Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 21, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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MT tt, T9T5
fCLamatlt QUuSick
The pastor of the Bible Bap
tist church will begin a now
scries of messages during the
worship service at 10 o'clock
Sunday morning, May 23. This
.series will center around the
theme. 'The Church It's Part
In Community Life."
The subject of the first ser
mon of the series will be "For
Sale: This Church." What has
the church to offer and what
Is it worth to the community?
The evening message at 8
o'clock will be, "Dishonesty
Among the Brethren," a con
tinuance of the study in the
Gospel of John.
In planning Its summer sched
ule, the Bible Baptist church
will not discontinue any of its
present services either on Sun
day or through the week, but
rattier will Increase its ministry
through the summer months
with Bible conferences, special
speakers, daily vacation Bible
school, and continued weekly
Bible study classes.
The pastor, G. W. Wheatley,
feels that this is no time for the
church to practice "absenteeism,"
but stay on the job, and be
faithful to its commission.
Altamont Community
Meeting in the Junior high
school, South Sixth and Sum
mers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mit
chelmore, pastor. Bible study in
the church school, 9:45 a. m.
A. C. Olson, superintendent. We
were down a little in attendance
with 147 present. If you have
no other church home for Bible
study you are invited to bring
the children and enter our
11 o'clock, worship service.
The pastor will speak upon the
subject, "When God Is Not on
Our Side." Can God be on the
side of our enemies in nation,
church or individual? What does
the Bible say? We will have a
special treat in music: John
Pasek, violinist, music instruc
tor in the local school, will play,
"The Prayer," by Henri Ernst
and "Ave Maria," by Schubert-
Wilhelmj. Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchel
more at the piano. Prelude,
"Nachtstuck," Schumann; offer
tory, "Meditation," Leschetizky;
postlude, "Marche Solennelle,"
The ' junior sermon subject,
"Lions and Adders." The nur
sery is conducted by adults who
relieve parents of the little folks
during the worship service. Junior-Intermediate
Christian En
deavor, 5:30 p. m. at the manse
Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, su
perintendent; Morris Weakley,
leader. Sigma Pi Young People
meet at 6:30 p. m, with Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Olson, sponsors. Va
cation Bible school will begin
Thursday, May 27. All children
are invited. Last year there were
200 enrolled. It is a great school
for the study of the Bible.
Pilgrim Holiness
Located at 2229 Wantland ave
nue. Sherman Moore; pastor.
Residence at 2250 White street.
"Now then we are ambassa
dors of Christ . . ."writes the
Apostle Paul. Have you been
puzzled as to what should be the
conduct and qualifications of the
representatives of this king?
Sunday morning, the pastor will
deal with this subject in his ser
mon, "The People of God." In
tho evening the pastor will
speak on the subject, "Divine
The Sunday school is a great
essential in forming Christian
character. Are your children at
tending regularly?
Our regular services are: Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m.; worship
at 11 a. m.; Junior League at
6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service
at 7:45 p. m.; prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:43 p. m.
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent streets. L.
K. Johnson, pastor, 1175 Cres
cent street. Phone, 3452.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Bible class, 9:45 a. m.
Worship hour, 11 a. m.
Junior choir rehearsal is held
Sunday at 9:15 a. m. Vacation
religious school will begin June
1 809:30 a. m. until 11:30 a. m.
for a period of two weeks. Par
ents are urged to encourage the
children to attend for this short
session of religious training.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday,
7:30 p. m. Reverend L. K. John
son, director, and Mrs. C.
Brandsncss, accompanist.
Confirmation class meets Sat
urday, 2 p. m.
If you are a stranger in this
city seeking a church, we sin
cerely invito you to worship and
work with us.
v v
Rit. Bertrand F. Peterson has
com to Klamath Falls to lake
over the pastorate at the Church
of the Naiarene. He served as
pastor of the Ashland church for
a period of three years.
Bible Baptist
(Northern Division)
"The Friendly Community
Church with the Chimes," Wiard
street at South Sixth. Take city
bus to Idella's corner. Nadine
Dinning in charge of music.
Morning worship hour is 10
o'clock. "For Sale: This Church"
will be the theme used by the
pastor. The first of a series of
special messages.
