My 21, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE Vliltlno Hora Lt, ond Mr. Marvin Nnroth and two chil dren, Gull and Mui'vln, ura vllt liiK In 1 Kliimiith V'uHh for tho weekend, uurNtB ut tho Wlllurd liolrl. LI, Norimlli In ntiilloncd nt (Jump McQuiildo, Cullf,, nvur Wutnonvllla whero hli fnnilly In renldlng nt this tlmo, They ura former Chlloqnln find Kluniiith Km I In nmldoiilN whero Lt. Nersclh ' practiced medicine prior to li iff enlistment In tho U. H. iiuvy med ical corpg. Tlioy plnn to leuvu Monday for tho outh. Maailti Caioi Klmiiiilh coun ty phyfllcltiiin reported .'12 nirun lea hkwi In tho county In tho work ending Mny IS, 1043, Otluir communicable dlnousci for tho week: pnmimonlu, 3; chicken pox, 2; nyphlllH, 1; tick fever, 1. On Hanch Mr. mid MrH. A. C. lon of St. Fruncla purk uro kpondlnu a part of tho Hummer on tho Clmrltta Crawford ranch neiir Bly. Ohicn In princlpul of Altumont Junior hitch achool. ; Early Mtotlno Tho city coun cil will moot ot 7 p. m. Instead oi 7:30 p. m. on Monday. Courthouse Records Marrlagti MIKKELSON-PERDUE. Mor lyn Otto Mlkkolson, 18, mcctuin lc'ii helper. Rcnldent of Klnmnth Falln, nullvo of Nebraska. Mur tha Franccg Porduo, IB, iitudent. Itonldent of Klamath Kails, no tlvo of Clovcland, Ohio. ALEXANDER-DAVIS. Loyd Alexander, 21, lumber worker. Resident of Dorrlo, native of "nglotown, Okln. Belly Ruth 0avl, 18, houDOwife. Raildcnt f Dorrla, notlvo of Oklahoma. Complaints Filed Winfred Henry House voru Olllo O. Mouse. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and inhuman treat ment. Couple married in Reno Augunt 10; 1030. J, C. O'Neill, at torney for plnintiff. Homer Ralph vermis Mabel Clulro Ralph. Suit for divorce, chiiriia dcnortlon, Coupla mar rlcd In Reno Juno, 1030, Morry mun and Napier, attorneys for plaintiff. ' Juitlc Court Vudii Ollvo Schmcck. Failure to procuro operator's llconso, Finod S8.B0. . Fruncls Loroy Adair. Failure to procuro operator's license. Finod $3,150, Joncph Wllllum Foubert, Fail ure to procure operator's llconso. Fined 5.B0. George Martin Utlcy. Switch ed liccnso plates. Fined $5.00. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Eifootlv Fob. IS, ISO) Train IB Southbound! 8 p, m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 7 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi 10 p. m. Mtdford Stag, Westbound, 3i30 p. m., Craning Airmail. Stagei to Alturat, Ashland, Laka- viaw and Rocky Point 7 a, in. Norway Son- Tha Sons oi Norway will commemorate Nor wegian Independence day with a festival In tho lOOF hall Satur day evening, May 22. Tho pro gram will sturt promptly at 8:30 o'clock. FUNERAL ALBERT MARK The funeral sorvlce for the lato Albort Mark, who passed away in this city on May 10, will tiiko place from the chapel of Wards Klamath Funeral homo, 025 High street on Suturday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Tho Rev. Cecil C. Brown of the First Bap tist church will officiate. Com mitment services and interment will fallow in Llnkvllle ceme tery. Friends are Invited. DIN G DISTANCE L USEriS ASKED TO LIMIT CALLS Tha Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company is now start ing to ask tho cooperation ot long distance teluphono users to limit their conversations over heavily loaded lines to flvo minutes, ac cording to C. K. Senvey, manugcr for tho compuny hero. Tho goal is to speed up tele phono traffic ovor congested routes during hours when de mand is heaviest and calls aro subject to delay. At such times of peak domund tha operator will say at the start of conversa tion, "Plcaso limit your call to fivo minutes others are wait ing," according to C. E. Scavcy Light Bulbs Used To Heat Small Food Dehydrator Plans for constructing the home electric food dehydrutor developed Jointly by tho food In dustries and tho agricultural en gineering departments ut Oregon Stato college- have Just been re ceived at the county agent's office- in tho fedcrul building. This dehydrator uses electric light bulbs for heat ond a small household fun to circulate the warm air. It is recommended only for those who already have access to such a fan us they are difficult if not Impossible to buy