Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 19, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mny 19, 1043
Scan, Roobuck and company
lun contributed $7,710,81)0 to tlio
siivIiiks nnd profit sharing pen
sion fund of their employe!" an a
result of tlio company's 1042 op
erations, .
Thin announcement win mucla
toiliiy by J. K, ILnwklns, miinuifar
of Hears Uicul Htoro, upon recolpt
of tlio 11)41! financial report of
pension fund which I Issued to
nil Scars omployo-mnnoHor of
tlio fund,
Mr. IliiwkliM Htutcd that 48,.
822 Scum employe, or 09 per
cent of tlio firm's clliflbla em
ployes, aro Hhnrintf In tlio com
puny contribution on a pro-rata
per dollar deposit basis accord
ing to length of service, Includ-
Ctl umonK tlio employes sharing
tlio firm's contribution era
(proximately 7000 of tlio 11,000
employes wlio aro now serving
in the U. S, armed forcos,
Sears' cmployo profit sharing
fund is one of tlio oldest profit
sharing and pension plans in the
' country. It wns started on July
1, 1010. In this 27 year Interval,
the company has contributed a
total of $52,840,000 to the fund
to which has been added tho em
ployes' deposits nnd tho increase
acquired through dividends and
other earnings.
Sears employes, through their
membership in the fund, are tho
company's largest stockholders.
On Jnnunry 31, 1043 tho fund
hold 703,170 shares of Sours
slock, or 13,8 per cent of the
outstanding shares of the firm.
Bused on tho April 1 market
value of the stock hold and In
cluding tlio fund's uninvested
the members had credited
l" their accounts nl the close of
tho fund's fiscal year a total of
more than sixty-seven million
Mailman Davies
In Moscow to See
Stalin for FDR
MOSCOW, Mny 10 UP)
Joseph E. Dnvlcs one of tho
world's most interesting mailmen
al tho moment arrived in Mos
cow this morning bearing a letter
from President Roosevelt for
Joseph Stalin. ' "
Tlio former U. S. ambassador
to the .soviet union, who is re
ported not to know tho contents
of the lottcr, planned to present it
an early duto to tho Russian
Mo flow from Kuibyshev to
Moscow and planned to stay at
tho soviet guest house.
Regional Labor
Board to Ponder
Sub-Standard Wage
SEATTLE, May 19 (IP) Tho
regional war Inbor board today
will hear discussion by 18 cx
ports called by the board to
Iiolp In It determination ' of
what constitutes a sub-standard
wnga In Washington, Oregon
and Alaska, Dr. George B. Noblo
said lust night.
Tho hearing will be tho
bonrd's first public ono sinco
Its formation nearly two months
cT . '
OPA Cancels Plans
For Grade Labeling
Tho olTlca of price administra
tion announced today It has can
celed plans to requiro grado
labeling of tho 1043 pack of can
ned fruits and vegetables.
Instead, OPA said, price maxi
mums will be based on grades,
denier Invoices will show the
grades of tho merchandise, nnd
some method will bo provided
consumers for ascertaining tho
grades, but dinners will not have
. to print tho grado on tho lobol
of tho con itself.
A hnmmlnir bird's noek fnrmn
inro than 0119-half of lis vcrto-
rai column. .,-,
Hnrsh, medicinal laxatives
only Rrlpod nio-nnd nover
rcnlly stopped my constipa
tion. It always camo bnok.
Then I found out why. I
Just wasn't tnkliiRon enough
''bulk,"-formlwr foods, Bo .
I started enllng ksllooo's
all-SIMM rogularly and
drinking plenty of water.
And I "Joined the Regu
lars I" ,. ,
- That's bocauso Kimono's
all-shah got at the causa
of constipation llko mine
nnd corrects It by holplng ,
to form n soft, bulky mats
In ihn lntostlnofl.
If your trouble Is what
I mlno was, why not try
I mado by Kollogg's In Battle
I Creek nnd tastes swell,
Y.1 4
Profit Shares Distributed
, 1
SWtWsMifc . M
The county library book van
trips for the summer months
have been arranged in a sched
ule released by Mary McComb,
county librarian,
Every Tuesday, starting May
28 the van will stop at Alta
mont elementary school from
2 to 3:30 p. m. The lust trip
Is scheduled August 17.
