HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE May 14, 1043 o mmmm Married t'l'lvnris will bo In torestod to know thnt nows has linon received from Soiittla thnt John Milne a( Kliiimilli Knll.i, furiimrly employed by Unncl J'urtluiKl Freight llni'H, mid ihiw muuhlnlnta inato hucoikI ohms, United Stiitca nuvy, stationed nt Brooklyn, N. Y., wns griintud itlioro leave on April 1, after having nerved one. year In the service. On April 10, ho wiin nuirrled to Helen Dcun of Se attle, Wunli., with whom ho had become acrinuintcd whlln station od lit the Dreinorton naval yards prior to being assigned to Brooklyn. After a short honey moon spent In Seattle and I'ort land, Mllno returned to Drook Ivn, while Mm. Mllno remained in Seattle. tf In Klomulh Friends were greeting llaarby Iteehen thin week during his brief vIbII In rthimiith Fulls and at Dly with hl.t brother, John, of Crane mills. Bechen htm been stationed at Camp Hale, Pnndo, Colo., with the mountain Infantry and was given ilck leave due to evere attack of scarlet fever, llo vl- tied his family in Portland and hail now reported to Camp Hale for duty. According; to Heehen Jimmy Connan has left for Kurt Bennlng, Gu., for officers train inn. Coonnn is also in tho moun tain infantry division stationed t Pando. llo Is tho son of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Coonan of Sun Francisco and tho nephew of Mr. and Mrs. II. 1). Mortenson pi this city. i Returns Mrs. Ivy Nord of tl$fl1 High street returned Thurs- iyay from Hamilton Field, San Rafael, Cullf., where sho en joyed a brief visit with her son, Stuff Sgt. Richard L,. Nord, lu who flew from Savannah, Ga., to California on route to Hon olulu. Hamilton Field officials have advised Mr. Nord that her ion has arrived safely In the Islands. Nord trained In Florida and Is now serving as a radio technician and gunner on a Billy Mitchell bomber. ! Visitor Mrs. Alvln Nicholas of Vallejo, Calif., has been the cuest of Mm. F.lslo Sweimy of the Greer apartments tho past week. Mrs. Nicholas reports Viil- Jcjo, with normul population of 35,000, now hos approximate ly 1)0,000 residents. Many for ,qier Klamath Falls resldonts arc )ow employed at tho shipyards. BUY WAR BC )NinLt.RIIY.WAR v BUT VYAK tL-m&- W-T BUY WAR Z. SEP R BUY WAR fWfcXV. $ buy wi m a osuyw H I f ij BUYw p! m BUY Wh ti it III .BUY WaB' I f M $ buy wa m m BOY WAV f,! J ,MlllsMlMMit,,' My! What these good 9 piefces can co for Enjoy Lettuce or Mixed Greens with this CALIFORNIA DRESSINGI Vi tup fnoyoniwlie I tip. C'H-I Worceiteiihlre Sams i tup C'H'I Catiup J4 tup finely-chopped C-H-B Iweel Pleklei On Leave Pvt. Samuel It. Unlloy, 20, U. S. urmy, hus ro- turned to tho homo of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mil ler of Mlsbco street, for a MOduv sick leave. Mutiny was among tho first Klamath Falls boys to leave for Fort Slovens ulilt the National Guard. He has seon service slnco the full of 11)40, und has been In AlasKa slnco December, 1042. Bulley luiu linen nt Ilarncs liospltui in Vancouver, Wash., for tho pusl month receiving trcatmonl. "is condition is highly Improved. ci,.,v. Raturn Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shuey huve returned, to i, ,,,!. 020 Walnut avenue, ..d..- .,.i,iiini the oust six monllis In Los Angolcs during which Shuey was engiigcu in u ...... i.win.irv Thcv also visited with their son, Fred, who Is In business in tho Culiiorniu cuy, .....i ...in, ilmlr diiiiuhter. Mr J. Guy Canady (Lucille Shuey). Friends will be iniercsiea 10 li.rn that Mrs. Shuey is greatly improved in health. Rk.rrlrlo H.V. Bon FHomU of Mr. and Mrs. Jomcs Sherrlck, .,r.-,,r rmldenta of KlamuUI Falls, will bo interested to leorn Hint il.rv hern mo parents oi a baby boy pji May 10, 1043, at 'flio buby hus been ..,,.,! Kiivpn James. He WCIgtl ed 8 pounds II ounces. Ho is tho third son of Mr. ond Mrs. Klu-rriek. und ho is a grandson of C. F.. Sherrlck. 