Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 30, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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April SO, imj
Klamath GUuSick Maul
The week of May 2 to 0 has
been set aside by the United
Council of Church Women as
National Family week, when
the values inherent In the Chris
tian home are to be stressed,
All over the country church
women will gather at their an
nual May luncheon to renew
fellowship with one another
and to consider the great re
sponsibility and opportunity
facing the home In a world at
war. Here in Klamath Falls the
meeting will be in the First
Christian church. Thursday
May 6, and dessert will be
served at 1:30 p. m. with Mrs,
Ralph Hopkins chairman for the
The central theme will be,
"The Christian Family" and
"Recreation in the Home."
There will be a round table
discussion of "Juvenile Delin
quency," and several musical
numbers will be presented.
There will be no charge but a
silver offering will be received.
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church
is located on North Sixth and
Pine streets. The pastor is the
Rev. Theodore Smith, 435 North
Second street, telephone at the
home, 5477, and at the church,
7311. Lillie E. Darby directs the
choir and Mrs. A. H. Denison is
the organist.
The morning worship at 11
o'clock opens with the organ
prelude, "Song," by Diggle,
"Fairest Lord Jesus" is the pro
cessional. After the call to wor
ship, choir and congregation
unite in singing the Doxology
and, after the invocation and
Lords Prayer, "The Gloria
Patri." The period of quiet
meditation is ushered in by the
. choir singing, "Hear Our
Prayer, O Lord," and is con
cluded by choir and congrega
tion singing, "Our Fathers' God
. to Thee, Author of Liberty.
The choir offertory is Schu
mann's "We Give Thee But
Thine Own," and the organ of
fertory, "Solace," by Pease. The
anthem tor the morning is,
"Christian, the Morn Breaks
Sweetly O'er Thee," by Shelley.
The pastor will speak on "Jesus
Manifests Himself." The service
closes with the benediction, the
choir dismissal, "Threefold
Amen," and the organ postlude,
meaiiauon. By Gillette.
The evening worship is held
v:jo o'clock. The pastor will
speaic on "Precious Thinas.'
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. It is
immediately preceded by
prayer meeting in the pastor's
study for God's blessing on the
scnooi ana the services of the
The three Christian Endeavor
societies meet at 6:30 n. m
There is the older group, or
those past high school age; the
high school age; and the upper
grade school age. AU young
people are made welcome at
tnese meetings.
First Baptist
Eighth street at Washington
"The Church with
Rev. Cecil C. Brown, castor
Residence, 414 North Eighth
street. Phone 7439.
Bible school begins at 9:45
a. m. with departments and
classes for all age groups.
George O. Welch is general
The morning worship service
follows the Bible school at 11
o'clock. The pastor will speak
on the subject, "The Church En
abled" continuing the series of
messages on the "Church in
The Baptist Training union
meets at 7 o'clock with pro
grams prepared lor each group.
There are six groups in this
service affording a place of
training for every member of
me family.
The evening song service. led
by H. G. Shirey, will begin at
8 o'clock. The pastor will speak
on "There Was No Intercessor."
Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
followed by choir rehearsal at
8:30. Radio services each Sun-
nay morning over station KFJI
irom 8:15 to 8:45.
First Church
Of God
Located at the corner of Al
tamont drive and Delaware
street. Sunday school convenes
at 9:45 a. m., Mrs. J. D. Ker
nutt, superintendent. Morning
devotions, 11 o'clock. Pre-serv-ice
prayer meeting at 7 p. m.
Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the public to attend
all of these services. Rev. J. D.
Kernuttg pastor.
The Community
Congregational Church
Located on Garden avenue,
between East Main and Martin
streets has Rev. Eugene V.
Haynes as its pastor.
At the services Sunday, the
15th anniversary of the found
ing of the church is to be cele
brated with two of the former
pastors present along with Rev.
Perry F. Schrock, superintend
ent of the Oregon Congrega
tional conference. The sched
ule of services is as follows: Easter Sunday morning a
Sunday, May 2, at 9:30 a. m. group of early risers of the Chris
a service of worship for all the tian Endeavor met for an Easter
departments of the church sunrise service at the Presbyter
school and their parents. At this Ian church. The service was
service Rev. T. Davis Preston originally scheduled to be held
will show moving pictures of on the hilltop but due to un
the work in Klamath Falls un- favorable weather conditions it
der his pastorate. was held indoors. Dean Stcph-
At the 11 o'clock morning ens led the group in Easter songs,
worship service, Rev. Perry F. He also sang a solo entitled
Schrock will speak on, "The "Take Up Thy Cross." An in
Old Oregon Trail and the New." spiring Easter message was given
At this service Patricia Brown by Rev. Phillips of the Methodist
will sing. "Bless This House." church.
by Hamblen and "Stranger of Following the sunrise service
Galilee." bv Morris. The choir I a waffle breakfast was held in
under the direction of Mrs. H. the basement of the First Chris-
W. Moore will sing the introit " church. The breakfast was
and Draver resoonses. i piannea oy Jerry Knutn
At the evenine vesner serv. .In socieUos throughout Klam-
i f a .i.i, d vi r atn-Lake union special Easter
Cole will speak. At all of these' eJies Lheld a'the reular
services the two former pastors " '
will be present and will assist
in conducting the service. Mrs. Bible Baptist
Cole and Mrs. Preston are to Church
be present also.
Mnnrfo, d.i fi.-jn I im Southend Community
at a notluck dinner. Rev. T. -nurcn wlm We onimes," Wiard
Davis Preston will speak. At street at South Sixth. Take city
the dinner hour Mrs. Rollin E. ,u " comer.
Thompson wiU sing appropriate rge w. Wheatley is the
selections. Make reservations P01' may be reached at
with Mrs. W. C. Little, 7446. M tuaes b callUlS 72 10. Na-
The public is cordially invited djne. Dmnln " charge of the
to attend each of these services m,f)c-
and the dinner meeting. Morning hour of worship is 10
o'clock. Following the sermon
Modoc Point Community I e pasior, uie .Lords Sup
Bnrtt Miuisn Per will be observed.
Bible school at 11 o'clock with
Meets in the school house in classes for all age groups, under
raoaoc ,foinu uie supervision of Frances Smith.
Sunday school, 10 a. m. "High School Young People's
worsnip service, u:l3 p. m. fellowship," 6:30. with Mrs.
During the opening exercise Wheat ey the teacher,
of the Sunday school Mrs. Zell Evniii,. r,.
will have a special illustrated I o'clock with Bible study in the
story for children, one that will Gospel of John. Be sure and
ue enjoyea oy we omer cnu- bring your Bible and note book,
dren. These stories are always Wednesday. 7:45 p. m., mid
interest i n g and instructive. week prayer fellowship with
Classes for all ages, and all are praise, in church parlor.
weom!: . ,v , . The kind of a church you are
Worship service, the topic, looking for. A warm fellowship
Open Your Arms to the Fire awaits you at "The Church with
That Comes From God," All the Old Gospel and the Whole
are welcome, and remember that Gospel,
we believe and teach no creed
but the Bible, which is the in
spired and Holy Word of God. Saint Paul's Episcopal
U7k. : 1 1 I I
where it is silent we Me also Rev- F- C- Wsenbach, rector,
wnere u is suent, we are also Sunday vs.
We welcome all and extend LjL-- "1neition
. j.-.i . Holy Communion; corporate
T u,,,UvU " communion of the young peo
the vicinity to come and wor- ,- IT p .
i.k . rf . c- e win c-e served
s " afterwards in the parish hall.
" . , Classes for all grades.
Holy Communion and sermon.
Mondav af 9-2n n m
In the Heart of the City" at recJT''. study: . .
North .Tenth and High streets. night, Boy Scout
Rev. Victor Phillips, minister: m!?,tln- .
Andrew Loney Jr.. director of "eanesoay, 7:J0p. m., choir
music; Mrs. E. S. Veatch, ac- PJ"""' th8 Wednesday club
companist. Minister's residence, a m he pamh hal1 at
1005 High street, telephone " 'h '"- ,. .
3688. """ray. 'he Woman's auxil-
Morning w o r h i p at 11 w V", 80 ' lne. Ma lunch'
o'clock. Prelude, "Contempla- " 01 ,ne ouncu 01 tnurch'
unr, ."m.. women.
by Gaul. Mrs. Thomas B. Pow- ,hn Friday. "e delegates to
ers wUI sing a special solo. The 5 f the.11churc",
offertory will be "O Rest in to j56 ?eld at Baker' wU1 leave-
the Lord." from "Eliiah." bv .. ounaay h on account of
Mendelssohn. The choir will Z Im , V cuonvcat'on;
sing the anthem. "O Lord Most oTf chTh Kh1 8t
Holy," by Cesar Franck. The ?', , m' and a lay servlce at
minister will preach the ser- " , ,
SSL.SjSJ.tS:,,.1?VOted D0g Assembly of God
sireei. nev. n. nar-
old Persing, pastor,
Altamont Community
Meeting in the Junior high
school, South Sixth and Sum
mers Lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mit
chelmore, pastor.
