1 PAGE TWELVE NEW LISTS OF SELECTEES GET CALL BY BOARD The selective service board to day announced the list of selec tees to report early next week for Induction. Board 1 list will report May 19 and board 2 list will report May 17. The board 1 list follows: Bull, Harvey B., Klamath Fall. Courtney, Clarence V., Klamatfi Falla Stephenson, Ward M., Cottage OroTt, Miller. Edward I, Portland. BoldlH-har, Robert A., H20 Lookout. Weaver, Clark A.. Portland. GuUlrtger, Marvin B., 3114 Tunnel. Robert, Noel E., Long Beach. Frederlknen. Robert 0., Seattle. Hickman, Ferrin 1.. San Frandtco. Green. Boss 8.. Waco, Tel. Prrklnn, Wilbur M Portland. Cherry, Leonard !.. 2023 Darrow. Bmlth, Jklarcui (J., MolaMa Millard. Qeorse N., RrddinR. Pavln. Robert C, K15 Garden. Ziimwalt, Ralph V., Ootad. Nebraska. Kitarr. Stanley F.. 2020 S. th. Buchanan. Harvey R., 225 S. Mb. Korrfefte, Manuel J.. Sacramento. Thomas. Jerry W., Denver. Pavne, Ward F-. Van Nuy. Calif. Jfarev, Richard D., Portland. WcUnp. Harvey K., St Martin St. Miller, Mel Yin B., IMS Huron St. Brincle, Floyd D., Portland. Btafn, Jim. General Delivery. Gardner. Howard J.. Redwood City. Calif. Kirby, Jamea M.. Klamath Falls. Cummin. Fredrick, Klamath Falls. v Kvans. Ruwll L. 4444 Crofby. McCord. lowther, Joseph W.. 28 Siskiyon St. Boiling, James, Portland, Ellfrfge. Russell F.. Bend. Lvtle, Harry A.. Portland. Transfers In (All Klamath Falls) Fanning Harry D. 11 Turner, Thurman I. Brown, Lloyd A. Clinton. Lundy E. Clem, William L . Moseley. Stuart B. Hancock, Henry G. Zimney, Clement f. Leroue, Wallace 0. Tofton, Delma H. Butler, Arthur L. Johnson. William K. Kennebeck, Beryl D. ' . - Walton, Robert C. . Palmer, Kenneth D. Gilson. James H. Williams. Ralph Lee. Clark. Koy Earl. . - Here is the board 2 list: Joe. Woodv Alvery. Chiioqnin. Mvers, William Millard, Littleton. Color Jtiee, Resford Ross. Hollis-ter. Missonn. Lee, James Cordfce, Apple SprlnM. Texas. Johnson, Dean Francis, Richmond, CW. KaftOD, John Wesley Eugene. Ore. , Girard. Howard Clarence, Qnilcene. Wash. 1 v Cummins. Robert Dale, 4440 Peck Driw. Sato-rook. Melvin Jay. Portland. Arise. Dorwin Edward. Xeah Bay. Wash. Banxiker. Lloyd Martin. Fairbanks. Alaska. Smith, Clsrk Allen. Grass Valley. Calif. Berry, Newell Felix. Monrovia. Calif. Loveless. Francis Homer. Spokane, Wash. Pohll, George August, Los Anirelea, Calif. Heed. Clarence Harry. Medford. Kardl. CeleMlno. Pelican City. Round! ree, Howard Harland. Orescent. Tfacksoa. GusUt Adolph. Portland. McKaT. Dean Everett, Bend. Creel. Jimmle Jr.. Honobia. Okla. , Mistier. George Erwin, Midland. Kelley, Richard Monroe, SSI Broad St. Wilkinson, Howard Jamea, 2334 Summers Lane. Bmwn, Robert Ferren. 4M8 Boardman Are. Friesen. John Leslie. 37SI Summers Lane. Kennebeck. Beryl Duane. 5103 Etna St. Nelson. James Berton. Benecia, Calif. Wright, Orville Elliott, Beatty. R ark ley, Robert Orrille. Chiioqnin. Duncan. Alexander Clarence, Merrill. Godowa, Clarence, Beatty. r - Transfers Lyon, Errin Arthur, Weyerhaeoaw Camp Xo. 6. Beatty. Ds hi strom. William 3fels. Trekt, Calif. Mitrfaell, Billy Edward. 2518 Shssta Way. Hanson, Verner Conrad. Gilchrist. , Totten. Arol Chester. ATgoma. Alexander. Lloyd, 5300 Shasta Way. Crawford, Elwin Russell, Merrill. Rowton. Gilbert M anion, AFhland. . . . Swiit. Jr.. T. J., Modoc Point. - Hughes, Lonnie, Beatty. r m AlffilfwA X IIWMM NEEDS Vou m i Lets keep America strong . . . for the job ahead calls for a strong nation ... a healthy nation. A simple, yet important health-pro tective measure is the use of Clorox in-routine cleansing of germ "danger zones" In kitchen, bathroom, laundry. A bottle of Clorox is "standard equip ment" in millions of homes. Clorox exerts powerful germicidal action... an added safeguard to health. Clorox not only disinfects, it deodorizes, bleaches and removes stains. Clorox l i in is ultra-refined, li : . . Z A t 9 t.al SCSI ...cm Army Still Commissions Men From Civilian Life Regardless of reports which have gone over the country that the army no longer commissions men from civil life, the fact is that the army needs and is anx ious to get men who are quail fied in particular vocations as well as educational backgrounds for commissioning in the army, The matter of men to command troops in combat is one which the. army has solved thoroughly through its officer training