Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 05, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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(Jtfny 15, 1943
A throe-diiy ciimpulgn will 1)8
lu:ld In the schools hero next
wvclt to collnct every pomiilile
irrupiiiccl tin can for milviiuo bo
ioro schools closo for tho sum
n)cr months. Dnyii of tho con
test tiro Momliiy, Tuesday, Wed
iii'fKtiiy, Mny 10, 11 mid 12.
Tho locul rffort will ho part
of a (tnlpwltlo tin enn collection
rfintc.it, It whs announced by tho
Mrul tin can snlvnifo coinmittco
ntiri school authorities. .'.The
ltrtlaii(l busouiill club In cooper
ation In tho projoct.
In tho atiito content, throo
srhools will qualify in winners.
These will bn tho winiilnu on
Otfint from Portland, tho win
Qit! city school from tho gtuta
at Inrtfe, and tho winning county
school from tho sttite ot largo,
' Tin can klniis and queens from
euch wlnnliiK school will bo
uncut of tho Portland busobnll
club on Saturday, Mny 22, at o
special till can bull same, with
rxpenses paid to Portland for
the upstuto winners.
Winning schools will bo se
lected on tho basis of the great
est number of cans collected per
student In the three-day period.
H you Invest modest sum,
You keep tho axis on tho run
- Buy Wr Bond todsyl
Conn r a t u 1 a 1 1 o n s spread
through tho hulls yestorduy os
nows leaked out that Jerry Kl-
,am n o r s o n nun
Yl: t' V I bl'c" elected
.ltt; iVlrn a I d c n t of
' VJlho student
body und Joy
Kent had been
elected presi
dent of the
i. i
i-r 1 I Uoth students
for their music
nbllily. Jerry Is blond and cur-ly-heiidcd
und bus attended
KU1IS three yearn unci Is active
In all musical uffiilrs.
Tho following Is Jerry's state
ment: "1 um liuppy to huvo
been elected student body pres
ident. It is my Intention tn do
whatever is poxnlblo to further
tho Interests of student govern
mont und to help in every way
to muka the next school year
a successful ouo for student ac
tivities." Joy is n red bend, ucllvo In
music and member of tho Pep
Peppers. Wo know that both of
them will do a (food Job or
olso they wouldn't huvo been
Tho remainder of the stu
dent body officers are Bob Per
kins, first vice president; Lois
Cada, second vice president;
A program for tho enlistment
of cadets for tho civilian air pu
trol bus been started by the
Klamath Fulls unit among hitfh
school students,
Hubert Fulton, Klumulh unit
commander, explained tho plan
lit a high school assembly here
Tuesday afternoon, staling it is
hoped to enlist as many us pos
sible 'boys from 1(1 to 18 yeurj
of UKo inclusive, us CAP cudets.
lie explained tliut tho work
will Include military drill, dis
cipline, und some ground school
experience that will be valuable
to ull youths likely to be called
Into military service.
A meeting will be held at the
high school Friduy night for
actual enrollment of the CAP
cadets. Iloys who Join must
have tho consent of their parents,
and Fulton suggested thut par
ents, If possible, attend the meet
ing Friduy evening,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., (pj Cir
cuit Judge Maurice Hoffman
helps solve the manpower prob
lem by operating a linotype ma
chine for the Newspross.
Tho former printer turns his
nightly wage of $0.38 over to
the Salvation Army.
Letty Llnman, secretary-treasurer,
and Ray Byrnes, yell
The other Girls' League offi
cers are Doris Phillips, vice
president, and Marjorle Palmer
ton, sccrotury-lrensuror.
Good luck for the new year.
Salmon Fishing
Slumps After Big
Opening Catches
AjSTOWA, Ore., May 8 (IT)
Columbia river salmon fishing
slumped today after bumper
opening season catches.
Tho 30-hour period between
tho start of the commercial sea
son laxt Friday and the weekend
cessation brought catches hover
ing near record proportions at
Mayger, Ore., where boats aver
aged an estimated 1900 pounds.
One delivered 3000 pounds.
One loco) packing firm said
the average boat loads for the
opening period ran around 800
vsaTAVfnn a
r "
I " . ' 4 J
Keep Our Wings Above the Enemy!
America's air corps has the will and the heart to fight.'
But they can't fly over the enemy unless YOU, give them
planes! They have to be paid for. The money must
come from YOU! Put every dollar you can spare into
War Bonds!
, ' ' "
MacArthur Can Use That Pelican!
Let's Put Klamath Over the Top ! Buy
That Fortress. Buy MORE War Bonds!
Remember MOTHER on Her Day! May 9th
in ira .i"ira
mm W I J
) 0! one-piece
; . J ff f7 r rv Jto or suit styles.
,' r f f (t & $i I C From a brand-new shipmntl
jf' Mjl, ! J V ' Prints, pastels and oontraat
JUm '-: Jyy ... rayon In sheers, Jerssys,
Ey&Sig 4 JnJr crepes, spuns, and shantungs.
; : t'Kf V fcCV'' jgr Practical and pretty for your
V ' f 1 HV' '''3 j i1- ) ! l spring wardrobe at this scon-
aet.mea" uMm I tailored jumper;
fi a Jl I Button-front and button- Wis " I
yR?- HtesM back styles in rayons 0rj98''
au-srajra-a; tjar MW I TAILORED BLOUSE I
Bers, kettle brims, large and small 8 'I fSi I
bonnets lend a casual look to your A I j ft Tf To Wear under your lump- flQO I
ntina tMn-- vmuu.. -. ijd er...orwithaJnyoyosr II TO I
. I ' VVM ,u'ts and skirts- Rayon. ' II . I
9 Vs-'i Sizes 32 to 38. , U Mh j
W I Hi!
yj i ;0rk "1t you . n i j
ffli I Peasant styls .
r i i.V. ithev are eomfort-
'Vj''Pi 'if,'' 'tractive! And as
' " : versatile you saw
wear them any
place, 9-15, 24-30,
'tss i i jr
C SMS MM m ! (