PAGE 8DC ; ' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . May 22, 1048 Attendance Upped On Monday Nights ; Men Still , May Find Room Around the Table at .Monday Night's Surgical Project ' Attendance at the men's class held on Monday evening in the surgical dressings project rooms at American Red Cross headquarters has increased, according to one of the veterans of the table, and this coming Monday night there should be a goodly representation of Klamath families gathered to do this excellent work. : Noteworthy is the -fact that several wives accompanied their husbands to the project rooms and the suggestion was made that to make it family night might not be such a bad idea. There Is fun to be had as. well as a splendid feeling of work well done. Among those seen at Mon day night's session this week were H. B. Ashley, Fred Fleet, G. W. Sample, J. C. and Wini fred Cleghorn, Fred and Jo LaForge, M. Gallaspy, J. H. McGarroll, F. R. Hamblet, L. Orth Sisemore, F. E. Drake, Sydney and Lora Evans, H. R. Harrison, F. E. Foster, E. B. Hall, John Ebinger, 'George Mclntyre, W. S. 'Bradley. E. J.. Howell, S. R.: Brown, Fred Coffman, Genevieve Wheatley, Walter and Ella Palmer, Mal colm and . Jane .Epley and their son, John, ,and Lena M. Dennis. . ; " ' . Production" figures' on May tenth' : were "reported - at 40 1 dressings, and on the f ollow Ing w e e k n i g h t, 672. The quota is 750 each- Monday night and this quota-was al most, but not quite, met by those attending., All men in the city are urged to attend. MISS .FRENCH .. .7 BRIDE -OF- - MAY NINETEENTH : Married al'the home of the officiating minister, . Arthur Charles Bates, of the First Christian church,- at 838 Lin coln street on Wednesday. eve--ning, May. nineteenth at sev en : 'o'clock, were Mr. Roy Wal , lace Benedict an.d Miss Hose mary' French. The- ceremony was- read, in the -presence of relatives and -friends, of the couple. They were attended by Mr", and MrsV George W. Buck ner,:. ,"'.- ;' -. - ; ' Other' guests' . present were Mr.7 and Mr$, A'. W. Benedict, and' son, Ronald, 'Miss Sally Buckher and Mr.. -John- Frie sen. ' 1 '' ' ; ' -V After 'the . wedding "a group of , high school' friends came to J the -Benedict ' Home at 40 Fine street to express their congratulations and good wish; es; bringing "a gift -of remem brance with -them.! The happy couple - left 'early Thursday . morning for. San - Francisco, where -Mr. Benedict -is station ed -with the United States navy, at Hunter's-Point Mrs. Benedict will' spend some time there' with friends. ' ,.-) .- : . ' - ''. ; ' MJSS DARBY . ." " ) . HONORS MUSIC ' INSTRUCTORS', : Miss .LUlie E. Darby . was hostess, at dinner at the Elk hotel on ' Monday - evening, honoring .. members -of the music staff of the elementary schools. . .'; . '-. ' " . Guests, included Miss Jean Whitney,: Mrs. Sherman Car ter, -Mrs. S; Meade-i Badger, Mrs; "Joseph Peak and Miss Patricia;. Talbot. Several of. .this' group will not return to the city system next - fall. - Miss" Whitney is leaving early next week for Portland "where' she will' accept-a position. She has re signed as music teacher at Fremont. -Mrs.' Badger is leav ing to make her home in Fair ' fax, California. - :.-', - MRS: PHELPS" ; :' HOSTESS AT DINNER 5. ' ; ; Mr.' land Mrs.' Lawrence K. Phelps, entertained at' dinner Sunday in honor of Miss Gene vieve McGee of Ashland, .who has left her' home in the val ley, awaiting her call, in the Women's Army' , Auxiliary corps. Miss McGee has been teaching in- the Junior' high school, here and will not- re turn iii the fall. . .. 'Also honored at dinner was Miss Eva Burkhalter who has left for- her home in Portland for the summer, and Miss Mar garet. Porter of the county li brary staff. .' ,'-!i.