PAGE BIGHT Circles" -Plan Work First Methodist Church . Groups Gather on Thursday. Afternoon Circle 1 ot the First Medio diet church met with Mrs. G. W, Gilchrist, 315 Grant street, on Thursday afternoon. Des sert was served at half past one o'clock, followed by tha devotional service, led by Mrs. C. H. Barnstable; the study hour, conducted by Mrs. Cervenka, which dealt with the subject "South America" and the business meeting. The circle decided that on the first and third Thursdays of each month members would go to the Red. Cross rooms from one to four o'clock to work on surgical dressings. ' There were ten members pres- ' ent, and two guests, Mrs. Arthur Skinner and ' Mrs. Lloyd Gilcrist, and Mrs. E. A. Jaquette joined the circle at . this time. ; Circle 2. of the church also met Thursday with . Mrs. L. N. Haines, 1114 Crescent ave nue, the assisting hostess being Mrs. W. J. Steinmetz. Dessert was served to fifteen. Rev. Victor Phillips led the devotional service and Mrs. Phillips the study hour, the subject being, "Outlook in the Western Republics." A visit ing committee was appointed, the chairman, Mrs. D. A. ' Kenyon, by the circle chair man, Mrs. Peter Rozendal. Mrs. V. J. Josephson was hostess to, Methodist circle 3 on Thursday, at her home at 1946 Earle street. Dessert was served at half past 'one o'clock and the chairman, Mrs. E. M. Chilcote,' -opened the meet ing. Mrs. Paul - Edwards, study chairman, conducted the devotional : period. - She (poke briefly upon "Christian Motherhood" and then led the lesson upon-Central .America. The business - meeting fol , lowed, with an excellent re port being given of the year's . finances. Plans were complet ed for the Red Cross afghan Which - the circle plans to make, under the direction of Mrs. John 'Yadon and Mrs. Bruce Binkley. Ten members were-present, Mrs. Lester Pennington, Mrs. G. A. Thomas, Mrs. Stella Bi dord, Mrs. James McClelland, Mrs. Bruce Binkley, Mrs. Rhena Howry, Mrs. .Edna Kent, Mrs. L. K. Phelps, Mrs. ; Paul Edwards,. Mrs. E. M. ' Chilcote and Mrs. Josephson; and 'six guests, ; Mrs. L. M. Willoughby, Mrs. F. C. Park er, Mrs.: W. O. McNee, Mrs. Ethel, Hambleti Mrs. Paul A. Lee . and Mrs.' S. R. Berry. Mrs; ' Willoughby : became a member at this meeting. Circle 4 met at the home of Mrs. C. G. Andrus, 2300 Union ' avenue, on Thursday. Dessert was served at one .' o'clock to four members and , one guest,. Mrs. Bayless from Arkansas who is visiting here for the summer. Mrs. A. L. Barker, chairman of the cir cle.was. present to conduct the business meeting, having ' come from her new home in . Mount . Hebron for the day, and she also, led the devo tional services. Members spent the afternoon working on the tea towels which are to be placed on . sale when- com pleted. This group will serve tea at the next general meet ing, May the' twenty-seventh. . . MISS DENNY HAS BIRTHDAY MAY NINTH Donna Jean Denny, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Denny, 2319 Orchard avenue, celebrated her sixth birthday on 'Mother's Day, . May the ninth, with a party at her home. The table was center ed with the cake with its six candles, and the favors and placecards were suited to a May birthday. . Refreshments were served to Barbara Lee Stivers, Jerry Ongman, Margie. Stanley, Martha Stanley, Diane An derson, Donna Larson, Sharon Larson, Sharon. Zumwait, Donna Frances Zumwait, Gil bert Baker and Judith Ann Denny and the little girl with the birthday, Donna Jean Denny. After the refresh ments games were played in the yard for the rest of the afternoon. SOCIAL CLUB : , ; HAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON -On Wednesday afternoon, May the twelfth, the Rebekah Social club met In the 100F hall for apotluck luncheon, the: hostesses being Alfreda Steinmetz and Stella Dryden. Bingo was. played during the afternoon, and Mrs. Ross, was the fortunate person to be awarded a luncheon cloth and napkins.' The next meeting will be on May- the. twenty-sixth, and those attending are asked to bring sandwiches. A ".drink will be provided. MRS. HEIDRICH HONOR-GUEST ON DEPARTURE SPRAGUE RIVER Mrs. Frank Reynolds and Mrs. Rollo Moore were hostesses at a fare well party given at the Frank Reynolds home in honor of Mrs. C. C. Hcidrich. Lovely bouquets of spring, flowers were in evidence. The eve ning was spent in playing bridge and pinochle. High bridge score was won by Mrs. Heidrich and high pinochle by Mrs. Kircher. A gift was pre sented Mrs. Heidrich. