Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 24, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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Bond Sale
With u hriml-limiKlit mib-uhuncr
lis their gout, wrestlers mid box
ers from C'lilloqulu mid Kliimitth
Union high school will biiltar
mid butt to the enjoyment of
tholr fun In a smoker it t the
lummy Ki'ldiiy, April HO. Ad
niinslun prion will ho tha pur
chase nf uiio bond,
Outstanding hoy from Ilia two
schools will perform. Lending
tho hoxhiK curd will hn n mulch
between Ni'iisiillnmil Dim Must,
(If tho cut ovcir tho loft eyo him
ImtiUid), mid mi liullnu hoy
iiuinad Hnrkluy. This In u cliul
IciiKo mntch in Burkley hns been
wmillng ci nek nt Must for n
long time. If Mind's physician
rcfusei to lot him fluid, capable
Hob Benson will replace him.
In tha lOS-pound class, Onylor
Briefs V W
FulUrton, Jr,
PHILADELPHIA, April 24 (71')
Tho boys urouiid Broud unci Lo
cust, Philadelphia's Bash boule
vard, cmi't sea those 2-1 odds
favoring Beuu Jack, to retain
his lightweight title ngulnitt
Hob Montgomery May 21 . . ,
They clnlm Montgomery has re
gained his old form slnca he
hud his tonsils yanked out nnd
can puce himself better over
the 19-ruund route . . . What's
In n mime? One of Michigan's
relay runners is Ernest Lon
bordl nnd they sny ho can
"ilep a quarter In about the
nine It takes his baseball name
sake to get down to first base
, , , Joanne Cllne, tho good
looking Bloomlngton, 111., gal
golfer, broadcasts a sports pro
gram In her homo town and
hopes to lnnd with ono of tho
big New York stations.
Lynn C. Doyle, Philadelphia
Evening Bulletin: "Tho press
notices the new 'clunk' ball has
been getting won't help busi
ness. Wo must get hold of the
first foul that works its way up
to the press box and look for
the 'mndo In Japan' label."
Lawson Robertson, Perm
struck couch, still Is snooping
.round under the Franklin field
stands hoping to find those
eight vaulting poles ho bought
and hid away when ho realized
there would bo n bamboo short
ago . . . George W. Orton, who
ran for Ponn In tho frlst relays
in 1803, failed to attend this
year for the first time since
thon. i Ho couldn't got away
from his camp In Now Hamp
shire, but sent word he'd bo on
- hand for Both anniversary moot
next April.
At least two boys in the
nrmy'a military pollco depart
ment who can glvo extra use
to tho Initials M, P. There's
Murray Patrick, tho first big
league hockey player to Join
9 tho U. S. army, who Just grad
juled from tho M. P. Officers'
Cundlduto school ut Fort Custer,
Mich., and Clayton Ilcnfncr,
the big Greensboro, N. C, golfer
whoso weight has shot up from
220 to about 250 since he's
been In tho army , . , In this
ense, M, P. means mora pounds.
Lieut, Benny Leonard of the
maritime scrvico is reported In
lino for p r o m o 1 1 o n to licut.
commander soon , . , Scrgt.
Frank Strofocl's regular pluylng
partner In his onco-a-wcek
rounds of golf In Australia Is
Fcrdlo Calropu, former Long Is
land pro . . . Lieut. Georgo
(Blitzkrieg) Bnrr, ono of the
Tokyo raiders who may have
died proving that tho Japs
haven't tho guts to take what
fjp.hry dish out, was a member
of the Northland college (Ash
land, Wis.) baskotball team and
got bin nlcknamo because Uo
was so hard to stop while
Northland was winning 32
straight games In 1040 . , .
Phil Rlzzuto's minor lenguo ex
perience or mnybo his exper
iences With tho Jallopy lia
driven around Norfolk camo hi
handy recently when there
was no driver around to lake a
busload of nuval training station
players to tho Norfolk ball park,
rhll drove tho bus and then
drove in five runs,
MOSCOW, Idaho, April 24 (P)
Tho University of Iduho tennis
team won Its first dual meet of
ho season yesterday, defeating
Oregon State five matches to
Initiation of gasolino nnd tiro
rationing has brought homo to
tho Individual tho fnct that tho
family car Is no longer a lux
ury in America but n practical
necessity. Rubber Administra
tor William M. Joffcrs.
Boxers to Batter, Butt at
Smoker, Friday, April 30
Illtchcr of Chllnquln meets Arn
old Miihitehl, polished little
lighter from KU118.
At 12li pounds, John Ruff of
Chlloquln faces Jim Koollng of
Dulo Viindorhoff of KUH8 nt
1 3n, tangles with ono of tho hot
ter fighters to como out of Chllo
qiiln Wnyno Hutchor.
