Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 21, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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May 21, 1043
Circus Coming Here June 3 to 6
(!) Tho food distribution, ad
ministration bi-Kun egg pur
cliunrs yantiirdny undur an
otnundnd wnr food order do
(I lined to unsure suffldont eg
(or tho armed forces,
ennontltil civilian nondi and
wurtlmu requirements for drlod
wholo OKKS.
Tho order tlKhtcnliiK reserva
tion nnd non-storage provisions
on ntioll ouga wus necessitated
by tho movement of unusual
quantities of I h o 1 1 eggs Into
storngo for speculative pur
posed, tho FDA snld.
- Current civilian needs and
requirements for CBK-brenklng
and drying novo been reduced
by this abnormal "Into-storago"
jjiovoment, It was said.
Q Tho order Minted that no eggs
may movo Into storogo after
Mny 20. Provision! also require
that all shell eggs In cold stor
ago on May 20 bo reserved for
government agencies and mny
be offered to them at no moro
(ban tho celling prices.
Tulelake Boy Has
Miraculous Escape
On Bombing Raid
TULELAKE Eldon Bates,
Tulolnko ton turret gunner men-
' tloned In a radio broadcast Wed
nesday evening as having a ml
raculous escape In a bombing
raid over western Europe a few
hours boforo, mado his horns for
five years hero with Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Llndsey before enlist
ing a year ago In tho army air
w Young Bates, who was credit
ed on a previous raid over tho
continent with shooting down
German piano, escaped Injury
or death when a shell passed be
tween him and tho navigator,
Injuring tho second man. Bates
is listed officially as a first en
gineer on a B-17. Ha left the
U. S. last Novombcr, flying from
Maine to England
Mrs. Llndsey received a Moth
er's Duy cablegram from him
early In Moy.
New Candidates to
Be Initiated Into .
Merrill Rebekahs
MERRILL Four new eandl-
ntes will be Initiated into the
errill Rcbekah lodge, June 7,
with Mrs. Eva Adams, Tulelake,
becoming a member by transfer.
Mrs. Geraldlne - Moore, noble
grand, was In the chair at the
May seventeenth meeting.
Committees with birthdays In
March, April and May will en
tertain at the next meeting, with
Bon Faus as chairman.
Drill practice is scheduled for
tho evening of May 31 at 7:30.
Destroyer Downes, '
Wounded at Pearl
Harbor, Ready Again
VALLEJO, Calif., May 21 (P)
Tho destroyer Downes, mortally
' wounded at Pearl Harbor, has
been reincarnated.
Into a sleek new body navy
pnlrmen placed vital organs of
tho old ship that was shattered
December 7, 1D41.
Ycstcrdoy tho new Dowries
was launched and sho held not
only the spirit of tho old destroy
er but 30 per cent of tho old
ship's complex machinery her
turbines, propeller shafts, and
much operating equipment.
All this had been removed
from tho shattered hull at Pearl
Harbor and shipped to' Mare
Island navy yard.
Development of
Coast Area Planned '"
SEATTLE, Moy 21 (P) lvic
leaders of British Columbia
aligned themselves with those
df Washington, Oregon and Al
'ika yestordny to form tho Pa
cific Northwest Commercial as
sociation, designed to work for
, tho immediate and future devel
opment of tho vast region west
of tho Rockies.
In tho forefront of the dis
cussion yestordny woro the Al
aska International highway as
originally plottod northwest
through British Columbia, and
tho northward extension of Brit
ish Columbia's Pacific Great
Eastern railway.
Willamette Prexy
Tells of College
Navy Training
SALEM, May 21 (P) "Tho
navy gns gono to great lengths
ft project a fino collegiate pro
gram," Dr. G. Horbort Smith,
president of Wlllnmotto unlvor
ally, declnrcd Thursday night
following his return from a New
York conference on plans for
the navy training schedule in
1 ftfi'Syt'.-
Two featured performers
Spring Is here, and with It
comes tho circus.
Polack Brother! circus will
play Klamath Falls June 3 to
6, under sponsorship of the
Klamath Junior chamber of com
merce, It was announced Friday.
The circus will play In the
Klamath armory, coming here
from Reno and after a 20-day
run at San Francisco and Oak
land. Polack brothers, whose circus
has played here a number of
times in recent years, has added
many, new attractions which
Home Use Now Available
' Moth-proofing solutions for
use on wool clothing in the home
are now generally available on
the market and provide one more
excellent weapon against the an
nual spring offensive of clothes
moths, says Wlnnifred K. Glllen,
home demonstration agent.
