May 20. 1043 HERALD AND NEWy.LAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN CLASSIFIED ADS Pnonali uuurtii.nifii"""""" CLASSES FOR BUSINESS GIRLS . In hotly rhythm llmhorlug and dmicoi Tlmritiliiy pvunlnm, 7:30 Eve Benson Dancing Studio - Phonn 01)05 or 3072 8-20 MONUMENTS Klnmuth Falls Marble lind Cimnltn Work, 116 So. 11th. Phono 03Bt 0-7m CALL 07!i() Tor concrete work on your cemetery lot. 8-1 3m ANYONK ACQUAINTED with Richard Davis who lived K. Fnlli 1042 ploimo communicate with Nellie Dickon. 118 No. Ynklma Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 6-20 fVlKN. WOMENI WANT VIM? ...i .... .. 1.. ouiniiinnih in wkubi Tablet pep up bodies Inciting Iron, Vllinnln HI, Calcium. Trlul sl.o coals little. Save REAL money, get $1 lze only Bile. Ak about bin money-saving "Economy" Im. At nil drug morim In Klamath Falls nt Whitman I"niK. 6-20 10 Sorvlcai vnn tub BKRT In tailoring remodeling, repairing, suit to order (mon'a and ladles') al ways see Rytt-Way Tailors. 110 No. 8th, phono 0862. 8-7 WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 8-31 DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic i clinic, colon and rectal dis ease. 832 Muln. Dlul 7218. 8-3 lm PICTURE FRAMING Goeller', 230 Main. 5-31m ... . HEMSTITCHING DJIESSMAK1NG. Buttons and Buckles covcrod. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mr H. M. Allcnder. 731 Main, Room 218. Phono 7203. 8-31m PAINTING KALSOMINING H. L. Brown, rhono 4220. 5-31m HOUSEHOLD refrigeration and washing machine service. Dial 6303 or 0448 after 2 p. m. Vic tory Servlco Co., 100S Pros pect. 8-15m BELTS for all makes refrlgera ) tors, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 811 South Sixth. 6-31m CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Phone 3717. 8-lm ELECTROLUX Authorized Ser vice. L. C. Carr, 821 Mitchell. .Phono 7187. 8-llm J. A. TUFTS HEATING SPECIALIST CHIMNEYS, furnaces, stoves, oil burners, cleaned, repaired. Phono 8404, res. 8040. 0-3 m LAWNMOWERS, outboard mo tor and gas engino repairing. Bodcnhamor Saw and Repair Shop. 6-9m FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, rcfinlshlng, repairing. Cabi net built. Carpenter work of i ell kinds. Painting and kalso- mlnlng done. Phone 4517. 3041 Shasta way. 8-llm WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at all times. Phono 6144. 8-lSm PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, 727 Main. B-31m FLOOR SANDING and finish ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 5-31m SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 1213 Main St. Dial 6771. 6-8m 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS 3498. 407 No. 9th St. Phone 6-6 WANTED Woman to do house keeping and care for rabbit on shares. Box 24, Modoc Point. 3547U LADY OR GIRL WANTED to do housework, Good wages. Call at 124 South 9th or phone 3716.' B-20 GIRL to- caro for two children while mother works. B18 High, v fl-22 WANTED Woman with some experience In real estate and Insurance office to work four hours each day, Address, stat ing exporlcnco, P. O. Box 200, Klamath Falls, Ore. 8-20 Experienced Office Clerk 1 Wanted. ilOEHlSON-KNUTSON CO., Inc. 627 Pino St. 8-21 LADY to care for woman and two children for about two weeks. Good pay. Homer ' Hurtgcm, nt. 3, Box 107!), Wocus. B-21 U Help Wantad, Female GIRL WANTED for parts da parlment. Merit Washing Ma chine Service, 811 South 8 21 WANTED Flritrclas steno grapher. Must bo experienced, capable and able to moot pub lic. Write Box 4088, News llorald. tf-22 WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer for small store. Must be good and willing to work, Good salary and pleas ant work. Write complete de tails. Box 4001, Nows-llorald, 8-22 18 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Man 38 years or oldor, capable of taking full chargo of parts department, Pormonont position, best of working conditions, good salary. Contact Mr. Lombard, Lombard Motors 424 S. 8th Street 3480tf LOGGER WANTED: With equipment 40 to 80M dally. So. California. Good log ging show. Roply box 4218, Klamath Herald. 