-.. r ...; , " '.' MISS M'GRATH HONORED AT: " : DANCING PARTY . A , group of Merrill and Klamath Falls friends-gathered Wednesday evening at 'the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. John1 D.' O'Connor of Spring Lake, to' honor Miss Delia Mc Grath who left early- Sunday morning for San Francisco and Oakland. v '. Dancing was' enjoyed until early morning hours with sup per served, to more than,twcn-tpflve-'gimte , i- Art Students Finish Murals Oregon Centennial Is Theme of Painting At Junior High A mural on the Oregon Trail Centennial, 1843 to 1943, has been painted across a large section of the wall in the sec ond floor hall at Fremont school, and dedicated to the .class of '43, the first to gradu ate " from the Junior high school. .'.'"' ' ' 'The painting was done by six students of the Junior high art class, under the direction of Mrs. Jeanette Brown, in structor, and the theme is ex ceptionally well carried - out, . both in design and coloring. 'Across the wall four cov ered wagons wend their way, descending from, the plain in to a river valley. The contrast of fugged mountains on one side, the plain's flatness on the other . and background cloud effects give the mural depth and interest. Eight fig ures in the foreground, -along . with various livestock and dogs, provide life and action. -" Credit for the mural goes to Wesley Robinson, Clarence Hall, Marilyn Nethercott, Ann Arten, Norma Jo Smith and Allen. 'Murdock. Three -high school students who have also been outstand-. ing in art have" just completed a "mural on the wall of the art room at KUHS, depicting the effects of the war on Klamath High. This was done by Joanne O'Neill; -Malcolm Epley and ' Eva Ferber, under the direc tion of Mrs.' Brown. 'FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. JIMERSON . Friends of Mrs. Cecil Jim erson of Algoma honored her with a potluck luncheon and a ' handkerchief shower on Friday afternoon, May the twenty-first at one o'clock. The affair was held, at the home of Mrs.E. D. Hamacher, 1410 Pacific Terrace. ' J Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson and their children are leaving this weekend to make their home in -Denver),- Colorado, where Mr. Jimerson will be in -the lumber business. " Those Who honored Mrs.' Jimerson were Mrs. B. P. Cos-' tello,' Mrs. A. P. Heup, Mrs. C. - L. Hubble, Mrs. Harry Wayne, Mrs. Willard Cons tans, Mrs. - Clifford Reeves, Mrs.. Charles Kempter,' Mrs. Loren Palmerton, Mrs; Wil liam Spangler, Mrs. Ray Cou lam, ' Mrs. Jack Bishop,; Mrs. Allen White, Mrs. Carl Stein seifer, Mrs. Guy Harmon, Mrs. Carl Huson, and ' Mrs. Ha macher. . t. , ' - ' y ' "' ' 4 , 1 s. a . ' i- ' i .y 7 , ; ;, SUSAN AND PATTY Little Susan Miller was two on May tenth, and Patty is one year old today, May twenty-second. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller who live near Tulelake, and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller Sr. of 1965 Huron street and Mrs. Walter Maybcrry of 326 North Sixth street. - . Kenncll-Ellis. WW WED IN APRIL CEREMONY mr. and Mrs. Orville Rowland were married April third in Vancouver where they are now making their home. Mrs Rowland is the former Betty Gill Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wood of 2142 Orchard avenue. She is a graduate of Klamath Union high school with the class of 1941 and has been with the U. S. employment office in this city. Mr. Rowland is in defense work in the. north. MRS. PHILLIPS HOSTESS TO CARD CLUB Mrs. V. C. Phillips was host ess to the Lucky Thursday pin ochle club on the afternoon of May the twentieth at her home at 2250. Garden avenue. Luncheon was served at one. o'clock to Fannie Smith, Ag nace Lowe, Mary Martin, Ruth Sehorn, Florence Young, Es telle Smith, Nettie Good, Vera Good, Zella Blankenship, and the hostess, all members; . Katherine Billings, a former member who is here from Los Angeles, and her son Roy, and one guest, Mrs. Guthrie. Pinochle followed, with high score held by Mrs. Guthrie, second by Vera Good, low by Agnace Lowe, and pinochle by Katherine Billings. On June the third Kate Crowson will entertain the club at her home, 2243 Darrow avenue. 