9:45 a. m.. Bible school. A. C.
Olson, superintendent. There
were 190 in attendance last
Sunday. A marked increase each
Sunday in April. If you have
no other church home we in
vite you to bring the children
and come study God's Word.
You will be welcomed by a
large Bible class taught by Mrs.
0. 1j. Mendel.
Worship service, 11 a. m. All
officers and committee chair
men of the church and organi
zations will be installed Sun
day morning. The pastor will
speak on, 'Building the Walls."
The Nursery takes care of the
little folks. The Junior church
sermon by the pastor will be
upon the subject. "Watching."
The last In the series from
Ephesians the sixth chapter.
Special music by a guest soloist,
Mrs. Franklin Rafson.
Junior-Intermediate Christian
Endeaver. 4:30. Mrs. Hush T.
M'lcn el more, superintendent.
Meeting at the manse. 443
south bixth street. Stanley Mr.
.ieuan, leader.
At 6:30 Swma-PI Youn Peo
ple's society meets at the home
01 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Olson,
Tuesday, May 4, regular board
meeting at the manse. Officers
and teachers of the Sunday
school will meet the same eve
Immanutl Baptist
Zioa Lutheran
Victor A. Schulte, pastor.
1025 High street, Telephone
Divine worship at 11 a. m
The pastor's message will be
based on John 30, 19-31 and
will stress: "Christ s Appear
ance to His Disciples a Further
Proof of His Glorious Resurrection."
The Sunday school meets at
6:43 with a lesson on the sub-
Church Sunday school will
meet at 9:45 a. m. Dr. Peter
Rozendal, general superintend
ent. L. K. Phelps, acting suDer.
intendent. Trained teachers and
graaea lessons for all aee
Methodist Youth fellowshln
at 6:30 p. m. The group for
young people of high school age
win meet in tne league room
and the older young people in
the church parlors. All vniinv
people are invited to loin
groups for devotion, discussion,
and fellowship.
Church of Christ
All members and friendu
exienaea a special and cordial
invitation to attend the down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 a. m.; Bible study, classes,
10:15 a. m.: sermon anrf w.
ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45
m.; evening . services, 8
clock. Located in the KC hall
over the Rainbow theatre.
Church of
The loyal conereeatinn n h.
Church of Christ meets regu
larly at Shasta school. Bible
classes convene at 10 a. m. The
regular Lord's day service is at
11 a. m., with the evening serv
Ice at 7:30 o'clock. Two hnr
bus service is available to the
school on 6undays. This con
gregation should not be rnn.
fused with any other.
Services for this coming Sun
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
with Mrs. Al Kennerly in
charge. You are. cordially in
vited to attend our growing
Morning worship begins at
11 o'clock. The pastor will be
speaKing. Young people s serv
ice at 6:30 p. m. with Jim Ken
nerly in charge.
Evangelistic service at 7:45
p. m. David said, "I was glad
when they said unto me, Let us
go unto the house of the Lord."
Services for the week:
Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. Prayer
meeting at Mrs. Baldwin's
home at 416 South Seventh
Wednesday, 10 a. m., at Mrs.
Maxwell's home at 426 South
Seventh street, the Ladies Mis
sionary society will meet.
Thursday, 7:45 p. m., at the
church. Devotional service and
Sprague River
Friends -Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor.
Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m, -
If you have no church home
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located in Sprague
River. i
The church is located at the
corner of North Eleventh and
High streets. Rev. William B
Rice, pastor. Residence. 712
Worth Third street. Phone 7400
Director of music, C. E. Loger-
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. We
have classes for all aces and a
staff of teachers who are inter
ested in you and your children,
Bring the little folks to Sunday
school and stay for the adult
class and morning worship.
aits. J. u. until is superin
Morning worship sen-ice, 11
a. m. This is the hour when
saints of God meet to worship
Him, to be fed from the Word
of God which is bread to the
soul. You can't live the best
kind of a Christian life woth-
out fellowship with the chil
dren of God. Be with us next
Sunday morning.
