I,. , ,, . ,.ir ii mwmmm MMfaiUft- Officers Named At AAUW Meeti Rev. Wissenbach "Speaker Before University Women at Saturday Luncheon The American Association of University Women elected officers for the coming year it was learned at the luncheon given Saturday, April seventeenth, in the Pelican party room. Miss Ruth Pinkston will serve as president in 1944. Mrs. Rob ert Ellingson Jr., vice president; Mrs. L. Orth Sisemore, treas urer, and secretary will be - Mrs. Warren Nogle. Mrs. Dean Miller, retiring president, conducted the meet ing and the chairman of the nominating committee, Mrs. Nelson Reed, gave her report. A unanimous ballot was cast for the candidates. During the luncheon Miss Wanda Shaw sang two num bers in a delightful manner. She-was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Don J., Zum walt. Members were urged to rontribute more time to the surgical dressings projects at the Red Cross rooms. Mrs. Miller named the fol lowing committee for the sen ior girls tea to be given May the fifteenth at the home o Mrs. Nelson Reed, and they are Mrs. O. K. Puckett, chair man, Mrs. Robert EUingsoni jr., Mrs. KODeri num, rars. Arthur Larsen, Mrs. Warren Nogle and Miss Virginia West. The Rev. Frederick Wis senbach was the guest speak er and gave an excellent pic ture of Europe in the brief years before Hitler's domina tion, and the years after dur ing which time he served as rector of the American church at Munich. Mr. Wissenbach explained the reason for the SA and SS organizations, calling them the "strong arm" of the new order. Most of these were un employed ruffians who were delighted with the opportuni ty to use force and the glory of wearing a uniform. In conclusion, Mr. Wissen bach said, "Being a minister, I would like to point out the moral of what I have told you. Are we, as American citizens, doing all we can to make democracy function as it should? Do we write to our senators and representa tives our desires in current legislation? Are we willing to sacrifice for peace as we are for war? If we fail in these steps, we can-only go down in defeat. It is up to the educated groups to use Influence as leaders." Mrs. Wissenbach was also a guest of the club at the luncheon. The committee in charge of the day's program Included Mrs. Walter Kaudcr, Mrs. Ve'rn Owens and Mrs. Samuel D. Earhart. GUESTS ASKED FOR DINNER ON EASTER Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Hamilton will entertain at a five o'clock Easter Sunday dinner for a small group of friends at their home, 1152 Crescent avenue. Their guests will ' be Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Tennant of Dorris, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hilton and Mrs. Hilton's mother, Mrs. Mabel Geary, and Master Johnny Hilton. MRS. ROBERT P. ELLINGSON JR., AND "ROBBIE" ting Party Plans Announced Elks To Entertain Sons And Daughters May Fourteenth Members of the younger set are looking forward to the Sons and Daughters danc- ' ing party which will be given for their pleasure by mem bers of the Klamath Falls Elks lodge in the Elks ball room on Friday, May the fourteenth, at nine o'clock. The party will be formal for the girls. This is the second party planned for the high school students and sons and daugh ters of Elks may invite their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hicks are chairmen of the affair and they will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. El. M. Igl, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reeves. The committee from the high school will include Dick Hicks, chairman; Fred Reeves, Ted Igl, Wanda Shaw and Letty Linman, children of the head committee members. Plans are for "pop" during the dance and supper at mid night, it was announced. ELECTION PLANNED FOR MAY Members of Delta Kappa Gamma will meet for their last session of the year on Saturday, May the first, at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Owsley. At this time there will be initiation and installation of officers. Mrs. Owsley Is the presi dent elect; Mrs. Arlet Edsall will serve as vice president, Miss Olive Wilson as treas urer, and Miss Eva Burkhalter as secretary. MRS. WIRTZ HOSTESS TO CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. George Wirtz provided a pleasant afternoon for mem bers of the Art Needle Work club Wednesday when she was hostess for the regular bi monthly meeting. The rooms of Mrs. Wirtz' home were gay with spring flowers and potted plants grown in her own gar den and, at the close of the few hours of good fellowship, refreshments were served by the hostess, ! Mrs. W. P. McMillan will open her home for the pleas ure of the club Wednesday aft ernoon, May the fifth, when a potluck luncheon will be served at one o'clock. . V t V r v r i 4. -A Wedding' Solemnized ' Lorna Lavin Bride of Army Air Man in Post Chapel Rites At an informal wedding held at five o'clock Saturday afternoon, April the tenth, in the Post chapel at Mather Field, California, Loma Kath ryn Lavin of Spokane, Wash ington, became the bride of Lieutenant James S. Caras, also of Spokane. Present at the ceremony as bridesmaid and 'best man were Miss Margaret Lavin of Klamath Falls, sister of the bride, and Cadet James Belch of Seattle, Washington, now stationed at Mather Field, The bride chose a simple frock of ivory crepe with which she wore brown acces sories as her wedding cos tume. A corsage of orchids was worn at the shoulder. The groom and best man were in the uniform of the Army Air corps, in which they are in training as pilots. Mrs. Caras is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lavin, 426 North Seventh street, Klamath Falls, with whom she visited recently before going to Sacramento to be married. Lieutenant Caras ex pects to be sent to Randolph Field, Texas, shortly for fur ther training. , Mr. and Mrs. George Bur ger have left for Bakcrsfield, where they Bro spending the summer months. .v?.v..iv-.'.;vv' $ & 4 V. 1 - MRS. GILBERT FLEET AND LESLIE BOOK GROUPS OF BPW CLUB MEET MONDAY The two book groups of Klamath Falls Business and Professional Women's club will meet next Monday eve ning. The Edith Cunning book club will meet with Mrs. Clara Shaw on Homcdale road with Miss Gertrude Tol le assisting. At this time there will be a half past six o'clock potluck supper. Mar garet Porter, member of the county library staff, will re view, "The Sun Is My Un doing." The Minerva book club will meet at the home of Mrs. H. D. Park. Discussion will be on Chile, with Mrs. M. J. Young as guest and leader for the evening.' HOSTESS COMMITTEE NAMED Mrs. J. H. Poppy, Mrs. Rob ert E. Wattenburg, Mrs. Oliver Spiker and Mrs. Lcland Wil lits arc the hostess commltteo for the regular monthly meet ing of Aloha Past Matrons club, to be held Friday, April the thirtieth, at one o'clock. Members will bring paper bags of sandwiches, and the com mittee will furnish coffee and dessert. Tho place is the Masonic temple, Klamath ave nue. Mrs. Charles Joseph Mar tin, president, will preside dur ing the brief business meeting, and 'an afternoon of bridge will follow. Mrs. Hancock Wins Defense Handicap Women of Reames Urge All Members To Work On Surgical Dressings Mrs. Guy Hancock wm named winner of the defenm handicap tournnment when a number of golfen tirned out Frldny morning ut Ronmcs Golf and Country club to observe women' dny. Hostesses were Mr. George H. Merryman Sr., and Mrs. W. G. Grove of Merrill. Next week's program includes a blind partner tourna ment and hostesses will be Mrs. Oscar Peyton, Mrs. Hiram F. Murdoch, and Mrs. C. E. Den nis, A paper sack luncheon was served nt noon and very well attended, Bridge followed with several tables in play. The day's awards went to Mrs, Hancock and Mrs. Mutt Flnnigan. Women of Roamcs spent many afternoons last year sewing for the Klamath coun ty chapter of the American Red Cross, but this year tho women are devoting all their spare time to working at the surgical dressings projects at Red Cross rooms on Main street. All those who find they can give additional time are asked to do so as tho dressings arc badly needed by the armed forces. Classes are held during the day and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lamm of Modoc Point arc spending Easter vacation with their daughter, Winifred, student at Stanford university. They are in San Francisco this week end. 6 t .' i 7 4k "',7 fl V V tit 'V- Js. .', .... .vtiv .j ; . ' ? - ii rt t 4 i. " f, ,'!.. ' t 'I 1 , . ,,, . ' . t . VI f it.ii,rniJ.;t A f- 1 ' '.,?f "I,1 V t, t 1 I 'Sit! ? i i T ' ' 1 f f 5 i i 1 'i ,'. v & V ' 1 Vii r i fr v'? f k 1 UidmM im mparts i.M, M, i' COUNCIL ELECTS OFFICERS Tho Girl Scout