4. MRS. SAVIDGE TO ENTERTAIN HAPPY HOUR CLUB . Mrs. H. J. Savidge will act as hostess at a meeting of the Happy Hour club to be held Tuesday afternoon, ' May the twenty-fifth, at her home on Lakeshore drive. The club's first meeting- in May was held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Steihmetz on Wal nut avenue when those pre sent were Mrs. J.. J. Keller, Mrs. George Humphrey,- Mrs. Harry Richardson, Mrs. Frank Frankford, Mrs. Sydney Ev ans, Mrs. Anna Funk, Mrs. Maude Hosley, Mrs. J. H. Hamilton"; Mrs. H. J. Savidge, Mrs. R. G. Motschenbacher and the hostess. - GRADUATES GUESTS AT . RIGGS HOME Dorothy Riggs was the host ess at a party given at her home on Lakeshore Driy,e on Wednesday evening after the graduation exercises at the high school. ,, .; : Those who enjoyed the ev ening were Lctty Linman, Mary Landry, Margie Palmer ton, Barbara Schultz, Gwen Mead, Nadine Palmerton, Dick Hicks, John Fletcher, Dick '' Newman, Tom Scharfenstein, Pvt. Bob Proctor of Palo Alto, George Proctor, and Talbert T Sehorn. PAST MATRON CLUB WILL MEET FRIDAY Mrs. W. J. Stcinmetz, Mrs. C. H. Murdock, and Mrs. Ida Moretz will be the hostess committee for the regular monthly meeting of Aloha Past Matron club, Friday, May the twenty-eighth, at one o' clock, in the Masonic Temple,' Klamath avenue. Members will bring ' sand wiches and the committee will furnish coffee and dessert.. Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, president, will preside, during the brief business session, which will be followed by a few hours of bridge. KLAMATH WOMAN WRITES VERSE . ' Mrs. Guy Hancock of Pacific Terrace has received two vol umes of verse, "Spirit of Am erica" edited by Ruth Law rence, and "America Speaks", a collection of contemporary; poems, in which a number of poems which were written b her sister, Mary Boyd Wagner, are featured. ..-.' Mrs. Wagner, who has. long resided in New York, is a. for mer Klamath Falls resident and daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Boyd, pioneers of early days. KLAMATH GIRL HOSTESS AT ASHLAND TEA. One of the first of the com-', menccment activities at the Southern College of Education was a tea given by the fresh man girls honoring senior girls, Friday afternoon, from three-thirty to five-thirty. The place of entertainment was the newly prepared social room. Tables were decorated with yellow lilies, golden candles In amber candlesticks, and amber service was used. Acting hostesses were Pat ricia Anderson, Yvonne Christ licb, Ann Crandall, Lois Red ford, Ida Willard, of Ashland; Barbara McLean, Helen Rad cliffe, Bcrthicl Nelson of Klamath Falls; Lillian Bestul of Grants Pass. .' ... Mrs, Mary Martin and sons, Bill and Clair, were guests this week at a dinner party given for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas on Oregon avenue. Sgt. Clair Martin is home on a sixteen day furlough from Camp White. Recent Bride Honored Mrs. Forrest .Breithaupt Guest at Shower on May Eleventh - , ' . , f Mrs. Forrest Breithaupt, the former Marguerite Pollard, was honored with a bridal shower at the Jay Manning home at Mount Laki on May the eleventh. Hostesses were Miss Geral dine Manning, vMlsa Verna Cheyne, and Mrs, Manning. . The many gifts were opened by the bride at a lace-covered table centered with bouquet of lilacs: '. Those honoring the recent bride were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breithaupt, Mrs. Evelyn