Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 26, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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Pelican Trackmen Take
Cinder Go From Medford
Jim Bocchi Leads KUHS to Top Tigers
66V2 Points to 62 in Close Struggle
A small crowd o Klamath Falls track fans witnessed KUHS
tamer 66 points and win the 11th annual Invitational track
and field meet held on Modoc field last Saturday afternoon.
Led by aggressive Jim Bocchi. KUHS started off with a win
by Dick Vaillancour in the 100-yard dash and were never again
headed. Medford. a rival for many years and a tough opponent,
lived up to expectations by taking second place honors. They
made 62 points, and were on
Climb Into
Tie for Top
No Games Today as Teams
Travel; Rainiers Club Out
Victories Over San Diego
By The Associated Press
Portland climbed into a three
way tie with San Diego and Los
. Angeles for the Pacific coast
league leadership after a barrage
of weekend games which wound
up the season's first series.
The eight-day-old schedule
called for a blank today as the
teams traveled. Play resumes to
morrow with' Seattle at Sacra
mento, Portland at San Diego,
In a meeting which well may
eliminate one of them from the
. upper division, San Francisco at
Oakland and Los Angeles at Hol
lywood. It was the Seattle Rainiers,
bracketed in the cellar with Oak
land and Sacramento, who spoil
ed the Padres undefeated record
and brought about the first place
tie. The Rainiers clubbed out
victories, their first of the sea
son, in two of the three weekend
encounters. Sunday's double-
header was divided, Seattle tak
ing the first 5-4 and the Padres
the second, 7-1. Seattle won 7-5
Portland defeated Sacramento
9-2 on Saturday, won 5-3 in Sun
day's first game, but left five
men on bases in the second to
give the Solans a 1-0 victory.
San Francisco and Hollywood
played four games to make up
for a layoff on Good Friday. Hol
lywood swept the Saturday tilts,
8-1 and 6-3, but the Seals came
back strong with 7-2 and 4-0 vic
tories yesterday.
Loa Angeles' Paul Gem-man
pitched a six-hit shutout in the
first game against Oakland Sun
day to win 4-0. Both teams play
ad errorless ball. The nightcap
was another Angel victory, 2-1.
Oakland lost 7-4 on Saturday.
April 26 (JP) The second game
of an exhibition hockey series
between the Montreal Canad
lens and the Victoria navy team
will be played here tonight.
Les Canadiens won the open
er in a fast contest Saturday
night 6 to 2, scoring three goals
in the first period.
Cutting remarks have a habit
of severing friendships.
Water Repellent
Durable Finish
April 26, 1943
I'the Pelican's heels throughout
the meet.
Other schools making point
column were Bend, who made
16 hi points; Vreka, 14 Mi points;
Alturas, 11H points; Henley, 11;
Rogue River, 7; Lakeview, 6;
Malin, 5; Ashland, 5; Bonanza,
Bocchi was the Individual
point getter for KUHS, making
16 points, and was closely fol
lowed by Bayliss of Medford,
who countered 15 of his school's
points. Bocchi took two firsts, a
third and a second, while his
closest competitor, Bayliss, won
three firsts.
Other standouts of the meet
were "Baldy" Foster who cop
ped the 220, Vaillancour, winner
of the 100-yard dash; pole vault
er, Neidermeyer of Medford;
Clark of Medford in the 440
yard run; broad jumper Rush of
Alturas; Thompson of Yreka in
the shot, and Howard of Lake
view, who pulled a surprise by
capturing the 880.
100 Yard Dash Won by Vail
lancour, KUHS; second, Dipple,
Medford; third, MacCabee,
KUHS; fourth, Braley, Medford;
fifth, Cannon, Alturas. Time,
. Mile Run .Won by Clark,
Rogue River; second, Smith, Bo
nanza; third, Dawson, KUHS;
fourth, Collins, Alturas; fifth,
Sullivan, Bend. Time, 4.47.
