Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 22, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    May 22, 1943
Kainoow v7iris
Install Officers
Tulelako Order Has Inspiring Ceremony on
TULELAKE In o sprlngllko ulnionphore of early garden
blomomi, newly olcctocl ofdoors ot tho Tulcluko assembly
Ordor o( tlio Hulnbow (or girls wore Installed Wcdnoiduy ove
nlng, May nlnutamtli, ot a coremony In tlio gymniulum of tho
Tulelake high school. Porents and friends of tho girls wera
Velma Joon Dowmun, retiring worthy advisor, was pre
sented with a gift, Volmu Jean In turn presenting her mother,
Mrs. Leonard Dowmun of
Merrill, with a comugo In
recognition of her efforts In
assisting two daughters to
complete work In all chairs
of tho assombly.
Musical numbers wore
played by Mndulon Schrolner
on a clnrlnut, and by Har
riett Coulson - who offorcd
"Czurdus," by V, Monti, a
piano solo,
Arm bouquets of tulips and
lilacs wore carried by tho In
coming worthy advisor, Putty
Gentry, and the worlhy asso
ciate advisor, Phyuss bnyclor.
Other offlcors iunlullcd In
cluded Joyce Turnbaugh,
Mope; Fanny Adums, Charily;
Harriott Coulson, Faith; Made
Ion Schrelner, drill leader;
Dorothy Loosley, chaplain.
Carolyn Rycknian, recorder;
Dorothy Thomas, treasuror;
John Smith, pianist; Eleanor
Knndra, choir louder: Llndalco
Calloway, confidential obsor
vor; Joan Thompson, outer ob
server; Blllle Hodges, Iris
Faye Bradbury, Jcun Scott,
Janice McCollum and Imogene
Rowan, color stations.
Mrs. C. C, Coulson, mother
advisor, and Mrs, Flshor, as
sociate mother advisor, were
present for the ceremony
which was followed by an
hour of dancing end refresh
ments. Installing officers wert,
Velma Jean Bowman, Install
ing worthy advisor; Mrs.
Frank Carey. Merrill, install
ing chaplain; Louisa Bowman,
Installing marshal, and Mrs.
Karl Gentry, installing musi
cian. A joint meeting of assem
blies ot Tulelake and Alturas
will be held hero June the
second at which time the
grand worthy advisor of Cali
fornia will visit.
A wedding, of Interest to
many in Klamath Falls was
that of Miss Katlo Lucille
Gilchrist, daughter of Mrs.
Jessie Gilchrist, 2233 Durrow
avenue, and Wilbur Telford,
also of this city. Mrs. Telford
has been a teacher In the
Chlloquln schools for several
The wedding was solemniz
ed at the First Christian
church on Monday, May the
seventeenth at one o'clock In
the afternoon, the Rev. Arthur
Bster officiating. The bride
wore a suit of dusty rose with
navy accessories and the ma
tron of honor, Mrs. Katherlno
Hulme, of Chlloquln a moss
green shirtwaist dress with
dusty rose accessories. Both
wore ' corsages of rosebuds
and gardenias. Ray Telford,
brother of the groom, was bes
After a two week's trip to
the coast Mr. and Mrs. Telford
will ' be at home to their
friends at 900 Mitchell street.
Mrs. Ella Bortls entertained
the Three R club at hor home
on Roseway drive on May tlio
eleventh at a dessert and cards."
Awards at tho close of play
were received by Mrs. Mar
jorle Perkins, first and travel
ing, Mrs. Kato Hoguc, second,
and specie) prizes were given
Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Kathleen
Hepburn, : .
Other members attending
ware Mrs. Anna Shaffer,
Mrs. Lola Myers, Mrs. Anna ,
mciprimit:K, mis. uvaiu xiuy-
lor, Mrs. Frances Klllian, Mrs.
