? May 14. 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVKN 0 CLASSIFIED I ADS Meetlna. Notices i CORRECTION Tlinilllah error of llile lial'i'r, III mrftlnK ) l of Klameth l"lll No. 71, A, I'. A. M. apie-erpil Inrmrrilly ymli'iiln)'. , TH wnrti. iintlre ! Imnutltitlrly lii-low. NOTICE ' Klainalli I' '"I N". " A. K. A A. M. Krl fill mimlrHii I li I rtoiiliitf, li., Mar Hlh Mm i. in. Work In K. A. in. All liMllinii liiH"l I" t !. (I.,u.. II. A .11.,. Yr,liltiil Mnnl'r. J Lot and Found LOST Million book No. 1, San dru, Hubert, Myrtle iind Hoy Llpperl. Return to NfwnMci'. Rid Box 4512. 8-19 LOST Rnllon book No. 2. limn Freer. Kmio. Wll-9-18 LOST Billfold coiitiilnlnit menl ration book belonging to Hen ry Ellas. 8-13 LOST Mi'til ration book belting Inn to Oscar Baker, Merrill, Pro, LOST a us ration book A be longing to E. F. Docker, Kono, Oro. 919 A f LOST "C" mtlon book. M. H. I Bnfbor, Kom Hotel. 8-17 LOST Pair glasses, probably near First Presbyterian church Sunday night. Mi. ' H. T. Mitchclmore, 4431 Smith nth. Thono 8705. 8-14 PLEASE RETURN RATION BOOKS, Joseph Carson Mack. No questions asked. General Delivery. Klmninn num. n-i i Central Notices USED SEWING MACHINES bought and aold. Singer Sew ing Center, 1213 Main. Dial 8771. 8-20 Personala MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Work, 118 So. 11th. Phona 8381 6-7m WILL CARE FOR CHILD undor 2 yean. Day cure and do laun dry. Phono 3502. 8-18 MOTHER WILL BOARD CHILD two to (our yearn old In her home. Phone 5618. 5-18 CALL 8780 (or concrolo work on your cornetory lot. 0-13m ANYONE ACQUAINTED with Richard Davis who lived K. lu Falls 1042 plcnse communicate with Nettle Dickens, 116 No. Yakima Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 5-20 10 Services TOR THE BEST In tailoring, remodeling, repairing, suits to order (men's and ladies') al ways see Ryte-Way Tnilors. 110 No. 8th, phone 8862. 8-7 HOUSEHOLD refrigeration nnd washing machlno service. Dial 5303 or 8448 after 2 p. m. Victory Service Co., 1005 Pros pect. 8-14 CARE FOR CHILDREN week ends. Phona 6144. 5-14 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate (or you. ru Chas. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th lo St., Klamath Falls, Oro. 5-31 DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 032 Main. Dial 7215. B-31m PICTURE FRAMING Gocllcr's, 230 Main. 5-31m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on now nnd old clothing. Mrs II. M. Allendor, 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7203. 5-3 lm PAINTING KALSOMIN1NG H. L. Brown. Phono 4228, 5-3 lm FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh- Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 5-31m V BELTS (or nil in tikes refrlgern- tors, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. 'Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 5-3 lm PICTURE FRAMING Vnn's . Camorn Shop, 727 Main. 8-31m ELECTROLUX Authorized Ser vice. L. C. Carr, 821 Mitchell. Phone 7107. 6-llm J. A, TUFTS HEATING SPECIALIST CHIMNEYS, furnaces, stoves, oil burners, cleaned, repaired. Phono 8404, res. B040. (l-3m iXwNMOWEh71uTlbonrd mo tor nnd giiseenglno repairing. Bodenhnmcr Saw nnd Repair Shop. 0-5 m FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, reflnishinil, repairing. Cnbl neta built. Carpenter work of nil kinds. Painting nnd knlso mining done. Phone 4517. 3041 Shasta way. . 6-llm SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 1213 Main St, Dial (1771. . 6-llm 10 Services EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE In my homo. Call at 634 Eust Main. 8-18 CURTAINS laundered and Htrelehrd. Phone 3717. H-lm 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS Phono 341111, 407 No. Ilth Ht. -8 14 Holp Wanted Female GIHL for general office work and typing. Cascade Laundry, 5-15 WANTED Woman to do house keeping and care for rabbits on shares. flux 24, Modnc Point. 