Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 20, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    May 20, 1048
Midland mfUia
TULELAKE A cotorlo of
guests unci officers distinguished
In American Legion nnd ouxlll
ary circles of Callforiiln, Kntli
crod hero Sunday, Muy 18, for a
district mootliiK nl which Tulo
lsko Loiilon pout, No. 104 and tho
auxiliary woro hosts. Present
for tho mcutings, which con
vened nt 10 a. m., wcro Dlntrlct
Commundvr Wllllum Sliuon,
Redding; Slate Assistant Ad
jutant Charles McGonognl; Stuto
Bcrvlco Officer Charles Forrlng
ton; Lloyd Lowory, assemblyman
from tho third California dls-Ft-lct;
District Vlco Commander
"iglow, Yrckn, and District Ad
jutant Ilouiimnn.
Postg of McCloud, Redding,
Yrcka, llllt, llnppy Canyon and
tho host post wcro roproontcd,
with 70 guests registered.
Visiting auxiliary delegates In
cluded tho department president,
Mrs. Leah Clonoy, Kurekn, and
Mrs. Lydlu Slwion, district presi
dent, ItvddlnK.
Reports of cninmlttoos, mem
bership citation and plans for
Poppy Day and for futuro activi
ties of both organizations woro
covorcd. Tho next district meet-
Inn will bo held In Dunsmulr
July 11.
Howard Dayton, commander
of tho Tulelake post, culled tho
Lculon session to order. Mrs,
Helen Thomas presided at the
auxiliary mooting.
Charles K. W cl.no presided nt
Ofio 2 o'clock dinner served In
ne annex of tho Presbyterian
church. Musical entertainment
was presented during tho dinner
hour by Mrs. E. W. Staunton at
tho piano. Mrs. Helen Llnd sang
"Cod Bless America, accompan
led by Mrs. Frank Bell and Patty
Gentry gave an accordion num
ber. .' '
Post members met In tho Le
gion halt and tho auxiliary In the
gymnasium of tho hlith school
beneath the canopy of patriotic
colors used for tho high school
end of the year festivities.
A dinner at Lucca's cafo In
Klamath Foils we treat for the
Junior class of tho high school
prior to tho closing of school.
fsTannle Adams, president of the
W.ass, who will servo next year
as student body president, was
presented with a gift and rcmom
brancea were given to tho class
advisors, wllllum Qulnn and La
Vern Hemstrect. Dorothy Thorn.
as presided at the dinner. Tho
party later attended the dnnco in
the armory, at which Horb Mil
ler'g orchestra played.
- Lylo Haas has passed his pri
mary tosts In tho army air corps
at Honcock college, Snnta Maria
Calif., and has been trnnsforrcd
to Mintcr fiold, Bakcrsflcld, for
basic training, according to word
reaching his wife and parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mass. Former
ly employed by tho Tuloluke Re.
porter, Haas, In training since
last November, has merited high
honors since his enlistment.
Mrs. Alice Marsh, homo eco.
jjomlcs instructor nt tho Unlvcr
V(y of Nevada, will arrlvo here
tho last of May to becomo nt
filiated with the school system
at tho WRA project nt Newell
for the summer months. Mrs
Marsh will tench a class in adult
education. Miss Pntrlcln Holon
Thomas, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Marvin Thomas, Tulelake,
who has studied during her soph'
omore year nt Nevada, will ar
rlvo homo for tho summer about
tho somo time. Miss Thomas has
lived during tho past year at the
Delta Delta Delta house on tho
Art CooDor litis ilvnn fnn
trip to the 4-H summer enmp
ip do neia in uorvams from
Qine 1 to Juno 11, to William
William won tho trip for
Showing tho best citizenship In
tho 4-H club.
Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y.
Franchfsed Bottler: Popil-Cola Bottling Co. of Klamath Falls
645 Spring St., Klamath Falls, Ore.
New Pine Creek
Wultor Q. Butler, 73, who sus
tained a broken leg last Wednes
day morning, Is convalescing
nicely at tho Lakovlcw hospital,
according to his son, Alvln But
ler. Mr. Butler was harrowing
a ploco of ground for his daugh
ter, Mrs. Truman Lawson and a
stick had. become caught In the
harrow. Butlor endeavored to
smusli the obstruction down by
stepping on the harrow while tho
team was still going and his foot
slipped off, went down through
tho braces and got caught, break
ing his right leg at the shin bone
and cracking it about six Inches
above, Ho lay for three quarters
of an hour afraid to shout loud
ly for holp for fear he would
startle his coltish team Into run
ning. Finally A. W. Odle, who
happened along the road was mo
tioned to Butler's aid and then
the ambulance was summoned
from Lakoview.
A. R. Smith and mother, left
last Thursday with Ann Rodo
kerchon, for a visit to Richmond,
Bert Anderson and family
havo purchased a new homo in
Lakoviow and moved last Sat
urday. Tho houso In which thoy
were living, belonging to Mrs.
Cora Follotto, Is now being oc
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cog-
burn and baby,
Melvin Walker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Walker, was rojectcd
us enllsteo In the army air corps
ut Sucrnmento and returned
homo last Thursday. Ho now is
endeavoring to get Into tho mer
chant murines.
A Girl Scout meeting was
hold lust Friday evonlng at tho
grnngo hull. A new member. La
Donu Newman, was taken In
Plans wcro made for a big. hike
May 23.
Tho 4-H Sewing club met at
the homo of Susan Faris last Sat
urday afternoon. Thoso present
were Beverley Cambron, Betty
Murray, Axlcne Tuxhorn, Nancy
Hammcrslcy, Susan, Mrs. Mar
tin Hammersley, lcador, and
Mrs. Jewel Cambron, assistant
Tho Pinochle club met last
Thursday afternoon at tho home
of Mrs. Buna, Farls, with Mrs,
Mildred Qeorgo as hostess. Mrs.
Elizabeth McCrary won high
score prize and Mrs. J. A. Smith
low. Date nut loaf and whipped
cream and coffee was served for
Mrs. Jack Hlnton was hostess
to a pinochle party last Saturday
evening, given at the .home of
Mrs. George Perkins. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny
Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Cambron, Mr. and Mrs. , Alvln
Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln L,
Farls. Mr. Bernard won high
prize ana Mrs. Betty Snider low,
Creamed-puffa, Jello salad and
coffee was served for refresh
Mr. -and Mrs. Ernest Cloud
ond son, and Mrs. Neva Morton,
arrived from Vallojo, Calif., last
Thursday evening via the Red.
wood highway. They returned
on Tuesday morning. Maurice
Morton Is working on the high
way near Alaska, driving and
servicing road machinery.
Eleanor Hamilton and Frances
Wiseman entertained their re
spective eighth grade students
at a plcnlo In Pine Creek canyon
last bunduy.
Among those attending the
Modoo high school graduating
exercises lost Thursday evening
wero Mrs. Mildred George, Mrs.
Ora Steward and Mrs. Carter of
Willow Ranch. They sat on the
platform to receive the diplomas
for tholr respective sons In the
armed forces: LaVaughn Shanks,
navy, rarragut, Ida.; Cliff Stew
ard, army, Fort Ord, Calif.; BUI
warier, army, Colorado..
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Oliver have
recently moved to Buck Creek
ranger station from Canby,
Large Dalayed Shipment of
Remambar the shortage last
winter. Buy yours now and
have dry feet next winter.
733 Main
where Ollvor worked for the
forest service. Ollvor Is a grand
son of Mrs. Eva McCrary, old-
time local resident.
LaVaughn Shanks arrived
home last Sunday evening for a
few day's furlough. He has to
return to Farrgut, Ida,, on 'May
The Happy Hour club met last
Tuesday afternoon at tho home
of Mrs. Eunice Cogburn. A large
number of the members were
present and tho pleasant "happy
hour" grew to an enjoyable two
and one-hulf hours.
Emll Buhl moved to Willow
Ranch last Tuesday morning to
resume his duties at the mill as
Oregon Rebekahs
Name President
Bertha McCullum, Portland, Is
new president of Oregon Rebek
She was elected at tho closing
session of the order's 87th annual
assembly here yesterday. Ethel
Bailey, Roscburg, was named
vlco president; Marlon Wilson,
Jiandon, warden; Louise Smith,
Baker, secretary, and Ida B.
Knight, Canby, treasurer.
u a,, m'ji ....... a&
i Ti"-r. t a"naia. 1 : : 7r . i
&i . ft : - iHWVtl' M ' XtlT?"1"- : butloht. this summer If -you .Wont 'to' keep-"7 SlL3 f U
ViM ' ' ' id HYwf.M'Ji jT -"nil" ' if ' your style high and your temperature low AjSr - '
IM '- V A' MfW f SA Xl . We don't think that you'll find prettier ' ' '
ffi! Vffttt TmPxwMi jr jr 7 dresses anywhere than .. these. Piques, Ik r'
Ny I m Ginghams, Chambrays, - and Seersuckers.- Mr.. v';" " '
WSs' i- sV'- V Ana as -.long as you're buying cottons, why If' I rJ. '
jfSC mjffSjl' fW '-no buy Nan Carson, a nationally adver- If I
1 SifjfpfcrCtjij ylillHm TiiT a . tised name that gives you 5th Avenue styl-- If I ?! - ;
IpSfc- ' - Ing ot a Main Street price. . '
jtS , l lliMWfflL' i iW lWM W ) ' JUNIOR, MISSES' AND WOMEN'S. SIZES ( IL Jf .
