Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 20, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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    Briefs ir -
' Urn I
Hugh I y I
NEW YORK, May 20 (IP)
Thnr-. nnthins like a fieht to
start a fight, to here's another
hot one getting underway
Seems that Eddie Mack, the Bos
ton promoter, is .- hollering to
Governor Thomas E. Dewey of
New York that Mike Jacobs is
hnoclno the New York state ath
letic commission and, incidental
ly, damaging Mack's Willie pep
Sal Bartolo featherweight "title"
fight at Boston, June 8 ... . . And
since Mack was a sergeant dur
ing .World war I, he's no green
hand at hollcrin.
In case you've ..wondered why
Peoria (which isn't a bad spot at
all) is the accepted symbol for
a bush league town, here's what
happened in a high school game
there the other day . The third
baseman made a putout at sec
ond base on a throw from the
right fielder, who picked ' up a
ball that dropped between the
center fielder and the second
baseman . . . And in the same
contest the umpireraced from
the plate, to second to - call a
play ... Going back, he picked
up his cap at the mound, his in
dicator halfway to the plate and
then asked: "Where's my mask?"
.... It was under his arm. -:
; ' t - , .. -..v.. -.
:: Wendell Lalime, Newport (Vt.)
Daily Express: "Coach Bill "Mc
Carthy " of NYU'S championship
baseball squad has achieved his
best record in 22 years of coaching-there:
We, didn't know it
took: so long for a McCarthy to
make good in New York." : '
.. '
The Reds are using an extra
lively ball in batting practice
and nearly knocking it out of the
lot. So far they haven't been
able to do the same to the re
vised balata ball... . Pvt. Johnny
Greco, the crack Canadian' light
weight, . entered a Montreal hos-
pital yesterday to have his ton
sils yanked out-.-. ., Maybe one
reason why Jake LaMotta, the
New .York welterweight who
fights Fritzie Zivic in Pittsburgh
next week, is called the-"One
-Man Gang" is that he. needs all
the family's .six ration books to
satisfy his appetitle.' Says Mana
ger Mike Capriano:. ;"I've never
seen anyone, with, such devotion
to a cow." .
Navy Lieut. Don Patrick, a
survivor of the sinking-of the
Wasp, found time to pitch a
game for the York,; Pa., , club of
the Interstate league the other
night He beat Lancaster . . . .
Since he: joined .the" army :two
years ago as an aviation- cadet,
Lieut. George ; Varoff, former
world-record pole vaulter, has
served as an instructor ' and a
squadron, commanding officer,
but now he has gone ' back to
school as a student pilot on Lib
erator . bombers . at the Fort
Worth, Tex., army air field.
PASCO, May 20 VP) The
.Pasco naval air station baseball
team defeated Geiger field of
Spokane 20 to 1 and 10 to 5 in
a doubleheader here yesterday.
Braves Drop Builder-Upper
Lefty Gomez Without Test
BOSTON, May 20 (Speak
ing on the National league's rec
ord, Lefty Vernon Gomez, who
helped pitch the New York Yan
kees to seven pennants while
winning' '-j 189 games for - that
clamorous club in -13 seasons,
has been given another uncon-.
dltlonal release ; by those sur
prising Boston Braves without a
regulation test. . -
. But speaking of that record,
as several of his Braves admirers
have . done, Gomez, without
throwing a single pitch in a sin
gle league game, has done much
to inspire that consistent seventh
place club into a terrific drive
that has moved it to within' a
game of the first-place Brooklyn
Dodgers, according to today's Na
tional league ratings.
Although Gomez, except for
those he encountered in world
series competition, ' knows 'but
little about the National league's
players, most of his Braves team
mates agree that his baseball
superiority complexes, ingrained
during Ms many years with-the
successful Yankees, has, by more
contact,- helped therit rid -them-
That's what wo thlnkl But ugly round.
Worm may In Inald you right mm, caus
ing troubla without wur knowing It. Warn
Ing algna nral untiwr atomach. , nervous
MM, Itching iru. Got Jarna'i Varmifuga
right away UAYNE'S Is Amarlca'a landing
sronrlaUry worm mnilolnt i aclintlflcally
tMtod and iiwd by million. Arti gently,
lit tun you ml JAYNB'S VERM1FUGEI
Oregon Puts
But Fifteen
In Track Go
Coast Racer Gather at
Seattle for Conference
.Meet; Cougars Enter Five
SEATTLE, May 20 ) The
entrance of only 15 men yester
day dimmed somewhat the
chances of the University of Ore
gon in the Coast conference
northern division track meet
here Saturday.
