Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 24, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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I i lL I 1 J jVD i. iJJJV Eojter bunny,
colored eggs ond nests of nreeri straw, li this col
locllon of very fine lads ond lassies who dressed up
in llieir host taster finery to poso with Mamma.
Upper loft, Mrs. Ellingson and "Robbio," now
Eastoring in Eureka with her parents; center loft,
Mrs. Cilbort Fleet and four-month-old Loslie; lower
loft, Mrs, Myron Shannon and Carol Elizabeth, just
threo months, here while Lieut, (jg) Shannon is
In tho navy. Upper right, Mrs. Robert Sproat and
William, (but we call him "Bill"); center right, Mrs.
Jon Crimes and five-month-old Jon Michael whose
papa Is Chief Warrant Officer Crimes at Camp
Pinedalo near Fresno; lowor right, Mrs. Samuel A.
Mushen c" very small ievon-wcck-old Robert
All pictures by KennellEllls.
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Friday Eve Event
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams Honored at Buffet
Supper in Pelican Room
A no-host cocklull party and buffet supper wan given Fri
day evening in the Pelican party room at eight o'clock, when
a largo number of friends guthured to greet Mr. and Mrs. J.
Frank Adums of Merrill, who were married In a ceremony
read Monday In Reno, Nevada. Mm. Adumi ii the former Mr.
Ruth Turner, daughter of Mrs.
Clara Shaw of this city.
The large room was at
tractive with hiige bowls of
flowering blossoms. Assisting
were Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Jack
Ray, Mrs. Allan Priest, Mrs.
Clyde Baker and Mrs. J. Mar
tin Adams.
Attending the affair were
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Serruys,
Miss Mary Alice Serruys,
Mrs. George lllllli, Mr. and
Mrs. Snm Ritchie, Mrs. Ralph
McCulloch of Piedmont. Cal
ifornia; Mr. and Mrs. Elbert
Stiles, Miss Kay Mnlloy, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hlnlr Malloy, Mr.
and Mrs. Harve llojolton, Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Read, Mr.
and Mrs. William Serruys,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale West, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Ranisby, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Keating, Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Schroeder,
Mrs. Avis McConnell, Mrs.
Luelle Warner, Mr. Hunting,
ton Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Turner Mrs. Rose Poole,
Mrs. Prentice Ycomuns, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul J. Dalton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weimar,
Mr. David Snyder, Prlvato
Larry Rny, Miss Nora Rink
er. Mr. .lack Martin, Mr. and
M r s. Sheldon Brumbaugh,
Mrs. J. Martin Adams. Mrs.
Clara Shaw, Mrs. Jack Ray,
Mrs. Allan Priest,
Pep reppcrs of Klamath
Union high school held their
annual potluck supper and
skating party Tuesday eve
ning of this week.
Marlorie Ongman of 22S4
Radcliffe street, entcrtalcd
tho girls at her homo where
the supper was enjoyed, the
group later going to Poolc'a
for skating.
All girls who have put In
their application for member
ship In Pep Peppers next
year, were Included In Invita
tions sent out for the skat
ing party.
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Aloha To Greet Mem
bers of Malin OES
On Tuesday Eve
Mrs. George Casper Is gen
eral chairman of all arrange
ments for the entertainment of
Prosperity chapter No. 180, of
Malln, Order of tho Eastern
Star, when tho visitors will bo
the guests of Aloha chapter
No. 61, of Klamath Falls,
Tuesday evening. April the
twenty-seventh, at tho Masonic
temple on Klamath avenue.
Assisting Mrs. Casper will be
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunt. Mr.
and Mrs. Wren Fraln, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kennedy, Mrs. Ira
Sherman and Mrs. Dave Ken
yon. A potluck dinner will be
served In the dining room at
half past six o'clock, and
members and visitors of Aloha
chapter are expected to bring
a green snlad or a dessert. Oth
er Items of tho menu will bo
provided by the chapter.
Degrees of the order will be
conferred upon several appli
cants during the regular ses
sion that will follow the din
ner, Mrs. Clarence A. Hum
ble, worthy matron, and Mr.
Lawrence K. Phelps, worthy
patron, will preside.
Mrs. Joe Kennedy of
Weyerhaeuser returned Wed
nesday from Sacramento
where sho attended gradua
tion for Uncle Sam's airmen
at Mather Field. Her son, Joe,
received his silver wings and
the rank of second lieutenant.
Virginia Kennedy arrived
from Fresno, California, to
join her mother and attend
the ceremony.
In San Francisco this week
are Mrs. Avis McConnell,
Mrs. Twyla Ferguson, Mrs.
Rose Poolo and her daughter,
Mrs. Prentice Ycomans. Mrs.
Ferguson and Mrs. Ycomans
plan to continue east.
