fogy 15. 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Mailing Notices NOTIOI lUiulir mMtlng nf tha XUimlli Lmlta "I P'rfM. tlAlt, llrl and tltlt'l Men Ur ph month, aifrt n. n. All tnrmtim are lo VIM In attend by the Vrnrahlo Mailer. Lost nd Found LOST Ration book No. 1, San dra, Robert, Myrtle and Roy Mppnrt. Return to NewsHer nld Box 4912, 3-18 LOST Nation book No. 2. Wil liam Freer, Kano. 5-18 VOST Billfold containing meat i-Hllim book belonging to Hen ry Ellin. LOST Meat ration book belong- )lns to Oscar Baker, Morrill, Ore. 8-15 COST Uua ration book A be longing to E. F. Decker, Kono. Ore. 8 LOST "C" rnllon book. M. II. nnrber. Kern Hotel. 5-17 FlKASK RKTURN RATION IIOUKS, Joseph Corson Mnck. No questions nuked. C'Soncrnl Delivery, Klinniilli Falls. 317 LOST Billfold, believed be tween Lee Hendricks' Drug Store imd S. P. depot. Call Lost Hlver Dairy. Reward. Austin Lewis. 3 21 LOST Ration book 1 and 2 Ittiby, Betty and Mnry Hnllet. AImi oil book. 17 rine. o-io 4 Goneral Notice! tUSKD SEWING MACHINES f bought and wild. Slngm: Sow- Ine Center. 1Z13 Main, uiai 8771. -20 LEARN POPULAR PIANO Send for free folder. Thclma Dimim. 407 No. Oth. Phone 34IH. 3-28 Ptrsonals MONUMENTS Klamath Tall Marble and Granite Work, 110 So. 11th. Phone 3381 8-7m WILL CARE FOR CHILD under 2 yenrs. Day caro and do laun dry. Phone 3362. 3-18 MOTHER WILL BOARD CHILD two to four years old In her home. Phone 3618. 3-18 CALL 6730 for concrete work k on your comelery lot. 6-13m ANYONE ACQUAINTED with Richard Davla who lived K. Falls 1D42 please communicate with Nettlo Dickens, 116 No. Yakima Ave., Tncoma, Wash. 3-20 10 8erTlees FOR THE BEST In tailoring, remodeling, repairing, suits to order (men's and ladies') al ways sec Rytc-Way 'Tailors'. 110 No. 8th, phone 6862. 6-7 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hitthnway, 120 No. 10th St., Klnmnth Falls, Ore. 8-31 DR. M. C. CASSEL. chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dls- cases. 832 Main. Dial 7213. J 'S-31m PICTURE FRAMING Goeller'i, 230 Main. 8-3 lm HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs II. M. Allendcr, 731 Main, Room 216. Phone 7263. 3-31m PAINTING KALSOMINING II. L. Brown. Phone 4226. 8-3 lm FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh Ins. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. B-31m BULTS for all makes refrigera tors, wnshcrs, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 k South Sixth. 8-3 lm PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Chop, 727 Main. B-Jlm ELKCTROLUX Authorized Ser vice. L, C. Cnrr, 021 Mitchell. Phone 7107. 6-1 lm J. A. TUFTS HEATING SPECIALIST CHIMNEYS, furnaces, stoves, oil burners, cleaned, repaired. Phono 8404, res. 8040. 6-3m LAWNMOWERS, outboard mo tor and gas englno repairing. Botlonhamcr Saw and Repair Shop, G-Bm FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, rcfinlshlng, repairing. Cabi nets built. Carpenter work of nil kinds. Painting nnd knlso- ) mining done. Phone 4B17. 3041 Shasta way. 8-1 lm SEWING MACHINES RENTED by monlh. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 1213 Main St. Dial 6771. 6-8m EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE In my home. Call at 634 East Main. 8-18 CURTAINS laundered and , stretched. Phone 8717. 6-lm Service HOUSEHOLD refrigeration and washing much I no service. Dial 8303 or 6448 after 2 p. m. Vic tory Service Co., 1003 Pros ptot. 0-lBm WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at all times. Phone 8144. fl-ISm 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS Phone 3408, 407 No. Oth St, 6-3 SPECIAL TRAINING FOR DE FENSE JOBS. Aeronautical, Aviation Engine and Mainte nance Courses. Study at home. Low monthly payments. International Correspondence Schools, Box 1B32, Scranton, ' Pa. 8-1 B 14 Help Wanted female GIRL for general office work and typing. Cascade Laundry. 8-13 WANTED Woman to do house keeping and care for rabbits on shires. Box 34, Modoc Point. 3347U WANTED Woman for light housework. Call evenings. Ph. 3008. 8-17 GIRL to assist with housework and children for summer months. Board and room. Ph. 7207. 