Orchestra practice, 7:15 p. m,
Sunday. Bring your instru
ments and be on time for a half
hour of practice before the eve
ning service.
Evening Gospel hour. 8 p. m
Please note this change of time
in the evening service. All our
evening services will begin at
8 p. m. from now till fall. We
feel sure you will enjoy the
service this week. During this
hour, we will dedicate our new
flags and will have the privi
ledge of having Major W. C.
Curry, commanding qfficer of
the local Salvation Army as our
speaker. Surely the Lord has
good things for us this week.
Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer
meeting and Bible study at the
church. This Bible study hour
is open to all people whether
member of this church or not.
We are studying in Romans XI
concerning God's plans for the
Jews in the future.
Saturday night, 8 p. m. Young
People's meeting at the home of
the pastor. If you desire trans
portation to and from the meet
ing, phone 7400. Bring a friend
with you.
Yes, this is. the friendly, Bi
ble loving church and you are
always welcome. Make this
your home if you are without
a church in the city. (Northern
Klamaih Temple
Daniel B. Anderson, pastor.
1007 Pine street. Phone, 3874.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Mrs. Robert Mount, superin
tendent. Competent teachers
and room for every class.
Morning- worship, 11 a. m
Young People's Overcomers
meeting, 6:30 p. m. Elderly
missionary meeting, Wednesday,
10 a. m. at the church.
Preaching and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Broad
cast over KFJI, Saturday at
6:30 p. m.
You are always welcome to
attend this friendly and evange
listic church. A good choir, a
splendid orchestra and spiritual
singing as a special feature.
Free Methodist
Corner of South Ninth street
and Plum avenue. W. H. Mc
Cormick, pastor. Sunday serv
ices, Sunday school at 10 a. m.;
preaching, 11 a. m. Evening
services: YPMS, 7:15 p. m.,
preaching at 8 p. m. Thursday
evening prayer meeting at 7:45
The district quarterly meet
ing for the Rogue River district
will be held at this church be
ginning May 6. Mrs. June Mill
er, superintendent of the Jun
ior Missionary society of the
church general, will be guest
speaker. Further notice will
appear when the program Is
finally arranged. The public
is cordially invited to these
services. ,
On Easter Sunday of 1938, Ject of prayer and featuring
under the leadershiD of Rev. (Mmslldes setting forth the ha
Nelson F. Cole, the Community lo Bible stories of the Now
(.'ongrcgatlonal church of Klam- lesiament.
ath Falls was organised with 20 The Fellowshin club will
charter members. Of these 20 meet on Sunday evening at the
members, four are still living in home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Eber
Klamath Falls and are A. F. lein, 2959 Summers lane. The
joens, who has been the church meeting begins at 7:30 o'clock
clerk through all these years. The children's - confirmation
Shirley Eschlc, now Mrs. S. T. class meets at the parsonage on
Soran; Dr. A. A. Soule. and Saturday mornings, 9:30 to
Jacqueline French, now Mrs. 11:30 o'clock. This clans wel
C. E. Newcom. comes any children desiring a
On Sunday, May 2, at three basic instrument In the fundn
services and again on Monday mentals of the Christian religion
at a tea and an evening potluck as set forth by the Lutheran
dinner, the church will cele- church.
brate this fifteenth anniversary The Lutheran hour with Go.
of the founding of this church, pel message by Dr. Walter A.
Two of the former pastors Maier and featuring music by
ana ineir wives win oe present the students' chorus of Concor
to take part In the anniversary dla seminary. St. Louis. Mo-
services and meetings as will may be heard at 1 o'clock over
aiso Kev. rerry r. senrock, su- the local station, KFJI.
penntenaeni or xne uregon
Congregational conference. Each Scientist
of the former nostors will be
present at all of the meetine. Tenth and Washington streets
and will assist in the conduct- Thl church, a branch of Tho
ing of the services. Mother church the First Church
Rev. Nelson F. Cole, now re-
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
nj n..i .( r- ... mass., noias services eucn sun-
Ore., will speak at the 8 o'clock dBL corning at 1 1 o'clock.
vnin vod. .rvi b,.h. "Everlasting Punishment will
Rev. T. Davis Preston, pastor U,e ,ubJect' !.he LeM0;
nf ih ronrHnnli ,!,,. Sermon In all Churches of
at Soqucl. Calif., will speak to Christ. Scientist, on Sunday
the church school at 9:30 a, m. My
and aeain on Mondav at 8:30 The Golden Text will be
p. m. "Whatsoever a man sowcth, that
Rev. Srhmrfc wilt ..v .1 shall be also reap (Gal. 6:7),
the 11 a. m. service Sunday on
Among the citations which
...III I St. V
"itiiic, a 11c v-m urcicun 1 i 1 i. .
