May 20, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOX page nvi To Omaha Convention Coun ty Clork Midi K. Short hua loft fur Oniulin, Ncthr., by cur, to nt ti'inl ii cunvimtlon of the Nil lloiiul Association County Offl I'lula, Klin will iiltond lis of f Iclnl dek-yuto from Klnmuth county, nnti on tlio sumo trip will attend a untloiiiil monting of county clerks. Lust y cur's inoutinus were held In Lou AiiKclus, Mm. Short will lio gone 10 or 12 days, Leaving Cwen Mend, who hua been llvliiK hero with her slater, Mrs. II. A. Dreslo of Aviilon nlicct, In Iniivlnu Thurs day night for Hutchinson, Kus., wlicro alio will enter nuraea trnlnlnit. On tho way alio will atop In Portland to visit her par ents. Mis Mend wiim n mombor of the cltiiui thut graduated from KUI1S Wednesday evening. Visit Bon Mr. and Mra. M. J1. Pecllgo if 217 North Fifth l.treet, unri Mrs. Deiilnh Olivo of tho Pel lain hotel, returned Mon day from Clilco, Cullf., where they hud visited their aons who bio In tho urmy sir corps near . there Vlilts Thomas F. Myers, a former resident of Kltimuth Kulls, who hus been employed In Kvcrctt, WiiNh., slnco tho flrat of the ycur, hus been spending a few duys visiting with his moth er, Mrs, Josephine Culllaon, 616 Adams street, his sifter, Mrs, Leonard Mitchell, 1877 Ivory street, and bis undo, A. A. Myers, 1004 Orchard avenuo, bo foro leaving for Fort Lewis, Wash., where ho entorcd service May 18. Leaves Mrs. Wullaco CMo.w, employed for tho past six years In the roclumatlon office of this city, has resinned her poaitlon ond left on Tueadny for mi, Shoato, Cullf., where her hua bund is In the forest service Mrs. Moss will be one of the of fice forco In the forest service there. Police Court Five drunks, three vans and tliroo traffic tick ets appcured on tho roport given by tho city police Thursday morning. Keys Stolen The Safeway store at 12th and Main streets reported that keya to tho build ing and $1.30 were stolen from Uiu store Wednesday night. Courthouse Records Marriages BENEDICT - FRENCH. Roy Wallace Benedict, 20, U. S. navy. Resident of Klamath Falls, no- )'lvo of Oregon. Rosemary r'rencli, ID, waitress. Resident of Klamath Falls, native of Klam ath Falls. CORMAN-PURVIANCE. John L. Gorman Jr., 24, U. S. army air force. Resident of Pullman, Wash., native of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mary Jano Purvlance, 22, tele phone communications depart ment. Resident of Templo City, Cullf., nutivo of Indiana. WEEKS -HENRY. Lorenzo liuford Weeks, 27, laborer. Rcsl dent of Beutty, nutivo of Oregon. I.cnthn Dolores Henry, 18. Resi lient of Boulty, native of Oregon. Complaints Filed Gladys Shclton versus Carl Hhclton. Suit for divorce, charge desertion. Couple married In Portland, Ore., December 7, 1024. Plaintiff asks custody of J,hrco minor children. U, S. Bal afntlne, attorney for plaintiff. Juatice Court Alvln William Anderson Operating motor vehicle for hire without chauffeur i license. Klned $5.50. Rcnda Plggle. Failure to pro cure operator's license. Fined $5.50. Leo Glen Burns. Drunk on a public highway. Fined $10 or five days. 0 8a&n q In crisply smart Queen Quality, feet innp to attention without a protcitl Tut all the tovellneu of Spring at your feet! W5 your mm Hon 7 t Model Shoe, Stone. Returns South Pvt. Robert Proctor, United Stales army sig nal corps, returned this week to hl linmn In Pain Attn Calif.. after visiting for ono week with his cousin, George Proctor, of u;id iNorin ttigntn street, Join Navy E n 1 1 s t m e n t a through the Portland naval of flee today Included three Klnm nth Falls men. Thoy are Dorwln E. Grlse, Keith W. Smith and Howard J. Wilkinson. Returns Katherlne Isensce of Katherlne's beauty salon return ed Tuesday from San Francisco where she has been under medi cal care for the last 10 days. Sweater Theft A sweater be longing to Sherman Carter, 4612 Cannon street, was reported stolen from the Southern Pacific yards on Wednesdoy night. litllllii MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. IS. 1943) Train 19 Southboundi 6 p. ra. Train 20 Northbound! 