Among the missing from the
Oregon roster was Ray Dickson
ace broad Jumper arid low hurd
ler. Another setback for the
Webfoots is the .recent illness of
Don Wilson, distance runner.
Washington has entered 23
men, Oregon State 12, Washing
ton State 12, Idaho 22, and Mon
tana, three.
Washington State's small
squad includes five potential
first place winners.
At Pullman yesterday. Coach
Babe Hollingbery said his squad
"should take two or three firsts,
but added: "We can't be expect
ed to do much."
. ' Hollingbery said he did not ex
pect Jeff Person, pole vaulter
who had been counted on for
some points, to make the trip
because of an ankle injury. Les
Lieble, distance man, is suffering
from an undetermined chest ail
ment but Hollingbery expressed
the hope it was not too serious.
Mills School
Gets Award for
The Joe Peak sportsmanship
trophy- awarded each year since.
1933 on the vote of the- partici
pating athletes to the school
showing the best sportsmanship
was presented to Mills grade
school at a special assembly at
the school Friday.
This marks, the first time the
Mills school has taken the trophy.
Roosevelt, the school that took
the. trophy last year, came a
dose second in the balloting this
season. ...
The Mills school also took the
track- meet trophy at the same
W. L. Pet
Los Angeles -.26 3 .8971
San Francisco . ..17 12 .586
Oakland ......... ...17 14 .548
San Diego ..16 15 ".516
Hollywood 14 16 .467
Portland ZZ,';.,.'.;,,;.10 19 .345
Sacramento . ..10 '20 .333
Seattle 9 20 .310
-Los Angeles 10-4, Hollywood
4-1. - - r .--
-San-Francisco 7, Oakland 6.r
Sacramento 3, San Diego 0.
Seattle 2, Portland 1.
. W. L. Pet.
Brooklyn ......:..17 9 .654
Boston ...... 14 8 .636
St. Louis ...::.:.i3 " g .591
Philadelphia 11 11 .500
Cincinnati ...:.12 13 .480
New York . 11 14 .440
Pittsburgh .. 9 13 .409
Chicago 7 17 .292
; St. Louis 3," Brooklyn 2.
: Boston 2-5, Pittsburgh 1-3.:
New York 3, Cincinnati 2.
Chicago at Philadelphia, post
American league standings un
changed. selves of their defeatist repres
sions. .
"If Gomez never works a game
for us, he will more than earn
his salary," one of the Braves'
outstanding players said recent
ly. "He still acts like a Yankee,
for he considers all National lea
guers as second-raters and when
he tells us we can murder that
NBA Blesses
Blessings of the national boxing
association have been bestowed
conditionally upon the pro
jected lightweight elimination
tournament in Los Angeles this
Association President Abe
Greene Informed the California
athletic commission yesterday
that official approval will be
given , the tournament if con
tenders recognized by NBA are
included, and If Sammy Angott,
retired NBA champ, is offered
a fight with the winner.
When In Medford
Stay at
Thoroughly Modern
Jo and Anne Earley
Brooklyn Dodgers' Top
Spot Rather Unhealthy
Penthouse Bums Jeopardized by Boston
Braves as Cardinals Win Another, 3-2
Associated Press Sports Writer
The Brooklyn Dodgers are in the position of the noisy tenants
who are going to get kicked out of their top floor apartment as
soon as the lease expires.
The Bums have been occupying the penthouse of the National
league ever since the season started, but two consecutive defeats
by the St. Louis Cardinals have placed them in jeopardy of losing
their first place perch not to the world champions but to the
Boston Braves.
Boston, with good pitching and a surprisingly well-balanced
attack, has won seven straight
games, including a double- ,
header yesterday from the
Pittsburgh Pirates 2-1 in 11 in
nings and 5-3.
If the Braves should win
again today and the Dodgers
lose, Boston would move into
top place by a percentage mar
gin of .652 to .630.
The Dodgers were smothered
by southpaw pitching again yes
terday 3-2 as Max Lanier and
Rookie Brecheen combined to
hold them to six hits. The Car
dinals counted a run in the first
inning when Stan Musial scored
all the way from first base on
a terrific single by Walker
Cooper and they cinched the
game on Coaker Triplctt's two-
run homer in the sixth.
Brooklyn's hopes for today's
final game rested chiefly in the
fact that they would be facing
a righthanded pitcher for the
first time in the series but the
righthander happened to be
Mort Cooper, the league s lead
ing pitcher last year. In a move
of desperation, Manager Leo
Durocher planned to call on
Rube Melton to pitch for the
Dodgers on two days' rest.