At 145 poundH, Vornon Brum
mcl, tho Okliihomii Cowboy, ond
a potent puncher, moots Richard
John of Chlloquln.
In tha Iflo-ptiiind cIiikk, Verne
Zimmerman takes on Bud Dick
cm of Chlloquln.
All thoiio mentioned from
C!hlloiuln lira Indluii boys except
Bud Dickers, and nil uro plenty
Tha rent of the boxing curd
Slow Start
Has No Wins
For Seattle
Podrci Walk Ovar Rainleri
For Fifth Triumph to Top
Loop; Portland Blanks Sac
Sn lilr,., , Kratlla I.
I Aiirki , Oakland f.
I'orllnlitl I, rlat-rarftriit,, 0,
(Only galui-a arllrillllrtl)
Hull) wood at (tan rialiclico (tlculilr.
Oakland at Aiiarlre,
hvallli, at Sal, lko,
rVMlaml at rJaffaiitrnlo.
By Th Associated Prois "
For a team thut finished a
strong third last year, tho Sc
uttle baseball club Isn't getting
off to any flashy start in tho
Const leaguo this season.
Tho Rnlniers have yet to win
n game going Into tho end of the
first week, Chiefly with one
point wins, tho San Diego
Pndrcs hnvo been walking nil
over tho Ralnlcrs and proudly
top tho loop with five straight
Swede Jensen's double and
Morry Abbott's sharp slnglo off
Joe Demo ran In tho ninth gave
Snn Diego its fifth triumph, 2
to 1, yesterday. It wan Demo
run's second loss by that same
Ad Llsku, veteran submarine
ball expert, pitched a near two
hitter which enabled Portland
to blank Sacramento, 1 to 0,
for tho Beavers' fourth win In
five games. Bud Bycrly, Sacra
mento righthander, gavo up only
five hits. Portland scored in the
third as Johnny O'Noll scored
from second on Rupert Thomp
son's slnglo to left,
Los Angolcs also won by the
mnrgln of one run, nipping Oak
land, 3 to 2. Sun Francisco and
Hollywood, Idle Good Friday,
play a doublchcadcr today,
Lou Novikoff
Believes He's
Worth Money
LONG BEACH, Cullf., April
24 (P) Tho Chicago Cubs' "mad
Rooshlan," Lou Novikoff, who
hit ,300 last season, says he'll get
$10,000 this year to play the out
field or else ho'll stay home,
' But in the next breath Lou ex
plained that he was in fine con
dition, that he worked out with
tho Los Angeles club, played
golf, dug ditches and kept In
good trim nil winter. Reports
hero wcro that tho Cubs offered
him $0000, only $500 more than
for 11142.
"I'm worth more than that,"
Novikoff declared.
BOISE, Idaho, April 24 (P) A
proposal to allow students to
piny not more than throe quar
ters of any football gamo won
tentative favor of tho Iduho high
school athletic association Inst
night. Members authorized tho
rule, contingent upon a mall poll
of tho schools.
SPOKANE, April 24 (VP) Tho
Glnddlng McBcun bowling team
of Spoknno rolled a 3001) scora
Inst night to tnko over tho top
spot in the KIIQ-KGA bowling
tournament, displacing tho Fort
Lewis squad that had been on
top with a posting of 2074,
PULLMAN, April 24 (P)
Washington Stato's rifle team
again will represent tho ninth
sorvico command In national
competition this year, Capt. Jer
ry Naimy, coach, announced
yesterday. WSC led the Univer
sity of Montana 7043 to 7573 for
tho honor. The Cougars placed
second In tho nation last year.
W. L. Pet,
San Diego S 0 1.000
Portland 4 1 .800
San Frnnclsco .... 3 1 ,750
Los Angeles 3 2 ,600
Oakland 2 3 .400
Hollywood 13 ,250
Sacramento .. 1 4 ,200
Seattle 0 8 .000
consists of many re-matchoa from
those who performed on tha Sunt
nchool smoker mid put up clone
fights, Thoso ro-mutchod ere
Ernlo Dodson v. Doan Nichols,
Demi Campbell vn. Don Viindor
hoff, Bon Devoro vn, Hob Saw
yer nnd llunmiker vn. Yank,
Tha boyg from Chlloquln lire
primed for tha event, ond their
couch, Ted Schopf tolls tin they
ara training diligently and are in
grout nhnpe.
Keuturo on tha wrestling card
In to bo n "hnttlo royul," frce-for-nll,
nnd n new deal for the
amateur wrestling fnns of Klum
Hlh Fulln. Six boys will take
part and diminution will take
pi lice as In professional matches.