11 i, ra Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 19 Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3:30 p. m., Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturaa, Ashland, Lake- lew and Rocky Point. 7 a. ra. ' Scout Program All Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are Invited to the program to be held In the armory Friday night at 8 o'clock. The program ia to be sponsored by the Oregon Women's Ambulance corps and guests arc to be Ensign Frances Huxley of the SPARS and Yeo man Inez Ford of the WAVES. CAP Meeting There will be an important CAP meeting to night at the high school auditor ium at 7:45 o'clock. "MONSTER RACE" THEORY Many, persons less than two centuries ago believed the bones of prehistoric animals, dug up from time to time, belonged to an extinct race of monstrous men. JUST ARRIVEDl PENCO SHEETS Special Shipmentl Laboratory Tested! Snowy Whltel WILL GO ON 8ALE FRIDAY A, M 9:00. LIMIT! 4 SHEETS TO A CUSTOMER. 63"x99" .1.39 63"xl08" 1,49 7a"x99" 1.49 81"x99' 1.S3 90"xlOB" .....1.89 . PENCO PILLOW CASES Wear Tested. Firm, n a smooth weave. 38x42.... Young Farmer Freckle-faced Allen Hcrndon, 10, pitches in as a "hired hand" on his father'a farm near Snell vllle, Oa., to help relieve short-, age of manpower. Treasure Island Slated tor Navy Base After War SAN FRANCISCO, May 20 lf'i Treasure Island In San Francisco bay will be the permanent Paci fic coaat buso of the United States navy after the war, tho board of supervisors was In formed yesterday. Major Thornton' Wilson, USMC, legal aide to Admiral John W. Grcenslade, command ant of tho 12th naval district, ap pearing before tho board to urge it to abandon efforts to regain title to the island, recently taken over by tho navy aald: "Whether you llko It or not, you are going to have the navy at Treasure Island when the war is over." He said the Island would be tho permanent baae for the navy. Penal - population of French Guiana consists of about 6000. PEN POINT STEAM ENGINE A European engineer Is said to have spent four months in constructing the world's smallest steam engine. The size of an or dinary pen nib, the engine Is composed of 18 pieces of steel and silver and its boiler holds one-half drop of water. - America has an opportunity waiting for every ability George Mardlkian, Armenian restaurateur on west coast, World war 1 refugee. ANGER-FEAR THEORY ' Anger and fear have a rela tion to the differences in the color of the hair and eyes, and In- the shape of the heads of dif ferent people, according to an eminent scientist. '.- ' BED PROTECTION Canopies were popular ever beds In past centuries, not as decorations, but to keep insects from dropping onto the bed from the ceiling. Aching, Stiff Uuscbs? Twb m tfYM igkpAMtteflat of Mtssnti ImyaH OH ftrjM"f Ww p With M mOOa Hot ttWkSi etna sVl CTftsMR 1 utjt tfw pa and mmm ( mmm Tew It't a wvntHrul format tttta ( blatter, of Msjntif oMs wfftt tmittfm i earner mTmWpfra SO ffOOd TrUT botttem arm eoW ennueltV. 0w tmi csrtast'eartian ar frionay aavSit ORDERED TO DUTY Graduating seniors in the ROTC at the University of Ore gon were ordered to active duty today at ceremonies attended by Governor Sncll. What probably will be the last ROTC review until after the war was held before the governor and ROTC staff officers. In cluded among those graduating was Jerry A. O'Callaghan of Klamath Falls. O'Callaghan Is a graduate of KUHS and Is the son of Mrs. Leo Sagchorn of Tulelukc. Colorful! Siurdyl THROW RUGS i ill Washable Chenille Shag or Tufted 098 What a homelike touch they rite I Chenille, braided, tufted or shag rugi In plain colors or (ay de signs I For all your rooms I Gay Designal Indian Blankets 199 Jacquard cot ton 70x80 blan ket with neat hemmed, edges. Drixht Indian designs I Smart Plaids Double Blankets 49 . Generous dou ble blanket. 