Every other Thursday, start
ing May 20, the van will be at
Lien's cash store, from 1:30 to
2 p. m.; Junction service sta
tion, 2:18 to 2:48 p. m.; Log
Cabin at Weyerhaeuser, 2:48 to
3:18 p. m,; Kcno, 3:48 to 4:18
p. m.j Turner Center, 4:28 to
4:48 p. m. Last trip, August 10.
Every other Friday, starting
May 21, the van will be at Fort
Klamath from 2 to 2:48 p. m
and at Klamath Agency, 3:18
to 3:48 p. m.
Klamath Man Put
On Probation
William Birtley, 70, who pre
viously had pleaded guilty to a
charge of furnishing wine to an
Indian at Klamath Falls, was
placed on probation today by
Federal Judge Claude McCol
loch. ' Two hundred languages are
spoken In India.
NEW YORK, May 19 (JPh
District Attorney Fran S. Hogan
announced today the Indictment
of Joseph S. Fay, international
vice president of the - union -of.
operating engineers, AFL, and
James Bove, international vice
president of the Hod Carriers'
union, AFL, on charges of ex
torting more than $300,000 from
construction syndicates building
the $300,000,000 Delaware Aque
duct project.
The two men, who surrend
ered to Hogan this morning, were
charged also with a conspiracy to
extort $703,000 from firms op
erating In New York and 'several
upstate counties.
In the indictment, containing
one count charging conspiracy
and six counts charging extor
tion, Fay and Bove were accused
of demanding that companies
seeking construction contract
I either pay them cortain sums of
money or that wages higher than
I the then-prevailing rates be paid
1 union men.
Banker Killed in
Elevator Accident
SPOKANE, May' 19 OP)
Howard CV Price, 6.8, Portland, .
Ore., and Battleground, Wash.,
investment banker, was killed
yesterday In a passenger ele
vator accident In the Davenport
hotel. .... .
Coroner Dr. C. J. Adams said
Price apparently fainted as he
entered the elevator, falling
against the operator and caus
ing the elevator to drop sharply.
Price was caught In' the result
ing opening, the coroner said.
The above picture shows several Bears employes receiving their annual profit sharing state
ments Saturday as members of the company Profit Sharing Pension fund. Shown from left to
right are Mildred Myers, Wayve Hunsaker, J, E., Hawkins, store manager; Ron Fisher, Charles
Edwards and Marian Adklns. .
Juvenile Officer Relates
City Delinquency Problems
"It anyono tolls you that we
haven't Juvonllo probloms in this
town, you just send them to mo,"
This was the statement mudo
by Juvenile Officer Dave Bridge
who presented a week's roundup
of demands placed on his offlco
beforo tho city council Monday
night. .- .. '
Bridge told of two girls, 11
and 12 years of age, who camo
to school with "hangovers." In
vestigation showed that the 12-year-old
had been taught to mix
coke highballs for her parents,
and thut she treated her younger
friend to a drink. This same
girl was apprehended later for
stealing a watch from a rest
The juvenile officer went on to
tell of other case Including the
breaking and entering of several
homes In tho city whero much
damago was done by juveniles.
In one case, a young boy took
part -in going Into ono house
where a bottle bf wine was ac
cessible, this same child return
ing to his own home and break
ing up his mother's dishes.
The case of the girl who had
a desire to destroy after reading
"a funny book," was reviewed
by Bridge. This girl, tho officer
said, "smeared jam all over n
neighbor's house." '
One woman called his office,
Bridge said, and reported that
children had taken three pounds
of her precious sugar store and
had "scattered it all over.",
On Saturday night the juvenile
officer was advised that a 14 or
15-year-old boy snutched a
woman's purse near the health
center, and although both the
man and womnn gave chase, the
youth eluded them.
Tho officer wns called from
his bed late Sunday night to take
care of a young Indian boy who
was found Intoxicated on the
"To top all this off," Bridge
told the council, "we had the
case of the peacock feathers
where two young men, ' old
enough to know better, pulled
tho tail feathers from. a bird at
the park." . t
"These are the most serious
cases and there nrc many of a
lesser degree. If the council has
any Ideas on the subject, my of
fice would be pleased to hear,
from them,"- said the officer.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Mny 19 IP)
Now tho manpower shortage has
reached of all places In the
R. A. McGce. ' supervisor of
Washington institutions, reported
today that tho state prison 'and
state reformatory .were running
short on suitable inmate labor
because of the extensive diver
sion of convict labor into emer
gency war channels.
