May 21, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN o CLASSIFIED ADS 2 Lost and Found LOST nittlon book No, 1 and 2. Vonion unlit1, v-nnouuiii, u Lamm's Cnmp. B-21 LOST No. 2 ration book. James 11, Orroll, 21144 Hope St, fl-22 LOHT-Hiitlon Hook No, 1. Lo Jloy F. Baldwin, 1007 Aunlln. S-21 LOST Mutton book No, 1. How Inutt S. Kmp, 1323 Martin St. M'1 LOST lUitlon book No. 2. Wnl tor Scott Bradley . Phono 8333. 6-24 BILLFOLD containing Kns book A. Elmer Lowdcn, Chlloquln. 5-24 LOST No. 2 rullon book. Miiry Jnno Goldon, Rt. 2, Box 402. , 5-24 LOST Giis book A. Ovlo R. Klnnlnv. !i4H7 Orchard. B-24 LEARN POPULAR PIANO Send fur freo foldnr. Thclma Dumm, 407 No. 0th. Phono 3408. o-zh SpitdnllzliiH In Merchantable Shw mid Piling Timber Buy or Sell Tracts 1 to HO Million E. M. DANTA. BROKER Eiiceno, Oregon Ofllco 1303 7th Ave. Residence 034 West Slh Ave. 5-25 Psnonali MONUMENTS Klnmulh Falls Mnrblo mid Granite Works, 110 So, 1 1 til. Phono 0381 6-7m CALL 0750 (or concreto work on your cemetery lot. 6-lam ANYONE ACQUAINTED with Rielinrd Dcivls who lived K Falls 1042 pli' communicate with Nettle Dickens, 118 No. Vnklma Ave., Tacoma, Wash, 5-20 10 Service! FOR THE BEST In tailoring, remodeling, repairing, suits to order (men and ladles ) al ways see Ryte-Wy Tailors. 110 No. 8th, phono 6882. 8-7 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chun. Hathaway. 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 8-31 DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal (lis i eases. 832 Main. Dial 7218 ' -,-.,. 8-31m PICTURE FRAMING Gooller's 230 Mnln. 5-31m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on-new and old clothing, Mra II. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 216, Pliona 7263. 8-31m TAINTING KALSOMINING II. L, Brown. Phone 4226. 8-31m HOUSEHOLD rofrfgoratlon and washing machine service. Dial 8303 or 8448 after 2 p. m. vic tory Service Co,, 1008 Pros pect. 8-lSm BELTS for all makes refrigera tors, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit I Washing Machine Service, 811 ' South Sixth. 8-31m CURTAINS laundered and strotched. Phono 3717. 6-lm ELECTROLUX Aulhorlned Ser vice. L, C. Cnrr, 621 Mitchell. Phone 7187. 6-1 lm J. A. TUFTS HEATINO SPECIALIST CHIMNEYS, furnaces, stoves, oil burners, cleaned, repaired. Phone 8404, res. 8040. 0-3m LAWNMOWERS, outboard mo tor and gas engino repairing. Bodcnhamer Saw and Repair Shop. 8-Bm FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, reflnlshlng, repairing. Cabl nela built. Carpenter work of nil kinds, Pointing and kalso- k milling done. Phono 4S17. " 3041 Shnstii way. 6-1 lm WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at all times. Phono 8144. 6-lflm PICTURE : FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, 727 Main. 8-31m FLOOR SANDING and roflnish, Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 8-31m SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sewing Cen ter,, 1213 Main St. Dial 6771. fl-dm 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS 340R. 407 No, 0th St, -Phono , 6-B 14 JBolp ytptid Female ) WANTED Housekeeper for two adults, simple cooking, room board and wagon or by the day. Phono 8311. 4320tf Experienced Offlco Clerk Wanted. MORRISON-KNUTSON CO,, Inc. 827 Fine St, 6-21 14 Help Wanted, female LADV to care for woman and two children for about two weeks, Good pay. Homer Hurtgen, Rt. 3, Box 1073, Wocus. 5-21 OIRL to care for two children while mother works. 818 High. 8-22 WANTED First-class steno grapher, Must bo experienced, cnpublo and able to meet pub lic, Write Box 4688, News lluruld. 8-22 WANTED Bookkeeper and stonnKrophor for small store. Must bn good and willing to work. Good salary ond ploas ant work, Write complete de tails. Box 4001, Nows-Horald. 8-22 HOUSEKEEPER FOR ONE Middle-aged ludy with small child preferred. J. W. Scott, Box 24, Modoc Point. 4317U 16 Help Wanted, Male SPRAY PAINTER WANTED Pulnt about 20 buildings. Spray gun furnished. Phone 7014. 8-21 HAY STANDING IN FIELD or would like to hlro someone with pick-up baler to bule hay. Bob Miller, below Emigrant Dam, Ashland, or write Rt. 1, Box 806, Ashland, Ore. 6-22 TIMBER FALLERS by day or contract, straight falling or complete job. Also single buck crs. Big Lakes Box Co., South 0th St., by viaduct. 