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Mes dames H. McWilliams, W. Pool, P. Grobe, O. Ludwick, C. Sebright, C. C. Heidrich, H. Bourque, R. C. Passolt Sr., W. Zadow. C. A. Fuller, L. Croly, B. C. Woolford, I. Pan key, R. C. Passolt Jr., D. Kircher, J. Young, R. Moore and F. Reynolds. '-.' STUDENTS' PRESENTED. IN RECITAL Thelma Dumm presented a group of her piano and accor dion pupils in a recital on Fri day evening, April the thir tieth at her home, 407 North Ninth street. Numbers on the program were: "The Contented Bird" "Swing Low Sweet Chari ot Carol Lee Hamilton "Marine Hymn" "Dutch Dance" Myron Me- Vay "Blue Eyed Doll" Janet Ford ... "Berceuse" Elmina Ray mond "Skater's Waltz" Accordi on, Wendell Wood : "Fairy Court" 1 "Spring Song" Lois Connor -. "O Sol Mio" Accordion, Lillian Badorek "When Mother Sings" Mar garet Brightman "Gold and Silver Waltz" Bonnie Sweeney "Waltz of Raindrops" Ja net Ford "Moonlight Becomes You" Tots'ie Liskey "Liebestraum" "Barcarolle" from "Tales of Hoffman" Trombone solos. MRS. SORAN HONOR GUEST ON WEDNESDAY ; Mrs. Stanley Soran was honored with a shower Wed nesday evening, May twelfth, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Kent, 737 Pacific Terrace, with Mrs. Richard Strand and Mrs. Charles Foster as hostesses. ' Spring flowers were used about the rooms and upon the table from which the gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Cards were played during the evening with high score for bridge going to Mrs. Eu gene Love and high score in pinochle to Mrs. C. C. Crow son, Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Those bidden to the affair included Mrs. Louis Eschle, Mrs. Percy Murray, Mrs. . Em erson Black, Mrs J. Devere Helfrich, Mrs. Clarence East burn, Mrs. Hazel Samson, Mrs. Lorn Dalcour, Miss Dorothy Prosser, Mrs. Robert Arring ton, Mrs. Bernice . Berg, Mrs. William Burnett, Mrs. Louise Hunt,, Mrs. Eugene Love, Mrs. Charles King, Mrs. Dorothy Arney, Mrs. C. C. Crowson, Mrs. Del Woodcock, Mrs. Ar thur Reed, Miss June Pinelli, Miss Joyce Pinelli, Miss Peggy Zissos, Miss Helen L'argent, ' Mrs. Genevieve Osmen, Mrs. Agnes Vasak, Miss Betty Jones, Mrs. Margaret Paschal, Mrs. John McFarland, Mrs. Warren Woodard, Miss Darle Helfrich and Miss Darlene Mc Daniel. " ''' Mrs. Stanley Soran was the guest of honor at a shower given at the home of Mrs. W. G. Ely, Friday evening, May the seventh, the co-hostess be ing Mrs. Mildred Largent. Pinochle was played during the evening with high score held by Mrs. Ezell, second by Mrs. Largent and low by Mrs. Kennedy. Attending were Mrs. C. O. Dryden, Mrs. Glenn Hewitt, Mrs. Lee Ezell, Mrs. Lee Kennedy, Mrs, Otto Smith, Mrs. E. McGoran, Mrs. O. Schflpp, Ida Mochettaz and one out-of-town guest, Mrs. Louis Eschle of Medford, mother of Mrs. Soran. Re freshments were served by the hostesses and Mrs. Soran received many ' appropriate gifts, Mrs. Amy Crapo, worthy lecturer of Midland grange, presented a Mother's Day pro gram Wednesday evening at the meeting of the organiza tion. The affair was greatly enjoyed. Corsages were pre sented to all mothers attend ing and to Mrs. R. Ess, the oldest mother there. Mrs. Leon Andrieu, the youngest mother, and Mrs. August An drieu, mother of the largest family, also received corsages. Refreshments were served. NEWS OF THE THEATRES r u1 I :! ' Jean Arthur, Charles Coburn and Joel McCrea in a scene from Columbia's new comedy hit of 1943, "The More the Merrier," opening tonight Midnight at the Pelican. Charles Laughton and Maureen O'Hara are starred in RKO Radio's important new picture. "This Land Is Mine." and with them they bring a young actor bearing a distinguished name. He is John Donat, son of Robert Donat, and appropriately enough he makes his debut in a fighting picture. "This Land I Mine" is a hard-hitting story of Occupied Europe today, revealing the passionate drama going on behind the nasi invasion