519 SPRAY PAINTER WANTED Paint about 20 buildings. Spray gun furnished. Phone 7014. 8-21 WANT TWO MEN partners to cut wood at mill on contract good pay. Altamont Auto Camp. ' 8-20 18 Situations Wanted Msisftaisk' EXPERIENCED lady hotel clerk desires position, Write News Herald Box 4035. 8-20 15-YEAR-OLD BOY wonts work on farm for summer. Healthy and good worker. Ralph Branrv lett, 1433 Summers lane. 8-22 BOY, 13, wanl form Job for summer. Call 3748. B-22 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close in. Phono 4708. 1028 Jefferson. 3270tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klam alh Ave. 5-28 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 1034 High. 8-Bm ROOM FOR RENT S 14 No. 10th. 5-28 ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 5-29 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING with hot and cold water, suitable for couple or bachelor. Evcry thing furnished. S4.50 and up 100 N. Broad St. 8-20 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms. $3.80 week up. Tran sient $1.00. 6-2m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new inncrspring mattresses. Free parking. 5-31m OUTSIDE ROOMS Crater Ho tel. 129 N. 2nd. 6-1 lm VACANCY Groer Apts., 710 Main. Light, airy, steam heat ed, newly decorated, laundry facilities. Phone 4878. 4258tf 24 Apartments For Rent ; FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment 1988 Auburn. B-29 PONDOSA APTS. Klamath, -Market and B-25 TWO ROOM apartments. Every thing furnished Including fuel and utilities. 180S Main. 3400tf VACANCY Lee Apartment. Phone 9047. . 3402U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Couple. No pet. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 3403tf APARTMENT COTTAGE, close to Main, suitable for two. Ph. 4272 days, 8130 evenings. 3887U CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. S-31m 2 BEDROOM furnished Apt. Electric range, refrigerator, garage. $27.80. Phone S452. 3924U 2 ROOM furnished Apt,, with Utilities $18.00. 248 Broad. 3023tf FOR RENT 3-room and bath furnished apartment. Water furnished, $28. Close in on North 0th, Tel. 8284. ' 4537tf VACANCY Rex Arm Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 6760. Now management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. . 6-8in GLENCOURT APTS. Modern furnished $27.80 and up. Under new management. Wey erhaeuser district. Ph. 8084. 8-8m FOR RENT H-room furnished apartment. 2043 White. 4122UE 34 Automotive 34 "Cars Are Scarce Ceiling on Used Cars Soon -and Cars Will Be SCARCER! 40 PLYMOUTH B-PASSENOER DELUXE COUPE Clean, low mileage, heater, radio, defroster, fog lights and other extras. A real buy SB95 37 BUICK SPECIAL TOURING SEDAN Completely reconditioned. Motor overhauled, new front end, transmission, paint and upholstery ; $695 37 DODGE DELUXE 4-DOOR TOURING SEDAN New paint, ona owner, heater, radio and good rubber $505 37 MERCURY 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN Juat traded In, 70 rubber, A-l motor $545 '37 FORD FORDOR 85 SEDAN New transmission, new paint, upholstery $425 '38 CHRYSLER 8-CYLINDER TOURING SEDAN 80 rubber, A-l mechanical shape $395 38 STUDEBAKER SEDAN New paint, upholstery, motor overhauled, 90 rubber $425 '36 PONTIAC 8 COUPE Looks and runs A-l $205 '35 NASH-LAFAYETTE 4-DOOR SEDAN New paint, top, upholstery, motor reconditioned, 78 rubber. A real economical car .'. ..'......' $295 '35 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE New brakes, com pletely rcchcckcd, fair rubber $295 '35 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Paint bad, recondi tioned mechanically $278 '33 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Run good, good rubber, as la $125 '31 CHEV. SEDAN Looks ruff, motor good $ 95 '28 CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN Karl-Keen trunk. Lot of transportation $ 75 MODEL A FORD COUPE Good motor, rubber A-l, $ 95 '40 CHEV V4-TON PANEL New hort block, written 60-day mechanical guarantee. Selling at ceiling price. No trades $586.80 TWO-WHEEL TRAILER HOUSE Double construction plywood, 2-platc electric burner, heating stove and other buljt-lns. Cash : $195 We Buy and Sell Car and Trucks LOW FIRST NATIONAL BANK FINANCE See Selby LAST and Save Money! PUBLIC USED CAR LOT ' 7th Bnd Oak 24 Apartments For Rent ESPLANADE COURT APART mcnts furnished; by the weok or month. Walking dis , tnnce. 