8-18 LADY COOK WANTED Hours 2 to 10. Buffalo Lunch, 2441 Sn. Oth. 80S 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Man 38 years or older, capable of taking full charge of parts department. Permanent position, best of working conditions, good salary. Contact Mr. Lombard. Lombard Motors 424 S. 6th Street 3480tf Mechanic WANTED Experienced over haul mechanic, steady employ ment, good wages, guarantee. See Service Manager, DICK B. MILLER CO. 4087tf CAMP WHITE EXCHANGE CAMP WHITE, OREGON Opening for Dinner Cook, capable of taking charge. Also Short Order and Dish Up Man. Excellont wages, Good Working Conditions. Write stating qualifications. 318 RATCHET SETTER TURN DOWN MEN GREEN CHAIN MEN LUMBER PILERS Western Pine Mills. 818 Main Phone 4400 or 3612 evenings 8-13 MILLWRIGHTS, with construc tion experience preferred Western Pine Mills. 818 Main. Phone 4400 or 3612 evenings. 8-13 FALLER3, good timber, level country. Western Pine Mills, 318 Main. Phone 4400 or 3612 evenings. 3-13 WANTED Experienced car wrecker. Must have hand tools. This is essential war in dustry . work. Roy Call Auto Wrecking, 727 Commercial. Phone 6763. 8-13 MAN WANTED for steady work Inspecting refrigerator cars and making reports. Apply Western Fruit Express, care G. N. Depot. 813 STEADY EMPLOYMENT for man above draft age, 8 to 6 hours dally. Light work. Ap ply after 6 p. m. Bowling Alley, 819 Main. 3-18 PAINTERS WANTED Phone 4637 evenings. 8-13 MAN AND WIFE WANTED to occupy apartment In exchange for work on the place. 466 Hillside. 8-13 STENOGRAPHER Good sbI ary. Out of town mill. Daily transportation available. Must be good typist. Give qualifi cations, experience and refer ences. Write Herald-News Box 4074. . 0-18 WANTED 12 to 14-year-old boy to help around dairy. Light work. News-Herald Box 4309. 8-18 MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY, ex perienced press operator on shirts wanted. Phone 4380 i 6-18 18 Situations Wanted CARPENTRY or other work. Call at 1881 Academy. 8-18 YOUNG MAN, draft exempt, with some business experience, wants position with local firm. Write or call at 707 Addison. 8-17 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 4768. 1028 Jefferson. 3270tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klam ath Ave. 8-26 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 6-29 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms. $3.80 week up. Tran sients $1.00. 6-2m 10 Rooms for Rent CLAREMONT, . 228 North 4th. All outside, nowly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng muttresses. Free parking. 8-31m ROOMS 1034 High. 6-Bm OUTSIDE ROOMS Crater Ho tel. 120 N. 2nd. 0-1 lm FRONT ROOM, modern, stoam heated, newly decorated, Greer Apts., 710 Main. 4174tf ROOM FOR RENT 514 No. 10th. fi-28 24 Apartments For Rem FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 410 No 10th. 8-18 FURNISHED APT. FOR RENT 203 Washington. 3312U FURNISHED 2-room apartment. Water paid. Couple only. No parking space. Inquire after noons, 716 No. Oth. $25 month. 1796U PONDOSA APTS. Market and Klamath. 8-28 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Bath, electric range, gas heat er. Adults. 336 Broad. 4S10U TWO ROOM apartments. Every thing furnished including fuel and utilities. 1808 Main. 3490tf 2-ROOM furnished apartment. 405 No. 3rd. 8-13 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment and housekeeping room, $4 and up week. 133 No. 10th. 3-18 VACANCY Lee Apartments. Phone 0047. 3402tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Couple. No pels. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 3403tf APARTMENT COTTAGE, close to Main, suitable for two. Ph. 4272 days, 8130 evenings. 3B87U CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Completo kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 5-31mj esplaWade'T'ourtparT- I mcnts furnished; by the, week or month. Walking dis-l tancc. 1003 Esplanade. S-31m 2 BEDROOM furnished Apt. Electric range, refrigerator, garage. $27.50. Phone 5452. 3024tf 2 ROOM furnished Apt., with utilities $18.00. 248 Broad. 