Tlioso participating will be
Glen Millar, Curl Weaver, Dick
Chicago Turf
Fans Watch
CHICAGO, April 24 (TO
Turf fans poured out of street
cars and elevated trains today
nnd wcro hauled a mile to
Sportsman's park In horsc
drnwn "cnrry-alls" to inaugurate
Chicago's 103-day horse racing
Tho opening marked the start
of tho city's war-time -experiment
to hold meetings on tracks
cosily accessible by public
transportation. General Man
ager Bill Johnson predicted
that barring Inclement weather,
there would bo a record first
day attendance.
More than $50,000 In purse
money will bo offered to horse
men during tho 48-rscc "Char
ity Week" program which pre
cedes the regular 13-day session
at Sportsman's half-mile oval.
Local organizations will share
In oil proceeds for the first nix
days of racing,
Junior Individual
Bowlers Begin
Chicago Tourney
CHICAGO, April 24 (P)
Bowling's largest tournament,
outside of American Bowling
Congress competition, opened to
day as tho first 32 man squad of
70 entered in the third annual
Junior individual class began
shooting the schedule of eight
gomes across 16 alleys.
Tho 2240 keglcrs from 110
cities will compete for 500 regu
lar and squad prices, topped by
the $1500 first award, and total
ing $22,400. The meet will con
tinue tomorrow and Tuesday,
and every day in May through
the 23rd except May 5.
Duke Coach Too
Busy to Think
About Football
FORT SILL, Okla., April 24
fP) Coach Wallace Wade of
Duke university Is too busy to
think about football but that's
the only thing about his new life
that's really strange to him.
Ho volunteered In the first
World war, and again in this one.
Ho rose from private to captain
then, and to lieutenant colonel
now. He served at Fort Sill then,
and Is again. , "
It runs in the family, too. His
son, William Wallace Wade Jr..
who was born at Fort Sill, re
turned and was graduated re
cently as a second lieutenant in
tho field artillery.
synopsis or annual statriiiint
PANY, LIMITKI), ef I.ondon, Hngland,
on ths thlrly.flretdsyof December, 1141,
rnaaa to tha Imuran. Commissioner at
the mate of Oregon, pursusnt to htwt.
Amount of statutory deposit.! Mt.Oto.M
Nat pramluma rscslvsd dnr-
ing Ihi rw II. til, Mi, i
Interest, dividends and ranta
raoalvad during tha yssr. 1II.MI.1I
Income from olhar sources
received during the year. II, Ml. If
Toll laeom ll,ltl,m,l
t. , . JHabnraomonla
Nat taaaaa palrl ilnrlnr tha
yoar Inolurtlni djnalraant
axnenaaa ftt III M
Cnmmlaalona and aalarlaa
Mid durlnt tha T.r ... Ill, Ml. M
Taxoa, lleanaoa and faoa paid
durlnir tha yaar lM.lIT M
Amount of all othar nnandl-
"" KT.MI.M
Total ipandlturaa I1,1II,BII,M
Admlttisil AaaHa
Vfclwo of fconda ownad (arnor. '
''""i ....H.III.IIt.M
Tniuo m miNIHl OWHId tnir
hot Talnal
Cain In nanka and on hand
Pramluma In eouraa of ool-
lattlon written atnea Hen.
tombor SO, Ills
Intaraat amd ronta dua and
, 1I.M1I II
awruad H.JI1.M
Olhar aaaoti (nat) 11,100.11
Total admtttrd aaaata
. 11,111, 7fl.ll
Oroaa olalma tor loaaaa wi-
. M'd ,. I 111, Til. M
Amount of unoarnad pramlu
uma m all oulalandlnr
rtk" MIMH.M
rna for emmlaMon and fcro-
, krao ll.loo.M
All othar HabllltlM tl.44l.lt
Tout llahltltlaa,
Statutory dopoa-
It i.l M0.M4.M
Snrplna OTtr all
llabllltl 1,ITMT7,0I
flurplua aa raiarda policy
holder , II.ITI.ITT.M
Tola ......la.laMTI.II
ItnatntM hi Oroa-on for tha Yfvar
Not promluma raoalvad dur-
Ini tha year I I.OM.tl
Net loaaaa paid dutinc tha
. yoar , 10.11
name or company, Palatlna Inanranoa
company, Limited.
Name nf United Stalai Manaiar, 1. W.
Name of Sanralary, A. F. Oraar,
aHatntory rMldant attorney for aervlee.
Imuran oa canamleelotoer,
Hicks, Bill Alcorn, At Cllne and
Ralph Munrillr). Thin match will
bo packed full of thrills and
should provide! plenty of exciting
Also an added attraction will
be the ro-mntch of "Strangler"
Doug Clement and "Bulldog"
Dick Pralro. These boys really
put on a great show for tho fans
In their last fight by using pro
fessional tnctlcs. This match
will definitely bo tho laugh pro
voker of tho card.