Lucille Heifer, Mrs. Estcl
Bright, Mrs. Martha Baker,
Mrs. W. J. Stelnmetz and tho
Next Tuesday's meeting of
the club will be at the homo
of Mrs. Bright on Hope street.
Mn. Wi P. McMillan's
home will be the gathering
place for members of tho Art
Needle Work club, Wednes
day afternoon, May the twenty-sixth,
when a potluclc
luncheon will be enjoyed at
one o'clock.
i This will be the last moot
ing of tho club year, and offi
cers will be elected to serve
for the coming club year. Mrs.
Z. J. Powell has served as
president for tho past year.
Dorris Girl
Recent Bride
Miss Wilkins and Harry
Beck Exchange Vows
On Sunday
DORRIS Traditional white
satin was chosen for her wed
ding by Mury Elizabeth Wil
kins, duughtor of Mr, and Mrs.
Ronco C, Wilkins, who bo
came tho bride of Mr. Harry
William Beck at a one o'clock
ceremony rcud at tho parental
Wilkins home Sunday after
noon, May the slxteonth.
Miss Cathcrlno Doran sang
"I Lovo Vou Truly" before
tho ceremony and Mrs. George
Doran played Mendelssohn's
wedding march as the brido
entered on the arm- of hor
Vows were oxchunged bo
fore a bank of sweet peas,
sweet wllllam, lilies and lark
spur. The Reverend Eugene V.
lluyncs of the Congregational
church at Klumath Falls offi
ciated. Tho brldo was lovely in a
white satin gown with basque
waist and bouffant skirt, Her
fingertip veil was gathered In
a spray of lilies of the valley
and sho carried an arm bou
quet of pink rosebuds tied
with white satin streamers.
Miss Jean Motschenbacher
was her maid of honor. Sho
wore an aqua floor length
frock and carried pink carna
tions tied with pink streamers.
Bridesmaids Miss Joy . Mots
chenbacher and Miss Doris
Clayton were attired In pink
and baby blue. Their bouquets
were of pink carnations. Mr.
Fred Beck was his brother's
A wedding dinner was
served following the cere
mony. Covers were laid for
twenty-flvo guests. Tho bride's
table was centered with a cir
clo of pink carnations sur
rounding tho bride's sake. Mrs.
Carl Boyd and Mrs. Andrew
Cox assisted with the serving.
Following a week's honey
moon spent In the bay area
Mr. and Mrs. Beck will be at
homo at Wheatland, Califor
nia whore they will spend the
summer months.
Guests at the wedding In
cluded Mr. and Mrs, Harry M.
Beck of Wheatland, parents of
tho groom, Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Cox and Mr. and Mrs.
George Doran and daughter
Catherine of Klamath Falls,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mac of
Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. C. E,
Motschenbacher, Mr. and Mrs.
I. H. Robinson and Mrs. Flora
Murphy, besides members of
the wedding party.
The bride Is a member of
this year's high school gradu
ating class. Mr. Beck attended
Marysvllla Junior college and
the University ot California,
where he majored in educa
tion. He has been athletic
coach and an Instructor at
Butte Valley high school for
two years.
The Missionary Society of
the First Baptist church held
a . general meeting In the
church parlors on May the
twentieth. At noon a light
luncheon was served and at
one o'clock executive board
met In the Blalock room, fol
lowed at two o'clock by the
goneral business meeting Mrs.
Verne Griffith was elected
president for the coming year,
Mrs. Hudson Barrows record
ing secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Hlg
don corresponding secretary
and Mrs. Charles Thomas
treasurer. Mrs. Harry Stoler
will be chairman of circle 1,
Mrs. Harper circle 2, Mrs.
John Saylor circle 3, Mrs.
Lawrence Daggett circle 4,
Mrs. J. H. Williams circle 8
and Mrs, Jack Orrell circle 6.
