i t SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C FLEMING & , i MONTADORES ' CHAPTER XVI JIS fever had once mora ml raculously disappeared dur lnj the night, Barry woke to the golden fragrance of a tropic morning feeling weak but clear' headed. He lay listening to the . loud chatter of macaws, parrots and the thousand and one vane. ties of birds that flashed their , bright hues about the estancia. ,;'Good morning, lazy bones!" - Allison was In his doorway. There was a bright light of eagerness in her as she carried in his tray, laughter in her voice. . She spread his napkin for him and touched her small hand lightly to his. forehead. . ., "You're fine," she said with ma licious' joy, "No excuse for not coming out and helping initiate my loot caps," "What are you talking about?" Barry frowned as he drank his pineapple juice. She stood be side him laughing, her golden hair a ragged auriole about her heart shaped face whose whiteness had now disappeared under a honey tan.-. ,'. "Meet me out In the clearing said you'll see,? she taunted. Barry drank his coffee and ate the two eggs with relish this morning. He felt stronger than he had for a long time and a surge of Iresh hope went through him. Maybe-he had thrown the fever for a real loss this time. ; He got up and put on the clothes laid out for him and went out of the es tancia, ;- -:. - V ' ;T t It -was a large thatched house on stilts with a broad veranda, fromwhich. could be seen the half dozen: smaller shacks of the chi cleros and the wide clearing that . surrounded the massed estancias. On every side ' crouched the vi brant green lush jungle waiting to devour the puny resistance of man's efforts against it. ' u Barry made his way unsteadily down the broad steps of the es tancia and crossed the sun washed, muddy clearing toward the boiling kettles.' Allison saun tered to meet him. . v : . "The montadores came in this morning," she reported breath lessly.;', i. . .. "Montadores?" Barry puzzled. '. ' " TIER eyes twinkled with mis . chief. "Montadpres are our chicle scouts, tenderfoot" ' "Yes,- my calloused icjiiclero," Barry retorted meekly. ... "You see," she explained. "It's very naughty of them, but zapote trees don't grow all in one place. They go just where they please to live their lives. . ' "Like you," Jeered Barry. "Like me," she laughed. "So we have to send out montadores to cut trails to the ' new grove. Rough boysV-aretft ; they?" .. j . She arid- Barry ; joined the two '.montadores who stood: in the sun near the boiling kettles giving their report to Renaldo. They were powerful, ugly-looking natives, looking more like exhausted, filthy animals than men after their long, grueling -tussle - with the j jungle... - ! : Renaldo turned to greet Barry with a smile.-; "Sounds like we've got a fair-sized grove from what they say," he said, his voice ring ing with-satisfaction. ' . "Isn't : it ' thrilling?" Allison cried. "To just go out and dis cover your orchard?", "Thrilling maybe, but tough," mused Barry as the two monta dores, now dismissed, moved heavily off toward their estancias. His gaze returned to the girl be side him. Her violet eyes were. Wide and shining, j: "That's it," she was whisper 'ing. "That's the Jungle." ThriU iing and tough. You can scream your head off, but you can't faze it You have to fight every min ute for your life." i Barry's mouth dropped open in amazement "Why, you scrappy little varmint," he said, i Renaldo , laughed,, but the look he turned oh Allison was pure de