1605 Esplanade. 8-31m FOR RENT 4-room furnished, clean apartment Close in. Rent reasonable. Call after 5 o'clock, 2222 Orchard. 4143U CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cook with gas. Nice yard. $4 per week. 410 So. 5th. 6-13m 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water. $18. Phone 7779. 900 Owens. 8-20 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.60 week and up. 1404 Klamath. 8-21 THE ROOSEVELT VACANCY 2038 LeRoy. Phone 3817. 3797U 3 ROOM furnished apartment. -Close In. 201 East Main. 4209U SMALL 2-room furnished apart ment, private bath, gas equip ped. 325 Commercial. 4617tf 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnish ed apt White Pine Apt. 8-24 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilitic furnished. 419 No, 10th. 6-17m VACANCY Audley Apt., 8th and Walnut Phone B243. 5-22 NEWLY decorated 4-room un- " furnished duplex. Close In. Hot and cold water, electric range. Adult. No pets.r 327 South 9th. B-20 FURNISHED three-room ment. 221 Spring. apart 8-24 FURNISHED APARTMENT Walnut Apt. Phone 7193 B-22 FOR BENT Furnished apart ment and housekeeping room. $4 and up week. 133 No. 10th, 8-25 CLEAN 3-room apartment. Close in. 825 Grant. 5-22 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Close in. 117 No. 8th. 8-22 VACANCY 421 Oak. 8-26 FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms and bath. Gas, range, water paid. Garage.' Adults. ' 234 South Riverside. 5-22 28 Houses For Rent BACHELORS' CABINS Close ' In. $10 month. 810 So.. 5th. . B-21 FOR RENT Partly furnished bouse. Phone 6523. - 3587tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 6-7m B-ROOM DUPLEX Now,- large, unfurnished, or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1199 California. Phone 5858. 40.70tf FURNISHED HOUSE 3 rooms . and dinctto, 335 Commercial. v - . ' 4594U MOVING? Local and long distance. People Warehouse ' . , . . 4089tf FOR RENT Modern six-room unfurnished house close in. Gas range and water heater. Phone B431 after 8 p. m. 8-20 FOR RENT All modern du plexes, Reasonable.' 911 North 8th St. B-21 FOR RENT Small house. Adults. Phon 4667. B-21 Automotive Dial 8934 26 Houses For Rent 3-ROOM modern house, partly furnUhed. Inquire 133 North 10th. 5-20 SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Biehn. - 3401tf FOR RENT 2-bedroom home, 5 blocks from Main. Inquire 727 Lincoln. 5-22 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, $25. Call 1414 East Main. Ph. 3868. 5-22 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 5-3 lm WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, . floor waxers. Phone 3353. Klamath Furniture. 5-31m 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 3-room modern home, hard wood floor throughout, fire place, full basement, laundry tray, automatic furnace. On im proved street. Property in ex cellent condition. Price $5,750. Term. FOR SALE 30-acre improved farm, close in. $5,000. Terms. FOR SALE Half-acre tract out Shasta Way. New 8-room home, gar den In, fruit trees, shade trees, large cooling room. An excel lent buy at $2,780. FOR SALE Large 8-room plastered home, completely furnished, garage. Priced at $3,800, $300 down, balance like rent FOR SALE 238-acre farm, Improved and under irrigation, Lost river. Price $18,000. Term. Henry Newhouse T. B., WAITERS 618 Main Phone 4103 B-20 FOR SALS Good house on Oregon Ave. Corner lot, two bedrooms. Enclosed porches, shade tree. Phone 3725. S-21 If you would like to sell your home and If you want a clean cut, satisfactory deal, contact JOHN McFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th or Phone 4521 5-22 HOMES, farm, business prop erty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th Ph. 8491 6-17m FOR SALE by owner, four thou sand acres good range land In northwestern Tehama county, California. Year round water from streams, springs and wells. Fenced on three sides. Good buildings. Further in formation write Box B71, Red Bluff, Calif. 