220 Yard Dash Won by Fos
ter, KUHS; second, Dipple, Med
ford; third, Cheyne, Henley;
fourth, Fitzgerald, Rogue River;
fifth, Braley, Medford. Time,
High Jump Won by Bocchi,
KUHS; second, Shackelford,
Yreka; third, Petersteiner,
KUHS; fourth, Kresse, Medford;
tied for fifth, Smith, Medford,
Rush, Alturas. Height, 5 feet Hi
,120-Yard High Hurdles Won
by Bayliss, Medford; second,
Young, KUHS; third, Hardin, Al
turas; fourth, Fagg, Bend; fifth,
Smith, Medford. Time, 16.5.
440-Yard Dash Won by
Clark,. Medford; second, Caton,
Ashland; third, Henthorne
KUHS; fourth, Glatt, Bend; fifth,
Clark, Bend. Time, 53.4.
200-Yard Low Hurdles Won
by Bayliss, Medford; second,
Ken Duncan, Malin; third,
Young, KUHS; fourth, Sylva,
KUHS; fifth, Harrison, Yreka.
Time, 24.7.
Relay Won by the Medford
team of Braley, Clark, Doty and
Dipple; second, Henley: third,
Bend; fourth, KUHS. Time,
Discus Won by Bocchi,
KUHS; second, McKay, Henley;
second, Yank, KUHS; third, Pat
zke, KUHS; fourth, Sylva,
Stitched Brims
Tan Color
Top College
Teams Play
Double Tilts
Huskies in Second Spot
After Loss to Beavers;
Oregon Now "Leads List
W L Pet.
Oregon 5 1 .833
Washington 4 1 .800
Oregon State 6 2 .730
Idaho 0 5 .000
Wash State 0 6 .000
By The Associated Press
Dropped into second place,
through a single defeat and the
loss of a game because of weath
er last week, the University of
Washington Huskies, moved to
Eugene today to open their two-
game stand with the division
leading University of Oregon
team, which went into the lead
Saturday when Washington lost
to Oregon State, 7-0.
The Husky loss left Oregon at
the top with 5 victories and one
defeat, while Washington, which
lost a game with Idaho in Seattle
earlier because of the weather,
dropped to second with 4 wins
and a defeat.
Oregon State, with which the
Huskies split their two games at
Corvallis, remained in third with
two losses and six victories.
While Oregon and Washington
Monday and Tuesday are fight
ing it out to see who goes to the
top of the heap, Washington
State and Idaho will d e c i de
which of the Lalouse Hills teams
gets off the bottom rung. Nei
ther has won a game. Idaho has
lost five and WSC six.
In the only conference game
Saturday, the Oregon State bat
ters fell on two Washington
pitchers," for nine hits, bunching
them for three and two run ral
lies in the third and eighth inn
ings respectively as well as col
lecting single runs in the second
and sixth innings. Meanwhile
Don Cecil, Beaver hurler, held
the Huskies to four scattered
singles, whiffing 10.
KUHS. Distance, 135 feet 8
880-Yard Dash Won by How
ard, Lakeview; second, Dawson,
KUHS; third, McKnight, Med
ford; fourth, Sullivan, Bend;
fourth, Ayres, Lakeview. Time,
Shot Put Won by Thompson,
Yreka; second, Fleser, Medford;
third, Bocchi, KUHS; fourth,
Guenther, Yreka; fifth, Lorenz,
Bonanza. Distance, 42 feet, 1
Pole Vault Won by Neider
meyer, Medford; second, Kresse,
Medford; third, Rasmussen,
Bend; fourth, Harrison, Yreka:
three Malin boys tied for fourth,
C. Duncan, K. Duncan and
Woodley. Height, 11 feet 6
Broad Jump Won by Rush,
Alturas; second, Vaillancour,
KUHS; . third, Clark, Medford;
tourtn, foster, KUHS; fifth,
Moccabee, KUHS. Distance, 21
feet 7i inches.
Javelin Throw Won by Bay
liss, Medford; second, Bocchi,
KUHS; third, Chambers, Bend;
fourth, Fleser, Medford; fifth,
Eden, Medford. Distance, 153
feet 8i inches.
A favored KUHS lost a heart-
breaker in the relay when Vail
lancour stumbled and fell while
passing another runner. As a re
sult the Pelicans could only
make fourth in this event.
A silver cup was awarded Jim
Bocchi for being high point man
of the meet. Ribbons were
awarded those who placed.
Beaver Runners
Take Relays From
Webfeet by 6-2
CORVALLIS, Ore., April 26
(P) Running on its own track
the Oregon State track team
took the 16th annual Oregon
State relays from University of
Oregon by a 6-2 margin Satur
day. The Beavers won the mile,
two mile, four mile and shuttle
relays, the high jump and shot
put relays. Oregon won the
quarter and half mile sprint re
lays. Eugene Riflemen
Win Postal Match
PORTLAND, April 26 (Pi
The Eugene Rifle club is the win
ner of the recent postal match
sponsored by the Oregon Gun
Eugene scored 1859 of a pos
sible 2000 points. Corvallis scor
ed 1852, Oregon Gun club 1846
and Newport Rifle club 1805.
' 4 M
San Francisco Beats Hollywood in Opener
' m ST fe
TiTinir--iVTOiHr--"Y"bfft-iiliiM hi.imiiiii infill 11 nit iff i iiliB "! t
Brooks Holder, outfielder of
base hit in the fourth Inning of the Pacific Coast league opening game against San Francisco
in San Francisco. Willie Enot, Seals' third baseman, takoi the pog from the outflold.
Grunt Groan Artisis To
Bruise Beaks at Smoker
Clement and Prairie, . grunt
and groan artists from the high
school, will stage the main event
in the wrestling calendar on the
"buy bonds for a sub-chaser"
smoker to be held at the armory
Friday, April 30, according to
Frank Ramsey, Pelican smoker
In a truly "professional"
wrestling bout, the two heavy
weights will poke fun at the
pros, and show the gaping audi
ence the whys and wherefores
of the big-shot rasslers ability
to fight night after night in
body-bruising bouts. It has been
rumored that the two beak bust
ers might even take on the ref
eree (Frank Ramsey) in a little
extra curricular activity.
Top development In organiz
ing the card for Friday's match
es was a challenge by Fred Ross,
former KUHS student and now
wrestler at OSC, to take anyone
from 170 pounds on up in a fca-
By The Associated Press
Team W L Pet.
San Diego 6 2 .750
Portland 6 2 .750
Los Angeles 6 2 ' .750
San Francisco 5 3 .625
Hollywood 3 6 .375
Oakland 2 6 .250
Sacramento 2 6 .250
Seattle 2 6 .250
Team W L Pet.
Brooklyn 2 1 .667
Cincinnati 2 2 .500
St. Louis 2 2 .500
Pittsburgh 2 2 .500
Chicago 2 2 .500
Philadelphia 1 1 .500
Boston 1 1 .500
New York '..... 1 2 .333
Team W L Pet.
New York ... 3 0 1.000
St. Louis .... 2 1' .667
Cleveland 3 2 .600
Washington 3 2 .600
Detroit 2 3 .400
Philadelphia 2 4 .333
Chicago 1 2 .333
Boston 1 3 .250
Huskie Golfers
Drop Beavers in
Opening Match
SEATTLE, April 26 (IP)
The University of Washington
golf team defeated Oregon State
18V4 to 8H in the opening
match of the season here Sat
urday. The two split the best
ball foursomes 414 each but
Washington cleaned out the
singles matches 14 to 4:
Ernie Jacobs, only holdover
from last year's Washington di
vision champions, was medalist
with a par 72.
The purchasing price of one
$25 war bond only $18.75
will Just pay for the principal
items of a naval chemical war
fare protection outfit.
Latt Day. S1 1 1 I t I 'I "tJJ Faaturaa
V Henry Fonda in "BIG STREET"
Roy Rogers In "IDAHO"
the Hollywood Stan, slid safely
lure bout. Ramsey is attempting
to get a brave soldier from
Camp Newell to accept the chal
lenge. The results of the buttle royul
will govern the night's matches!
though Al Clinc has boasted he!
will stay in the ring the longest :
and thereby win the struggle.
Other participants will be Dick
Hicks. Bill Alcorn, Glenn Miller
and Carl Weaver.
If a man goes to the mat or
leaves the ring he Is eliminated
from the battle royal. The men
then will be paired off in the
ortler of their elimination for
single bouts to determine the
winner of the battle.