Organized labor, sponsors of
tho event in their bond sale drive
to "buy a sub-chancr from Klam
ath Falls," expects a sell-out
crowd. Tho purchase of a fifty
dollar series E bond entitles one
to a reserved seat, and a twenty
five dollar scries E bond garners
a general admission.
Drake Relay
Proves Top
Track Adage
Chauncy Simpson Says Any
Rolay Teom "Only Strong
As Its Weakest Runner"
DES MOINES, la., April 24 fP)
It takes "material in depth" to
produce topflight track relay
That fact was emphasized to
day as tho 34th annual Drake re
lays carnival went into Its sec
ond and final day of track and
field competition. -
Today's program included fi
nals in tho quartcr-mllc, half
mile, mile, two-mile and four
mile relays, as well as the 120
yard high hurdes, the 100-yard
dash, various field events and a
commando obstacle race for serv
ice men.
Coach Chauncey Simpson of
Missouri, whose 440 and 880
yard relay teams were among
the hottest favorites In the meet,
pointed out in an interview that
a relay quartet "often is only as
strong as its weakest runner.
When you lose one of the four
men to the armed forces, you
quite often in effect lose your
wholo team."
Illinois won both the spring
medley and distance medley
events on yesterday's program.
taking the spring evont in 3:29.2,
and the distance affair In 10:18.6
Ralph Tate, Oklahoma A. & M.
flyer, won the broad jump with
a leap of 24 feet 7i inches and
ran the 120-high hurdles in 14.6
seconds, the fastest preliminary
heat in the high-stick event.
Slim Jerry Thompson of the
University, of Texas dethroned
Virgil Alston of Miami (O.) uni
versity, the 1942 champion, in
the two-mile run. Thompson
unleashed a burst of last lap
speed to vanquish Alston by 30
yards. The time was 9:31.4.
Stanford Trackmen
Need Breaks to
Beat Little Fresno
PALO ALTO, Calif., April 24
(tP) Stanford, once a track and
fiel)d power, may need every
break to win from little Fresno
State college today.
The Indians haven't a stand
out star to offer with the ex
ception of John Fulton, middle
distance runner, and even he
faced formidable opposition in
Fresno Stato's , Joo Shropshire.
Philadelphia, m the Stela of reny.I
vanla, on tha tnirty-nrm nay 01 e
eember, 14, made to tha Inauranoo,
Commtatonar of tha Beate of OMereev
pursuant ta few:
Amount f
paid ..
capital atoetc
I i tee.Mt.M
Net premaama rectved dr
Ini tha year 4.IM.IM H
latereat, dlvldenda and rente
received dorlnir the year . ttl.Mf.H
Income from other aeareee
received during the year Tl.tll.M
Total laaom I 4.II4.IT4.M
Net teaaea paid durln the
year Including adjoetment
axpenae I l.HMM.H
Commlsaiono and aalarlea
paid during the year ...
Paiee. licensee and feea pea
daring the year
Dlvldenda paid cat capital
atock daring tha year ...
Amount et all other expendi
tures l.lll.llt II
Tl.lll M
Total eapeadltnree .....I 4,I1I.01.I4
Admitted Aaeeta
Value of bonda owned
(amortised) I I.TH.IM.tl
Value of stocks owned (mar
ket value)
Cash In banks and on hand
Premiums In eouraa of 'col
lection written sines Sep
tember 90, 1011
Interest and rants due and
Other assets (nat)
Tetal admitted assets ...Ill.lll.Stt.H
arnea ofalma for leeaea aa-
pald I l,te1,te.H
Amount et unearned premi
ums en all. autstandlng
risk I.MI.rMM
Due for commission and
brokerage 1J.700.00
All other ItsMlltlee tlt.OlO.H
Total Habtrltlea, ' except
...I !,r,ii.ii
Capital paid up.fl.OOMM.Os
Surplus over all
liabilities .. I.ltl.mtl
Surplus as regarda polloy
holdera MM.HI.H
, Total ..Ill.m t0t.il
Baaltiesa la Oretroa for iba Tear
Net premiums received dur
ing tha year I M.aM.IT
Nat losaea paid during tha.
year lt.lll.1l
Name of Company. Tha Alliance Incur
ance Company ot Philadelphia.
Name of President, John A. IMemand.'
Name af Saoratanr,. J. Xaotaa laeaaray.
Irish Track
Team Views
New Record
Four-Mile Relay Quartet
Expects to Sot New Mark
In Penn Relays Today
(A') Notre Dame's four-mllo re
lay quartet expects to set a new
world's record of 17:16 or bet
ter in the Penn relays at Frank
lin field today if only the track
is right.