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Annual Benefit
Slated May First
Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children To Receive
Funds From Local Dance
Klamath Falls has always responded more than generously
lo worthy causes, and much attention Is focused on the seventh
annual denco to be given Saturday evening, May the first, in
the armory when the Shrine club sponsors the party for the
Shrine hospital for crippled children's fund.
All money derived from the dance will go to the hospital
and whether It is war time or not, this work among crippled
children must go on, Money
Is needed now Just as It has
been ncedrd In the past and
because many boys and girls
from Klamath county have
benefited from Just such
dances as will bo glvon Sat
urday night, ticket sales are
expected to be high.
Mr. 'Cecil L. Jimcrson of
Algoma Is general chairman
nf the dance, and he is assist
ed by Mr. Godfrey C. Blohm,
Mr. R. D. Ellcr, Mr.' G. W.
Osborne of Tulclnke. Mr.
William llugelsteln of Dorrls,
Mr. William C. Morando of
Chlloquln and Mr. Ed Os
tendorf. Mr. Blohm Is chair
man of the dance fund.
Service men will be ad
mitted to the dunce for half
price, committee members an
nounced. The public Is urged lo sup
port (he ticket sale which has
been under way for tho past
fortnight. Tickets may be ob
tained from any member of
the Shrlno club.
Girl Scouts were busy Sat
urday selling war savings
stamps in the stores and banks.
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Announcement was made
Tuesday evening of the mar
riage of Miss Luewala Olson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Olson of Bend, to Private Earl
L. Sanders, United States
marine corps, son of Mr, and
Mrs. R. E. Sanders of this city.
The marriage was an event of
February the thirteenth In San
Tho bride is a graduate of
Southern Oregon College of
Education, and at the present
lime is teaching in Klamath
Falls. Private Sanders is a
graduate of Klamath Union
high school and is on active
duty with the marine corps.
Attending the announcement
party were Jcannino Withers,
Patricia Talbot, Mary Jane
llcaton, Mrs. Frccda Kemnit
zcr. Mrs. Howard Strode, Mrs.
Phillip Lee and the bride's
mother, Mrs. Otto Olson.
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Mrs. Forrest Alter has
been the houscguest of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Alter of 1018
Washington street, and this
weekend was to leave for
Lakeview to visit with Miss
Moya Ball of that city.
Mrs. Alter is a former
Lakeview girl, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Merville W.
Moore, now making their
home in Corvallis. Her mar
riage took place in Boise,
Idaho, on January the fif
teenth. Mr. Alter is now
with the U. S. army aviation
ordnance in Central America.
He was graduated from the
Aberdeen proving grounds in
Maryland on November 28,
1042, and commissioned a sec
ond lieutenant. Ho was then
transferred , to Salt Lake
City and from there to
Gowcn Field, Idaho.
The second annual tea to be
given by the teaching staff of
Riverside school will be an
event of next Friday afternoon
at half past two o'clock in the
school auditorium. Mrs. E. A.
Fredrick Is in charge of the
program to be presented.
Invited to tho tea are moth
ers of all Riverside students.
The annual May festival,
held each May on the Big
Lawn on Conger avenue, be
came a "war casualty" this
year, but the Parent-Teacher
association hopes to continue
the festival after the war.
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Bridal Shower is
en for ' Former
garet West
MT. LAKI Mrs. Lloyd
Froom, a recent bride, and
the youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. West, was
honored with a shower Friday
night, April sixteenth, at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Hill with
Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs.
Estclla Hill and Mrs. Jack
Marshall as co-hostesses.
Those honoring Mrs. Froom
with gifts were: Mrs, A. R.
Campbell, Mrs. V. E. Grise,
Mrs. Clyde Griffith, Mrs.
Silas Grizzle, Mrs. Ira Orcm,
Mrs. Sam Enman, Mrs. Ernest
Brclthnupt, Mrs. Jay Man
ning, Mrs. Roy LaPrarie,
Mrs. Henry Semon, Mrs. Bell
Dawson, Mrs. J. R. Elliott,
Mrs. G. S. Thompson, Mrs.
Percy Dixon, Mrs. Wallace
Thompson, Mrs. B u r r e 1 1
Short, Mrs. Farrell Hilyard,
Miss Gcraldinc Manning, Miss
Ethel Dixon, Miss Pat Short,
Miss Erls Fleming, Mrs, R. C.
Short, Mrs. Jay Fairclo, Mrs.
L. A. West,
Mrs. Gray Brannon, Mrs.
Kenneth Klahn, Mrs. Jack
Marshall, Mrs. S. P. Dehlin
gcr, Mrs. R. L. Fleming, Mrs.
Estclla Hill, Mrs. Cecil Whit
by, Mrs. J. A, Johnson, Mrs.
Charles De Lap Jr., Mrs. T. D.
