SERIAL STORY iBsdii Cahisih, WAAC BY LORETTE COOPER SUVSSS'J'iS!: V TUB TOnYl BMa, Oar tar, WAACi la Major illit JukHK'l "n-ma" Blaff ok taa 1lnr MHpnfliifa ttland In taa Padua tvarra ala unit of taa Coast Am tiller? Ilarrairo Uallooa battalion la baaed. Information Iraka nro apeetfd. After Retb overbeara taa nyaterloua Lita Danlon per nade Ilrlt to arlva free pasaave to taa plana that brought her and her eooipanlon. nick Motb, Into a, forced landtn on tbe Uland an Important p a p r la dlicoTered mUalnir. Beth decldea to do aome - alralalna on her own. 8h atrotla out to look over l.Ha'a plana. Bad denlr tootatrpa approach. ; RENDEZVOUS CHAPTER DC rPHS footsteps accentuated the mysterious end adventurous qualities of the situation. Beth gathered herself, up slowly Into at compact a mass as possible, and stayed as closa to the sandy soil as she could. The footsteps came nearer. They were not so rapid now. Beth could sea a human figure in the moon light It was that of a man in unl form the cut of the clothing was unmistakable. He seemed to be hesitant, and acted almost as though he were afraid of being ob aerved. He stopped on the beaeh between Beth and the seaplane and watched the flying boat for a moment Beth heard him whistle. His back was to her. She knew now that he was not only a member of the armed forces, but that he was a commissioned officer, for the moonlight was reflected by his collar ornaments. He whistled again. There was activity of some sort Beth could not detect what on the seaplane. Then he called softly but clear ly. "Lita," he whispered and now Beth felt a sickening sensation paralyze her soul "lita, it's Brit." "Just a minute, Brit," Lita called bade TN less than a minute a small boat was launched. In it were a man and a woman, the man plying the oars expertly. "What do you want?" Lita Dan ton asked. "I want to talk with you ... alone," Brit Jackson said. He entered the boat and the three returned to the seaplane. For an instant a light went on, and then it was blacked out by the drawing of a blind. "I'm spying on my commanding ofHcer," she told herself. "I have no right to do that" She watched the seaplane with fixed gaze as it rocked gently on the tide. She wondered what was being said behind that drawn curtain. She found herself wondering what the interior of the seaplane was like. Then her mind reverted to the lost directive. Had Brit known where it was all along? Did it ever even exist? Was Beth being framed? No, no, no, her heart shouted at her reason. Everything would be all right! She must have faith. Then she was calm again. Was Brit laying a trap? Of course his purpose was honest. But whom did he suspect? Suppose that the directive really was lost during the daytime. Did Brit still believe she was at fault? She remembered how he had made such a point of changing the safe combination, yet letting her know the new one. Did he suspect her, and was he laying a trap for her? After all, she reflected, he knew nothing about her before they had met in General Tallicoe's head quarters. She was just another WAAC to him, and he admittedly knew nothing of WAACs at alL A young woman playing at being a soldier, Brit had said. a T5ETH looked back down the beach. There was nothing of human shape or form to be seen, , nor was there any human edifice. The camouflage was more com plete by night than by day. No light showed, no sound was audi ble though this last was because of the distance, and not because of ny prohibition against making : ordinary sounds. The white top of the surf, the ' clean sand, the curve of the beach these were part of this Shangri Lal It was more beautiful than the had dreamed. - Beth's position was cramped, so the shifted slightly. She heard lome native noise she guessed it was a nlghtbird's call back in the island's jungle, which