5-24 SALESMAN WANTED with wholesale experience calling on grocery stores to cover es tablished trade In Southern . Oregon and Northern Califor nia. Must have car, Write for Intorvlew giving full portico lors. News-Hcruld Box 4278 8-22 18 Situations Wanted 16-YEAR-OLD BOY wants work on farm for summer. Healthy and good worker. Ralph Brain lett, 1433 Summers lnne. 5-22 BOY, 13, wants farm Job for summer. Call 3748. 5-22 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Closo In. Phone 4768. 1028 Jefferson. 3270tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klam ath Ave. 8-28 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 1034 High. 6-Sm ROOM FOR RENT 514 No. 1 10th. 8-28 ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 5-29 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms. $3.50 week up. Tran sients $1.00. 6-2m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outsldo, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. . 5-3 lm OUTSIDE ROOMS Crater Ho tel. 128 N. 2nd. 6-llm VACANCY Greer Apts., 710 Main. Light, airy, steam heat ed, newly decorated, ; laundry facilities. Phone 4676. 4258U CLEAN, steam heated sleeping 'rooms. 310 So. Mti. 6-20m 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment. 1085 Auburn. 5-20 PONDOSA APTS. Market and Klamath. 5-25 TWO ROOM apartments. Every thing furnished Including fuel and utilities. 1808 Main. 3490tf VACANCY Lee Apartments. Phone 9047. 3402U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Couple. No pets. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 3403U APARTMENT COTTAGE, close to Main, suitable for two. Ph. 4272 days, 8130 evenings. 3887tf CASCADE APARTMENT , HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center, 5-31m 2 BEDROOM furnished Apt. Electric range, refrigerator, garage. $27.50. Phone 5452. 3924U 2 ROOM furnished Apt., with utilities $18.00. 248 Broad. 3023 If FOR RENT 3-room and bath furnished apartment. Water furnished. $28. Close In on North 0th. Tel. 3284. 4S37tf VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5700. Now management, Mr. and Mra. Lovelace.. 6-8m GLENCOURT APTS. Modern furnished $27,80 and up. Under new mnnogoment, Wey erhRCUscr district. Ph. 8084. 8-Bm FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. 2043 White, 4122U ESPLANADE COURT APART ments furnished; by the week or month, Walking dis tance. 1805 Esplanade. , B-31m VACANCY 421 Oak, 6-20 04 Automotive "Cars Are Scarce. Ceiling on Used Cars Soon -and Cars Will Be SCARCER! 40 PLYMOUTH 5-PASSENGER DELUXE COUPE Clean, low mileage, heater, radio, defroster, fog lights and other extras. A real buy $805 37 BUICK SPECIAL TOURING SEDAN Completely reconditioned, Motor overhauled, new front end, transmission, point and upholstery $605 '37 DODGE DELUXE 4-DOOR TOURING SEDAN New paint, one owner, heater, radio and good ' rubber $505 '37 MERCURY 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN Just traded In, 707 rubber, A-l motor $545 37 FORD FOR DOR 85 SEDAN New transmission, new paint, upholstery $428 '36 CHRYSLER 8-CYLINDER TOURING SEDAN 80 rubber, A-l mechanical shape $395 '36 STUDEBAKER SEDAN New paint, upholstery, motor overhauled, 90 rubber $428 '36 PONTIAC 8 COUPE Looks and runs A-l $285 35 NASH-LAFAYETTE 4-DOOR SEDAN New paint, top, upholntory, motor reconditioned, 75 rubber. A real economical car $2D5 '35 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE New brakes, com- plctcly rcchecked, folr rubber $295 35 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Paint bad, recondi tioned mechanically $275 33 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Rum good, good , rubbor, as Is $125 '31 CHEV. SEDAN Looks ruff, motor good $ 95 28 CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN Karl-Keen trunk. Lots of transportation , ." $ 75 MODEL A FORD COUPE Good motor, rubber A-l, $ 95 TWO-WHEEL TRAILER HOUSE Double construction , plywood, 2-plate electric burner, heating stove and other bullt-ins. Cash $195 We Buy and Sell Cars and Trucks LOW FIRST NATIONAL BANK FINANCE See Selby LAST and Save Money! PUBLIC USED CAR LOT 7th and Oak Dial 6934 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT 4-room furnished, clean apartment. Close In. Rent reasonable. Call after 5 o'clock, 2222 Orchard. 