5 wool! Sateen binding. Pink, green, blue, rose or rust I ' Save) Camp Blankets 80 reprocessed wool, 10 rayon, f)ft cotton. Dark ! jj grey only. Weight 3M lbs. Uaefull Heavy Duck Canvas yd. So many prac- tlcal uses for this sturdy durk canvaa In various weights and widths! Save at Pen ney's I 12-ox. 48" wide ... 63e yd. 14-ot. 72" wido....l.l8 yd. 14-ox. 48" wide ....75c yd. Waterproof WAGON COVER DUCK All purpose can- ngj vas, mildew proof! HO' 88 Inches wide. Vd- 100 Cotton Pillow 179 106 cotton comber pillow. If you are al lergfc to feath ers try, these I Covered with heavy . ticking! Slse 30x2a In. DOWNSTAIR .4. m. .!' WELL TAILORED SLACK SUITS Practical For Sportswear! Smart For Defense Work! 4 yfl0tW&'' " Choose JUNIOR DRESS if you Kr&JiE?$ ' ,ryle of the season ... cut , '. J , AwF -to fit YOUI ' ' i ' ' ' Vl?-V y Dashing m the word for this fine eol- YOiJ'l .lection of smart summer dressesl You'll v jirywf r!gfiiili..sT , ,ind crisp seersucker casual styles-. , , ,. 'fjylYfSsL. v. .brilliant prints in. the dressy manner . Ij "id soft smart solid pastels that : (!) JlWi, are gaily sporty! All designed for the A K tiny, 9 to 17 sizes, who want good styles A,'. Ja. m proper cut' Dashing in style . . . pre cise in cut, these tuck-in style slack suits are de signed for service! Dur able rayon gabardine that holds its shape and looks so smart! Blouse has short sleeves and convertible collar... button side slacks. Sizes 12 to 20. Dressy slack suits in smart two-tone color combinations . . . with precisely cut jacket blouse! Goy colors. Siiei 12 to 20. f ....... Men's : Smart, Men's Straw Hats v 98c Styles as cool as they look! Hopsackings and fibre meshes, handsomely trimmed with sash bands in cool colors! Cool and Fracticall MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Gabardine Slub Cloth 1 19 Penney 's Topflight duality! Shoft sleeves, two pocket model truly tops for perfect summer comfort! Blue, tan and white. Small, medium and large. -. Towncraft Sport Shirts 225 YouTl like the smooth .-fitting-." cut of this sporthirtl Lonf . sleereSj regular sport collar hi smooth rayon weave or .spun rayon gabardine. Two-button pockets and shirred ' backtt Diue, ian ana natural, am an, medium, large, " v- '. . Warm; Weather Ideas In MEN'S STRIPED T SHIRTS Can't ' beat this fine combed cotton T-shirt . any where at this price ! - Bright eye-pleasing stripes 1 Small, medium, large. ' , " 79 MEN'S ALL WOOL SLIPOVER SWEATERS Handsome Wool Heather V Neckline 198 Knit to fitl Long sleeved and good looking in tan or blue wool heather! Sizes 36 to: 46. . KHAKI SLEEVELESS SWEATERS 1 Ideal for Service Men 1 98 or Civilians All Wooll Neat and useful sleeveless slipover in army drab green. V neckline style! Men's "Football" Twill Jackets Tan satin back poplin that is 100 water repellent! Smart, cut with slash pockets. Small, medium or large. '90. Practical for WorkI MEN'S POPLIN JACKETS Water Repellent! Adjustable Side Straps! 198 Olive drab, light in weight, 2 slash pock-' . ets, also, handy . breast pocket, A thrifty price! Heavyweight CORDUROYS Same outstanding quality that gives extra wearl Blue, brown, cream or castor tan. Sizes 28 to 44. 120 MAIN FLOOR . ': H 8anforied UNIFORM PANTS 1M . Full cut, reinforced at points of strain! Sanforized jean cloth, that can take washings and tough wear. Blue, tan or green. Sizes 29 to 43. Always Popular! WHIPCORD PANTS 1" Heary weight, fully sanforised.. Grey only. All sites 29 to 44. Truckman's Overalls 89 Heavy striped blue and gold denim. Open snap bib! 1 ' , Regulation ""' MILITARY SHIRTS 2 Regulation throughout at this grand saving! Proportionately sited for perfect all over fit and sanforized 'to stay ill fit! Elne. quajlty army twill, vat dyed for. permanent per fection! : " , , ' ;. ... MAIN L00R 717 Main tt&sb wry