now. This model contains seven wooden trays with total drying spaco of about 25 square feet, or enough to serve three or four families. Tho clrculur containing plans and directions for construc tion may be had free from your extension office. EXECUTIONS LONDON, May 21 (IV) Aneta, Netherlands news agency, re ported today tho executions of 10 more Dutchmen In occupied Holland, bringing to 84 tho num ber reported executed this month. Church Notices Klamath Tampla 1007 Pino street. Daniel B, Anderson, pastor. Phono 3874. Sunduy school, 0:45 a. m. Mrs. Robert Mount, superintendent, Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Ovcrcomers meeting, ,6:30 p. m. Jail meeting, 3 p, m. E v a n g o Untie services, 7:45 p, m, Everyono should attend services ot least once a week. Midweek preaching and praise sorvlce, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Broadcast, over KFJI Suturduy, 6:30 p, m. . Church of Christ 1207 Division street. M. Lloyd Smith, minister. The loyal Church of Christ that has been meeting in the Shasta school is now meeting at 1207 Division street. Blblo classes meet at 10 a. m. Devotional service and preach ing at 11 a. m. Communion, 11:45 a. m, Evening service be gins at 7:30. The public Is cord ially invited to attend. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS PFEFFERLE Born ot Klam ath Valley hospital, May 14, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pfcffcrlc, 1524 Gary street, a daughter. Weight: 7 pounds 2 ounces. The baby has been named Alice Maxinc. IN HOT WATER WASHINGTON, (IP) The boys who run the city street washer have their troubles keep ing the capital clean. When the drunk highjacked their machine and careened down the avenue squirting pedestrians merrily, they got razzed plenty. Ditto the time a newspaper noted them busily rinsing off the povemcnt during a terrific downpour. But they're having the hardest time living down this one: They had to call the firemen to put out a fire on the water wagon. AIakWa AVArnBp nnlv nhnut one person to eight square miles or icrruory. Mining Requirement Suspended by Ickes For Duration WASHINGTON, May 21 (IP) Interior Secretary Iekcs suspend ed for tho duration of the war yesterday a mining law require ment that $100 worth of work must bo performed each year on each of thousands of mining claims in the United States and Alaska In order to retain a right In tho claim. However, fie said Unit the sus pension can be granted only if notice of desire to hold the claim without "annual assessment work" Is filed by July 1 each year. Tho suspension wus au thorized under legislation approv ed by President Roosevelt this month. Three Fatalities, 1261 Accidents Reported to State SALEM, May 21 (IP) Three fatalities and 1261 accidents were reported to the State In dustrial Accident commission during the week ending May 20, commission offices here announc ed today. George S. Hcilmcycr, Wamic road worker. Injured April 20 at The Dalles; Jack Allen Taggers, Paisley tractor operator, injured May 13 at Paislpy, and James Webb, Manzanita fallcr in a log ging operation near Seaside, in jured May 15, died last week as tho result of their injuries. TIPS FROM AN EXPERT MEMPHIS,' (IP) Alonzo Locke, negro waiter at Peabody hotel for 40 years, will deliver the commencement address at Manassas (negro) high school. "Alonzo Isn't a man of letters or a college graduate," explained Principal J. A. Hays, "but he is a graduate of the great school of experience." PI L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lon of Tim. Pentunent Keiulttl DR. E. M. MARSHA CMropractJo Physician no No, 7th Eiqulri ThMtrt Bldg. Phone 7CE3 DANGER SPOT for insidious, costly Condition! Don't let rust, decay,"dirt and rot develop ;. s small unprotected spot into a "major" repa.r job. Check the "danger spots" in your home... window sashes, roof gutters, porch steps and floors, screens... now! Then, if needed, give them proper paint protection...with PABCO. Protect your screens from rust. . .with i A well-painted , screen never rusts. PABCO Screen ENAMEL 90CQ Prolong the life of your roof... with PABCO Roof Coating Praisrvat tmooth or mirv ral-iurfaca roofing t