J : 1 ! Mny 4, 1043 T'ARKMENPLAN , CRATER LAKE FIRE DEFENSE Protection ot Cralor Liilio nn- j llomit park will bo tlin primary j liiloiest of park official llils your, unci plans imp tii'lnu imiiln toward thin end, iicciirrilnfi to T. C. I'nrkcr, aimlstnnt siipiTln- tcnclont. i E, P. Lenvllt, inperlntenilent f of tho park. In in Sun Francisco I H1I5 week nTlln with Nowton J H, Drury of C'liluiiKo, director of ! parks, mid llculonal Director Mii- jor O. A. Toinllniion of Sun r'ran ;: Cisco. DIkcub.iIoii of summer operation will ho announced fol lowing Leavltt'a return to Ills Mertforcl office. Chief Hiiniier Carllslo Crouch, : "Jousting n sunburn from Ills re cent ski trip into headquarter with Hanger Clyde E. Cillbert 3 nnd W. T. front of tho noil con ! nervation service, Medford, re I ported 101 feet of snow at hend ' quarter as compared with (I feet f ' 9 Inches nt thla time lust year. ; Tho tlirco cut on far an the south entranco of tho park by ; motor, continuing on wilh their ski. Llltlo travel Is expected In the j park this year, and roads will j not bo open until most of tho ;i snow has melted. Food will bo available, as usual at the govern mcnt mess hall, Parker staled. Thero will bo no overnight ac commodations. !; "Wo are putting main em p pliusis on flro protection," Park I er sold In discussing tho 1 0-43 !' program. "Kiro protection can't 6e minimized, especially in war imo. Wo mny bo surprised on I travel, but wo aren't expecting very much." PAY CUT CHICAGO, W) Circuit JudRo Thomns J. Lynch suggested to Mrs. Margaret Mnrtmnn that be would order her estranged hus band, William, pay her $75 a month temporary support pend ing disposition of her separato maintenance suit. Mrs. llartmnn, 03, mother of four children and grandmother of 12. said: "Oh, that would be too muc'lij mnko it $50. I'm used to that." - , . Tho Judge ngroed. Tho need Is for careful analy sis, common senso planning and 3 preliminary action In locating find building tho foundation for the essential roads to lasting peace. Senator Hnrold H. Bur ton of Ohio. 1 -K Beild all theie Ufa prolonging service! for your car, Richfield offers you 20 additional services at no extra cost. Safeguard your Trumpet Player V will f A asoViiAiiS -ill lie Jbiitea Harb Millor, trumpet playing brother of Clonn Miller, will bring his own 14-ploco orchos tra to the Armory Wednesday night, May 12. Coming direct from a nlna weak engagement at the Rainbow Randovu ball room In Salt Lake City, Utah, and a live weoks' stay at the Aragon ballroom at Ocean Park, Calif., Herb and his boys are expected to please the most exacting dancers during their engagement here. Featured en tertainers with the organisation include Frankie Schenk, pian ist, and songs by "Marilyn." Dancing will be from 9 o'clock until 1 o'clock. News of the Commandos CAMP WHITE When the Commando girls of Klamath Falls visited Camp Whlto re cently they were mistaken for WAACs, marched with the sol diers, ntn In tho mess hall; and wero awakened by an army bugler. Several rookies gasped, "Geel Look at tho WAACs," when the Commandos attended services Sunday morning at tho post chapel. This misapprehension was cleared up by the girls In a short tlmo and cveryono was happy, except tho embarrassed rookies. Later in the same morning, tho girls marched along with one outfit in camp but declared that tho drill sergeants speak a different langungo than ordi nary .human which Is a well known fact in tho army. . ,. Breakfast and lunch were eaten in one of tho camp mess hulls and tho girls were loud In their praise of nrmy chow. Not-too-early Sunday morn ing, they were tootled out of their army cots In the nurses barracks by n real army bugler and voiced their opinion of said Richfield Summer-Shletd guards your car agatnit changes In summertime temperature and ondllioni- and helps America's conservation program. RIcKfleld's package price tavei you money-imoother performance- and operation savei Pfuiure. Ont call for YOU GET AIL car now against wartime Idleness. Dealer todayl buglerwhich Is on old army pnviiego. Hunday afternoon tho girls linneured on tho cumD radio