PAGE SIX Weather Slows Relays At Bend; Medford Wins Tigers Bear KUHS 36 to 26; Pelican Relay Broad Jump Team Tops Record By VIRGIL GROSS In the final KUHS track meet of the season, the stale cham pion Medford men last Friday edged out the Pelicans 36-26, and captured the relays held at Bend. Weather conditions prevented spectacular performances: outside of the record breaking relay broad jump won by KUHS. The team of Vaillancour, Foster and Mocnbco bettered the old meet record by 10 inches with a jump Sports Briefs By lpJ Hugh V' Fullerton. Jr. ? Jl f NEW YORK, May 17 (VP) Pennsylvania recently passed a law permitting kids of 16 to com pete in amateur boxing tourna ments . . . That doesn't mean so much, because plenty of 16-year-olds have borrowed birth certi ficates from older pals to get an early start . , . But Judge Eugene C. Bonniwcll and Ralph Marlow, AAU men who backed the bill, are working on a plan to enlist high school support and to create a special class for the younger novices, so they may even have some real amateurs in their amateur tourneys, ''.. MORE KID STUFF The Western Golf association, working on a plan to make cad dying more attractive to boys and their parents, suggests that clubs put in Victory garden pro grams, supervised physical train ing, command drills and instruc tion in other useful tasks and crafts besides lugging golf clubs ; . . We might add one more les son, valuable to bag toters in later life when and how to keep one's trap shut. MONDAY MATINEE The Lynchburg Piedmont V League club is outfitted with forms and Manager OUie Vanek is proud of the fact that his was originally worn by Pepper Mar tin . . . Friday's Beau Jack-Bob Montgomery tussle will be the first title fight of the year in Madison Square Garden, which has had at least two champion ship scraps before May for the past five seasons . . . It's still spring, but Clyde McBridge, Kansas City .star sports ed, al ready is out with the suggestion that the Big Six stage a Christ mas holiday basketball tourna ment. SERVICE DEPT. The Camp Grant, 111., baseball team brings along its own um pire these days and nobody com plains. He's Pvt. Art Passarella, who called 'em in the American league before his induction and whose vision was recorded as "20-20" by the army docs . . . Pvt. Noah Kaplan of Meriden, Conn., is boxing instructor . for the 14th armored regiment at Fort Riley, Kas., although he had only amateur boxing experience. He's a brother of former feath erweight champ Louis (Kid) Kap lan and during his ring days Noah twice fought Bat Battalino, who later became 126-pound champion . . . D ic k . Pebbles, former Sharon (Pa.) sports ed itor, thinks the eastern league Is lucky that it doesn't -include the new Cumberland, Pa., re ception center team. The sold iers won three straight games from Wilkesbarre and two from Scranton . , . The 803rd signal training regiment has contri buted four ten-second sprinters to the Fort Monmouth, N. J., track team . . . Why bother to signal when they can get there quicker on foot? Kramer to Open For Cougars in Huskie Go Today PULLMAN, May 17 (IP) Wally Kramer, ace WSC hurler, who has won two of the four games Washington State has taken this year, will open the final series of the season against the University of Washington today. Coach Jack Frlol, announcing his choice, said Roger Olson, Ward Rockey, Bob Scalzo and Jack Radke would be held In re serve for Tuesday's contest. ; Washington won both games between the two teams at Seat tle. When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Ann Earley Proprietors.:. May 17, 1943 -of 57 feet 5 inches combined. Three Medford men, Bayliss, Dipple and Braley paced the Craters to victory. Young W3S outstanding for KUHS. Lakeview and Marshfield were . I . i : ,i . . v. . . . io uc cmtitu in uic uicci, uui last minute notice from