: i PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON May 8, 1948 DRFGON PLANS S lull I NEEDS EUGENE, Ore. Summer ses sion courses in all the Institu er education are being planned to meet the needs of the war, it it emphasized in an announce ment just off the press. Two con secutive sessions, which togeth tlons of the state system of high er equal one full quarter, will enable the student, whether an entering freshman, graduate or undergraduate to complete es sential training as rapidly as possible. . Specialized courses will be giv en in each of the state's six insti tutions. During the Portland quarter, which begins June 14 and ends August 27, a six-week workshop in weaving will be of fered in conjunction with the Art museum, and courses in edu cation for teachers of handi capped children and teachers in nursery schools. The University of Oregon, which is also offering a full quarter, beginning June 12 and ending August 27, is placing wartime emphasis on courses for pre-medlcal and pre-nursing stu dents. Teachers working for ad vanced degrees and those pre paring to teach in high schools will have an opportunity to take desired courses. Monkeys and apes are afflict ed by tooth trouble in the same manner as human beings. Widow Receives Award for Husband VANCOUVER Wash., May 3 Of) A Distinguished Service Cross, awarded posthumously to 2nd Lt. Alfred Sharff, Portland, was presented to his young wid ow yesterday at a formal troop ceremony at Vancouver bar racks. The award was for action Nov. 8, 1942, In French Moroc co In which Lt. Sharff scouted enemy machine gun positions then sent a runner back with the Information. mm mm mm LOWEST PRICES OF '43 Big orders for 650 stores enable us to save you money every doyl But for this huge Ward Week Sale we make even greater purchases. And offer the sharpest reductions of the sea son! No wonder you'll find truly jpecfacu fcrtavmyt during these big bargain days! Prices Cull EXTRA Saving! Compare up lo $2 NVorel 9x12 For Ward Wee! k only! Choose from Wide Selections! . ,.a..Ao dress up ....-whlletpn!rrf floral, textute N0! U floo V You'U find a ne gayety, 5heer water-proof .an SJdays are to keep clean at their re Rt Howded vnth war outstanding bargauw SuSonyouknoW ay- f dot delay! Better dollars m? rbia sale days , ' life I. r? I?'. 'vT.4 'il J.A i '1. I WK . r TTlnJ 'fa U.'J. . these ; "ali to . . ' ou . - ""en .. waH.. Voi,. t ti0r. fc32 J SPECIAL OFFER! MARBIEIZED UMOtEUM OH STURDY FEUT BACK 0? C Compare up !o 20e .1 - V-.J Mnrol . Sq.Yd. acluaro . i unnr room the rich, Here', your chance of this deucatciy -6' n",v-" ' BUDIIC w-j . . . . . ,;m vcrv desicnl We have colors to nan.. - - dera We eme. Color, that won't fade or wear cm For they go clear through to the felt backt So don't miss thi.wle pricel Hurry 1 Bring in your Room Measurements lor a Free Estimate NOW I Ask About Our ; Installation Service I NINTH STREET, Cornor Pine gW5H -'...-'7 tt,,,., 7"aJs, Telophone 3188 Wounded Soldier Believes in Live Bullets For Training WASH1NCTON, May S (P) Private John Larson, Baker, Ore., decorated for gallantry In North Africa, returned to this country with a firm bollef In the uso of live ammunition In train ing soldiers. "Aftor the bullets start flying In real combat, you know why General McNuir (Lt Gen. Lesley McNalr, c o m m a n d o r of tho ground forces) insisted on train- holes. Wo dug 'cm with or with out shovels after we hit that bench at Casablanca," Larson said. "There's something about a flock of machine gun bullets coming at you from an enemy that snys, 'Did. soldiers, dig.' " Larson Is out of action, wounded becmiso "I forgot the basic ruin to 'lilt tho dirt and dig ing us doughboys how to dig fox ho In,' and stood Just olio second too long In tho samo place." lie told of lying in a foxhole with machlno gun bullets whiz zing overhead, until "I started fueling I just had to movo or ex plode, so I moved." "I Jumped out of tho foxhole and started running toward tho hostile lines hoping that when they fired at mo they'd give away their positions so thu other duughboys could got a shot at 'em. They full for It and slailed firing." It was for that action that Lar son was given tho Silver Star with a citation declaring that gun action, continued to work" forward, causing the onomy to disclose position." One Missing as Navy Plane Crashes In Puget Sound SEATTLE. May S (IV) On. man was iiiIkhImk and snvnn tiv lured, one critically, yonlerdny when a largo navy plnnu crash ed Into I'ujet Hound north of here whlla on a routine t min ing flight. Identity of the missing man was withheld ncndlng notlflca- "In spite of enemy machlna Hon of next of kin, f We sSff - Cut-Pncedf DrieB to a mi " 'MWl MSNUm 'mJJ L fc- r tJ " ) '.'t ssmmmsm mm O NINTH STREET, Corner Pine mlf1 Telophona 3188