Mny'17, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRIt J 1SER Hi PROVIDES NAVY IWIT1 Tim United Slides iiiiv.v'h ro c til 1 1 1 1 1 crulsrr will I in III Khtlli iilli I'll I In iiml territory, May 20, 21 mill 22, to provide llio public with eonipleto liifunnutliin on nil lit i it-licM ut imvy service, II In announced Ijy Dim .Sehrelhor, llK'Clllllst first cIllSH, of llin Khun nlli 1'iiIIh iinvy recrulthiK SUb Sllllloll. Tlio cruiser, a power unit and tnilli'r with an overall measure- ini'iit ut I) by nil feet, Ik equipped with tlir latest sound equipment for public addresses and sound HKitliin picture projection. A crt'w of recruiters from the Oi'i'Kim main station at Portland will conduct tin- tour. These In clude Chief Specialist I1'. T. Claiv pscho, Specialist Kind Class Stanley Church and Yeoman Third Class Arthur Allcm. llcprcscntiillvos from the 'JAVICS mid KPAHS, women's reserve- uiiHh of tint navy and coast Kunrd, respectively, also will hi- on hand to provldn In for mallou to yoiiiut women Interest ed In iipplyltm for cnll.itincnt, Ycommi Third Ohm Inc. Kurd of the WAVKS and Knslitn Frances Huxley of the SI'AltS will he In cluded hi the cruiser's personnel. Information coiiccrnhiK the navy's new educational pro lirnnis will bo provided by the Portland recruiters. These pro liriiniji enable volunteer to con tinue their education while In the navy. Seventy hlith school and 700 coIIi-ko subjects arc of fered. Another brunch of the navy service on which Information will he provided in tho construc tion battalion, popularly known ns Seiibecs, Openings arc avail able to men with experience In A'inMi'uc'tliiu work. One of the recruiters aboard Ihft cruiser will Interview men to determine whether they are qualified for . petty officer niUiiits In this branch of the service. A complete, explanation of the new army-navy Joint Induction process will be given by the tour Ini! recruiters, showing how In ductees are selected for the vari ous armed services. mm Miiim ADimmES IBIS as r roji(-roirl ... Jjj nUv rp ills finer cigarette not only tastes better-it acts better to your A&Gjjm throat becauto proved far less .urn I JiB I irritating. an rcpcaicu sciciuiiui icms wnn uislinguislieil doctors who re- " J$ actual smokers, hero's what polled their findings in authorita tm - W K $S- .232.. X happened: tivo medical journal?, to inform N Ass. I ? When tmokers changed to oilier dwjiow. T' ) t 1 Philip Morris, ejwycaw of ir- AVhou .voir change to Philii A' W imllu, I ritation oj noa or throat due Mounts, your nose and throat will ,J ii Cnr I . v i""1 u I i0 smoking either cleared thank you.' ' : ifr mi T .... ..i ,. .. , , , . ... v x ,. fti the same Irei i. Iiner't avoretl ciiraretio I II I 1 I I i r h " 5 1 ' i, Tlio navy recruiting; cruiser provide the public with complete takon an the crulier'i last vlilt to Local Pilot of Tells African I'OnTLAND, May 17 (A') Captain ,lohn Barlow Hardlim, 22-year-old KlyhiK Korlross pilot, was back in Orcon today with tales of tho war In Greenland, Iceland, Holland, BollKum, Kraticc, Italy, Sicily and North Africa. Ilardlnif. u Khimiith Falls hlith Hclioul graduate, played football at Pacific university for two years and attended tho Univers ity of Oroiion one year, I (u holds tho Distinguished FlylnK Cross and Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters. He Is on 13-day leave. Ho told an Interviewer ho spent part of last summer In Greenland and Iceland, then went to KnKland for more Iriiln Inil. In October he Joined In the raids over Europe, "I took part In 57 combat ! '"-'' proved to be better 1 Baptist church will officiate, flights. All were daylight ! ships than the German ones. Our Commitment services and intcr fllehts The first one win over pilots were young, they were ; nient will follow in Linkville Rotterdam, We met quite a bit of fighter opposition and n lot of flak. I had 25 holes In my plane, 