votion. "She, understands the jungle," he said. , ; Allison caught Barry' arm with sudden change of mood. - "Come on," she cried jubilantly. "You're going to see my zoot caps." She walked quickly down the wide trail striped with yellow sunlight and deep shadow that led to the closest group of zapote trees. But i though she chattered gaily, Barry moted her hand rested lightly on the small gun in the holster slung about her slender hips, and her eyes kept alertly on the path ahead, - - '' CHE broke off to answer hit tin- spoken question; "Bushmas ters," she said shortly. - "Renaldo isays they're the meanest snakes in the Jungle. ' They'll find a path that's used often and lie in wait 'all day for a victim.'.' , : "I know," Barry agreed, "But jyou mean you've learned. to shoot that gun already?" , "You can learn fast when you have to," she laughed. . They had come to the group of zapote trees and stopped to wntch the native chiclero slashing a zig zag gash down the length of the zapote trunk. . Barry found he waa seething with sudden iiwr over the girl's statements. ; "Look here" he protested, as ! she waited for the chiclero to de- scend,"'you don't have to stay out here in the Jungle." I ! She didn't answer, and ho prod ded, "Do you?" She shrugged then and looked lP at him, confusion and laughter I both In her eyes. "You don't have ItO do anything," she murmured, LOIS EBY COPYRIGHT, 1043, NEA SERVICE, INC. "including live. But you find yourself in the midst of something you want to go on with for a while.. I never know why. But It doesn't matter, does it? It keeps it all pretty fascinating." She broke off to point with excite ment "How you can see the zoot cap." The chiclero was almost at the foot of the tree. He wore sharp leg irons to dig in and hold him self upright against a rope looped around himself and the tree. He was naked except for loin cloth and a white hood with visor which tied under his chin. Barry sup pressed a laugh at the startling combination. "Is that bonnet supposed to be a thing of beaut'?" he asked. "Certainly not," snapped Alli son. She called the native to low er his head, and pointed trium phantly at stains on the visor. "Poison drippings from the com padre tree," she said. "Some of those drops might have gone in his eyes. Later on, I'm going to see if I can send for some goggles. Meanwhile," she added proudly, "the sides of the cap protect his ears from that nasty insect that lives in the too of the zapote tree." The chiclero had reached the ground. Another Indian was hang ing a canvas bag to a peg driven at the bottom of the zigzag gash, and the chicle was already flowing along the jagged cuts. . "Lady," said Barry, "you come right after the grand canyon. Now if you'd use a little of your in genuity to make a little sense out of your own plans." ' She brushed a bright rumble of hair back with the back of her THIS CURIOUS WORLD V William Ferguson 'a a , ' ' ' . built its nest aml. '.' ". 5 iim " ' RAISED ITS FAAMLV . t within A-oove&Rer & CJfe.-Yr " 73 OP THE RAILS Ot,THE . SSjR AVAINI LINE OF THE Jg i V BURLINGTON RAILWA. pJ 1 A BUCK RAKE IS A T. M. KtC U. 8. PAT. OFF.""'" m tCOPR. 