3547tf WANTED Woman (or light housework. Call evenings. I'll. 3008. 8-17 WANTED Woman to work 5 hours it duy. Good wages, 244 E. Main after 5 p. ni. 514 U1HL to nwl.il with housework and children (or summer months. Hoard and room. Ph. 7207. 815 LADY COOK WANTED Hours 2 to 10. Buffalo Lunch, 2441 So. Ilth. 5-15 16 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Man 3S ycurs or older, capable of taking full charge of parts department. Permanent position, best of working conditions, good salary, Contact Mr, Lomburd, Lombard Motors 424 S. 0th Street 3480K Mechanic WANTED Experienced over haul mechanic, steady employ ment, good wanes, guarantee. See Service Munager, DICK B. MILLER CO. 4057K RATCHET SE'lTER TURN DOWN MEN GREEN CHAIN MEN LUMBER PILERS Western Pine Mills, 518 Main Phone 4400 or 3612 evenings 915 MILLWRIGHTS, with construc tion experience preferred Western Pine Mills. 518 Main. Phone 4-100 or 3012 evenings. 5-15 FALLERS. good timber, level country. Western Pine Mills, 518 Main. Phono 4400 or 3612 evenings. 5-15 WANTED Experienced car wrecker. Must have hand tools. This is essential war in dustry work. Roy Call Auto Wrecking, 727 Commercial. . Phono 6783. 5-15 MAN WANTED for steady work Inspecting refrigerator cars and making reports. Apply Western Fruit Express, care G. N. Depot. 5-15 STEADY EMPLOYMENT for jnim abovo draft age, 5 to 6 hours daily. Light work. Ap ply after 8 p. m. Bowling Alley, 810 Main. 5-15 PAINTERS WANTED 4037 evonings. Phone 5-15 MAN AND WIFE WANTED to occupy apartment In exchange for work on the place. 466 Hillside. 5-15 18 Situations Wanted MAN AND WIFE want kitchen work, logging, sawmill camp or resort. References. Write Nows-Hcrald Box 4556. S-14 CARPENTRY or other work. Cnll at lflBl Academy. 5-18 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 4705. 1028 Jefferson. 3270U BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klam ath Ave. 5-26 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 5-29 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with now inncrsprlng mattresses. Free parking. - B-sim ROOM FOR RENT 814 N. 10th. 8-1 4 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms. $3.50 week up. Tran sients $1.00. 6-2m ROOMS 1034 High. 8-5m OUTSIDE ROOMS tel. 120 N. 2nd. Crater Ho-6-1 lm FRONT ROOM, modern, steam h o a I o d, newly decorated. Greer Apis., 710 Moln. 4174t.f 24 Apartments For Rem FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 410 No 10th. 5-18 FURNISHED APT. FOR RENT 203 Washington. 3512tf FURNISHED 2-room apartment. Water paid. Couplo only. No parking space. Inquire after noons, 716 No. nth. $25 month. 1796U PONDOSA APTS. Market nnd Klamath. B-25 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Bath, electric range, gas heat er. Adults. 338 Broad. 4510U I FOR RENT . Furnished apart ment and housekeeping room, $4 and up week. 133 No. 10th. 5-18 VACANCY Lee Apartments. Phone 9047. 3402K THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Couple. No pets. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. J403U APARTMENT COTTAGE, close to Main, suitable for two. Ph. 4272 duys, 8130 evonings. 3887tf FOR RENT Large 3-room Apt. Adults, no pets. 430 Wash ington. Phone 3S08. 388fitf CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, wock or month. Three blocks from city center. B-31m ESPLANADE COURT APART inonts furnished; by the week or month. Walking dis tance. 1605 Esplanade. 8-3 lm 2 BEDROOM furnished Apt. Electric range, refrigerator, garage. $27.50. Phone 8452. 302411 2 ROOM furnished Apt., with utilities $18.00. 248 Broad. 3023tf THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. 