SERIAL STORY fisdh tfaAieA, WAAC BY LORETTE COOPER corvRiaNT, ia, NCA HRVICC. INC. TIIIO RTonvi net- Carter, WAAO, ham volunteered for m dnn--roiu mlialo. After ehe hna reeelved her ordere nnd been . Introduced to her lmmrd lute nu Itcrfor, Mnjnr llrlt Jneknon( Iher board Flylnic Portreaa hound f tnr n tlnr lalnnd In the pnclfle. Major J n e Ic a o n hna exiilnlnrd . that h la eommamUnir otnrrr of ( m Coaat Artillery Harm ire llnlloon battalion whoae duty M la to pro tect military npernllona from anemy air attaek. Information leaka hara been anapeeted and j lleth la to naalat In tracklnar them donn. Suddealy a pair of Jnp ktcr vlanea are alfthted ATTACK CHAPTER III A PAIR of Jap fighter plo i off the left wing! It toe Beth a moment to realize what Major Jackson had said. When she joined the WAACs, Beth supposed she would "tight" the war at a desk, doing type- civilian life until the automobile agency closed. Now she was in the thick of the war, even if from a statistical point of view tills portion was not a very large one. She arose and peered out of the side window. She had barely glimpsed the two attackers before Major Jackson had yanked her 1 back down into the protected part of the Fortress. "Don't do that," he yelled. "I dont want to lose you so soon." "I don't want to lose you so ii, im. i i v., second to the recesses of Beth's mind. Then she cast it aside, al most with a guilty feeling. She had come out here to be a sol dier, not to develop a romantic Interest in the first commanding officer she met. , If she had not been told the Japs were coming in on the For tress, she would have known in a few seconds anvwar. She felt the Pnrrrw momentarilv shiver, and she heard the rattle of machine guns. Brit Jackson had gone forward. She was alone. True, there were men around her, but each was so : identified with a task, and so en grossed in it, that none had time for her. She was as safe as they could make her. . She heard the machine guns : again, and saw one of the center .ininnnn tiie fan, 0eim. rtitmt riijs weapon around In pursuit of a Zero. She saw his lips move. She knew by his face that he had missed. Disappointment packed ' every iota of space from the set ness of his lips to the depths of his serious eyes. The din was intermittent, but terrific when it came. Several times Beth realized that if it were not for the Fortress's armor, the fight would have been lost. a "DY the angle of the floor she knew the plane was climbing steeply. It had shaken the Japs for a minute. Then the climb leveled off and ended. Brit Jackson was still forward, but Beth hardly was thinking of him now. She was watching the gunner intently. He stood there, a huge man, ap pearing even larger because of his flying suit. He was working cool ly and in a very businesslike man ner, firing a few bursts, swinging his gun quickly, keeping a sharp eye out. There were two gunners, work ing back to back. Others were elsewhere in the. big ship, Beth knew; but these two were all she could see, and it was the one whose face was half toward her that held her attention. She could read every turn of battle in his yes. . Now, fa the midst of peril, she had a quick instant to reflect She . . ." . fio. VpA. 9 1 -lAlX , i? ix. y.': S"r-.- Of all things to find In a Victory Garden Lynn Merrickl It could happen only in Holly wood. Lynn Merrick shows us the V-shaped potato she found . in her Victory Garden. R5 prrrnvj i.