r t f ' 1 V,' t NTH v. State Garden Meet Slated June I, 2 Representatives From Klamath Falls to Attend Gathering in Pendleton Tho Oregon Slute Fodcrnllon of Garden clubs will meet for the iinmml session in Pendleton on Monday and Tuesday, June the flr.it nnd iiecoiid, Willi headquarters in the Pendleton hotel, members of tho Klamath Kalis Garden club will be interested to, learn. Attending from hero will be Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb, presi dent of the stiito federation, and Mrs. A. G. Proctor, state secre tary. There may also be oth ers from Klnmuth Kails and it Is understood that repmon tutlves from the Mcdford and Ashland clubs will Join the Klamath delegation on its trek north. Mrs. Lamb, ns stata head, will preside at all meetings and will Blve her annual re port. There ore some one hun dred and fifteen clubs In ths state of Oregon, and presi dents from each will present reports. In keeping with wortlme, the slate session will bo streamlined and conservative. The nnitual tour of gardens and the ten will bo cancelled from the program. Prlnclpnl speaker at the Tuesday eve ning banquet will be a mem ber of Whitman college fac ulty from Walln Walla, Wash ington, and his topic will b "Horticulture." Theme of the meeting will be "Victory Gardens and Kood Production." There should be somo Interesting reports of club activities along this lino which Is far different from the usual ponce time session when flowers hold the atten tion of nil those assembled In tho Interest of Garden clubs. MISS O'DELL HONORED WITH BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. J, A. Leech and Mrs. C. W. Stanley cntertulncd Monday evening, Muy seven teenth, with n bridal shower honoring Miss Margaret O' Dell of Corvnllls, bride-elect of Mr. Derll Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webb of 183S Melrose street. Bridge and Chinese checkers were played, honors going to Mrs. Frcdn Jackson, Mrs. Arnold Motschenbucher, Mrs. George Metis nnd Miss Mary Osh. nofreshmcnts were served . nl the close of tho evening. Guests Included Mrs. B. B. Blomqulst, Mrs. Ilnrry John son, Mrs. Gcorgo Motz, Mrs. Irene Miirklwm, Mrs. Ruby Kenvon, Mrs. Krcd Cofer, Mrs. M. G. Mordoff, Mrs. Arnold Molschcnbnchcr, Mrs. Freda Jnckson, Mrs. Oscnr Schupp, Mrs. Julius Oss, Mrs. Arden Douglas, Mrs. James Crapo, Mrs. C. O. Dryden, Mrs. Jack Gnrdncr, Mrs, Ed Tomlin, Mrs. R. F. Muskopf, Mrs. T. J. Webb, Mrs. Georgo Casper, Mrs. Wlllurd Dryden, Misses Phyllis llogun, Cnthorlno Jnckson, Eleanor Woods, Mary Oss nnd tho guest ot honor Miss O'Dcll. Mrs. B. B. Blomqulst enter- tallied Informally on Monday evening for Miss O'Dcll when sho asked n fow In for dinner at her lioniu. v Birthday Cablogram "Happy Birthday" greetings nro always fun, but they pack n rcnl thrill when they conic from somewhere in England by cable. Lcsllo Rogers re ceived this nic.ssiigo from his son, Donald, now serving with tho United Stntos army alt corps overseas. The nicssHgo enmo nt brcukfast tlmo while tho Rogers wero busy serving their four murine guests from the Maro Island navy bnsc. Badgers To Leave City Klamath Family Will Make Home in Fair- fax, California Lcnvlng Klamath Falls to mnko their homo Jn Fairfax, California, nro Mr. and Mrs. S. Meade Badger and two children, Mcudo and Barbara. They havo disposed of their home on Auburn at Pacific Terrace, and Mrs. Badger has resigned her position in tho city schools. They will bo greatly missed by their many friends and especially in musi cal circles. The Badgers have purchased a home In Fairfax where Mr. Badger has been for somo time on a defenso pro ject, A number of informal af fairs have been given for the Badgers. On Wednesday eve ning of this week Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps entertain ed at dinner for Mrs. Badger and her two children and for Miss Evn Burkhaltcr. Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Bnrnstablc entertained at din ner for a small group honoring Mrs. Badger who was joined this weekend by her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Yndon entertained last evening, Fri day, for the fnmily, QUIZ PROGRAM FEATURE OR MEETING At their weekly luncheon meeting Thursday, ic Sorop tlmlst club had very clover quiz program. Tho members wore divided Into WAVES and SPARS, and the losing side paid a penalty of 8 cents each which went Into tho project fund. Guests of the club wore En sign Frances Huxley, who gave a short talk for the SPARS and Mr, Earl Reynolds. Nine members of the Lake view Soroptimists dropped in for luncheon: Mrs. Helen Kol ty, president of tho Lakcvicw club, Mrs. Ruth Howard, Mrs. Myrtle Stephenson, Miss Knth erlne Gott, Mrs. Grace North, Mrs, Jesslo Williams, Mrs. Ermn Cliius, Dr, Joycolin Rob ertson and Mrs, Yvonne Duh lcm, Announcement was made of the organization of n new Sor optlmist club at San Luis Obis po. Mrs, Catherine Brumbaugh presided at tho luncheon in tho absence of President Roso , Poole, and Mrs. Annabcllo Newton Acted as program chairman for the doy. Mrs, Sloan Plant Social Mrs. Allen Sloan will pre sent her piano students In their annual spring recital on Thursday evening at a quarter to eight this coming week. The rccllnl will bo held In the smnll club rooms of tho city library. Spring Formal Friday Night DeMolay Members. Are Hosts at Spring Party in Temple The Masonic temple was the scene of a spring formal given by tho DcMolays on Friday evening, May the twenty-first. In place of a punch table, re freshments were served at small tables lighted by candles and placed around the edgo of the danco floor. Tho dance is an annual af fair and always takes place toward tho end of tho spring school term, Chairmen of the dance for this year wero Jim Shaw, Arnold Se.lby and Don Robin, officers of DeMolay, Decorations and ceilings were made of blue, gold and white. Patrons and patronesses for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Sl.aw, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford C. Sclby, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tcnle and Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey C. Blohm, GUILD TO HEAR TALK BY MRS. GILLEN Mcmbors of St. Paul's Guild will meet In the parish houso at ten o'clock Thursday morn ing of next week nt which time Mrs. Winnifrcd Gllllcn, Klam ath county home demonstra tion agent, will give a talk on dehydration bf fruits of vege tables. All Interested women are in vited to attend this meeting, regardless of their affiliations. At noon thoro will bo a sack luncheon and a business meeting is planned for tho afternoon, according to Mrs, Ralph S. Hopkins, president. S o c i LOIS STEWART MMimanmsat t7V nth , - K ' , AWjLI AT THE SENIOR GIRLS' TEA given last Saturday by the Klamath chapter of the American Association of University Women, at the home of Mrs. Nelson Reed on Del Moro street, trim little suits seemed to be the proper costume. Upper left, Jacqueline Obrist, Mary Ellen Long and Dorothy Dovis. Upper right, Dorothy Riggs, Christina Demetrakos, Marian Deering. In the center is Mrs. Dean Miller, retiring president of AAUW, and at her left, Isabel Corr, and right, Bonnie Brown. The tea is given annually in compli ment to young women of the graduating class of Klamath Union high school and is one of the social highlights of commencement week. Lovely little Colonial bouquets centered the prettily appointed tea table. Kathleen Livingston Women Golfers To ni . r . . T .... 1 nay Tor i ropny Spring Handicap Tournament Scheduled for Next Friday at Reames Women members of Reames Golf and Country club are looking forward to next Friday morning's play when they will start qualifying for the Lamm trophy in the annual spring handicap tournament. Tho trophy is offered by Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm, president of the auxiliary. Golfers played off the last eighteen holes in the Victory tournament this Friday morning and it was an excellent day for the game. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Ted E. Shoop and Mrs. Matt Finnlgan. Next week's hostesses will be Mrs, Oscar Shive, Mrs. F. Cecil Adams, Mrs. E. D. Ha machcr and Mrs. Fred Schal lock. Guests of the ' afternoon and enjoying luncheon and cards were Mrs. Paul Keller of Portland and Mrs. J. A. Gordon of San Francisco, both former residents and greeted by their ninny friends here. Mrs. W. C. Dalton of Malin was also there for tho day. Gifts wont to Mrs. Charles I. Roberts and Mrs. Keller. Three tables of bridge wora in play. The luncheon table and the largo room of the club house, were beautiful with many arrangements of spring lilacs and tulips. Miss Lillle E. Darby will leave Tuesday morning for Chicago, Illinois, where sho will spend tho summer months. Included In her plans Is some "farm work" which sho hopes to do during tho va cation period, Miss Darby will go to Indianapolis, Indiana, on Juno twenty-seventh as ono of tho Oregon delegates to the legislative assombly of the Na tional Educational association, She will resume her position In tho city schools upon her return in late summer. E Mrl 1 Y PRESIDENT Mrs. Isnbelle Brlxncr, active in civic affairs in Klamath Falls and county supervisor of schools, was elected presi dent of the Oregon State Fed eration of Business and Pro fessional Women's clubs at the convention held last week in Eugene. Kennell-Ellis. ? 1 n't I 1 I 'nforma SuPPer Mrs. Scharfenstein to Entertain at - Evening Dinner Party Mrs. Charles F. Scharfen stein is entertaining a group of her son's friends at an infor mal supper party to be given at her home Tit 1888 Melrose street at six o'clock Sunday evening, May the twenty-third. Tom Scharfenstein has just re turned from Long Beach, where he attended school since January first. Later in the evening a group of the boys are leaving for Portland to be Inducted in to tho navy. Tho guests invited are Mary Landry, Dorothy Riggs, Bar bara Schultz, Letty Llnman, Nadine Palmerton, John Flet cher, George Proctor, Private Bob Proctor of Palo Alto, Dick Hicks, and the honor guest, Tom Scharfenstein. SNYDER TWINS HONORED AT FRIDAY AFFAIR Miss Joan O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O'Neill of 1130 Monclaire street en tertained at her home Friday evening from five until seven thirty o'clock for Tom and Jerry Snyder, who are leav ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, to make their home in the south.' Guests who were invited to bid tho boys farewell were Sally Mueller, Charlotte Car ter, Barbara Roskamp, Ruth Merrill, Betty Westlln, Mar garet Flock, Sharon Moore, Marilyn O'Neill, Juno Bos worth, Lois Cada, Ted Reeves, , Fred Reeves, Scott Reed, Dale Constans, Jimmy Howard, Jerry Hicks, Dick Etherton, Rodney Murray, and Deo Ncl- son. ji 4.' Teachers, StucJentsl Plan Vacations Faculty Members as Well as Young People Plan -To Spend Busy Summer t Not only students, but the teachers of Klamath Union high school, will be taking a well deserved vacation this sum mer. However, all of them will not be resting. Some will b entering war jobs, farming, going to summer school, or travel ing to their homes in various parts of the country. Mrs. Jack Napier will be going to Salem soon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hay. Mr. Hay is the Supreme Court Judge for the state of Oregon. Mr. Stanley Kendall and Wheel Toy Party Event Ruth Roenicke Invites Group to Home on Wednesday On Wednesday, which was a very nice day,' little Ruth Alberta Roenicke invited a group of young friends to her home for a wheel toy party and guests arrived armed with scooters, skates, wagons and bicycles. The tennis court at the A. O. Roenicke home was the scene of activity with races and games followed by "pop" and cookies. Several mothers assisted during the afternoon and watched the fun. Guests included first graders from Roosevelt and several other little friends, Lillian Mahan, Ann Henderson, Sara Hart from Corbell, .California, Mary K. Snider, Annette Jacobs, Laura May Courtney, Marilyn Brandt, Virginia