5-20 FOR SALE At sacrifice, 8- bedroom home, large garden space, shade trees, lawn. Nice location, phone 7260 or 4983 after 6:30 p. m. 5-22 FOR SALE Acre with modern home and outbuildings. Pas ture fenced, lawn, shade trees, fruit trees, berries. Merrill highway, 4 miles from 6th and ' Main. $2550 cash, Write YJc Lashua, Rt 3, Box 964, Au burn, Wash, or inquire Bertha's Store. B-20 FOR SALE Equity in modern two bedroom house. Good garden spot, Irrigation. Close in. Phone 7676. S-21 34 Automotive 34 If you are called to the Army, or for any other reason it becomes necessary to SELL YOUR CAR ' ' Get All Thai li's Worth 1 ' Dick B. Miller Co. We absolutely pay higher prices for lot model cart. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath 34 Automotive USED CARS FOR SALE BUICKS 1937 Roadmaster 1937 Special Coupe 1934 Sedan 1933 Sedan CHEVROLETS 1934 Coach , 1934 Coupe . MISCELLANEOUS 1936 Chrysler Sedan 1933 DeSoto Sedan 1935 DeSoto Sedan 1935 Dodge Coupe 1939 Ford Coupe 1936 Ford Tudor 1932 Ford Coach 1932 Graham Sedan 1942 Hudson Sedan 1937 Terraplanc Sedan 1937 Terraplane Coach 1938 Terraplane Sedan, 1937 Zephyr Sedan 1931 Olds Sedan 1932 Olds Coupe 1936 Pontiac Sedan 8 1938 Pontiac Sedan 6 - 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1935 Plymouth bedan AND OTHERS H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. 30 Real Estate For gale FOR SALE OR LEASE Close-in 23-acre ranoh, house, barn, chicken tvo use, apples, berries, cherries. Reasonable terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Since 1909 . Member Klamath Realty Board FOR SALE OR RENT 3-room house with Victory garden space, lawn and garage. Phone 3236. 3582U 14-ROOM RESIDENCE, 1 block from courthouse, $150 month income. If interested call at 134 North 3rd. 6-12m FOR SALE QUICK 3 -bedroom home, full basement, lawn, trees and shrubs; also extra lot for garden. Phone 7031. 5-20 34 Automotive WANTED TO BUY '38 or '36 car in good shape. Terms. Phone 3027. 3921tf WE BUY AND SELL Used Car. For the best deal, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lot, 7th and Oak. 3384U GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Ph. 7378. 6-6m 1935 FORD PICK-UP New heavy duty tires. 3429 Bisbee St. 5-20 FOR SALE '39 Dodge coupe, A-l condition, good rubber. Terms. Melhase Garage. S-21 FOR SALE 1935 Buick coupe In fairly good condition. Good heater, fairly, good rubber. $125 cash for quick sale. Own er leaving town. No terms con sidered. Phone 8733. 8-21 rnn sat.f 1Q3R Pontine eoune six cylinder, has good tires and looks good, tiood condition mechanically. Price $300. Can be seen at 633 Upham St. 5-26 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem . Joyer, 1438 Martin. Phone 5677. 8-15m RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing.- Most reasonable ' price. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. . 8-31m FOR SALE Dual log trailer, $400; single $115; P. O. Box 812. . 6-17m FOR. SALE Hot water tank and piping. Call evenings. 153 Oc--tavla St. B-21 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 6-llm CRATING and packing. Peo ' pic Warehouse, 4091U Automotive Phone 4103 38 Miscellaneous For Sale DO IT NOW! Protect and beautify your wood shingle roof with italn, all colors. You can paint all your buildings inside, including your buildings Inside and out side, including paint and labor with ne down payment. Pay a low M $8.00 month, up to three years to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 3197 , 66 Main . 4182U KEMTONE Olldden paint, var nishes, enamels. Kalsomlne 9c lb. Complete stock. KLAM ATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. . 5-21 FOR SALE Metal, rowing ma chine' exerciser, $4; new mod ernistic mantle clock. $12.80. Ill Sheldon. 8-20 FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. S32 South River side. 6-8m GARDEN SEEDS and supplies. Peoples Warehouse. 4090tf AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. 