forettallt leaks! -115 I Gaf. f you don't wont to point your entire house protect the "danger spots" with PABCO Sash &Trjm Colors Brilliant, long lasting colors that defy rot! $45 SGa And Up "Baiile of Midway" io Be Shown at All-Navy Program Authentic pictures of tho "Battle of Midway," In color, will be one of tho films to bo shown during an hour of stirring and impressive movies at the all navy program to bo held in tho Klamath Falls armory this eve ning ut 8 o'clock. Other action films that have been brought hero by the naval cruiser will show tho bombings of Pearl Harbor, Manila and oth er Pacific engagements. Specialist Stanley Church of tho cruiser personnel especially recommends that men in tha draft, who think they may beJ called soon, take this opportun ity to see the induction process cartoons that will be displayed at tonight's meeting, which is be ing sponsored here by the Ore gon Women's Amhulancc corps. Explanations of the various services and auxiliaries under the navy will be given by Yeo man 3c Inez Ford of tho WAVES, Ensign Frances Huxley of the SPARS, Chief Specialist F. T. Garcsche, Specialist 1c Stanley Church and Yeoman 3c Arthur Allen. Specialist 1c Dan Schrclber of the local navy recruiting offlcfc has been working with the am bulance corps on arrangements for this evening's meeting at the armory. Oreqon News Noies By Tho Associated Press Fire Investigator Harry Heise estimated a blaze in the L. C. Hansct Broom company plant at Portland caused between $8000 and $10,000 loss. ... City employes at Portland were granted pay increases of $11.60 a month starting July 1 and Multnomah county employes $5 per month as of May 1. ... A Portland jury set the value of Mrs. Jessie S. Hamilton's 475 acro Polk county farm, con demned by the government in construction of Camp Adair, at $22,000 the same figure federal officials had offered. ... The district OPA announced at Portland that stamp 18 In war ration book 1 will be good for one pair of shoes beginning June 16. . . . Death claimed Mrs. Ar thur A. Goldsmith, Portland, member of the state public wel fare commission. ... A three year prison sentence was meted out at Portland to Robert S. Mc- Ginnis, 25, on a charge of desert ing from a conscientious object ors camp at Camino, Calif. The current ratio of 8 to 1 at which we are out-producing the axis in aircraft Is expected to Increase steadily. Promotions Noted In State Motor Vehicle Division SALEM, May 21 (IT) Edward. Syrlng, employed for 10 years In the state department, will suc ceed Max Flanery as munagor ot tho state motor vehicle division June 1, when Flanory becomes assistant public utilities commis sioner, Flanary said today. Clarence Ellis, formerly of Thn Dalles, who has been employed in the state department, moves to another position In the de partment to head the new divi sion administering tho motor ve hlclo financial responsibility law which goes into effect Juno 9. Newsmen Named to Policy Body for Keep Oregon Green SALEM, May 21 (IP) Five newspapermen have been asked by Governor Snell to form n newspaper policy committee to work with tho executive com mittee of the Keep Oregon Green association. Those named are: Tom Hum phrey, Portland, associate editor of the Oregon Journal; Robert W. Sawyer, Bend, publisher of the Bend Bulletin; Lamar New kirk, Toledo, editor Toledo Lead er; Robert Notson, Portland, managing editor The Oregonian and Malcolm Epley, Klamath Falls, managing editor Klamath Falls Herald-News. Always read the classified ads. Come On, Klamath! Only 7 More Banking Days Left in Which to Make YOUR Bonds Count Toward Our Flying Fortress -- The "Klamath Pelican" Come on Lei's Get That Pelican Over Tokyo! Home Lumber and Supply Company PRESSES Superb Cotton ModeJsJoJ(eep Yog Cool and Smart Looking! B e efuflf uf Pla nJsJii.iCn eclt s ?fk$ trTpelJ BorctePrints1ay"S"umrner:Colors; Spun Rayon V.Seersuclter7.-.- Butcher Linen Gingham rand Piquei H Sharkskin w) d I I b C d - (MISSES "AND " eUMORJJZES, YAdorarJIe'JumperDresses full Pleated Slurt. (Butcher' Linen -. -cGingham' I'Seersueker.rtTY; Smart Print ojldl . Color v,;aTwo-Tonef ' 2324 So. 6th St. Phone 3146 ' BUY WAR, BONDS 617 MAIN