the schools informed meet officials they couldn't make it because of travel conditions. A dual pole vault exhibition featured Niedermeyer of Med ford and state pole vault champ, George Rasmussen of Bend. No records were broken in this event however. Much time was taken in the event and resulted in the cancellation of the high jump which was to feature Jim Bocchl. The special event, football shuttle relay, was won by Dip ple of Medford. Results: " 100 yard dash Won by Dip ple of Medford; second, Braley, Medford; third, Vaillancour, KUHS. 120 yard high hurdles Won by Bayliss of Medford; second, Young, KUHS; third, Fagg, Bend. Javelin Won by Bend; sec ond, Bayliss, Medford; third, Schortgen, KUHS. Broad jump relay Won by the KUHS relay team of Vaillan cour, Foster and Mocabee; sec ond, Bend; third, Medford. Dis tance, 57 feet, 5 inches. A new meet record of 10 inches. Shot-put relay Won by Bend; second, KUHS; third, Medford. Sprint medley relay Won by Medford; second, KUHS; third, Bend. Half mile relay Won by Med ford; second, KUHS; third, Bend. Mile relay Won by KUHS; second, Medford; third, Bend. Two mile relay Won by Med ford; second, Bend; third, KUHS. This meet ended a successful 1943 Pelican (war time) track season, and saw the last appear ance of many outstanding sen iors; including sensational Jim Bocchi and Baldy Foster. Oregon Tracksters Down Beavers for Third Victory EUGENE, Ore., May 17 (IP) The University of Oregon track team downed Oregon State 711 to 591 here Saturday for its third victory of the season. Both squads were minus several of their best performers and times were generally slow. Oregon previously defeated Washington and Washington State college. This week the annual northern division coast conference meet takes place at Seattle. STALL Dl MAG TUCSON, Ariz., May 17 (IP) Joe DiMaggio was held' to one hit in the second game of the Santa Ana and Davis-Monthan air forces games and his visit ing teammates were beaten 12-14, the second loss in two days to the locals. In the first game Joe poled a 400-foot homer and a single, giving the fans a great cheering chance but Santa Ana lost 7 to 3. SILL HoVr.Sr-rnsj Ac- wow VAULT IN OlMPlC OAAAES OF lS9e WITH A MARK Of I OFT- s in. ( - WOULD JA .irJOEMAiE,CUlCA(SO,lS hM 4 CLAUPS TfcSSEAU, CUSSJ vrrrr . y jy rns n L. TjaCCWAS NOTCHED wKO OUvKfcy HfcAMs ANU fOfi 13 HOMB35 IN'fZ,. WEp KD'D SIMULTANEOUSLY; im kivjsas city cur' Oregon Eyes ni i ii.j.h ueaa near. Title Claim Beavers Can Win Baseball Championship; Wcbfect Can Only Tic; Game Today By Th AttocUtod Press CONFERENCE STANDINGS W. Oregon State 12 Oregon Washington 7 Wash. State 4 Idaho 0 L. 3 4 6 8 13 Pet. .800 .733 .538 .333 .000 The University of Oregon and Oregon State meet today in Eu gene to decide the baseball cham pionship of the northern division Pacific Coast conference, though Oregon State only has a chance for a clear title. Saturday at Corvallis, OSC's Beavers took a 6-4 victory from the university in the first of the season's final twoand most . (.ritiral came mors' cr" " , sames today the state college can claim the title unincumbered, but if Oregon wins the championship will end in a dead heat, with both teams having twelve victor ies and four losses. Don Cecil, Beaver pitcher was the king pin of Saturday's ex acting test, striking out ten, al lowing but seven hits and shut ting of a last-inning Oregon rally which might have- swept the game. At Moscow, Saturday in a game having no bearing on any thing but the standings of the teams involved the University of Washington managed to take a 6-2 victory from the Idaho Van dals, although the Huskies were outhit. Excellent fielding in the clinches by Washington kept Idaho from capitalizing on a bar rage of 11 hits. Left-Handers Win Tacoma Golf Meet TACOMA, May 17 (IP) Jack Walters, left - handed Tacoma golfer, brought the southpaws