3923tf FOR RENT 3-rooin and bath furnished apartment. Water furnished, $25. Close in on North 9th, Tel. 3284. 4537tf VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 6-8m GLENCOURT APTS. Modern furnished $27.50 and up. Under new management. Wcy erhaeoscr district. Ph. 5084. 6-8 m FURNISHED 2-room apartment with private bath, $15 month. Two blocks off of Main, 5121 High. Phone 4865. 4G81U VACANCY Audley Apts., 8th and Walnut. Phone 7243. 5-17 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. 2043 White. 4122U FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, steam heated and 'air conditioned. Pine and Cedar. 5-18 CLEAN 3-room furnished apart ment, gas heat 754 No. 10th. 8-15 FOR RENT 4-room furnished, clean apartment. Close In. Rent reasonable. Call after 8 o'clock, 2222 Orchard. 4143tf APARTMENTS and cabins for rent.' 1143 Pine. Phone 4448. 6-18 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cook with gas. Nice yard. $4 per week. 410 So. 5th. 6-1 3m VACANCY 421 Oak St. 8-18 FOR RENT 2-bedroom duplex, furnished. Adults. 466 Hill side. 8-18 TWO-ROOM furnished apt. Wood and water furnished, $16.00. 2126 Reclamation. 8-10 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water. $18. Phone 7779. 8-20 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 week and up. 1404 Klamuth. 8-21 THE ROOSEVELT VACANCY 2036 LcRoy. Phone 3817. 3797tf VACANCY 4 room furnished nynrtmcnt. Hot and cold water and utility room furnish ed. Phono 8418. , 6-18 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Close In, Inquire 117 North 8th. 8-13 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close in. 201 East Main. 420Blf 28 Houses For Rent 4-ROOM unfurnished duplex, close In. Hot bskI cold WBter, electric range. Adults. No pets. Inquire 915 Oak. 6-17 22 Houses For Rent BACHELORS' CABINS Close In. $10 month. 810 So. Sth. 8-21 FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Phone 6823. 3387tf SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Bichn. 340Hf 3-ROOM HOUSE Call 6676 be fore 4 or 6801 after. 3000tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 6-7m 3-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished, or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1199 California. Phone 8658. 4070tf FURNISHED 3-room house and garage. Newly decorated. $20. 2424 South 6th. 8-18 CLEAN, furnished, redecorated 3-room duplex. 2023 Darrow. 8-18 FOR RENT OR SALE Modem 4-room house, full basement, furnace, garage, domestic hot water. Inquire 2224 Main. 8-13 3 ROOMS AND DINETTE Fur nished. 333 Commercial. 4S94U MOVING? Local and long distance. Peoples Warehouse 4089tf FOR RENT Modern six-room unfurnished house close in. Gas range and water heater. Phone 3431 after 3 p. m. 5-20 FOR RENT 4-room house with shower, furnished. Furniture and rent cheap, or will trade for light car. 631 South 6th St. 5-15 MODERN 3 room furnished 2552 Shasta Way. 5-18 FOR RENT All modern du plexes. Reasonable. Oil North 8th St. 5-21 FOR RENT Large two room cabin, garden space. 4806 South 6th. 5-15 4 ROOM unfurnished house, Division and Union. Inquire 117 North 8lh. 5-15 FOR RENT Small Adults. Phone 4667. house. 5-21 FOR RENT 3-room partly fur nished house, large garden space, shade and fruit trees. Adults. 41162 So. 6th. 5-15 28 Miscellaneous For Reiyt DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11 In. 3.31m WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrcst mattress, floor waxers. - Phone 5353. Klamath Furniture. 5-31m 30 Real Estate For Sale MILLS ADDITION Lovely 4-room home on pave ment. Nice location, large gar den planted in rear. 2221 Dar row. $2200 cash or $2500 on terms. Can be refinanced. SHASTA WAY Lovely suburban home with basement, on Shasta Way. E. Gray Real Estate Corner 7th and Pine Sunday Phone 4680. FOR SALE OR RENT S-room house with Victory garden space, lawn and garage. Phone 3236. 3582U 14-ROOM RESIDENCE, 1 block from courthouse, $150 month income. If interested call at 134 North 3rd. 8-12m POTATO LAND Acreage for rent, all ready to be planted. E. Gray Real Estate Corner 7th and Pine Sunday Phone 4680 FOR SALE, RENT Cottages, tourist or permanent, on high. way In city. Phone 4820. 