5-28 ROOFING Composition, wood or built-up roofs. Suburban ' Lumber Co. - Phone 7709. - . 3725U DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485U KEMTONE The best Interior finish available. Suburban Lumber Co.- Phone 7709. 3737tf ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roofing.- Sealey Bros., contractors. Phone 8920. 6-5m REDWOOD Flume and culvert lumber. Suburban Lumber. Phono 7709. . . - ' . 3943U GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, . shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 6-6m CALGONITE for washing. F. R. Market Street electric dish Hauger, 515 6-7m HARD TO GET ITEMS in Paints, Hardware and supplies try F. R. Hauger. Genuine Shel lac. Aluminum Paint and all sizes Paint brushes, Roof brushes, Whitewash brushes. F. R. Hauger, SIS Market St. 6-7m . FARMERS! Don't delay, get those patched now. bags Peoples Warehouse 4087 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6144. Mrs. Ross. 6-15m SOILAX for wall washing, paint cleaning' and general home use. GOELLER'S, across from Willard.. 5-25 KEMTONE . Goeller's, across from Willard. 230 Main. 5-25 WE HAVE a nice stock of extra heavy cedar posts. . Drop in and look them over. BUILD ERS' LBR. CO. 5-20 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. B-31m RADIOS FOR SALE First - house past Frankford's wood yard on Bend highway. 5-25 LANDSCAPING, large size fruit trees, flowering and shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and perennial flowers. Call us for estimate of complete landscaping your home. Lake- shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. . 6-1 9m FOR SALE 180 sacks Gem seed spuds, some Montana Blue Tag. Sam Mackey, Malin, Ore, Phone 353. 6-24 FOR SALE 65 sack seed po tatoes, single drop. Jerry Micka, Merrill, Ore. 8-26 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, like newr Call at 1820 Earle. 5-22 4-PIECE BEDROOM SET with spring and mattress, $80. Ph 8805. 5-22 FOR SALE Oil heater, electric stove and household goods. 1525 Austin.: Phone 6022. 3-22 3( Miscellaneous For Sale Auction Sunday, May 23rd, 1 o'clock. At yard next to Feed store, So. Sixth. One blue roan team mares, 4 and S year old, weight 1400 lb.; Holstein cow and calf, just fresh; one 300 lb. steer calf; weaner and feeder pigs; 30 fry er rabbit; set new harness; one mower; one rake; 2-horse trail er, 16" wheel; 3-horse Fresno; 2-sectlon spike tooth harrow; 6-foot disc; 12" walking plow; 16" 2-way tractor plow; one 2-way horse plow; 2-horse cultl vator; 2 good single row potato planters; S00 chick coal brood er: 7 ft. saw; forks; shovels tools; many other articles. Chev. pickup, good rubber and good condition. H. B. Hartley, Owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer. 5-20 UNCLE SAM SAY8: No re itrictions on repair and main tenance. Let u help you won your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ment low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3398U SCREEN "DOORS, window screens and screen hardware. Complete stock. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Ph. 4816. S-21 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 ter montn. Suburban num ber Co. Phone 7709. 3400tf CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER KLAMATH VALLEY LUM BER CO. Phone 4816.. 5-21 POSTS Redwood and cedar. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 4167tf ASTER PLANTS 30c dozen. C r y s t a l's, Merrill-LaXeview Junction. ! 8-22 FOR SALE .Two matching hand-hooked Chinese rugs, 9x12 with pad, and 6x8. $160. 522 Lincoln after 5. 3804tf - - NOTICE OF SALE - " All household goods belonging to Mrs. Earl Cooper. At the first house south of Bly Ranger Station, May 24, 1943, at 10 o'clock. " 5-19 NAILS. BOLTS, medicine cab inets, ironing boards, kxabi- ATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. .... 5-21 NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. . 2808tf ROOFING Cedar shingles and El Ray composition roofing. Call us for a free estimate on a real quality roof. Monthly payments. KLAMATH VAL LEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. 