to glory Sunday by scoring a bril liant eight-under-par 132 over the Allenmore course here Sun day to win the 10th annual Ta coma open golf tournament. He posted a good 68 for his morning round and then took the course apart for a 32-32 64 in the afternoon. Harry Givan, Seattle, with 68- 68 136, was second. The top professional was Chuck Congdon, Tacoma, who posted a 69-68 137. Cougars Suffer Close Defeat at Hands of Huskies PULLMAN, May 17 (IP) Though Washington State col lege took most of the individual events, at the dual track meet Saturday, they suffered a 66 to 64 defeat by the University of Washington, which capitalized on seconds and thirds. WSC won nine events to Wash ington's five and they tied in the pole vault. The Huskies field events were strongest and they outscored the staters 31-23 in that division. Al Akins, WSC, undefeated this year, galloped the 100 and 220-yard runs In 10 seconds flat and 21.6 seconds respectively, ' pushed . by Bob Smith of Washington. They are Akins' fastest times this year. JUST ONCE? KANSAS CITY, Mo., (VP) Every day for the next two weeks there will be a real picnic in the park for school children. There's one catch youngsters go in groups and for only one of the picnics. No repeaters. A salmon has been known to swim 10 yards In one second. 3 LuacYvveoJLiwe with a wecDeM' WLLIHAT IS .SttYBAJiS OUD- ArJ'COjf 2-50 K.J - - . - , a mJLfi9a'i 10 HEADS' Girls Major I 5 s vtZ Irn Ruhnko of Chicago catching. Shirley Jamoion of May wood, 111., batting. a girls try out at Wrigloy Fiold, Chicagq, for positions on four All-American Girls' Softball longue Uami. Philip K. Wrigley, owner of Cubs, is backing circuit with $100, 000. Cities to be awarded franchises have not beon announced. Angels Close In on Coast Yin Record Southmen Within Two of Besting Rainier's Score , Of 20 Consecutive Wins By The Associated Press The Los Angeles Angels, who can't lose for winning, today are within two games of tieing the all-time Coast league record of 20 consecutive victories, set by Seattle four decades ago. As chance would have it, Se attle contributed to the under mining of its 1003 record by dropping all seven games of last week's home series against the Angels. The final pair of defeats came yesterday by identical scores of 2 to 0. Saturday Los Angeles turned in 7 to 3 and I to 0 performances to drop Seat tle into the cellar. It was the second straight series cleanswept by the soaring southerners who now have built an eight game lead over second place San Francisco. The latter took three games from faltering Portland over the weekend for a 5 to 1 edge In the six game series. The Beavers dropped both sides of the Sun day doubleheader by identical 6 to 5 scores and lost out Saturday, 5 to 0. Oakland dropped San Diego from second place to fourth by taking five games out of seven. The opener yesterday went to the Acorns 4 to 1 and they re pealed, z to l, in the nightcap on a last inning run scored by Catcher Bill Leonard. . Double victories, 2 to 1 In 10 Innings for the opener and 3 to 1 in the short nightcap, gave Holly wood a series edge of five games to two over Sacramento. MISSIONARIES LOSE WALLA WALLA. May 17 (IP) Taking the third game of a three game series here Saturday, Wil lamette university defeated Whitman college 2 to 1, retain ing the northwest conference baseball championship. Whit man threatened the lead until the last. WOLVES TAKE CIW SALEM. Mav 17 I1P Pl Armstrong tripled with the bases loaded in the ninth innine yesterday to earn the rimn Adair Timber Wolves an 8-7 vic tory over the Commereinl Trnn baseball team of Portland. HELLO, ELMERI KANSAS CITY. Mn.. (P Coal and automobile dealers of Missouri onen their conventi today. Hotel rooms are scarce, the hasn't been a new car made Rlneo who remembers when, anil there's a bit of a sitnnf Inn in coal mining. Remember