April 24, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Oriental Chapter Observes OES Date Diamond Anniversary of Lakoview Chapter of Interest to Lodgo Members LAKKVII5W On April nineteenth, buck In 1883, tho local Orlciitnl chapter, OES, wan liintltuted by llin Grand Chapter of Cullfornlii. Lutrr thu Oriental chapter together wild ceveral otlter curly Oregon chapter tirguulzed thn Grand Chnpter of Oregon, so on Tucmiuy, April twentieth, 1U43, tho local group celebrated Its sixtluth or dlnmond unnlvoriuiry, In what might ho called "family ntylo," Due to war conditions and bond driven, It wan deemed bent to confine tho birthday commemora lion to members and a fi'W - , ,,, . regular visitors from neighbor ing chapters, Ml. HlTilllM! Mofflllt, 1INNU- clatu matron, and D. IS. Whltu, worthy pulron, presided at tho observance, following the rug uhir meeting ceremony en titled, "Love's Service," wu ciuicU'd. Kor tho opening of thin ceremony a specially worded (long depleting tho early history of the chapter and el to the melody of "Long, Long Ago" was sung by Mrs, Hallla Fatsch and Mrs. Kloy Uagluy accompanied by Mrs. Normu Sanderson at tho plnno and Mrs, Slgrld Lonlder, violin. The birthduy cuku and beautiful candle ceremony was presented by Mrs. Yvonno Dalon, associate matron; Mrs. Mnrlo Lerwick, conductor; Mrs. Dolllo Johnson, assm-lulu conductor, and tho star points, Martina Alcxunder, Adah; Wlnl llyland, Ruth; Virginia Glllnsky, Esther; Huicl Vln yard, Marthu, and Clara Scott, Electa. Following the ceremony ull retired to the bunquol room where thu birthduy cako was served at tables decorated with Jonquils, narcissi and plum blossoms, to curry out tho star's colors. Honored guests for the eve ning were: Past Matrons of Oriental chapter, Mrs. Ida Urn bach. Mrs. Lora B. Conn, Mrs. Bessie Angstead, Mrs. Gwen dolyn Snyder, Miss Kolhurlne Oott, Mrs. Muynd K. Duvls, golden anniversary worthy matron, Mrs. Kuth B. Fuvell, Mrs. Lolo Ft'tsch, Mrs. Myrtlo Duke, Mrs. Sglrd Lonlder and Vera O. Adums of Valier, Mont., and Mrs. Lois Benson of Eaglo chapter, California. Tho honored past patrons pres ent were Xuvler Arzncr, H. M. Nolto, Mungo Lyons, B. K. Snyder, L. C. Vlnyord, E. G. Fnvoll, worthy patron of tho golden anniversary, D. E. White and Robert Slmmonds. Euch past matron was pre-, sentcd with a bunch of violets for memories and each past patron with a white curnutlon. Outside guests for the eve ning wero Mrs. Anita Reese and Mrs. Ethyl Cundlff, Fort Dldwcll. and Mrs. Lois B co son. Ccdarvillo, Cnltf. Mrs. Virginia Glllnsky, Mrs. Wlnl Hyland ond Mrs. Martina Alexander served on the din ing room commlttoc; Mrs. Belle Moffatt and Mrs. Eliza beth Alexander were on tho refreshment committee. Mrs. Bcrnlco Moffatt, asso ciate matron, who is filling tho role of worthy matron duo to tho deporturo of Mrs. Helen Whltchousc, has worked very faithfully and should be com mended on the success of the evening. TOWNSEND CLUB QUILTS AT MEETING Members of Townscnd club, No. 1, met at the homo of Mrs. It. Myers on Wednesday and tied u quilt for tho ba zaar which will bo held the first of Moy. An exchange of Sifts was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs. Ethel Kord, 828 High street, May fifth. Present Wednesday wero Vera Thexton, Nottlo Sch mlnisky, Alice Groy, Lora Brar.ee, Grnce Jerrue, Mil dred Thexton, Mablo Mc Wlthey, Charlotto Canoy, Ma tilda Crapo, Ethol Ford, Bcr nlco McCrackon, Daisy Doug Ins, Martha Townsond, Esther Most, Mrs. H, Thexton and Glndys Lofdnhl. Enjoy a Glorious Easter Day at The Apostolic Faith Church 228 North Eighth Street Musto and Bong will proolaim Power and Triumph ef Christ's Resurreotion , ir.. Testimonies of Converts, Powerful Messages will emphasise the Tragedy of Calvary, and the Glorious Triumph of Easter Devotional Service 11 a.m. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. ) The Rev. B. J. Robinson, of San Francisco, Speaker The new Hammond Eleotrle Organ will be heard In Con cert, at both meetings You Aro Welcome, "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him" A Collection Is Never Taken MERRILL LODGE HOLDS INITIATION MERRILL Women of the Moose, Merrill chapter No. 18, In regulur session Tuesday night, April the twentieth, In itiated three new members, Jessie Broughman, Will Wlncbarger and Jean Lodge, Plans were made for the monthly card party to be glv-' en Wednesday, April the twenty-eighth, at tho home of Mrs. Lutn Stolt, Mrs. Stolt presided In tho ubsence of Mrs. Esther Seven, sonlor regent. Five Klamath Falls guests, Ninon Nyback, Mrs. Nyback. Maud Sergeant, Pat Hosford and Laura Baldwin, were greeted during the evening. At the close of the session tho membcri Joined the Loyal Order of Moose for program and refreshments. Mrs. Mil dred Luhoda, chairman of the homcmaklng committee, pre sented a group of school chil dren In skits and musical num bers and the four accordion artists, Ronnie Trotman, Don ald Bowman and the Shuck brothers, Jlmmle and Mervyn. Refreshments were served by Helen Amel, Berdena Rocder, Kathlcon Livingston and Lola Myers. THREE R CLUB PLANS. . MEETING ,. . , ,; Members ot the. Three R club were entertained Tues day of last week by Anna Shaffer at nor home. Pi nochle was played with high score held by Marjorle Per kins, second by Grace Harris, guest award to Estcl Bright. Others prosent were Martha Baker, Ella Bortls, Jesta Kay lor. Anna McCormack, Lu cille Heifer, Koto , Hogue,' Frances Kllllan and the hos tess. Tho next meeting will be held at the Baker home and members are asked to bring their Pollyanna gifts. DORCAS GROUP . HAS SHOWER FOR MEMBERS Tho Dorcas society of the Seventh Day Advantist church spent a delightful afternoon on Wednesday, April seventh, when showers were given for Mrs. Lowls Webb of this city and Mrs. Dorothy Gregg of Chiloquln, at the home of Mrs. Earl J. Young. Guests Included Mrs. Minnie Kerr, Mrs. Cecil Humphrey, Mrs. G. M. MacLafferty, Mrs. Jncke Dlmond, Mrs. William Updcgravc, Mrs. William Diet rich, Mrs. Aubrey Redifer, Miss Shirley Redifer, Mrs. Ray Brown, Mrs, S. D. Chrawl, Mrs. Mildred Riley, Mrs. Va lene Hendricks, Mrs. Mallnda Overson, Mrs. R. L. Painter, Mrs. Grace. Strlngham, Mrs. Walter Anderson, Miss Nancy Lee Young and Mrs. Frieda Ellis. BONANZA Mrs. rred Mullcnnax was hostess at a delightful bridge party at her home " Wednesday afternoon. Easter decorations and favor were used. Guests were Mrs. EIvh Maxwell, Mrs. Birdie Burk, Mrs. William Bechdoldt, Mrs. Gilbert Harrison, Mrs. F. W. Brown, Mrs. Owen Pepple and Mrs. Claude Bechdoldt. High score was won by Mrs. Pepple and1 second high and traveling by Mrs. Brown- )ylnrr'm f imi i h n i i in i i i i.i i hi ipmiir F ' t, " " ha ; tniSbtot.iit..-.-.- ..i t .t'1-,f vtT WED IN NEVADA Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beeney, married recent ly In Reno, Nevada. Mrs. Beeney Is the lormcr Louise Robldcaux, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Robldcaux of this city, and Mr. Beeney Is the son of Mrs. Alice M. Beeney, Klamath Falls. MERRY MIXERS MEET AT LITTLE HOME Thursday evening Lizzie Lit tle was hostess to the Merry Mixers at her homo on Orch ard Way. During the brief business meeting Dee Salyer . was elocted to serve as presi dent; Bllle Snider, vice presi dent, and Eleonor Curtis, scc retaiy and treasurer. V., Later In the' evening, the gueste enjoyed "Bunco, ' high score going to Eleanor Curtis, and low to Alberta Allen. At tending were Ruth Lawrence, Eleanor Curtis, Bllle Snider,. Louise Cramblctt, Dec Salyer, . Jo Paup, Pearl Paup, Juno' Collins, Margaret La Fosse, Alberta Allen, one guest, May belle Edwards, and the host-, ess, Lizzie Little. ... . . Mrs. Oscar Anderson was the guest of honor at a show er given on Thursday, April the fifteenth at the home of Mrs. E. L. Gill, 2287 Darrow avenue, with Mrs. Roy John eon and Mrs. Gill the hos tesses. Guests attending wero Mrs. Dow Rowc, Mrs. HJal mer Johnson, Mrs. Robert Schutte, Mrs. Henry Magrell, Mr,. Charles Balln, Frances Balln, Mrs. Rolph Jnnson, Mrs. Lloyd Craig, Mrs, Peter Berg, Mra. Robert, Rockholt, Mrs. Robert E. Stephens, and the guest of honor, Mrs. An derson. ime ft, : " Wart The trained eyes and fingers of telephone operators are needed, these days, at the switchboards that are heavily loaded