: The Braves had difficulty
downing the Pirates In their
first game, although Nate An
drews kept nine hits well spaced
and allowed no runs after the
f irst f r a m e. However, the
Braves weren't able to score
against Rookie Xavier Rescigno
from the third to the eleventh,
when Johnny McCarthy singled,
stole second, and sped home on
a single-by Whitey Wieteimann.
McCarthy made four of the
Braves' eight hits. -
In the second game the first
four Braves who came to bat
against Hank Gornickl hit
singles and knocked him out of
the box in the midst of a three-
run rauy. Lieorge jeiu.ua,
pitching five-hit ball, muzzled
the Pirates on-one run till the
ninth, when they tallied twice
and forced Jeff coat to have
In the day's only otner game
Mel Ott hit a two-run homer
off Johnny Vander Meer m the
first inning to lead the New
York Giants to a 3-2 conquest
of the Cincinnati Reds. New
York was outhit 12 to 5, out
the Reds were unable to take
advantage of their opportuni
ties till the ninth, when a two
run rally fell short.
All games in the American
league were postponed for the
third day in a row Decause ot
weather conditions and the Chi
cago Cubs at Philadelphia in the
National league also was post
pitcher or beat those guys, we're
convinced that we can."
Regardless of Gomez' skill as
a morale builder, Quinn, due to
major league baseball law, must
cut his roster to 25 players by
midnight tonight. Since all of
the other hurlers on the club
have proved themselves in com
petition, Gomez, who worked
only a few innings for the Braves
in a spring training exhibition
game, was the logical one to be
cut from the pitching squad.
Meanwhile very few of the
other 15 major league clubs are
content with their pitching and
Gomez' chances of being grabbed
off immediately appear very
bright, judging from the way the
doubleheaders are piling up in
each league.
H. E. Hauger
1330 Main
m 1
.May 20, 1913
loung nsnerman
Billy Dick Brown, 9-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Brown, 2853 Front street
caught an 11-pound trout off
the Shippingion dock with a
regular pole using salmon egg
clusters for bait. The fish,
which dad helped to land, was
23 H inches long and made re
markably good eating.
May 20 (ff) Richard A. Trusk-
owskl, former University of Ida
ho football star coach at Coeur
d'Alene high school the last four
years, has disclosed he will be
gin service in the army soon as a
second lieutenant. He will be
stationed at the infantry replace
ment center, Camp Roberts,'
NEWBERG, May 20 (IP) New-
berg high school boasted an un
defeated baseball team today. It
closed its season by mastering
Woodburn, 6 to 2, yesterday for
its 13th straight victory.
' j '
Away from home? Regardless of
where he is, nothing is more cheering;
than news from the folks ho loves.
v Sit down today make it a regular
duty it's one of the important
things you can do to help him.
In between times, write a few checks
for War Savings Bonds another
sure way to help speed Victory.
Tint mmingr, contributed by
Ditlilkn and Boltlcn of '
CENTURY CLUB (I0 Proof StraW llourbon or FilrnmU tly Wlmliry
Angels Mark
Up Straight
Win Record
Southmon Toko Doublo-Go
From Stars; Seattle Drops
Portland in Cellar Battle
By The Associated Press
Los Angeles took a double
header from Hollywood yester
day and thereby established a
new Const Icaguo record for con
secutive victories, apparently to
the complete satisfaction of the
last diehard diamond historian.
And Hollywood's Johnny Dick-
shot extended In hitting streak
to 31 consecutive games.
Those things yesterday hold
the attention of most league funs
But there was one other thing.
Down in the dark reaches of tire
cellar a little light flickered and
shown as Seattle defeated Port
land 2 to 1 to snap a nine-game
losing streak which began with
a defeat at the hands of San
Francisco, oxtendod through
seven drubbings by Los Angeles
and the opening gamo of the cur
rent Portland series.
The scores on the Angels rcc
ord breaking contests were 10 to
4 and 4 to 1, the latter in seven
San Francisco Increased its
hold on second place behind Los
Angeles by outlasting Oakland 7
to 6 in 15 innings, and Sacramen
to pushed San Diego further
back into third placo with a 3
to 0 victory.
Portland's loss to Seattle was
the 14th this season the Beavers
have dropped by one run.
Sport Notes
Associated Press Staff Writer
The more optimistic fans of
the Portland unlucky Beavers
hold to the view that pretty
soon the club will begin to hit
and when that happy day arrives
it will win any number of ball
games and the current slump
will be only a memory.
