Mny fl, 1013 HERALD AKD NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WORKERS OPEN CI I SCOUT FUNDS Climaxing mooting filled wild spirit mid enthusiasm, 0110 hundred mid fifty volunteer workers for llio ScnulCiimp Flro fund (i i-o In tho field today to inlim this fund for Klnmiilh Kalis youth agencies. Guesla of llio Hotel Wlllnrd, thn workers Kiilli ried for dinner hint nluhl thlr teen lenins of thoin, representing thirteen prominent Klmniilli Fulls orgnnluitlnnti and pre pared for llirco day of Intensive campaigning. John 13. Eblngcr, chairman of llio ctunpnlun. presided. Vow Owens, C, S. Klllot, and Ken Kluhn of tho ciimpiilun exeeullvo commutes spoke briefly of tho splendid response mot by the Qnen on tho exeeullvo coinmltteo n their prclimlniiry contacts. K b I n II e r Introduced Vcrn Moore, general drlvo chulruiun, who thanked tho teams for their splendid turn out und empha sized tho fact that our nation must Intensify lis character train ing for youth to offnot tho effects of wnr-tlmo conditions. Refer ring to tho first World war, Mooro reminded tho group that America must strive to prevent some of tho youth difficulties following that struggle Mrs. Percy Murray, vleo chair man of the general drlvo, was In troduced by Mooro and spoko briefly. Instructions to tho teams were given by Hubert II. Lmnott, Scout executive, following which thirteen Girl Scouts, Conip Fire Cilrls and Boy Scouts assisted in tho selection of prospect cards dinder tho direction of L. Parker lartincz, assistant Scout ex ecutive. Every team was represented nt tho meeting. Muslo was furnished by Loyal Heath of Fre mont school who played the piano accordion. Decorations were put up by tho Girl Scouts, and Mrs. J, M. Kennedy present ed a living picture of tho threo youngsters depicted on tho cam paign brochura. Summarizing tho proceedings of tho meeting, Vcrn Mooro an nounced that the report meet ing for tho drlvo would bo held In the Blue room of tho Wlllnrd hotel beginning nt 7 p. m. Fri day evening, May 7. Workers are to work only their regular cards until Thursday noon, after which time they will work free lance wherover contributors may io found, Bates to Deliver Baccalaureate to Henley Graduates Reverend A. C. Bates of the First Christian church In Klam ath Fulls, will deliver tho bac calaureate sermon to tho Henley high school seniors on Sunday evening, May tho ninth. As In past years, tho services will bo held at 8 o'clock In the Henley high school gymnasium. Rev. Bales has conducted the biiccalaiireatn service, for the graduating classes at Henley for the pant two years. We are getting but to General MacArthtir every plane, every tank, every gun, every round Jf ammunition that it is human ly possible to send. Services of Supply Chief Gen. Brehbn B. Somervell. Tho worst vllllan In tho mo vies Is tho one who sticks gum under tho scats. Juniors, Seniors ' Hold Banquet at Bonanza High School BONANZA Tho Junior-senior banquet was hold at llio Bonanza high school Saturday evening, May 1. Tho annual school awards wore presented to tho following: Merrill Drifted I, scholarship; Danny Givun, boys' activities; Muo Lilly, girls' activities; Paul ine Wood, girls' citizenship; Noll (irohs, boys' citizenship; Mary Hlghinn, girls' athletics; Curl Prough, buys' athletics. Merrill Drlncoll was named valcdlcturlun und Danny Glvau Niiluhitoniin uf the class of JLti4'.i, Buccalaureato services will bo given ut tho oBnunzu church Sunday, May 0, at 3 p. ni. llov. Burton Peterson of Klamulh Falls Is giving tho address. New Pine Creek Tha four thousand mark was lopped locally, when tho close of tho big bond drlvo camo on Muy 1. Soma purchases of bonds woro mado direct through tho Lakuvlcw bunk without tho knowledge of tho local chairman und woro not Included In the count, However, some of these purchases wcro ascertained and included In tho $4353.23 figure of actual bund sales in this area. No doubt if all tho sales had been known and Included they probably would hnvo exceeded $3000. A healthy note revealed In the bond drive Just ended Is that most people feel tho neces sity of buying bonds und aro making systematic purchases of somo. Sailor Lair Gentry paid sur prise visit to his parent und rel atives here, arriving last Satur day evening mid leaving on Wed nesday. Ho is now a member of crash crew In tho navy, sta tioned at Oakland. Ho sold that whenever "a bomber crashes It nearly always starts a flro that has to be extinguished. Mr.. Dorothy McDonald Is now living at Santa Barbara, where her husband is stationed for a period of six months or longer. She left about two weeks ago from Alturas where she was working in a dental of fice. Mrs. Florence Collen was called to Richmond, Cnllf., last Friday morning where her daughter Kathleen Is quito ill with pneumonia. Roy H. Sweet has been con fined to his home with a re lapse of the flu. Ho had been falling timber down at Cnnby when ho become sick. Mrs. Lorraine Hnmmcrslcy had the misfortune to have her brooder catch flro last Tuesday morning at 2 a. m., destroying tho brooder, brooder-houso and at least 130 baby chicks, Neigh bors were called out to help keep tho flro from spreading to tho house. Mr. and Mrs. Tunkorslcy and j nir. ana jvirs. it. miios are new comers to New Pine Creek. They aro living in the Johnston broth ers' duplex cabin. Tankcrslcy and Bates aro employed by Ray mond Fisher on tho ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fisher huvo been doing considerable re modeling on their ranch dwell ing. 8. Oullugher and Blumcr MeCrury huvo been doing the work. Alfred St, Clair has boon con creting up his well, down on his premises located on tho old Grandma Mooro property. Esto Shaw and sons have been doing the work. The California fishing season opened last Saturday, May 1, More people have purchased li censes than were anticipated, and are trying their luck with rod and line. Not very many good catches have been reported, except that Roy Trult of Willow Ranch, and his party, are said to have had real good luck down at Clear lako. Richard Keller, Jinx and Verle Cook, George Schamcl and Wade Thompson braved their way through mud and snow to Cava lake but only meager catches were reported. Few lake trout have been caught, according to reports. The men wrapped up In the deepest feather beds are the loafers who should get on the Job; the brass hate who carry golf bags, who use Pullman space to go to conventions. Al so, baseball and football are dragging thousands away lrm the war effort. Brotherhood el Railway Trainmen Freeideat A, F. Whitney. 1 When lying down person ks taller than whon standing erect. Old Time Dance Friday, May 7 K.C. HALL 9:30 P. M. Klger's Orchestra Regular Townsend Moating at 8 o'clock 5 J-.- A. '' ml-t'HfiVwimr. thi wum LuJiLU lift? (itflirrm tijmmmt jira fai 'MMuUtrar Mara SEE SEARS GRAND SELECTION OF PUCE GDS EMBASSY RAYONS Tha top fashion In rayons . . . luxurious and washable! Make any dress for any occasion, or fashion with embassy. Easily worth 69c a yard! . yd V PARADISE 80 SQUARES Also ot Seors . . Complete sr Best (or style, for wear and for savings. Should sell for at least 35c a yard . . . but It's extra low priced at Sears. 36 In. wide, fast color. of Selection Patterns'. Yd. Complete Selection of Notio nsl "rill. ,ii ''if.tll SHEER PRINTED LAWNS Daisy designs for dress-up, flower prints for all day. All colors fast to washing. Mercerized combed . cottonl .C yd. LOVELY JERSELLA RAYONS Jorsclla is woven, not knit. It drapes with won derful softness; it keeps its shape and doesn't sag, cling or stretch. Smart patterns for dresses or play suits. v ':if. ' ,i'!,iv fi I'TOllliXliiil NEW SHIPMENT! ALL TYPES OF COMFORT ERS NOW AVAILABLE AT SEARS! DOWN COMFORTERS The greatest warmth . . . the great est beauty . . . but light in weight. Full, generous size. High quality rayon satin covering. Wine, Rose, . Dusty Rosa and Blue. See these beau tiful comforters! 195 WOOL COMFORTERS 50 virgin wool, 50 wool noils. Heavy rayon satin cov ering. Trapunta 1 QC stitched. 1 7.7 3 WOOjJ COMFORTERS 100 , wool filled. Quality rayon covering. Full size. Beautifully 17 QQ quiltedl I-U70 WOOL FILLED QUILTS Large 80x90 size. , Heavy flowered sateen covering in several colors. 7.49 ,:: T.fll 100 WOOL QUILTS Heavy flowered or plain sateen covering. Choice of rose, green or . L QO blue. 0.70 SATEEN QUILTS Filled with 95 cotton and 5 wool. Large - A QO 72x84 size. ItWO COTTON QUILTS ' Filled with good quality all new cotton. Full size. 3 4Q 4 lb. weight. ' J.V7 r.7 ruRBiC ll.. ueaf gifts; " "yons. f LArv ... 79c COTTnK, .... hne-32lH 1 sa'n, or 2.98 59 SPUN RAYON PRINTS Rayon prints to make up in sports or dress up styles; bright sunny colors to wear with pleasure wherever you gol 0C RAYON, COTTON PRINTS Famous Bombay prints mado for service , . . plus stylo . . plus economy. Smart yl, colorful designs. Priced lowl . C Ydt CHECKED SHARKSKINS A grand assortment of both plain and check: rayons. Crisp, smooth rayon, CO Pro-shrunk. O C yd PRINTED CREPES Smooth, crisp, cool!- Wonderfully becoming, easy to sew. Hand washable. 0 A realbuyl . O C yd. RAYON TAFFETAS Plain colors In smart, rustling taffeta. A remarkable value for the' OOr money! di, yd. WHITE OUTING Good quality 36-inch outing flannel for a variety of uses. Full standard quality. Warm and strong! S,C. X - I colors r,- oade,th i , 1 19c INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN WAR BONDS AND STAMPS uuurrcii 'iiu.vr n.. -"v' gutst vcry 1 am Shouer,t?-or(ables,(n;.. 0 yd. RO.PT-vp 35c 1 .i.oa n nrrrvn 1 vamg&tta uAj&h NINTH STREET, Corner Pine Telephone 3188 I It;