501 Market. 514 FOR RENT 3-room and bath furnished apartment. Water furnished. $25. Close in on North 0Ui. Tel. 3284. 4537tf VACANCY Hex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 6-8m GLENCOURT APTS. Modern furnished $27.50 and up. Under new management. Wey erhaeuser district. Ph. 5084. 6-8m FURNISHED 2-room apartment with private bath, $15 month. Two blocks off of Main, 5121 High. Phone 4865. 4081U VACANCY Audlcy Apia., 8th nnd Walnut. Phone 7243. 5-17 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. 2043 White. 4122U FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, strum heated and air conditioned. Pino and Cedar. 5-18 CLEAN 3-room furnished apart ment, gas heat 754 No. 10th. 5-15 FOR RENT 4-room furnished, clean apartment. Close in. Rent reasonable. Call after 5 o'clock, 2222 Orchard. 4143U APARTMENTS and cabins (or rent. 1143 Pine. Phone 4448. 5-15 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cook with gas. Nice yard. $4 per week. 410 So. 5th. 613m VACANCY 421 Oak St. 5-15 APARTMENT FOR RENT 1600 Esplanade. Phone 8945 be fore 3. 5-14 FOR RENT 2 -bed room duplex furnished. Adults. 466 Hill side. 5-18 TWO-ROOM furnished apt. Wood and water furnished. $16.00. 2126 Reclamation. 5-19 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water. $18. Phone 7779. 5-20 3 ROOMS AND DINETTE Fur nished. 335 Commercial. 4594tf 28 Houses For Rent BACHELORS' CABINS Close In. $10 month. S10 So. 5th. 5-21 FOR RENT Partly furnished houso. Phone 6523. 3587tf SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Bichn. 3401tf 3-ROOM HOUSE Call 6678 be fore 4 or 6501 after. 3909U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304, 6-7m 5-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished, or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1199 California. Phone 5658. 4070U FOR RENT Large clean house, close In, suitable for renting rooms, Phone 5415. 8-14 FURNISHED 3-room house nnd gnraga. Newly decorated. $20. 2424 South 6th. 5-15 CLEAN, furnished, redecorated 3-room duplox. 2023 Darrow. 5-16 FOR RENT OR SALE Modern 4-room house, full basement, furnace, garage, domestic hot wntcr. Inquire 2224 Main. 8-15 FOR RENT Unfurnished 2-bed-room houso, garden space. 860 California. 5-14 FOR RENT OR SALE One acre with small house. 2624 Patterson St. Call 735 South Riverside ox phone B586. 5-14 24 Apartments for Kent TWO ROOM apartments. Every thing furnished Including fuel and utilities. 1805 Main. 3490K 2-HOOM furnished apartment. 405 No. 3rd. 8-15 House For Rent MOVING? Local and long distance. Peoples Warehouso 4080t( 4-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, with stoves, $15 month, In quire at 1537 Wllford Ave. 5-14 FOR SALE OR RENT 1-bcd-room home on- 1 acre garden ground. Berries, fruit trees, etc. Beautiful yard. Chicken house, barn, fruit houso. City water and Irrigation. Sum mers lane district. Tel. 7523. 4700 Denver Ave. 5-14 FOR RENT 3-room furnished, modern house, 133 N. 10th. 51 4 THREE-ROOM furnished house. Adults. 203 Michigan. Phone 7251 after 7 p. m. 5-14 FOR RENT Modern six-room unfurnished house close in. Gas rango and water heater. Phone 5431 after 5 p. m. 5-20 MODERN HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished. Adults. With garden space. 4806 South 6th St. 5-15 FOR RENT 4-room house with shower, furnished. Furniture and rent cheap, or will trade for a light car. 631 South 6th St. 515 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 5-3 lm WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrcst mattress, floor waxers. Phone 5353. Klamath Furniture. 5-3 lm 30 Real Estate For Sale EXTRA VALUE Very neat two-bedroom mod ern plastered home on corner lot near East Main. Oak floors, fenced, with garage. Only $2500 with $500 down and easy pay ments. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors 111 N. 9lh St. Phone 4564 Since 1909 FOR SALE OR RENT 3-room house with Victory garden space, lawn and garage. Phone 3236. 3582U 2 ACRES with, two modern houses in Shady Pine, for sale reasonable. J. A. Larson. Rt. 3, Box 1148. 5-14 5-ROOM HOUSE and garage in Bonanza. Modern plumbing deep well and water system. $1200 full price. Will accept terms. Raleigh Carothers, Bo nanza, Oregon. 5-14 14-ROOM RESIDENCE, 1 block from courthouse, S150 month Income. If interested call at 134 North 3rd. 6-12m FOR SALE, RENT Cottages, tourist or permanent, on high way in city. Phone 4820; 5-18 FOR SALE Five-room house, hardwood floor, fireplace, basement, fur nace, all large rooms. Good lo cation. Price $3800. Terms. See Fred Cofer BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 . 5-14 FOR SALE 80-acre farm east of dairy. Inquire Orlan Mc- Cumber, Dairy. 5-15 V ACRE, 3-room house, best garden soil, fine raspberries and strawberries, nice lawn and trees. Reasonable. 1847 Ivory St, 5-15 WELL FURNISHED APART MENTS Income $250 per month. Reasonable terms. Ph. 7008. 5-15 FOR SALE Equity In 2-bed-room home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, floor furnace, shrubs and Victory garden. Com pletely furnished, $1900 cash. Phone 5605. 5-15 34 Automotive CASH for Your ' USED CAR. TRUCK, PICKUP or EQUITY Balsiger Motor Co. Main and Esplanade 5-18 WE BUY AND SELL Used Cars. For the best deal, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lot, 7th nnd Oak. 3384U GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Ph. 7378 6-6m FOR SALE Dodge H-ton truck Enterpriso Irrlgntlon district, Crystnl Springs road. Charles Green. Phone 3057, Call morn ings. ' 5-15 FOR SALE 1935 Ford. Also trade equity 4-room modern house for car. 3440 BoRrd- man. 5-14 WANTED TO BUY "35 or "36 car In good shape. Terms, Phone 3027. ' 3921tf FOR SALE Plymouth coupe. Tires good, runs good. 1833 Derby St. 5-14 31 Miscellaneous For Sale DO IT NOW! Protect and beautify your wood shlngln roof with stain, all colors. You can paint all your buildings Inside, including paint and labor with no down payment. Pay as low as $5.00 month, up to three years to pay. J, W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 8107 66 Main 4182t( LANDSCAPING, large size (ruit trees, flowering and shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and peronnial (lowers. Call us for estimate of complete landscaping your home. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 5-19 NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805tf ROOFING Composition, wood or built-up roofs. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3725U DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS $5.25, 128 cubic ft., delivered. Or save by hauling your own in truck or trailer. Metier Bros., South 8th and Altamont. Phona 8852. 3338U DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485U AVON PRODUCTS 6144. Phone 5-14 KEMTONE The best interior finish available. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3737tf ROOFING Sco us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing. Sealcy Bros., contractors. Phone 8920. 6-5m FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. 6-8m FOR SALE PLANTS. Cauli flower, tomatoes, peppers Crystal's, Merrill - Lakeview Junction. 5-15 FOR SALE 32-20 rifle. Will trade for revolver. Call eve nings, 1211 Mortimer. 5-14 GARDEN SEEDS and supplies. Peoples Warehouse. 4090tf AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. 5-28 RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, madc-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. , 5-3 lm REDWOOD Flume and culvert lumber. Suburban Lumber. Phone 7709. 