5-18 FOR SALE 80-acre farm east of dairy. Inquire Orlan Mc Cumber, Dairy. 5-15 U ACRE. 3-room house, best garden soil, tine raspberries and strawberries, nice lawn and trees. Reasonable. 1847 Ivory St. 8-15 WELL FURNISHED APART MENTS Income $280 per month. Reasonable terms, Ph. 7008. 5-15 FOR SALE Equity In 2-bed room home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, floor furnace, shrubs and Victory garden. Coin plotely furnished, $1900 cash, Phone 8603. 8-18 FOR SALE Good house on Oregon Ave. Corner lot, two bedrooms. Close in. Porches, shade trees. Phone 3725. 8-21 34 Automotive WE BUY AND SELL Used Cars For the best deal, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lol, 7th and Oak. 3384tf GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Ktmballs . Glass Shop, 827 .Walnut. Ph. 7378. 6-6m WANTED TO BUY '33 or 38 car in good shape. Terms Phone 3027. 8921U 26 34 Automotive If you are called to the Army, or for any other reason it becomes necessary'to SELL YOUR GAR Get All! 'hat It's Worth See Dick B. Miller Co. We absolutely pay higher prices for lote model core. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath 34 Automotive CASH for Your USED CAR. TRUCK, PICKUP or EQUITY Balsiger Motor Co. Main and Esplanade 515 FOR SALE Dodge 1 1-ton truck. Enterprise Irrigation district, Crystal Springs road. Charles Green. Phone 3057. Call morn ings. 5-15 FOR SALE '41 Ford coupe with Mercury engine. Traveled 4700 miles. Price $1050. Ph. 3512 or 6871. 5-15 FOR SALE 1938 V-8 tudor de luxe in perfect shape, 5 good tires. Will take a trade-in. Phone 7034 or call at 116 Old Fort Road. 5-17 FOR SALE 1934 Ford sedan. Good tires. 631 So. 6th. 5-13 36 Miscellaneous For Sale DO IT NOW! Protect and beautify your wood shingle roof with stain, all colors. You can paint all your buildings inside, including your buildings inside and out side, including paint and labor with no down payment. Pay as low as $3.00 month, up to three years to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 3197 66 Main 4182U LANDSCAPING, large size fruit trees, flowering and shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and perennial flowers. Call us for estimate of complete landscaping your home. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 5-19 NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805tf nnnFINfi PnmnoMtion. wood or built-up roofs. Suburban Lumber Co. Fhone 770H. 3725U DRIVEWAY CINDERS -6817. - Phone 1485U KEMTONE The best Interior finish available. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3737tf ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing. Scaley Bros., contractors. Phone 8920. 6-5m FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. 6-Bm FOR SALE PLANTS. Caull flower, tomatoes, peppers Crystal's, Merrill - Lakevlew Junction. 5-15 GARDEN SEEDS and supplies. Peoples Warehouse. 4090tf AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. 5-28 RUBBER STAMPS, printed . signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J, Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Fhone 6632. 5-Slm REDWOOD Flume and culvert lumber. Suburban Lumber. Phone 7709. 3943U AVON PRODUCTS Alda Kemp Phone 6691. 5-18 GLASS Mirrors, resllvering, plate, window and auto glass, furnlturo tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 6-6m CALGONITE for electric dish washing. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market Street. 6-7m HARD TO GET ITEMS in Paints, Hardware and supplies try F, R. Hauger. Genuine Shel lac, Aluminum Paint and all sizes Paint brushes, Roof brushes, Whitewash brushes F. R. Hauger, 515 Market St. 6-7m FARMERS! Don't delay, get those bags patched now. Peoples Warehouse 4087 AVON PRODUCTS P h o n e 6144. Mrs. Ross. 6-15m $4 Automotive Phone 4108 SI Miscellaneous For Sale Auction Sunday, May 16th, at 1 o'clock at my ranch, one mile east of Dairy on Bonanza highway. 