Up to the start of the present
series with Seattle the club
needed only a slight improve
ment in hitting. Almost 75 per
cent of its losses were by one
It may be that the unlucky
Beavers will begin to hit more
substantially soon and jump into
a winning streak but there is
one thing to remember: That is
that the Beavers, all through
their dismal losing streak, have
been getting high grade pitching.
Suppose the pitchers go into
a slump when the batters emerge
from theirs? It does happen.
Jimmy Garrison, the boxer
who won a terrific following in
Portland and will box Henry
Armstrong In an open-air show I
July 13, is in California having!
his tonsils extracted. The Gar-1
rison-Armstrong bout will bo a
Chuck Crowcll, heavyweight
who boxes Lou Nova Friday
night in Portlandi claims that
Nova ran out on him in 1938.
Nova is in Portland for Friday's
fight and there will be no more
run-outs so we will see then
Zuppke Paints 'Old 77"
i.i m-niM fiimmii lap . ji mi,! .1 .n
yfC j iff:-)
Bob Zuppke. retired U. of Illinois football mentor, artist and
prise pig raiser, views his portrait ol the ''Galloping Ghost," Rid
Grange, whom ha coached to grid immortality two docades ago,
"Gutu I'm the only coach who ever had a back as good as
Grange," ht said, "and I must be the only coach that ever paint
ed his star." The picture was to be given Grange, now with a
Chicago Insurance company. Zuppke lives In Champaign. III.
whether Cnrlln was luckier bo
fore. Dick Strlte of the Eugene Reg
ister Guard nominates Al Aklns
of Washington Stnto for a place
with such collegiate sports vor
satlles as Jucklo Robinson and
Don Durdan. Robinson was a
four-sport mnn at UCLA and
Durdan a thrcovsportstcr at OSC
In an ago when few athletes at
tempt to partlclpnto In more
than two sports. Aklns, a 180
pound Spokane lad, Is a member
of the WSC track squad and
Medium weight roofing for use on farms and out buildings. Roll covers
100 square feet. Mica-Talc surfaced!
. ..:''.'.
Heavy weight talc-surfacedl Made of long, heavy fibre felt saturated
with asphalt. Superweight 65 lbs. Flro resltlantl
Economical to use . . . heavier .weight for longer wear on cottages or
barns. Boll covers 100 square feot
100 asphalt coatedl Weighs 90 pounds per 100 square feet. Surfaced
with slate granules that protocll Black, rod, green .,.
Surfaced with Sta-so-Slsto granules. Guaranteed for long wear. Staggered
edge for beauiy, giving shinglo offoctl '....
baseball team. Ho has dabbled
In football but played In only
one varsity game last full.
M1LWAUK1E. May 20 (IP)
Oregon City, Mllwauklo and Cen
tral Catholic, Portland, high
schools scored 01, 40s and 2l)i
points, respectively, In a track
meet here yesterday. Individual
honors went to Richard Hicks,
Milwaiiklc, who won the 100
and 220 yard dashes and the
high luirclli'j.
Ball Player
Gets Notice
Paul Cropo, fni-mnr Klamath
basketball and bnsnhull player,
is up to his old tricks of break
ing up busplmll giinu's. Uptm
reading n Uakoinflold papi'i- wo
see that hn blunted ui niy pitching
and fielded fmiltlfsaly. Tho
paper rend:
"Paul C'rnpo of the 327 Squad
roll, n basknlunll player of noted
ability, proved lo hn quite as
vcnmtilo on the diamond with n
bHNcbull but (tint gluvc. He per
sonally lod his undefeated Mln
tor Field males to their tenth
straight win of the season this
pant Wednesday, defeating tho
Hummer Field numbers 4 to 1 In
thole own buck yurd,
"Playing his first gnmn In a
Mlnter uniform this year, ho hut
ted In all four runs with two hits
including a three run limner In
tho fourth Inning und pluyed a
fluwlcss game afield, his I hire
putouts made all coming nf tor
sonsutlonal runs.
"And It was by a mere coin
cidence tluit Crupo broke Into the
lineup. Hud It not been for tin)
sudden Illness of second sacktir,
Glenn Vaughn Just In'foro game
time, tho new star would still Ko
sitting it out on the bench. Less
than an hour before tho contest
was scheduled to got underway,
Vaughn reported to Coach Huh
McKarlund that ho would nut bit
able to play. Coach Met'arliinil
changed his lineup at this point
moving his regular centerflolder
Into third busoand placing Crupo
In that spot, Ills strategy work
ed as Crupo came through with
flying colors."
Good work, Paull
You Drive Move Yourself
Save )i -Long and
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