Either dry cleaning or wash
ing in a rich soapsuds will kill
moths In clothing but will not
mothproof the garments against
future attack. Henco, garments
so treated either need to be stor
ed away in clean, scaled boxes,
bags, or trunks, or else rinsed In
a mothproofing solution, The lat
ter treatment Is especially suit
able for washable woolens such
as blankets, sweaters, socks, and
mittens, says Mrs. Glllen. When
so treated, the articles are moth
proofed until laundered again.
Mothproofing sprays are also
on the market, but these protect
only the fibers that are damp
ened, hence it is Important that
all the wool on tho surfaco be
covered, she says. As there are
Sprague River
Norvol Evans has gone to Mod
ford to spend the summer with
his grandmother. While there
he is making good use of his time
by attending woldlng school.
Mrs. S. E. Riley and children
of Merrill were visiting friends
In Sprague River this week. Sho
said that her husband, who has
not been well for several years,
was much improved since leav
ing here.
Mrs. Roy Evans was among
the shoppers in Klamath Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Shepherd
visited at Round Mountain, Calif.,
over the weekend. .
. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cooper visit
ed their daughtor, Mrs. Bill Loop
er, and Mr. Looper at Round
Mountain over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Larccy
have purchased a now car. Mrs.
Larecy and children plan on go
ing to near Portland soon so the
children can help In the fruit
: Robert Nelson was a weekend
visitor in Klamath Falls.'
' . Joe Young, former depot op
erator 'hore, has gone to Bend,
Ore. Mrs. Young will be here for
a short while until another op
erator can bo sent here to work.
Mrs. Thurman Parrlsh visited
one afternoon this week with
Mrs. Edgar HanYblln. '
Tho. Tuesday afternoon proyor
meeting was - held at . Cuma
Hutchonson's .this week.. ,
.- Pat Ludwlck is spending a few
days here with hor, mother. Mr.
Ludwlck Is In' Portland for treat
ment of a stomach ailment.
. Mr. and Mrs. Monls Hamblln
were fishing Tuesday evening.
Tho Coloa were Tuesday eve
ning dinner guests in tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagan.
Mrs. Inez Ludwlck and daugh
ter Pat motored to Klamath
Falls Monday.
' Mrs. Carmony is hore to spend
the summer with her daughter,
Mrs. Ashley Slinkard and son
Doug Hess. 1 . i , .
-Pearl Shadloy spent . Wcdnos-
MFDICaTED Sooth Itch of simple'
POWDER FOR lo"n'y Meileen
..!......? Heat Powder. Relieve
FAM LY USE diaper rash, heat rash.
of Polack Brothers show.
heretofore have played with tho
big outdoor shows not on tho
road this year. It will have all
the traditional features of the
tent shows.
General chairman of the Jun
lor chamber of commerce, circus
activity Is A. E. Woodruff. James
Perkins is vice chairman, Bob
O'SulIlvan is in charge of audi
torium, Troy Cook is handling
publicity, Frank Ramsey is hand
ling children's activities, Paul
Leo is In charge of organlza
tlon and William Morander is
block chairman.
Solutions for
also sprays that kill moths but
do not mothproof the fabric, It
Is Important to read the label
carefully before purchasing.
Sunning and brushing woolen
clothing is practical if garments
are carefully stored afterward.
The moth larvae cannot stand
bright sun and will drop to tho
ground from clothing left hang
ing In the sun on the line. The
soft eggs are easily crushed or
dislodged by thorough brushing,
which is also necessary for folds
which protect the larvae and
eggs from the sun.
For storing clothes In airtight
boxes, bags, chests or trunks the
use of naphthalene flakes or par-
adlchlorcbenzlne crystals at the
rato of about one pound to a
medium-sized trunk Is still a
standard practice, says Mrs. Gll
len. -
Moths do not eat cotton, linen,
rayon or other fabrics of vcg
etable fiber, or silk. They will
cat the woolen threads from mix
turcs, however.
day In the home of Babe Feastcr
Neva Ann Short, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, P. G. Short has
gono to Washington to visit.
Marlon Bell and W. H. Davis
have returned from Derricks,
Ark.,-where Mr. Bell wos called
because of the serious illness of
his mother.
Bllllo Davis is now employed
in me utenger grocery.
Praver meolinff and
Ice was well attended In tho R
C. Evans home Turorinv nli.ht
Sinco this, is an open night at
tho churches It interferes with no
other service. Every one is cord
ially invited to attend.
Mrs. Grace Hncnn and Hnnuh
tor Juno spent Tuesday night
wan mrs. nagan s daughter, Mrs.
R. T. Lake. .
Mr. ' and Mr. T
called in the Ted Montgomery
homo Tuesday evening.