with war calls. Telephono equipment of every kind is deep in the war task. Will you help us to make every bit of equipment count? Here is one way: Please look in the Directory for any nura , ber you are not sure of. Please look there . first, before you call "Information." Thousands of calls daily, in which "Infor mation1' is asked to help, are for numbers that are IN the Directory.. Our foremost job is tho uw job. It just is not feasible to do all the things for our cus tomers that we were able to do in peace time. We appreciate your understanding and your friendly cooperation.. Invtsi In Km mm oIFraadom if buying WAR BONDS, THE PACIFIC TEIEPHONI AND TEIIORSPH COMPANY 120 North ih Street f4 I . MU'l in & ' t DELEGATES NAMED . BY GUILD LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Modge Monroe entertained the Guild of St. Barnabas church at her home on Thurs day afternoon. Following tho business meeting the ladles sewed on guild work. Mrs. Nonie Pepple and- Mrs. Mary Dearborn will go to convoca tion early in May as delegates from Langell valley. Mrs. Foote joined the guild at this meeting. Mrs. Grace Dear born was presented with the dresser scarf made by Mrs. Eva Roberts. Refreshments were served ot four o'clock by Mrs. Mon roe to Mrs. Nonie Pepple, Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Embrey, Mrs. Grace Revell, Mrs. Carolyn Dearborn, Mrs. Betty Pepple, Mrs. Norma Bechdoldt, Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, Miss Hazel Morrison, Mrs. Grace Dear born, and Mrs. Cora Leavitt. The next guild meeting will be held May the sixth at the home of Mrs. Reginald Thom as. . Members of Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian will meet at a quarter to ten o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Dean Osborn. The topic will be "The Literary Arts as Personal Exnrefto-V with Mrs. Wilbur Jones aa leader. '$ time is a scarcity, too! Telephone 3101 Banquet On Friday Junior-Senior Affair Observed in Pelican Party Room KENO - The Junior-Senior banquet of Keno high school was held In the Pelican party room on Frldoy evening, April tho sixteenth. The tables were decorated to carry out the color scheme of the class of 1943. Rose candles in silver sticks and whlto carnations wore mingled with green and silver and white, school colors. Lena Parsons presided at the speakers' table as toast mistress. The welcome was given by Warren Pritchard, Junior, and Sam McKeen, senior student, responded. The important facts about each senior were revealed by Bob Grimes in his class history. Alfred Burton solemnly read the last will and testament. Harold Ogle, Junior, imperson ating a chef In a famous New York night club, painted ex citing futures for various guest." Fred Peterson gave a brief inspirational talk. Mr. Sharpe invited the group to a theatre porty tendered by the Juniors. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tennery, Mis Edna Bloom, Bob Grimes, Al fred Burton, Sam McKeen, Lena Parsons, June Matchett, Warren Pritchard, Kenneth Puckctt, Harold Ogle. Ben Kerns, the fourth senior who has answered the call to serv ice and is in Missouri at Clark field, was much missed at the banquet and several paid trib ute to him as a school citizen. Further events pertinent to the end of school will be the Achievement day, commence ment exercises and last day picnics. t Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Stanley Berry surprised her on Friday evening, April the sixteenth, her birthday being the occasion. Pinochle and cribbage were played during the evening, and at its close Mrs. Berry was presented with a gift from the group. Refreshments, in cluding a birthday cake, were served at a late hour to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Little, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rlndal, and Ruth Mary, ' Mr. and Mn. Lee Sutton, Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Henry. On Monday evening, April the nineteenth, the Neighbors of Woodcraft met in the KC halL One new member was . initiated Into the order at this time, Lucy Severin. At the close of the meeting refresh ments were served. The