May 10, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE F1VH Viaitlng Hare Mm. Norinnn Nllaon unci sun, Noriuun Eurl, ro ipgndlnit two woeka huru vlaltlnii at tlio Imme of Mra, Nllaen'i parenti, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Muakopf of I'lHIcmi City. Mr. Nllaon In tlio inrim-r Uui othy Muakopi. Her liimbijucl Ik attending a manpower commla lion conforonco In Son Fran claco and la rxpectcd hire Hun day und will n-lurn to Portland with III funilly. In Hospital J, A. KlncuUI of tlio Rooaevolt apiirtinnuU, presi dent of KFJI, la critically 111 at St. Vliiuonl'a liiiitpllnl, Portliiiid, und both Mra. Klnculd und tlwlr son, Ocoruc, arc at lila bcdhklu. Mra, Qvoriiu Klnculd wnx culled to Portlnnd Tiicmliiy nliiht. Kln culd lini been In Portland for tlio puat tlircu wcoka, underwent a major operation from which ho ia not recovering In u anllafuctory manner. Mt.llnM Thn Rait. HnnrtA W. Wheutlcy, pnator of tho Ulblo Biiptlut church, hua unnuiinccd that hia church la Joining wllli Klumiilh Falla In Ihc calibration of "African Victory" duy und t hut a apodal time of prayer und thnnkaulvlnil hua been nchcduled for Wcdneaduy, tonlKht, lit 7:-tS o'clock, ut tho church located on Wiartl at South Sixth alrcut. A cordial Invitation la Issued to the public and a ipcclnl request made that purcnla of aervice men attend. From Los Angolas Wuril Payne, aon of Frank Payne of 1844 California avenue, return ed here Monday from I.oa An Kelea whero he hua been In div fenaa work ill Itudlo Plane com pany. Pay nil will leuvo tonlKht for Portland for his final physical examination for aervlco In tho United States army. Returns Mra. Clnrencn Fos ter of 1804 Arthur street, who waa called to Oakland, Calif., by tha tarloua Illness of her daughter, Beverly Miller, hna returned from tho south. Miss Miller ia recovering nicely from an operation for appendicitis nt the Alameda hospital In Oak land. To Portland Ruby Eatelle Gunn, young daughter of Frank Gunn of Wcyurhaeuser n e n r licHuy, nna peen niovcii ituiu Klamath V a 11 a y hospital to Shrine hospital for crippled children In Portland. Tho little girl suffered sevoro burns on the hands and face. She will re celva treatment In tho north. raua Alarm ins cny lire department wna culled to the 700 block on North Third street at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday In answer to a false alarm. Chiloquin Girl Named Outstanding EUGENE, May 19 T) Do Loralne Markwardt, senior from Chiloquin at tha University of Oregon, has been named out atandlng woman In her class In the school of business administra tion. OBITUARY BEVERLY ANN NORRIS Beverly Ann Norrls, the In fant daughtor of Mr. und Mrs. Leonard jvorris ot i-nuoquin, Ore., paaitd away at Klamath Agency on Tuesday afternoon, May 18, 1043. Little Beverly Ann waa bom on Muy 18 at Klomath Agency. Besides her parent aha Is survived by a ltr, Carmellta; her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Norrls of Crescent City, Calif., and Mrs. Myrtle Garcia of Chil oquin, Ore., and seven uncles and four aunts. Graveside serv ices will take place In the Hill cemetery on Thursday afternoon, May 20 at 2 o'clock with the Rev. B. V. Bradshaw officiat ing. Friends arc respectfully invited to attend. Wards Klam ath Funeral Homo in chargo of tha arrangements. WANTED! RADIOS TO REPAIR Many railloa are developing aympluina of old age. If yuurs Is, It. Is llnin In have an expert look II over. Our radio repair depart mml Is equipped to bring per formance! of most old sets up to par, Hrlng yours In for a tune up. WE CAN KEEP YOUR CAR IN GOOD SHAPE FOR THE DURATION! In Eutjona Mra. Trunk Puyno of 1H44 California uvoniic, la spending1 aevoral duya In Eugene ut tho University of Oregon. Sho In expected homo Thursduy, On Business A. O. Samson la upending aovnrul days here on business from hia home In Med ford. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effectiva Fab. 15, 19431 i Train 19 Bouthboundt 0 p. m. i Train 20 Northbound! 