4143U CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cook with gas. Nice yard. $4 per week. 410 So. 6th. 6-13m VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.80 week and up. 1404 Klamath. 8-21 THE ROOSEVELT ' VACANCY 2036 LeRoy. Phone 3817. 3797U 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close in. 201 East Main. 4209tf SMALL 2-room furnished apart ment, private bath, gas equip ped. 325 Commercial. 4617tf 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnish ed apt. White Pine Apts. 5 24 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 617m VACANCY Audley Apts., 8th and Walnut. Phone 6243. 5-22 FURNISHED three-room apart ment. 221 Spring. 8-24 FURNISHED APARTMENT Walnut Apta. Phone 7193. 5-22 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment and housekeeping room, $4 and up week. 133 No. 10th-5-25 CLEAN 3-room apartment. Close in, 825 Grant. , 5-22 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Closo In. 117 No. 8th. 5-22 FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms and bath. Gas, range, water paid. Garage. Adults. 234 South Riverside. 6-22 APARTMENT FOR RENT June 1. Private bath, air condition ed. Adults only. Courtvicw Hotel. 5-27 2 Houses For Rent BACHELORS' CABINS Close In. $10 month. 510 So. 5th. 5-21 FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Phone 6823. . 3587tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save 1. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 6-7m 5-ROOM DUPLEX New, large: unfurnished, or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1199 California. Phone 5658, 4070tf FURNISHED HOUSE 3 rooms ' and dinette, 335 Commercial. 4594U MOVING? Local and long distance. ' Peoples Warehouse 4089U FOR RENT All modorn du plexes. Reasonable. 911 North 8th St. 8-21 3-ROOM partly furnished house, Adults only, Inquire 2950 Crest. 5-22 SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Biehn. 3401tf FOR RENT 2-bcdroom home, 5 blocks from Main. Inquire 727 Lincoln. Phono 8620. 8-22 MODERN 2-bedroom home, nice yard. Close to bus line, good location, 2302 Garden. 4321Jtf FURNISHED 2-bcdroom house. 620 Washington. ' 6-24 34 Automotive J 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Small house, Adults. Phone 4667. 8-21 FOR RENT 2-room house, fur nished or unfurnished. Build ing suitable for business. Rent reasonable. 631 So. 6th St. . 5-22 3-ROOM modern house, partly furnished. Inquire 133 North 10th. 5-24 FOR RENT,.-- 5-room modern, partly furnished house, full basement, t acre, garden plow, ed, chicken house and barn $28 month. 1764 Derby. 3-24 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, $25. Call 1414 East Main. Ph. 3568. .-' ' 5-22 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 8-31m WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Bcautyrcst mattress, ! floor waxers. Phone 5353. Klamath Furniture. 5-3 lm 30 Real Estate For Sale A BARGAIN Two bedroom plastered house, close in location on paved street, good neighborhood, $1,250.00 with. $800.00 down and small balance payments. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 FOR SALE Good house on . Oregon Ave. Corner lot, two bedrooms. Enclosed porches, shade trees. Phone 3725. 5-21 If you would like to sell your home and If you want a clean cut, satisfactory deal, contact , JOHN McFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th or Phone 4521 6-22 HOMES, farms, business prop . crty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th , Ph. 8491 6-17m FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 3 bedroom1 home, large garden space, shade trees, lawn. Nice location, phone 7260 or 4963 after 8:30 p. m. 8-22 FOR SALE Equity in modern , two bedroom house. Good ' garden spot, Irrigation. Close in. Phone 7676.