Bible school at 11 o'clock with
Frances Smith and her staff of
consecrated, Bible trained teach
ers. This school reaches youth
with the truth through "Child
Evangelism." The Bible is the
text book used in this school.
High School Young People's
Fellowship at 6:30 p. m. with
Mrs. Wheatley.
Evangelistic song service at 8
o'clock. You will enjoy this serv
ice. "Dishonesty Among the
Brethren" will be the subject
of the message.
This church sponsors a mid
week prayer meeting that is
well attended each Wednesday
evening at 7:45 o'clock. For a
real blessing attend this service
every week.
-A community center of Bible
ministry, evangelistic effort and
missionary work, maintained
and supported by community
people. A friendly welcome al
ways at "The Church with the
Old Gospel and the Whole Gos
pel." Zion Lutheran
Victor A. Schulze, pastor. 1025
High street; telephone 6793.
Divine worship at 11 a. m.
The pastor's message will stress:
"The Radio, a God-given Means
for Bringing the Gospel to the
Ends of the Earth."
The Sunday school meets at
9:45 a. m. with a lesson on "My
Share in Mission Work" and
featuring filmslides setting forth
the basic Bible stories of the
New Testament.
"All States" dinner at noon
on Sunday. This is a potluck
dinner to which all members
and friends are cordially invited.
The Lutheran Hour film,
"Bringing Christ to the Na
tions," will be shown at 2
o'clock Sunday afternoon. There
will be no admission charge.
The public is cordially invited
to attend.
The children's confirmation
class meets at the parsonage on
Saturday morning, 9:30 to 11:30
o'clock. This class welcomes
any children desiring a basic
instruction in the fundamentals
of the Christian religion as set
forth by the Lutheran church.
The Lutheran Hour with a
gospel message by Dr. Walter
A. Maier and featuring music
by the Lutheran Hour chorus of
Concordia seminary, St. Louis,
Mo., may be heard at 1 o'clock
over the local station KFJI.
The Ladies Aid meets on
Thursday afternoon, May 27, 2
o'clock, at tmS home of Mrs. F.
Eberlein, 2959 Summers lane.
Free Methodist
Located on the corner of
Ninth street and Plum avenue.
W. H. McCormick, pastor; phone
Sunday services are held every
week at 11 a. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
The YPMS is at 7:15 and eve
ning services are at 8 p.m.
A prayer service is held on
Thursday at 7:45 p. m.
To Every
Creed and Purse
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Mrs. A. A. Ward, owner
Willard Ward, U. S. Navy,
Arthur W. Larson,
Acting Mgr.
92S High Phone 3334
i -' - -
Zion Lutheran church Is show
ing the Lutheran Hour film,
"Bringing Christ to the Na
tions," in its church auditorium,
1025 High street, on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
This is not motion picture,
but a kodascope sound film, fea
turing approximately 150 still
pictures, many of them in beau
tiful colors. They will show the
story of the Lutheran Hour, the
speaker. Dr. Maier, the an
nouncer, the chorus, the offices,
Concordia seminary, the domes
tic coverage, various groups of
foreign listeners and also many
outstanding blessings which
have followed the broadcasting
or tne uospel.
There will be no admission
charge. The public is cordially
invited to attend.
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church,
corner of North Sixth and Pine
streets, the Rev. Theodore Smith,
pastor. 435 North Second, street,
telephone 5477, and at the
church 7311. Director of the
choir, Lillie E. Darby, organist,
Mrs.. A., H. Denison.
The morning worship, at 11
o'clock, opens 'with the organ
prelude, "Meditation" by Lebe
fure. The processional is "Fair
est Lord Jesus," Arr. by Willis.