I '
E! ( '7 i-- tMti rwi -1 VT&iiCj Viiknuiii p,F 1 1 I .
t VV. an. M. M(oWa ill,). IomMi l- . f Pr - I.Tt' If' ( I i'V'
, tAmnmmmla.imk (m Onm. M .... -A I ' ' fa ' Sa& " V Y ' '. i
tti.'J , : OwWWUrf.lgd.ann.OrMa.1 ' ttil-H, In gl.gloa. Wwte M . ., I ... .1 5 ' ")V ll f
KU, ftst ,..,.., M, Utn, HtmtWr.lMsMI ' I, A -! '-(htl.- I M ' '.; f . k. - : ',
lm ' l-OM t Mm Vr '. - I ' I K-i ' v ' '" ' hi ' jLSt " ft
, (WariialraWnrraAiMfaneariMtj . 6-4t1t-S-nttM tplf uH. Ihw V I II I I W fOCj I II ' fi
pJt Itttb avMfcaf. 1 ifoiA acAtft, Mt(.IVWeBiWindctr.Cl , U - --it' UC-":... ..- -fetf - '!
M-'i ... SHe.rMWrf Mi.Un.lnmt, UtkplttkronJM.Hmr.tim, I ' '"' If I i '111 F ':
K Mi.,.i,i,i,thll, t On,M , ,.. r.l2feMb II I A ' ' I I I ' ' ' "" J' '
CV.1 . atetell ' l(KM. rn IWItan. i plq ttllor, Imil, m4 Mm 4 , I ', ITvT J A '' ' x ' 11 Lis " '''''
OtW tin. OrtM, M, (raw fetktt. Tli-ln-f ki. AcHm ted. ft hs NJ' ffU ' : JT " ' ' 1 H . J
j ' ' "'l'T' j
d ' ' :-: ' U ". r.'V: V " '" ' . 1
The annuul southern Oregon ram
sale at Lukevlcw has been set
for September 19 by the Fremont
Shcepmon's association, sponsor
Victor W. Johnson, secretary
treasurer said today. This Is
one of three major ram sales
held In Oregon and Is designed to
service particularly the wool
growers of northwestern Nev
ada, northern California, and
central and southeastern Oregon
counties. Preliminary estimates
of breeders show that approxi
mately 250 rams will be offered
at tho 1043 sale.
MALIN Mrs. Joe Tschlrky
and Merle Woodlcy wero in
volved in an automobile accident
on the Merrill road Tuesday
afternoon, May 18, when Wood
ley, driving down the highway
hit the Tshtrky car broadside as
it was crossing the highway from
a side road.
Both cars were badly smashed.
Mrs. Tschlrky suffered a bad cut
Take Scholastic Honors
'", ' ' t
. ',
Ct t
Msrjorie Gundarson of Hawaii, senior at Tulelake high school,
was named valedictorian of her class with an average of 2.82.
Jean Jonas, (left), followed with' an average ' of 2.65 and will
serve as the class selutatorian.
on the back of the head and was
taken to Merrill for doctor's
treatment. Woodley escaped in
DES MOINES, la., UP) If it
Isn't ono thing, it's another..
Safety Commissioner Clarence
Kocnigsbergcr got complaints
abdut dogs running through gar
" I V j 1
'FK 1
dens, so he asked owners to keep
their pets tied up. Most of them
obeyed. . .. -
Now he is receiving complaints
that 'the dogs bark more: while
tied up and night workers are
having trouble sleeping in the
Contrary to popular ideas, the
moon is yellower than sunlight,
Oregon News Notes
By The Associated Press
Orion Gleason of Oregon City
claims he has a rabbit which Is
war-conscious it gave birth to
17 bunnies Wednesday for a 62
day production record of 29.
Rogue River valley pear grow
ers and packers estimated the
1943 crop has been cut nearly
50 per cent by frosts, blight and
a "drop" of undetermined cause.
County Judge Clinton . Hurd
said the 1943-44 Lane county tax
levy will be approximately 16.2
mills, an increase of nearly 4.55
mills over 1942 because of sal
ary Increases and a 2-mlll levy
for a new Willamette river
bridge. . . . District OPA Di
rector Richard G. Montgomery
appointed James Hedric associate
district mileage rationing repre
sentative. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mills, Cove,
left for Houston, Tex., to christen
a ship named for their son, En
sign Lloyd Mills, lost in the
Alaska war zone last July. . . .
Col. Donald J. Leehey, head of
the Portland district army engi
neers, announced his transfer to
Camp Claiborne, La. ... Death
came to Walter M. Daly, .60,
president of the Title tc Trust
company,' Portland.
tTPUINP Boo the with Meuana, for-
IwnlrlU meriy Mexican Heat Pow
OF MINOR der cooling, medicated.
A Portland Jury awarded Mrs.
Marlon Whltmcr $9800 damages
In her $25,000 breach of prom
ise suit against Phil Brady, Port
land labor leader and state rep
rescntatlve. '
New undtrm '
Cream Deodorant
ofth ... v, .
Stops Perspiration
1vDoei notrot dreiio of awn's '
shifts. Does not initau skin, "
2 Nowaitingtodrf. Onbsiuti '
right after sharing.
S Iatundr stops penpirtdoa foe
. 1 to itft. Prevents odor,
4 A pure, white, srcatelMff
suinless yanishiof cream,
5. Awarded Approril Seal of i
American Iniurute-of Lsondef .
ins for being harmless to
4. A .
Alaa'la IMuaiMlan
- fabric,