0 April 2(1. v a mmmtm r tmtm wm A LULL LIIU UHILUULI I U 1 1 COUNTY HP'S GRADUATION Dales for nil county high ni'lmol eoiiiiiii'iiceiui'iit pxuitIm'H Imvn now been set, mid gnidiin IImii program plana urn wi'll mi ilnr way, iii'i'oiillng to Untold Ashley, counly school clerk. ("omimMHTnii'iil days for tho ci If - frrrnl Ki'liooln urn varied thin year, iilthmiKh "II exercises will iic held In Hi" evening beginning nhoiit 8 o'clock. Followlntl Ik a lift of urnUiio linn dates: rdy My i- Hininii.ii Miiy 12. Cliiiiiiiiiin Mny Ciilchrisl Miiy 5. Henley Mny 13. Keno April 30. Mulln Mny 6. Merrill Miiy 13. Kpiagiie River May 8. GETS PROMOTION Chnpluln Victor E. Ncwmnn, former rector of bl. Paul s hpl copul church In thin city, linn been promoted to the rank ol ciiptnln. It was leu rued hero Moiv clay. Chaplain Newniiin left Citmp Aclnlr Tuesday mid Is now stationed Hi Fort Lewis, Wash He win accompanied north by Mm. Ncwmun mid their two daughters, Ann unci Katharliio who returned thli weekepd from Scuttle. Chiiplnln Newman him been I the assistant post cliiiplnln a (.'(imp Adnir since Its uctlviition Inst your, ur-loro lie arrived to assume duties nt Adair he was locnted nt Twin Kails and I'ociilello, Idn., mid thin city During his tenure as assistant post chiiplnln, he was actively engaged In tho opening of the evernl post chapels upon thol completion. EASTER EGG r More than SO children of the Bible Buptist church, Wlard treet at South Sixth, partlcl patcd In an Enstrr egg hunt on I the church property Saturday afternoon, The hunt was ar ranged by tho Intermediate boys' class, according to Rev George W. Whcatley. At tho Sunday morning aerv Ices, a huge Easter lily covered cross standing fife and one-half feet high, was presented as background for tho pulpit dec orations by tho young pcopl of the church. (QuA.'MfyPLlown Our Boys Abroad Br EARL WHITLOCK Don't bo too sure that your Irian In the service Is going to (tome hustling back home to settle down I I the old groove i. n. J I Right now that' llm war is won i what ho wants V moro than any- '! thing in th iworld. Bu 'when tho peace is signed, he going to look I around, In Hint far diatnnt Inud whole ho has been fighting nnd he's going to see n hundred wonderful oppor Utilities. There will bo new countries to be opened up, now businesses to bo pioneered There will be openings without number for rxccuUvo and ad mlnistrntors nnd for tho general I run of go-getting, gct-lt-donc Americans. And those opportunities ore going to nppcnl almost irrcsi tnbly to tho Initiative and tho drivo and tho adventurous nn turn which Is part of every Amorlcnn's nature. Many a littlo woman who planning on a homo-town post war welcome colcbrntion for her husband, Is going to receive, Instead, a cablegram tolling her to pnek a couple of suit cases nnd to come on and join nun snmo outlandish and unheard' corner of tho globe. Americans, after the war, will bo more widely scattered over the world than they have cvor been before Memory Garden Is now open Next Monday Mr. Whitlock fhf tho Enrl Whitlock Funera Homo will comment on Go Easy on the Doctor, IT-"'"! Opens Studio BawnMwiiiiaiiin 1 : , Sua 'tA--' Y '.P"". . Pi LA tve Benton will open tu dio of dancing at 211 East Main treat Monday, It was nounced. Kcnnell-Elllt EVE EW DAIIGE STUDIO Evo Benson has announced tho opening of a dunce studio at 211 East Main street, former locution of tho McCown studio and will be at her new guar ters Monthly. Mrs. Ucniion Is well known In this city, headed the Klamuth Key Kollectlon drive hero and la active in Red Cross work She has two sons, Gordon nnd Noel. Gordon Benson, with tho army uir corns, has not been heard from since the fall of lia tiian. He Is thought to be cithe with the guerillu forces In the Philippines or a priboner war. Noel is flying with the army overseas. Both class nnd private in slruclions will be given by Mrs Benson who is a member of the Chicago Association of Dancln Masters. She has conducted studios in both Mcdford and Sacramento and one of her out standing pupils Is Janet Reed who appeared here as ballerina with the Sun Francisco Bullet company. Mrs. Benson has stud led under numerous masters iiv eluding Michel Fokinc, Betty Hnrt of Ruth St. Dennis school and with Jack Manning of tap fame, For further