11 a. m. I Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. in. j Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m. ' Modiord Btuga, Westbound, 3i30 p, m., Evening Airmail, Stages, to Alturas, Ashland, Lake vlow and Rocky Point 7 a. m. Auxiliary Meets The Eaglas uuxlilury will hold their regu lar meeting Thursduy night ut 8 o'clock ut tho Eagles hull, All members of the drill team are nsked to bo present for thero will be u practice for Installa tion alter the meeting. Club to Moat The Lady Eagles club will meet Friday at 7:110 p. in, ut tho home of Phyllis Slel.enmuellcr, 2132 Orchard Tunis Air Vet Now Chief of Staff in f Second Bomb Force ' FORT GEORGE WRIGHT, Wash,, May ID W) Brig. Gen. Eugene L. Eubank, commander of tho reorganized second bomb er command, has selected an air veteran of tho Tunisian cam palgn, Col, Hugh P. Rush, as his chief of staff, the Fort Wright public relations office announced today. The announcement, Hating all staff members, mild General Eubank'd command had taken over the task of developing heavy bombardment, units and crews at more than half the, bases of the second olr force, which embraces all the area from the Mississippi to the Pa cific slope. Auto Licenses to Be Printed at State Office SALEM, May 10 (fP) Wind shield stickers for Oregon auto mobiles In 1044 will bo printed at the stnto printing office here, Secretary of State Robert S. Far rell, Jr., Indicated today. Sav ings In coats and time are fore seen, ho said. A number of motorists did not fully understand Instructions for applying this years decal typo of Ucenso marker and now com plain that it Is coming off wind shields, Furrell has pointed out. Safeguards to insure the quality of tho stickers and to make counterfeiting difficult are under scrutiny. Body of Missing Portland Girl Found in Pond PORTLAND, May 18 (P) The body of Bcrnlce Shaw, 8, was recovered from a pond north of her homo near a St, John's housing project, Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw, report" ed the girl missing late yeater. day and dragging of the pond started after her clothing was found on tho bank. There are 120 counties in the state of Kentucky. I P Protect abruM akin and AUK, TP aooth, rrith Moiaaoa. lor- UliHr t ?rly Mln Heat Pow- AH N n v "ft AK,'v burning ANNOYS of hut-radi irritated akin. L Four-H aummor school schol arships and other awards have been presented to boys and girls at their varloua community fairs und achievement day programs by Sears Roebuck und compuny, J. C, Penney, Oregon Builders' Congress and others. The winners were selected because of leadership, intereat and achlovoment In 4-H work und were selected by locul club leaders. These boys and girls will at tend the annual session held on tho Oregon State college campus this year from June 1 to June 11 inclusive. They will be part of a delegation of 00. Tho group will leave Juno 1 by school bus, Heretofore, transportation has been by train, but since railroads are not accepting civilian group movements this year, the ODT offered to make school buses all over the state available for the trip. Scurs summer school scholar ships were received by tho fol lowing: A 1 1 a m o n t, Dorothy Klneraion. Dorothy Pcugh; Fair haven, Alvin Daniel; Bonanza, Llla Jcun Driacoll; Malln, Dar lene Griffith; Bly, Lois Osborne; Spruguo River, Sally Zadow; Henley, Alma Stover. Scurs duiry contest winners urc: Altamont, Marilyn Olson, Bruce Crawford; Mulin, Joan Steyskal; Merrill, Tony Cucka; Henley, Donna Dixon; Chilo quin, Doris Ann Ethrldgc; Bon anza, Paul Clark; Olcnc, Mnry Louise Haynes; Bly, Marie Jean Tlbblts. Penney's summer school scholarships were: Fairhavcn, Norma Chandler; Merrill, Lois Lee Kandra. Miscellaneous summer school scholarships were: Malin, Lou retta Faulkner, given by Malln grange. Spraguc River, Mcldu Chandler, Phyllis LInzi, given by AFL, George Gray, Spraguc River. Chiloquin, Richard John, Gene Hartman, given Builders' scholarships to summer school. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS HORSLEY Born nt Klam ath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., May IS, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horsley of Bonanza, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds. STILES ' Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., May 18, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stiles, 1721 Wall street, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounces. Twelve thousand worshipers can be accommodated by tha ca thedral at La Paz, Bolivia. SCHD A IS AWARDS GIVEN 4-H CL Mink-Dyed Coney. Unexcelled for warmth, 1 beauty and long wear. 49.50 Fur fashions of regal magnificence. Sable 199.50 Henley J- A V )1 . ' . , , ' Shown above are the Hanlay 4-H club winners being praaanted their awards by J. E. Hawk ins, managor of Sears Roebuck and company, which gave tha prizes. Left to right are Taylor High, winner of on of the blue ribbon groups in last year's victory garden contest sponsored by Stars; Alma Stovar, winner of the summer school scholarship; J. E. Hawkina, Donna Dixon, calf wlnntri Mra. Rax High and Mary Brunner, two 4-H club leaders. Tl L PORTLAND, May IB (ZD Seven suits for overtime pay, all bused on charges of viola tions by employers of the fair labor standards act of 1938, were