Trail and the New." ... " a,
On Monday, May 3, the la- in ffroat nnwer anri RnrfaHinff
uiw w uib cnurcn win enter- himself like a green bay tree,
tain at a tea in the social hall Yet he passed away, and, Io, he
irum i 10 -i p. m. in nonor OI was not . . . Minv snrrou-a aha
Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Preston, be to the wicked: but he that
ine puDiic is cordially invited trusted in the Lord, mercy shall
to an ox wese meetings and compass him about ' (Pi. 37;
services. 35.3632:10).
Tt T .a.nn.C.rmnn mIsm aIH
OlOle Auditorium InMnri. (h Mlnwln. .r.l..
Eleventh and Main. L'v,e P"f he Christian
Tonight Evangelistic A. L. Z 11 ' .
Beazley's subject will be 'The "t"11.!1 w"hMKy L wth l'P'
nni.,in 4 . T..u c lures' by Mary Baker Eddy:
or T.ktatt. w out of :?inr-.?:iIiL,,kr .
r(ar I -, wm iwiwiik iai mcr.
r. . , . nB -;. mm coma ace weir
jn oaiuraay ai :sv a. m.. nri th risfiiintl f .1
the public it invited to attend thrniivh tifforin Troth ka.
Bible classes for both old and stows no pardon upon error, but
young The topic for the 11 wipes it out In the most effec-
acrvice will De ineitlinl nunnrr" Inn Sill
Eyes of the Church, and Their Sunday nrhoni at a-sd a m
SnnST r ff 7 o" A mec,ln whlch Includes tec
l.v w?ny n'gutEva?.gDeltB"1- ttaoniet of Christian Science
f'Zr" T"? faJBibi' Bap- healing Is held every Wednes-
gelist MacLafferty s subject will . A free Christian Science read
be "The Identification Marks of ' t0m ? J023
the True Church." Everyone is wo in o.u c
urcpd tn mtonH h... i writings by Mary Baker Eddy
and hear th Bihl tn,th na autnomea i-nristian science
these vital subjects. Song serv- 11,ertur may be read, borrow
ice begins at 7:30 for the eve- ed or Purchased.
ning services. No meeting All are cordially Invited to at-
Wcdnesday or Thursday this tend the services and use the
week. reading room.
" ' Radio nrnffram KFJI. S in 2:15
First Covenant I n. m. each Mondav under the
823 Walnut street, one block ?,ir"Uon. of iommltt,l on Pub-
from the postoffice. Pastor, Rev. "
Reuben B. Johnson. Phone, - , .. ...
85i7. Apostolic Faith
a. nearty welcome awaits you At ?? h.-ii, pi.mv, .,..,
at our Sunday school which is Under the electric sign, "Jesus
.. .. .... .h. uaaeea me Light of the World."
for all ages. Mr. P. Eastman is cllnJ, ., . m c3,.j
the Sunday school superintend- u 1 ,.u , 2 ?n,day
ent v ."m-iiu ,chool with classes and efficient
P. Eastman has kindly con- lcach?" or ,gM .a.nd g.rfde."'
sented to give the message Sun- lmn "P' " .C,0CK
rtav nnrnin. . ii --iu P. hi., special orchestra se-
wcicome you to this service. lcct n'' Ylth FV0,yJn Cr"lg dU
The pastor Is attending the an- "Cling, also selected vocal num-
nual conference in Los Angeles, 'Mov' Per,ona tc"
expecting to be back the latter "mnie- , Concluding with a
part of next week. fundamental gospel sermon by
Sunday, 7:45 p. m.. there will P'nwiuea ministeri.
be a special program given Wednesday and Friday. 8
when different one. win P- m., regular services. Cordial
short messages, readings and invltll to all services Is ex
special numbers in song We tended the public. Collections
feel this is going to be an In- Bre never taken. Come as you
teresting service. Don't fail to Brel
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m Mid- Mt- Lakl Presbyterian
rvL.fW.oanhdaPpPyrorr J T' M'lmore,
meeetinngl.ere5t 'hWn the,e
Thursdav 1 n m , M. "A Mind to Work" w111
clespeci-'uy i&OT I V &ZS2
young people In the armed .Thtis wfth
Thursday, 8 p. m., "The Him'1
snine circle" will meet at the
home of Mrs. P. Hedberg, 715
Upham street. We hope that
every member will be there and
bring someone else with you
too.' Most of the evening will
be spent in doing Red Cross
To Every
Creed and Purse
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home -
Mrs. A. A. Ward, owner
Willard Ward. U. S. Navy,
Arthur W. Larsen,
Acting Mgr.