- 6-21 FOR SALE: 6-room stone dwel ling, close in. Price $3,000. Down payment $1,200, bal ance $30 per month. Phono 7228. ; 8-21 FOR SALE OR RENT 3-room house with Victory garden space, lawn and garage. Phone 3236. 3882tf 14-ROOM RESIDENCE, 1 block from courthouse, $150 month income. If interested call at 134 North 3rd. 6-12m LOVELY new 2-bedroom home in Mills addition. Priced at $4800. Terms. FH A loan of 80 can be obtained. John McFee, Realtor, 118 N. 7th. Phono 4521. 8-22 FOR SALE 1 acre, house, barn, 8627 Lcland drive. 6-24 94 Automotive FOR SALE 1938 Pontiac coupe, six cylinder, has good tires nnd looks good. Good condition mechanically. Price $300, pan be seen at 633 Upham St 8-26 34 Automotive USED CARS FOR SALE BUICKS " ' . 1937 Hoadmaster 1037 Special Coupe 1934 Sedan 1033 Sedan CHEVROLETS 1934 Coach . 1934 Coupe MISCELLANEOUS 1936 Chrysler Sedan 1933 DeSoto Sedan 1938 DeSoto Sedan 1935 Dodge Coupe 1939 Ford Coupe 1938 Ford Tudor 1832 Ford Coach 1932 Graham Sedan 1942 Hudson Sedan 1937 Terraplane Sedan 1937 Terraplane Coach . 1938 Terraplane Sedan 1937 Zephyr Sedan 1931 Olds Sedan 1932 Oldi Coupe 1836 Pontiac Sedan 8 ' 1836 Pontiac Sedan 6 1834 Plymouth Coupe 1835 Plymouth Coupe 1835 Plymouth Sedan AND OTHERS H. E." HAUGER 1330 Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. Automobile Insurance Don't wait until June 9th. You need protection right now. Rates are very low. We represent only standard companies. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th Since 1909 Ph. 4564 . 5-22 WANTED TO BUY '35 or '36 ear in cood shape. Terms- Phone 3027. 39?1 WE BUY AND SELL Used Cars, For the best deal, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lot, 7th and Oak. 3384tf r.r.T YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Klmballs Glass Shoo. 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 6-6m FOR SALE '39 Dodge coupe, A-l condition, good' rubber. Terms. Melhase Garage. 5-21 FOR SALE 1935 Buick coupe - in fairly good condition. Good heater, fairly good rubber. $125 cash for quick sale. Own er leaving town. No terms con sidered. Phone 8733. ss-zi 1940 OLDS coupe, good condi tion, $778. no traces, rnone 5912. ' 8-21 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. , ' 6-15m RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-ordcr, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone ,6632. 5-31m FOR SALE Dual log trailer, $400; single $115; P. O. Box 812. 6-17m FOR SALE Hot water tank and piping. Call evenings. 153 OcJ tavia St. 8-21 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 8-llm CRATING and packing. Peo ples Warehouse. . 4091U GET YOUR American flag for Memorial day. 3'x5' sidewalk flag complete with pole, not installed, $5.50. American Le gion. Phone 4183. 8-22 KEMTONE GUdderi paints, var nishes, enamels. Kalsomlne Be lb. Complete stock. KLAM ATH VALLEY LUMBER. CO. Phone 4816. ; 8-21 FULLER BRUSHES R.'V. Mor gan, 3348.. 632 South River side. '6-8m GARDEN SEEDS and aupplles. Peoples Warehouse. 4090tf AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. ' 5-28 ROOFING Composition, wood or built-up ' roofs. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3725U DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817, 1485U KEMTONE The best interior . finish available. Suburban T.nmher Cn. Phonn 7709. ' 3737tt ROOFING See us first' for an estimate on all types of roof ing, Scaley Bros., contractors. Phone 8920. 6 -8m FOR SALE 180 sacks Gem seed spuds, some Montana Blue Tag. Sam Mackey, Malin, ore. Phone 353. , 5-24 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass. . furniture tops, shelves. Klm- , ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut; . Phone 7378. 6-6m HARD TO GET ITEMS in Paints, . Hardware and supplies try F. R. Hauger. Genuine Shel lac, Aluminum Paint and all sizes Paint brushes, Roof brushes, Whitewash brushes. F. R. Hauger, 615 Market St. 6-7m 31 Mlscellenaoua For Sale Auction Notice Being sold Sunday, May 23rd at yard on South 6th St., at 1 o'clock. 850-gallon 12-gauge gal tank and 10-gallon visible pump, also hones, cattle, hogs, rabbits. Chev. pickup, machinery and miscellaneous. H. B. HARTLEY, Owner, COL. SWIGART, Auctioneer. 