Following the pastoral greeting,
the choir response is Clenahan's
"Grace and Peace," and, after
the call to worship, the choir
ana congregation unite in sing
ing "The Doxology," and after
the invocation and Lord's prayer,
"The Gloria Patri." The period
of quiet meditation is ushered
in by the choir's singing, "Hear
Our Prayer, O Lord," and closes
with the congregation and choir
singing, "Our Father's God to
Thee, Author of Liberty." The
choir offertory is Schumann's
"We Give Thee But Thine Own,"
and the organ Offertory is "Of
fertory" by Eenard. There will
be two special musical numbers:
'The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte
and a mixed quartet, "Jesus
Only," by Mrs. Bert C. Thomas,
Eleanor Thomas, L. F. Stone and
Stephen Stone. The pastor will
speak. The service will close
with the choir dismissal, "Three
fold Amen," and the organ post'
lude, "Allegro" by West
The evening worship is at 7:30
o'clock and opens with the organ
prelude, "Allegretto" by Stain-
er. The offertory is "Twilight
Devotions" by Pease and the
postlude "Allegro Co Moto". by
Sheppard. Mrs. Hugh Mitchel
more is the organist in the eve
ning. The pastor will speak.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. and
is immediately preceded by a
pre-prayer group meeting in the
pastor's study, asking for a bless
ing on the services of the day.
The school has unusually attrac
tive opening exercises each
The three young people's
groups of Christian Endeavor
meet at 6:30 p. m.
Klamath Revival. Center
1625 Mitchell street. Rev.
Warren D. Combs, pastor.
Saturday, 2 p. m an interest
ing junior church for children
of any Sunday school between
the ages of five and 16. Come
and help them in their program
for the Lord. Mrs. J. L. Wonser,
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday
school. We need you In our Sun
day school and you need our
Sunday school. Interesting
classes for all ages. Mrs. Warren
D. Combs, superintendent.
Sunday, 11 o'clock, morning
, Sunday, 7:45 o'clock, evening
evangelistic service. '
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., mid
week service.
For needed assistance at any
time, phone 4520.
New York Life Insurance Co.
Has Moved
To His New Office
419 Main St.
First Church of Christ
Tenth and Washington streets.
This church, a branch of The
Mother church, the First Church
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
Mass., holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
"Soul and Body" will be the
subject of the Lesson-Sermon in
all Churches of Christ, Scientist,
on Sundays May 23.
The Golden Text will be, "We
all, with open face beholding as
in glass the glory of the Lord,
are changed into the same Image
from glory to glory, even as by
the Spirit of the Lord" (II Cor.
Among the citations which
will comprise the Lesson-Sermon
is the following from the Bible:
"Now he that hath wrought us
for tho selfsame thing is God,
who also hath given unto us the
earnest of the Spirit. We are
confident, I say, and willing
rather to be absent from the
body, and to be present with the
Lord" (II Cor. 5:3,8).
The Ltsson-Sermon also will
include the following correlative
passages from the Christian Sci
ence textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scrip
tures" by Mary Baker Eddy:
"When you say, 'Man's body is
material,' I say with Paul: Be
'willing rather to be absent from
the body, and to be present with
the Lord.' Give up your mater
ial belief of mind in matter, and
have but one Mind, even God;
for this Mind forma its own like
ness" (p. 216).
Sunday school at 8:30 a. m.
A meeting which includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing is held every Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
A free Christian Science read
ing room is located at 1023 Main
street, where the Bible, writings
by Mary. Baker Eddy, and auth
orized Christian Science lltera-
ture may be read, borrowed or
- All are cordially invited to at
tend the services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p. m. each Monday under the
direction of committee on pub
lication for Oregon.
First Baptist
Eighth street at Washington.
"The Church with a Message."
Rev; Cecil C. Brown, pastor.
Residence, 414 North Eighth
street. Phone 7439.
'The Church Equipped" will
be the subject of the pastor's
message at 11 o'clock a. m. next
Sunday. This is the concluding
message in a series on 'The
Church in Ephesians." ,
Bible school begins at 9:45
a. m. with well-graded classes
and departments under the
supervision of capable, conse
crated teachers and officers.
George O. Welch is general
The Baptist Training union
meets at 7 p. m. C. R. Larson
is general director of this organ
ization which consists of six
groups ranging from beginners
to adults. ,
An inspiring song service led
by H. G. Shirey will begin at
8 o'clock and will be followed
by the evening message by the
Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday, 7:30 p. m., followed by
choir rehearsal at 8:30 o'clock.
Radio services each Sunday over
KFJI from 8:15 to 8:45 a. m.
First Covenant
823 Walnut avenue. Pastor,
Ruben E. Johnson. Phone 8517.