15 HEAD OF CATTLE 4 cows milking 4 yearling heifers 1 yearling steer 6 calves 5 HEAD OF HORSES ' One 1800 lb. 6-year-old bay gelding One 9-year-old roping horse One 2-year-old filley, broke One 2-year-old sorrel colt One 2-year-old bay colt 5 brood sows 50 chickens 2 turkeys MACHINERY Grain drill, 3-section spike tooth harrow, spring tooth, 2 mowers, rake, 2 sulky plows, stock trailer, 2-wheel trailer, rubber tired wagon and rack, hay derrick and slings, harness good saddle, 70 sacks grain, wheat, barley and rye, 40 sacks cull spuds and many other ar ticles. TERMS--CASH Lunch available during sale. H. H. Bell, owner. Col. Swigart, auctioneer. PALMER'S SPECIALS in Good Used Furniture 20 beds, $2.00 up 10 falling saws, $5.00 each 5 electric ranges, $25.00 up 10 kitchen tables, $1.00 up 20 odd chairs, 50c up 5 good rockers, $3.00 up 3 nice dining suites 5 good davenport suites 1 jig saw with motor 2 nice twin bed suites 5 good oil circulators, complete with 110. gallon tanks Closing out cheap dishes, glasses, pots and pans, tools, shoes, etc Klamath's Busy Bargain Center. Buy Here and Save. PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 e-PFCIAL NOTICE Palmer pays top cash prices for your used furniture, stoves and appliances. See him before you sell. 5-17 SOILAX for wall washing, paint cleaning and general home use. GOELLER'8. across from Wlllard. 5-25 KEMTONE Goeller's, across from Willard. 230 Main. 5-25 FOR SALE Burbank seed po tatoes, single drop, some to cut Martin T. Dingle, Rt. 1, Box 85, Tulelake, Calif. 5-18 WE HAVE a nice stock of extra heavy cedar posts. Drop In , and look them over. BUILD ERS' LBR. CO. 5-20 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 5-31m RADIOS FOR SALE First house past Frankford's wood yard on Bend highway. 5-23 FULLER ' BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1433 Martin. Phone 5677. 6-15m FOR SALE at low price, puppies, good for farmers for driving cattle or sheep. 838 Oak. 8-18 FOR SALE 1 No. 110 Gallion grader, pneumatic tires. Good rubber. 2 John Deere tractors Model D. In good condition. 1 box pump. Will pump 8000 to 20,000 gallons minute. 1 China boar, 3 Duroc boars. Tom Calmcs, Keno, Ore. 4604U FOR SALE 1 gas Water heater, like new not automatic; 1 eight-tube Airline radio like new. Wanted 1 12-ft. van body in good condition. Phone 8672 after 8 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. 8-18 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 8-llm 36 Miscellaneous For Sale UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Lot us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3398tf FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown In with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 7709. 3400tf CRATING and packing. Peo ples Warehouse. 40911 POSTS Redwood and cedar. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 4167tf FOR SALE New Spanish guitar and case, radio, dishes, elec tric appliances, kitchen uten sils, laundry equipment, linens, shotgun with shells, treadle type sewing machine, good condition. 317 Martin. 8-18 38 For Sale or Trade RAWLEIGH Products. Frank Lelblein. 2916 Bisbee. 6-17 FOR SALE or trade for smaller house: 8-room house, full base ment, furnace. 429 Pacific Terrace. Phone 7085. 5-17 42 Miscellaneous Wanted I BUY USED PIANOS for cash, add only value of recondition-. ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4519 or 7175. 5-21 WANTED Good used furniture. Lucas Furniture. Phone 3824. 195 East Main. 6-3 m WANTED TO RENT 5-room modern house. Close In. Phone 5593. 5-17 SEND ME BOXES 22 SHORTS plus 25c each box, for which will send you equal amount 22 long rifle. Mitchell, 608 South Riverside, Medford. 5-19 WANTED Stock saddle in good condition. Describe and state price. W. E. James, Box 27, Chemult, Ore. 5-15 COLLAPSIBLE BABY BUGGY Phone 5618. 5-18 WANTED To buy one or more Caterpillar or International tractors, 35 h.p. or more; must have dozer or drum or both Notify T. J. Moulton, 1215 S.E Grand Avenue, Tel. EA1767, Portland, Oregon. 3-20 WANTED TO RENT within two weeks, 2-bedroom unfurnished house. Must be in good condi tion. Close in. Herald-News Box 4863. 5-15 WANTED TO BUY Lady's lug gage, small steamer trunk, electric iron, electric toaster. All must be in good condition. Phone 7044. 