Drew, Mrs. Frances Johnson, Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Mrs. Rex High, Mrs. Jess Rlghtmlcr, Mrs. Henry Scmon, Mrs. Wal lace Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Faus and daughter Shirley. Mrs. Ralph Hill, Mrs. Mary Breithaupt, Mrs. Harold Dix on, Mrs. Fanny Cheyne, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Roy La Prairie, Mrs. Dewey Pollard, Mrs. H. S. Hopkins, Mrs. T. D. Jackson, ' Mrs. Jay Manning, Mrs. Lawrence ' Birk, Mrs. Bell Dawson, Mrs. G. S. Thompson, Mrs. F. B. Mueller, ' Mrs. Clara Litbke, Mrs, Jestia Kaylor. . , Mr. and Mrs. , Ernest, Brei thaupt,. Mrs, George. Steven son, Mrs. Alyce' Dickenson, Mrs. Nellie Tackas, Mrs. L. A. West, Mrs. Jay Fairclo, Mrs. Marjorle BrlssendcnP Mrs. El den Kaylor, Mrs. Wendell Walnrlght, Mrs. Lawrence D. Cheyne, Mrs: Pearl Hamilton, Mrs. Ira Orem, Mrs. Clyde Griffith, Mrs. E. E. McClay, Mrs. Lloyd Froom, Mrs. Faye Klahn, Mrs. Cecil Whitby, Mrs. J. A. Johnson. Mrs. W. T. Hllyard, Mrs. R. C Short, Mrs. Estella Hill, Mrs. Cecil Cheyne, Mrs. Pris cilla Tuback and daughter Nicky. Mrs. R. L. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence-Gober, Mrs. Burrell Short, Mrs. Stan ley Click.-Mrs.. Percy Dixon, Barbara IaPralrlc, Miss Jean Barbara LaPrairie, Miss Jean Thompson, Miss Ethel Dixon, Miss Eris Fleming, Miss Lor raine Stover,, Miss Zella Sul livan, Miss Patsy Mueller, Miss Verna Cheyne, Miss Ann Stevenson, Miss Dorothy Dix on;. Miss Alma Stover, Miss Shirley Fairclo, Miss Margaret Murphy, Miss Pat Short and Miss Betty Fairclo. RETURN HOME FROM LODGE MEET IN NORTH . Mr. and : Mrs. Robert' E. Wattenburg returned -Thursday morning from Portland where they attended the an nual assemblies of the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows and Re bekahs. This' was the S7th' an nual gathering of the Rebekah Assembly, of which Mrs., Wat tenburg 'is a past president.- The Wattenburgs visited Variport" where 40,000? Work ers in defense plants are hous ed, and also witnessed 'the' im pressive -African Victory pa rade .in downtown . Portland. They report good weather for their trip which was made by train, MRS. OAKES NAMES; PROGRAM . '. COMMITTEE;. ' ' Mrs. , Roland . Oakes, who was elected, president of the Klamath Falls Woman's Li brary club - at the May meet ing,: Is 'at work on 'her. com mittees in' order, that next year's program be an outstand ing one and of special interest during' this war time. Those' who will serve on Mrs. Oakes' program .commit tee are Mrs. E. D. Hamacher, Mrs. Arnold L. , Gralapp and Mrs. Albert , O. - Roenicke. Other : committee heads will be announced at 'the "Septem ber meeting. ... MISS COX . ; t ENTERTAINS ; ' AT'DINNER -V Miss Joanne Cox,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of ' 2138 .Wlard .street, was among, the eighth grade gradu ates at Sacred Heart academy on Thursday, evening . On' Friday, Miss . Cox was hostess at a dinner party for a group, of classmates'. Place cards were character studies of each guest and favors were handkerchiefs fashioned like diplomas. Present were Ellen O'Keofc, Mary Gardener, Pa tricia O'Lcary, Frances Blan ch!, , Honey , Griffith and the hostess, Miss Cox. ' . Miss Olive Wilson,- member of the city faculty staff, will remain In Klamath Falls this summer and has taken an apartment at the Audlcy, Sho will be joined by her ,mother, Mrs,' Sarah . Wilson,', pioneer valley resident, who is coming here from Mcdford for the va cation months. MAY BRIDE Mrs. W. G. Conrad Is the for mer Bonnie Lewis of Klam ath Falls, married May the seventh in Ashland, Bushncll, Ashland. Social. Calendar Saturday, May 22 First of series )f -Informal Saturday night parties given by Elks in temple. Monday, May 24 Regular