Sunday school teachers will
meet at the church tonight, Frl-.
day, for a meeting. We are ask
ing that the teachers be sure and
Sunday services are as follows:
Sunday school at 10. a. m. with
classes for all ages. Peter Bast
man is superintendent. The les
son will bo on the subject, "Bi
ble Teaching on Wine's Deceit
fulness." At 11 a; m. the pastor
will bring a message on "The
Holy Spirit." At 7:45 p. m. a
service with good live singing
and a message by the pastor.
The public is welcome.
Wednesday evening at 8 p. m.,
midweek fellowship. This may
be held in some home which we
will announce Sunday.
Mt. Lakl Presbyterian
Service at 9:45 a. m. Rev.
Hugh T. Mitchelmore, pastor.
Junior sermon, "Lions and Ad
ders." Senior sermon, "When
God Takes Sides." The Sunday
school follows at 10:45 a. m. A
Bible school for all the community.
"Lutheran Hour" Broadcast
Sponsored for Entire Year
Realizing the need and value
of tho comforting Gospel mes
sage during troubled times like
these, the Lutheran Laymen's
league, sponsors of tho Lutheran
Hour, hovo decided to keep the
Lutheran Hour on tho air during
tho entire year.
Broadcasting under the motto,
"Bringing Christ to tho Nations,"
the Lutheran Hour is heard in
English, Spanish and Portuguese
over more than 40(1 stations in
the United Slates, Canada and 24
foreign countries. In addition,
tho recorded broadcasts are made
available to mora than 60 mili
tary enmps and troop concentra
tions in tlio United States and
First Christian
"The Downtown Church." lo
cated on Pino street at Ninth
Arthur Charles Bates is the min
istcr. Tho pastor's study is in tho
church building and can be
reached via the Ninth street
entrance. The phono is 5432.
Call him if you need his serv
ice. The Bible school under the di
reetion of Stanley Kendall, the
superintendent, meets at tho
hour of 9:45 a. m. There is a
class for every ago group. Now
members are always most cor
dially invited to attend.
Morning worship hour is 11
o'clock. Mrs. Ruth Wlckcrsham
is the pianist. Tho service opens
with the prelude and tho
Gloria Patri," invocation and
choir response, opening hymn,
"O, Worship the King," scrip
ture lesson, I Know 1 Lovo
Thee Better, Lord." Tho com
munion meditation is "I Gave
My Life for Thee." The Lord's
Supper, the time of self examin
ation and remcinbrauco. "God
of our fathers, Bo with us yet
Lest we forget, Lest wo forget."
The sermon, "Half God s, a
Challenge to a Great Adven
ture." Invitation is always given
for those who wish to become
members of tho- congregation.
The hymn for this, "I Am Com
ing to the Cross." Benediction
and the postlude.
Evening services begin with
the Christian Endeavor meet
ings. High school and the jun
iors at 7 o'clock.
The class In "Church Officers"
meets at 7 p. m. This is espe
cially conducted for ciders, dea
cons and deaconesses, but others
are welcome to sit in.
Evangelistic service is at 8
o'clock. Song service and eve
ning communion service for
those unable to attend the morn
ing worship. The sermon, "Jesus'
Attitude." You are most 'cor
dially invited to worship with
Sacred Heart
Eighth and High streets.
Sunday Masses: 6, 8, 9:30 and
11 a. m.
Holy Day Masses: 6, 8 and
9:30 a. m.
Weekday Mass: 8 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, Eves
of Holy days and first Fridays
from 3 to 4 p. m. and from
7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
Religious Vacation school for
all Catholic children of the par
ish attending tho public grade
schools will start Monday, May
24, at 9 a. m. The Vacation
school will last for two weeks.