schools, but officer training schools cannot take care of edu cating men for all of its needs. Particularly needed at this time are construction engineers in the matter of light construc tion, such a cantonment con' struction, equipment mainten ance men who have handled heavy road building equipment, and men who have had out standing experience in han dling crews on the job in road construction and the movement of earth. Officer engineers and architects are not needed in this connection. The army also looks for nutri tion officers, lay hospital admin istrators, sanitary engineers, bac teriologists, biochemists, tele phone and telegraph engineers, radio engineers, graduate elec trical engineers with radio ex perience, men who have had out standing experience in executive positions with railroad and truck lines, and men who have former ly been commissioned in the ar my and who now have a work ing knowledge of trigonometry. Also needed are men who have had from two to three years or more experience in teaching one or more of the fol lowing subjects on the senior high school or college level: mathematics, navigation, maps and charts, photography, mech anical engineering, radio, meter ology or crytography. College graduation is required for teaching mathematics and elec trical and mechanical engineer ing, but for the other subjects, while it is preferred, it is not ab solutely essential, but the man must qualify as an expert in his line. Most of these men must be be tween the ages of 35 and 50 years. Men between the ages of 38 and 45 years will be given preference. In the exceptional case of graduate electrical engi neers with radio experience, ap plications will be considered from men from 30 to 35 years of age. For the purpose of explaining the program and receiving ap plications from such men, Ma jor Harry S. Dorman of the Of ficer Procurement Service 317 United States National Bank Building, Portland, will be at the Klamath county chamber of Jaeger, Charles Harry, Y&nsiav. Miller. Frank Lincoln, Modoc Point. Defonr, Carnile Florent, Cottonwood. Calif. Tucker. Donald Bay, Klamath Falls. Church. Erjcene Ellsworth. 15M Shut Way. Farter, Emery, Beatty. Bill, Harry Weller, Kirk. touted -jrWX TAKE CHANCES. 'ff-i I CLOROXCLEAH it's hygienicnlly trated for economy. You get full value for your money in Clorox. For Greater Health Protection in your home, use Clorox according to direc tions on label. There is only one Clorox ...always ask for It by name. free from caustic exclusive quality feature. It is concen- ttmica's Tawrite bleach and4hvichoU Ibiifafeetant Hi! FREE FROM CAUSTIC commerce in Klamath Falls from 9 to 11 a. m., on Wednesday, May 19. Qualified men from all over the country have been at a loss to know exactly where they fit in, and whether or not the ar my has any use for them. At this meeting the matter will be gone into thoroughly, and Ma jor Dorman will outline the pro gram and answer questions in this connection. Such men as are selected will be commissioned officers in the army of the United States. No restrictions may be placed up on where they may be sent or what their duties may be. They must be able to pass the regular army physical examination for officers. Men who are class 1-A in selective service will not be considered. It is believed that this district should furnish a goodly number of qualified men and that these men should be of a considerable help to the army in this war. Major Doran will only be here at the hours specified. HAAIDS OF PRINTERS A letter has been received by the chamber of commerce here from R. L. Polk and Company, directory publishers at Seattle, saying that the new Klamath county directory is now in the hands of printers and asking for names of any newcomers to Klamath county which should be included in the book. Anyone . who has come to Klamath county since October, 1942, is asked to please call the chamber of commerce at 5193 so that his name and data can be included in the directory. - First leg of the famous Span ish trail, linking Los Angeles, Calif., and Santa Fe, N. M., was blazed in 1776. Charlp. Ltltwiriea Hnrimn mac the real name of Lewis Carroll, author of "Alice in Wonderland." DANCE at SKATELAND EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT REGULAR PRICES PAPPY GORDON'S HILL BILLY ORCHESTRA Auspices