'Jarrin' Jenny, when I R"t back," ho said. Later switched to the African front, ho bombed Genoa, Naples and an airdrome near Rome. "The most exciting raid I made was the first time I was shut down. It was over Blzcrtc, and two engines wcro badly hit and ID) scientifically PROVED to the nose and lUJk, A Mill 1 1 'iWfV desnito all uar-time pachaao changes. ik i v M TOI, 1 I 1 1 I Navy Recruiting Cruiser Scheduled Here "91 l'i '5, j . ' will be In Klamuth Falls for throe days. May 20, 21 and 22, to Information on servlco in tho navy. The picture above was Klamain. Fortress Exploits another wasn't much good. I made n crash landing in friendly territory. One man was injured, the rest of us (ot out okay," he continued. "My next ship was also a B-17 and I named her Taboo. Taboo was a good ship also, but I lost her over Sicily shot up badly by flak and fighters. I not back to Africa all rlKlit. Sot her down with wheels up, loo. men were Injured." Several j "The CornianB are good pilots," he said. "They have a lot of darlnK. As for their planes, the Messerchmltt 10DG Is a very (iood plane. So Is the Kocke Wulf 100, but In my opinion the Messcrsehmltt Is the better plane. Our P-lills did a magnificent job nijalnst them. I "We were escorted by P-3fls ! after our pilots became seasoned, green In combat, and yet they fought the German veterans, and did very well. 1 also had Spit fire coverage several times .The RAF gave us very good support. "I want to say that the RAF and the Americart air forces get along together wonderfully. They respect each other, they think the world of each other." former Margaret Morton d Jo Harding met his mother, Mrs. PMIB1 hank you. J 'America' FINEST CmmeUo ) i 3 J C. B. Hurdlnj!, now living hero, and his wife, the former Mar garet llorton, his sweetheart of high school days, here. FUNERALS CHARLES R. WILLIAMS The funeral service, for tho Into Charles It. Williams, who passed away in this city on May 14 will take place from the chapel of Wards Klamath Fu neral Home on Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Victor Phillips of the First Meth odist church will officiate. Com- ttll rvir.nt uni-i,la nnrl iiit,Tmnnt wi)1 roliow in tlie Linkville cem etery. Friends are invited to at tend. LOUIS G. STILES The funeral service for the late Louis G. Stiles who passed uway at Salem, Ore., on May 13 will take place from tho chapel of Wards Klamath Funeral Home, 025 nigh street on Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The Uev. Cecil C. Brown of the First cemetery, to attend. Friends are invited Following the fall of Bizcrtc and Tunis, the Rome radio an nounced that the "Day of Italian Africa" would be celebrated. Just a passing remark. Uncle Sam finally got tired of food being from out-of-hand to mouth. - less irritating throat! up 'completely, or definitely improved. Thcso tests were conducted by distinguished doctors who re ported their findings in authorita tive medical journal?, to inform oilier doctors, Vhon you change to Philip jMoiiiiis, your nose and throat will WASHINGTON, May 17 (') Dr. Paul J, Raver, Bonneville power aclmlnurtrator, testified before a house appropriations subcommittee during hearings on the Interior department's appro priation bill for fiscal 1044 that two great hydro-electric projects on the Columbia river wcro pre pared to furnish power to pro duce 040,000,000 pounds of alum inum a year. Raver's testimony, made pub lic today us the committee in troduced the bill, said Bonne ville and Grand Coulee were selling about $1,000,000 worth of power a month and that on tho basis of contracts signed and under negotiation would increase the amount to $1,750,000 month ly a year from now. Ho said that by the end of the year the projects would be producing 1,300,000 kilowatts of power, compared to 68,400 kilowatts in 1039. He said aluminum produced with tho Bonneville power com-' prised almost one-third