Jackson, Mrs. Ralph Hill,
Mrs. Jestia Kaylor, Mrs. How
ard Jackson, Eleanor Jackson,
Donna Dixon, Mary Louise
Enman and Jeanje Hill.
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Luncheon Guests
Greet Visitors
Betrothal of Wisconsin Girl to Klamath Youth
Told at Pelican Party Room i
The betrothal of Miss Shirley Laacke, daughter of Mr.
Anna Laacke of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was made known this
afternoon, Saturday, at a one o'clock luncheon given by Mrs.
Paul Otterbein in the Pelican party room. Miss Laacke will
become the bride of Sgt. Jack Otterbein of the United State
marine corps, now on duty in the New Hebrides.
Miss Laacke, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. William Man
they of Milwaukee, arrived here Wednesday for a visit at the
Otterbein home, 524 North
Garden Club
Hears Talk
"Birds" Topic of Dis
cussion by Mrs. Small
On Monday
One of the most Interest
ing meetings of the year for
members of the Klamath
Falls Garden club was held
Monday, April nineteenth.
The plant sale, held in the
library auditorium, preceded
the meeting and was directed
by Mrs. Will Wood and Mrs.
Horace E. Getz. The venture
was a success In every way
and many went home with
vegetable plants ready for
their gardens and many fine
perennials for their flower
Mrs.'' Frederick W. Hamil
ton presided over the after
noon meeting and announced
that all garden club members
were invited to see Mrs. Hugh
Campbell's spring blossoms
which are in full bloom right
now. She also urged all mem
bers to make an arrangement
for the Library club tea in
Mrs. Getz presented Mrs. F.
O. Small, who gave a most
interesting talk on "Birds of
the Pacific Coast." In her talk
she said that in a million
years many birds have not
changed in that time. There
are three primary colors,
browns, yellows, reds, some
green and dark brown which
are almost black. The mal
lard duck has yellow under
the green and is blue only in
reflected light as are many
different birds. The oriole,
one of the brightest types, is
skilled, using willow down,
thistle or milk weed in its
weaving. An interesting piece
of work, and compared to
that of a carpenter, was part
of a fence post with holes
bored into It by a California
woodpecker and its winter
supply of acorns stored away,
was mentioned by Mrs. Small.
Mrs. Small told of another
interesting experience, that
of a sparrow. She was walk
ing through an orchard and
the sparrow came fluttering
toward her and kept it up.
She knew the bird was in
distress, and followed it to
where its nest had fallen
from a tree and there a gar
ter snake was devouring the
Habits of the various birds
were discussed by Mrs. Small
in one of the most delightful
programs of the year.
Beautiful colored slides
were shown to tho group and
nests of birds were on display.
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Tenth street.
Word of the engagement
was told guests as they were
seated at one large table in
the party room, where lovely
spring flowers and flowering
branches were used. Guest
included , Miss Laacke and
Mrs. Manthey, Mis Lucy
Kimball, Miss Laura Kimball,
Miss Audrey Lynda of Eu
gene, Miss Ann Mueller, Mis
Barbara Palmer, Mrs. Archie
Diment and Mrs. Ermel Hoe
ley of Chiloquin, both cous
ins of the groom-to-be.
No date has been set for
the wedding. A number of
informal affairs are being
planned for the pleasure of
the Wisconsin visitors during
their stay here.
Mrs. E. H. Lawrence enter
tained members of the Happy
Hour club on Tuesday after
noon, April the thirteenth, at
the home of Mrs. Victor Palm
er on Crescent avenue. The
club's next meeting is sched
uled for next Tuesday, April
the twenty-seventh, when the
president, Mrs. R. G. Motich
enbacher will be hostess and
will entertain members at the
American Legion parlors at
two o'clock.
Those enjoying the after
noon at the Palmer home were
Mrs. George Bichn, Mrs. Syd
ney Evans, Mrs. J. J. Keller,
Mrs. Maud Hosley, Mrs. Palm
er, Mrs. Anna Funk, Mrs. Carl
Sandell, Mrs. W. J. Steinmetz,
Mrs. Jennie Hum, Mrs.
Mot schenbacher and the
Due to war conditions, the
Klamath unit of the American
Legion auxiliary will be un
able to hold the annual Moth
ers' Day dinner, it was an
nounced this week.
Plans are being made, how
ever, to entertain "war moth
ers" with a program at the Le
gion hall on Saturday evening,
May the eighth. , As usual,
mothers of World war 1 vet
erans are honored guests and
the auxiliary extends a wel
come to the mothers of World
war 2. Men are also lnvltod
and this Is to be considered an
Invitation to attend the pro
gram. Refreshments will b
served. The program Is sched
uled for eight o'clock.
Mrs. William Tomlson, tha
former Sylvia Hopkins, is
here for a fortnight's visit
with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ralph S. Hopkins of
Henley. ' ' . f '
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