V.F.W. DEODORIZES "BLEACHES REMOVES STAINS bing, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 10 AID FINAL RUSH With a double holiday and payday both looming at the end of May, how to get housewives to spend their blue and red points during the next three weeks and avoid repetition of the last-minute rush that occurred at the end of April was the problem confronting independent and chain food retailers at their meet ing with M. R. Misner, OPA dis- No Tires? . . .You Still Have Nunn-Bush Shoes! If you do much walking you'll j. thank us tor loiuting that tt pjrji ! . buy good shots. And we find rra. picuurc in informing yon that Nunn-Buih make, very Sue shoe a indeed! . Vro iNiinn-i-susn riN BHWSTEH $11.50 Mut Regular Stjbt $10 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main k A i ill 1 t 1 11 I I Oxfotdi. t Drain boofdl ... tile, enamel, wood, linoleum. Disinfect them with dor-ox. ..for they may look clean yet be a "hideout" for germ. ' Refrigerators and other food con tainers . . . Clorox makes them -hyglenically clean, destroys mold, deodorizes, removes itolns. Washbcnlnt, bathtubs, toilets... are germ"dangerzones",a pot slble menace to health. Clorox ' makes them sparkling, sanitary. I tintm... Clorox gently bleaches them snowy-whlle, (brightens fast colors), makes them fresh smelling, sanitary. It lessens rub prolonging life of fabrics. trlct food rationing representa tive today. "Shop early in the month for selection and service" Is the plea of those merchants who were caught in the last buying mael strom of consumers Intent on spending their points before the expiration date. Blue stamps G. H and J for processed foods, In book 2, ex pire at midnight May 31. Rod stamps E, F, Q, H and J, in book 2. all expire May 31. Sugar stamp No. 12 and coffee stamp No. 23, in book 1, expire May 31 and 30, respectively. Always read the classified ads. WARDS FINE "FRUIT FANTASY"., s ' First quality, triple selected temi -porcelain, in bril liant hand-painted colors. Every piece has a beautiful China-like sheen. (When you come in, notice how the variations in hand-workmanship lend added charm.) 24-PC. SIRVICI. FOR 4 includes 4 plates, cups, sau cers, bread and butter plates, cereal-soup plates; 1 small platter, vegetable dish, creamer, and sugar bowl. 83 pc. set (for 8) Americana dinner ware. Lovely Early American design 13.9S 32-plece service for S 7.50 "GARDEN IANI" 639 A rich, summery floral. Beautiful handpaintcd, 19 piece. Party Set (for 8). BUY WAR Coupons for 75,000 Gallons of Gos Found on Youths SEATTLE, Mny 14 (T) Ra tion coupons for 75,000 gallons of gasoline and 140 food ration books were found on two Cali fornia youths arrested here last night. Detective Cap. G. C. Vernon said one was booked as Edward B. Graham Jr., 10, Banning, Calif., and the other, a 13-year-old, was turned over to juvenile authorities. Vernon suld the pair admitted 'MONTOOMIRY WARD DINNERWARE Blue Ridge Moonloin dinner-ware, color, ful as a Southern garden. Every flower; leaf and fruit Is palnted-on by hand. Dainty, gay; and low-priced at Wards! JTAMPSI ON SALE AT stealing the ration books In their homo town before coming north to seek work. -Graham, the of ficer said, had worked In a steel plant near Los Angeles, from OUR SPORTING GOODS DEPT. "FREE-FOR-ALL" SPORTS SHIRT Nationally known quality .' ". . in the action style so popular with leading golfers! Seamless shoul der design gives absolute freedom of action; split back gusset prevents binding or pulling. Cool, , durnble, wnshable fnbric of 50 spun rayon, 50 Teca rayon. Soft shades of tan, maize, green. BUY WAR STAMPS! ON SALE AT May 14, 1948 Tho lima Is opprmichlnii when tho red nrmy, toKollier with the armies of our allies, will break the backbone of the fanclnt boast. Josef Stalin, MONTOOMIRY WARD 5.50 jsT W Storm King GOLF JACKET 4.95 fitytrd for frrr nrtlnn. TTphtv wntrr-rrprllrnt poplin. 2 linnily pnrkrln. Poplin Hporta Hut 2.00 0) GOLF RAIN JACKET AND HANDY POUCH ' 2.98 . Final le ronlnl Coilurn rnyon . . . ulrmigor limn nll-nllk. Fnckn Into (IxS-lnrh pouch. SPORTS SWEATER 3.98 Rood-looking; ni'llon ulyle. Corduroy front. J.cnthpr hut ton". ALL WOOL SOCKS -l9.' flnmrl Argyln pnW for nil porln wrnr. Aikl! loiiglh, Oft. i).O.i.i Offal C Ninth Sr., Cor. Pine Telephone 3188 Ninth St., Cor, Pine Telephone 3188 f77 wan I (ONOSl m 0