next meeting, May the third, will commemorate Mothers' Day, and Shirley Tllton, Sylvia ' Brannan and Stella Dryden will be in charge of the pro gram. ft ARE you dolling up for Easter with the handicap of a dried-out mop of hair that's anything but lovely? Cold spring winds can "burn" your hair . . . lack of exercise or a disturbed diet can give the same result. Regular dally care of the hair at home Is most Impor tant in overcoming a burned out hair condition. There are Just three simple steps cleansing, stimulating, and lubricating. ' THE cleansing lotion also takes care of any loose dandruff that's lurking around and spoiling the shoulders ot your new Easter suit. Stimulating Is done with a specially de signed long-bristled brush. LUBRICATING Is beautifully accomplished with . a rich pomade on the scalp and around the hairline, plus a crime-set for the surface of the hair and to transform the ends into ringlets. THIS "make-up" for the hair is really a won derful idea it's not sticky, but leaves the most wonderful gloss and heen on the dullest ; hair. :.,.',' A DASH of perfume on your finished coif fure Is the final touch. Make-up builds morale. RITA. , Everbody's Drug- MIDLAND GRANGE HAS PROGRAM MIDLAND The Home Eco nomics club members of the Midland grange presented an interesting program after tho grange meeting, April the seventh. A mock wedding was held In honor of Mr. and Mrs. HUbert Largent's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Largent Is the worthy master of the grange. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Edna Travers, and Mrs. Phillip Motschen bacher officiated as the minis ter. The bride, Jack Taylor, was beautifully gowned. Amy . Crapo served as the groom. A corsage of celery, beets and carrots was presented the bride. A gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Largent. After the ceremony, a beau tiful cake was cut by the bride and refreshments served to the following, Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Largent and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Taylor and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crapo, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wllkieon, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Ess, -Mr. and Mrs.' Lion Andrieu, Edna Travers, Emma Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Maloni, Kitty Ess and Regie Andrieu. . The Lucky Thursday Pi nochle club met April twenty second at the home of Mrs. L. D. Good, the hostess for the day being Vera - Good. After luncheon the regular business meeting was held, and there was an Easter gift exchange by the Lucky Sis ters. At pinochle, high score was held by Kate Crowson, second by Fannie Goddard, low by Agnace Lowe, and the pinochle prize went to Net tie Good.' Present during the afternoon were Fannie God dard, Agnace Lowe, Mary Martin, Ruth Sehorn, Flor ence Young, Estelle Smith, Rita Fuller, Zella Blankenship, Nona Hall, Nettie Good and the hostess. Vera Good. The next meeting, May the sixth, will also be at the home of Mrs. L. D. Good, 2020 Dar row avenue. .'... Mrs. H. C. Brown was sur prised on her birthday, April the twenty-first, at her home at 918 Owens street, by a group of friends. Dorothy Schupp had prepared a beau tifully decorated birthday cake, and Mrs. Brown re ceived many gifts from her friends. Those honoring her were Dorothy Schupp, Eula Adams, Ella Lou Sauleers, Lillian Downes, Margaret Fuller, Walter and Rochelle Fuller, Julie Rae and Kay Schupp and B"by Sau leers. The Juveniles of the Neigh bors of Woodcraft met in the KC hall Monday afternoon. April the- nineteenth, at four o'clock. After a short busi ness meeting games were played and Bessie Smith, hos ' tess for the afternoon, served refreshments. The next meeting will be on Monday, May the third, and the host for this meeting, will be Dickie Weed. V IS YOUR DUrY By RITA WHISENANT Limit Ceuatlok(Ut Jl -808 Main CIRCLE MEETS AT HULL HOME The senior circle of the Congregational church mot at the home of Mrs. Bruce Hull, 4626 Cannon street, on Fri day afternoon, April thq six teenth. Dessert was served at half past one o'clock