---W--- " " " Tiny enough to be hidden un der a helmet, this booby trap .'of a half-pound of TNT is one of several used in demonstrations IJor armored force trainees at Ft Knox, Ky. :V::.i. could see her training at Fort Des Moines was directed toward mak ing her the same kind of a sol dier, from the standpoint of self discipline, single-minded service, and intelligent action, Would her training ever be put to so great a test? Suddenly the gunner's face lighted. One of the Zeros was gone, and Beth needed only one guess to tell whither its route. There was one to be accounted for. It had swung away, but now was coming back coming in .in a hard-to-reach angle. The nearest gunner tried to get 11 is weapon into position. It would not go quite far enough over. Just then a burst of machine gun bul lets rattled against the Fortress. 'T'HE Fortress lurched and the gunner fell. Beth thought at first that he had been thrown off balance. Then she saw that he did not rise, and she knew that he was a casualty. The other gunner was too busy to notice what had happened. Beth rose from her seat First she moved to the side of the stricken gunner. But she had not reached him before she knew that her mission was greater even than one of individual mercy. She moved straight to the va cant machine gun. Fearlessness and discipline were revealing the strong grips they had on her American soul. She steadied herself; and then she took hold of the gun grips and be came the weapon's master. Long weeks before she had been introduced to the operation of this gun more because of the whim of an instructor than be cause anyone ever expected her to know anything about one. The Jap fighter was coming back. It was coming back on Beth's side of the Fortress. (To Be Continued) THE MOWER-DOWNER BOISE. Idaho, (IP) Sgt, Wll. Ham Ra of Birmingham, Ala., saw a power operated lawn mower in action at Gowen field, so he bought one. His first attempt resulted: Destruction of a picket fence, dumugo to two flower beds and a leg injury. The mower was wrecked, too. Now he's looking for the kind you push. In mi automotive plant pro ducing aircraft cannon, a meth od has been introduced which will do the Job with eight ma chines instead of 64, save $228, 800 in machine costs, cut the cost per Run by $12.65, and save lit production hours per gun. CREDIT WITH THE CONVENIENCE OF CASH li ,,MjiJJiiS j I cpTuFcwotiBooyi r PURCHASE COUPONS Are Really Buying Power Purchase Coupons ar another convenient type of credit available to you at Scar. You make one call at our Credit Office, get a bookful of Coupon!, then spend them like cash when you want to. Thousands of smart women keep a book handy so they never miss a bargain 1 Smnll down payment, small month ly pax meats, usual carrying ' chars. GET YOURS TODAY AT Sears CREDIT OFFICE THIS CURIOUS WORLD V William Ferguson "The girl who thinks no man is GOOD EN0U6H FOR HEU MAY BE RKSHT.