"We have ambitions along
that line," asserted Al Handy,
couch of the Irish scanty-dads
who romped off with two tri
umphs the distance medley re
lay and the two-mile run in
yesterday's opening competition
in the annual track extravagan
za. "If the track is okay," Handy
said, "X believe the boys are
ready and can do It. The track
was slow Friday, but I think
the overnight rolling will put it
in better shape."
Tho present world and relay
carnival record for the four
mile is 17:16.2 established in
1937 by the Indiana university
quartet of M. Truitt, J. Smith,
Thomas Dcckard and Don Lash.
The Notre Dame four aiming
to wipe out that mark is com
posed of Frank Conforti and
Anthony Maloney, both of New
York; William "Benny" Leon
ard, of Cleveland, and Ollio
Hunter, of Erie, Pa. Conforti
will run the first mile followed
by Maloney, Leonard and Hun
ter. "We've been gunning for this
attempt all year," declared An
chorman Hunter. "We figure an
average 4:19 mile will do the
Already this year, Hunter
pointed out, Conforti has done
a 4:15.7 mile, Maloney 4:17.2,
Leonard 4:20.3 and himself
4:16 which adds up to a light
ning 17:09.2.
While Hunter's 4:24 anchor
mile in the distance medley and
his 9:24 in winning the two
mile combined to make yester
day's best individual perform
ance, the Violets of New York
university grabbed firsts in the
quarter-mile relay, the 400-meter
hurdles and the shotput.
Michigan captured the sprint
medley relay in 3:29.7.
Idaho Track Coach
Expects "Wins in
But Two Events
MOSCOW, Idaho, April 24 (P)
Aside from three events, any
thing the University of Idaho
track team collects in the way
of points today when it meets
Washington State at Pullman
will be pure and simple "gifts,"
according to Mike Ryan, Vandal
Ryan, who started the season
with the prospects of the best
team in Idaho history, has lost
two full squads to the armed ser
vices. Today's squad will see ex
perienced men only in the half
mile, mile and two mile.
BERKELEY, Calif., April 24
() University of California, in
better shape than most schools
hereabouts in talent and num
bers, opens its track and field
season against San Jose State
college today.
PANY of Harttord. In tho State of Con
necticut, on the thirty-first dsy of De
cember, 1941, made to the Insurance
Commissioner ot the State ef Oregon,
purauant te law:
Ameuat ef capital ateek
paid up M,H,MeM
Net promluma received dar
ing the year tl.1ll.tOI.il
Inlereat. dlvldenda and rente
received during the year 11f.ltt.1T
Jncnms frem other sources
received during the year ll.ilt.lt
rncom 11,114,111.11
Nst lessee paid during the
year Including adjustment
expenses t 1TI.MI.tT
Commissions and salsries
psld during the year .... 111,114.11
Taxes, licenses and feee paid
during the year tl.lll. H
XMvldends paid on capital
stock during the year .. , loo.IOe.so
Amount of all other axpendl- .
turea IIT.lll.lt
Tetal axpendltur 11,111,111.11
Admitted Asseta
alua ef real estate owned
(market value) I tll ttl.M
Talus of bonds owned (amor
tised) MOT.Tll.ll
Value of stock owned (msr-
ket vslue) l.lll.lll.ol
Cash In bsnks and on hand 460.TTI.tl
Premiums In course of col
lection written since Sep
tember 10, 1911 lll.4tt.ll
Intorest and rants dus and .
accerued ., 11,441,09
Other assets (net) 1.112.81
Tetal admitted easels . , .ll.714.IIT.14
dross olalma for losses aa-
paid I lll.tel.M
Amount ot unearned prcml-'
uma an all outstanding
rlska !.1II,1T.H
Due for commission and bro
kerage 11,100.10
All other llabllltl Kt.OII.IO
Total liabilities,
Cepital paid up. 11,000.000.04
Surplus over all
llsbllltlss I.11I.T1T.II
Surplus as rsgarda policy-
Total 11,134,191.14
Business la Oregon for the Year
Ifst premiums received dur
ing tha year 1 ll.lll.t
Net losses paid daring the
year I, 111. II
Name ef Company, Orient Insurance
Name of President, Gilbert Klngaa,
Manseer Pacific Department, Wm, W,
atahitory resident attarissr er service,
Dudley O. Alls.
April 24, 1943
Rabbit Ball
Back Again
In Majors
Athletics Hove Success
With New Ball Blanking
, Red Sox in 5 to 0 Score
Associated Press Sports WrlUr
Just a few hours before Easter
the major league baseball play
ers learned they would have a
rabbit ball this season, after all.