of that needed for the country's war production. Raver did not ask for any new funds to be appropriated for the new fiscal year but urged that the funds appropriated last year but tied up by war production board stop orders on construc tion, be used to increase facil ities. FISH STORY GRANTS PASS, May 17 (F) A six foot, seven inch sturgeon, produced in justice court as evi dence in the case of Clark Dix, Olcne, Ore., charged with ang ling by illegal methods, present ed a problem to Judge J. R. Mathews. Dix was charged with snag ging the game fish In an area closed to all fishing at Raincy falls in Rogue river. Dix paid his fine and court costs and left the fish with the judge. PIMPLED SKIN TJie finntisoptlc Lot Ion, famous modicaifl powdffr banc, so helpful to pimpled Irritated skin, when due to external emme. You'll love it. I'romotra Sklubeauty fiklncare. Thrre fUtterliiff complexion nhads. 1-lrnh, Brunette, Cream. 10c, B0c. SANTISEPTIC LOTION r ! morris at unine prica a alt other trading brand.. Safeway Listed By OPA to Hold Meat Prices Down WASHINGTON, May 17 (IP) The office of price administra tion listed the following as the retail meat distributors who have been directed to hold.thclr selling prices at least 10 per cent under the dollars-and-ccnts ceil ings which go Into effect today: The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, Safeway Stores, Inc., First National Stores, Col onial Stores, American Stores, the Food Fair, Grand Union com pany, Kroger Grocery and Bak ing company, 11. C. Bohack com pany, National Tea company, and Jewel Tea company. LUCAS SCORES AGAIN A SENSATIONAL SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 25 mmmm m These days, only a special purchase could bring such an amazing value in bedroom groups of this size, detail and beauty for so little . . . ACTUAL LY ONLY $65.45 FOR THE 4 LARGE PIECES! The Vanity has good size Venetian style mirror, four drawers and moderne drawer pulls. . . . Chest to match has four full width, -full depth drawers. . . . Modern Panel Bed to complete the suite is full size. . . . OFFERED IN YOUR CHOICE OF TWO SMART NEW FINISHES . . . Sun Tan Maple or Modern Natural Bleach, with moderne routed trim. TWENTY-FIVE CROUPS ONLY IN . THIS SPECIAL PURCHASE and when they're gone we doubt if you'll see the like in value for a long, long time! Come early! ... .... 195 East Axis Shipping Losses Totaled ALLIED HEADQUARTERS NORTH AFRICA, May 17 (IP) Seventy-one vessels were sunk, 103 probably sunk and 120 dam aged by northwest African air force units from November 8, 1042 to May 13, It was an nounced today. CORNY TWIN FALLS, Ida., (IP) William Clawson, farmer at Mur taugh, got an Immediate replace ment for his missing gasoline ra tion book. He told the board he was plowing and prestol The book was gone. , "Mast have plowed It under," he said. . . Main St. Our Location Saves District Initiative Need to Offset , 4 Centralization PORTLAND, May 17 Community Initiative la needed to offset growing centralization of government; Robert W. Kenny maintains. ..,,.,. The California attorney gener al told the annual convention of Oregon Young Democratic elube Saturday night that local govern ment has failed to keep pica with events In the past decade. Gas on Stomach RlNVtd In S pmutM tr dWU yew mm; ktytk . Who 0Kfu itGintch acid rui ptlnful, lufltoMt tnc lour ilnmtfli mA hctrlhum, doctor utiullr prowrlb lh fantMl-trilnf mwlttlnre blown ft Tropic ra tie relief madlrlnvi like thoie tn BiUtaa Tiitloti. No Uiatit), DeH-ani brlnn torn fort In tlOrot rtturnboUit to u for double quo? btck, M. VANITY BED CHEST and BENCH S13.45 Down 5.60 PER MONTH CHOICE OF 2 NEW FINISHES Sun Tan Maple " Modern e Natiiral Bleaeh 4 PIECES 2 Twin Beds, Dresser, ' Chest, Night Stand . $88.40 TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE' Full size BED, DRESSER and CHEST 59.50 . : ''-.....:. ,:t ' ' :' You Mone : , , ,1