information, those Interested may- call 01)05. E Southern Pnclflc todny re newed its appeal for spare-time workers to help maintain tracks for tho handling of war traffic. Although thcro has been a steady Increase in tho sign-up of business and professional men, farmers and students as weekend trackmen, still moro are urgent ly needed, according to W. H. Klrkbrldo, chief engineer. In ad dition, Klrkbrldo said, Southern Pacific has acute need lor thous ands' of regular full-timo section hands. Since the Inauguration of the campaign for weekend help two months ago, tho Snturdny nnd Sunday turnout has moro than doubled. Tho latest check-up shows that each weekend tho 'white collar" workers, repre senting practically every occupa tion, are now producing more than 4460 man days of track work, Klrkbrldo reported. Bccauso of tho record volume of war traffic being moved by Southern Pacific, tho proper maintenance of tracks Is of direct concern to tho country s war pro gram, It was pointed out. Per sons wishing to sign up for weekend truck work can got full information from locul South ern Pacific agents. Commoncomont exercises hnvn been arranged for tho Gil' chrlst high school graduating class. Baccalnurcalo will be held Mny 2 at 7:30 p. m. at tho Gil christ Community church. Rev. A. Danlclson of Bend will speak, with Roy. E. F. McFnrlnnd of Gilchrist presiding. Graduation will be held Mny 5 nt tho Gilchrist high school at 8 p. m. There will be no special spenkcr nt these exercises. The program will bo n student nffnir. Survivors Landed From Torpedoed Merchant Vessel WASHINGTON, April 20 (P) Survivors of n medium-sized United States merchant vossel torpedoed and sunk by m en emy submnrlno in the North At lantic In tho middle of Mnrch hnvo been landed in New York City, the navy reported today. Kealings to Ltaro Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keeling of Algoma plan to leavo In about a week to, make their home at tncsicr, Calif., where Keeling will bo superintendent of kilns for a umber compuny. no nas nciu this sumo position with the Al goma Lumber company for a number of years. Mrs. Keeling has been active In the Writers League hero and has had a num- inr of niiign.imt stories accepted fur publication. i To Corpus Christ) Home for Easter viicutlon from Corpus Chrlstl. Tex., was 2nd Lt. Joe Voyc, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Voye of 4 ID High street, who eaves tonight to return to his huso whcio he serves as In structor. Lt. Voye is with the United Slates marine corps air force. Ho flew a part of tho way to tho west coast and plans to take tho Mulnllncr out of San Francisco for Corpus Christ!. Visiting Hera Mrs. Ralph Sccly of St. Helens is spending a month In the cliy as me guest of her brother-in-law and sister- iii-luw, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Ron Clark of 01S East Main street, while her husband Is in New York for ciuaitormuslcr training with tho coast guard. Mrs. Sccly will al so visit with her husband's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Sccly of 228 North Eighth street. In Hospital W. R. Morgan of Altamont wan removed from his homo to Klamath Valley hospital Sunday evening to re ceive treatment after he became suddenly 111. His condition Monday was reported by mem bers of his family as about the same. Morgan is employed by tho DiGlorglo Fruit corporation at Sliippington. Returns From Visit Mrs. George Humphrey returned )at week to her home on Pine street from Sacramento, Calif., where she enjoyed a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Lieut, and Mrs. Earl Humphrey, formerly of Los Angeles. Lieut. Hum phrey is stationed at Sacramento with the signal corps. Weekend Guests Leave Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dixon left Mon day morning to return to their homo in Portland Bftcr spending Easter weekend in Klamath Falls as guests of their son and daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. nowara Dixon and their young grandson, Michael, of Lowell street. In Santa Maria Mrs. Bernard Zollman of 914 Lincoln street received an Easter telephone message from her son, Robert Sloan Jr., who is now Instruct ing at tho Santa Maria, cam., air base at Hancock college of aeronautics. Young Sloan is a former Herald and News em ploye. Schoolmates Members of the Schoolmates club will meet Frl dny afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. John C Clcghorn of High street. Election of officers will be held. To Mt. Shasta Mrs. Helen t. Mn nf the U. S. bureau or reciB' matlon, spent the weekend in Mt. Shasta where her husband is located. ' Treatment Mrs. Rolla Larkey of 2159 Arthur street, is a patient nt Klamath Valley hospital, r eclving medical treatment. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. 15, 1943) Train 19 Southbound! 6 p. m. Train 20 Northbound: 11 a. m, Train 17 Southboundi 7 a, m. Train 18 Northbound! 10 p. m. Medford Stage, Westbound. 3i30 p. m Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Like view and Rocky Point. 7 a. m. Falrview PTA The final meeting of Falrview PTA will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m., April 27. in the school auditor ium. The music club will sing speclnl numbers and new of ficers will be installed. Refresh' mcnts will bo served at the con clusion of tho meeting. All members and friends are invited Teachers Tea Members of the teaching staff of Riverside school will preside over their second annual spring tea to be given at 2:30 p. m. Frldny in the school auditorium. All mothers of Riverside children nro invltod Social Club The Social club of the Rebekah lodge will meet lii tho IOOF hnll Wednesday, Anril 28. at 1:30 n, m. Mrs, Cora Gchrke and Mrs. Alice Gowland will bo hostesses. 611 S. 6th Phone 6669 Refrigeration Service Ward Arnold, Serviceman MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON J FORT KLAMATH The dedi cation program of Die Fort Klam ath scrvico flng will be held in the CI clubhouse on Wednesday evening, April 28, instead of the evening of May 28, as stated In a previous item. A change in the program bus been made neces sary by the departure of Charles E. Race, local school teacher, who Is now In Portland, having received his commission as en sign in the U. S. navy after pass W 4, C. PKNHKY CO., IMC, i OM A PLAN FOR Your money mutt do double duty these doyn it mu$t buy you the things you need it must buy you your post-war security in the form of War Bonds. And this is possible only when you shop carefully and economically an excellent reason for doing your shopping at Penney's. When you consider, one bargains here, you begin ney's plans for the thrifty- Stamped Bridge Set Com plete with 4 napkins 39c Stamped Crash Tablecloth 52x52 inch 69c Stamped Crash Scarf 17x45 In 25o Stamped Baby Pillow, ea. 39c Stamped Organdy Bass'-Ute Cover, ea '.19 Stamped Flannel Kimona 59o Stamped Matching Sacque, ea.. 39e Stamped Pique Sacque .... 49c Bonnet to Match 39c Stamped Quilted Bibs Set of 3 69c Stamped Flannel Basinette Cover $1.19 Stamped Crinkle Crepe Bas sinette Cover 79c EMBROIDERY HOOPS 8c - 19c EMBROIDER FLOSS 2c Skein ing the necessary examinations. Ills wife will present the por tion of the program of which her husband had charge. No substitute teacher has yet been found to tako Mr. Race's place for the remainder of the school term and, in the event that it is not possible to obtain a teacher, It is expected that the school classes will be dismissed in a few days. Mrs. Race has been instructin gtho upper grades and has bcon assisted by Mr. Race's mother, who taught tho primary grades when a sub stitute teacher could not be found on Mr. Race's departure. If you want to sell it phone The Herald and News "want ads." ?124 THRIFT! by one, the hundred-odd to realize how well Pen f Stamped Crash Table Cloth 52x52 98e Stamped Tea Aprons Bias trimmed 4Se Stamped Half Aprons Per cale trimmed 15e Stamped Children's Aprons 25e Stamped Crash Scarf 17x50 inches' .f. :.........-......'....v 39c Nationwide Pillow Tubing Stamped, 42-in., hemstitched . i 89c AL00NY Modern Asset to Cooking! 10-pc. Glasbake Set 1.00 1 IH qt. Covered Casserole 6 I os. Custard Cups 1 OH os. Pie Plate 18 os. Measuring Cup Cook In glass and save gas! Serve In glass for an attractive setting I Each piece Is oven-prnofl This set makes a wonderful gift, tool OOWNITAlnl Rocky Point Girl Participates in Amphibian Program UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene A pageant given by the Amphibians, women's swimming organization, will be presented May fifth and sixth. Milo Wood ward, Rocky Point, sophomore, will participate. Tho program has for a theme, the incidents in the life of a WAVE. Presented will be en listment, induction ceremony, Brill, field day, reviews, and an evening at the USO. The finale is an act with flag and candles for taps. Miss Woodward Is vice presi dent of the organization. She its CSJIIW? r. ry.