925 High Phone 3334
Future generations will re
member the last resting pliet
of your loved one when prop
erly marked when identi
fied in keeping with your
feeling of reverence with a
memorial that will stand for
all time.
Yeu will find the designs
to suit your tiste among our
Klamath , Falls Marble
and Granite Works
lit 8. 11th St. Phone 8381
Altamont Community Presliy
torlan church will Install
newly elected officers at a spe
cial service In connection with
the morning worship Sunday
11 o'clock. The pastor, Hov
Hugh T. Mltchulmore, will bo
the Initialling officer for tho
Elders: Ilnrry Boarriiiley, Fred
Meeker, A, C, Olson.
Trustee to fill one vacancy
Robort H. Lamolt; church secre
tury-treasurer, Mrs. Calvin P,
Peyton: director of music, Mrs
Kenton Knight; Sumluy school
superintendent, A. C. Olson; as
sistant superintendent, Mrs. I
F, Mockor; secretary, Claudino
Wen k ley.
General secretary, Joyce Lan
drum; trcusurer, Mrs, Churlrs
Department leaders: Mrs
Cecil Stowart, Mrs. Jack Moore
Mrs. 11. D. Landruiii, Mrs.
C. Olson, Mrs. C. K. MeC'lclInn
Mrs. C. C Crawford, Mrs, J. L
Kathryn Benttio Missionary
society: president, Mrs. J.
Nendol; vice president, Mrs. L
fc. Hoevcs; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. W. S. Wnlker. Secretaries
of departments; Literature, Mrs
fcimn Mocker; missionary oducn
tion, Mi's. W. C. Hum: steward
ship and spiritual life. Mrs. R
J. Hall; membership, Mrs. Vera
neeves; sewing, Mrs. W. Robin
ette; social action and educa
tlon, Mrs. Francis Landmm
children's farm home. Mrs
George Mlsfeldt.
Slgma-I'l Young Peonln's io,
ciety: president, Harold Peyton;
vico presidoiit, Diane I,ndrum
secretary, Margaret McClollan
treasurer. John McClollan; com
mllleo chairmen, Joyco Land
rum, Margaret McClellan. Vlole
Soares; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs
A. C. Olson.
J unlor-Interniedlate Christian
endeavor: President. Stanley
McClellan; vico president, Ruth
i-eyton; secretary, Joanne Rob
inette; treasurer, Marlles Craw,
ford; chairmen of committee,
neii Olson, Dorothy June
reiugn, Bruce Crawford and
moriiee Crawford; superintend
ent, Mrs. Hugh T. Mltchelmore
Klamath Revival
1BZ9 Mitchell street. Rev
Warren D. Combs, nastor.
Saturday, 2 p. m. An Inter
estlng Junior church for all
children of any Sunday school
ociween tne ages of five and 16
Come and help it grow. Mr
J. Lt, wonscr, leader.
Sunday school, 10 a. m. Class
es for all ages. Attend a live
and growing Sunday school.
This Sunday is Missionary Sun-
aoy. Mrs. Warren D. Comba.
Sunday. 11 a. m. Mornlnn
service. Sermon by the pastor.
Sunday, 7:45 p. m. Evening
Evangelistic service.
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Mid
week service.
For needed assistance at any
lime, pnone 4520.
The Salvation Army
Klamath avenue and Fourth
Sunday services:
11a. m., Holiness meeting,
8 p. m evangelistic ervlrn
Speaker, Major W. C. Curry;
soloist, Madeline Curry.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Young people's meeting, 6:30
p. m.
Week night services Thursdav
and Saturday, 8 p. m.
Pause at "His feet" for a mo
ment of pravcr.
Honor the dear blessed name
that we bear,
Pause in your hurry, worry and
Pause at "His feet" for a mo
ment Of prayer.