program, "Camp Whlto On the Air, and wero pronounced reg ular troupers by Mlkcmon Pvt. Jimmy Dunlcvy. Kyrliunntlnri nf mirnrlftO and admiration escaped from the nlrilera Saturday night when tho girls stopped dunclng long enough to execute several oi their precision drill routines. In addition to their drilling, they staged a floor show. Guylo Hlwer und Oarbaru Sellers swished enchnntingly over the floor In a graceful hula-hula while Dorothy Uiurcnson tap ped tuneful Hawaiian tunes on hf,r mellow marimba and the girls vocalized a musical back ground. .Swlnulna back to the days of tho Gay Nineties, Dorothy Con stable as a bathing Beauty oi tho 1800's, and Bill Crew, garbed In a gunnysock-like droopy bathing suit, panto- mined what grandma ana grandpa did at tho beach when they wero young. Still In the mood of we iNinc Cant. Bernie Hcldcmonn, niiimri n a itav clondv of the cro with straw hat and check ered Btiit, ond Mary Truelove as a feather-hatted colorful belle of tho Nineties, glided abou; in a cakewalk. Tho girls danced a total of eight hours during the night and days they were guests of Servico club number two onn Its director, Miss Rena Sc menza. Improvement Noted In Condition of Hiram Johnson WASHINGTON. May' 4 (JP) Definite Improvement was re ported today in the condition of Hiram Johnson (Il eal If.), who was stricken with pneumonia several days ogo. In moking tho announcement, Capt. Robert E, Duncan, execu tive officer of tho Navy Medical center at Bcthcsda, Md., said he considered the senator's condi tion encouraging. MOO FOR HELP PORTLAND, Ore., (P) A cow came lowing to tho Oregon Humane society building. An attendant who Investigat ed led her hastily to a barn. Now whoever owns the cow also owns a black calf. Pi LES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSplTALIIATION No Lota of Tlml Pcmunanl flnultil DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlropraetll Pttroltlan IN No. ;Oi - Stflulrt Thutro BlSf PtHXV Ktl you money and trouble In the complete service tavei you lime. THESE VITAL SERVICES 1. CRANKCASI eVelne-. !.. en refill!' with RUhflele' Meier Oil. 3. TRANSMISSION lo.h. ntf r.flllo with s.llhn.U O.or Oil. 3. DIFFERENTIAl e-r.ln.e-, l.ent, reflllttf with MchfUle' Oo.r Oil. 4. CHASSIS cemnlotely lukrlceletf. 5. FRONT WHftL BEARINGS fleanerf, Intpected end lubricated. 6. TIRES thoikod for suit end bruliou nalli end glut, removed! lnfleled rii-lwllhod fer longor life. 7. BATTERY checked end filled, CAII nd TlftMINAlf cleened end carrier fcelti tightened. 8. COOLINO SYSTEM drained, cleaned? nd refilled. 9. AIR FILTER cleaned and rootled, 10. SPARK PIUOS cleaned, dlvitce) and tolled. summertime conditions and Sea your friendly Richfield HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE lii & Word comes from Frank Col (so, ton of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Callse of Merrill, that he has been transferred from tho In fantry to the tank corps of the U. S. army and is now stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. Pvt. Callse Is a former Herald and News employe. CHILOQUIN Tod Deffen bachcr now wears the stripes of a corporal. He Is Instructor in bayonet, rifle and trench-mortar (a short cannon) training.' He has had many a Chiloquin man under his supervision during the past six months. Tod is station ed at Camp Robinson, Arkansas. CHILOQUIN PFC Ilarry D. Bradflcld, son of Col, and Mrs. Earl Bradflcld, Is a member of the Carlsbad army air corps or chestra and plays every Friday night at various army locations, and lately he has carried his squadron to the top rank in wrestling matches. Harry has signed up for over-seas duty. At this date Col. and Mrs. Earl Bradflcld are In Washington, D. C. where Col. Bradficld Is at tending army conferences. CHILOQUIN Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gruberman received a letter from Howard Abbey, U. S. army air corps, saying he has been pro moted to the rank - of staff- Hill J rawicroKY M BUY I II fe, i, sergeant. Howard Is stationed In India, He sent tho Grubcrman's the "C.B.I. Roundup" an army paper printed In New Delhi, In