresh cow's milk with 60 of the j water removed by evaporation. It's concentrated, unsweetened mUki ' sealed in cans, then sterilized pure. ' And today, through better methods' of processing and distribution, it's possible to give you evaporated' itnukthat's truly delicate in flavor. I What II tWt fir yea. Evaporated mfflt! supplies you the healthful milk! solids you ought to have every dayj Mineral, protein, vitamins A, OJ u, and B. xt's easily digested, too, even by baby's delicate Hewtststplr. Evaporated milk keeps perfectly in the sealed eanJ .without refrigeration. Opened should be covered and kept m ciean, cool place. New H K. When recipe eeHs for 1 cud milk, mix U m MfaJ with H cup evaporated' milk andl use as directed. In recipes calling for cream, use evaporated mflk unJ, diluted, ,To make grand whipped "cruem, chUl evaporated milk to 40 place in cold bowl, beat with cold beater. HIRrS CANNING NEWS FOR TOtf For complete and last-minute inform tion on canning fruits and vegetablesj read Julia Lee Wright's article in thi week's Family Circle, "Canning Days Are Ahead." The Family Circle is out wery Tuesday and free at Safeway. Toilet Tistue Silk Toilet Tittue, Comfort. . Starch, Elastic ....... Jar Rubber, regular.... ....roll, 4 for 15c ....roll, 3 for 24 .. .12-ox. pkg. 9e .dor. In pkg. 4' IVORY Flakes 23c Soap 12H-0. Pkg. Onions:::T.xb.9c Rhubarb Tw'n b4V2C Tomatoes Texei. good color, firm for slicing. Lb. Lemons Oranges Sunkltt, Full of Jules Lb. Sunkltt. Sweet end Juicy Lb. 20c 11c 10c Potatoes Shaftrt......'........Lb. 5c Polntt 6R Beef Roast Lb 30c 4R Brisket Boiling Beef Lb 17c 8R Sirloin Steak 8R Ground Beef eR Picnics .. 7R Pork Steak 7R Shoulder Pork Roasts Center Cutt Lb. 6R Veal Shoulder Roasts,- Pound .- - 7R Veal Chops Lb.39c 4R Breast of Vea. Lb 21c Fly Spray, Standard quart can 37c Matches, Favorite carton 23 Aero Liquid Wax ....quart can 43 Dog Food, Pard Dehydrated, 8-ox. pkgs 2 for 2Se Dog Food, Red Heart,' 12-ox. pkgt. 2 for 29e Soft, Maximum, plain or Iodized, 26-ox. pkg 7a Su-Purb Granulated Soap 24-oz. pkg. 20a 1SSTV r I r wHvoiONiwuTEa V V KJ Mt U 0I0NT KNOW i v VJptJ iAI I WH6TOTO5HOPr P CJSft COM4 ALCK) WITH Ml, juor. ina smunoN to Aa WUK TK0UBUS IS just Up me snaer wm. coMtoN.eusreR-wsne OOINO Tv SHOW AUNT x mm cm Lb. ' & WiffiJ SpEND YOUR STAMt - .Lb.37c , ..w'SE.LYr.BU-!.. 35C if COFFEE GET MORE f y in I 11 I'll 00 c PER P0UNPJ 1 Zm, Mob Hi choice biend bo, 2bC lj I1 niifrssssJ fJ iifl I tlTlim ff TFIIV 1 VX Sf;.. WI VSONOERRJL..IMA0INS SAfEWW lj ul mm. Mm lii IMA my I litl .Jfe? sr OHUseustxH&iwsMQMxo I I 9! KrSr-r--"- 4 &l 801s AND, TOO. fMAlLKW THAT 11 TsV i r LJ ;V s ' Wl 1 PBJOuee by wsiomt methoo I ill rrolSKas :w A llli! n. "!-i(V I i-l III 1 LI S;Zlft XI Stores Closed All Day Monday, May 31 Memorial Day -WOOD TO BURN