Johnston, Kay Grove, Sandra Benton, Carol Denison, Jo anne Ling, Susan Schofield, Betty Lou Tripp, Sara Stew art, Cecile Vandenberg, Karen Porter and the little Roe nickes, Ruth, Virginia Lois, and Frederick. . The day also observed the end of the first year of the three R's for the small fry. MARINES HONORED AT DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers, who have been hosts to the four visiting marines who were brought to Klamath Falls by tho Commandos, entertained Friday evening at their home on Pacific Terrace at dinner. The table was centered with lovely spring blossoms and covers laid for PFC Jerry Ir win, Private PFC Roy Bre hant, Private Pat Malloy, Pri vate Andy Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serruys, Miss Mary Lou Johnson, Dr. E. D. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Later members of the Com mando unit arrived at the Rog ers home and escorted the marines to the train when they left for the Mare Island navy base after a week's entertain ment here. NERSETHS PAY VISIT IN KLAMATH Here for a few days this week are Lt. and Mrs. Marvin Nerseth and their young chil dren, Gall and Marvin. They have been guests at the Wil lard and plan to leave Monday for the south, Lt. Nerseth, former Klam ath Falls physician, is on the United States army medical corps staff at Camp Mc Quaide, and his family resides in nearby Watsonvillc, California. Mr. Ted Russell plan to stay at home this summer and raise ' chickens. " " Mrs. Blanche Waters Is leaw 1 ing for Greeley, Colorado where she will visit her par. .. ents and take a summer school course at Colorado State col lege. In the fall, she will be come the librarian f of the Jun ior high school in CorvaUis. Miss Eva Burkhalter is go ing to summer school at Port land university sb Portland. Mrs. B. B. Blamquist plans, to visit her parsnts for a short, time in Walla Walla, Washing-1 ton.' Mrs. J. G. Swan isleavlnB immediately for JuMsjta City where she will join) Hr hus band. She will not Mtuni to her teaching position next fall. Miss Ruth Pinkston Is plan ning to go on a trip that will take her through Arizona and Colorado. She will leave Fri- day evening and will stop off in San Francisco on her way to Arizona. Later, she will ; visit her parents in Colorado. Mrs. Aletha Shannon will , spend part of her summer va cation near Medford. Roberta Heidrick Webb Is soon leaving for San Fran cisco. . Miss Ruth Dunning is leav ing for Pendleton, where she will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dunning. Mrs. Warren Noggle is plan ning to take a trip to her for mer home in Lewiston, Idaho. Ambitious students of the school are not going to take too much time for a real va cation this summer. Many are planning to do war work in this city as well as in ship yards and airplane factories on the west coast. Others are entering college and a large number of the boys are enter ing the armed forces. Joanne Hamilton is plan ning to go to Portland this summer and enter nurses training there. Gwen Mead loft Thursday evening for Hutchinson, Kansas, where she is also entering nurses training. Ann Otey and Shirley Katz meyer are leaving sometime in June for Berkeley, California to enter Armstrong's college; Among the boys leaving Sunday evening to enter the V-12 program In the navy are John Fletcher, Dick Cada, Tom Scharfenstein, Rollln Tu tor, and Arthur Robinson is leaving later In June to enter V-12. ...''.. George Proctor and Dick Newman are leaving In July to enter the navy in the V-8 program. "' Janice Garner and Maxlne Copcland are leaving for Port land soon to take positions in shipyard offficcs. Parsnti-Patrons Entertain Seniors - The Parents and Patrons club of Klamath Union high school honored the graduating class on Wednesday night aft er the program with a recap tion which was held In the girls' gymnasium. Punch and. cookies were served and danc ing was enjoyed with the KUHS dance band furnishing the music, Mrs. Cyril Cook was chairman of te reception.;