- I Best Six Cord Sewing Thread Coat's Mercerised Crochet ' BIack and whlle "" ' 8c Thr,ad BaU 1Jc 23b " irNLjBj Mercerized Sewing Thread 4c Crochet fc Knitting Inslruc- fiW if--CS'yi F,ncy and Ulill'y Buttons 8c tion Books 10c 0" xb?(plM Belts Various colors and Coat's Knit Cro - Sheen p!'iVWl styles. 25e Ball 23e 'AJ s $r li Rit DyeLare Packa8e 15c Coat's Bo 11 last Quilting EiVlS(mi fV 1 1 Chadwick's Mending Wool Thread Spool 8c Sj3-A i MrtVtSB? rHfnk,J""-', " "47 ' "i 4 Middy Braid Red, white and V WIN y V Penimaid Percale Bias Tape blue, hank L 8e Vr yZJ&Z Hank (5 yds.) ie ljf k 1 lTiv P'nimM Lawn Bias Tap. J"' & , I UUJJ WmM Hank (7 yds.) Be rtment, P- - "c iIT? raPJ' Penimaid Hickrack Hank 8c Stationery Envelope and Mf I wjWK, Ruffling, and Edging-Many --comapondence paper - Eji n L5ji8Ssh Clark' Rug Yarn Boitf ait, -.Heturn Address Envelope """ JSIIH ball -. 25c Pk -V illlWj!r l Lace Beautiful patterns -at Pennl-way Ironing Coyer t : JjlSSSSi'''" a t e- e' 8e- 1Se yBdA'LC0J? " Worthwhile Values! Penconaps Box of 12 .. 20e Penimaid Sanitary Napkin 20e Sanitary Belts All elasticl Med. width; small, medium, large. Adjustable! 25c Dres Shields Fine nainsook.' Washable. Pair 25c A "Must" for Real Cook! Casserole and Pie Plate Kitchen Kraft Pottery! 1.29 A fclg casserole, a cover nd pie pints nil oven-proof I You can concoct wonderful baked dishes and pics, and you'll b proud to serve tlicm In tills at tractive pottery! Each piece has decorative floral pnttcrn! Vor your home! For gifts I main noon Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woodward of Rocky Point. Alaskan Highway Seen as Post-War "People's Road" EDMONTON, Alta., April 26 (CP) The Alaska highway will bo the road of the littlo man after the war, Dr. Ruth Gruber, personal representative of Inter ior Secretary Harold L. Ickes, predicted in an address yester day. Dr. Gruber said the Alaska highway, now playing a major role in the war against the axis, would open up travel to Siberia, China and the backdoor of Europe, n LITTLE THJMGj&!f These Little Essentials! Curl Comb Plastic 8e Dressing Combs Ea . , So Hair Net and War Caps Ea 8e Hair Barrettes Card (pr.) 4e Handsome Reproduction of Early American Glal Charming Hobnail Style 23-pc. Luncheon Set Luncheon Plates 4 Cups and Saucers 4 Sherbets, Goblets t Sandwich Plate Sugar and Creamer 1.79 What a gay table you can set with this marvelously Inexpensive set! Delight your family today with this new but old-fashioned glassware! nowNSTAlai PAGE FIVE T-BONE PLEASE! KANSAS CITY, (P) The da clslon to become a volunteer farmhand is costing David Chas noff in ration points. Chasnoff, giving up golf and gin rummy, works sovcral houn each day gratis at a Dodson, Mo., farm. One breakfast used to be enough. Now ho eats one before going to the farm and another upon his return. POISON OAK Immediate relief from the itch and tortue of poison oak. Highly soothing medicated liquid pow der. Neither sticky nor greasy. Famous for poison oak and for sunburn. 60c and 1.00. SANTISEPTIC LOTION 'VI Sew Your Own! Hook fc Ere Tape Yd. 15e Penimaid Snaps Card ... 4s Boned Belting Hank lOe Slid Fastener Dress plack et 29o skirt placket ........ 25e Bake! Serve! Storel Fire-King Baking Set 1.00 This attractive glass set serves a tlirce-fold purpose! It has unusual baking qualities rou can actually watch your food cooking, it takes less time, and doesn't absorb food flavors I It is a complement to any table and Is ideal for serving! It is safe and practical for re frigerator use I In addition, It Is more easily cleaned than metal utensils! DOWNSTAIRS Decorative! Oven-reilitantl 3-pc. Fire-King Mixing Bowl Set 49c Tills attractively decorated glass let serves three-fold purpose for mixing batters and irtlsdj, for baking casserole dishes, and for servlnal Th bowls hare rolled edges for greater strength and durability) nd are safe lor refrigerator w, toot Hurry to Tenney's today for your set I DOWNSTAIRS