Mrs. Griffith appointed Mrs,
Dennis Lodlen personal ser
vice chairman and Mrs, Frank
Klllian the Bible study chair
man, the other appointments
not being made at this time,
Tho Bible study hour fol
lowed, led by Mrs, Frank Kll
lian, this being the eighth ot
a scries of lessons on Bible
prophesy and its realization :
in world events today,
Miss Leora Repp of River
side teaching staff Is leaving
this weekend for Borkclcy,
California, to spend the summer.
i '1
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" It'll
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This is Richard LcRoy, H-month-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Leslie of 135 Sheldon street, soon
to see his first birthday. The young man is also
the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Leslie of
Los Angeles and Mrs. Mablc Hyde of 1110
Grant street.
A surprise farewell pnrty
was given for Mrs, Arthur
Stewart on Friday afternoon,
May the fourteenth, at her
home on 1848 Bisbco street.
Mrs. Lylo Hickman end Mrs.
Peorl Burnett were hostesses
for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and
family plan to leave for Spo
kane, Washington, soon to
mako their home.
She was' presented with
many lovely gifts by . her
friends. Those attending were .
Mrs. Charles Agcr. Mrs. Ida
RcginBto, Mrs. Robert Byors,
Mrs. Amos Burnett, Mrs. Grace
Thomas, Mrs. George Burnett,
Mrs. Roy Call, Mrs. Floyd
Stewart, Mrs, Lyle Hickman,
Mrs. Roy Huff, Mrs. Pearl
Burnett, Mrs, Francis Flowers,
Mrs. George Flowers, Mrs,
Claude Worlcy, Mrs. Will Car
penter,'' Mrs. Katie Phipps,
Mrs. Phil Motschenbacher,
Mrs. Hilbcrt Largcnt, Mrs. Lee
Sutton, and the guest of honor.
Prosperity Rcbckah Lodge
met In the IOOF hall Thurs
day evening, May the twenti
eth, at eight o'clock A regu
lar business meeting was held
and later In the evening games
were played. The next meet
ing will be on June the third
In the IOOF holl.
Be your own Beauty Expert
Choose the special beauty treatment
created for the needi
of your skin.
Follow it faithfully.
This is the "expert"
yny, the quickest,
. hiost effective
way to loveliness,
now and
WasH thoroughly with' BEAUTT
CRAtNfl (1.001 to counteract excess
nllinm. remove nil Just anil
with soothing, softening pasteurized face
CREAM (1.00). Flattering, protective snowlotion (1.00),
gives a smooth mat finish for make-up.
To "know" your slcln ... to me your preparation, moat emo
tively ... for the aniwer to ipeclal problemi, oomult our trained
Helena Rubinstein representative.
Hlltno Rubinstein Oily Skin Treatment 1.00. AlsoTreatmenu
for the Normal, the Dry, tlio Disturbed, the Mature, the Dull
Drab Skin.
l vurrm s
9th and Main
1aF -
.... .
The Neighbors of Wood
craft met in regular session
on Monday evening, at eight
o'clock in the KC hall. Guar
dian Neighbor Susie Smith op
ened the meeting, end several
guests from Castle Crags cir
cle 502 were introduced, Guar
dian Neighbor Catherine Grif
fith, Past Guardian Neighbor
Ina Liscomb, Magician June
Hale, Clerk Clara Gibson,
Manager Mr. Arnold and
Guards Sylvia Arnold and
Ruth Newman.
Following the business
meeting Bingo was enjoyed
and refreshments served, Mil
dred Smith being in charge of
entertainment and Leola
Thompson, Eva Richardson
and Evelyn Patterson the com
mittee for refreshments. The
next meeting will be June the
seventh at eight o'clock in the
KC hall. -
- ..-r
Townscnd Club number
one met at tho home of Mrs.
Betty Allen on Harlan drive
for a potluck lunchedn. Those
who attended were Mrs. R
Schmlnskey, Mrs. J. M. Gray,
Mrs. O. F. Jerrue, Mrs. C. B.