Odds Favor
Bivins Over
(JP) Jimmy Bivins, currently
the top man in the heavyweight
ranks now that Joe Louis and
Billy Conn are out of circulation,
climbs into the ring as the strong
favorite to whip Pat Valentino
In their 10-round fight tonight.
By defeating Bob Pastor, Lee
Savold and Tami Mauriollo, the
Cleveland negro has cleaned up
about everything In his section
of the country and figures to
win handily from Valentino.
Tlic San Francisco coast
guardsman, on the short end of
21 to 1 odds, packs a solid punch
and will have an edge of five or
six pounds at 185 or so. '
Nelsen Replaced
On Washington
Racing Commission
SEATTLE, April 26 (P)
Paul F. Pickette of Spokane
was elected chairman of the
Washington Horse Racing com
mission Saturday succeeding Dr.
Millard T. Nelsen of Tacoma,
The commission failed to
reach a decision on a request
by the Washington Jockey club
for a season starting June 26
and ending Labor day, Sept. 6.
Another meeting will be held
Cougars Swamp
Sad Idaho Track
Team in Relays
PULLMAN, April 28 (IP)
Washington State college
swamped the decimated Uni
versity of Idaho-track team 89
to 42 here Saturday, with Al
Akins, basketball, baseball and
truck man leading the way with
two firsts, a second and a place
on the winning relay team for
14 V4 points.
WSC took 10 of 15 firsts from
the Vandal team which had but
two lettermcn left after losing
two full teams to the armed
Into third to complete a three-
NEW YORK, April 26 UP)
Four of the likely starters in
Saturday's Kentucky Derby cost
their owners juit $0000 two
years ago when they enmo out
of the yearling sales. . . . Eddie
Anderson's Burnt Cork, and J.
Graham Brown's Seven Hearts
were $400 bargains; Blue Swords
cost Allen T. Simmons $3300,
and No Wrinkles, Mrs. Ethel V.
Mars "mystery horse" wss sold
for $4900. . . . But don't think
that's any better way to get rich
than betting in the winter books.
. . . If you own any sort of a
stable, you have to win more
than the Derby to break even.
. . . When the Dodgors busted
loose with that 11-run splurge
Saturday, the fans couldn't de
cide whether it was the old ball
or just the samo ol' Phillies.
Workmen al the Pittsburgh
Gardens didn't complain when a
man who appeared regularly be
fore fight shows and bossed the
job of setting up the ring, or
dered them to get a new canvas
floor covering or new ring ropes.
. . . But when they finished the
job early on time, and he de
manded thai they pull down the
ring and set it up again, they
told President John Harris that
the boxing commissions ring in
spector wus u.sking too much. . . .
investigation showed that there
wasn't any such officials, so be
fore the next show Harris asked
to see the inspector's credentials.
. . . "Oh, I'm not representing
anybody," came the reply. "1
just like to come around and see
the men work."
Whitey Gruhlcr, Atlantic City,
N. J., Press: In a poll at Fori
Sheridan, servicemen voted Joe
Di Maggio a better all-around
center-fielder than Terry Moore.
We think tlicy'ro right, but the
choice would have looked silly
last October.
In a class with "Sighted sub,
sank same" is the report by an
unidentified radioman of the
bombing of an American destroy
er during the early days of the
war in the South Pacific. . . .
The ship's anti-aircraft couldn't
reach the high-flying Jap planes
as they came over five times, so
the Americans couldn't do any
thing but broadcast a running
description of the altack, ending
"five runs, no hits, no errors."
Hugh rT
fulUrton, Jr." ""Jfljffi
Roaring Onto the
rod THt
riniT TiMi-
fljjjj Ray MHIand
Free Day Gives Majors (
Time to Consider Ball
Senators, Yankees Take BatebH
Battles Even With New Batata Pill
Associated Press Sports Writer
The major leagues are as confused about the balitln ball a
a bunch of freshmen at the Junior prom and perhaps It Is a food
thing today Is an open date ao that everybody can take stock
of themselves and of the balls that are bolng used.