-ALS0, SHE MAY BE LEFT," eys JEANNE HUMLON&, Gertiarfeuiiij Kentucky. IS ONLY A NATURAL. PHENOAAENON ....THE REFRACTION OP MOON LIGHT THROUGH ICE CRYSTALS HIGH IN THE ATMOSPHERE. H. REG. a 8. PAT. OFT. 5-1 NEXT: When Franc Invaded Australia. ' . SCREEN ACTRESS HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured movie actress 11 Novel 14 Solo 15 Wash lightly 16 Mineral rock 17 Manner 18 Dessert 19 Boy 21 Compass point 22 Upon 23 Charitable gifts 24 Prepared for publication 26 Concerning 27 Age 28 Observed 29 Lively 80 Citrus fruit 33 Queue 35 Him 37 At present ' 38 Heroic poem 40 Single 42 Jewel 44 Sun god 45 Like 46 Pertaining to tan 49 Plant Answer to Previous Puzzle J AIM; El S M1AIDI I ISIolrTL FIO URITH Jo R aN N AE OaTk T7H" E.IXIAP L A r E. RE RlNI,' V E D Al EIP I 'D"Ia t a p a rnc" o 7f oipHr U N I T '''SITIR A P NIA!P vKlT HEiR E JAMC5 AIB1E IiY lE LD IZROEiic soEm MADISON ETrLCLECRQ 3EA.2L.vNG K ATpTiN YJAlM ASE A "VOTERS TspotteId IeIrIi Ie. sT" 52 French 3 Midday (abbr.) 4 Finish 53 Symbol for 5 Tellurium erbium (symbol) 54 Three (prefix) 6 Brink 55 Farewell 7 Prevaricates 56 Entreaty 8 Any 58 Edge 9 Island 60 Musical study 10 Peruses 62 Negotiate 1 1 Negative . 63 Short sleep 12 Sea eagle 64 Hinder 13 Noxious olant 57 Dined 65 Harass ISSheroseto 59 Military VFBTirAf stardom after police (abbr.) VERTICAL bejng a bu el fiole 1 jeiiy Guldo's scale 2 Reserved 20 Clock face 62 Size of shot 23 Curved structure 25 Cord 26 One time 27 Each (abbr.) 29 Rule 31 Missouri (abbr.) 32 Female sheer (pl.) 34 Upward 36 Ripped 39 Penny , 41 Sodium . (symbol) 43 Stuck in mud 45 Spaces 46 Gull-like bird 17 Operatic solo, 48 Quote 49 Grow indistinct 50 Always 51 Music note 52 Insect 56 Before (prefix) i iJ 1 " 71-- 55 zP Isti? . ' ir' h L--J IP" f n i HP'5 K m r i ni " w$i Ix&J w --- i5i rj,v 17 5ii"li;. L;u it'o'in P m "" "f5? fSa s7 1 -j;-; ; it Zi - ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I w rTuNTtl I lili - " r A PARACHUTE ill I ACTUALLY SAVE THE LIFE OP vk Wil l ' j l AN AIRPLANE PILOT MJ .-H1 ? LIEUTENANT HAROLD HARRIS JSAvW 1 W ' '-- I JUMPED FROM A DISABLED AXYvy ) PLANE NEAR. DAYTON, OHIO, ?S"wW c. i ...AND MAaeAWS&4&. I ( coph. m ay mca sciivkc ukl S?i Out Our Woy By J. R. Williami Our Boarding Houio With Major Hoopla THEGE6 COGNMEA.L, BARLEV OR OKTS IN.THI5 BALONEX LIVECVVUC6T OC MINCED HM.' VVWV. THEVfeE LVEt USIN THE PIGS 6QUEN.' LOOK AT THE MC H0LE6 -rt-l----T-S IN THIS -:""? I " . S.::X 6NJ5A6E WHAT TWEEES K 6H0QTAGE OF, VOU'LL. . FIND IN WHAT THECE5 AMOTHE.B. r-A-nTAr,i- OF.' fA I I I I ""tupopIs rn&NMPA V ou t i BARLEV OR OATS DON'T MIND EM I PUTTIN' V CATNAL ) WHAT TH&CES IN MV AMOTHE.B. I HAMBURGEB. V SHOGTAfiE BUT 1 V OF.' A.T THE MC HOLES DON'T WANT A HAMUuRGEE X y IN NW P ti n ' r - , - 'W r --r "DID SOU HEftR ABOOT PAPA HOOPLE SPOON ING OUT THE C-rXfA TO SOME: COTIE WHO Wfte. MAN QUEEN THE SEAR DtV0EV WON THe DUKE AT (VFNIL( v MV3TEBIES OF 1. a iimct. c. T. it MO u t, fl. w. hi IB f'pi'!' FATHER'S IMTEKE6T IN , THE DAM-EL S DIII3CI V Dl txTOWIC! THEM TOLD ME HE VJAS RUNNING ! BASELINE 1 PUK&LI KLWIuniu HOPE HE tSOEOMT rZZ; TRiP O .EE. HIS GOOD HbAVIfcNW V BEARD WHEN ff THIS ROMANCE: i eUEHrXULS MUGT BE IHWftKl" j WIM UP THE t ED BM FAIR . . .AISLE.' y ? .rAEANtoOK !)AP ; HA?) THE SIT IM TEETH i I I ft. iM --L9 HOLD EVERYTHING! Red Ryder J3 I if tncT . we. t. m. we. u t. rT By Frod Harmon FOR TRAlf-J. 1 RtR. HERE r pr5 - PR.rosi.iiaus HE'S -o rlW& ME KUE 1 cxaB-D mi orr TM" RESERSAIIClM 1sS6! !3 ESyRF." iitJii Comes n woi,-AfWtKiN'' V IhVt 1H' iSMIiW'Pll CUE IWItdlfi .' gf Frccklci and His Fricndi By Blonar "Yes. I ee her but you still cant wear slacks." dboD LUCK PATTERN FOR APPLIQUE QUILT W6VF HAD THff VEILED LADY IM CUSTODY- FOR. A WEEK BUT WE WERE KE SPIN'S IT QUIET WE WANTED TO CATCH KE A r" I 7540 by Alice Brook Lucky, lucky youto find this fascinating four-leaf closer de sign for a quiltl Make the blos som and leaf appliques in their natural colors for brightest ef fect. You'll find the quilt instruc tions very accurate and simple to follow. Pattern 7540 contains Block Chart; pattern pieces; quilt directions; yardage chart; illustration of quilt. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts 'Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, ' as a loose ' coin often slips out of the envel ope. Request- for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. to followed by your name and address. Bur mou kids scared him away Vitm ? Those items im your, loud-mouthed high school paper from now om. VOU STICK TO STORIES ABOUT CAMPUS LlfE" AND LAY OFf" TPOV" YES. SIR ! K IP YOO DONT, VOUU. HAVC TO RUM AM ITCW LIKE THIS WHAT POLCG CAPTAIN KICKED WHAT E0IIDR3 RIOMT IN THE PANTS f y mm mi 1 Jrv. i Wash Tubbs By Cran f?H LI-80AT APPEARS BADLY PAMA6EP, A SEyER I I -Or COMPRKi-D AIR AND WATER l& SL0WIN6 OUT lj ar ntK, anw &HtSSEM& WA8LE JO SUBMERGE jTr'f - . 8-.V.;Vg3--8E3-- mmi THE ,1 6UH6S MmM ST. :SrJSii-!-. S5i ?-? . ' t SQ BLA7IX NO.WB KAVS SHE'5THETOLETADE5- Umy'Aiur ITROYER FINISH ME A SHOT IHERiBASV! THOSf WITH THE W0ULDM T n,of.-r-i PCMUCMMMAof. l"':""-'Viuii u.rS roJ . . . . ... anna RUT BEFORE THE wPESTROVES -AM ARRIVE, THE U-SOAT 16 HIPDEM By A RAIN SQUALL l N , .-1. u Boots and Her Buddies By V. T. Hamlin rWS KIEV. W".60 MWUOKfo Or Of 6Wl- VOO CAW 6fX "WW VOVVV-VV? : Tft Wi Uji KO.W--0'S.' n-2 -' "SV FSWW VO -ANW rnt.'3 Uv 1 I WOW y f WR OV OUV VlNWS, rPStO ins W MOW WtMO &0?PO"E. L A ft v rf'.V Allcp Oop Martin HOSIERY HUN TACOMA, Wash., (A7) Word got around that there were 134 pairs of women's silk stockings at the office of the National Association of Creditors and the panic was on. Stenographers left their type writers, elevators were left without operators. Association President Theo dore Faulk took over the boom ing job of hosiery salesman. When the rush was over he re ported the obligation of a de funct women's shop to the as sociation was cleared. Oil coolers are now being built of brazed steel, replacing copper tubing, to save 64 per cent of copper. "Piggyback" training in single-seater fighter planes has cut flying accidents from an index of 8.5 to a new low of 1.15. fuSXr1- V" THEV U-SEO'TOTV f I DOUBT IF ANV MAN PB Wf 3 C!? tEMiuE?l.U;&BlJ'T WONMUG.' WOOk. TOGE-THE . COULD LIVE THROUGH A WELL. WAX DEN, S5 fe' t f 'w 1 L-r,li5Ci.y!'ITH WHY DIDN'T ...I THINK WE'BE FIVE-HUNDOED-MILE. THERE HE 16 .. . f. ' I II I TuJki JfrfS f r?.LLEE. I VVE THINK QOUTTol HOCKaT TRIP J APPASiENTLV l-J I wonmug upon A' oF, sr v. trrf uim imSKR ' Littlo Orphan Annie By Harold Graj BUT I 00NT TyOU JUST GADl MJl THESeTPJ GREW SCOTT I P'JM"l,t'!l r EH? rJS SURE I TH' GET IT! WHAT'S FOLLOW SECRET STWRS At 10 I YEP--JUST A REGULAR LAKE, EH-H-H! I COMINC, IN? TJfiD ONE SO I Q0IMC5 0M HERE? M(. IT'S PASSAGESI WHY B ABOUT-SH-H" RIGHT UNDER THE BUBBLES! WHY" ITS-ITS FAR BUT 0 WHERE ARE YOU aOICKER'M WE MUST BE DOWN I EASY MOW- OUST HILL THAT THE ITS COMW ( A ElCl "TAKE IT EASY TAKING ME? 4 TRYIN' TO ALMOST TO RIVER U STAND HERE CASTLE STANDS 0M; I IM-SEE? , ITS IT'S A AN' STAY OUT C)