Conoy, Mrs. Eva Myers, Mrs.
Leon Crapo, Mrs. Betty Allen,
Mrs. G. Mast, Mrs. Igneborg
Wllkcrson, Mrs. Clara Price,
Mrs. Bcrnico McCracken, and
two visitors, Mrs. H. G. Berry,
and Mrs. Lcona Battle.
crime. Follow
for unit
V4. 1
kwn I es
Phone 4514
AAUW Meets
Mrs. Cliff Is Hostess to
Chapter on Saturday,
May Fifteenth
LAKEVIEW For the last
meeting until autumn AAUW
members met at the home of
Mrs. E, P. Cliff Saturday,
May fifteenth, for dessert and
a business meeting at half
past on o'clock.
Mrs. Richard Corbett, presi
dent appointed standing com
mittees for the coming year.
Mrs. Walter Dykeman, chair
man of International Rela
tions; Mrs. Cart Pendleton,
chairman of Legislature and
Legal Statu of Women; Mrs.
Ed McKay, chairman of Fel
lowship; and Mrs. Milton Fish
er, chairman of Membership.
A new vice-president will have
to be chosen to fill the vacancy
to be . left by Miss Barbara
Ketchum, who will not return
to Lakeview In the fall; also
a new secretary to take the
place of Mrs. Viola Squires.
Plans were made for the an
nual, membership tea to be
held In the fall,. when all wom
en eligible for membership
in the AAUW will be invited.
Plans were also completed for
the formal annual tea to be
held May twenty-second from ,
the hours of three o'clock to
four o'clock In honor of gradu
ating high school girls. The
tea will be held at the home
of Mrs. Ed McKay. Members
also made plans to contribute
wash cloths for the.Junior Red
Cross drive.
Mrs. Edgar B. Mitchell, of
Logan, Utah, and mother of
Mrs, Cliff, was the guest ot
the afternoon. Mrs. Mitchell,
who recently lived In Argen
tina for several years, spoke
Informally to the group and
held a round-table discussion
on the life and customs of the
Argentina people and the re
lationship of Argentina and
the United States.
On Monday afternoon, May
the seventeenth, the Juveniles
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
met In the KC hall at four
o'clock. This meeting closed
the membership contest in
which Patsy Clark has obtain
ed the greatest number of new
members, and. following the
business meeting- a contest
party was held, with thirteen
present. Games and refresh
ments closed the afternoon's
"y ' " " '
Miss-Karin Strid, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strid of
1019 McKinley street, com
pleted her nurse's training
May . the twelfth from Im
manuel hospital, Portland.
program, which was under the
direction of Nancy Hall. The
next meeting will be on the
afternoon of June the seventh,
the hour to be announced lat
er. Alberta Allen, 2461 Orch
ard way, was hostess to the
Merry Mixers club on Thurs-
day evening May the twenti
eth. Cards were played dur
ing the evening, .with high
score held by Ruth Lawrence,
and second by Pearl Paup
Those attending were Billee
Snider, Ruth Anderson, Ruth
Lawrence, Dee Saylor, Jo
Paup, Pearl Paup, Eleanor
Curtis and Louise Cramblet
The hostess was given a dres
ser scarf shower during the
evening by her friends. Louise
Cramblet will entertain the
club on the evening of Thurs
day, June the third. -
The new military air fields
are expected to do for the air
plane what good roads did for
automobiles after the war.
WW, He Recover?
Klamath has over 4000 men in the armed forces. It
would be a black day indeed if one of these young men
should dte on the field of battle, for want of surgical
7"he way is left open for just such a tragedy unless more
women volunteer for Red Cross surgical dressing work.
If 100 more women join those who now are loyally work
ing, and give just three hours a week of their time, our
quota will be made.
Surely there are 100 women with sons, husbands, broth
ers or friends in the service who will accept this responsi
bility. Phone the Red Cross, 7184, for information on
working times.