when convention,: were fun? RUPTURED? AfUr hindllng t rutin many ytart wt Mav decided lh Little Doctor Truss la lti heat on (lie market, rtl li tlm Afuwer to all 'rupture tuffer era. Neat, alniptc', efficient, r itcl to runt, no elnstle, no preamre on the hack or hi pi. no leg trnpi, weight 9 ouncet. No matter how Boort jour trim li If Interest rd In the newfit and heat ee thta one. Frx demonatratlnn. All work done luhjrct to vour doctor! ap proval. Unlimited free arnica at any one of E00 weitern Kif)U. Currin's for Drugs Ninth am) Main Phona a "Tha frlendlr D,ul ttora" in Softball aw . . .' I -; Bob Ankles Up With Crack at Jack's Title NEW YORK, May 17 uV) The little girl who was often a brides maid but never got a guy to pop the question didn't have a tiling on Bobcat Bob Montgomery, thu Philadelphia flailer, and his trips to the lightweight "altar" the past couple of years. While the little girl just couldn't get a boy interested in matrimony, Bob, until now, hasn't been able to get a light weight chump to take a chance with him with the title on the line. Five times since 1940 Bob has tangled with the incumbent 135-pound bosses but cueh time the head man locked his crown in the strong box before going to the post. Now Bob finally is getting his shot. He takes a crack at Beau Jack, who owns the New York half of the world championship, in Madison Square Garden Fri day night over the 15-round route. Cornelius Tickles Stratosphere Again MODESTO, Calif., May 17 VP) Ensign Cornelius Warmcrdain offered evidence today that navy pre-flight training has in no way interfered with his special ability to tickle the stratosphere under his own power. Representing Del Monte (Calif.) Navy Pro-Flight at the northern California relays in Mo desto Saturday, the former schoolteacher cleared lfcct 24 inches,, six inches short of his world record, but still an im pressive leap. No other vaultcr ever has touched 15 feet. WALLA WALLA STOPPED YAKIMA, May 17 (IP) An 8 to 5 defeat at the hands of Yak ima high school stopped the Wal la Walla baseball team's winning streak here Saturday. Walla Walla won both games Friday, 4 to 2 and 2 to 1. The series will be resumed in Walla Walla Fri day. NEW RULES CHICAGO, (IP) Because of a maid shortage, thousands of per manent .guests at more than 150 Chicago hotels have newly as-i signed weekly tasks. The management of the hotels advised them they would have to make their own beds and tidy their rooms but on Sundays only. Hotel managers said there was little complaint by the guests. I absolutely refuse to believe that in fighting a totalitarian war we must, after winning vic tory, become totalitarian our selves. C. of C. President Eric A. Johnston. s FAIRMONT HAS EVERYTHING HOTEL Mi, ..a -'.T?TfcU .a m.. ...... l -W If 3 flC4lJ ihs manacjomanl'a dealts to give plonllfully ol Ihoao Ihlntni which maleo o ilallor remember (hat .The FAIRMONT haa ovoryHilnj. Kill FROM 11,10 11011 . . . 0OUI1I HOTEL CriE1MTifinflB1 SAN FRANCISCO a iuh aiiitiiviu a& By Tha Aaaociotod Prn AMERICAN W. I,, l'et. New York 14 H .VMS Cli'voliuul : 13 .SHI Washington 14 II .4(11) St. Louis II t .BOO Detroit 10 11 .4711 Philadelphia 11 14 .440 Chicago 8 11 .421 Boston 8 14 ,:i4 New York 7-H, St. Louis II-4. Philadelphia 8-2, Cleveland 3-3. Chicago 4-2, Boston 2-4. Washington 7-10, Detroit 1 ft. NATIONAL W. 