council of Klamath Falls met In the blue room of the Willurd hotel Monday afternoon, April the nineteenth, at half past two o'clock, The following of ficers were elected to serve for tho coming year. Com missioner, Mrs. J. K. Reno; first deputy, Mrs. R. H. Racl cllffe; second deputy, Mrs. Charles Ogle; secretary, Mrs. Leo N. Iluls and treasurer, Mrs. E. L. Mitchell. Mrs. Reno then appointed tho following heads of the standing committees; record er and membership. Mrs. J. F. Flork; radio publicity and window display, Mrs. L, A. Murphy; newspaper publicity, Mrs. S. R. Berry; finance, Verne Owens; outdoor com mittee, Mrs. Rttdcllffc; pro gram committee, Hazel Mor rison; training, Mrs. D, W. Hollowav: organization. Mrs. J. P. Wells. i i j 1 c 1 U fn set, ''x-A it -9 vr. MRS. MYRON SHANNON s On LOIS STEWART Party Plans Made For Next Monday Reservations Being Made for Annual Benefit in Willard Hotel Ballroom What promises to be the largest party of early spring Is the annual Easter Monday benefit bridge to be given Monday afternoon at half past ono o'clock In tho Willard hotel ball room, when tho Guild members of St. Paul's Episcopal church entertain women of tho city. A cordlul Invitation to all has been issued by the Guild. Reservations which were received early this week Included ' thoso inude by tho following, Sweetheart Selected Vivian Dirschl To At tend Ship's Christen ing in North A crown of red roses was placed on the pretty head of blue eyed, fair haired Vivian Dirschl, sophomore candidate for "Sweetheart of Klumuth High," in a climax to the war savings drive conducted by the student body, and held In the h'gh school auditorium Friday evening. Mr. Andrew Collier, war savings chairman for the coun ty, crownod the Sweetheart with the wreath and present ed white gardenias to the oth er three candidates, Bnttia Hopkins, senior; Betty McKin ney, junior, and Sally Muel ler, freshman. Tho auditorium was well filled with Interested specta tors and although votes had been counted in the afternoon, the winner's name was kept secret until the actual crown ing by Mr. Collier. A splendid musical program was presented by Mr. Andrew Loncy Jr., and those who at tended willingly paid their ad mission price of a fifty-cent war stamp. Miss Dirschl will leave next week for Portland, where she will attend a christening of a new ship. The "Swoothcart" Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dirschl of .1404 Shasta way, and has been active In Girls' League at the high school. Mrs. D. W. Kent, wife of Colonel Kent, commanding officer at Tracy, California, Is a recent visitor In Klamath Falls, having spent a part of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Hamilton at ' their homo, 1182 Crescent avenue. AND CAROL ELIZABETH TY Mrs. Walter Bradley, Mrs. A. M. Bradford, Mrs. O. r. Konschot, Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver, Mrs. Hoy Premo, Mrs. H. M. Shapleigh, 'Mn. O. D. Reedor, Mrs. V. J. Josephaon, Mrs. Herschol E, Morris, Mlis Hazel Morrison, Mrs. T. M. Medford, Mrs. L. DrLos Mills, Mrs. Harold O. Mortenson, Mrs. George H. Rogers, Mrs. Raymond H. Reovcs, Mrs. Wyall Padgett, Mrs. Edward Goeckner, Mrs. Paul Buck, Mrs. J. Hardin Carter, Mrs. Richard Hibbs, Mrs. R. Henry Anderson, Mrs. George Adlcr, Mrs. Ralph S, Hopkins, Mrs. Orb Campbell, Mrs. Frederick W. Hamilton. Mrs. Allen Sloan. Tallies will bt provided but those playing are asked to bring their own cards, score pads and pencils. Reservations may bo mad this weekend by calling any member of tho committee, Mrs. Raymond II. Reeves, Mrs. Edward Goeckner, Mrs. Joseph Pllond, Mrs. Roy Lee, Mrs, DcLos Mills, or Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas. The spring motif will b used at the Easter party and tha tea table will be very gay. Pouring will be Mrs. Frederick C. Wissenbach, Mrs. Harold Shaffer, Mrs. Reeves, and Mrs. Ralph 8. Hopkins, president of Guild. AUXILIARY HONORED AT DINNER Mrs. Henry Gerber enter tained at a prettily appointed dinner party Thursday eve ning honoring Auxiliary Jane Bownc, who Is awaiting call to serve with the WAACs. Covers were laid for Mlsa Bowne, Mrs. Stella Bowne, Mrs, Walter Bowne and two children, Arden and Walter Jr., Mrs. Ida Gerber. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Wortley, Margaret, Marilyn and Sylvia Gerber, and the hostess.