and terror ism. The feature it the current Esquire attraction. i 1 - Mii a,! it.i--rJ-r"-"i &imjiii.iihiiii Warren William is on the spot in hit latest Lone Wolf ad venture, "One Dangerout Night." with Eric Blor and Marguerite Chapman which heads the program at the Rainbow Sunday. The companion feature, "My Son the Hero," features Patsy Kelly and Roicoe Kami. I) t. Hedy Lamarr and Richard Carlson in a romantic scene from M-G-M's "White Cargo," which opens tomorrow at the Tower Theatre. Walter Pidgeon and Frank Morgan are the other two big stars. Johnny Mack Brown in "Tentin' Tonight on the Old Camp Ground" is the companion attraction. OFFICERS TO ' BE INSTALLED BY RAINBOW TULELAKE Installation of newly elected officers of the Tulclake chapter, Order ot the Rainbow for girls, is scheduled for Wednesday eve ning, May the nineteenth, in the high school gymnasium, it was announced this week by Mrs. C. C. Coulson, mother advisor. The open meeting will be attended by parents and friends of the girls. Elective officers to be seat ed include Patty Gentry, worthy advisor; Phyliss Snyd er, associate advisor; Fannie Adams, charity; Joyce Turn baugh, hope; Harriett Coul son, faith; Caroline Ryckman, treasurer. Appointive offi cers have as yet not been an nounced by the incoming worthy advisor. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MRS. NYBACK HOSTESS TO FRIENDS On Sunday, May the ninth, Mrs. Alrick Nyback enter tained at dinner at their home at 730 North Eleventh street in honor of Mother's Day and her husband's birthday. Ta pers and spring flowers made the table attractive. Attending the dinner were Mrs. Sandra Nyback, Mrs. Crystal Carmocly of Lakcvlew, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hclfor, William J. Uhrine, Miss Mar cia Lewis, Richard John Car mody, Sandra Nyback and the host and hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Nyback. Many friends called during the afternoon to offer felicitations also. If it's a "frozen" articlo you need, advertiso for a used one in the classified. VALLEY GUILD HAS MEETING LANGELL VALLEY Mrs.. Reg Thomas entertained the Guild of St. Barnabas church at her homo on Thursduy after noon. Lovely spring flowers decorated the rooms, sent by her mother, Mrs. L. W. Mon roe of Cave Junction. After ' the business , meeting guild sawing was done by tho ludles followed by dainty refresh ments, Mrs. Harry Frnzler re ceived a sot of embroidered tea towels. Mrs. Bill Burnett became a member of the guild at this meeting. Those present were Mrs. Owen Pepple, Mrs. Bill Bcchdolt, Mrs. Mary Dear born, Mrs. Harry Frazler, Mrs. , Bill Burnett, Mrs. Ora John son, Mrs. Frank Pepple, Mrs. Myron Dearborn, Mrs. Paul Monroe and Mrs. Lester Leav itt. , The next meeting of the guild will be held at tho home of Mrs. Harry Frazicr on June third. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Lester Leavitt enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dearborn at dinner on Tues day evening In honor of their ninth wedding anniversary. Other guests were Mrs Mary Dearborn. Catherine, Bill and Henry Dearborn, Lester Leav itt, Doris, Calvin and Mary Leavitt. Mrs. Bill Burnett enter tained at her home on May ' eleventh in honor of her son, Richard, who celebrated his fifth birthday. The children gathered at a gayly decorated . table, centered with the light ed birthday cake, Those hon oring Richard were Irene Brewster, Ruth Thomas, Helen Dearborn, Ruth Marie Stew art, Diane Anderson, Mary Ann Leavitt, Dcanna Camp bell, David Thomas, Bill Dear born, Bobby Potucck. and Bill Stewart. Mothers present were Grace Dearborn, Virgin ia Thomas, Tiny Brewster. Miriam Potucek, Norma Campbell, Laura Anderson, Margaret Dearborn, and Cora Leavitt. - NAZARENE MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Women's Foreign Mis sionary society of. the Nazar ene church held its first meeting of the year on May thirteenth in the church base ment. The officers for the year are Mrs. Les Ogdcn, president; Mrs. H. D. Little, first vico president; Mrs. Walter Clarcy, second vice president; Mrs. Bertrand Peterson, recording secretary; Mrs. Verne Spcirs, treasurer; Mrs. A. Rogers, su perintendent of