began lust behind her and increased in MSA einVICS. INC thickness the farther It receded from the beach. A half hour elapsed. The light lppeared again for a second on the seaplane a door was opened briefly, then closed. Three persons entered the boat and it moved slowly toward the beach. When it reached the beach, Beth saw that the trio was the same that had gone out Lita, Rick, and Brit. The two men were almost the same height, but Rick was easily distinguishable because he was wearing whites. Brit got out first "Thanks for the taxi," he said. Then he walked up the beach a few yards, looked around, and turned back. "Come on. Everything's clear." Lita stepped from the boat and then Rick. Rick dropped a weight NAUTICAL CHAIR SET OF FILET CROCHET by Alice Brooks A sailing vessel In a flower frame makes the distinctive motif for this filet crochet set It will put the spotlight on your favorite chair OR hide the shab by spots. Easy to crochet in fine cotton, and smart to use for a buffet set, too. Pattern 7550 contains charts and directions for set; illustration of stitches; list of materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure, to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, Send pattern No. . , to followed by your name and address. HOLD EVERYTHING! museum) f -, "N ' EGYPTIAN tVJ ' ag7 MUMMIES f-rr 5-21 W. mi wr vim iwtt ne T. a. M v. mt. err. "Tut, tut my dear you don't icon a aay over zzoo years!" FUNNY BUSINESS , . -. ..... , ,,., ..w.nm.u,,, rAT.Qiii' i Hcplaccmcnis m case lie goes broke before the evening's . overl" --J wntch'was attached "by a ropa w the bow of the boat "I think your plan Is an excel lent one," Lita said, htr voice full of confidence. "I'm eager to help execute it." (To B Continued) When total objectives are less than can be achieved under max imum pressure, then we are not mobilizing our full resources. On the other hand, if the objectives are too far beyond what can be attained, then all kinds of un evenness and lack of balance are sure to develop. WPB Vice Chairman William L. Batt Paint a Large Room for $2.85 I Gallon Spaedeasr Plus H Gallon Water Does the Trick. Covers Wall Paper. It's DuPont's. F. R. HAUGER OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 515 Market Phone 7221 Out Our Way Bv J, R.-SYIIIIoms Our Boarding Houio lth Malor Hoopla J OViOOf TH FOOD W VvOMEN ACE NOT A SITUATIOIvi IS (SOIIvV & OPPV FMOI SGiA TO BE VMOCS-E AFTER TO EMJOV EATIVj'- TH WW.' A Wlr-B VvlU. I THEY DOMT EAT. 4Xts T U'k.rftNl MHfkT S.TLJCLN1 Ik LI A. I t IT TO PUT 1M VOUK? LUNCH CESTCLMTS I WOCKED IM A SHOULD GIVE A SHOP-- X GOT ALOWG MAM A CLEAVER r7s,NOMSOUPs AMU yVMITH A STEAK, 7sk 5! r- A mm TEA TIME tf.TWiUuv-Ji 6AV, AMOS, NOD STUMBLED INTO TUB RI&HT PEVJ WWEM SOU PICKED BLUE BEETLE NESTERDAN-" HE WOM AND PAD2e.60--MAWBE I'M DELIRIOUS, BUT I'LL PB.W ATEM SPOT OFF- THE BANK ROLL IF MOli CArt PUFF out Another smoke RIS1& LIKE THAT ' WHV, FATHER ?0U OFFEND Mb Bt ALLUDIN&O. H&HTLV. TO MS 6KlLU.'--it idkiiT I iiis ATUOUteV W RAFFLE I'VE SPEMT SEARS STODSIMS BREEDlWi LORE.'--UIA-KAFF,' DIO SOU SAS TEM DOLLAR.'o t -HERE? LET'S BE OFF- rr-1 1 I ril-l-l-l-w. K-1 S T V "TH, i&A y.f ltapa: WOU1 RE- FOR GETTING M9S FRANCES'S DETERMINED WORKER CAMP WHITE, May 21 (P). An officer found Pvt. Anthony Philbin doing - kitchen police duty. "You were discharged from the army two days ago," the of ficer said. Philbin learned he had been granted a certificate of disabil ity discharge by a medical board but had not been informed through clerical error. . Should we fall, we must fall with honor and dignity. Carlo Scorza, fascist party secretary. THIS CURIOUS WORLD 6y William Ferguson CHALK CLIFFS mm V i OF DOVER, t , - f l IN ENGLAND, . m I, ARE MADE UP OF W I I FOSSILIZED SHELLS 1 f. I ' OF ANIMALS SO SMALL. m?B 1 fj S 1 THAT OVEK A ( ?"