5-21 PALMER'S BIG STOVE SALE 20 Wood Ranges, $20:00 up. 10 Electric Ranges, $30.00 up. 20 New Wood Heaters 10 Good Wood Circulators 10 Good Oil Circulators 2 Nice Gas Ranges 2 Good Gasoline Ranges 2 Good Kerosene Ranges Be wise Prepare now for next winter when stoves will be very scarce. FURNITURE BARGAINS 20 Beds, $2.00 up 3 Nice Dining Suites 8 Good Davenport Suites 10 Nice Floor Lamps Buy Here and Save PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 5-27 DO IT NOW! . Protect and beautify your wooa sningie roor with stain, all colors. You can paint all your buildlne.i inside, inphiriinir your buildings inside and out- siae, including paint and labor with no down payment. Pay as low as $5.00 month, up to three years to pay. . J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 3187 - 66 Main 4182tf CALGONITE for electric dish washing. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market Street 6-7m REDWOOD Flume and culvert lumber. Suburban Lumber. Phone 7709. . 3943tf . FARMERS!.' - Don't delay, get those bags patched now. Peoples Warehouse 4087 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6144.' Mrs. Ross. ;' 5 -6-15m SOILAX for wall washing, paint . cleaning and general . home use. GOELLER'S, across from Willard. . , . . . ,5-25 KEMTONE Goeller's, across from Willard. 230 Main. - 5-25 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniturej stoves bought. OK. Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone - 8671. 5-31m RADIOS FOR SALE First nouse past JTranKford wood yard on Bend highway. .5-25 LANDSCAPING, large size fruit . trees, flowering . and shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and perennial flowers. Call us for estimate of complete .. landscaping your home. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 402. ... ' 6-19m WESTINGHOUSE electric range, like new: Call at 1820 Earle. ' 5-22 4-PIECE BEDROOM SET with springs and mattress, $80.- Ph - 5603.- ... ' v.5-22 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re- " strictiohs on repairs and main tenance. .Let us help you with . your . painting, roof . and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month, Suburban Lumber Co.- Phone 7709. 3398tf SCREEN DOORS,, window screens and screen hardware. Complete stock. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Ph, 4816. 5-21 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, , blown in with our special equipment, Will solve your heating problem. .Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 7709. 8400tf CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER . KLAMATH VALLEY LUM BER CO. Phone 4816. 5-21 POSTS j Redwood and cedar, Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 4167tf ASTER PLANTS 30o dozen Crystal's, Merrill-Lakeview Junction.. - 5-22 FOR SALE Two matching hand-hooked Chinese rugs 9x12 with pad, and 6x8. $160. 522 Lincoln after 5. 3804tf NAILS, BOLTS, medicine cab inets, ironing boards. KLAM ATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. ! Phone 4816. 6-21 NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. T : 2805tf ROOFING--Ccdar shingles and El Bay composition roofing, Call us for a free estimate on a real quality, roof. Monthly ; payments. - KLAMATH VAL LEY LUMBER , CO. . Phone ,4816. . 8-21 CHAIRS, vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, i iron bed and coil springs, roaster, dutch oven 618 Owens St. 8-24 31 Miscellaneous For Sale SINGLE DROP Seed Potatoes and cut seed. Joseph Drazll, Rt. 1, Box 206, Malin, Ore. 8-24 FOR SALE '41 model trailer house. 3249 South 6th or phone 6876. 8-24 COMBINES We will have several Model "69" Mollne combines available for sale to holders of purchase certificates in Modoc or Siskiyou counties. Also have a few TK two-way plows. See BYRON JOHNSON Phone 173 Malin, Ore. 4669U 38 For Sale or Trade RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. Frank Leibleln. 2916 Bisbee. 6-17m 40 To Exchange WANTED TO TRADE 7-room house with sleeping porch in Grants Pass for Klamath Falls acreage with 3-bedroom home. 2323 Wantland avenue after 6 p. m. 5-22 42 Miscellaneous Wanted I BUY USED PIANOS for cash, add only value of recondition ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4819 or 7175. 