'l IVt. Brooklyn Ill 7 .tltlli Boston 11 8 .5711 St. Louis 11 H .571) Pittsburgh I) 10 .474 New York 10 12 .455 Cincinnati 10 12 .455 Philadelphia I) 11 .450 Chicago 7 15 1 .318 Brooklyn 4-3, Chicago 0-2. Boston 3-0, Cincinnati 11. New York 3-1, Pittsburgh 1-2. St. Louis 4-1, Philadelphia 3-2. COAST W. L. Pet. Los Angeles 24 3 .81111 San Francisco 1(1 11 .5113 Oakland 1(1 13 .552 San Diego 15 14 .517 Hollywood 14 14 .500 Portland 0 18 .333 Sacramento 1) II) .320 Seattle 8 11) .21IC Los Angeles 2-2, Seattle 0 0. San Francisco tit), Portland 5-5. Oakland 4-2, San Diego l-I. Hollywood 2-3, Sacramento 1-1 (first game, ten Innings) (sec ond games, seven innings.) Pelican Ball men To Play Newell Japs Sunday Pelican baseball hopefuls held workouts Sunday at Recreation park, and n large turnout was on hand. Between 15 and 20 men turned out to make- the base ball outlook very promising for Klamath Falls this summer. A practice game will bo held this Sunday against the Jap boys at Tulelake. Everyone making a bid for a position on the Pelican rosier will get a chance to play in this game. Replacements will be many. Renewal of practices will be held Wednesday and Friday nights at 5:30 p. in. High school boys arc urged to attend. Unofficial Oregon Netmen Take OSC CORVALLIS, May 17 (,!') An unofficial University of Oregon tennis team defeated the Oregon State college varsity hero Satur day, 0 to 1. The university cancelled ten nis this year, but the students competed here in an exhibition match. Oregon State's lone win was registered in singles by Dick Hal lock. No. 1 man, who beat Stan Anderson, 0-2, (i 3. ODDS 147.100 TO 1 WALLACE, Ida., (I'j War bond prizes were offered for guessing the time it would take a rubber ball to float seven and a half miles down Lead creek from Mullan. Finalists were only those with in five seconds of the correct time and three hit it exactly. The answer: Four hours, five minutes, 10. 1 soconds. WSC GOLFERS WIN SPOKANE, May 17 (IT) The Washington State college golf team beat the University of Ida ho 21a to 54 here Saturday. Lcs O'Shea, with a 74, led WSC. The characteristic of leader ship in a democracy is that it is democratic. Leadership in a de mocracy is subject to change without notice. Leaders are chosen elected or selected by the people and rejected by the people. Edward L. Bernays, public relations expert. 1 Kiiia i. iiiiiii, mum Minim It I 3 ua na iiMinina 'Crucial Series' Spouts Between Dodgers, Cards Brooklyn Men Cuff Cubs for Practice; Cardinals Held to Draw With Phillies By JUDSON BAILEY Atioclated Preia Sporla Writer An early blooming "crucial series" sprouted toclny In Ttrnnk. lyn with Hie Dodgers matched against the world champion SI. Louis Cardinals in a twilight tusslii 111 KbheU field. Few doubt that these two teams have tho National leaguo pennant struggle entirely between themselves and every ganni Ihey play with each other, even this early In the caimi, will have an Important bearing on the championship. In tho opener Frank (Hube) Melton Is expected In be mulch ed on the mound with Lefty Howard Polled ol Ihn Ite.lblnls. Thu Dodgers prepared for the Invasion by cuffing thu Chicago Cubs twice in n doubleheader yesterday, 4 0 and U 2. Kd Head pitched the shutout, spacing five hits in a duel with Lon Warneke, who kept Brook lyn scoreless till the eighth, when tlu) Dodgers hunched all their runs in one turn at bat as Dolph Caniilll singled for two and Paul Waner doubled for two more. Bono Newsom rolloved Klrby Hlgbe In tho nightcap and propelled himself to his fourth victory by singling home Iho de ciding run in the seventh. In thu lueautlmo tho Cardinals wero held to a draw in two games with Iho rambunctious Phillies before a crowd of 20,022 of Philadelphia, the day's larg est turnout in thu majors and the second largest crowd ever to sea a National leaguo gamu In the Quaker city. Howard Krist pitched six-hit ball In a Joust with Schoolboy Howe in tho first game, but was forced to 11 Innings before gel ting a 4-2 decision on Whllcy Ku rowskl's smicczo bunt. Tho Phil lies bounded back to take the second 21 with Hooklo Al Oer hcauser, a southpaw, pitching seven-hit ball, fanning seven and issuing no passes, As a result tho Cards slipped Into a tlo for second place with tho Boston Braves, who swept a doiibleheader from tho Cincin nati Beds 2-1 and 01. In the first