- J V I III ABE REQUIRED to " JJr . J i form a yc ; , caK.iMjariiuauvKi.iMC . T.KcaULa.rAT.or. Red Ryder By Frod Hormoi IfeS. AND VM SO DAPPOlN16D 1 NM5C fas loNaiRipRe feR NOTHING, TM SThly f SO 100 KWE O.OOO ( I KV.0O K-JoS F&R. r IT3UR. G5 WlLp. c aa .aaaaaT . . -? V &!. r mm Rl5SR'9 ) ' J c&w-vt I've evs(? H pLWr. mj..n ' rrJT SPEAK) hj1 OP Irt?St lr "OJ'Lt. SOPH RiDiti' TCV3S. vjHii.e i GtT loa AHORfe- ME.IN ION FIMD sonzt Freckle and His Frionds By Blossai IT DOtSNT COST ANVTHIN& TO GET sick; IT COSTS TO GET MKS. MONROE GUY, ABOUT 380 CARLOADS Cpc LUAABER. COULD BE SAVED IF THE MATCH STICKS USED IN THE UNITED STATES IN A VEAR WERE SHORTENED ONLY MEXXs. Jl. . . and pw tbe ammnnlUonl' If OLD-TIME SCREEN STAR HORIZONTAL i Pictured screen actress, 11 Pleasantry 12 Crafty 14 Move bacK and forth 15 Twilled clo 17 2000 poup 19 Like 20 Fondle 22 Turf ' 25 Proceed 28 Shop 28 Hail! 30 Tendon 32 Before 33 Charm 35 Aeriform fuel 38 Foot digits 37 Fly aloft 38 Observe 40 Doctrine 41 East (Fr.) 44 Shrewd 46 Expression contempt 48 Near 49 Moisture r.l Exists 62 Behold! Answer to Previous Puzzle LIAII WDCJREIGIAP O I L E rMETIA P E il.5HE a ra Pj6 e m v hTT S S W as al ftp SALE M.LJt AMIJCI lllDOB RjE N E W 'U'1UU- MJO T E T S aOna LA1DD apaMJ T I Nl? T S P L E ll E A T S .,AJNA y T A E O RH.dsn i BhutTe EDiCTaiOONE m a slsli WeIsItar S3EvU 55 Charged atom 58 Well known 59 Sacred lyric 61 She is making a back In movies 62 She was a silent star VERTICAL 1 Loiter 2 Within 3 Lieutenant abbr.) 4 For fear that 5 Anger 6 Scold- 7 Kind of stoneware 8 That one 9 San Francisco (abbr.) 10 Cabin 11 Beat with stick 13 Theater boxes 14 Existed 16 Rant 18 At this time 20 Feign 21 Early English (abbr.) 23 Bone 24 Turn aside 27 Either. 28 Church parf 29 Besides 31 North Amer ica (abbr.) 33 Put 34 Portion 38 Devil 39 Half an em '.. 42 Be still! 43 Claw 44 Taxi 45 Biblical i pronoun 48 3.1416 47 She also fame on the 50 Walk In water 54 Document (abbr.) 85 Sprite 57 Toward 58 Type measure 59 Height (abbr.) 60 Exclamation IT" S3 TT" S" """" S" 7 sT" 1 . 10 rt 111- "1 WT ll !! TLLII33- iiir i--im fj i i-i 11. f mm -r-J EXCUSE MB I OlON'r MEAN TO BARGe UPONiCU LIKE THIS.' " fltA AFRAIO IwBLL.MrRrt M3UH. IlL-OOTfeN r . . , URIDn IIC I I I mnl ArlAlkl I UlU LMC All r.'f I UU.-7A I niSt-LKfilklCr I a VTXIM I .... ff SUdnnuW iTU 'l.ffm Ml I laW - . I 1.. . IIIIIHIIiTIMIIM i If .rr , I mc. t. m. Mi u. . rT, QIV Amo m voo cail w 1HI3 AfURNOON. X WONT ANSWER TUer HOMC ALL WAY lntVMIlA l .- i r Ti raj 7 Wash Tubbs By Cram WE'RE FROM A BRITISH DESTROYER. A GERMAN U-BOAT IS REPORTED TO have been alongside your vam f WERE FROM A BRITISH PESTROYER. I SV, V77 1 , 1 f WHERE 6 JHEVSAY HE i acjErman u-boat is reported to ) ereI rtJ- " their Asoittleohis V. HAVE BEEN AL0N6SIPE VOUR BOAtVtHEV ARE, I COMM"6 ?LS . j "'VSIR. y OUT I, OrTICER VWMT POWN UMUKE A FREMCH FI6HERMAN I CHAP IS. WITH HIS SOFT HANDS V CL05B-CR0PPE0 HAW. BRIN HIM i r HOW AUO AlOMot ' m!!m'??ZFZJiMX. t: tt.H7a.Ua. nr. orJ Boots and Her Buddies By V. T. HamliR BOCTe'.VjfVNr.1. CrNVV B Trt VMKJNr.& PHOTO M CONTEST VONU.Ji'lt ON iow oKit-o-oooovN, v-x-;-ri?2rfrV s : Allep Oop By Martii Little Orphan Annie By Harold Grai A. B. C. "rtJU Si' YES, WITH THE CODE-SO SIMPLE, IN FACT, THAT NO BUT THESE SOURCES-THG ANNOUNCERS INVOLVED "WHY HAMEMT YOU ONE SUSPECTS" I REPORTED THEM? i THAT WOULD NOT HAVE DESTROYED THE U BOATS-AND I COULD ALWWS PASS ON MISLEADING AND FALSE INFORMATION, EH" HM-M-LET THEM KBFP ON SENDING IN THEIR MESSAGES -BUT IF THJS ANGLE SHOULD GO WRONG, WEIL KNOW WHERE TO STRIKE, NOW- I ir - T lr 1 1 HAVE OESTROYED THE 1 1 GEORGE I A THOUSAND AGES I 1 1 U BOATS-AND I COULD 1 1 YEARS OLDER AND RAPIDLY I 1 1 ALWWS PASS ON II MORE EXPERIENCED IN THIS I I B MISLEADING AND FALSE 1 1 THAN I AM. IN 4 "BUSINESS? I 1 1 INFORMATION, EH? A I .THIS BUSINESS- E PERHAPS-1 1 I