1M1 BY NEA SERVICE. tHC. ANSWER: Farm implement. . NEXT: What ancients saw in the moon. MIDWESTERN STATE HORIZONTAL I Depleted state 5 It is called "The Hawk- eye 10 The wild is its state flower 14 Stuff 15 Minute skin openings IS Cain's brother 17 Hearing organ 18 Dative (abbr.) 19 Pen Mint Answer to Previous Pnzxle tTD R k e y mode p n1 lllNgA DOyD I ioUjT OMI TpERASEjFApTE IbIeIt a a nests m a men DETER I N aINE tqIgeesno DPI CBRANSiQPAL ARCHaEARTHNODE IT 0 EtiaM A NflR O M$YT E Adv1eNt lYIEiolMlAN il French plural 44 Eye wen article 45 Ages 22 Incline 24 Stir 26 Expunge 28 Lustrous 31 Yale 33 Genus of rodents 34 Male child 35 Wapiti 38 Music note 39 Mystic syllable 40 Whirlwind 41 Males 47 Symbol for sodium 48 Architectural pilasters SO Music instrument 53 Hurrah! 54 Slight taste 57 Simpleton 59 Amount (abbr.) 60 At all times 62 Milk house 64 Alighted 43 Indian (abbr.) army 65 Withered 66 Compound is ii mr ; mi 1 IT."!55 W " Ii3"" . 1 s llr . ii . t" tejjips I 1 ST" JVF,7$ sir1" s vMfMi sa ;,; " liixiii a. J 60 61 & 61 i5 : hi - , iT " hand and gave him an impish smile. "Don't worry about my plans, my fine-feathered friend," she murmured. "Just be on your guard." She turned sharply and started back through the muddy path toward the estancia, leaving Barry grinning helplessly after her, (To Be Continued) We shall soon be in the high summer of military success the spring of our liberation from the horrors and chances of war has begun. British Production Min ister Oliver Lyttelton. $25 CREDIT ; ONLY $5 DOWN $5 A MONTH Don't witt 'till you ha th money to buy tho thlngi you nted. Git $ti buying powtr In PurchjM Coupon Bookt today and tpand It when you nid It for any numbar of art id m which don't coat mora than tt tich. Or pay n IKtla mora down and gat coupons that buy higher priced merchandise. Usual ear rylng chars. 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Red Ryder Freckles and Hit Friends Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies A6P1LLIB01 WE'Rfc 1 Tv, Pr HJl lucky iou didn't I "o.r CilteiTJkc A FORE LEG, Lf ?TL VOU SENT FOR YeS,WRD. I TWOU0WT VOU MGHT LIIC6 TO MB, JUDGE HAY? ) DISCUSS TUB SCUTTLB CASE WITH MB tt0 . S SEEMED lb HAVE USED OOOD JUDaMBNT IN I, .n.iii 1 mi V APPREHENDING HIM ... SO PERHAPS YtXJ COULD f V. Ni-v SUCSSESr A OUST PUNISHWeMT . Jm " ' j ' iBS r-'y tr?Or. NlV. ' . D I Allep Oop Little Orphan Annie HOTZIG,.' LOOK AT HIM BAT.' WITH THAT SHOT OF DOPE -v 1 HAD THE BOV PUT Ihl )v HIS FOOD, HE'LL OO OUT .;: v LIKE A LICHT... "r If DID YOO QUITE 60- THE CREwT EVEN WITH THAT OFFICER WE MUST THT WOULD PERHAPS DIRECT THE ) THEY ARE I I REMAINS THE TOMMY WffTCHING FROM DO NOTHING WIND UP ALL THEY WILL' I HERR DOXTOR TOGETHER I I 6UBPiaOUe QUNS, IT , THE CONNING THffT WOULD OUR FUTURE HELP US I TO HERR J NOW" J I AND WOULD BE TOWER HAS 6INK THEM PLANS- LETS SOLVE OUR I SALTZ'S rt-m.. S I ALERT- HARD TO EYES LIKE A IN THIS i WAIT AND PROBLEM- I 'L 1 SEPI SEE WHAT 1. By J. R. Williams Our Boarding House CUTE REWfiB EASY fAN dt JOIN THE FORMATION, TWO uOF HIS EN6INES ARE SHOT OUT, RART OF HI CONTROLS ARE (SONE.TWO MORS Of THE CREW ARE WOUNDED, AND THE TOP TURRET 16 JAMMED. IT LOOKS LIKE TAPS FOR THE RAMBLIVfl ROBERT. . ...7iEA IT'LL SIMPLY BE A MATTER. CP DRAGGING HM INTO THP. TIME-MACHINE AND Pt!ESTO...HE,LL BE ON HIS WAY BACK TO MOO. AFTER MOD PUT THW S Wi'M TRUNK UPSTAIRS, MMOR SVSON.YvHLL WOO 60 HUNT MS TOURIST HUSjBNND ?-TELL HIIW HIS FATHER IS COMING. TO VialT HIN-v.TRV ALL FLOOR THE PARIA v , i w . . - . , S 'WvV ' PIBk I I ?Wlil r 1 FLACGfcD fcfV" TMB.Y'fai JUMP TtV ) N V0 HATH X So OO I IMKRIbON MM, BECAUSV A OP HS A6B AND SIMCB MBS wpalthti a rme WOULD HARDLY ArreW HIM " VOV rVCiOOT rPiOtJC3 ? , VOW ...AND MY TROUBLES WILL BE OVeK... OHMUHv WHOOoii 1 A V I THEY'VE I O f THOSE H6WIES V' SXi TURNED )t tTiZ&A L- com, ml fr h(a uvmtrmo. t. mo, u, 6. 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