First Christian
"The Downtown Church." In.
cated on Pine street at Ninth.
Arthur Charles Bates la ih.
The Bible school mnnla bI
the hour of 8:45 a. m. Thrr I.
a class for every agn group
with an Interesting and iir,r,,i
study. New members are most
cordially invltod to Join a cl
The morning worshln hm,
11 a, m. The service oina u-i.l
an organ prelude and th Cnl,
gregatlon singing "Olorla p
trl," The Invocation by n'
minister and tho choir response
'Tether of Mercy." Opei,J
hymn, "Come, Thou AImlKhly
King." Tho Communion hymn
"Beneath the Cross of Jesus'
The Lord's Supper. Hymn, "Na.
vlour, Like a Shepherd Lead
Us." Sermon by the minister
Hymn of Invitation "Jesus !'
Calling." nenedlctlon and Ih.
response, "Hear Us, Heavenly
Father." Postlude. r
Kvenlng services begin al 7
o'clock. Nolo the change In the
lima. Christian Endeavor meet
ings at 7 o'clock and the wor
ship service al 8 p. m. ti
adults will begin class tP
church officers. Elders, deiuont,
and deaconesses are especially
urged to attend, There will h
five lessona during the ntonlh
of May. Tim evening sermon
will be delivered by the minis,
lor. You are cordially Invltrd
to worship at the First Chris,
tlan church,
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent streets I,
K. Johnson, pastor. 1175 Cres
cent. Phone, 3452. Sunduy
school, 0:45 a. m. Bible class,
0:45 a. m. Worship hour, H
a. m. Confirmation class, Sat
urday, 2 p. m, Ladles Aid, Muy
Hook review, "In Ills Steps,'1
chapters 0-20-21. Mrs. B. Kells.
Sextette, Mrs. Huff. Mrs. II. O.
Solle, Mrs. C. Murdock, Mrs.
Iteney, Mrs. Mlckels and Mrs.
Westover. Hostesses. Mrs. Olt
Krlnndion and Mrs. Georg
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Choir
rehearsal. Rev, Johnson, direc
tor, Mrs. C. B. Brandsness, or
ganist. 'Council meeting Mon
day, May 3, at 8 p. in, at tho
church. If you are seeking a
ehiirch home In the vicinity.
we sincerely Invite you to wor
ship and work with us A)
Sacred Heart
Catholic Church
Corner of Klghth and High
streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, p-tor.
Sunday masses are at 7 a. m.,
8 a. m. 0:30 a. m., and 11a. in.
Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a m.
nd 8:30 a. m.
Confessions every Saturday
nd the eves of Holy days and
first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m,
and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
Dally mass at 8 a. m.
Religious Instruction classes
are held every Saturday at 0:30
m. for Catholic children In
public grade schools except dur
ing vacation. High school dis
cussion club meets every Sun
day after 0:30 a. m. Mats ex
cept during vacation A)
, .
Latter-Day Saints
Latter-Day Saints mceUnci
re held In the city library club-
rooms on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. F-
Burrows, branch president.
phone 8203 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings art
held at 10 a. m., with separa
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class.
es. Sacrament service Is held
each Sunday evening at t
Elders working in the Klom-
th district may be reached at
703 North Ninth street. Phons
5426, or 480D Hllyard street.
Mr. and Mrs. Gin Kohler arfi)
son, Gull, of Shelton, Wash., ar
rived here Friday morning to
get their furniture and look after
their property on Summers lana.
They left for Shelton Sunday
morning. While here they vis
ited with tholr relatives at
Larry Snyder Is out of school
tie to Illness,
Mr. Dunn of Pine Grove dis
trict was a business caller here
Mrs. McNolse and children
came from Chlloquln Tucsduy.
We can be no party to a devil's
bargain In which our thinking i
pawned to any mastor, our politi
cal liberty to any dictatorship.
our democracy to an irrespon
sible power. Assistant Secret
tary of State Adolf A. Borle
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Klamath Falls, Oregon, Announces ,
a Free Lecture on
Christian Science; The
Revelation of True Freedom
RICHARD J. DAVIS, C. S. B. of San Jose, California
"cvl "'yi1 L,u"h.P of The Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In
Boston, Mass.
IN CHURCH !DIFICI-Corn.r 10h I Washington
FRIDAY, APRIL 30 - 8:00 P. M.
The Publlo Is Cordially invited Ta Attend