dia. INDEPENDENCE, Kans. Aviation Cadet Robert P. Stew art, son of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Stewart, route 1, box 876, Klamath Falls, was among the class of cadets who arrived at the Independence army air field recently for the third or basic stage of the aviation cadet flying training program. ALVA, Okla. Private Erwln Bryco Lee, 20, of Klamath Falls, Ore., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Ice, 628 Oak street, has arrived at Northwestern State Teachers college for courses of army air forces In struction lasting approximately five months prior to his ap pointment as an aviation cadet in the army air forces. CHILOQUIN Staff Sgt. Wil liam D. Roark, USMCR writes he is stationed on a small island resting before the next cam paign. He was one of our first marines to land on Guadalcanal and has been moved twice since then. His latest location Is much nicer, better chow and a movie every night. He has been issued i a new tent, his old one was to li m m aoaanaaaacccccccaaaaaaaeMccaai ccccccccaenHeaaaa' J--, v Scientifically proved ripHIS is very important to you. Even if you have not so far felt any "smoker's irritation" or "smokers' cough". Even if you think you never inhale It is proof from repeated scientific tests proof on high and impartial authority. Plenty of proof! LARORATORY TESTS t (comparisons, 5 leading brands) The four other leading cigarettes aver' aged more than three times as irritating icith irritant effects lasting more than five times as long-oa the strikingly contrasted Philip Morris I WE SELL PHILtP MORRIS AT SAME PRICE AS ALL OTHER LEADING BRANDS . . . STILL FRESH AND' t'INER-FLA VORED THE SAME FRESH, FINE SMOKE DESPITE PACKAGE CHANGES DVE TO WAR well ventilated from shrapnel. Duncan E. Roark AMM 3c belongs to a special new unit "Lions 1" a unit in which navy men wear khaki clothing, carry rifles and like it. Duncan's wife works In the Chiloquin telephone office, and both boys are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roark of Modoc Point. . . SHBPPARD FIELD, Tex. Stanley W. Ezell, son of Mrs. W. C, Ezell, of 4709 Summers Lane, Klamath Falls, has grad uated from an intensive course in airplane mechanics and now is prepared to blast the axis as one of America's "commandos in coveralls." NO BAGS NO STATION STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 4 (P) The railway station at Stuttgart in southern Germany was wrecked .during a recent RAF raid, a traveler from Ger many reported today. He said he left his luggage at the sta tion three hours and when he returned, there was no luggage and no station. EARL L GREENE of the Sanitary Barber Shop, wishes to let his friends know that he has purchased the So. 6th St. Barber Shop between Klamath and Main ' on 6th St. Wl Hill ill Jt. less irritating to Salem First In AAA Pedestrian Safety Contest PORTLAND, May 4 (IP) Tha Oregon State Motor association said today that Salem was first among cities its size in tha na tional pedestrian protection eon- r COMMERCIAL FINANCE Corporation nnounces the Removal of Its Klamath Falls Office on May 3, 1943, from 1 1 6 South 6th Street to 116 South 8th Street ' Dial 3265 , Automobile Furniture Salary LOANS P. A. "BUCK" EVERETT, Manager Bonded Aubrey, Assistant Manager S-25I M-223 Bill. the nose and throat! CLINICAL TESTS t '(actual smokers) When the smokers changed to Philip Morris, every case of irritation of nose . or throat due to smoking either cleared up completely, or definitely improved! All of this work was done hy doctors high in the medical profession. They reported their finding! in authoritative medical journals to inform othel doctors. Yes real proof that this most enjoyable ciga' rette is far easier on your nose and throat far Icss irritating. 'Why wait longer to change? PAGE THREE test sponsored by tha American Automobile association. Oregon was second among states. . Grants Pass tied for sec ond In Us class, Albany tied for third in its class and Klamath Fall, Astoria, McMlnnvllle, St. Helens, Springfield and Burns re ceived honorablo mention In their classes.' J't.S li "'2 f it's taED&Efk (EM S3x&