2232 Kiln street, Klamath Fulls. In Now York Mulor Harlan Bosworth has been transferred from Syracuse, N. Y., to the North Atlantic division, office of tho corps of engineers, New York City, according to word received here by Mrs. Bos worth. Tho transfer was effec tive May 10. From Nowoll C. E. Milhorn, formerly of the city police de partment ond now govern ment employe stationed at New ell, Collf., has returned from a trip to Arizona In tho Interests of his office. Ho spent Friday In Klamath Foils. Brother Dies Mr. and Mrs. h. It, Harvey. 2327 Garden ave nue, received word on Monday ovcnlng that his brother, living near Spokane, Wosh., had died, and they left on Tuesdoy morn ing for that city. They expect to return homo on Sunday. BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS MY'- BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS BONDS wartime eating! Glorify Fish with this GRAND TARTAR SAUCE t tup ntayonnalie W tip. grand onion 1 tbip, chopped C-H'S Cucumber Plcltlu 1 1btp, (hopped tips ollvei Mix Ingredients, Pauley may be added, but If to, do not try lo keep droning more Irian a dayl ' To Mtdford Harry Mnrln left on Wednesday for Mcdford for a short slay und was accom panied by his mother, Mrs.- J. C. Murln, Mrs. Al McCumber and his daughter Marian. The latter will remain for two weeks as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Goorgo l'otucck, now living In Mcdford. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. 16, 1943) Train 19 Bouthboundi 6 p. m. Train 20 Northbound! 11 a. m. Train 17 Bouthboundi 7 a, m. Train 16 Northbound) 10 p, m. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3:30 p. m. Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake view and Rockv Point, 7 u. m. Mystery Mothers The First Presbyterian Sunday School class of Mrs, Graco Spunnaus will be entertained by their "Mystery Mothers" In the church parlors, Friday, May 14, at 7:30 p. m. An interesting af fair has been planned. Pythian Bisters Members of Pythian Sisters will meet Friday, tonight, at 7:30 o'clock in the city library club rooms. Visiting Sisters aro welcome. Moose All members of the Loyal Order of Mooso ore asked to attend tho usual Saturday night party at tho Mooso hall Members may bring a friend. Refreshments will bo served. Always read the classified ads. SPECIAL MM SALE OF COATS AND ACCESSORIES All early spring styles must go to make room for new styles arriving almost dally. Mostly dark shades some browns and pastel shades. Regular $3.95 to $15.00 Value Special Salt Tailored . Artemis Slips Regular $1.98 to $3.50 Values Some slightly soiled. Also Included are odds and ends of Barblzon and Pandora slips mostly small sizes. Tearose, navy and black shades. Some $1 79 slightly soiled X LORRAINE RAYON GOWNS One lot of tailored styles In tea rose only. Small, memum and largo sizes. Regular $1.08 Values. While they last, each . LADIES' T-SmilTS Pastol colors and stripes Values ' , . to $1.60. Each CHILDREN'S SIZES 59 to $1.00. (Downstairs) mum MANAG NG SETZER BOX Froomnn Schultz, manager of the Algoma Lumber company, has accepted a position as man ager for tho Sctzer Box company of Sacramento, Calif., and will move soon to the California cap ital. Sotzor Box has operations at Sacramento, Greenville, Engel mlne, and Willows. Schultz Is making the change as a result of the stoppage of op erations of tho Algoma Lumber company at Algoma, whero he spent 18 years. He expects to divide his time for a while be tween Sacramento and Algoma, continuing in charge of disman tling and disposal operations at the Klamath county point. All of the Algoma lumber in ventory has been shipped, but some 59 men are still at work there in connection with the dis mantling of the plant and remov al of equipment. Courthouse Records Marriages LYBRAND - PATRICK. John Anderson Lybrand, 35, farmer. Native of Arkansas, resident of Klamath Falls. Marjorle Inez Patrick, 26, housewife. Native of Arkansas, resident of Klam ath Falls. Complaints Filed B. H. Pruitt, doing business 25 pont Coats $19.95 lo $39.50 Values Reduced to 1B05 to 3450 A lovely assortment of late style tweeds, plaids and solid tones; mostly fitted styles-a few boxy types. Sizes 10 to 38. o One Lor of Early Spring Millinery Reduced to Oreqon News Notes By The Associated Press Oregon school children who co" .