In games played at Brooklyn ngulnsl the Phillies this week
end leftover supply of last yenr's balls was used, the change
over being made In the third Inning of Saturday's struggle. But
other clubs In both leagues still are using the new 1043 model
even though all parties conrern -
ed say it Is dead
The Herald-Tribune In New
York raised the question today
of whether or not It was legal
for the Dodgers to use a dif
ferent bull from other major
league clubs and pointed out
that the National and American
league were bound by agree
ment to use exactly lhe same
hull dead, alive or maimed.
Dead ball or not, the Wash
ington Senators made IB hits
and scored 12 runs in the first
game of a doublehrader yes
terday. They also scored five
runs on six hits In the night
cap to sweep the bargain bill
from the Philadelphia Athletics
12-2 and 5-0. Alex Carrnsquet
pitched two-hit bull In the
The New York Yankees also
succeeded in milking 12 hits
while blasting the Boston Red
Sox 7-1 to continue unbeaten
in first place in the American
league. There was one game in
the National league in which 20
hits were mndo, ten by each
team, as the Pittsburgh Pirates
conquered the Chicago Cubs
0- 2.
All of theso games were play
ed with the "dead" ball and In
asmuch as the batters managed
to stir up quite a commotion,
there was room for suspicion
that maybe the reason the St.
Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati
Reds played another 1-0 game
could be attributed to good
pitching or weak hitting or
Yesterdny It was Lefty John
ny Vandor Mocr who lost the
decision to Lefty Howard Pol
let of the Cardinas as the two
western rivals grappled In their
hilling vacuum at Croslcy field.
Vendor Mcer, who had won the
1- 0 nod In 11 Innings on open
ing day, allowed Just four hits
to Pol!ot's five, but In the fifth
Inning Walker Cooper tripled
and came home on a squeeze
bunt by Buster Admna.
The Reds received two other
setbacks. Catcher Ray Mueller
Miffcrcd a split finger and Out
fielder Mike McCormlck went
home to visit before bolng In
ducted. The Dodgers were handed
their first victory, 3-2, as
Rookie Jack Kraus, former
Brooklyn farmhand, held Leo
Durocher's dandles to six scat
tered hits. Philadelphia's scor
ing Included Danny Litwhllcr's
second homer of the new sea-
Nate Andrews held the New
York Giants to seven hits as
the Boston Braves copped an
NOW - ressiree.'
"The Block Swan"
.on." JTJe llUUyi A
T '.II I TA iat 1 r VAniSTV . MUSICAL
Screen the Greatest Adventure of All Time!
Robert Preston
iik smiKi'triKfltotr ii$&m
M ifttt Ut
OLD 1LA0K JOI (Notftlty)
Pursuit Race
To Open Phils'
Baseball Game
William Cox, 33-year-old owner
of I lie Phillies, has announced a
novel stunt to help his team open
their home season against Brook
lyn at Shlbe park tomorrow.
He rills it an Australian pur-Q
suit race.
For the slarl, Cox says, all the
Phillies will Hue up at home
plate and the Dodgers at second
base. At a signal, they all start
running the hnses, In the usual
direction. Whun any runner
passes another, the passed run
ner drops out. And the rnco ends
when only one runner the win
ner Is left.
LEWISTON, Idnho. April 28
(Vt Lewlston high school came
back strong Saturday to win
both ends of a double header,
3-4 and B-2, to tnke a three to
one victory In Us baseball series
with Walla Walla high, which
won the first game Friday night,
Ardell McBrlde pitched both
games for Wa-HI allowing but
II hits, but he couldn't keep
Always read the classified sds.
8- S verdict with five runs In
the seventh and eighth Innings.
Detroit and Cleveland divid
ed a double header, both score
bring 41. In the first game
Jim Bagby hit a two run triple
to help win his own game al
though the tribe was held to
three hits, Little Frank Over
mire's five-hit chucking cap
tured the second game for the
With George McQirhin hitting
a homer, the St. Louis Browns
stopped the Chicago WWta So
9- 1 In a game that had to be
called after seven Innings. The
second game of a scheduled
double bill was postponed.
Oeer OtMN
Trrrnr 71 ' a.iti 1 m
ond "Our Russian Front"
111 I
Susan Ha jjj
es thi (r Ttrh'i I II
rat jti. u 11