The announcement that the of
ficial ball would be revitalized
camo yesterday before the Phil
adelphia Athletics blanked the
Boston Red Sox, 5 to 0 the suc
cess by the lowly A's with the
Gibraltar pellet surprising even
the manufacturers but not influ
encing their decision.
The game, the only contest on
the abbreviated good Friday
schedule, resulted in the eighth
shut-out in the 12 games played
this spring. During that time
there has been only one home
run, in contrast to the six on
opening day of 1942.
Lou Coleman, vice president
of A. G. Spalding and Bros., said
the present ball was dead be
cause of the cement used to bind
together the various layers of
wool yarn and balata, wartime
substitute for rubber.
The balata center is ok, he
said, but the cement, became
hard when it dried, making the
ball as solid as a bride's first
A new cement has been per
fected and a pellet which will
resemble the 1942 ball in agility
will be ready in two weeks. Ford
Frick, president of the National
league, said the second crop of
baseballs would be put intovplay
immediately upon their arrival.
The teams swing back into ac
tion today with the Philadelphia
Phillies and the Boston Braves
hoping to make their belated in
augurals. The former goes to
Brooklyn while the latter is host
to the New York Giants.
In yesterday's lone fray, the
A's hopped on Joe Dobson for
eight of their nine hits in the
first six innings for four runs
while Russ Christopher and Lu
man Harris combined to blank
the Red Sox. Christopher start
ed but was yanked in the eighth
after issuing two consecutive
The only extra-base hits were
a pair of doubles by bobbing
(slamming) Doerr of the sockers.
Pretty Gal From
South America Has
Shot Put Record
SANTIAGO, Chile, April 24
(?) Pretty Edith Klempau of
Chile, who doesn't look as if
she were an athlete at all, Is
the new holder of the South
American shot put record for
At the thirteenth annual
South American tournament yes
terday she wiped out the five-year-old
mark of Argentina's
Ingrid Mello at 46.49 feet by
throwing tho ball 47.13 feet.
ANCE COMPANY ot Hartford, la the
State ot Connecticut, en the thirty-first
day of December. 1941, made ta the
Insurance Commissioner ot tha State at
Oregon,, pursuant to lswl
Capital -Amount
ef aapttal steek
Paid an t,M.S.M
Net premiums received dar
ing the year t l.ttl.lll 11
Interest, dlvldonds and rents
received during the year 111,111.14
Income from other sources
received during the year 114,111.01
Total kteotno ....( I.ltl.lll.:
Dlsbaa-setnnta .
Net lessee paid during the
year Including adjustment
expenses .; ... 4,111,111.11
Commissions aitd salarloa
paid during the year ... 1,111,111.11
Taxes, llcensos and fees paid
during ths yoar 41I.7S0.13
Dividends paid on capital
stock during ths year ... lee.eAo.oo
Amount of all other expendi
tures I01.III.H
. Tetal expenditures 1,111,111.10
Admitted Assets
Value ef real estate owned
(market value) ... . N.lll.tl
Leana on mortgages and col
lateral, ate set.lH IT
Tnlue of bonds owned
(market) II, III. 341. 00
Talus of stocks owned (mar
ket vslue) T.IIMCI.OI
Cseh In banks snd on hsnd 1,131,104. IT
Premiums In eourss of col-
lection written since Sep.
tember 10, nil l.llLMI.ll
Interest and rents due and ,
accrued 11,141,41
Other assets (net) 12,019.30
Tetal admitted essete ...
Gross olalma for luesea aa-
Paid 1,T1,MI.K
Amount ef unearned premi
ums an all outstanding
risks t,Mc,94.tl
Due for commission and
brokerage , 43.TM.M
All other liabilities 109,103.(1
Tots! liabilities, except
.1 I.MI.3I7.U
Capital paid up. 11,000,900.10
Hurpiua ovar all
llabllltlea ...14,otl,lll.lt
Surplus as regarda polloy-
holdsrs ll.OII.HI.il
Total 124,111,111,11
Bnebneee hi Oregon for the Xeaa
Net premiums received dur-
Ing the year -. ll.MI.M
Net loasea paid daring the
Nams of Company, The Connecticut Fire
Insurance Company.
Name of President, aeorge C. Long, Jr,
Name of Secretary, Chester A. Snow.
BHatutory resident attorney let aarvicsi
iMUranee) CoaawilsateaMt.
Salem High Wins
No Name Track
Championship '
SALEM, April 24 (P)-r-Benny
Lambert, a Parrlsh Junior high
school ninth grader, ran the
half-mile in 2 minutes 10.7 sec
onds to give Salem high the
No-Name league track and field
championship yesterday.