study; Mrs. Tom McKinney, superintend ent of publicity. Departmental secretaries are Mrs. Herbert Dixon, box; Mrs. Tom Clegg, membership; Mrs. J. Wright, prayer and fasting; Mrs. Emil Hearth, relief and retirement of life members; Mrs. Tom Clegg, other sheep; Mrs. Bertrand Peterson, stan dard of excellence; Mrs. A. Rogers, medical missions; Mrs. Verne Speirs, Indian head and native workers. yy ' lS ISY0UR pej duty) niD you read "A Girl's Best Friend Is Her " Hat" in Vogue a while back? I may bo prejudiced, of course, but I think a girl's best friend is her lipstick , , . and naturally, powder, rouge and cosmetics in general. ' Here at Evcrbody's not a day passes without my seeing actual proof of it . . . whether it is the woman who discovers that the right shade of Du Barry Face Powder chops off a good fivo years from her appearance ... or the very young lady with the difficult skin who stops by with shining eyes to toll me that DuBarry Special Cleansing Prepara tion Is already working wonders for her complexion. A FTER all', there isn't a hat MADE that will compensato for an unappealing faco under it . , , a muddy complexion . , , the wrong color ing ... a badly applied make-up, But YOU know what I mean you've probably seen it often enough. IF YOU'RE not satisfied ' present to the world, you personally. We all make-up problems ' you Everbody's Drug - Tyke-Toter Model Llbby Lee and Little Joyce Ferguson demonstrate In New York a bnby stroller which shopping mother can fold Into pnpooso-lllto "bnby-pnek," leav ing her hands tree. CARD PARTY HELD AT SPRAGUE RIVER SPRAOUE RIVER A card party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Fenster on Saturday evening with pi nochle and pitch played. HlKh score in pinochle went to Mrs. Mariano Valle, second to Mrs. Florence Ambergettl, and low to Mr. Fester. High In pitch was held by Mr. Aulton Leek, second by Mrs. Parrlsh and low by Mr. Aulton Leek, La ter supper was served at n table decorated In red and while roses with a touch of blue to carry out tho patriotic theme. The hostess' presided at the coffee urn assisted by Mrs. Ashley Stinkard and Mrs. Sol lo Lopez. Later the group en joyed many musical numbers presented by the guests. Attending wcro Mr. and Mrs. Ambcrgcttl, Mr. and Mrs. John Shcppard, Mr. and Mrs. Aul ton Leek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Stinkard and daugh ter, Mr.' and Mrs. Wylio and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sollo Lo pez, Mr. Mariano Valle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leek, Mr. and Mrs. Parrlsh and the hosts' family. The group will meet May twenty-second with Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. On Thursday afternoon, May the thirteenth, the Thurs day Contract club was enter tained at the home of Pearl Yorkcland, 510 North Elev enth street. Tho hostess served dessert luncheon at two o'clock to Ruth Stanley, Fan nie Thompson, Bertha Hew itt, Clara McPhcrren, Wills Bark, Idollnc Scluipp and Stella Dryden. Ruth Stanley held high score for tho after noon, Stella Dryden second, and the traveling award went to Bertha Hewitt. Wllla Bark will be hostess for the next meeting, May tho twenty seventh. Br RITA WHIBENANT Lfccnied 0M0ct6l0lift with tho face that you I'll be glad to talk to hnvo our .individual know. ' RITA. -808 Main LOWER GRADES HAVE SCHOOL TEA SPRAGUE RIVKR A tea given by the thrco lower grades of tho Spniguo River school whs an event of Friday afternoon in tho school gym. Tea hours were from one until thrco o'clock. Mothers of tho first, second and third grade pupils wcro in vited. A program arranged from work covered by thuso grades was presented at halt past one o'clock. Tho students wcro presented In song, folk dunces and recitations. One. number, presented by tha first grade, "Tho Steam Engine," was accompanied on tho stage by an engine constructed of oruiiKo crates. Its engineer was Maxon Hansen, The tea table was centered with a bowl of white and pink snapdragons, carnations and fern. In crystal candle holders were four tall pink candles, A lovely silver tea service was used. Pouring were Mrs. Ivan Pankey and Mrs. Steven son. The following .mothers were