BPW club dinner meeting. Willard hotel. Instal lation of officers. Tuesday, May 25 Aloha OES td ohscrvo an nual Past Patrons and Past Matrons night. Happy Hour club to meet at 2 p.m. at home of Mrs. H. J. Savldgc'on Lakeshore drive. Delta Gamma, Delphian, pot luck luncheon with Mrs. F. L. Weaver. Mrs. K. G. Cum mings, leader, 12 o'clock noon. Wednesday, May 26 ANW club with Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Pino street, 1 o'clock potluck luncheon. Thursday. Msy 27 . Mrs. Allen Sloan to present piano students In recital at 6 p. m., small Library club rooms. . aGulld to meet in St. Paul's parish house at 10 a.m. for program. Luncheon at noon with business meeting to fol low. Friday, May 28 Aloha Past Matron club to meet in Masonic temple. Orions to sponsor Mother Daughter dinner at Methodist church, 8 p. m. HARDINGS EXPECTED IN KLAMATH Captain and Mrs. John Harding are expected hero Sunday to be at the home of Mrs. Harding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rac Horton. Captain Harding has just returned frbm Africa where he has seen a great real of action in the air as one of Uncle Sam's pilots. ... During the past week the Hardlngs enjoyed a reunion with 'friends from Klamath Falls who are now In Port land, Including Mr. and Mrs. Fred Konschpt, Clark Weaver, . and others.. They have been the guests of Captain Hard ing's mother, Mrs. C. B. Hard ing. DINNER PLANS MADE BY ORIONS Members of the Orions of First Methodist church are making plans, for a Mother Daughter dinner to be given next Friday evening, May the twenty-eighth, at eight o'clock in - the ladies parlor of the church. Each member of. Orions is charged to bring their .m o t.h e r or an older member of the church to this dinner, Mrs. Frederick C. Wisscn bach, wife of tho rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will discuss, "Housekeeping In Bavaria." There will be no meeting of the Bethany circle of the First Presbyterian church held dur ing the month of May, accord- j ing to announcement Satur day. Pians arc being made for a meeting in June. . 1 Mrs. Lloyd Prock will leave Sunday morning by train for a week's stay in Portland at tho Henry Cabell homo where she will visit her sinter, Mrs. P.etcr Carlwright and tho new ly arrrlvcd Danny, ' ' , P! LE S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - HO HOSPITALIZATION No Lou of Tlmo ' - , Ptmuntnt nnuliil DR. E. M. MARSHA Ohlropraotlo Phydalin 110 NO. Ilh - Siqulra TlulCri ld. - Phonr into Informal Parties Planned by Elks Saturday Evenings' in, May and June Slated by Lodge for Gatherings ; An Innovation on tho Elks lodge social program for tha year Is tho series of Informal parties on Saturday nights sched uled throughout tho remainder of tho month of May and all of June. Formal affairs given by tho Elks have ended for the sea son, and the Informal gathering of Elks and their Indies In the temple are anticipated by the membership. The first party will bo held tonight, Suturdity, May tha : twenty-second, on tho first Miss Lewis Married Former- Klamath Girl Weds Lt. Conrad in Ashland May Seventh Of interest to many In Klamath Falls was the an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Bonnie Lewis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lewis of Ashlmid, to Lt. W. G. Conrad, son or Mr. and Mrs. Jock Conrad of North Holly wood, California. Tho wedding took place In A.thlnnd at tho Full Gospol church on Friday evening, May the seventh. Chaplain H. F. Bonhoff of Camp Whlta officiated and tho double ring ceremony was used. The brldo's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. , G. , G. Elder, and tho best man was Lt. C. B. Chrlstoph. Tho bride was . lovely In a white Incc gown, the skirt and train of tulle. Her finger tip