American Red Cross
MERRILL Women of the
Moose, Merrill chapter No. 18
meeting Tuesday night, May
eighteenth with Mrs. Louisa
Iccnblce, graduate regent in
the choir olocted officers for
the ensuing year.
Mrs. Rose Van Meter will
fill the chair as senior re
gent; Mrs. Doris Wlnebarger,
junior regent; Mrs. Hazel
Kcnyon, chaplain; Mrs. Mil
dred Lahoda, secretary and
Mrs. Mary Lou Nine, treasur
er. Installation and a dinner
honoring charter members is
planned for June fifteenth,
members of the Loyal Order
of Moose to be guests. Moth
ers of the Moose with sons in
service will also be honored.
Mrs. Bessie Aubrey will en
tertain at an afternoon ot cards
May the twenty-seventh.
Mrs. Nine was honored with
a shower at the meeting this
week and a towel shower for
Moosehaven was on the pro
gram. Mrs. Mamie Giacomlnl was
in charge of the program giv
en under the division of child. .
. care and training. Community
singing with Mrs. Lillian '
Thomas at the piano opened
the program. Barbara Icen
bice played a piano number
and Mrs. Jessie Broughman
offered a vocal number play
ing her own guitar accompani
ment. Margaret Icenbice and
Mrs. Mamie Giacomlnl played
a piano duet.
Each member, following a
plan organized to assist finan
cially with the Women's Am
bulance Corps' in Klamath
Falls, donated a penny for
each letter in the donor's
name. A contribution is given
each month by the chapter.
Refreshments were served
to- twenty-two members by
Mrs. Nora Shuck, Mrs. Hazel
Kenyon, Mrs. Estel Louisig
not, Mrs. Kathleen Campbell
and Mrs. Eleanor Noel.
The Lady Eagles club meet
ing has been changed from
Friday of this week, to next
Wednesday, May twenty-sixth
at which time it will be held
at the home of Mrs. Elvira
Lien. Those wishing transpor
tation are asked to call 7160.
The . Mustang fighter, which
was recently - declared the
world's outstanding fighter plane
of 1943, has also been produced
as a dive-bomber. "
Members ot Delphian, Del
ta Qamma chapter, will meet
for their final session of the
year on Tuesday, May twenty
fifth, at twelve o'clock noon
for potluck luncheon at tht '
home ot Mrs. Franklin L.
Weaver on Auburn street.
The. program will follow
with the topic, "The Art ot
Dress", led by Mrs, Karl O.
Cummlngs. .
'. ..
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jones of
Jefferson street opened their
home on Thursday evening
lor a neighborhood party .
when they invited the children
from "the hill" to movie
and "popcorn" feast at seven
More than forty youngsters
arrived on ' the appointed
hour and the day, first of va
cation, came to a splendid cli
max ot fun and laughter.
Little Heather Hamaker,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ches
ter Hamaker, and Myrna Beth
Glick, daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs. Stanley ttllck, were two -years
old on. Thursday and. .
celebrated their anniversaries :
with a nartv.
Others present were Larry
Dean Stephens. Eugene Flem
ing, Jerry Ruth Wickershamy, .
John and Gary Fraley, -
SALEM, Ore., (fP) A day In
the life of Mrs. Georgia Ramage
McCornack, whose husband is in
the South Pacific:.
She worked all day in the
state agriculture department of
fice. She spent her lunch hour do
nating a pint ot blood to the Bed
After work she hurried horn
and did all her housework.
After that the reported for her
second full night's work at a can
nery which was threatened With
closure because of lack Of help.
eciseue .tier '
n h , . b ..-, pww. vum. vr&
. B SF i jzwucswa com cn pnmuea
DC.U tetweaakinwdctaaiitbaeV
CflDCC clothe with Menem tor'
OUntd nmiy Maian Hw Pointer.