Classes will be held from 9
a. m. to 12 noon and from 1
p. m. to 3 p. m. at Sacred Heart
academy. The First Holy Com
munion Sunday, June 6, at the
8 a. m. Mass.
rROTECTINQ the health
nation's manpower li vitally
mm mgiiiill,iIHIull l.awiua I 1
tant todoy for Victory . . . that'i why
health officials urge Greater Home
Sanitation. As an aid In protecting
your family's health, use Clorex In
routine household cleansing. For
Clorox disinfects... It makes tile, enamel, porcelain, lino
leum, wood surfaces hygienlcally clean . . . deodorizes,
removes stains, too. So, as an added precaution, use Clorox
for a more sanitary kitchen,
dry. Simply follow directions
Clorox is concentrated for economy. There's
only one Clorox . . . always order by name.
abroad. Dr. Walter A. Maier,
speaker on the International
Lutheran Hour since Its begin
ning, is head of the Old Testa
ment interpretation department
of Concordia seminary, St. Lou
is, Mo. The musical portion of
tho program is furnished through
the Lutheran Hour chorus. Doth
speaker and chorus offer their
services without any remunera
tion. Sluco Its inception more
limn one million people have
written in to this popular broad
cast. Tho local station carries tho
Lutheran Hour every Sunday at
1 o'clock through tho facilities of
the Mutual Broadcasting company.
First Methodist
"In the Heart of the City" at
North Tenth and High streuts,
Rev. Victor Phillips, minister.
Andrew Loney Jr., director of
music; Mrs. E. S. Veatch, nccom
pnnist, Minister's residence, 1005
High street, phone 3068.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock
Tho prelude will bn "Reflec
tion," by Frlml; choir proces
sional, "Holy, Holy, Holy." Mrs.
Wlnnlfrcd Gillen will sing a so
leoted solo. The offertory will
be "Thcmo," from "Fifth Sym
phony," by Tchaikovsky. The
choir will sing the anthem,
"God Is a Spirit," by Kopyololf,
The minister will preach on tho
subject, "The Gods Men Mako."
The church Sunday school
will meet at 9:45 a. m. with
trained teachers and graded
lessons. A class for every age
group. Dr. Peter H. Rozendnl is
general superintendent. New
students always welcome.
Tho Methodist Youth fellow
ship will meet at 7 p. m. There
aro two groups, ono of h I g h
school ago and another for older
young people. Young people aro
invited for worship, discussion
and fellowship.
Community Congregational
Located on Garden avenue be
tween East Main and Martin
streets with Rev. Eugene V.
Haynes as its pastor.
"Personality Is Like a River"
is the sermon theme of the pas
tor as he speaks at tho 11 a. m.
worship service Sunday. "My
Prayer," by Soechtig and "Send
Out Thy Light" are the two solo
numbers to be sung by Mrs.
Rollin E. Thompson at this serv
ice. Church school will meet at
9:43 a. m.
Comrades of the Way meet at
2 p. m. to go to Moore pork
whore they will spend the after
noon and hold their meeting In
tho open.
The vacation church school
starts Monday at 9 a. m. and is
open to any boy or girl from
three to 14 years of ago.
Modoc Point Community
Baptist Mission
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; wor
ship service, 11:13 a. m.
A very special exercise for
the opening of the Sunday
school, Classes for each age, and
the lessons are becoming more
interesting as we go along. The
adult class will continuo In the
study of Romans, 15.
During the worship hour wc
will continue under tho general
theme of 'Teach Me to Pray,"
using as tho immediate subject,
"What Is tho Will of God, and
How May We Follow It?"
We will be looking for you
in the schoolhouse Sunday morn
of our
bathroom, laun
on Ihe label. '
T -Whiin it's V I
Of,. it,ClMt r7i.Hilr.tCi..
Church of the Naiarene
The church Is located on the
cornor of Gurden avenue and
Martin street. Rev. Bertrand F.
Peterson, pastor, Residence, 620
Martin street. Telephone, 4870.
Church school begins at 8:45
a. in. The school is department
Ized with classos for all ages.
Mrs. Emll Hearth, superintend
ent, Tho morning service of wor
ship is at 11 o'clock. The pastor
will preach on the theme,
"Builders of Temples,"
Tho youth-group prayer serv
U'o is at 3:50 p, m after which
tlio young people meet In tho
auditorium for the young peo
ple's meeting at 6:20 p, m. undur
the leadership of tho president,
Verne Spelrs. The juniors meet
In tho basement auditorium at
6:20 p, m. under tho direction
of Bcrnice Peterson and Julia
The message given at the 7:30
p. m, evangelistic service will
be, "Incapacitated by Sin," Join
us In helpful singing and testi
monies In this service.
The midweek prayer service,
song and testimony, Wednesday,
7:45 a. m. Bring your Blblesl
Apostolic Faith
At 228 North Eighth street
under the electric sign, "Jesus
tho Light of the World."