Claude Parrlsh, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thurman Parrlsh, who is
serving In tho navy is here for
a lew days. Claude looks happy
and well fed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Croly, Mrs.
uons K.ercner and Mrs. C. C.
Heldrlch were in Klamath Falls
Mrs: Grace Roynolds, Janice
and Donald wore In Klamath
Falls recently.
Mr. and Mrs. James Huffman
went to Chester, Calif., over the
Vera Smith has anno n Klnm.
ath Falls to spend the summer.
She attended school here tills
year.- ;
The AAA hos recommended
that steps bo taken Immediately
to lay the necessary groundwork
for highway construction imme
diately after the war.
Old Time Dance
Fri., May 21
K.C. Hall
' Dancing 9i30-12i30
No Townsend Maating ,
Price Only VM A M
34.50 W
20-IV. Vivid
Pottery Set
Srtle for four
For wy Mtotf
Think of It . . . twenty besntlfal pieces at this low prtoet
Exquisitely fashioned of sunny glazed California, pottery. A
festival of color for your table . . . green, blue, yellow, orange.
Buy a set for yourself ...and remember, too, It makes a
wonderful gift I
We have the following sixes of Grada 3 tires in
present time:
5.50x16 6.50x16 7.00x16 5.50x18
H tt.
Ultm to
NOW You May Be
Eligible to Buy
Now you can Tide a bike and the new Fire
stone War Model Bicycle la your best buyi
Will last for years.
Weighs only 34 lbs.
Built to government specifications.
Adjustable teat.
Come in let us explain the new goTernment
regulations and help you fill out an application
for a rationing certificate.
A Big V.lu.l 1.8ft
1.19 BASEBALL, Cork ii nibbw
ctntsr. Battnud winding. ,98
Smart Coofrf
So Inoxpontlvol
Coo Riding Comfort
Good LOofcJna, Beouftfury TolhrtJ
Cleans Eatlty with Damp Cloth or
- Sponge
Ooolalre answers the need for a
cover that stays fresh looking and
protects your car seats perfectly.
Handsomo, conservative pattern
that suits any car Interior.
527 MAIN ST.
the Voteo of rinttmo with RMord Crook end
M4i!IIIIMMtllllllMlllMllli:nilMlllt7. J I
H5r I
wtofj 12.88
StoM .14.88
Qreftry Gror fl
r Toall say Tinstone Modern
Horn House Faint is the
most satisfactory you're trcr
nsedl It la unexcelled by any
other, regardless of price,
yet actually ooeta lees to
use. Choice of white and
many colors.
At 'Way A
lew 9tC
R re stone Kar Foam
Liquid Polishing Was
Pre-Wax Cleaner
Paste Auto Cleaner
Polishing Wax
Chromium and
Reflector Polish '
Polish Cloth, 10 Yards
Chemi-Treated Cloth
stock at- tha
5.25x17 -
tho ftrMtme Simphont OrehoHro, uoior ilrttUm of Alrol WoUtniMH, Mtm&t eMuftiol,
Sprinkler .
Regular Price
Youths' or Woman's 4.29
23'ri Inches Long 1.79
Put ls" lllf
garden boy ifl
t work for 3k
you. Tha ggiiSjS
hose whips (fr-jf
around in Skfli
his hand C Z)
and soaks , I
an area up II
to 50 feet I I
Is diameter. I I
Ha is 30
Inches tall.
2.49 WITH
World's best loved books,
both fiction and non-fiction.
These stories originally sold
at 12.00 and ?3.00!
Soap Flakes
sl(c Zboitito
mk3 a customer .
For DiAof or44e
For Fine Laundtrlng
Oontaina a special
ingredient to keep iiands
soft and white.
' I fie
Truck recaps also available in the following sizes:
6.00x20 . 8.25x20
If you have a Grade 3 tire certificate, be sure to check these sizes.
Other popular sizes available within 10 days from receipt of order.
Add beauty to your
grounds with ladder
trellises. Nice In pairs at
entrance to garage of
home. 24x96 Inch size.
A good, sturdy rake with'
14 teeth. Will stand plenty
f hard use. 11 inch width.
Plastic Screen
omaranteed for life against
' rust and corrosion, guaranteed
never to cause staining ogj
house exteriors. Made of a ,
wonder plastlo ... resillen,
easy to clean (just wash It!).
One coat covers any surface I Gomes In soft,
mellow tones in pastel colors as well as white
and Ivory. It's the easy way to redecorate.
One gallon covers walls of ordinary room.
Use over wallpaper, brick, etc. .
rW 99
feed Nor fo
every stitch I
Hade of
heavy blue
3.69 Poplin Jacket 3.48
PHONE 3234
evsr N..T.
1 '