5-21 COLONIAL MAPLE chesterfield and chair, two sets golf clubs, 100 pound Coolerator icebox. 1740 Johnson St. 5-21 60 SACKS DROP SEED POTA TOES: also 3 sows and 12 small pigs. Rt. 1, Box 602. 5-20 38 For Sale or Trade RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. Frank Leiblein. 2916 Bisbee. 6-17m 40 To Exchange WANTED TO TRADE-7-room house with sleeping porch in Grants Pass for Klamath Falls acreage with 3 -bed room home. 2323 Wantland avenue after 6 . m. 5-22 42- Miscellaneous Wanted I BUY USED PIANOS for cash, add only value of recondition ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4519 or 7175. 5-21 WANTED Good used furniture. Lucas Furniture. Phone 3824. 195 East Main. 6-3m WANTED To buy one or more Caterpillar or International , tractors, 35 h.p. or more; must 'have dozer or drum or both Notify T. J. Moulton, 1215 S.E Grand Avenue, Tel. EA1767 '. Portland, Oregon. 5-20 WANTED TO BUY Trailer .house. Must sleep four. Must have brakes. Call 7218. 5-20 WANTED Trailer house. Will buy or rent. Herald and News, Box 4887. - . B-20 WANT TO BUY Baby walker in good condition. Phone 6298, . 5-20 PAY CASH FOR WOOL Wire or write J. J. Osenbrugge, Medford. Ore. Will call and .see you. . B-20 WANTED A 4 to B h.p. John son outboard - motor. Cash, Phone 6648 after 6 p. m. 5-20 RELIABLE PARTY wants to rent for summer months or longer, nice 2 or 3-bedroom house close in. Phone 3442 after 5. 5-21 WANTED TO RENT About June 1 good five-room house, unfurnished. References. Ph, 4179, . A - -...-f.--: 8-20 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock. turkeys and rabbit. Trulove Market, 918 East Main. Phon 4282.. 6 1m WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. B IT DAIRYMENI Fed Security Calf Food and sell all your milk. Peoples Warehouse 4089U POULTRY, feeds ment. Peoples and equlp Warehouse. ' 4088tf FQR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; weaner pigs. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 8-20 THREE BROOD SOWS for sale, $38 each. One Holstein- cow, coming fresh, $115. John Huber, Moore Ranch, Dorrls, Calif. 8-20 GENTLE HEIFER, just fresh. 9704 Avalon St., one mile west of county farm. 8-22 HORSES FOR SALE Fine team of Percherons, weight 1800 lbs. Call Lost River Dairy, 3181. 5-22 TWO 3-year-old colts, White Leg horn hens. A. J. Orr, Rt. 1, Box 785, two miles south air port. 8-22 46 Financial PAY AS YOU GO! Consolidate your old debt with a cash loan. UP TO 12 MONTHS TO REPAY Money also available ' for current need. ; Private Sales Financed ' AUTOMOBILE LOANS ' UP TO $500 ; Furniture Salary Loans ' ' Up to $300 , COMMERCIAL--FINANCE , - i CORPORATION P. A. Everett, Mgr. A, . 116 South Eighth Street, ' Telephone 3265 S-S81 ' MM .... w First Federal Has , Plenty of Money k Buy a Modern Horn r ' Refinance Your Old Horn - ' . 1 Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms , ,;Low Rat FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls i Stxth and Main Phone 819S .... S-31m .. ...See. .4 K.' A. (Dinty) Moore : For . AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS " FURNITURE LOANS! Simple Credit Requirements, Complete Privacy ... 12 months to pay - Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned ; ' Motor Investment Co; Klamath's Oldest M-275 .S-241" 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 . . 6-3 lm Automobile Loans k $20.00 to $500.00 i A Sensible Way to Get th; Money You Need , 3 If you d4 fifth. 1t ui know how much. Chancft ire we tfm Rive you enough mon?? tft "bllinee your budget'' Juit on your ttf. Alone vith monthly repiymentl imnied t fit your poi'ttethook. For exumple: A SlW.oa into loin it Coneumen mny be silo' off 1m It monthly Installment! of II0.0A eieh. "It Isn't .'hit yoil own It' Whit a tou Ire thit counts.' We also make furniture) '4 f and signature loans Consumers Credit (M-I35 720 Pine St. nt) J Phone 7711 fl-Slrr 48 Businti Opportunities i FfiR SAT.K. T.KASE OR TRAD - Good grocery store. Qoo4 business and stock. A-l local tion. 81 North Main St., Ash5 land. Phone 4131. 8-2 BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Mam It Spring Phon 1144 ', v