5-21 WANTED Good used furniture, Lucas Furniture. Phone 3824. 195 East Main. 6-3m RELIABLE PARTY wants to rent for summer months or longer, nice 2 or 3-bedroom house close in. Phone 3442 after 5. 5-21 WANTED TO RENT Nice four ' room partly furnished home. Close in. Phone 8019. 5-24 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. Trulove's Market, 919 East Main. Phone 4282. 6-lm WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. - 6-17 ! DAIRYMEN! . ; Fed Security Calf Food , and sell all your milk. Peoples Warehouse 4086U POULTRY, feeds and equip ment Peoples Warehouse. 4088tf GENTLE HEIFER, just fresh. 5704 Avalon St., one mile west -' of county farm. - 5-22 HORSES FOR SALE Fine team .. of Percherons, weight 1800 lbs. Call Lost River Dairy, 3181. - 5-22 TWO 3-year-old colts, White Leg horn hens. A. J. Orr, Rt. 1, Box 785, two miles south air port. 5-22 YOUNG Holstein and Guernsey milk cow, $125.' 1764 Derby. 5-24 FOR SALE Truckload of regis tered Hereford bulls, just ar- rived at S. P. stockyards. Year lings and up. Phone 9036. W. R. .Brauner. ' 5-24 ONE 6-year-old . Guernsey cow, easy milker, $125. 1839 Ar thur St. . 5-22 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money i Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your. Old Home , . Pay Less Than Rent - Long Terms -:- Low Rate . FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 5-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For' , AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 months to pay ' Quick Service, No Co-Signers : ' , Locally Ownnd , Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. ,7th-' ' Phone 3325 5-31m Automobile Loans $20.00 to $500.00 A Sensible .Way to Get the Money You Need If yw need cash, let us know how much. Chftticw are we can live vtti enough mony to "balance jour budgel" Just on your car Atone with monthly roi-aymenti arranged to fit your poclcetbook. For eiampte: A Jino.W auto loan at Uoirtumeri may bf paid off in IS monthly Installments of 910.05 each. . ;. "It Isn't .hat you own It's what you are that counts." : ;VVe also make furniture i and signature loans . 1 Consumers Credit (M-235 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 8-31m 1 f - The Whoppingestl 1 1' 0 ill Meet mammoth-m u t a c h d James Allen of the British 8th In Tunisia. Sporting a seven. Inch span, he claims the long mustache title ot His Majesty's : army. Salute to 8th Happy Frenchman ol southern Tunisia raises his hand in proud salute as British 8th Army marches Into El Hamma. Leonard Ritter, accompanied by Mrs. Emile Egert, was trans acting business in Klamath Falls on Friday. . 46 Financial PAY AS YOUGO! Consolidate your old debts with a cash loan. UP TO ' .12 MONTHS ' :':: 1 TO REPAY . . Money also available , for current needs. Private Sales Financed AUTOMOBILE LOANS . UP TO ?500 Furniture Salary Loan ' Up to $300 - : COMMERCIAL ' FINANCE . CORPORATION .' P. A. Everett,' Mgr. . 116 South Eighth Street, Telephone 3265 , . Ask us obout ., - equitable; -. Disappearing Loans - ; - - - ; Low Rates ' ' Prompt Service If you want to buy a home or refinance your mortgage, ask us about tho - EQUITABLE PLAN - CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th . Phone 4564 Since 1909 - ' Tue-Fri-tf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE, LEASE OR TRADE Good grocery store.- Good business and stock. A-l loca tion. 61 North Main St., Ash land. Phone 4131.. - ; 5-25 LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF BERTHA BELL, Deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that we have filed our final account of the administration of the above entitled estate and that the above entitled court has appointed June 12, 1943 at 10 a. m. as the time for hearing objections 'to such final account and the settlement thereof. - EVERETT M. BELL ' LLOYD BELL . , Administrators of said estate. M 14-21-28; J 4 No. 229. BIG BASIN LBR.C0. Main at Spring Phone 3144 wfTifti'.yi v., ' ,V " h " p'"Mi,wi''w',i'irtr