Sunday, 0:30 a. m., Sunday
school with classes and efficient
teachers for all ages and grades.
Morning worship, 11 o clock
7:40 p. m., special orchestra so
lections with Evelyn Craig di
recting, also seloeted vocal num
bers followed by personal tes
timonies. Concluding with a
fundamental gospel sermon by
spirit-filled ministers.
Wednesdoy and Friday, 8
p. m., regular services. Cordial
invitation to all services Is ex
tended tho public. Collections
are never taken. Come as you
Assembly of Ood -
Located at 748 Oak avenue.
A. Harold Persing, pastor. Resi
dence, 844 Eldorado street.
Phone, 3735.
Sunday school Is at 9:48 under
the leadership of Mrs. Al Ken
ncrly. Morning worship It at 11
a. m.
Young people's meeting is at
6:30 p. m. Jim Kennerly is in
charge Evangelistic services are
at 7:45 p. m.
Services for tho week: Tues
day at 7:45 p. m. there will be
prayer meeting ot Mrs. Bald
win's home, 412 South Seventh
street. Wednesday at 10 a. m.
the Missionary society meets at
Mr, MnYWftll'i home at 426
South Soventh street. Thursday
al 7:45 p. m. In the churcn, de
votional service and preaching.
The Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Major and Mrs. Curry will be
In charge of the regular services
this coming Sunday, and they In
vite you to any or all of the fol
lowing: Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday
school and Biblo classes.
11 a. m. Holiness. Subject,
"Rejoicing In Tribulation."
6:30 p. m. Young people's
8 p. m. Evangelistic sorvlce.
Subject, "Let Us Alone."
Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaits you
at all these gatherings. Come
and sing the glorious Gospel
songs that refresh and strength
en. Come Bnd meditate and pray
so that you may be able to face
the tremendous problems of life
these troublous days with faith
and Christian fortitude. j
Nut Fudge Cake
An old-fashioned two-layer choco
late cake, iced with chocolate
icing, with nuts in the cake and in
the icing.
69c each
Danish Pastries
40c doz.
St. Paul's Episcopal '
Rev. F. C. Wlssonbach, rtfji.
Fourth Sunday after Eastor.
8 a. m., celebration of Dm
Holy Communion.
8:45 a. m., church school for
all grades.
11a. m., morning prayer and
sermon. "Heretics or Saints?"
4 p. m meotlng of tho vestry
and Boy Scout committee at tho
Ouild at tho reclory, 73 llluh
Guild at the restory, 73 High
street, at 8 p. m.
Tuesday, meeting of the pur
lull council at 2 p. m. at the
Wednesday, choir praollto at
7:30 p, m.
Thursday the Guild will meet
at the parish house at 10 a. nv.
for program by Mrs. Wlnnl.
fred Gillen, homo demonstration
gout; luncheon to follow and
meeting for business.
First Church
Ot Ood
Located at the corner of Al
tamont drive and Delaware
street. Sunday school convenes
at 8:48 a. m., Mrs. J. D. Ktr
nutt, superintendent. MorsQg
devotions, 11 o'clock. Pro-service
prayer mooting at 7 p. m.
Preaching sorvlce, 7:30 p. in.
Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p, m.
A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to tho public to attend
all of these services. Rov. J. IX
Kernutt, pastor
Latter-Day Saints
Lattcr-Day Saints meetings
aro held In the city library club
rooms on tho cornor ot Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. E.
E. Burrows, branch president,
phone 8203 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings are
hold at 10 a. m., with separa
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class
es. Sacrament servlco is held
each Sunday evening atta
Elders working in tho Klam
ath district may bo reached at
4800 Hilyard street.
Church of Christ
All members and frlonds art
extended a special and cordial
Invitation to attond tho down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 a. in.; Bible study, classes,
10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor
ship, 11 a, m.; communion, 11:48
a, m.; evening servlres, 8
o'clock. Located In tho KC hall
over the Rainbow thcatro.
Sprtguo River .
Frlsnds Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor. 0)
Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m.
If you have no church home
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located in Sprague
If It's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
In the classified.
Formerly of
Htsel Beauty Shop
is now with the
435 Main Phone 8280