game Red Barrett and Bucky Wallers each pitched a four-hitter, but Barrett himself doubled with tho bases loaded for all the Boston runs In the second Inning. Jim Tobln scat tered seven hits In tho after piece and Phil Mas I, his catcher, helped out with a grandslam home run in the third. In the other National league show the New York Giants divid ed with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Manager Mel Oil hit his third homer in llirco days, with one aboard, to declda the first game 2-1. Hilly Jurges hit a round tripper to account for New York's other run. nob Klinger pitched five hit ball to win the second game 2-1. The New York Yankees split at St. Louis, but lost none of their American league lead. Spud Chandler pitched nine-hit ball for his fourth victory with out defeat as the Yanks nailed the opener 7-3 with the help of homers by Charley (King Kong) Keller and Rollle llemsley. Then the Browns bagged the nightcap, 4 3 in 10 Innings although held to five hits whllo New York made nine. Mike Charlnk, for mer Yankee farmhand, hit a two run homer and in tho tenth a pinch single by rookie Floyd Dakcr brought In the deciding run. Cleveland's second place In dians also divided a double bill. They were beaten 5-3 by the Philadelphia Athletics In the first game, with freshman Jesse Florcs getting credit for his fifth victory, but retaliated with a 3-2 verdict In tho second contest which was decided by Roy Cul lenbinc's clghlh-inning home run. Washington moved into third place by downing the Detroit Ti gers twice, 7-1 on five-hit hurling CMP WANTED! 1 AU MetoU 1 l Iron 1 l Fa5 l I paper I R9S 1 Hide 1 1 Furs I I Deer Sk.ns 1 ' Me AH SaWoge KAoterUj vVe """die A" iMSBflGCO. Sessler 534 Market St. Cal Shears Huskies of Crew Crown Woihington Men Coniolod By Yearling Promiio in Whipping Boars in 2 Mile OAKLAND, Calif., May 17 dl") The University of Washington crew, shorn of their three-year crown, were homeward bound today wljh a cunsoliitlun prl4 after coming off second best In their annual regatta with the University of California. Whllo tho varsity lost out by seven and n half lengths, the Husky yearlings showed high promise in nipping the Golden Bear shell by a one fool margin over the two mllo distance, The feature race over three miles was marked by ragged rowing on the purl of Coach Al Ulbrlekson's Inexperienced Hus. kles. Nenrlng the two-mile pout, tho stroke, Klliot Loken "caught a crab" and almost Inst his oar. The Californium widened their lead to almost 10 lengths nt the 21 mile marker on smooth, powerful strokes of 33 and 32. Tha Huskies, stroking 31 and 33 mast of the distance, spurted near the finish to close the gap. It was ft different story In Iho freshman race with never more than three-quarters of a length separating the two shells. The Husky Cubs were clocked In 10 minutes 14 seconds whllo the bear Cubs swept In n tenth of a second later. Racing conditions wero poor with rough weather handicapping both shells. The varsity times were rela tively slow with California win ning In 15 minutes 2 510 sec onds and Washington breaking the wire 20 seconds lator. , EPHRATA PLASTERED PASCO. May 17 (IP) The Pas co Naval Air Station baseball learn plastered the Kphrata Air Base 27-1 and 28-2 In double header here Sunday. The navy aggregation of for mer professional stars hit four home runs and the outclassed air force men hit Ihree, account ing for all their scores. HUSKIE TENNIS WIN SEATTLE. May 17 (IP) The University of Washington do fealedlhe Washington State col logo tennis team hero Saturday by n II to f score. by Early Wynn and 10-0 In slugging session. Chicago and Boston divided a doubleheader with Identical scores, 4-2. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yoursoll Save i Long .and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main Bros, Phone 4862 ( " I