5-17 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock, . turkeys and rabbits. Trulove's Market, 919 East Main. Phone 4282. 6-lm WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 YOUNG COWS and calves. 5704 Avalon, south off Anderson Ave. 5-15 FOR SALE Sow pig weighs over 200 pounds. Call at 3128 Cannon avenue after 5, or dial 3985. tf DAIRYMEN! Fed Security Calf Food and sell all your milk. Peoples Warehouse 4086tf POULTRY, feeds and equip ment. Peoples Warehouse. 4088tf WANTED TO BUY Good milk cow, prefer Guernsey and Jer sey. Phone 3973. 5-15 FOR SALE Red Hampshire chickens, some setting hens. 3927 South 6th St. Ph. 4041. 5-13 SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE See Clarence Adams, City Transfer. Phone evenings 6440. 5-18 PUREBRED ANGUS BULL for sale. Two years old, Lloyd C. Beebe, Langell valley, Bo nanza, Oregon. 5-15 FOR SALE Rent cottages, tour ist or permanent, on highway, in city. Phone 4820. 5-19 FOR SALE 1000 head feeder hogs, 23-30 veal calves at pub lic auction by the Farm Bu reau at Anderson, California, Wednesday, May 19, 1943, at 1 p. m. Hogs graded and sold In truck load lots. Calves sold individually by the pound. 5-17 FOR SALE Purebred registered Angus heifers. Eleven months old. Walter Hitter, Hildcbrand. 5-17 FOR SALE 3-months-old pig; also weaners. 4441 Homedale Road. 6-17 ONE YOUNG bred sow and one feeder pig. Phone 3033.' 3-18 It It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. 46 Financial PAY AS YOU GO! Consolidate your old debts with a cash loan, UP TO 12 MONTHS TO REPAY . Money also avallabU for current needs. Private Sales Financed AUTOMOBILE LOANS UP TO $300 Furniture Salary Loans Up to $300 COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION P. A. Everett. Mer. 116 South Eighth Street, Telephone 3263 vns First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Horns Pay Lesi Than ttant Long Terms -:- Low Rale FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Fall- . Sixth and Main Phone 5193 8-3 lm See . , ,. K. A. (Dinty) Moore For . AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS -FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 months to pay . " Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co." Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-I41 114 N. 7th Phone $331 5-lm Automobile Loans, $20.00 to $500.00 - A Sensible Way to Get the Money You Need Tf yoa need ea.b, U e know hew awe. Chancel ara w can aire you annagb money to "balance jow budget' 'tntt en yonr Mr alc-ns with monthl? repayment arraaiad l fit 70OT pocketbook. For examplo: A IIW.0S aato loan at Consumer mar b paM oft la 11 monthly tnitallmenta- ef SIS-OS eaob. "It ien't ,'hat yon own H'a vliaft yon ara that eoanta. - - - We also male furnfture) and signature loan Consumers Credit . (M-BS 730 Pine 9t eVW9) Phone mi -31m 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Rental eottagee. tourist or permanent, on high way in city. Phone 4820. 5-li FOR SALE FuHy equipped Super Ice Cream Parlor and Cafe in the center of town on 99 highway. An opportunity of a lifetime for anyone who can handle it. Cheap rent and long lease with plenty of room for business and living quar ters. All in first-class shape, will stand the most rigid In vestigation. Reason for tell ing sickness and too much business. Write P. O. Box 358,' Sutherlln. Oregon. ' 5-17 Property Acquired For City Park LAK E V I E W Lakevlew's much talked about and long awaited city park came a step nearer to reality this week when the Hall estate and American Le gion property were purchased for the site of the new park. The property, which includes the Le gion clubhouse, is located be tween Center and First street North and C and D streets. Ths purchased site adjoins property held by the city and which will also be incorporated in the new project. Modern girls reach maturity more quickly than boys, says a biologist. But once they have reached it they stay there long er, judging by. the number of candles on the birthday cakes. BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main fc Sprlno. A Phone 3144 332123