Lambert's win in the 880
was the deciding turn that en
abled Salem to forge into the
lead and take the meet with a
total of 44.7 points. The Vik
ings made certain a bit later
when Art Gottfried captured
the discus.
Eugene finished second with
31.5 points while Milwaukie
scored 30.9, Corvallis 24.9 and
Oregon City 16.
Unfavorable track conditions
hindered any record threaten
ing performances.
Huskies Bat
Beavers for
Fourth Vin
Washington Baseball Team
Strengthens Hold on Top
Rung of Northern Ladder
W. L. Pet.
Washington .......... 4.0 1.000
Oregon 5 1 .833
Oregon State 5 2 .714
Idaho 0 5 .000
Wash. State 0 8. .000
By The Associated Press .
The undefeated University of
Washington baseball team ran
its string of victories to four
straight yesterday, strengthen
ing its hold on first place in the
northern division race and
pushing Oregon State . down, to
third with a 3 to 1 victory over
the Beavers at Corvallis.
The victory, which left Ore
gon in second place with five
wins and a loss, was a chron
icle of the doing of Doug Ford,
Washington pitcher, who con
tributed largely to the run gath
ered r the ' Beavers as well ; as
those of the Huskies.
With the game a scoreless tie
in the second half of the fifth
inning, Ford permitted Johnson
of Oregon State to triple and
then threw a wild pitch to the
next batter letting him score.
He redeemed himself in the
next inning, though, singling to
start a rally that netted two
runs for the Huskies and then
batted in a third run in the sev
enth with another single," as a
result - participating in all the
scoring of the day.
LEWISTON, Idaho, April 24
IJP The Walla Walla hieh
school baseball team really made
its trip to the banana Pelt pay
dividends yesterday ' defeating
nisrkstnri hieh. 12 to 4. in the
afternoon and crossing the river
to smother Lewiston 11 to & at
night. '
la the State of Virginia, on the thirty
first day of Decomber, 1143, made ta
the Insurance Commissioner of ths State
ot Oregon, pursuant to law;
Aaseemt mt onpttel vtook paid
a U.ceo.eM.eO
Met premlims received dar
ing ths year .; 111,111.11
Interest, dlvldende and renta
received during the yesr. 104.441.11
Income from other sources
received during the year. 11,141.11
Total Income 11,043,104.41
Met losses paid during the -
year Including adjustment
axpentee .- Ill.4ll.lt
Commissions snd salarloa
paid during tha year ... UJ.TU.5t
Taxes, licenses and feea paid
during the year M.ltl.ll
Dividends paid on capital
atock during the year .. 40,101. ta
Amount of all other expendl-
' turea 117. oil. M
Tetal eipendltmea ......I 911.111. l
Admitted Aaeeta
alua of real estate owned
imarket value) I It. set. el
Loane an mortgages and col
lateral, etc. li.lM.N
Vslue of bonds owned (amor
tised) l.llt.lll 91
Value of stocks owned (mar
ket value) !::.!!. 14
Cash In banka and on hand 119.111.11
Premiums In course ot col-
, lection written since Sep
tember 10. 1941 1II.119.9T
Intereet and rents due and .
accrued 11,011.14
Other asaeta (net) - 1,111.14
Tetal admitted asaete . . I J, 191, 111. M
Oross claims for losses un
paid I 110,014. M
Amount of unesrnsd premlu
nmn an all. outstanding
risk Mg.ltl.H
Due tor commission and ero-
kersg 1,001. M
All other liabilities 1I.7J9.II
Total liabilities, except
capital H.IOI.W.M
Csnltal paid up. 11,000.000. SO
Surplus over all .
llabllltlea .... 1,001,914.44 , . '
Surplus aa . regarda policy-
noidera . ,
.11.091.114 H
Total I1.190.111.4I
' Bnalncaa In 4regon for the Year
Net premiums received dur
ing the yesr I I.III I4
Net losses . paid during tha .
year I.III.M
Name ef Company, Virginia rlre and
Marine Insurance Company.
Nams of President. Win. B. Miller.
Name of Secretary, B. C. Lewis, Jr.
Statutory roaldent attorney for eervtae,
Inauranca 'Comtnttfetdnsr. -
Mia Expert
Crowned at
School Meet
Joek Worley, John Salvor,
Don Stiles Win Titles In
Rotpoctive Marble Clatiei
The Marble tournament held
yesterday on Modoc field and
featuring tho finalists from local
grammar schools found Jack
Worley of Fairvlew the class A '
winner, John Saiyer of Mills the
class B winner, and Don Stiles
of Mills the class C winner.