filed yesterday in federal district court. Tony Zitto, camp cook, plain tiff in three cases, asks a total of $4038 in overtime pay from three logging companies, SI 240 from tho Weyerhaeuser Timber company at whose camp 40 miles west of Klamath Falls he worked from October 24, 1938, to May 13, 193B. Another suit Is for 5878 from the Lamm Lumber company near Chilo quin. Charles X. Zimmerman, also a logging camp cook, asks over time totaling 51342, Including $135 allegedly duo him for work in a Weyerhaeuser camp near Chiloquin in 1940. Another suit asks '51206 for work In a Weyerhaeuser camp near Klam ath Falls in 1941-42. Two similar suits against the Weyerhaeuser company were filed by Felix Rousseau, asking S1851 for overtime put in at a camp near Beatty in 1941, and by Herman O. Stevens. 5243. for work In a camp near Keno in 1039. Alt suifs were filed by James Landye, Portland attorney. SUITS Fl DON YERHAEUSER ff you would own a good fur coaf t o wear with pride and satisfaction, better BUY NOW . . .and congratulate yourself on good foresight later on. Compare the luxurious selected pelts with any fur coat you've ever seen at these pricesl Magnificent Caracul 89.50 - Dyed Muskrat Durable warm coats that will glamorize you. Four - H Clubbers Get Awards ' v 1 if ' t ' 4 I ( ' CiJ Ay PTA Notes ROOBEVELT The Mother's Day tea and in stallation of officers on Tues day, May 11, concluded the meetings of Roosevelt PTA for the school term. The following officers were elected, Mrs. Peter Rozendal, president; Mrs. E. A. Geary, first vice president; Mrs. A. D. Lambert, second vice president; Mrs. Earl Sanders, third vice president; Mrs. E. W. Tomlin, secretary; Mrs. Virgil Bewley, treasurer. Installation was conducted by Mrs. R. E. Thompson who used the impressive flower ceremony. Mrs. F. Cecil Adams was instal lation chairman. The teachers were hostesses for the lovely tea which followed a brief pro gram. Asked to pour were Mrs. A. D. Lambert, retiring presi dent, ond Mrs. Rozendal. Aluminum is used In making steel chiefly as a purifying agent. White Moccasin Sport Oxfords Sixes 33 to 9 FOULGER'S 525 Mela Sable-Dyed 'Coney Supreme fur luxury that every woman wants. 69.50 ' ' ' V . i , , $ u ft 1 4 I Legion Auxiliary Continues Plans For Poppy Day Faith In America with those j who have died in the nation's' service will be pledged anew on Poppy Day, May 29, Mrs. J. H. ; Gallagher, American Legion aux iliary poppy chairman, said to day as the auxiliary continued preparations for its annual dis-j tribution of memorial poppies, j Poppies will be offered to; everyone in Klamath Falls byl the women of the auxiliary on' Poppy Day. No price will be asked for the flowers, the pen nies of children being just as welcome as the dollars of the wealthy. A poppy over every heart is the goal. Always read the classified ads Pi L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lom of Tlml Pcmunent RMultsI DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlropractto Physician US Ho. 7th Eiqulre Thulri Bids. ' Phoiv Itfl f'ii : -H-Mi m I ' ntW ft wMi y Roseburg Station Gets FCC Okay to Increase Power WASHINGTON) May 10 fH The federal communications commission has authorized sta tion KRNR, Roseburg, Ore., to use 250 watts power day and night, with the understanding that when materials become available the licensee, tho News Review company, will erect an antenna which complies with FCC standards. Churchill Becomes Grandfather Again LONDON, May 19 tP) Prime Minister Churchill be came a grandfather today for the fourth time. A daughter was born to Lt. Col. and Mrs. Edwin Duncan Sandys their third child. Mrs. Sandys is the prime min ister's daughter. Lt. Col. Sandys is parliamentary secretary for the ministry of supply. ! THAT DEFEMDAELE COLUMBIAN SERVICE I Scientifically Ground Sun Glare Glasses Individually Ground for You , Any Color or Degree of. Color Registered Optometrists 9 Examination No Cost or Obligation One Price Cash or Credit 165,000 Satisfied Patients Open Evenings by Appointment THAT DEPENDABLE COLUMBIAN SERVICE KC Convention to Be Held in Salem KLAMATH FALLS, May 10 (P) Otto L. Smith, state deputy, has announced that tho 38th an nual convention of the Knlghla ot Columbus, will bo held at Salem next Saturday and Sunday. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ARMORY Muslo by Baldy's Band Dancing 9 Till 1 Admisaiont Women, 11c Tax 9a Total 20c Men, 90c Tax 9c, Total 99c . Service Men. 50c, Tax So Total 5Sc SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR COAT UNTIL WANTED SPECIALIZED SERVICE m-v , X lull!! BUY MORE WAR BONDS UNITED MOTORS 1434 Main Phone 810S 617 MAIN