present: Mesdames Lock, Johnson, Shepherd, Goddard, Welch, Passolt, Rogers, Bell, Illll. Tuning, Wiley, Green, Looper, Reams. Giles, Rey nolds, Dewey Thurmun, Bry an Thumian, Green Roper, McNoIr, Lake, Montgomery, Winona Barney, Laura Bar ney, Haddock, Lauvre. Jack son, Miss Lorraino Wilson. Mrs. Ben Woolford and a friend wcro special guests. Families and friends of the Friendly Circle met In tho social hull on Garden avenue Thursduy evening, May tho thirteenth, for a potluck sup per and a social evening, about twenty-five attending. Two of tho members had birthdays In May, Maggie Up ton unci Kuto Crowson, and received birthday gifts from their Lucky Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Billings and son Roy, former members of the group, have returned from Los Angeles and were wel comed by all. Lizzie Little will entertain tho clrclo at its next meeting, May tho twenty seventh, at her homo at 2444 Orchard Way. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening, May the thirteenth, in the KC hall. Tho meeting was colled to order at eight o'clock by the president, Mrs, J. M. Jenson, and following the business meeting an old fashioned spelling bee was much enjoyed, as were the re freshments which ended the program. The June meotlng will be held on June the tenth, and It Is planned to hold In itiation ceremonies at that time. Mrs. Prentice Ycomans, daughter of Mrs. Rose M. Poole, is now residing at Her shey, Pennsylvania, ncor the old military post at Indian town Gap, whero Lt.-Col. Yeo mans is stationed. Oo .NVl'V-' .a I 1U Mia i May IB, 19U VISIT MADE TO WOMEN OF MOOSE Tha Junior associate grand regent of tho Women of the Moose, Mrs. fleulah Clark, no. compunled by Mrs. Llklcy of Seattle, Washington, mnda tha visit lo the Klamath Falls chapter of tho Women of tha Muose. Mrs. Clark came In place of Mrs, Dorothy Eggles ton, associate grund regent, who wus unahln to attend ho rimse she was 111. A banquet was given In honor of the guests at tha lodge hull, One hundred and four attended tho dinner. Following the dinner, tha chapter was called to order and nn open meeting was ex emplified. Five candidate wcro Initiated Into tho Defend ing Clrclo, A very Interesting program wus given under tho direction of Mrs. Ellu llos ford, hospital guild chairman, Mrs. Clark gave an Interest ing talk which wus enjoyed by all thoso present. Alio at a the meeting wero fivo visiting ) members from tho Merrill chapter. Tho guests wero pre sented with lovely gifts by tha Klamath Fulls chapter. MIZPAH CLASS ENTERTAINED BY MATRONS Tho parlors of the First Methodist church were spring like with baskets of apple blossoms and lilacs on Mon day evening, Muy the tenth, when tho Junior Matrons en tertained the Mlzpuh class at their annual Mother's Day party. About forty wero pre sent to onjoy tho program, games, skits and refreshments. Mrs. J. G. Swan, mistress of ceremonies, announced tho numbers, A chorus of Junior f Matrons gave two songs w "Chlldrons' Prayer", and "If My Songs Had Airy Pinions". Rev. Victor Phlillps gave a brief talk on "Christian Moth erhood" and there was a song fest led by Mrs. S. Mendo Badger. Special awards In the form of corsages were pro sontad to Mrs, H. S. Wood, Mrs. Ann Richards and Mrs. Sleverson. A hondkerchlcf shower was given to Mrs. J. G. Swan, for several years teacher of the Junior Matrons' class, who Is leaving soon to reside near Junction City. Mrs. Walter Hcrndon, a former rosldent of Ashland, was Introduced and welcomed as the new teacher for the class. Refreshments were served later In the evening, the favor 9 In tho form of tiny May bas kets. PILE S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOlelTAUIATION No Law el Tim PtrnMtwnl RMulttl DR. E. M. MARSHA aMraprlilll HirtMM m N. Ilh - IHsHra ThMlrt BM(. rtwv iti - 0(' $359 Saves Energy, Cuts Fatigue and Backache! Save Vi to Vi at Sears Price! Goodbyo to bnckncho and other troublei brought on by war-fagl Galo support glvci tho extra help and control needed to stretch energy on the Home Front, Short length, waist model ... for greater free dom and activity. Prc-shrunk coutll. Tea rose. Sizes 24 to 42. $6.05 value. 3 Phone 5188 133 South 8th St.