The class A consisted of boys
13 years, 7 months or over, and
class B were boys 10 years, .7
months to 13 years, 8 months, ,
and the class C were boys 10
years, 8 months and under ,
Results: '
First round class A:
Robert Hawkins of Pelican
won from Jim De Chaineau by
default.- " 'i- .)
Jack Worley won from John
Finley of Mills two games to
Bob Redkey of Riverside de-
feated Tom Sandoe of Roosevelt
2 to 0. ,
Second round:
Jack Worley of Fairvlew de
feated Robert Hawkins of Peli
can 2 to 0.
Redkey drew a bye and played
Worley in the finals.
Worley defeated Redkey in the
finals and won the class A cham
pionship. First round class B:
Ken Hart defeated Bob Hines
of Fairview 2 to 0.
David Hamilton of Roosevelt
beat Dale Craig of Conger - 2
games to one.
John Saylor of Mills won from
Muskopf of Pelican two games
to one. .
Gordon Green of Fremont
drew a bye.
Second round of class B: 1
; Kenneth Hart defeated David
Hamilton two to one. -John
Saylor won from Gordon
Green. :
John Saylor of Mills faced
Kenneth Hart and defeated him
to take the class B championship.
First round class C: v
Don Stiles of Mills defeated
Keith Holloway of Pelican two
to nothing. '
Dick Hamilton of Roosevelt
won over Bob Roark of Conger
two to one.
Stiles of Mills school ' played
Hamilton of Roosevelt and won,
taking the championship ot class
C. Stiles,. If given a. chance to
play the boys in class A or B.
would have given them a great
game as his marble shooting was
superb. He was undoubtedly, the
best shot of the entire- tourna
ment.:'.'. .. Prices were given by Roberts
Hardware Co., . Matt Finnigans
and Southern Oregon Hardware
to the winners and runners upa
in each class. .
Pasco Navals Give .
Whitman Lessons in. .
Baseball Drubbing
WALLA WALLA, April 24 . (ff)
Flashing a class AA baseball
lineup, the Pasco naval air sta
tion gave the Whitman college
Missionaries a couple of free les
sons in the art of baseball yester"
day, to the tune of 12-1 and 3-0
drubbings. ,
The fliers switched their line
up completely around in the
nightcap, and held the collegi
ans to a single hit. -
ANCK COMTANY of San Anionic, 'a
the State of Texas, on ths thirty-first
day of Deoomber, 1941, made ta tha
Insurance Commissioner of tha Stat
ot Oregon, pursuant to lawt
Capital , :
Amount ef aapltal atock
paid ll.Ml.m.lO
Net premiums rscelved duT- .
Ing the year tl.tll.HI.M
Interest, dividends and rente
received during the year. lM,elt.41 ,
Income tram other sourcss
received during ths year . 11,111.11'
Total income Il.ltl.lll.tl
Disbursements .
Net losses paid during the
year Including adjustment
expenses ll.ttl.MI.l4
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year l.ltl.llT.M
Taxes, llcensos and teas paid ;
during the year lM.lll.tl
Dividends paid on capital
atock during tho year .. lll.MI.M
Amount of alt other expendi
tures , lll.0tl.lt
Total expenditures '.. . . . .tl.Mt.lll.lk
Admitted Aasete .
Value of real estate owned
(market value) I 111,141,1
Loans on mortgages and col-
lateral, stc 144,141.11
Value of bonds ewnsd (amor
tised) I.I11,III.1
Value of stock owned (mar
ket value) 1.1I4.3I1.III
Cash In banks and on hsnd - 111,114,11
Premiums In course of col
lection written sines Sep
tember 90, 1011 l,01,T4T.g
Interest and renta due and
accrued ll.1ll.Ml
Other assets (net) 114,101.111
Total admitted assets . .11.111. Oil. 4
. Liabilities
Orosa claims for losses Mn-
psld ll.lll.lll.M
Amount of unearnsd preml
. ami on all outstsndlnf
risks l,lt.el.H
Dus for commission and bro-
kersg 101,111.11
All othsr llabllltlea ....... IOI.Tsl.11
Total liabilities, aieept
aapltal M,
Capital paid up. 11,000,000.01 .
Surplus over all
llabllltlea .... 1,147,01.11
Surplus as rsgarda polley.
boldera .
' Tolsl ' ...Il.411.0ll.il
Dullness la Oregon tor Ihe Xasar .
Net premiums rscelved dur
ing ths year ......I ll.lll.tl
Net losses paid daring tha
yesr 11,441 1
Nsine of Company, Trinity Universal In
surance Company.
Nsme ot President, Edwsrd T, Hsfrlsea.!
Name ef Secretary, W. O, Daniel.
Statutory .resident attornsyifor MrvtM,i
Insursnce Commissioner, t .