3943U AVON PRODUCTS Alda Kemp Phone 6691. 5-18 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 6-6m CALGONITE for electric dish washing. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market Street. . 6-7m HARD TO GET ITEMS in Paints, Hardware and supplies try F. R. Hauger. Genuine She! lac, Aluminum Paint and all sizes Paint brushes, Roof brushes, Whitewash brushes. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market St. 8-7m GERANIUMS, vining and plain, for beds or window boxes. 2035 Portland. 5-14 FARMERS! Don't delay, get those bags patched now. Peoples Warehouse . 4087 KEMTONE Glidden paints, var nishes, enamels. Kalsomine 9c lb. Complete stock. KLAM ATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. 5-14 FOR SALE Burbank seed po tatoes, single drop, some to cut. Martin F. Dingle, Rt. 1, Box 95, Tulelake, Calif. 5-18 INSULATE NOW! Save fuel with John Mansville rock wool batts, only 6c square foot. Monthly payments. KLAMATH VALLEY LUM BER CO. Phone 4816. 5-14 SCREEN DOORS, window screens and screen hardware. Complete stock. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Ph 4816. ( 514 FOR SALE Alfalfa seed, seed oats, horse collars, milk cows. Harry Palmer Ranch, 21 miles south of Malln. 5-14 NAILS, BOLTS, medicine cab inets, ironing boards. KLAM ATH VALLEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. '. 5-14 FOR SALE Breakfast set and white porcelain flnt top gas stove with built-in trash burn er in excellent condition. Ph, 7766. 426 Grant. 5-14 WE HAVE a nice stock of extra heavy cedar posts. Drop in and look them over. BUILD ERS' LBR. CO. 5-20 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. B-31m RADIOS FOR SALE First house past Frankford's wood yard on Bend highway. 8-25 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 6677. 6-14 38 Miscellaneous For Bala Auction Sunday, May 18th, at 1 o'clock at my ranch, one mile east of Dairy on Bonanza highway, 15 HEAD OF CATTLE 4 cows milking 4 yearling heifers 1 yearling steer 6 calves 5 HEAD OF HORSES One 1600 lb. 6-year-old bay gelding One 9-year-old roping horse One 2-ycar-old filley, broke One 2-ycar-old sorrel colt One 2-year-old bay colt 5 brood sows 50 chickens 2 turkeys MACHINERY Grain drill, 3-section spike tooth harrow, spring tooth, 2 mowers, rake, 2 sulky plows. stock trailer, 2-wheel trailer, rubber tired wagon and rack, hay derrick and slings, harness, good saddle, 70 sacks grain. wheat, barley and rye, 40 sacks cull spuds and many other ar ticles. TERMS CASH Lunch available during sale. H. H. Bell, owner. Col. Swigart, auctioneer. PALMER'S SPECIALS in Good Used Furniture 20 beds, $2.00 up 10 falling saws, $5.00 each 5 electric ranges, $25.00 up 10 kitchen tables, $1.00 up 20 odd chairs, 50c up 5 good rockers, $3.00 up 3 nice dining suites 5 good davenport suites 1 jig saw with motor 2 nice twin bed suites 5 good oil circulators, complete with 110 gallon tanks Closing out cheap dishes, glasses, pots and pans, tools, shoes, etc. Klamath's Busy Bargain Center. Buy Here and Save. PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 SPECIAL NOTICE Palmer pays top cash prices for your used furniture, stoves and appliances. See him before you sell. 5-17 SOILAX for wall washing, paint cleaning and general home use. GOELLER'S, across from Willard. 5-25 KEMTONE Goeller's, across from Willard. 230 Main. 5-25 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 3398tf FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool irt sulation, blown in with -our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 7709. 3400tf CRATING and packing. Peo ples Warehouse. 