veil wus held In place by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and lilies of tho val ley. A reception was hold later for members of the wedding party, relatives and a few friends at tho home of Mrs. L. E. Ager, another sister of the bride. Mrs. Conrad and her fam ily formerly lived, in Klam- ' ath Falls, but moved to Ash land In- 1037. She graduated from Ashland high school In 1D42 and has slnco been em ployed at Camp White. On Saturday, - May tha eighth, tho couple left for Eu gene whero tho groom la sta tioned and whero they will make their homo. i ' . Mrs. Elmer Shafcr, tho for mer Harol Groves of this city, Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Groves of 4427 Bisbcc street, for a fortnight. Mrs. Shafcr now makes her home In Clinton,. Oklahoma. Mrs. Groves accompanied her daughter to Portland for a re cent visit with relatives. By 0i , ' LletnfA CaipuMobt SOMETIMES . I think that we women take our - beauty preparations too much for granted. So many times a woman .will- stop by Everbody's and ask for a lip stick or face powder shade that truly Isn't right for her.. But she . points out that she's been using that shade ' for years, has grown accustomed ; to It, and that's that. ..'" SHE knows she HAS to use cosmetics and she EN JOYS using them for tho lift she gets; but there's that little scaredy-cat feel ing inside of - her that rebels - against trying something new and different. ', BEAUTY preparations today do so much MORE than glorify and enhance our ap pearance ... as if that wasn't' enough. They are a morale builder ... a fashion accessory , , , a corrective f6r any number of facial ills, and so on-. , , ' . ' '' IN tho Richard. Hudnut- laboratories where those . wonderful . DuBarry Beauty Prepara tions are created, chemists' are constantly dis covering now things . . .. new ways of using cosmetics so that, wo iwomen' get tho very most out of each, cream arid lotion wo buy. , CAN'T pass these discoveries on to you If you're scared to try something now ... , ; but if. you'll, come '.In, I'd like to, toll you about them. ' . v '' , : .'"' ' . ..' '...'. ' 'RITA. EverhoJy's DrUg- floor. Tables will be arranged In cabaret stylo whero parties may gnther for conversation or cards. There will also ba dancing. Tho committee for tho first party Is headed by Mr. and Mrs. Knrl Urquhnrt, who will bo assisted by offlcors of tha lodge and tholr Indies. Parties will bo must Infor mal and sportswear will ba the order. Thoso planned affairs aro for Elks and their ludies, and Include visiting Elks. Members of the lodge are asked to participate In plans for tho next few wokI. ALOHA PLANS PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY Past , matrons and past pa trons of tho Order of the East ern Star will bo speclnl guests ' of Aloha chapter, at the regu lar meeting Tuesday evening, May the twenty-fifth, at tha Masonic Templo, Klamath ave nue. I A special progrnm Is bolng prepared for the pleasure of tho honored guests, and three candidates for tho degrees of the order will be Initiated dur ing tho evening. Mrs. Clarence A. Humble, worthy matron, and Mr. Law rence K. Phelps, worthy pa tron, extend a cordial Invita tion to all members and visit ing members to attend, and they Issue a very special in vitation to all pnst matroni and past patrons of the East ern Star to be present. The meeting Is called for eight o'clock. VISITORS ARRIVE FROM CORBELL Greeted hero by friends this week, were Mrs. Robert Hart and two young daughters, Ann and' 6ara, who arrived Tues day, from Corbell, California, whero they hnvo mndo their homo for the past'year. The guests haye been at tha Charles A. Henderson homo, 1S72 Earle street, leaving Fri day for Corbell. V IS YOUR DUTY RITA WHISENANT 1 808 Mam o