-ct 100 or more tin cans In a statewide contest will receive a free ticket to a Pacific Coast league baseball game at Port land May 22 under new regula tions announced by the state salvage committee. . , , Tony and Andrew Faslo, Portland market proprietors, paid a fine of $278 for soiling seed potatoes above celling prices, tho district OPA office reported. Albany turkey processing plants asked for pickers to han dle a record crop of breeder under the name and style of Pruitt grocery versus Daniel B. Murphy. Suit to collect bill. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. Vivian Duffy versus Dolson Duffy. Suit for divorce, charge desertion. Couple married in Klamath Falls, October 10, 1927. Plaintiff asks custody of one mi nor child and restoration of maiden name, Vivian Moore. J C. O'Neill, attorney for plain tiff. Justice Court Ole Simonson. Operating mo tor vehicle as common carrier without a permit. $25 bond for feiture. Orr, Maxwell. Overloading truck. Fined $10. P I L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lot ol Tlmo Ptrmamnt RmuUiI DR. E. M. MARSHA Chiropnctl PttytielM ttt H. 7th E squire Theatrt Bid Photv 7HS $59 $00 stock expected to start May 25. . , . The wife of Lieut. Walter L. Smith, stationed in the South Pacific, received at Portland a ring he fashioned from metal of a shot-down Japanese Zero. The Portland FBI office re ported the conclusion of 375 cases involving selective service Til filT'l VALUABLE INFORMATION BOOK Telfs You How To Make Tires Last Longer , Increase You Gasoline Mileage Secure Tire Ration Certificates Budget Your Driving LADDER m TRELLIS 1.19 Add beanty to your grounds with ladder trellises. Nice In pairs at entrance to garage or home. 24x96 inch size. Wheelbarrow 3.29 Far Me frffle (Wentr It's a dandy Just like dad's. 37 long with a body 16-xll" to VK". Clear amlflh finlah. 1. charges during April. . . . Gilpin Construction company of Port land ha.i started construction of a 700-foot reinforced concrete dam at the Willamette river falls at Oregon City. . , . The district OPA announced the elevation of McCanncll Brown as chief en forcement attorney, succeeding MacCormas Snow, resigned. In Portland Alice Hall of the Barnhlsel agency is spending several days this week in Port t2? Covers 50 Rotary Garden Hose wa3.98 Sffttta to ffOYvmntfrt ipod flcationa of strong eotton Ply. Will -withstand 300-lb. bursting preasnrv. PUrtfe Nool (O 4c HanJy n . and Fun, Toot WAGON 9.45 A leant?! All wood and sturdy as an oak! Fun for tho kids and a big help when yon shop. 32x15 Inch body. Cnompfoi! BIKE TIRE 2.19 Styled and bnilt like Firestone's famous Champion anto tire with deep non-skid tread and strong cord body. 3L land on a combined business and pleasure trip. Island Secretary Found Unfit WASHINGTON, May 14 VP The house appropriations com mittee today approved a subcom mittee's recommendation finding Robert Morse Lovett, secretary of the Virgin Islands, unfit to hold a government office - loot Area! Sprinkler AS IT ISM MM ohly 4.9)5 Thli little sprinkler boy thor oughly waters n area up to 80 feet In diameter. When the water's turned on he turns and twists and doet all kinds of tricks, Camp Stool completely flat mrttag l! easy to pacfc or carry. Play Thh SeesofJoeaffy Popular Garnet Badmlnoii Set 6.49 She Aocm Grand VahM This fins set inclndea twe silk-strung racquets, tw. double -stitched official birds, SCx? tape top set, book of complete rules. Philharmonic ALBUMS Bring You America's Finest Mvtfa SoS(D) each' Swing syncopation ( or soothing1 symphonlo musio, Philharmonio recordi cater to your taste. The big name bands; the finest orchestrations, the best loved voices all are here. Each album carries four double-faeed 10-inch reoords, giving you eight choice selections. FOIL VICTORY Jw BUY I 1.1 1 UNITM TJ I TATII IT 1 w I1V1NOI tuhar a Jifferencf EMAVtYQVJIlW 527 Main Phone' 3234 Em