4091tf LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. Roy Schmeck, 243 Shasta way. 6-llm ROOFING Cedar shingles and El Ray composition roofing. Call us for a free estimate on a real quality roof. Monthly payments. KLAMATH VAL LEY LUMBER CO. Phone 4816. 5-14 FOR SALE Large variety of household articles, radios, dishes, bedding, electric Iron, wash tubs, garden hose, fruit jars, canned fruit, etc. Phone 7044. 5-14 FOR SALE' Fageol logging truck, good condition; Walker trailer. All good rubber. See it at 820 South Central or Phone 2022, Medford. 5-14 CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER KLAMATH VALLEY LUM BER CO. Phone 4816. 5-14 POSTS Redwood and cedar. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 7709. 4167tf FOR SALE New Spanish guitar ; and case, radio, dishes, elec tric appliances, kitchen uten sils, laundry equipment, linens, shotgun with shells, treadle type sewing machine, good condition. 317 Martin, 5-15 TULIPS FOR SALE Reason ably priced. No. 3 Prescott. Phone 8237. 8-15 38 For Sale or Trade RAWLEIGH Products. Frank Leibleln. 2916 Bisbee. 5-17 42 Miscellaneous Wanted I BUY USED PIANOS for cash, add only value of recondition ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4519 or 7175. 5-21 WANTED Good used furniture. Lucas Furniture. Phone 3824. 195 East Main. 6-3 m WANTED TO RENT 8-room modern houso,. Close in. Phone S393. 8-17 42 Miscellaneous Wanted SEND ME BOXES 22 SHORTS, plus 25c each box, tor which will send you equal amount 22 long rifle. Mitcholl, 608 South Riverside, Medford, 5-19 TO BUY Electric washing ma chine, treadle type sewing ma china, 2937 Altamont Drive. 5-14 WANTED Stock saddle In good condition, Describe and state price, W. E, James, Box 27, Chcmult, Ore. 5-15 COLLAPSIBLE BABY BUGGY Phone 6618. 3-18 WANTED To buy one or more Caterpillar or International tractors, 33 h.p. or more; must have dozer or drum or both. Notify T. J. Moulton, 1215 S.E. Grand Avenue, Tel. EA1767, Portland, Oregon. 5-20 WANTED, within two weeks, 2-bedroom unfurnished house. Must be In good condition. Close In. Herald-News Box 4883. 5-15 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. Trulove s Market, 919 East Main. Phone 4282. 6-lm WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 8-17 YOUNG- COWS and calves. 5704 Avalon, south off Anderson Ave. 5-15 FOR SALE Sow pig weighs over zuu Dounds. nail at 31 2H Cannon avenue after 5, or dial 3983. tf DAIRYMEN! Fed Security Calf Food and sell all your milk. Peoples Warehouse . ... 4086K POULTRY, feeds and equip ment. Peoples Warehouse. 4088tf WANTED TO BUY Good milk cow, prefer Guernsey and Jer sey. Phone 3975. 5-15 FOR SALE Red Hamnshir chickens,' some setting hens. iii soutn 6 in St. Ph. 4041 5-15 SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE See Clarence Adams. C i t Transfer. Phone evenings 6449. 5-18 PUREBRED ANGUS BULL for sale. Two years old. Llovd C Beebe, Langell valley, Bo nanza, Oregon. . 5-15 FOR SALE Rent cottages, tour ist or permanent, on highway, in city. Phone 4820. 5-19 FOR SALE 1000 head feeder hogs, 25-30 veal calves at pub . lie auction by the Farm Bu reau at Anderson, California, Wednesday, May 19, 1943, at 1 p. m. Hogs graded and sold in truck load lots. Calves sold individually by the pound. 5-17 FOR SALE Purebred registered Angus neuers. Eleven months old. Walter Ritter, Hildebrand. 5-17 FOR SALE 3-months-old pig; also weaners. 4441 Homedale Road. 5-17 46 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 months to pay Quick Service No Co-Signers . Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 5-31m Automobile Loans $20.00 to $500.00 A Sensible Way to Cet the Money You Need If you nttd ea,h. Iri us know how much. Chanc ar wt run Biv,, you enough muncv to "bUnc your builgt iutl on your n lone with monthly repayment! arrnnnp.1 to fit your pockethooX. For example: A lioo.no auto loan at ConKiimera may he paid off In IS monthly Inatallmeata of II0.M each. "It lan't what you ownlt'l what you art thai counts.' We olso make furniture and signature loans Consumers Credit (MS3J 720 Pine St. S3S9) Phone 7711 B-31m Ask us about EQUITABLE Disappearing Loans Low Rates Prompt Service If you want to buy a home or refinance your mortgage, ask us about the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th Phone 4364 Since 1909 Tue-Fri-U Explosions in body cells gen erate human energy, according to a famous surgeon. Hildebrand The Crater Lnke tamp at Hil debrand started hauling logs on Monday to the landing at Hilda brand. C. E. Drew and Jim Beil of the Henley district were bust ness visitors at the Emll Egert ranch Friday. Sgt. Ernest C. Flackus of Fort Wayne, Ind., arrived in Dairy Friday night to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flackus. Ross Colahan and Mr, and Mrs. Bob C'olahun spent the weokend with tholr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Colahon of H1U debrand. The Hildebrand grunge held its regular meeting on Friday evening. There was a large at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flackus had as their dinner guests Sat urday their son, Sgt. Ernest C. Flackus, of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mrs. Louise Kilgorc and sons, Charles and Silas, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Lorenz and son Peter, Ada Flackus and Warron Flackus. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Colahan visited on Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Emlle Egert. Leonard Ritter. Marvin Mich ael and Ernest Ritter were em ployed at the Emllo Egert ranch Friday. Mrs. James Butler left' for her home in California Tuesday after spending the past month visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Emlle Egert of Hilde brand. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael were transacting business in Klamath Falls Monday. A large number o( the Hilde brand grange members attended Pomona grange at Olene- Satur day. Miss Sarah Logue, who is employed at the E. B. Schmoe home, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Annie Logue. Marvin Michael was transact ing business at the Clarence Packer ranch Sunday. Mrs. S. K. Ha r tiler . and daughter Bessie, were Klamath Falls visitors Thursday. , The auction sale , held at the Emile Egert ranch Sunday, May 9, was attended by a large crowd. Mrs. Esgate; who has been on the sick list for the past week, ' is able to be out again. -" 46 Financial PAY AS YOU GOl Consolidate your old debts with a cash loan. UP TO 12 MONTHS ' TO REPAY ' Money also available for current needs. Privote Sales Financed AUTOMOBILE LOANS UP TO S500 Furniture Salary Loans Up to S300 ' ' COMMERCIAL FINANCE,, CORPORATION - A P. A. Everett, Mgr.' ' 116 South Eighth Street, Telephone 3265 M-SM .Ml First Federal: Has Plenty of Money; - Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home ' Pay Less Than Rent . Long Terms -: Low Rale FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 5-3 lm 48 Business Opportunities: FOR SALE Rental cottages, tourist or permanent, on high way in city. Phone 4820. .5-1 5 FOR SALE Fully equipped " Super Ico Cream Parlori and Cafe in the center of town on 99 highway. An opportunity of a lifetime for anyone who can handle it. Cheap rent and long lease with plenty of room for business and living quar ters. All in first-class shape, will stand the most rigid in vestigation. Reason for sell, ing sickness and too' much business. Write P. O. Box 356, Suthorlin, Orecon. ; 8-17 BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main fc Spring , Phone 3144 . gpi-ULs iter IIP 4r r