by Mrs. Hull and the assisting hostess, .Mrs. C. L. Jones, Mary Eckstein led the de votional service and the presi dent, Mrs. L. R. Harvey, con ducted the business meeting. Rev. E. V. Haynes reviewed the final chapter; of the book selected for study "On This Foundation," Members and guests attend ing were Mrs. J. C. Marin, Mrs. W. C. Little, Mrs. James Francis, Mrs. H. C. Brown, Mrs. H. O. Lohr, Mrs. H. S. Stone, Mrs. S. H. Goddard, Mrs. W. L. Larson, Mrs. Laura Long, Mrs. L. R. Har vey, Mrs. Glenn Stivers, Mary E. Eckstein, Mrs. Albert How ard, Mrs. S. R. Berry and the hostesses. Mrs. C, O. Dryden enter tained the Thimble club of the Neighbors of Woodcraft on Wednesday evening, April the twenty-first, at her home at 610 North Eleventh street. Three tables of pinochle were in play during the evening with high score held by Lucy Severin, second by Sadie Rand and low by Susie Smith. At the close of the evening refreshments were served by the hostess, Stella Dryden. The Degree of Honor will meet in the KC hall Monday evening at eight o'clock for a "fortune" oarty. Hostesses will be Estelle Smith, Mary Curtis, Lucille Norling and Grace Bock. Home from the University of Oregon for Easter holidays are Virginia Howard, daugh ter of Mrs. Bonnie Howard,' and Lucy and Laura Kimball, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Kimball of Mt. Whitney street. Mrs. Margaret Jackson of Bellingham, Washington, was here to celebrate her sixty- seventh birthday with her grandchild, Vivian Louise Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud L. Hanson, 2303 Darrow avenue, whose birth day occurred on the same date, August fifteenth. A party for the occasion was enjoyed by eighteen guests. V IS FOR VINCENT HAMILTON, Mo., (P) Vin cent Williams, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Williams, found a new mystery some strange white boxes. Vincent's father heard the dis turbance near the beehives, and found bees swirling about the boy's head and crawling in streams from his collar. Only a few stung him. It was several weeks ago that Vincent stuck his head into a wagon wheel. They had to saw out the spokes to release him. EXTRA CONTROL and SUPPORT JwMack BELTED FOUNDATION $4" Save Dollars at Sears Low Price! The patented sliding back gives action-ease, tha firm inner belt holds as it moulds. A auperlor garment comparable to others at $7.8& ot tin pre-shrunk brocaded cotton and rayon batUta combined with cotton and rayon elastic. Tearose. Available In two lengths. Sizes 34 to 48. ' KEND GET DIPLOMAS Senior students of Keno high school will receive their diplo mas In commencement exercises to be held In the school, Friday, April 30, at 8 p. m. Following is the program: Processional, "Land of Hop and Glory," played by Mrs. C. A. Henderson. Invocation, Rev. L. K. John son. Musical numbers by high school girls' glee club.' Three short talks by seniors, Alfred Burton, Bob Grimes and Sam McKeen. Music by the high school mix ed chorus. . Address, Rev. Johnson., Music, sixth and seventh grades. Remarks, H. C. Sharpe, prin cipal of Keno high school. . j. Presentation of diplomas, Fred Peterson, superintendent of Klamath county schools. "Star Spangled Banner. Benediction, Rev. Johnson, . FOOD FRONT VETERAN CARMEL, Ina... Pj Victory gardening is nothing new to Frank Williamson, 98. He had gardens during three previous wars the Civil war, the Spaiiish-American war and the first World war. Now he is cultivating 10 aero near the century-old house where he lives with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Munday. SEASON'S GREETINGS DENVER, (P) T wo girls skipped across the street to po lice headquarters. A strange youth, they com plained, had grabbed them and kissed them. Police Capt." E. - S. Davis singled out a-17-year-old who wiped sheepishly at ' lipstick smudges on his face and confess ed: ' V ' - . "It was such a wonderful spring day and all .... I Just couldn't resist. . . " Interesting Routines In Tap. Ballet Toe, Character, Acrobatic, Adagio, Novel ty, Spanish,. Tango and Ballroom Dancing , CLASS' AND . PRIVATE CLASSES FOR BUSINESS OIRU 133 Be. 8th Dial Sit t mm , . 4