Nazi Press Asks
Reprisals on Jews
For Dam Bombings
; LONDON, May 19 (P) Re
prisals against Jews "propor
tionate with the very great dam
ago and loss of life caused by
the attack" are being demanded
by tho Berlin press as a result
of tho RAF bombing of the
Mochnc and Edcr dams, Reuters
dispatches from Stockholm said
Tho dispatch said the de
mands had given the German
pcoplo as a whole their first
knowledge of the vast destruc
tion done to the vital Ruhr val
ley industries. ' . ' .
Reuters had said previously
that a German-Jewish medical
specialist, a refugee- from Ger
many, had suggested the. idea
for the attacks. '-
More than one-half of the wa
ter used In London comes from
the River Thames;
Formerly of .
. Haiel Beauty Shop '
. Ms now with the
435 Main . Phone 8280
St. .. X
Try Ice-cold Coca-Cola with your lunch.
. You'll like the way 1(1 taste and refreshment
add to the pleasure of eating.
w vi w r
at. 1 i
Welcome in peace.,
more welcome in war work
A SK plant managers what a rest-pause means
A to workers In war production . . ,
more work-contentment. And contentment
increases output. Add refreshment to a
rest-pause and the feeling of content
ment is Increased. That's a reason why 1
you find ice-cold Coca-Cola so welcome
in war plants.
Ice-cold Coca-Cola goes beyond just
quenching thirst to bringyou refresh
ment. Its delicious goodness always
delights your taste. Here is a drink
made with a finished art, quality .
you count on. The only thing like
Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola, itself.
Letters from plant managers from
coast to coast emphasise that the lit
tle moment for an Ice-cold Coca-Cola
means a lot to workers In war plants.
It's a refreshing moment on the sunny
side of things . . , a way to turn to refresh'
ment without turning from work. :
. The best is always the better buyl
865 Spring St. , . . - Phone 5632
Allstate Rib Tread fB7 ?fi7
For Added Safety! J "
ALLSTATE Rib-Tread llres are brutes 3 GlJfr M
for punishment. Treads of 100 pure I I J . I ' I 'Jl . . i j .
gum rubber are unusually safe . . . " LJ ' ti l !? J M M
built ta nivit vou extra wear. You aet - . 17 I' l' l '' . If "Ab.. M
I the best at Sears. 8.00x18, with old tire. I I If- 6 Aj ' M
' '771L .(?'
I Allstate Safety Tread 1 36 'J:
. Sears Finest Tire! I I W ,' '
When ygu buy ALLSTATE tires you I I ) .if II BUY
know every penny buys, performance. "J I AVAR
8.00x16, with your old tire. V BONDS
IpfflfS MOTOR ; S' Tailored for Perfect Fit! $005 .
Iwjf.l I l . Vta af Snufl - fitting, Ions - weoring, easily . )P Coupe
V .V UlL li'i 1 ''4 e'f Wllent.i.fulleloth ' . ; V
I sV rnrSTl P il ' ' ' bo'k o' ton covert. Double stitched SEDAN '...$5.79
I Sk. uillSl I 'if'. Bt1'1'i' som5'' botocked ot points of strain. . " ""
I Quality, Stamina ft fitXfk ' I '1 G,i" Guo,d Eo' 359
I and lubricating njZj Sim Bun,Per 6u'd E-
I va I ue unbeaten by Jf 4ajMit Ixhousr Extension
I market. 100 pure IZZl ; ". 1 - Doer Mirror ......la. 98
I ' Pennsylvania Cross ladudi .! SEALED BEAM LAMP Wheel Spinners, Ea. 29 '
I ' Country motor .oil! M49 Windshield Wiper
' ' Ariiis S Us llghtlns "f ' r- IS.
' mijWItmB11 Ullclencj. Sosrt' "t"
$2.00 for Your Old Battery 10c Trade-in,
Crosscountry on Spark Plugs
BATTERIES sprk7us o,
Guaranteed 24 months. Llfewear rubber Mil Battery Guaranteed 18.000 miles. Twin- 11 W Plug
separators, hard rubber container with power plugs, fleet tested to assure 81
'Protex" top. top performance!