Mny 14, 194S HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TRRXa T TO BR NG FOUR MARINES E E The Klumiith Commandos aro brlnKliitf four mure wuuiulucl iimrlnus, wounclud In combiit duly, to Kltimiilh Fulls nuxt Moiuliiy, Mny 17lli. Tlivso youiiK iiiuii will nil bu brought here . "from the U. S. Nuvul hospital ut Mnro IhIiiihI, Cullf. All fuur nuirlncn will bo uuvst of Mr. mid Mm. Lvnllo Honors, 1151 li'uulfle Terrace, wlilla hero. Mr. niul Mm. Kogor.1 lmvo two sons overseas ut this time, one miirlno niul the other in tho U. S. ulr corps. Tho Coniimiixlon and Klunv nth I'ulls nro uiittlntf u Krcut dual of fine iiutillclty for tliulr project of brlnulnu wounded turvlcu men to Kliiinutli iulls 'Jlowspiipurs tlirouuhout tho nV'lltml blnlon nro lining thin pro Jecl to fiicouniKO and suttKcst to other cities to do wlmt this ' city Ik dolnu in ontortulnlnu wounded survlco men from our urmy mill mivy hospitals, Ho cvully u Norfolk, Virginia, nuwupapcr enrfied on orticlu uIuiik thin lino, uuoul tho Com iiiumlus, Tho Vnllujo, 'Calif., newspaper recently "run tho fol lowing article: "YOU CAN ENTERTAIN INJURED FIGHTING MEN WHO'D LIKE A CHANCE TO PERFORM A HELPFUL ACT AND AT THE SAME TIME TO HEAP A RICH REWARD? "Well, thure's no better op jxirtuiilly tlwm Unit -offered by Mm, Kuth lull, lied Cromi rcc reiitlim director ut Mnro Island ho.spluil, who will help, you If you wish to cntertuln a disabled C or convnlu.sceut sailor or mnrlr.o In your home. telephone her ut Locnl -1132 and tell her where you llvo, when you want your guests and for how loi.R, how many you wish to Invite, and Kho 11 do tho rent. "She'll link you a fow ques tions which will guide, her In milking her c li o 1 c o of your Kiicstn, She'll try to chooso Kucsts whoso Interests will bo tho saino n yours. You can help her If you tell her what you huvo to offer, such as golf, tennis, music, parties or just a chance to relax in a renl, homey homo. "You enn invito boys for din ner or for whole weekends. If you cun t come to tho hospital In your car to get your guests, sand bus or train tickets to Mrs, Tolt or sond a check to cover tucxponscs. "You will feel much happier In knowing you huve been ablr to help over a very "rough spot" these flno boys who have dono so much for us. They de serve tho' best wo can offer. "Just to show what some Ron-rrous-hoartcd pcoplo are doing In cities for from Mnro Island, here's tho story of tho 'Com mandos,' a young woman's serv ice club In Klamath Falls, Ore. The 'Commandos' havo under taken tho project of entertaining scrvleo men from different hos pitals, paying nil their expenses to Klamath Falls and back. I'hey recently sent a check for H80 to Mrs. Tolt, asking for six men for fivo days. "A letter from the Commando mother and advisor is self-explanatory: 'these six young men jiWcro Invited by tho Commandos DANCE Go Where the Crowd Goes Every Saturday Night 9:00 to ltOO At K.C. Hall Sponsored by Eagles Auxil iary and Drum Corps. Eitln Kiger's Orchestra Public Invited ' Men 50c Women 25c Sorvice Men 2Se Tax Included MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE .J. - 7 ' 1 7 PRISONER Pvt. Wllllum It. Roberts, 22, son of Colin Floyd Roberts of Bonanza, Is now a prisoner of war In The I' ll o- plnes, uccordlug t o information received here, Roberts' onllsted July, 1041, re , eclved his train- l.... I W i, hi" v, iilH ill ,, w IB V h 1 11 p p Ines, , " 4 l was wounded in m u r u n, luiA, and had just re ' turned to duty when B a t a a n fell. He Is the brother of Mrs. Olen Lcbow of Bonanza and before enlisting wus employed as timber fallcr for Lamm Lumber company, FORT B E N N I N O, On. Gaorgo A (Buddy) Cruy of Sac- rnmcnlo, Cullf., wos commission ed a second lloutcnont in the army of tho United States to day upon successful completion ot the officer candldnto course ut the infuntry school at Fort Dunning. Lt. Gray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ccorgo S. Gruy of Los Angeles, Calif. Tho now lieutenant enlisted Into tho army on February 0, 1IM2, und served with tho urmy air force before going to officer cundldute school three months ago. lio held tho runk of cor poral beforo being commission ed. Tho now officer attended Kla.iiath Union high school in Klamath Falls, where ho was prominent as a musician and band leader. AMARILLO ARMY AIR FIELD Pinkney W. licaxlv. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bcusly, Itl. 1, box 632, Klamath Falls, has begun an intensivo course of study In aviation mechanics at this army air field, one of tho nowest schools in tho army air forces technical training com mand. Miss Louise M. Logan, who wus raised in Klamath Falls has enlisted in the United States marine corps women's reserve and is waiting to be called to active duty. Miss Logan, now Prlvnlo Logan, attended Roosevelt grade school and Klamath Falls high school. She was recently grad uated from Oregon State college, and enlisted immediately after finishing college. Her home is now in Portland where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Logan, now reside. Three-Year-Old Dies of Acute Alcohol Poisoning PORTLAND, May 14 (IV) Three-year-old Wallace Beery, who drank wine from a bottle ho found in a cupboard at his Van- port City home, died of acute al coholic poisoning, the coroner's offico reported today after an autopsy. to come here to let us show them somewhat how the Ameri can people feci towards our fighting men; to lot us show our appreciation. However, these boys turned tho tables on us. It was such a tremendous thrill to hnvo them here. They In spired everyone who met them. They made us feel that anything we had done was inadequate. They truly made us feel so very proud to bo Americans and proud that our country was in the hands of such fine young mon as these six.' "She went on to tell how the Maro Island boys wore mot at the station by the mayor and a delegation, wore presented with the keys to tho city and were given tho 'time of their lives,' as one of the marines put it, all weekend. "WITH SUCH AN EXAMPLE SET BEFORE THEM BY PA TRIOTIC CITIZENS OF A FAR DISTANT TOWN,' CAN THOSE IN VALLEJO AND OTHER NEARBY TOWNS DO LESS?" ft TOMORROW LAST GOOD LOOKING ARMY TWILL 14imW I LQAFFR -Wu I BZJ SHIRT fellf KkMM 8-oz. denim f t i m I ; w OVERALLS V f Mil I JZ Ugs H I B WL lr-"- mJ High bib front has H AQ Cl n I J L- I combination boc1c. M It 11 rjt " . I . B Blue, white stripe, or B ftSC lmm: ' I blue denlro. . igX MMan .lawirmasnTr n,. c. ' orewster anirn Men's Sweaters 5 wress I C ol and dressy, this smart I . , . , Rich, fine gauge rayon In re- Brewster polo shirt. Nicely Soft and pleasurably warm. markobly handsome patterns. tailored In easily laundered Just what the spring season Extra-sturdy 4-ply heel and " with PP1 two-way needs. Shaker knit for great- toe Mercerised top. heel and collar Bnd on hndT pocket est elasticity and comfort. As- toe. Assorted colors. 'White, tan, blue or green, sorted 1 39 slxes 10 to 13 . 7' Small, medium. 4)9S colors. I large. HATCHED OUTFI SEARS LOW PRICE! $ Durablo, sanforized (maxtmum shrlnltago lets than 1) cotton twill ,. . . mercerized for added luiter. Panti are barracked at all ftrain point izei 29 to 44. Shirts are tailored like a dreu shirt . . . have two button-through pockots . . . sizes 14 to 17. Army tan color ... vat dyed. CORDUROY SLACKS Tailored to fit comfortably fine for work or cm uol wear. Cut in full. roomy slies ... 4QQ strong drill pockets J W .... Suntan, Castor colors, Slses 29 to 38. Shirts and Shorts Buy hotter quality for real economy! Full cut shorts of extra fine fabrics with linen reinforced crotch, giving 50 greater strength at point of wean assorted colors, pattornst slses 30-44. w Men's Pajamas Heavyweight sanforised shrunk cotton flannelette well napped, long wearing. Trousers have comfortable wide yoke style waistband, rustless grippers and 89 elastic inserts. C.-r-C BIO 5tOcl O r.V .V in.R0l BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Cotton twill sanforised material. Full cut for cool, comfortable t Itl 98' BOYS' SWEATERS Trim button front style In ribbed knit. 8 to 16. Ideal for dress up wearl 1 98 BOYS' SHIRTS, SHORTS Boys' knit shorts and rib bed athletic shirts. All slses . . and grand values! BOYS' DRESS SOX Sturdy, good-looking slack sox in all the bright col ors. Sizes 8 to 10 54. Strong elastic top. 25 A large stock . . buy for fall! I Worth HO -'C AVIATOR ' .loner rVICl ' -- . full cross Two SP ?0Ck,h 'wars. 81s- 1ft' ont. Bl-.wlng hoW.. , V 38 to 46. Bhoutd.- - .iTU(t combine : . ln good q". - w, pock.ts. -. pocket...'" RI..S 96 to 49. M BOYS' WOOL JACKETS Worth at Least $4! Zip front styles ln two-tone com binations . . . plaid body with plain color sleeves and trim. Blue or. brown. Slses 6 to 16. 349 Nation. 81... " Werth at least 4.9B1 19c BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS